Not a Perfect Love

Published on Jul 29, 2001


Not... A... Purrrrfect... Love... I mean SUMMER!!!!

Wah, wah, wah, you know the deal. I hold the copyright to this story. Please do not re-post it without my conscent. All pay-sites, keep out! Dismiss Bush, take over USA and nuke Saddam Hussein! Scam on Bill Gates' son and get all of his money, all of the below is fictional... wah, wah, wah.

And, oh, you feel an incredible urge to email me and tell me what you think about my story. You just know that unless you do it, I'll get a neurotic breakdown and stop writing!

So... wah! wah! wah!

Here are the few simple rules that Not A Perfect ******** lives by:

  • NO GRAPHIC SEX! * Boy-boy love * Ass/arse-kicking of whoever has a problem with that (the gay thingee) * All readers should email the author or he'll go into another neurotic fit and never write again. * Each episode/chapter will have two titles and contain a part of the onslaughting poem "Not A Perfect Love". Sometimes, the second title will be a continuation/finishing line of the first one.

DID YOU KNOW: That Pluto is no longer seen as a planet, but as a moon? It's got a celestial body equal to its size revolving around it, while Pluto revolves around it. So, the two both revolve around each other. So, our solat-system now only have 8 planets.

FUN FACT: The second part of this episode (what that follows after the 2nd title) was written even before the very first episode of the first season (NAPL)? I wrote it first as an episode in my sci-fi/fantasy series and then just came up with the idea of making a whole series out of it, starting from rock bottom with NAPL.

Oh, an by the way, me being so neurotic and all, I forgot that I had "let" Philip move into Ripley's room. Of course, he moved back into his and Brian's double room when he and Brian became boyfriends. I have added a little "Philip-moving" to episode 6 of NAPS. But, honestly, that little mistake was all your fault, you guys (readers)! You should've been perceptive enough to remind me about it so that I could fix it at once. Y'know, balancing stuff at the age of 16 isn't easy with an RPG in the making, porn, two homepages, porn, TV, porn, friends, porn and porn, I mean all. What am I, a machine? Anyway, have a nice day. :^)


Reaching out, letting go, Leaving the hurt behind, Moving towards a new future,

It is time to leave, Time to go, time to breathe, It is time to get out of here,

Moving forwards, Leaving everything behind...

... ... ...

Into the headlights!!!!!!



This chapter's titles are in French. Don't worry! There are translations below the French.


Philip is staring beyond Julia's shoulder in the lunchroom, at Brian. - You know, it's good that you're not the sun or your glasses would've burnt a hole through that cute blonde's crotch! She whispers into his ear. - Julia! Philip exclaims and then blushes. - It is really that obvious? He whispers to her, empathizing the word "that".

  • Get off of me, you...! Philip starts when he realizes that it's Brian who's lying on top of him. - Err... sorry. Brian apologizes and gets off of Philip.

  • Seriously, what room are you in? Philip asks. - 412. Brian replies. - No way! Philip exclaims. - That's my room! I guess we're roommates!

  • I think that I'm falling in love with you. Brian whispers into Philip's ear and kisses him. - What? Philip asks, confused. - Get away from me, you homo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian cries.

  • Fucking chink! The leader thug swears and fires off. Brian throws himself in front of Philip and takes the bullet for him.

  • You actually did a selfless deed. Julia says. - Maybe you are human, after all. But I'll tell you this. If you screw up and hurt him again, they are going to be scraping of your green blood off of your bedroom wall, you hear me?

  • Well, we were, but then I found out that he was a fag and decided to just stop talking to him. Brian lies for the football team. Philip is lying on the ground, glaring at Brian. - Let's all do it together. Neo says. - It'll be our words against his. Everyone except Brian starts kicking at Philip. - Well, what are you waiting for? Neo asks. - I don't know...! Brian says. Then he starts kicking Philip too, delivering a hard kick that sends Philip whimpering and bleeding.

  • Philip...! Brian murmurs into Philip's ear, thinking that he's asleep. - I love you.

  • So... do you...? Brian asks cautiously. - Love you back? Philip asks him and Brian nods. - I guess. Philip says.

  • What about Miranda, the bitch on... I mean... Miranda? Philip asks. - Oh, I dumped her yesterday. Brian chuckles.

  • So, what do you say? We go out in public today at lunch. - No!!!!! Brian exclaims loudly. - I'm not ready to come out yet.

  • You don't like him, do you? Philip asks Julia. - No, I don't. She replies. - I'll never forgive him for what he's done to you.

  • That fag keeps hanging around me. Brian says. - He thinks that we're friends, just because we share a dorm room. - I'm glad that you feel that way. Neo chuckles. - So, want to go out with us and drink some beers tonight? - Sure. Comes the reply.

  • Brian, are you drunk? Philip asks Brian. - Yeah, so what? He slurs back. - Get away from me, you fag!

Brian punches Philip, who flies backwards into a wall and falls unconcious. When he wakes up, he jumps to his feet and packs a duffel bag and leaves the room.

  • I've decided to give Brian a final chance. Philip says. - As your best friend, I must say that that isn't a really good idea. Julia says.

As Philip skips merrily over to his and Brian's room, voices can be heard inside. Philip opens the door and freezes on the spot. - Philip! Brian exclaims breaks his kiss with Miranda.

  • I'm so sorry, Phil. Brian apologizes. - It wasn't my fault! She came over here, talking about how good we used to look together and then just kissed me!

  • I can't believe you gave him another chance! Julia groans.

  • What do you want? Angel snorts. - I want to apologize. Neo says to Philip. - And I'd like to become your friend. - You're what?! Angel exclaims. - A fag. Neo says quietly.


  • And here he comes! I declare as Brian enters the room. - The sixteen-yearold! So, here we are, me, Brian and Julia, in mine and Brian's room, awaiting the impending apoca... I mean birthday. Sorry, brain... too much heart-of- darknessy BuffyTVS. - Now, now, I'm not sixteen yet. Brian says. - You will be in cirka 17 hours, 45 minutes and 23 seconds and counting. I say after throwing a quick look at my wrist-watch. I then caress the friendship-bracelet next to my watch. - So, what are you getting me? Brian fishes for clues. - I'm not telling ya'! I say stubbornly and Brian pouts. - That won't help. Julia tried the same thing and I didn't tell her! - He didn't tell you?! Brian exclaims while looking at Julia. - Nope. Julia says and pouts. - So, it must be something huge! Silence... silence... - Oh, gotta run. Julia suddenly exclaims. - Gotta do some... preparing for... tonight's "I Love Lucy"-marathon. Good cover-up. Why not just say "come to Philip's surprise party!"? - Bye! I bid Julia. And so, she's off. - Now, you better prepare for the party that Neo's throwing you and remember to get back here as soon as it ends so that I can give you my gift. I instruct Brian. - Are you sure that you don't want to come? Brian wonders. - And face all of those horrid and wretched people that are your jock- and cheerleader-peers? I ask sarcastically. - No, thank you.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 12, Season finale - Ferme Tes Yeux ['Ferm tesjieu']

Close Your Eyes

  • So, are you sure of that you don't mind me going out with Miranda tonight? Brian asks me. - Naah. I say. - She's your friend. I have no right to ask you to stop seeing her. Ha! That slut can rot in Hell! - No even after the kiss-incident? Brian wonders. - You don't feel like you just want to choke her or something? - Don't tempt me! I warn him. - Do you want to go out or not? - I'm moving! Brian quickly says. - Move on! I chuckle. - You're so good to me. Brian sighs and then kisses me on the lips. Of course, our dorm room is closed and the blinds are drawn. But it's still good! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, bad boy! Bad boy! Bad boy bad boy! Down, you bad boy! No! No leaking! Damn... gotta change underwear again... We break the kiss and Brian ruffles my hair. Love it when he does that! - Well, see ya'. I bid Brian farewell as he heads out the door. A moment of silence follows as I stood there, the door closed and with Brian gone. - Finally, I can continue making his gift. I chuckle and walk over to my desk. Well, it's not really mine. Anywho, I open up the top drawer of my desk and pull out the secret gift that I'm working on; an album with photos of me and Brian. I know that it's not much, but it's personal. I know that he probably never will show it to his "friends", but I'll live... I hope.

  • Philip...! Brian calls out and I hear him fumble with his keys from outside our room. Shit! I hurriedly stuff the album back into the drawer and then go to unlock the door. But before I have the chance to, Brian unlocks it on the outside and storms in. - Oh, I missed it! He groans. - You were trying to see what I'm giving you, weren't you? I accussed. - Well, yeah. He said and smiled. - Anyway, I feel, like, I can't stand it anymore. - What? I wonder. - I'm ready. He says. - I wanna "do it". - No. I say. - Your virginity shouldn't be lost just like that. I lost mine on a whim and now regret it. So, I chose to save my first kiss for the person I love; you. Why not do it tonight, the first night of your sixteenth year? It's a really special occassion. And I think that I've been enough of a cock-tease now. To that last part, I add a smile, which then turns into a sly grin. - I'm up for that! Brian says and smiles. - I'm up for that! He emphathizing that last "up", insinuating that something else is up, like a big hard, pulsing...! - Philip! Brian exclaims and awakens me from my reverie. - Yah? I ask. - I saw that dreaming look on your face and furthermore...! Brian starts saying and then grabs my crotch through my pants, feeling my hard little bad boy up. - Oh, you traitor! I yell down at my crotch. - Down boy, down! - So, you were thinking about what I think that you were thinking about! Brian accuses me, empathizing the first "were". - I confess! I say. - That's my boy. Brian says and gives my bad boy a couple of pats and squeezes before removing his hand. - Which "boy" are you talking about? I quiz him and give him a quick peck on the lips and a grab to his crotch. - Me or my "boy"? - Oh, I'll let you figure that one out yourself. Brian chuckles.

  • He begged you to take him?! Julia exclaims. - Well, kinda. I say and blush. Well, we are sitting in a public café. Sex isn't a really good topic to discuss openly and loudly in public. - And you said no?! Julia groans loudly. - You said no?! A voice could be heard and when I look around, I see that every single person in the entire café have their eyes gluded onto us. - Yes, I said no!!!! I groan and everyone looks away. - I mean, not just like that. His virginity... he should save it... for tonight!!! - Ooh. Julia leers at me. - I know that dirty look! I exclaim. - And you ain't watching! She frowns and then chuckles. - Well, me and Dimitri will get there soon, too. She laughs. - Yeah, well, my money's on that me and Dimitri will get there sooner! I retort, empathizing "me". - Oh, you manstealer, you...! Julia growls. - Now, now, girl and queen, you're both pretty. Robin's voice could suddenly be heard and he walks up to us... wearing an apron. - An apron? I ask. - I know that you're straight, but, an apron?! Even straight guys should know that aprons are not things to wear in public. And that's with "not" empathized. - I work here, you numbskull. Robin groans. - Robin said numbskull!!!! Julia and I exclaim in unison. - Watch out! The world's gonna end! I exclaim and Julia mocks a look of desperation. A moment of silence... some giggling from behind us and Julia and I both grin at Robin. - So, you're a bus boy? Julia grins at Robin. - Yes. Robin groans with his head bowed down in mock shame. - Well, at least I'm earning money. - Oh, I earn money too. I say. - I have this website full och gay-porno and...! - Please, no details! Julia exclaims. - Tell me more, tell me more! Robin exclaims. - Did you get very far? - Well, I'll tell you more, tell you more...! I sing back melodically. - Say, do you have a car? - Bup, bup, bup, bup, woo, woo, bup, bup. Julia sings while doing some hand movements. - Summer loving, had me a blast. I sing. - Summer loving, happened so fast. Robin sings. - Met a g... uy crazy for me! I sing. - Met a guy as cute as can be! Robin sings. - Summer days, drifting away, but, oh, oh, those summer nights! Julia sings. - Wella, wella, wella, uh! We can suddenly hear many voices sing and turn our heads to be greeted by the gang, minus Neo, who now is a member, Brian and us, of course, coming towards us. We all stop singing, look at each other and burst out laughing. - I never knew making an ass of yourself in public could be so much fun! I laugh. - Speaking of ass...! I leer at Angel, who just blushes. - Why this devotion to my ass? He questions me. - Oh, I don't know, because it's so round and delicious-looking? I say and blink, all innocently and all. - Oh, gross! Anastasia exclaims. - Anyway, ready? Aqua asks. - For what? Julia wonders. - The party, of course! Ignis groans. - I mean, we've gotta finish setting everything up before Neo's party ends. I throw a quick look at my wrist-watch and see that it's already four thirty in the afternoon. Neo's party ends at six and Brian should be back around six thirty. And I haven't even finished making the album!!!!! - Move it!!! I cry and we all hurry back to the dorms.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 12, Season Finale - Je Suis Un Fugit ['Jieu Suizun Fudji']

I'm A Runaway


Ah... my sweet sixteen. Here we all are, in Neo's huge dorm halls, having a a sweet sixteen birthday party for me. Oops... a hickup... why is my nose so red and hot? Maybe I should stop taking these what's-their-name-shots... and the beers... - Hi ya, Brian. I hear a familiar voice say. - Ah, Miranda. I slur when I see two Mirandas approaching me. - I haven't seen you since I ditched you at the bar. - Yeah, you know, it was really mean of you to do that. Miranda groans. - Come, I want to show you something! She takes me by the hand and drags me up some stairs and into a room. She then takes me to a window and points at the sky. - See that constellation? She giggles. - Yah? I ask. - That's the constellation you taught me the name of on our very first date... the Gemini. Silence... she then looks at me with a dreaming look on her face and I bet I had the same look on mine since I was drunk. - Kiss me. She giggles. - Sure. I say and give Miranda a peck on the lips. - You know that I want more than that. Miranda says and put her hands on her hips. - You know that I'm already... involved. I say slightly hesitantly. - Yeah, you just won't tell me with whom. She says and pouts. - Well, you wouldn't believe me. I say. - Try me. Miranda says. - Naah. I say and walk closer to her. - Oh. She exclaims when she suddenly drops her purse. It cracked open at the impact with the floor and its contents spilled out onto the floor. She immediately went down on her knees to pick up the items. - Here, I'll help you. I say and join her, scrambling for stuff on the floor. Our faces come close together and then touch. We instantly pull back and stared into each other's eyes. - You know when I told you to kiss me? Miranda asks. - Yeah. I say hoarsely, my throat ll dry. I wonder if it's the alcohol or the situation. - I meant it. Miranda says. - Yeah. I say and lean in and let my and Miranda's lips meet. Our lips part and our tongues dart out to "wrestle" together in a moment of inhibited passion. Miranda reaches out and put her hands over mine. Suddenly, the a bursting sound could be heard and my wrist feel slightly different. But I just shrug it off and confinue kissing her.


  • There. I say as I finish pasting a picture of the two of us watching the sunset from the edge of a cliff, back to back, into the last page of the album. - I can't believe Julia had the nerve to photograph us in secret and then slip it under our dorm door. I close the album up and then fold my arms around my chest. Suddenly, a ripping sound can be heard and I feel movement from my left wrist. I don't even have to look. I know what that has happened as the friendship-bracelet that used to be tied around my wrist falls to the floor. A tear trickles down my face and falls over the back of the album. - No! I sob. Never once do I even have to look down to know that the bracelet is no longer on my wrist. It can't be true! I look down, just to be sure, and there it is, mocking me.


  • Miranda. I sigh as I arise from the bed. I'm sweaty all over and my hair is disheveled. The only garment I have on are my boxers, also these disheveled. - What? You don't like cuddling after "doing the deed"? Miranda whines in mocked disappointment. My mind... it's reeling and my head's pounding slightly. I hate alcohol!!!! And why is my mind so foggy?! - I just remembered that there was something important that I had to do today. I say and rub my head. - I just don't remember what it is. - It's your birthday. Miranda says. - Maybe your "someone" has planned this huge surprise party for you or something. My "someone"? Philip! Oh my God, what have I done?! And what's that lying on the floor? - Oh no! I exclaim when I realize that it's my friendship-bracelet. It burst! I hurriedly throw my clothes back on and pick the bracelet up. - Hey, where are you going?! Miranda exclaims. - I've gotta get back to the dorm! I exclaim. - Why? Miranda wonders. - Because my boyfriend is waiting for me. I snap at her. Frankly, I don't care anymore. Why not let her know that I'm gay/bi? I've got bigger problems right now. Like, did Philip's bracelet burst too? - Boyfriend?! Miranda exclaims. - So what does that make me? Definitely not the other woman. - Just shut up! I snap at her. - I've got to get back there. - Suit yourself. Miranda snorts and reaches out for her hairbrush, which is lying on the floor. - It's your loss. With that said, she starts brushing her hair. Meanwhile, I have managed to button my shirt and cut-offs and jump into my shoes. I throw the door open and start running as fast as I can. - What a moron. I can hear Miranda groan from behind me. - Leaving the queen for a queenie.

  • Ah! Ah! Ah! I breathe heavily as I reach my dorm. I open the door and stagger inside. It's totally dark, for some strange reason, and I stumble around for a while, searching for a light-switch. Suddenly, the lights go on, revealing the entire party, even Neo, minus Philip. - Surprise!!! Everyone yells and I almost fell over backwards. - Oh my god! I exclaim. I give the room a quick lookover. Everyone's standing in front of a huge cake, a table of refreshments and a banner that reads "Happy B-day, B". Oh, how sweet. Philip's must've done that. I recognize the way its written. Oh my God, Philip! - Hey, don't thank us. Derek says in a muffled voice, obviously from having cake in his mouth. Angel glares at him and slaps him on his head. - I told you not to eat anything before Brian got here! He yells at Derek. - Philip planned the entire thing. He even drew the banner. Derek says after swallowing the cake in his mouth and then glares at Angel. I stare at the banner, which is hanging down the ceiling, with horizontal letters that read "Happy B-day, B" and with beautiful cherubs drawn around the letters, each one unique in its own way. - Where is he? I ask, growing panicky. - Last time I saw him, he was finishing up your gift in your room. Angel says. - I walked in on him and he didn't have time to hide the gift from me. It was really nice of him to make a...! - Take some cake! Julia quickly shouts and shoves a slice of cake into Angel's mouth to muffle him. Angel chews hurriedly and then swallows. - What I intended to say, before Julia so rudely tried to suffocate me with that piece of cake was that it was nice of him to make a personal thing. Angel snarls and glares at Julia. - Well, sorr-y. Julia says an shrugs her shoulders. - Yeah, yeah. Very cute. I say and run up the stairs. I arrive at mine and Philip's door and fumble with the keys. I finally find the right one and let it touch the door. The door opens on its own, obviously already open, and I just stare at the sight which greets me. Philip's half of the room is completely empty. No clothes, papers with stuff drawn on them, pens, books or pictures lying everywhere, as they usually do. All of his closets are open and also empty. Even his sheets and pillows were gone. In front of me lay an album labeled "Cherished Memories". I picked it up and browse through the pages. - Brian, what's going on? Robin wonders. He must've followed me up the stairs. - He's left...! I sigh. All of the pictures inside of the album have been torn apart, the remains of them scattered all over the room. There are also noticeable wet spots, probably from tears, all over the pages. On one of them, there was also a drop of blood, and when I lift the album up from the table, I notice an inscription on it, written in blood. "I hate you! I hope that you die!" it reads. - Why? Zeira, who just arrived, along with the rest of the gang, wonders. - Because he knew. I sigh and clutch the friendship-bracelet, which is in my right hand. - It broke? Neo wonders. - I guess his did at the same time. Angel says. - Look. He points at the friendship-bracelet, identical to mine, that lay at the foot of the desk. - But why? Dominique wonders. - Because I cheated...! I say quietly, ashamed of myself. - You what?!?! Everyone else exclaims. - Yeah, I admit it. I'm a pig. I sob as tears start streaming down my face. - While Philip was back here, planning this party and making me this wonderful gift, I slept with my classmate Miranda. I gave my virginity to another person on my birthday. - Well, then he did right in leaving you! Anastasia growls. - Yeah! Zeira snaps. - I don't blame him a bit! - I have to agree with them. Victor says quietly. - Scum! Julia yells at my. Everyone's against me... not that I can blame them. I'm so mad at myself that I could just kick myself, if I only could! Argh! How could I do this to him?! After all that I've put him through, and now this?! - Now, now, let's just calm down. Robin interferes. - Alright. Aqua says. - How about we all go to our rooms and calm down, eh, guys? - Yeah! All of the girls agree and leave for their rooms. - We'll just do the same...! Neo says and drags Victor with him. - Er... we'll just... hum...! Derek stutters. - Go! I cry and Derek and Angel flee the scene. - Brian, I just want you to know that...! Thunderbolt start saying when I stop him. - Don't. I say and wipe the tears from my face. - Don't say another word. I just want to be left alone right now. - I guess we should leave. Robin says and the rest of the guys leave. I close the door behind them and then lock it. I'm all alone now, in more senses than one. And I have nobody to blame but myself. I then throw myself onto my bed and cry into my pillow while looking at Philip's bed. I can still see him, lying there, smiling at me. The smile suddenly turns into a frown and the image of him disappears. Not even in my fantasies, I can keep him with me anymore.


So, here, I am, at the bus station. I clutch my bus ticket and kick the suit-cases, which I have at my feet a little as I wait for the bus to come. The bus arrives after a while and I load my luggage onto the bus and find my seat and sit down. - Good bye, guys. I sigh.

To be continued...

The next season, Not A Perfect Sophomore, will be posted in around the 20th of August. It's already done, but I have to let the cliff-hanger take its toll on you, now, don't I? Like when Philip died in NAPL and people actually thought that I was gonna let him die!!!! ;^) Ain't I mean? ;^P Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

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Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Gratzie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Dziekuje! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 20: Not a Perfect Sophomore 1

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