Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Oct 15, 2015


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #14' {} ( MM bd humil slow ) [14!39]

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 14 - Losing control

Steve stood by the stairs. He smiled when he saw the twink walking after him hesitant but curious. "Do you know the rarely used male restroom on the third floor?"

Jesper nodded.

"Good." Steve give him instructions with a low voice, "Enter the third stall, the one furthest away. Then strip. I want you completely naked."

"Why?" Jesper asked, and at once understood how stupid he was. Steve smiled.

"I will come along shortly." Steve looked straight at the twink. He wanted to make it clear that this was something Jesper had a duty to do, whatever objection he may have. When Jesper's eyes met the man's, he didn't give the objections he had on his tongue. He just nodded.

"Good," Steve said and let the bitch passed him to go up the stairs.

This situation obviously made Jesper nervous. It was the first time the predator's gang intruded his privacy outside the apartment. Steve invaded Jesper's own home turf. He was suddenly and unexpected supposed to give his body up in a public place. And to a man he didn't know. But yet, the man had already fucked him at Marcelo's party.

With a pounding heart, Jesper slipped into the third stall and undressed. Steve waited long enough for the twink to break into a sweat. Steve then walked into the restroom and tried to open the door to the stall. It was locked. "Jesper, open up," he ordered with his deep voice.

He saw the lock change from red to green. When he opened he was pleased to see the bitch sitting on the toilet, naked except for the thong. Without a word Steve fished his big black cock out of his pants.

It was the first time Jesper saw it, and he was mesmerized by the size of it and by the dark color of the shaft. Steve moved forward and slapped it on Jesper's cheeks, nose and lips. Jesper opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around it. Steve sighed out loud.

Jesper was scared of the risk to getting caught but eagerness to suck cock outweighed any risk of embarrassment. But he wanted to bring Steve off as fast as possible in his mouth to minimize the risk. He slobbers on the black dick like a hungry bitch.

Steve takes hold on the twink's head and start with slow penetrating thrusts. He reaches deeper than Marcelo and Jesper chocks. Steve doesn't stop or redraws. He looks intensely at the twink and fucks his mouth even harder. He is enjoying watching the twink work hard and tries to delay his own pleasure just to hear the twink struggle. Jesper slurp, sigh and inhale when he gets the chance.

"You fucking whore," Steve whispered. "You want and desire this. No, you crave it, don't you?" Just as Steve was getting ready to shoot, the door to the restroom was opened.

It made Jesper freeze with the dick deep in his mouth. Steve moves his hands on the head to make the bitch to continue. Jesper did, as he hears someone move close on the other side of the thin walls of the stall. Jesper sucked as silent he could. The unknown person used the urinal, washed his hands and left.

When they were alone again, Steve speeded up his thrusts in the mouth. Jesper was reduced to a hole for the hard cock. Jesper gives his body to him and sacrifices everything he is just to let men like Steve dump their seed into his mouth and ass. He doesn't understand why this feels so fucking good.

When Steve reaches climax and starts to shoot, he moans out loud. "Ah! Ah! Oooh! Mmm.Swallow it. Yeah!"

Jesper did. Every drop.

After a moment to relax, Steve put his dick away. As he left, he told Jesper, "You did well. Now, go back to you studies." Jesper wanted to take the thong off and jerk himself to climax, but he knew it wasn't in the plan.

This week Marcelo denied Jesper his company. The twink had to remain in his lonely dormitory room. He would have enough tasks to fulfill at the University.

Two days later Jesper runs into Steve again. It happened in a corridor on his way to a lecture. Lots of people walked pass them. Steve put a hand on Jesper's shoulder.

"Remember the day before yesterday?" Steve asked. Jesper nodded.

"Same restroom. Same stall. As soon as the break begins. Understand?"

"But. . ."

"You will keep the door shut but not locked. When I arrive, I expect to find you standing naked with you head against the wall and with your ass sticking out."

Jesper's mouth fell open. Anyone around them could hear. But to his relief they seemed to be in a hurry and didn't listen in. "Yes, I'm going to fuck you in about one hour." Jesper blushed.

Steve removed his hand from Jesper's shoulder. "Hope it's a good lecture." Steve smiled as he walked away.

Jesper couldn't concentrate on the topic off the lecture. He knew this was a test of his loyalty to Marcelo. Steve would tell if he denied being fucked. Their relationship could end. He had to do it. And his cock was stretching the thong. When the break started, he walks straight into the restroom with his heart banging in his chest.

The restroom and the third stall were mercifully empty. He moved inside and stripped naked and assumed the position. As he waited he was acutely aware that if someone not already in on this opened the door he would be fucked, if not literally.

Jesper heard someone entering the restroom door. A person approached the last stall and opened the door. Jesper was praying that it was Steve.

"Good bitch!" It was Steve. It made Jesper happy, despite his awkward situation. "You look like a desperate whore for sale."

Jesper began to turn, but he felt a hand on his shoulder. "No. Hold the position. Put your hands on the wall in front of you."

This posture was obscene. A naked twink was bent forward over the toilet. Steve's big hand reached in between the halves of Jesper's ass and fingers ran up and down the crack between them. Their exploration becomes easier by the gathering sweat. One digit tentatively entered into the ring of the twink anus and then pushed hard to drive itself dry inside.

The intrusion made the twink gasp and stiffen up. Steve used his other hand to carefully, soothingly brush the twink's back. "Don't tighten up on me, bitch. Relax. This is mine. You've promised to let me try it out, and now I'm going to take it."

Jesper's subconscious was responding to this attention. His cock wasn't just trying to get erect inside the thong; there was a string of transparent liquid spilling out of its tip. At the same time Jesper thought this was all too much. He shouldn't be doing this.

When Steve moved backward, his finger popped out of the anus with a sudden and unexpected pain.

"This is going to be a fuck you remember." Steve greased the hole. Than opens his trousers and the big dick brutally invaded the exposed pussy. The twink howled with the shock of the invasion and with the pain.

"AAAAH! Please. It's too big."

"Still tight? That's good. But perhaps you should be silence if you don't want everyone to know what's happening here."

"Please," Jesper whispered.

"Accept the pain. Don't fight it! It's what it means to be a cunt for big men." Steve took hold of Jesper's waist and increased his pressure to get his horse dick into the tiny boy hole.

With small trusts it finally was all the way inside the pretty boy. "Yeeessss!" He started to fuck.

"I want you to concentrate on my pleasure. Lift your buttocks to meet my thrusts. Show me how thankful you are to be chosen for service. Be active and participate in the use of your body."

Steve pulled back with his hips, causing his long, ample black cock to slither almost free from Jesper's sucking anus. Then he slides it all the way back into the twink's ass, feeling the hot depths of the body caressing his stiff hardon. He heard the twink silently gasp every time his cock hit bottom.

"Please," Jesper moan. He starts to participate and moves his body to meet the big man's thrusts.

"Oh, yeah. Take it, bitch!" Steve urges him on. "This feels so good. Your cunt is exactly what I needed, so sweet and hot."

Steve got close and grunted as he shoots his load deep inside him. As he pulled out, his order are, "On your knees, bitch." When Jesper turns around and sits down, he had a cum-covered dick in front of his face.

"Lick it clean." Jesper complied.

When Steve was satisfied, he put his pants up, unlocked the stall door and walked out. As he washes his hands, he tells Jesper, "You did well. Now, put your clothes on and run back to your lecture."

Obediently he dressed, with his cock so filled with blood it almost burst the thong. He was unsatisfied. It was exactly what the predators wanted.

After almost a week without contact, Marcelo called Jesper that very afternoon when he had been fucked by Steve. "How is it?"

"It's. . . great." Jesper didn't want to complain the first thing he did when he at last was speaking to his lover again.

"Some of us will do the city tonight. Do you want to come along?"


He had preferred to do it just the two of them, but this was much better than being alone in the dorm room. And maybe he would be permitted to get his release. He wanted it badly.

When Jesper arrive at the apartment, a couple of guys were their already drinking beers and talking intensively about music or something. Jesper looked at Marcelo. Did he need to take his clothes off? Marcelo gesticulated with his face he wanted the clothes removed. Jesper undressed without discussion. He then walked into the living room with only his thong on.

"Where is the bow tie?" laughed Anders.

Jesper got a beer and asked, " When will we move on?"

"Can't we fuck him first?" Martin asked as he moved his hand over Jesper's back and down to the ass cheek. He slapped it hard.

"No, we have to meet up with Peter and Johan at nine," Marcelo said as he signals Jesper to follow him. "I have some clothes for you in the bedroom."

He opened a drawer and handed Jesper a tight T-shirt in thin white cotton and black leader trousers. Jesper had difficult to get in the pants. He notes that there was an opening in the seam on the backside. It wasn't visible when he stood up straight. Even if he suspected what the opening was meant for, he didn't object.

They went to a gay bar. It was pretty calm this early evening in the middle of the week. After ordering bears and started to talk about nothing special, Peter and Johan join them. The six of them moved to a table and continued to small talk. Everything was normal, Jesper thought. It was strange.

Jesper talked to Johan, the successful business lawyer, who was quiet and a very good looking blond in his mid-30. Johan wasn't at all as aggressive and demanding as the others, specially his partner, Peter. Jesper was curious about what kind of relation Johan and Peter had.

Suddenly Peter waved to a man, "Hey, man!" He approaches them.

"How are you? Long time no see."

"This is the manager of the bar, he owns the place," Peter introduce the man as he looked at Jesper. He wasn't anybody Jesper would lay his eyes on or remember if he met him during normal circumstances.

"Is this the new boy?"

"Yes, isn't he cute?" Anders said as he took over the conversation.

"Absolutely. Where did you find him?"

"On the Net."

"Fuck. Lucky guys you are!"

"Isn't we."

"Was the mess I get correct? Do you let me inspect the new specimen if I take care of your beers for the evening?"

"Sure, do you?"

"Hell, yeah!"

Jesper was shocked over the dealing. He looked terrified at Marcelo, but he wasn't looking his way.

"Good. Let's go downstairs."

Anders put a hand on Jesper's shoulder and pushed him forward. "Make us proud," he whispered as they walked.

"Where are we going? Can't we stay at the bar?"

"Ssshh." Anders pushed Jesper forward slightly.

They were guided through a back door, down stairs, and to a large room without windows in the basement with a bed as the only piece of furniture. The five predators, the manager, and Jesper went in.

"Strip," the man said. Jesper hesitated. Marcelo looked demanding at him. Jesper didn't want to be a disappointment, for anything in the world. He slowly lifted his T-shirt off while the men stared on in silence. Then he stepped out of his shoes and leader pants. Peter took hold of his clothes and removed them out of his reach. Jesper stood up, with only his thong on and his hands at his sides. He looked down to the floor.

The man moved forward and ran his hands over the naked body. He caressed the smooth skin, over his neck, biceps, pecs, stomach and thighs. He didn't touch the crotch and the thong. The man got close to the boy from behind and whispered, "You are such a good girl. You like being a bitch for me, don't you?"

"Eeeh. . ."

"Don't lie. Your little clit wants to be hard despite its entrapment. You should listen to your friends. They know what you needs. And what men like me need. We can help each other. With some training, you could be useful to the benefit of everybody."

As he talks he ran his hands over the twink's body as if he owned it.

"I want to see your private parts," he said as he walked around him to the front.

Jesper complied. With fumbling fingers, he made his hardening cock free. As soon as the thong was off, the manager took the balls in his hand. He squeezes them, move the stones around in the sac.

"You want me to wank this clit to release, don't you?"

"Eeeh. . . yes, please," Jesper whispers.

"Speak up! Tell me what you want."

"Please, wank me," Jesper said out loud. The men laugh.

"Good girl. Hand on your head." The grouping continued.

"Look up at me".

The boy knows he had to do as he was told and take it.

"You are such a good girl. I would gladly take you to the bed. You know what your purpose is, don't you?"

Jesper heard something and looked behind the manager. Three young men walked accidentally through the door and watched with great interest on the scene.

"Wow! Can we use the whore? How much do you charge?"

"I don't know. He's not mine. You have to ask his owner."

"Not tonight," Anders said. Jesper was relieved, even if he thought it was odd that not Marcelo answered. And their words were strange, "owner" and "not tonight". . .

Jesper was snatched out of his thoughts by the manager's tongue. He started licking his pecs and suck on his tits. It was crazy but strangely enough it felt good.

"Not bad for a fresh specimen," the manager said as he stepped back. "He is horny and ready for more," he said pointing to Jesper's hard cock.

"Yeah, we know. He's such a horny little bitch. Get dressed! We have to go up." Anders throws Jesper's clothes to him.

He had difficulty to get his hard dick inside the thong. It was obvious to everybody he liked this. He got hot by being naked among men.

Back at the bar, the manager thanked the men. "He will be a great puppy!" Then he left without saying anything to Jesper. The young men were walking past, and one of them gave Anders a piece of paper.

"Here's my number. If you want to sell him, call me. The guys and I would be delighted to have a go at that pussy. "

"I'll keep it," Anders said.

When they had left the bar and started to walk home, Marcelo put his arm around the twink. "You did very well. I'm proud. And I think you start to understand I'm right. You love to please. You get turned on by serving other men. Don't you, Jesper?"

"I donno. First I'm disgust. It feels wrong."

"But. . .?"

"But when it has started I lose myself in the action."

"You love to be close to men. You love their hands on your body. You love the reaction you create in those men, don't you?"

"I didn't think I was like that when you told me the first time, but now I donno."

"You shouldn't be ashamed about this. It's a good thing. You get what you want, and my friends and I get something we normally only can dream about. So. . . You should relax and just let it happen."

"But isn't it immoral?"

"Ha ha. No. Nobody have the right to judge you. It's up to you. If you don't like me and what I think is fun, you can leave and do something else. It's a free country."

"I don't want to be with you."

"There you have your answer. . . Listen to me. You are a good boy. You have learned your lessons well so far. I understand where you come from, and I know what is best for you. Haven't I so far?"

"Yes, I think so."

"It's time for you to confess that you need to serve men. No more hesitation. Let your body be used and admired. You know you have to serve horny men to fulfill your purpose in life. This is what you were created to do. You got a beautiful body, and it's your duty to volunteer it to other men. Don't you agree?"

"I'm still unsure. I want to serve you. But why other men?"

"Because, you will fulfill your purpose. It is to do what I want. And I want to share you with my friends. It's so hot to see you satisfy bigger and older men. I think you want to, but don't understand it yet. Will you do it for me?"

"Eeeh. . . Yes."

"You can relax, I take care of you. Just let it come about. Make men happy. Enjoy."


When they got back to the apartment, Marcelo hugged and kissed Jesper and continued to make him feel safe. He rewarded the boy for his compliance but didn't let him wank and shoot his load. The predators wanted him tense, excited and horny. It would make it easier for him to break through further moral barriers.

The following morning, after sleeping over, Jesper was late to breakfast. Marcelo was grave.

"You're late. This kind of obedience has consequences from now on."

Jesper looked a bit surprised. Marcelo hadn't reacted this way before.

"Stand up next to the table and spread your legs." Jesper obeys him.

"Now bend over and place just your chin on the edge of the table." He does as he is told. It's not very comfortable. Marcelo continues to eat breakfast.

"Put your hands on your head." When Marcelo stands up Jesper, try to prepare himself mentally for a spanking. Instead, he places a stack of pancakes dripping with hot syrup and butter in front of his face. He sits down again.

This position is growing increasingly uncomfortable, but Jesper make sure not to squirm. As Marcelo eats, ha asks, "Are you going to ask me if you could eat?"

"Eeeh. . . No."

"Why not?"

"If you want me to eat you would tell me to."

"Good boy." His smile is huge. He reaches across and tousles Jesper's hair.

"Now you're getting it. Go ahead and eat." When Jesper started to rise himself up straight, he was interrupted.

"No, no, no. Stand still, bent over the table with your hands on your head. Now eat!"

It's hard for Jesper to pick even his chin up off the table after being in this position so long. It's hard for the boy to balance himself as he takes a bite out of the stack of pancakes getting syrup all over his face. It tastes good.

"You have to understand we're not equals. Even if I'm treating you like an equal or being easy on you, it's up to you to remember that we're never equals, and I can kick you out anytime I want to."

"Uh-uhh." Jesper takes another bite.

"And the reason we're not equals is because deep down you like this. You like to be tormented and humiliated and degraded. Don't you?" His words hit like a blow to Jesper's gut. He hasn't talked that plain before. And Jesper starts to realize that he's right but hearing it is hard to take.

Marcelo continued, "Admit it. Tell me, do you like it?"

"I admit it. I like it. I need it." Jesper stop eating and rest his chin back on the table. His whole face is a sticky mess, and he is aware of it and what it must look like.

"Then we both get what we want because I like to torment you. I like telling you what you can and can't do. I like humiliating you. I like making you suck cock. I like fucking you up the ass and watching other men fuck you. I like to see you please real men just for the privilege of being in our company." He lets the words settle in. "How does that make you feel?"

Jesper struggles with his emotions. He struggles with the truth. Marcelo patiently waits and watches the struggle behind the boy's eyes. Jesper takes a deep breath before answering. He resigned to the truth. "Horny. It turns me on, even if I don't want it to."

"That's why I love you. We're perfect for each other. I'm so fucking turned on right now."

He stands and Jesper can see a raging hard on beneath the jeans. Marcelo opens them and pulls his cock and balls out. He reaches out, grabs a globe of butter, and rubs it on his dick. Stepping behind the twink, grabbing his hips he push his dick up the ass in one stroke.

He's holding Jesper tight, but the twink's face is still sliding back and forth on the table smearing butter and syrup all over him.

Marcelo fucks him from behind hard and fast. He feels the Latino hunk's pelvis slamming into his ass cheeks. He struggles to keep the position. Marcelo pushes in deep as his cum shoots into the depths of the twink. He stays inside for a short time before pulling out. The boy wants to stand up, but Marcelo pushes him back down.

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't. This is a pleasure for me and a punishment for you."

Marcelo pulled out and moved to the bathroom after telling the bitch one command, "Stay".

Just at that moment the doorbell rings. Marcelo let the guest inside. "God morning, Martin". Jesper wondered if he should move. But he didn't. The two men went to the kitchen. The guest was quick to comment, "Great position! Perfectly fuckable."

"Go at it," Marcelo tells him. "He is already late. Another half an hour doesn't matter."

"That's a deal too good to pass up!" Martin steps behind the boy as he opens his pants. His cock is already hard and the twink already lubed.

Marcelo steps to the other side of the table to watch. Martin takes three strokes to push it all the way inside the boy. He fucks the pussy slow and steady. He eases in and out. He takes his time. He builds slowly toward a powerful orgasm so strong that the twink can feel it inside him, as his uncomfortable position makes his legs ache.

Marcelo serves Martin coffee, and they talk about what kind of workout routine that could improve the twink's body. After some time, Marcelo came around and gave the boy a smack across his ass. "Go and get ready for school." Jesper runs into the bedroom to get a shower.

When he leaves the bathroom the two men were talking in the hallway.

"He should be beaten just for looking that good," Martin said. "Thanks for the fuck by the way. He's one sweet piece of meat."

"I told you, man, anytime. That's what he's here for. I don't care if you just come over to use him and leave."

"That's cool. Thanks."

"It's the bitch who should thank you. . ." Marcelo looked at Jesper and raised his eye browses.

"Thank you. . .", Jesper said with hesitation as he was shocked by Marcelo's word. Was he losing control over his life?

"See you later."

Next: part 15 - Cumming without touching

This chapter is inspired by the story "The Pool Table and My Balls" by NiteSearcher2000. Other good ones are "Tom" by Harry Rod, "Dominated by Doug" by Percxyz, "The downfall of Nate" by Jax Cooper. They are stored here at Nifty - give the site a donation for administering all these hot stories.

Next: Chapter 15

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