Not a Perfect Love

Published on Jul 29, 2001


Gimme a Not Gimme an A Gimme a Perfect Gimme a... hey! Where'd everyone go?!

You should know how the drill by now. Anyone who's belong the age of conscent in their country/state/island/whatever should not be here, but if you're already in here, then you probably won't turn back. I hold the copyright and no re-posting is allowed without my conscent, especially on paysites. You're getting sleepy... sleepy... you feel the urge to send me all of your belongings...

And, oh, you feel an incredible urge to email me and tell me what you think about my story. You just know that unless you do it, I'll get a neurotic breakdown and stop writing! ... ... ... ... ... And, oh. The episodial quote has been replaced by a "Did you know" thingee. And note how I (finally) got the Polish version of "thank you" right.

Here are the few simple rules that Not A Perfect ******** lives by:

  • NO GRAPHIC SEX! * Boy-boy love * Ass/arse-kicking of whoever has a problem with that (the gay thingee) * All readers should email the author or he'll go into another neurotic fit and never write again. * Each episode/chapter will have two titles and contain a part of the onslaughting poem "Not A Perfect Love". Sometimes, the second title will be a continuation/finishing line of the first one.

DID YOU KNOW: that the actors of Stuart, Vince and Henry from Queer As Folk (the UK version) were really straight? In spite of all of those homosexual sex-scenes, they were straight, after all!

Also, Queer As Folk was originally intended to be named "Queer As Fuck", but not even the open-minded TV-station Channel 4 dared to air the show under that name, being located in England and all.

(I heard this off the documentary of QAF, "What The Folk". A guy said that he was really surprised when he found out that they were really straight, so it's a little uncertain of if all actors were straight.)


Taking another chance, Following the same path, once more, Risking to be hurt all over again,

When will I find happiness, Peace of mind, When will I live my road's end,


Oh, an in chapter 2, I said that the guys were doing their Junior year in high school. I mean Freshman.


  • Philip...! Brian murmurs. - I love you.

  • So, what do you say? We go out in public today at lunch. - No!!!!! Brian exclaims loudly. - I'm not ready to come out yet.

  • You don't like him, do you? Philip asks Julia. - No, I don't. She replies. - I'll never forgive him for what he's done to you.

  • Hey, we're planning on going backpacking next week. Robin tells Philip. - Y'know, camping outside, singing, grilling fish over an open fire and all. Wanna come with us? - Sure. Philip says and smile widely.

  • That fag keeps hanging around me. Brian says. - He thinks that we're friends, just because we share a dorm room. - I'm glad that you feel that way. Neo chuckles. - So, want to go out with us and drink some beers tonight? - Sure. Comes the reply.

  • Brian, are you drunk? Philip asks Brian. - Yeah, so what? He slurs back. - Get away from me, you fag!

Brian punches Philip, who flies backwards into a wall and falls unconcious. When he wakes up, he jumps to his feet and packs a duffel bag and leaves the room.

  • Hey, what have you got around your arm? Zeira wonders and points at Philip's wrist. - Oh, it's a friendship bracelet I made last night. Philip explains. - Nice colors. Zeira comments.

  • Why are you making a new friendship bracelet? Julia asks. - I've decided to give Brian a final chance. Philip says. - As your best friend, I must say that that isn't a really good idea. Julia says. - I know, I know. Philip sighs. - I'm a doormat. But I have to believe in love. Because, first loves...! - Are forever. Julia groans.

As Philip skips merrily over to his and Brian's room, voices can be heard inside. Philip opens the door and freezes on the spot.


  • Philip! Brian exclaims and makes a double take, breaking the liplock that he had on Miranda. - Oh, it's the little fag. Miranda chuckles. - Get out of my room, you nasty bitch! I growl at Miranda.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 11 - Not A Perfect Summer

She looks a little shaken by my outburst, but simply stands up and straightens herself. As she leaves through the door, slamming it behind her, I throw a quick look down at my wrist and see that the friendship- bracelet, by some strange reason, had burst halfway. I through a quick look over at Brian's and see that it's burst halfway too. As I sit down and repair my bracelet, Brian is going on and on about how sorry he is. - I'm so sorry, Phil. Brian apologizes. - It wasn't my fault! She came over here, talking about how good we used to look together and then just kissed me! - Well, I didn't see you objecting! I snarl and reach over and repair his bracelet too. He never even notices that the bracelets burst. That just shows how much he values our symbols of love! - It wasn't my fault! Brian cries. - It wasn't my fault! - Yes, of course, it's never your fault! I snarl. - You didn't even tell her that we were friends again. You haven't told anyone that we're friends again. Is this how it's always going to be? You, a cloest homosexual who won't even admit to the fact that we two are friends, just because your friends might think less of you?! Silence, while Brian looks down... tumbleweed blowing by... was that a mouse? - Friends don't care about what friends other friends have! I cry. - Or something like that. - I'm so sorry. Brian apologizes. - Please tell me that you believe me. She kissed me and not the other way round! - I guess, I'll just have to believe you. I sigh. - After all that we've been through, you've never once lied to me. - Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Brian says over and over and hugs me. We break the embrace and he gives me a quick peck on the lips. - I swear to you, that someday, we'll do that out in public. He then says as I walk over to my desk. - Yeah, jsut make sure of that that happens sometimes soon. I tell him. - Promise, I totally promise. He promises. He kisses me again and then ruffles my hair.

  • I can't believe you gave him another chance! Julia groans. - Yeah, but our love's like Romeo's and Juliet's forbidden love. I sigh. - Yeah, but without the romance, love and devotion. Julia mutters. - Hey, hey! I protest. - Enough about me and my pain. What about you and Dimitri? I saw him once and if you don't snatch him up and things with me and Brian go to Hell, I might just use him as a rebound! - He's way too good for being used as a rebound guy! Julia protests. - I'm just saying...! I say and sigh. - I wouldn't say "no". - Well, we haven't gone on our first date yet. Julia says, all giddy like a schoolgirl. Wait... technically, she's still a schoolgirl. - Well, what's keeping you? I ask. - I mean, hey, hunky who wants you! Take him! - But I don't want to look like a slut. Julia protests. - I didn't mean take him as in take him. I groan. - I mean, take him in! Date him! Just do something before I go nuts worrying if Ms. Julia Picky will ever find someone! - Hey, hey, deal with your own problems! Julia snarl. - Hey! I exclaim. - Sorry. Julia apologizes. - That was uncalled for. - Yah, but you were right. I sigh in submission. - Mine and Brian's relationship is far from being perfect. It's like Buffy's and Angel's love when you come to think of it. Both sides hate each other, the fags and the jocks, yet, we're in love. He's like a vampire with a soul. - Yah, a jock with a soul. Julia giggles and we both start laughing. - Yeah and I'm the Slayer. I laugh. - How about we dress me up in drag, dye my hand blonde and make a stake for me? - Now, that's just going overboard. Julia chuckles. - Oh, oh, gotta go. - Where? I wonder. - Date with Dimitri! Julia chuckles. - Alright, go get him! I "coach" her. - You're tough, you're strong and if everything else fails, beg him for a second date! - Well, let's just hope that things don't get around to that. Julia groans. With that, she's off.


  • Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! I protest. - Sorry. Derek groans. - You don't have to make such a fuzz about it! He reaches over and wipes away the ice-cream that he just spilled off of my shirt. - You've always been a klutz. I groan. - Ever since we were kids. - Hey! Derek exclaims and waves the napkin around, making some drops of ice-cream fly onto my face. - Oops, sorry! I quickly apologizes and wipe them away. - I can't believe we're brothers. I groan. - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Derek protests. - Well, I guess there's the proof. I chuckle. - Yeah, but you're right. Derek points out. - Oh? I ask. - This is a first. - I'm the older one! He gleefully declares and stands up. - And therefor, I'm entitled to treat you like dirt! - Hey, you're only older by ten minutes! I protest. - Yeah, too bad we didn't turn up to be identical twins. Derek chuckles. - You with your red hair and me with my strangely naturally blue hair. - It's not blue. I groan. - It's a weird shade of black. And I think that it's good that we're not identical. Or else, people would mix our names up all of the time. - Yah, Angel. Derek chuckles. - What a girlish name. - Says the guy who sleeps with other guys! I retort. - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Derek protests again and holds a finger up. No, not that finger. His index-finger. - Sorry, "who sleeps with another guy". I quickly rephrase myself and the finger goes down.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 11 - I Am What I Am

  • Ouh, it's Julia! I exclaim when I see Julia walking, or rather skipping, again, by. - Ouh? Derek asks. - Hey, don't mock me, He-Who-Sleeps-With-Another-Guy. I warn him and hold a finger out. No, again, not that finger. - Sorry. Derek apologizes. - Let's follow her. I say. - She looks happy. We should investigate and then gossip it around. - You're such a gentl. Derek groans. - Hey, I didn't make us jews. I say and turn my head to face Derek, who's sneaking around behind me. - Mom did. You schmaggeggie. - Hush, look! Derek shushes me and points again Julia. I turn my head back at Julia and see her and Dimitri, talking over a cone of ice-cream. - Oh, I so want that! I whine. - Dimitri? Derek wonders. - No, his ice-cream. I groan. - You made me spill mine on all over myself! - Oh, grow up. Derek groans. - When you tell me how Robin's in bed. I say and grin at him. - Oh, oh, look! Derek quickly says and points back at Julia again. I throw a look at Julia and Dimitri and when I turn my attention back to Derek again, all I see is his foot as he rounds the corner. - Uhh...! I mumble.


  • So... how are things? I ask nervously. We've both been quiet for over fifteen minutes now. I knew that this was a bad idea! I'm so gonna kill Philip. Or maybe just maim him so that I'll be able to torture him again the next time he gives me a advice! - Er... good, I guess. Comes the answer. - Oh, alright. Er... the same here. I respond. Silence... tumble-weed... is that Angel spying on us from behind an ice- cream bar stool?! - Ah, I'm sorry. Dimitri suddenly says. - I knew that this whole you and me thing couldn't work out. We're, like, totally different. - Oh, I know. I groan. - I like Steel Magnolias and you probably like movies like Apocalypse Now. - No, Steel Magnolias was fine. Dimitri chuckles. - Especially the part where Geezer was grabbed and offered as an object to work off steam on. - Yeah, "I feel so bad right now that I want to punch someone just to make them feel as bad as me!" I loosely recite the movie. - "Here, punch this!" Dimitri recites back and offers me his ice-cream. I actually punch the ice-cream and end up with liquid white vanilla all over my palm and Dimitri's football jersey. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I burst out laughing and Dimitri follows my lead. What was that? Snickering from behind that ice-cream bar stool that I saw someone resembling Angel hiding behind? Naw... probably just my imagination. - So, the ice seems to finally have been broken. Dimitri chuckles. - What do you think about arcade games? - Oh, I'm the Queen Of Fighters! I proclaim. - Philip's always dragging me along to the arcade to play the King Of Fighters, so I've gotten pretty good at it. - Then, let's go! Dimitri cries and starts dragging me off towards the arcade. Not that I want to criticize, but I think that we're walking off towards the wrong direction of The Mall, which, coincidentally happens to be the name of our local mall. - My favorite's Iori. Dimitri foretells me. - What's yours? - Leona. I tell him. - Those big blue balls that do multiple hits, I love 'em! But the way, isn't Iori a bad guy? - So, what's your point? Dimitri chuckles.

FROM ANGEL'S POV (no, NOT "Prick's Overview View", you perverts)

  • He! He! I grin. - Hi there! I hear a voice and turn around to see Philip standing there. - So, Great-Buns, why the grin? - I just saw Julia and Dimitri. I say and smile widely. - They were doing some heavily bonding over an ice-cream. Silence... silence... realization... wait a minute! - Wait a minute! I exclaim and slap Philip upside the head. - Great-Buns?! - Yeah. Philip chuckles and grins mischievously. - Everyone has a nick-name. Mine's Phil', Julia's Jules, Brian's Bri and you're alrady named Angel at birth and there aren't any good nick-names for that, so I decided to go with Great-Buns. - Well, stop! I demand. - Call me something else, like Red or something. - Alright, Red. Philip chuckles and takes a seat right next to me, squeezing up against me. Suddenly, I feel a familiar, yet not too unpleasant, sensation. - Philip, takes your hand off my ass! I cry and the hand moves away. - You know, you do have a boyfriend! Or have you forgotten him already? - No, but his ass is not as nice ass yours. Philip chuckles and puts his hand back on my ass. - Oh, thank you for the compliment. I say and smile widely at him. Silence... tumble-weed... Julia running by?! Wait a minute!!! - You think you're so smart, don't you! I growl and receive a wide grin back. - Yah. Philip says. - Oh, you, you, ass-grabber, you...! I grunt. - Oh God, I'm so hurt! Philip says and fakes a hurt look. - Oh, well. - Anyway, Bri's birthday is coming up. I quickly change the subject. Strange how my ass is always a subject in mine and Philip's conversations. - What are you going to get him? - That's a secret. Philip says. - Don't you even want to tell little me? I ask and put on puppy eyes and flutter them sexily in his face. - No, I don't. He says. - Oh. I say in disappointment. - Well, I for one will tell you what I'm gonna get him. Well, actually, it's a little something for the both of ya'. - What, what, what? Philip asks, all excited. - Ten boxes of condoms!!! I declare and Philip almost doubles over on the spot! - What?! He exclaims. - Settle down. I grin. - I'm just kidding. I'm actually giving you a ten inch dildo. - Oh. Philip says and then sputters again. - What?! - Alright, alright, it's Depeche De Mode's latest CD. I admit. - I was just kidding about the other stuff. - What?! Philip exclaims. - Heh? I ask. - Sorry, pre-set reaction after the first two outrageous suggestions. He apologizes. What's that? Oh, that... again... wait a minute... hey! - Hey! I exclaim. - For the last time, get your hand off my ass!!!!! And so, the hand goes away. - It's the never ending story. Philip chuckles. - No, it does end. I chuckle. - With my ass! - Er... hi, guys. Comes a sudden voice. Philip's and my heads cock to where the voice came from and there, in broad daylight, is Neo, dressed in his usual attire, a football jersey, team jacket and a pair of tight blue jeans. - What do you want? I snort. - I want to apologize. Neo says to Philip. - And I'd like to become your friend. - What?! Philip exclaims, obviously growing impatient. - I'm so sorry for being such an asshole to you. Neo apologizes again, with his head bowed down. - I guess I just didn't want to admit the fact that I, myself, am gay. - Oh, that explains every...! I start sarcastically and then, Neo's words sink through my skull. - You're what?! - A fag. Neo says quietly. - I was trying to deny it and worked off steam by going after other... gays. - Hey, you're here, you're queer, get used to it! Philip says and pats Neo's shoulder and then quickly withdraws his hand. - Don't worry. I'm not gonna hit you. Neo chuckles. - I'm bigger than that now. So... can we be friends? - Yeah. Philip says and smiles widely. - In fact, I'll even let you help me prepare Brian's special B-day present. - Is that the big gift? I question Philip. - No!!! Philip groans. - Oh, I can? Neo gasps. - Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! He gives Philip a quick hug and quickly withdraws. - Well, you're definitely more open about the "gay-thing" than Brian is. - Yeah, I guess... Brian's gay?! Neo exclaims. - Yeah. I groan. - Where's your gaydar? And that goes for you too, Phil! - And we're going steady. Philip says, after giving me a quick glare. - That's why I'm giving him this party, y'know. - Oh no, oh, I'm throwing him a party...! Neo groans. - When? Philip asks. - Next week, on his birthday. Neo says. - Oh, that's when my party is scheduled. Philip groans. - How about a comprimise? Neo suggest. - I end my party at six and that will leave time for your party. - Great idea! I exclaim.


  • I'm so glad that you've joined us. Robin says as he shakes Neo's hand. - You sound like some kind of a cult-leader or something. Zeira whispers to Robin. - Shut up. Robin groans. - Oh my God! Julia exclaims. - Robin swore! - Whoops!!! Robin exclaims and grabbs his mouth with both hands. - Now, to for the third degree. Aqua says and everyone turns to look at me. - Er... guys... making me nervous here...! I say, starting to turn a little nervous. - Now, what's this fabulous gift that I've been hearing so much about? Julia questions me. - Oh, I'm not telling anyone. I say. - Not even me? Julia asks, all innocently. - Not even you. I say and she pouts. - And not even that's gonna make me tell you. - Oh, you cruel person, you. Julia yelled at me. - Cruel person? I ask, putting on a mock shocked tone and a mock shocked expression. - You slash me with your words! I wouldn't tell anyone, even if I got Angel naked, butt-up, on my bed! - Angel, ass to the wall, quick! Robin shouts at Angel, who hurriedly presses himself against the wall behind him. And we all burst out laughing. - Alright, people. I say. - People? Ignis asks. - Anywho...! I grunt. - Let's get back to work, everyone. And we resume preparing the decorations, gifts, cakes, refreshments, music, etc. that we're going to use at the party. - You think that we're going to be able to finish it before "the Day" comes? Neo, who's helping me with the snacks, asks me. - We're fifteen energetic...! I begin and then Neo motions for Aero, who's sitting on a chair, resting. - Healthy...? I countinue and suddenly, a big crash is heard and when I turn my head, I see Julia on the floor, whip-cream all over her face. - Er... intelligent...? I ask. - Hey, you're not supposed to add both yeast and baking soda! Anastasia's voice can suddenly be heard yelling. - Well, sorry. Aqua groans back in response. - I remember very well how you blew the kitchen up last month. Terra groans. Silence... at least between Neo and me. I hear a crashing sound, but don't turn around to look at what that had just happened. Some things are better left unknown. - Quick, pray to God. I tell Neo after a while and we both strike praying poses. After a moment of mock-praying, we both look at each other and start giggling. We move out of mine and Brian's room, into the hallway, so that we don't disturb the others. - So, are you gonna come out anytime soon? I ask him. - Yeah! Neo declares. - At Brian's party. I'm gonna go up there and declare that I'm a big poof!! - What are you guys doing? I can suddenly hear Brian's voice asking and he walks up to us. - I heard something and poof. - Oh, we were just talking about how you sometimes just appear like this and poof, here you are! I quickly make up a story and then wink subtly at Neo. Thank God that Brian doesn't watch Ellen! - Well, it's really nice that you two have become friends. Brian says and smiles widely. - Yeah, we discovered that we have a lot more in common than we thought. Neo says and grins at me. - Great. Brian says. - I'll just go change and then we can all go have dinner together. - You mean, go into our room? I ask him nervously. - No, I mean going to Jupiter and shopping with the Jupitans. Brian says sarcastically. - Of course I mean in our room! - Oh, but you already look fine. Neo quickly says and grabs Brian's left arm. - Yes, yes. I say and grab Brian's right arm. And then, we both drag him out of there, as quick as our feet can carry us and Brian. - Why the rush? Brian wonders. - Well, you know, the usual. I say. - I'm hungry and you know that when I'm hungry and don't get to eat as soon as possible, I get a little testy and then...! - Why are you taking so long? Brian asks and puts on a mock panicked look. - Move it! Neo and I swap glances and then grin at each other.

Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Gratzie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Dziekuje! (Polish) (Hey! I finally got it right!!!! Thanks to Ares)

Next: Chapter 19: Not a Perfect Summer 12

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