Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 7, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #11' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [11!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 11 - Debut as a party boy

The predatory transformation of an innocent boy into a willing sex toy was proceeding as planned. If they continued to play their cards carefully, they would do far better with this twink than their earlier attempts.

Before Jesper fell asleep in Marcelo's arms that night, he had promised not to wank the following week. And he had also agreed to help Marcelo with a party next Saturday in the apartment.

Marcelo, Anders and the other predators were delighted. With several months invested in this twink, they would at last reap the fruits of their merciless plan by enjoying a party featuring their new bitch as the primary exciting attraction.

Every day Marcelo talked on the phone with Jesper to remind him about what was expected of him. And at the same time the grooming demonstrated how much Marcelo cared about him.

"Have you shaved your body? I want you hairless from your neck down."


"And you haven't touched your dick? You know I would notice if you have. . ."

"I won't fail you."

"Good bitch. I'm certainly looking forward to the party." For once Marcelo told the truth.

"I want you to be a waiter serving wine and drinks on a tray, moving among the guests. Sound like fun?"

"Ehhh. . . I can do that. But what will I wear?" Jesper asked nervously.

"Your thong, of course."

"Please Marcelo. Can't I wear more clothes?" It was important that the twink felt safe. The predators were prepared for the question.

"Okay. How about we add a white shirt and a black bow tie?"

"Yes! That would be fine." Jesper was relieved.

"I'm too soft on you," Marcelo laughed. He didn't add that the shirt would be short enough to show off the twink's bubble butt and the thong. Later that evening the shirt would be removed, but the twink didn't need to know that at the moment.

Jesper was uneasy on that Saturday. For the first time he wondered whether he should go to Marcelo's apartment. Was it worth it? To meet unknown men and fulfill their most perverted sexual demands? Jesper wasn't stupid. He knew they would want him to strip. He knew they were taking advantage of him. But somehow it was hard to say "no". When he thought of Marcelo and the wonderful times he had experienced the past months. He didn't want it to stop. And somewhere deep down in his soul he was excited by the voyeurism and humiliations and his willing submission to their demands. He couldnt explain why, but the whole situation made him hot and horny.

He ended up at the apartment door. He knew it could be a tough evening, but he trusted Marcelo. After some moments of hesitation, he rang the bell. Marcelo opened with a smile and let him in.

On a chair in the hallway lay a white shirt and a bow tie. Jesper changed without a sound while hearing several men talking in the other rooms. To go among these men wearing only these clothes would be the most embarrassing and humiliating thing he has ever done. He was nervous. He knew he was the only one who would be half naked. All eyes would be on him. He was scared but he was also excited and turned on by his predicament.

"This will be fun!" Marcelo said as he ruffled the twink's blond hair. But in his mind he thought, "Faggot your ass is ours."

They went into the kitchen. Marcelo gave Jesper a tray of assorted drinks to carry and led the twink into the living room. Jesper hadn't thought about who the guests would be, other than they would be friends of Marcelo. There were ten men of different ages.

"Gentlemen! This is Jesper. He'll help you get something to drink. Just tell him what you want and he'll obey." Marcelo was speaking as if the men didn't know about Jesper, but in reality they were all members of the predator's gang. They had plotted to snatch this twink and drag him down to his present level of submission. All the men had watched lots of images of him naked, but this evening would be the first time most of them would interact with their prey up close and personal.

The twink saw Lars, the nasty-smelling man with a beer belly he met in this very apartment and gave him a blowjob. And Anders, the dominant man who last week fucked him. Anders laughed and waved the twink forward. Jesper carried the tray not like a headwaiter over his shoulder but with both hands in front of him. He was very conscious of the fact that he was half naked in a room full of people.

As Anders took a glass with one hand, he caressed the twink's naked butt with his other hand.

"He is so fucking cute, isn't he?" The other men took their drinks and did the same thing. Hands started to move over his naked butt and thighs as he walked around the room.

The men grinned, taking refills off the tray, telling him what a pretty boy he is. One man asked, "So you're the new boy Marcelo told us about?"

"Ehhh. . . I think so."

"Marcelo speaks highly of you, and I can see why." As the man spoke his hand moved alongside the twink's right butt and followed it into the cleavage. One finger started to massage the twink's rosebud, right there in front of everybody. Jesper felt exposed. He blushed. What should he do? He just held the tray hard with both hands. There were still two glasses on it.

"I think you're exciting him, Peter." Marcelo stepped forward from behind Jesper's back, as the gang had previously planned. Marcelo put his hand on the twink's other butt cheek. When he squeezed the cheek the cleavage spread and the other man, Peter, inserted a finger into the boy pussy.

Jesper was in shock. A complete stranger violated his most private parts in front of others. The twink moved his crotch forward in an instinctive attempt to get rid of the finger in his asshole. Marcelo moved his hand to the twink's shoulder to stop him and said almost whispering, "Easy, easy. Stand still. Take it. Remember. I'm so proud of you."

Jesper's heart beat fast. He wanted to run. But he was assured by Marcelo's presence close to him and his caressing and caring touch.

The man started moving his finger in and out. "Nice! Where did you find this wonderful specimen?" asked Peter. Jesper found him sexy for his age. To a teenager someone in his late 30's is old. Peter was tall and slim and well dressed. He is a hotel manager at a luxurious hotel in the city. He lived with Johan, who is a lawyer at a law firm engaged by Olof's companies. After asking Anders, Olof invited the couple to be members of the predator's gang. Peter jumped at it while Johan wasn't sure it was the right thing to do.

Marcelo told Peter, "He is my lover." Marcelo wanted the twink to remain calm so he was saying things he knew Jesper wanted to hear.

"Ah, then I'm truly jealous of you. This boy is so fucking beautiful," Peter said as he continued to finger fuck the twink's pussy.

Jesper heard the words. He got warm inside when Marcelo said they were lovers. It was the first time he had said anything about a relationship. Jesper had wanted to ask but never dared to bring it up. Marcelo's words had the effect they intended to create. Jesper was loosening up a bit.

"Don't forget to serve my guests" Marcelo whispered. Jesper looked at him with surprise. He had a finger up his ass. Marcelo smiled. "Just move forward. Peter will follow you, don't doubt that." Jesper took some steps forward with his tray. The finger stayed in his hole as he walked around. "You won't get rid of me that easy. Your pussy is so warm and tight." Peter whispered as he walked beside him. But when Jesper needed to fetch new glasses in the kitchen Peter withdrew his finger and gave the twink a stinging slap on a butt cheek that everybody heard.

"AH!" Jesper was surprised! Everyone looked at him and he got as red in his face as the hand print is on his butt.

As Jesper moved around the living room, the men fondled him. They began to grab his neck and kiss him on the cheeks. Someone whispered, "You are so sweet; I just want to take you home and fuck you."

Marcelo came to him when he went to the kitchen. "You're doing well, bitch."

"They all keep feeling me up!" Jesper was a bit tired after hours of groping.

"That's because you're only wearing a shirt and thong. I want to see my boy being felt up and blushing. You should be enjoying it. It's a sign of how sexy you are. You are the star of this party, you know."

"But. . ."

"Hurry up with those drinks! My guests are thirsty." Marcelo slapped he twink's ass and leaves.

When he approached the late arriving guest, Jesper saw a man he recognized. It's Robert. The man he had met at a restaurant a couple of mounts ago, and given his virgin mouth to.

"Hello Jesper, how nice to see you again. So you're with Marcelo now?"

"Hi. Yes." Jesper didn't know what to say. He looked down at the floor.

"Don't be ashamed. Marcelo is a good man."

Jesper looked up in surprise. Robert took the tray from him, placed it on a table. Then he gives the twink a loving and caring hug.

"Yes. Marcelo has without a doubt taught you a lot. I like you much more this way than the shy boy I met. Lift up you shirt, Jesper, and show me what you have around your dick."

Robert was more social with the twink then the others, but he is still an Alpha man. This sociability combined Robert's dominant charisma still had a hold on Jesper. He does what Robert wants.

"Pity. I want to see what you got. Why don't you remove the thong?" Robert told him.

"But Marcelo wants me to wear it."

"Marcelo! Please, come! Is it necessary to hide this boy's jewels?"

"No. Not tonight. You can take it off, Jesper."

"But. . ." "I'm so proud of you. I want my guest to see what a perfect boy I have. Don't embarrass me. Take it off. Now!" Marcelo is eager to show the men his control over this twink.

"It's cool, Jesper. We are all friends here", Robert said softly as he put a comforting hand on the twink's neck.

"We have all seen how you enjoyed Peter playing with your little cunt. It's only fair to show us your assets also at the front, isn't it?" someone said. Robert let his hand move down Jesper's back. The physical closeness was loosening him up. There was no way he could resist what was happening to him.

Jesper looked at Marcelo, and he nodded yes. The men crowded forward to watch as the twink tugged at the thong and let it fall to the floor. Once more Jesper looked at Marcelo.

"Good boy. I'm so proud."

There he stood. The cute teenager showing off his semi hard cock, denuded balls and shaved crotch to eleven horny men.

"Lift up your shirt, Jesper, and show us what you've got," somebody said. Jesper obeyed. The situation created a strange and overwhelming feeling in the twink. Never had so many men showed such intense interest in him, and never had he exposed himself so totally before. His dick was actually hardening in front of all those horny men. It gave away the twink's excitement.

"Turn around and show your backside," Robert said. Another order and Jesper started to turn around.

Marcelo stepped forward and whispered in Jesper's ear. "You are an enormous success. Everybody is envious of me. I want you to follow my demands without question. Do it for me."

Marcelo kissed the twink, opened his mouth with his tongue. Jesper was relieved by the seeming break in the show even if it was just another maneuver in his degradation. When Marcelo felt that the twink relaxed, he whispered, "This is important. Understand?"

Jesper nodded.

Then Marcelo moved back to the crowd staring at the twink as if they were spellbound. Then the demand from the crowd was put forward by Peter, "Wouldn't it be nice if he removed the shirt for us?"

"Yeah!" Everybody agreed. "We want to see that body!"

Jesper's heart pounded hard. Somewhere in his subconscious mind he suspected this would happen. Marcelo wanted to show him off. And he knows that this is a bad idea but it excites him. He wants to obey. He unbuttoned the shirt and took it off.

"The bow tie can stay," Marcelo said as he stepped forward to take the shirt away.

The twink was now totally naked, except for the bow tie, in front of eleven fully dressed men. He stood with his arms at his side and looking at Marcelo and at Robert, totally helpless.

"What a sight!" Robert said. The other men concurred by nodding or saying "Yeah."

"And he likes it. His dick is hard as a rock." The men laughed.

"I think my guest want new drinks. Why don't you take the tray and fetch new glasses from the kitchen?" Marcelo wanted the twink to have something to do and let the men come closer to the party toy.

Jesper was stunned. He had never been naked in this way before. He started to appreciate the thong. His hard dick made him thoroughly ashamed of himself yet he was also totally turned on by his helplessness.

When the naked twink returned to the living room with drinks on the tray and moved around to the different men, they groped him shamelessly. Someone grabbed a drink with one hand and grabbed his dick with the other. Another caressed his stomach and chest. New hands groped his balls. Several pinched his nipples as they locked him straight in the eyes.

"What if I played with this instead of taking a drink?" A big black man said as he gripped the twink's dick and gently pushed back the foreskin and rubbed the knob. Jesper lowered his head in shame.

He tried to back away, but the man held the dick in a firm grip. The man took charge over Jesper. He felt up the boy's his crotch. He took hold of both the dick and the balls. He dragged the twink closer and put his other arm around Jesper's neck and kissed him. His tongue invaded Jesper's mouth. When he broke away, he whispered in Jesper's ear, "I'm going to fuck you. Not tonight, but I will put my black cock in you soon. You make me so hot."

Eventually the men slowed down the grope-fest. He moved naked among the men who were talking to each other as if a naked waiter with a hard dick was the most natural thing in the world.

Suddenly Anders spoke up, "Marcelo! Isn't it time for our entertainer to preform? It's nice to watch him naked and hard. But I think we all want to see what he can do."

The men signaled their agreement with "yeah" or "Yes!"

"What do you say, Marcelo? I know this boy likes to play with his cock in public. Why not let him do it here and now?"

Jesper was shaken. He looked at Marcelo and wanted him to save him from this. But Marcelo moved up to him, took him in his arms, kissed him and then whispered in his ear, "You know it's true. And look at your cock. I have never seen a harder cock. You want this. Don't fight your instincts."

Marcelo moved back, with a smile on his lips. But behind the mask he knows this is an important moment. Will the twink surrender and do what's expected of him or will he start fighting his road to submission?

"Play with yourself, boy. Show us all how you do it at home." Somebody said. Others agreed.

Jesper's mind was boggled by his predicament. He knows this is wrong. Absolutely wrong. But at the same time he is horny after a week in the thong and no orgasms. The men's demands were psuchologically overwhelming to the twink. He was the center of all the attention. He knows he will be popular if he obeys.

It would be completely humiliating, but the sexual lust overwhelmed his caution. Jesper moved his right hand to his hard cock and started masturbating.

The men were silent as they watched. Jesper moved his hand up and down. It felt so good. He shut his eyes.

"No, no, no. Open your eyes." Anders told him. "You should see how much we appreciate your action." The men laughed.

Jesper opened his eyes and looked at Marcelo. He nods. Jesper continued to wank as he looked at the audience in front of him. All their staring eyes made him hotter.

"Shouldn't we decide how and when our little bitch reaches orgasm?" Anders stepped forward and took hold of the twink's wrist and pulled it away from his cock. The dick stood up, pointing at the ceiling. Then Anders took it in his hand.

"Shall I continue?" he asks the twink.

"Yes, please." Jesper was close to cumming and wanted to get it over with.

"Did you hear that?" Anders turns to the audience in the room.


"You have to speak up. What do you want?"

"Make me cum, please."

"Do we have a stool here somewhere, Marcelo? We should all be able to see this show." Marcelo fetched one from the kitchen and placed it in front of the twink.

Anders released the twinks cock and said, "Step up!"

Jesper did. Now he could see even better the desire in the men's eyes. Anders slapped the twink's hard cock back and forth a couple of times. He then bent it forward, away from the body. When he released the cock, it immediately flopped back up. It was really hard. The men laughed. Anders did it several times.

"Tell me again, what do you want, right now?"

"Please, let me cum."

This was a magnificent victory for the predators. They had succeeded in their goal to slowly but surely degrade and train their prey to submit willingly to their perversions. It didn't try to run away, to avoid humiliation. The twink didn't ask to leave the apartment full of perverted older men as quickly as possible. Instead it did what they ordered and gave every sign of enjoying his degradation.

Peter took hold of the twink's balls and moved them around in his hand. "Why? Why should we let you cum?"

Jesper didn't know what to say. He just wanted to receive orgasm and finally said, "I donno . . . I think I deserve it. . . Please."

"Aha, do you want to confess that you are a party bitch?" As Peter continued to caress the ball sac in his hand, he said "Will you do what we ask for?"

"Yes. Please, let me cum."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Please. Anything!" Jesper was excited, and he couldn't think of anything else but getting his release.

Then Anders once again took hold of the dick, Peter released the balls. He started to jerk it in long slow moves. The twink breathed faster. He was close. Anders let go of the dick in time to prevent the twink from shooting. Instead, he starts to slap the dick again. Hard.

"Put your hands on your head. We want to see your beautiful torso."

Jesper did as he was told. He is desperate. He hadn't cum in a week.

"Do you promise to be here next Saturday for our next party?"

"Eeeh. . . yes."

"Say it."

"I promise to be at your party next Saturday."

"Will you act as a waiter in the outfit you have on right now?"

Jesper knows that he only has the bow tie on right now. "Can't I have the shirt on?" Jesper cried.

"No. We want you in your bow tie. You look so good in that. Do you agree to wear the outfit we see fit?"

"Yes, I do."

"Today we have only been teased by your sweet boy body. Do you promise to do more for your guests next week?"

Anders started to wank the twink's cock to distract him. This question meant a big step towards their ultimate goal if he answered positively.

"Oh, oh. Ooh!"

When the twink was on the brink of cumming, Anders removed his hand and again took a hard grip around the balls.

"I asked you a question. Will you serve us as we see fit?"

"But. . ."

"No buts. We want to be with you again. You are a success as a party boy. It would be sad if we couldn't have some fun with you next week."

"Ehhh. . ." Jesper didn't want to promise to suck all of these men. That was what he thought Anders had in mind.

"Okay. We stop here. You're obviously not interested." Anders removed his hand from the twink. A sense of disappointment spreads in the room.

"Wait. I. . . promise."

"Promise what?"

"I promise to be a good party boy next Saturday. Please, make me cum." Jesper was so into this submissive sex scene and he wanted to get to his climax. There was something in this exhibitionistic and humiliating game that turned him on. But most of all, he wanted to please them. He wanted to obey so they would let him cum.

"That's what we wanted to hear from you, you little bitch. Good boy." Anders started to wank the twink's dick again.

Right before the twink reached his orgasm Peter did the last attack with a loud voice, "So you will be our fuck toy next weekend, yes?"

"Yeeeeeeesssssss. . ." Jesper shot a big load right up in the air. Then another. And one more. Never before had Jesper experienced such a strong orgasm. He was in ecstasy. He had difficulty standing up.

Then he came back to his senses he saw the men applauding him. It was embarrassing. He wanted to step down from the stool. Anders took a grip round his waist and lifted him down. Then he hugged the twink.

"You're doing well, Jesper. I can speak for all the guests. What a wonderful evening, thanks to you."

Jesper just stood there while the men started to leave. They thanked Marcelo for the party.

When they were alone, Marcelo said with a smile, "Time to clean up. You can take the floor. I can't understand why it's so sticky."

In the shower, Marcelo soaped him up. When he rinsed it off, he moved in close to Jesper from behind. Without a word, he put his hard cock into the willing pussy hole. They both moaned.

It was a marvelous feeling. Jesper was not sure of what to think of all this. He had been used in a way he never had though would happen. He's integrity had been violated over and over again. He had been seduced into it, but never said, "no!". Quite the opposite. He had gone along with their suggestions. He hadn't resisted it, he just accepted whatever they wanted to do. And the whole time his dick had been rock hard for all to see.

And now it felt so good to be fucked by Marcelo. Was a moment like this worth it all? Worth an evening with men he didn't particularly like touching him?

As Marcelo slowly moved back and forth, he began to whisper into the twink's ear.

"Do you like this?"

"Yeeeesss." Jesper whispered as the dick moves in and out.

"What about next Saturday? Are you ready for a new party?"

"Ehhh. . . Must I?"

"No. We can stop here, and you could go home to you dorm room."

"Nooooo. . . I want to be with you."

"Okay. But I want you to be at the party next Saturday." Marcelo removed his dick from the twink.

"Please." Jesper turned his head to look at Marcelo.

"What about it? Will you be my special guest next week?"

"Okay, okay. Please fuck me."

"Alright." Marcelo penetrated the boy pussy and moved his hands along Jesper's body as he fucked him slowly. Marcelo was pleased. More than that. He was thrilled to experience the power he had over this twink. He had betrayed this young man's trust by letting a group of older men violate him, but even so the twink melted in his arms.

As soon as the twink got close to his cock, he forgot all the betrayals and let Marcelo do it again. This wasn't an innocent boy anymore; this was really a bitch. No. The twink was a fucking whore. He was made to be used by others. His body was made for men to consume. And Marcelo would help him to fulfill his destiny.

Marcelo moved faster and faster until he emptied his seed deep inside the twink. He kissed the twink's neck. "Good boy."

Next: part 12 - Ready for gang bang

Next: Chapter 12

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