Nordic Twink

By dexter 67

Published on Jun 1, 2023


Archive; 'Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told #42'{}( MM bd humil slow )[42!>44]

Caution! Sensitive readers are warned: this text may appear bawdy

Nordic Twink Doing As He's Told - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 42 - Temptation: To yield or not to yield

In the well-lit room in the basement, Jesper's mind was spinning. He was alone, his cock was free and his desire to achieve orgasm was enormous. He knew he would be severely punished if he jerked off, but his mental resistance was losing against his urgent biological need. He hadn't been allowed to come in a very long time even though he was constantly being used in sexual activities. His body had been stimulated over and over again but was always denied release.

It was a fight he could only lose. Slowly and almost on its own, his right hand reached for his cock and took hold of it. Just this simple connection between his hand and cock made his heart jump and beat hard. It got even faster when his hand slowly began to jerk his cock. The feeling was incredible.

But he didn't get in many strokes before Mr. Johnson entered. There were, of course, security cameras covering the room. He had wanted the twink to make this mistake. It gave him a perfect reason to punish this disobedient slave.

"You sad little shit!" He walked with quick but assertive steps to the slave and gave him a straight uppercut with his right fist. It was with great delight Mr. Johnson hit the beautiful, naked boy. To him, it was an act born of lust. He wanted to dominate young and smooth guys and crush them under his heel. He wanted to watch their self-esteem diminish, and he loved to see them when the acknowledgment of being utterly worthless was sinking into their heads. They were at his mercy. To dominate was foreplay. To torment was the real sexual act.

His cock got hard as he saw the twink fall to the floor. As the twink lost his consciousness for a moment, the man worried that he had hit him too hard this first time. He didn't want the scene to be over this quickly. But he had too much energy built up inside and had to let it out. When Jesper came to his senses, he looked up at an outraged man. He got scared. He didn't know what to do. He tried to stand up on his shaky legs but got a new blow to his head. Once more everything went black before his eyes.

When he woke up, he didn't dare look up. He stayed completely still.

"That's right. Stay down there. You're not allowed to stand up or even look at me! You are a lousy slave, making me doubt your commitment to Mr. Thorson and me."

Mr. Johnson wanted Jesper to blame himself and see the situation from his masters' viewpoint.

"We have invested a lot of time in you because we believed you would do good work, and now you go and disobey the most important rule. What a piece of shit!"

The twink started to cry. He didn't want to betray the alpha men. They were his life now.

"The little girl is sorry, is she? That doesn't matter. You have broken our faith in you. When I tell Mr. Thorson, he probably will sell you to some Arab harem and send you away."

Those words made him stop breathing. Was that true? Was it really that bad?

"You don't want to be sold?" Mr. Johnson had noticed the reaction. "You can use your head to answer."

By shaking his head no he wanted to show his humbleness. Mr. Johnson fetched some items from a shelf on the wall and walked over to the bench.

"Come here!" The twink crawled to him.

"Sit down on this dildo. It's the same one we used last time." The twink let out a quiet moan when he saw the big rubber thing standing on the bench. It was the biggest thing he had taken up his ass, and even then only half-way down.

As he pointed his butt to the top of the dildo, he looked up at the man as if to ask if he had to. The man was ready and reacted immediately by giving him a hard slap with an open palm. The blow was so hard the twink fell sideways down to the floor.

"How stupid are you?!"

The slave began to stand up but got a new blow, this time with a clenched fist to his stomach.

"Have I told you to move?!" The man got more and more aroused and couldn't resist his desire to inflict more harm to the sex object than he should. He fetched a cat-o'-nine-tails whip with steel studs at the end of each tail.

He hit the boy over his back while he was lying on the floor. The twink yelled in surprise when the first hit landed on his skin. Mr. Johnson let the blows rain down on the boy's ass, back and shoulders. The slave moved around on the floor in a futile attempt to escape the whip. The man was hot and loved to see the body under him twist and shout in agony. He hit him harder and harder. And he was rewarded. Jesper started to cry, and when the blows become more severe, he yelled after every new crack.

Mr. Johnson continued to beat the body as the shouting become more shrill and urgent. The whip was breaking his skin and causing bleeding. Thin lines of red blood become visible. The man knew he had to hold back to prevent the body from becoming tattered and bashed. It wasn't his commodity to ruin. The more he damaged the skin, the longer it would be before others could exploit the twink as they wanted. He had to cool down, but not necessarily stop punishing the slave. He threw the whip aside and went back to the original plan.

"Now sit up on the dildo, and don't make any more mistakes." Mr. Johnson pulled the twink up from the floor and pushed him against the bench. He put a hand under the twink's chin and lifted his tear-filled face up. He smiled and licked the salty tears away.

"I'm not sorry to have beaten you. I love it, you know? To punch a sexy guy like you makes me hot. I'm just that way, and when you are stupid enough to give me a reason to beat the crap out of you, I will do it every time."

He then kissed the twink demandingly, pushing his tongue into his mouth. When the slave responded after a moment, he pulled away.

"Now, do as I've told you." On shaky legs, he once more zeroed in his ass opening to the top of the broad head. He gripped his ass cheeks and spread them, but he was shocked and scared and had difficulty relaxing his ring muscle.

The man put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down. If you follow my order, everything will be good." He let his palm travel down the red and sore back. The boy winced.

"Relax. Take a deep breath. Do it for me."

Mr. Johnson took delight in the fact that the twink he just had whipped and smacked like a punching bag was now listening to his reassuring voice. It was as Mr. Thorson had said, this twink was becoming a good slave. He followed the command as if he didn't have a will of his own.

The big rubber thing at last won and the ass muscles surrendered. It began to sink in. But it didn't get easier when the head was in, because the shaft got a little broader with each inch.

When the slave was half-standing with bent knees as he tried to push in the dildo, the man took hold of the twink's dick. It wasn't flaccid but soon got rock hard.

"That's far enough today. Now take this little riding crop and punish yourself. Hit your dick." The twink wanted to look at the man but didn't. He took the crop and gave his cock a soft slap with it. He knew it was a ridiculously soft blow and gave himself a harder one.

"You have to do it seriously. Otherwise, I will take over and do my worst." It was a fantasy for the master to watch the slave punish himself with great anguish.

Jesper hit his dick harder in a string of blows.

"Good. But hit that little clit harder." The boy did but then stopped.

"Again! Harder!" A blow followed, and Mr. Johnson could hear it was a bullseye. The twink yelled.

"Again. And it's okay if you cry and shout. But you have to continue." New blows followed with more energy and strength. He began to cry, but his dick stayed hard. The shaft started to become red and the head dark purple.

"Good. Continue. Harder!" It was pure entertainment to watch the cut boy whip his dick as he cried in pain.

"I know you want to come. It's been a long time. But this dick isn't yours. It's owned by my friend Mr. Thorson and he has lent it out to me." The man took the crop from the slave.

"I will let you come, but it will only be touched by this crop from now on. I know your balls are full of boy juice. They need to be released. I want you to appreciate the touch of this crop. It is your friend. It makes your cock hot, and you should see its strokes as the warm caresses they truly are."

As the man almost whispered to the twink's ear, he moved the top of the crop over the hard little cock and then started to hit the dick, first lightly but then with increasing power.

"You see? The crop is helping you. It's jerking you off, isn't it?" The hits got harder and harder.

"I want that cock to come, right now. I own it, and I want it to erupt in the most glorious climax ever. You know it's the right thing to do. Let it loose. NOW!" The man gave him the hardest hit ever, directly on the dick head.

And the boy's body tightened up, and as he threw his head back, his cock exploded in a series of shots straight up in the air.

The man grabbed the body so it wouldn't fall as it performed a hot dance on the dildo. His breathing was as if he been underwater for a long time. Mr. Johnson put a palm on his shoulder as if to comfort him.

"Good girl. You see? If you obey, everything will be all right." Then he lifted him off the dildo and helped him to the basement shower. The tormented, red backside wasn't that badly hurt. He had controlled his emotions and hadn't done too much harm. He told the slave to take a rest on the mattress before he turned the lights off and closed the door.

This had not been the plan. He had gotten carried away. He shouldn't have let the little shit get his release, but he was so damn cute he hadn't been able to resist. On the other hand, no harm was done. The message to the slave was confusing rather than straightforward. He was punished, then rewarded. But that wasn't a bad thing. Confusion is a useful tool in training a slave.

The following few weeks, the slave was kept in the basement without ever seeing daylight. He was put on a daily routine. It began with him shaving his crotch and armpits. Less frequently he needed to shave the soft, blond stubble on his chin. He was told not to shave his head anymore. The buzz cut should end. His hair started to grow and soon become long enough to show its natural tendency to be slightly curly at the end. Mr. Johnson wanted to prove the slave was as girlie as a girl.

Someone was always overseeing his morning duties, either the older woman working for Mr. Johnson or a complete stranger who had obviously been told not to engage with the slave.

They then led him by the leash to the gym and watched as he had to follow a rather extensive workout plan. Once he had showered, some days they locked him up in the basement, and nothing would happen until the evening.

But more and more frequently, Mr. Johnson arrived to give the slave a thorough massage. He molded the body and every muscle. There was one muscle he would pay more attention to than any other, the ring muscle of his ass.

The twink knew he had to assume the position, not on the floor but the bench. As the boy arranged his body with his head and shoulders down on the wood planks, he moved his knees closer to his chest, pushing his ass up. Then he moved his arms down to help Mr. Johnson secure his wrists to the bar alongside his ankles.

The man greedily ran his palms over the upturned butt cheeks and bound body. The hands soon zoomed in on the exposed pussy. It was high time to start what would become the daily workout for the twink's ass. Mr. Johnson used a lot of lubricant. He was determined to open the hole up, but without wrecking it. The young pussy should be elastic, and the slave should learn to open it up and then be able to close it, and even clamp his hole shut with his ass muscle.

The fingers entered the body with little resistance. He moved four fingers around, twisting and turning to stretch the ring muscle. He inserted his thumb to join the others and then pressed his hand down. The twink groaned as the hand disappeared.

"Good girl. I want to also be able to take control of this body from the inside. We have to stretch the pussy and make it flexible. I want easy access and no hindrance whenever I want to visit the inside."

The twink could feel the fist clenching inside him and pressing forward and down. Then it pulled back. When the widest part of the hand moved through the sphincter, it was once again uncomfortable. But it would become much worse. The clenched fist moved down and pushed the ass ring open again. Then it was quickly withdrawn. Then in. Out. In. Out.

The torment to the ass muscle was excruciating.

"Relax. Take it. You should learn to love this fist passing through here." Then the man began to box-punch the sore ass. His movements were cruel and then outright ruthless. The twink began to scream.

"You have much to learn," the man said, trying to sound disappointed.

It became a daily training. Gradually the sphincter surrendered, and it became easier to move a hand into the body. Less and less strength was needed. But it was only the first step. The master wanted to be able to put his arm into the hole up to his elbow. Then further. And he wanted to open the ass ring to the degree he could put both his hands in at the same time.

It required a lot of stretching and training, and Mr. Johnson was happy to work at it. The twink was bound and didn't have any option but to take it. He wondered when he would be sent back to the island and less wearing and tough treatment.

The slave didn't know how occupied Mr. Thorson was with introducing Markus to his new line of work. When the limousine with the naked jock arrived at the harbor, Mr. Thorson gave him tight swim trunks in black.

"Can't I get my clothes?" Markus asked.

"No. It's those or nothing at all."

Embarrassed, he put them on as the man stepped out of the car. He walked to a door in the building without looking back after the jock. As he walked in, Markus managed to grab the door before it closed. There were a lot of people looking shamelessly at his almost naked body as he was half running to catch up with Mr. Thorson.

Through another door, Mr. Thorson walked to the middle of the room and then turned around. He saw Markus was confused and looking around. They were in a studio with lots of cameras and lighting and other equipment. In the middle of the room, there was only one little three-legged stool.

"Sit down here, Markus." The man pointed to the stool.

"Where are we?"

"In a studio where we make motion pictures."

"For cinema ... or television?"

"More for private consumption, I believe."

Finally, the meaning of what was happening occurred to him, and with alarm in his voice he asked, "You mean porn movies?"


Several men walked in and greeted Mr. Thorson with respectful handshakes.

"This the one you talked about?" one asked as they all looked at Markus.

"I have promised him an audition. What do you think?"

"This must be some kind of mistake," Markus said as he stood up.

"Sit!!!" Mr. Thorson looked the jock in his eyes with great anger. Markus slowly sat down again.

"Let us ask some questions," one of the men said. "Are you a top or a bottom?"

"I'm a man."

"Sure. But you are gay?"

"No... yes."

"Okay. Are you prepared to take direction from us as you fuck one of our boys?"


"Yes, he is," said Mr. Thorson once more looking at the jock. "He is here because he wants to be a porn star. He is eager to do a good job, and he will take direction to create high-quality scenes. Won't you?"

"Oh, yes, if you say so."

"Yes, I say so."

"Stand up and strip," one of the men told him. Markus looked at Mr. Thorson, who gave him a single nod yes.

With his heart beating faster, he stood up and removed the only protection he had. He wanted to put his hands in front of his crotch but knew it would be silly.

"Wank and make it hard. We need to check your size."

As he did, the men walked up closer to inspect his body. He would be perfect as a top if his dick was sufficient in length and thickness.

"Okay, put your hands behind your back." One of the men put a ruler parallel to the dick.

"Good. That's big enough."

"Fetch Jimmy. And get the camera ready."

"Wait. Wait a minute. What's happening?" The jock was still confused.

"Auditions require a test scene."

A guy in his 20s entered in a t-shirt and shorts. "You called for me?"

"Yes. We're doing an audition. Let him fuck you for a moment."

"Sure." As the boy walked to the middle of the room, he removed his t-shirt. He put his hand out to Markus and said, "I'm Jimmy." Then he removed his shorts and was completely naked. He was good looking and had a well-shaped body.

"Markus, hi." He was embarrassed, and his dick was almost flaccid.

"Camera rolling! Let's start by giving him a blow job." Jimmy got down on his knees and put the cock in his mouth. Markus threw his head back and hissed. Never had it felt so fantastic when his dick was touched. And guys are so much better at using their mouths on cocks than chicks. No holds barred. They know how to stimulate it.

"These two don't need direction," laughed the men.

When Markus' cock was hard, Jimmy stood up and leaned forward. They kissed.

"Should we do that?" Markus asked as he broke off the kissing. He had heard that whores and porn actors didn't kiss. It was the only privacy they were allowed to keep.

"Yes," said Mr. Thorson, "You should kiss. There is no privacy here. Everything you've got is available and free to expose."

"Okay, Markus, sit down on the stool. Jimmy, turn around and ride him."

Markus looked at the man behind the camera before he moved to the stool.

"No, no, no. This camera doesn't exist. You should never look into the camera. And when you get instructions you shouldn't show that you're listening to someone outside the picture. Continue to do what you were doing, and once the instruction is given you follow it."

Suddenly Markus had a cute guy pushing his ass down over his cock. It felt amazing. He almost forgot the camera and the men watching. It was a long time since he been able to come. And this boy was good. He moved his ass up and down on his shaft. Markus put his hands on the boy's hips and moved his head forward to kiss his shoulder.

"Okay. Jimmy, stand up." Markus was disappointed. He wanted to continue.

"Bend forward. Markus, use this standing position." Eagerly, Markus stood up and pushed his cock back inside the boy pussy. They both moaned. Markus began to fuck in strong, commanding moves. He quickly got close to climax.

"Stop. Pull out." Markus didn't, but Jimmy stood up and took a step forward.

"When I say stop, you stop. Immediately! Is that clear?"


"Why didn't you stop?" Mr. Thorson wanted him to explain.

"I'm... I'm horny."

"And what do you think of Jimmy?"

"He's great."

"You want to keep fucking him?"


"But you have never seen him before. It was we who brought him here. Doesn't that make it uncomfortable?"

"No, no. I need to fuck, and he's a sexy guy, so why not?"

Mr. Thorson smiled. Markus was obviously strongly influenced by his long, forced celibacy and the milieu he was now in. His shyness and uncertainty about gay sex were fully gone.

"That's precisely the answer I wanted to hear. As a reward, you can fuck him as long as you want."

Markus stepped forward to Jimmy, who still was in a standing position when he penetrated his boy pussy. He gripped Jimmy's hips and drilled his asshole with quick strokes. It wasn't long before he pushed hard and groaned loudly as he emptied his well-filled balls into the guy he had never seen before.

The camera was catching it all on film.

"Okay. We may have a new star here," said one of the men to Mr. Thorson when Markus wasn't listening.

"He has the physique and the technique. We only have to put a pussy in front of him." They laughed.

In the basement, Mr. Johnson worked relentlessly on the slave's ass muscles. When Jesper didn't get hands up his gut, he had to take big dildos of different kinds. Sometimes the man wanted to push and pull, but usually the twink had to do the work himself. Each night he was given a butt plug to stretch his hole while he slept. It was always a different plug every night.

Sometimes the twink wondered if he would end up as just a big fucking pussy hole.

The evenings ended at the other end of the basement in the big bathroom with a Jacuzzi. Jesper could see there were windows high up on the walls, close to the ceiling, but they were nailed closed with boards and covered with curtains.

The twink began to look forward to the times in the Jacuzzi. After the harsh training, Mr. Johnson sat down in the big bathtub with several powerful jets of water spouting around. Jesper followed suit and sat down on the man's hard cock.

In the tub, Mr. Johnson caressed and kissed the twink in a civilized manner. But the words he spoke weren't at all genteel.

"You are beginning to turn into a proper slave bitch." He loved to bite the ear lobe of the boy between making humiliating statements to reinforce his training.

"You have no other purpose but to service real men's sexual desires. You know why? Because your body was created for one thing: to make men crazy fucking horny." As the man spoke, he usually ran his wet palms around to the front of the twink's torso while his cock was deep inside him. As he pinched the boy's nipples, he would continue to talk.

"This body can bring so much more delight and pleasure by experiencing pain, discomfort and humiliation. Don't you want to create such enjoyment? I need you to be a pain pig." Mr. Johnson moved one hand down to grab the twink's balls.

"I want you to give my friends and me all the happiness and delight you can muster, even if it's at your expense. You want that, don't you? Give us everything." He pulled the boy's ball bag away from his body.

"Tell me. Will you give us everything? Will you be a good boy taking pain for our pleasure?"

"Yes, sir."

"Say it."

"Ah... I will take pain for your pleasure and give you everything."

"That's the right attitude. Now go and rest."

Next: part 43 - Suffer agonies but no doubt

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