Northwoods Justice

By Ron Jones

Published on Mar 4, 2022




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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. I accept terms. **************************************************************************

The sheriff and ranger have been gone about thirty minutes when I hear another vehicle pull up alongside the barn. A door slams then I hear footsteps. They stop near where the truck is parked.

"What the fuck," I hear a woman's voice say. Whoever it is, comes walking into the barn. She yells out, "Hey Dad, why in the hell is there a d...". She stops mid sentence when she spots my naked ass chained to the wall of a horse pen.

The young woman is striking. We're talking, could-be-a-model striking. She is dressed in full English riding clothes: knee high leather boots, tan riding breeches, and a white, tight-fitting top. She has a riding helmet in one hand and a riding crop in the other. Her light brown hair is pulled back in a ponytail. I may be gay but I can't help but notice those tits of hers are big enough to bounce around when she rides.

Before either of us can say a word the sheriff and ranger come running into the barn.

It is the sheriff who speaks first, "Darling, a word please?"

"What the fuck Dad?"

"Dad?," I think to myself. The sheriff is her dad? For the first time in a couple of days this was about to get really awkward for someone other than me. I can't help but let out a chuckle.

The sheriff insists his daughter join him outside. A heated argument ensues. I can't make it all out but I hear snippets... "I am an adult" "pervert needs to be punished in a way he understands" "I can't unsee any more than you can unring a bell".

After a bit the arguing stops and it would appear the daughter has won the right to stay and watch the rest of my abuse. The sheriff looks a little disgruntled but his daughter comes walking back in with a big smile on her face.

"Ranger," she says with a bit of an odd inflection. He nods back.

"Shall we get this bit of Northwoods justice started?", she asks.

The sheriff comes into the pen and removes the chain. He leaves the collar in place. He orders me to crawl towards the end of the barn with the room that has all the stainless steel in it. Having the pretty young thing watch me crawl definitely adds to the humiliation.

"Hey Dad, while you are getting things ready you mind if I take our new pony for a ride?" the girl says while smacking the riding crop against her leather boot. Everyone but me thinks that is funny. The sheriff gives his approval and orders me to obey his daughter.

She walks around me, tapping me with the crop several times. "I have just the thing you need," she says and disappears into the tack room. She comes back with a bit and reins. "Open up pervert," she orders. I open my mouth wide and the metal bit is slid in place. Unlike a horse's mouth, I don't have a place for the bit to slide into so I have to bite down directly on the metal. She then straddles me and proceeds to sit down on my back.

She then clicks twice and I recognize that is the signal to move forward so I do. She reaches back with the riding crop and gives me a solid WHACK on the ass. I yelp a little then pick up the pace. It is a bit awkward with her long legs but we bumble along. She pulls me to one side and then the other using the reins. She then says, "whoah," while pulling back on both reins hard. My head pulls back and I stop. She knees me in the side to get me to spin. She trots me down to the other side of the barn and back before the sheriff tells her to bring me to where he is standing.

He is holding a nasty looking stainless steel device I would later learn is a horse speculum. For those that don't know, a speculum is used for prying open holes. In this case, holes the size you would find on a horse. This particular version has long jaws that are spread apart using wing nuts and screws. He has a surgical glove on one hand and the other has a rubber glove that extends from his hand all the way to his shoulder. I quickly realize my ass is not going to like this next part.

The sheriff has me remove the bit from my mouth and tells me to put my head on the floor. He dips one of his hands into a bucket of lube and applies it liberally to the end of the speculum. He tells me to reach back and spread my ass cheeks. Having to help him assault me seems wrong. I want to tell him to do it himself but I know that will only make it worse so I comply. Even with the jaws of the speculum closed they present a big profile. The sheriff rests the tip of the cold steel against my hole and starts to push. With all of the lube, my hole can't resist. The metal slides in a good 7 or 8 inches before it finds the back of my rectum. So far it is a little uncomfortable but I've had bigger things up my ass so it isn't a problem. But the sheriff is just getting started...

He begins to turn the screws causing the jaws to widen. In no time at all, my hole is starting to gape. Still the sheriff continues. Things are starting to get tight now. "I want you to let me know when this gets too painful to continue," the sheriff informs me. He keeps cranking. I feel I am at my comfort limit so I ask him to stop.

"You pansy," he calls me out. "I've seen that butt plug in your bag and it is bigger than this. I didn't say we would stop when you got to feeling full. I told you to tell me when it was too painful to continue. Now suck it up buttercup and let's find your new limits."

He wasn't wrong. I knew I could handle more. The jaws are opening slow enough that my hole can adjust. After a bit it feels like we are at my max. In the past I have managed to get the big end of a wine bottle in but it hurt like hell. It feels like we are at least to that point. I am moaning and grunting. I am trying to take more. Finally I yell out, "Please Stop!" The sheriff does as I ask.

I look back and see the ranger and the girl both have an expression of shock. "Holy shit," the ranger says.

Unlike a butt plug which allows your hole to close a bit once the wide part is through, the speculum keeps you painfully open. I wiggle my ass bag and forth in pain. The sheriff orders me to hold still so I try.

Next the sheriff pulls a flashlight out. 'Shall we see what's going on inside?" He takes a good look at my insides. "We know he can go wide. Let's see if he can go deep." He reaches in through the speculum with his shoulder length glove hand. He shoves one finger, then another through the hole at the back end of my rectum. He tries to get in a third, but even with a good bit of wiggling, two is all that will fit. "He's nice and tight inside. Looks like we will have to stick with going wide and leave deep for another time." The sheriff pulls his hand out and takes a look again with the flashlight.

About that time the sheriff's phone, which is on the counter, starts ringing. "Would you mind getting that?" he asks the ranger.

The ranger picks up the phone, "Oh hi judge... No, he's wrist deep at the moment... aha... just getting started... all right... will do." The ranger hangs up. "Judge says she wants us to wait. She wants to see first hand that the deviant gets punished. Said she will be here in about 30 minutes."

"Sounds like we get ready and wait," the sheriff says. Much to my relief, getting ready included removing the speculum. The pressure and pain slowly reside as the sheriff slowly cranks the jaws closed. Once they are together enough he pulls the torture device from my ass.

"Look at how nasty that hole is," the pretty young thing states. "Who would want to fuck that?" As if on cue, a large dog comes sauntering into the barn. It is big. It looks like a cross between a German Shepard and a St. Bernard. I vaguely remember seeing one before and "mountain dog" is what comes to mind. The dog immediately takes an interest in me. He sniffs me all over, taking particular interest in my ass.

"Hey Dad," the girl asks, "you wouldn't happen to have any Eau D'Estrus would you?" She is speaking in code but the sheriff knows just what she is saying and a big grin comes across his face.

"I do! I think Buck here is really going to thank you for the idea," the sheriff says with an evil grin. He takes off the gloves he is wearing and puts on a fresh pair of surgical gloves. He goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of something. The girl leads the dog, who I can only assume is the one named Buck, away for a bit. The sheriff then gives my ass a couple of quick squirts of something a bit foul smelling. He immediately puts the bottle back in the fridge then throws away the gloves. It is clear he doesn't want that scent anywhere but on my ass. It isn't too hard to figure out. He has just sprayed me with the scent of a bitch in heat.

"Get on your hands and knees," the sheriff orders so that my head is no longer on the floor. The girl then lets go of Buck's collar and he makes a bee line straight for me. His excitement is clearly noticeable. "Oh... there it is," the sheriff says while pointing out that the dog's dick is out of the sheath. "Go get 'em Buck!" the sheriff encourages. Buck didn't need any encouragement. He already knew what he wanted. He sniffs my ass once more then mounts me. He immediately begins humping but his dick hasn't found my hole yet. The sheriff helps guide him in and Buck goes nuts. His claws scratch me a little but luckily he is big enough that his front paws mostly hang to my sides. I can feel his doggy dick going all the way to the back of my hole.

Everyone is amazed and disgusted at the same time as they watch me let a dog plow my ass. They are cheering Buck on. It doesn't take long before I feel his dick start to swell. He dumps his load of doggy jizz deep in my ass and knots me. The base of his dick swells to make sure none of the semen escapes his bitch's hole. "Hold that knot," the sheriff yells at me.

I clamp down my asshole as tight as I can. Buck climbs down and we are stuck ass to ass. I try to hold on but with a hole that had just been stretched to its limit I can't stop Buck from yanking his knot out when he tugs. Dog juice runs out of my hole and drips from my balls.

"Look at that," the ranger says while pointing to my own dick struggling against the cage. "The pervert liked getting Buck fucked! If he didn't have that cage on he'd be at full staff."

"Is that right you perv? Did you like getting fucked by a dog?" the pretty young girl asks. I know I can't deny that my dick is hard. Deep down I knew I liked it.

"Yes," I say softly.

"Yes what?"

"Yes I like being fucked in the ass by a dog."

"And one with a dick bigger than yours," the ranger adds. That gets a good laugh out of everyone.

"Let's get him cleaned up and ready for the judge," the sheriff announces. They have me crawl into the well lit area where the sheriff wipes all of the dog spoo from my ass and legs. Next they have me climb up onto a low stainless steel table. I once again am put into the position of ass in the air and head down.

The three of them spend the next ten minutes talking about what they'd done to me so far. The girl lets out a gasp when they tell her they zapped my dick with the fence. They are having a good chuckle when we all hear a car pull up.

The judge comes walking into the barn. She isn't quite what I expected. I knew she wouldn't be in robes but it seemed like she was trying just a little too hard to look like a cowgirl. She has on boots, jeans and a gingham shirt. She even had a kerchief around her neck. She was pretty enough but had on too much make-up.

"Judge," the sheriff says and everyone nods knowingly. "So is this the guy you observed acting like a pervert?"

She walks around me. She looks carefully at my caged dick. Then she announces, "Yep, that's him. What have you done so far to administer a little Northwoods justice?"

They bring her up to speed on everything they had done to me so far. Oddly enough they left out the part about the Buck Fuck but I wasn't about to bring it up.

"So what's left to do?" the judge asks.

"Well, I figure we're going to teach his asshole a lesson then finish up with a little more ass whoop'n. Sound good to you?" the sheriff offers.

"It's a good start," the judge says with a smile.

"Ranger, care to join me," the sheriff asks.

"I'd be delighted," the ranger says and both don a pair of latex gloves.

An ample amount of lube is applied liberally to my hole. The sheriff rests his fist right at the entrance. "Normally I might try to start easy but given the size of Mr. Jones hole and the fact that we are trying to make a point, I'm going to dive right in." With that the sheriff pulls his fist back and punches me right in the hole. He's right. WIth all the previous festivities and all the lube, his fist slams right into my hole up to the wrist.

"Fuck," the judge says and the sheriff's daughter looks amazed.

The sheriff pulls back out really slowly. His hand is still clenched in a fist. Everyone watches my sphincter lips get pulled outward. He pulls his hand all the way out then punches right back in. He pulls out quick this time, only to punch right back in. He does this a good ten times before taking a break.

I'm grunting but I am clearly managing the abuse. The sheriff senses this so asks the ranger to step in with those big hands of his. The ranger starts his onslaught. Just like the sheriff he immediately starts in with punch fisting. My hole notices the change in girth and the strength put into each punch. I am shoved forward with every thrust then yanked back every time the ranger pulls out. Doing this once, slowly would be one thing. But getting punched quickly and repeatedly is more than I can take. I can feel my hole getting bruised. The ranger manages to get about twenty thrusts in before he is breathing hard and decides to take a break.

The sheriff jumps right back in. The two of them tag-teaming me means my hole never gets a rest. The sheriff pushes his full fist in nice and slow this time. With that fist still buried in my hole he tries to get his other fist in. He can squeeze a couple fingers in along his wrist but there is no way I can take another fist. That doesn't stop him from trying and I am almost in tears as he does. Giving up on the double fist he instead focuses and stretching me as much as he can. He inserts two fingers from each hand and yanks my hole as wide as he can from side to side. "AGHHH!" I say out loud. Then he goes top to bottom where he can stretch me even further. He pulls and pulls. This time he actually waits for me to squeal. "AGHHH! Please stop!" I beg. He pulls a little more before releasing my hole.

The ranger jumps right back in again. Right back to using that big paw of his to bruise my hole. I swear he purposely misses that center just so he can punish me more. Again, more than than twenty punches into my hole. I can feel my man pussy getting puffy.

I like shoving things in my ass. I really do. I wouldn't be in this predicament if I didn't like fucking myself so much. But this, the assault on my hole is quickly becoming more than I can handle. The sheriff keeps stretching my hole and the ranger keeps pounding me. I can feel the lube they keep adding running out of my hole and dripping from my caged balls. I try to clench my hole around the sheriff's wrist at some point and I could barely make it close.

FInally, after what was easily more than half an hour of abuse the sheriff says, "What do you think judge? Has he had enough?" She agrees that I have, but asks for the riding crop the sheriff's daughter used earlier.

With more than a little glee, the judge takes her turn at administering punishment. She smacks my back but quickly turns her attention to my ass. She starts with rapid "love-taps" but moves on to harder and harder swats.

The judge now has a new target. She smacks the end of the crop directly on my puffy ass lips. I let out a quick scream and drop my ass down onto the table top. I squirm back and forth in agony. "Get his ass back up," the judge orders. They force me back onto my knees.

The judge rests the end of the crop on my hole making it very clear where the next hit is going to land. SMACK again, right on my abused hole. Again I am left squirming on the table top.

When they get me back on my knees I beg for her to spare my hole and much to my surprise she agrees. So she instead lands the crop directly on my balls. "AGGHH!" I go right back to writhing on the table top.

"Please stop. Please stop... I've learned my lesson," I stammer out.

The ranger, the sheriff, and his daughter all agree I have managed to endure more than enough punishment. They all look to the judge to see if she agrees. "Wellll... there is one more thing I would really like to see," she announces. I don't know if I can handle anything else until she says, "Rumor has it Mr. Jones here is one hell of a cocksucker. As his final humiliation I'd like to see him prove it in front of us."

The sheriff looks at his daughter and suggests maybe she skip this part. "Seriously? I have seen a man get fisted until he cries. Do you really think a blow job is too much? Actually, I would love to have a gay man teach me how to give good head. Whether you want to hear it or not, I'm going to do it. As long as I am, I'd like to be good at it," his daughter proposes.

The sheriff says, "Alright, as long as the one sharing his dick doesn't mind I guess I won't object."

The judge says, "Doesn't mind at all." I am shocked when she starts to unbutton her jeans. She slides the jeans over her hips to reveal a big dick peaking out of the top of black lace panties. The panties slide down and a nice seven incher pops loose. "What do you think Mr. Jones? Are you up to giving a lesson?"

"Yes. Absolutely yes," I say looking hungrily at the judge's dick. Cross dressers have always tripped my trigger. Yes I'm sore, but knowing good dick is my reward, I perk up. I sit up on the edge of the table. It actually feels good to have the cold steel on my ass.

I look over to the sheriff's daughter. "You serious about learning how to do this right?" She nods her head yes. "First off. At your age, know that there is no way to do this wrong. Any boy you offer this to should thank his lucky stars he has a girl as hot as you to offer it up. That said, let's get started doing this right."

I slide down in front of the judge and get on my knees. "Next, a guy's sex drive isn't like a woman's. There is no need to go slow. You don't have to guess if he is turned on or not. Again, at your age, if your beau's dick isn't as hard as the judge's here, you need to go find yourself another dick." I look around at the group and I see everyone nodding their heads in agreement.

"When you start with a hard dick to play with, you can dive right in. No need to bring foreplay into it. You also need to know, there is no way to go from a good blow job to great without using your hands." With that I reach out and cup the judge's balls.

"You listen up girly. Mr. Jones knows what he is talking about," the judge confirms.

I lightly fondle the judge's nuts and lean in. I pull his nutsack to my mouth and lick it. I carefully suck his nuts into my mouth. Then I lick the underside of his shaft all the way to his head. I flick his slit with my tongue a few times. I bring his whole head to my mouth and swirl my tongue all around. The whole time I am looking up into the judge's eyes. I pull off and say, "Fuck you have a gorgeous cock." I put his head back in my mouth while I wrap one hand around his shaft.

I pull off long enough to give girly an update. "Good to great darling... be sure to look your man in the eyes. We love seeing doe eyes looking back at us from our dick. Also make sure you tell him how much you love his dick. Judge here deserves the admiration." I wink at him as I say that. "But even if you aren't enthralled by his dick tell him that you are. A lot of guys are insecure about their meat. Reassuring them you like what you see will help them enjoy this more. And did you notice how long I spent on foreplay?"

"You barely did anything. A minute or two at the most?" the girl responds.

"Exactly. If a guy is ready to go, which he always is at your age, then get after it. Now I'm going to enjoy myself for a bit. Be sure to notice what my hands are doing. Oh, and NO TEETH. If you find a guy that likes to have his dick bit, find another dick."

Lesson over for the moment, I turn my attention back to the judge. I engulf as much of his dick as I can. My tongue gripping the bottom of his dick as I move up and down. One hand moves up and down in time with my mouth. The other hand plays with his balls. A finger or two strays from his balls to his taint. I moan loudly, sending vibrations through his dick and eliciting a moan from the judge. I pull all the way off then get immediately back on. My lips put extra pressure on the edge of his head every time I pass over it. The judge is really getting into this and I don't know how long she is going to last. I want to take her deep before she explodes but I can't from this position.

I pull off the judge's dick and reach for her hand. I explain to the sheriff's daughter, "If you are going to go from good to great you are going to have to learn how to swallow it all. The challenge I've got with a dick like Judge's here is that she is huge and rock hard. That means she is pointing straight up. Which way is my neck pointing?"

"Down," she says as she grasps the challenge.

"If I guy only has five or six inches you might get away with being on your knees but a monster like this doesn't want to bend that way." To illustrate my point I try to pull the judge's dick down and it clearly won't go there.

I hop up on the table while still holding the judge's hand. I lay on my back with my head over the edge. "I could position my head like this, giving a big guy a chance to hammer down my throat." I look at the ranger and give him a wink. "Or I get my man to lie down. Gentlemen a little help." The ranger and the sheriff understand and help the judge up onto the table while I hold her hand. I lay her down on her back. "And the boots." That's enough of a hint for the ranger and sheriff to pull off the judge's boots. I then help the judge out of her jeans and panties.

Having free access to the judge I now straddle her mid section. My naked ass and caged dick are in her face and her big cock is front and center for me to enjoy. I quickly get my mouth back on her dick. Up and down but not all the way. Then I pull myself all the way down. My nose is all the way down to the judge's shaved balls. I stay there as long as I can before pulling off to get in a breath then I go right back down. My ass may not be tight but my throat sure is and the judge is loving it.

I'm using one hand to support myself but the other is rubbing the judge's taint and slowing working down. The judge and I both know she is close. She pulls her knees back towards her head, giving me clear access to her ass. The next time I come up for air I take time to lick two of my fingers. I drop my throat down on her dick and at the same time my fingers reach for her hole. I rub it a few times helping to make it lubed. Then I push in with both fingers. I'd guessed the judge was a two finger gal and I was right. She moans loudly. She pounds her fists on the table. She thrusts her hips up and her dick starts convulsing deep in my throat.

I pull off enough to get her out of my throat and into my mouth. I suck her dry and make sure she leaves my mouth clean.

I sit up and climb down. When the judge opens her eyes I help her down.

I look around the room and it is obvious everyone is turned on. Both the ranger and the sheriff are sporting a bulge in their pants. Even the sheriff's daughter has to readjust her breeches.

The judge is the first to break the silence. "Did you get all that darling? Learn to go deep. Swallow or don't bother starting. And finally, leave the dick cleaner than you found it."

"What about fingers in the ass?" the daughter wants to know.

"That's an advanced move. Probably need to have some idea he is into it before you go there. Start with the taint and see where things go," I offer.

I ask the big question, "So... I have I paid my debt to society?"

"And then some Honey," the judge says while holding my face. She gives me a big kiss.

At this point everyone starts to get things cleaned up. The judge gets back into her jeans. The ranger and the sheriff start to clean up the room. The sheriff's daughter gets the key to my collar and removes it.

The judge leaves and the ranger motions for me to follow him out. We all walk outside. I start to climb into the bed of the ranger's truck. "Nah... you can ride up in the cab with me. You've earned it," the ranger says, completely surprising me.

"Hold on," says the sheriff. He goes into the tack room and comes back with a saddle blanket and hands it to the ranger. "You may want to put this on Mr. Jones seat after the beat down we put on his ass."

"Thanks Doc," the ranger says. He puts the blanket down on the seat and we both climb into the truck ready to head back to the lake.

Next: Chapter 5

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