Not a Perfect Love

Published on May 11, 2001


Disclaimer: The following story is pure fiction and a mere figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to anyone, dead or alive, is pure coincidence. However, if such a resemblance exists, please email me and tell me all about it!!!! :^)

Hi guys. This is my first story. I can tell you right now that there'll be no sex. This'll simply be a love story, a little "spin-off series" of the sci-fi/fantasy novel that I am writing on my spare time.

Hope that you'll like it.

"I look upon you, And though I just can't understand, I smile the widest smile, 'Cause it's all working out just fine,"



And now, with further ado, I mean without further ado, onto the story!!!!!!

NOT A PERFECT LOVE Chapter 02 - Could This Be True Love?

  • So why are you staring at me? Brian wondered. - Huh? Philip, who obviously had just been snapped out of a dreamy state, wondered. - You were staring at me, as if you were in deep thought. Brian foretold Philip, who just looked puzzled. - And you had this cu... I mean weird little grin on your face. And also, you spilled most of the ice-cream on your cone onto your tee-shirt. - What?! Philip exclaimed and looked down at his shirt. But there wasn't any ice-cream there and suddenly, Philip could hear Brian laugh and immediately realized that something was up. - You... you...! Philip cried in mock anger. - You're so gullable. Brian giggled. - Am not! Philip cried. - So how are you doing? Brian wondered. - In school I mean. Junior year's just started. - Well... don't know actually. Philip said and grinned sheepishly. - I used to get good grades in graduate school, but here, it's all so hard to get. Maybe that's because I'm not from America. I'm here on a scholarship. - Well, you speak English incredibly well for a non-American. Brian giggled. - Well, I did have an A in English ever since we started getting grades, in eight grade, which I personally thought was too late. Philip started babbling. - Whoa, slow down. Brian said. - It's not like this is the first and only time that we'll ever meet. We'll have other dates you know. - So that's what that is! Philip giggled. - Yeah. Brian said and put on a serious face. - I paid for this meal, so you better put up when we get back to the school dorms tonight! - Seriously, what room are you in? Philip wondered. - 412. Brian said and ate the last of the ice-cream on his cone. - No way! Philip exclaimed and almost choked on his cone. - That's my room! I guess we're roommates! - Well, well, well. Brian laughed. - Oh my God, it's getting late! Philip suddenly exclaimed when he threw a quick glance at his wristwatch. - We better get back to our room. I've got an early class tomorrow. - I've got Mrs. Sphzelslinski's homeroom. Brian proclaimed and gulped down the last of the crust on his cone. - I've got Mrs. Feldman's homeroom. Philip foretold Brian and they both let out a sigh of disappointment. Philip quickly ate his cone up and then grinned sheepishly. - You see, I used to be in Mr. Sphzelslinski's class, but the principal decided it was too easy to me, so I got to advance into Mrs. Feldman's class! He said and provocatively stuck his tongue out at Brian. - Right back at ya! Brian said and stuck his tongue out at Philip. The two put their tongues back into their mouths and then smiled at each other. - You know, it feels like I've known you for my entire life. Brian foretold Philip. - Same here. Philip said. With that said, the two stood up and left the ice-cream bar. They went straight to their dorm room and entered using Philip's key. - I'll have to get a key from the super tomorrow. Brian said. Philip swung the door open and then dashed into the room and threw himself onto his bed. Brian entered and closed the door and then gasped at the sight that greeted him. Clothes were lying everywhere, as were drawings, mostly of other-wordly creatures and Manga characters. A desk was placed in the lower left corner. It had a computer on it and was stacked with books, papers and comics. Two beds were in the room, one located on the upper right corner of the room and the other on the upper left. A door was linking to the dorm room. It was ajar and you could see that it revealed a bathroom. Between the beds was a big nightstand with a clock-radio on it. In the lower right corner of the room were two big closets, one open and empty and the other closed and so full that it looked like it would burst open any minute. - When was the last time you cleaned this place up? Brian wondered. - Oh, yesterday. Philip groaned with his face stuck into his pillow. Brian groaned and then went to work, cleaning the place up. After finishing the job, he went over to his bed, which was nicely made, and laid down. - I don't even have the energy to brush my teeth. He groaned and then looked over at Philip. He heard light snoring and smiled at that. - This'll be an interesting three years. He said and then closed his eyes. The next morning, Brian woke up by the sounds of the shower running. Just seconds after that, Philip emerged from the bathroom with only a pair of boxers on and blue hair that was dripping wet. - Hi. He greeted Brian. - Good morning. - Uh... hi. Brian greeted Philip back, dazed. Philip suddenly realized that he was only wearing a pair of boxers and blushed lightly, which didn't go unnoticed past Brian. Philip hurriedly dashed over to his closet, opened it, revealing a big pile of clothes and digged up a black tee-shirt, a pair of loose blue jeans and a dark-brown vest. He put the three items on in the right order and then put some socks on. - Breakfast will be in about thirty minutes. He foretold Brian, who'd gotten out of bed and was currently brushing his teeth. - Think that you can get ready by then? - Sure. Brian said in a muffled voice since he had a toothbrush in his mouth. Half an hour later, the two walked off towards the school cafeteria. Philip was quicker than Brian and therefor sat down an empty table, about to save a seat for Brian, when Julia suddenly barged over and sat down on the seat opposite to Philip. - So, why did you ditch me yesterday? She demanded to get to know. - Well, you know that cute blonde guy? Philip quizzed Julia. - Yeah. She said. - Well, he ran into me, literally, and then asked for directions to the bathroom. Philip foretold Julia. - No way!!! Julia exclaimed, way too loud, and then calmed down.

Chapter 02 - Entertwining Futures

  • No way. She said quietly to Philip. - So... did you get a good look at "little blondie"? - Julia, what kind of a perverse little boy do you think that I...! Philip started faking and then grinned. - Oh, I got an eye-full alright! It was so incredibly... something that you'll have to see for yourself. - Uhhh!! Julia groaned in frustration. - You're such a tease! - Well, as it turned out, his name was Brian. Philip continued to tell Julia about the boy of his dreams. - He took me out for ice-cream and as it turned out, he was my new roommate. - No way!!!! Julia exclaimed, way too loud, once more and then calmed down again. - Did you get a good look at his hot bod? - No, not yet, but I think that he got a good look at mine. Philip said and grinned sheepishly while blushing lightly. - I forgot about him this morning and walked out of the shower in just my boxers and there he was, lying in his bed. - Oh, wait, here he comes now. Julia said. - I better go. See ya' later. With that, she set off, right before Brian arrived and sat down on the seat to Philip's left. - So who was that blonde girl? He asked before taking a big bite out of a chicky bit. - My best friend, Julia. Philip foretold Brian and took a sip from his glass of orange-juice. - I only heard bits and pieces of the conversation. Brian said. - The only words I could make out were, of course, NO WAY and also BRIAN. So... you talked about me? With that said, he gulped down an entire chicky bit in one big bite and then took a sip of his glass of orange-juice. - Yeah, she wanted to know why I ditched her yesterday, so I had to tell her about how you, oh, so innocently, ran into me and that I just couldn't resist when you offered me free ice-cream. Philip foretold Brian. - Okay. Brian said and shrugged, indicating that he bought the excuse. - You know, for breakfast, chicky bits are a really bad choice. He then stated. - Yeah, but who can complain? Philip asked and gulped an entire chiky bit down in one big bite. - At my old school, you'd be so lucky if you ever even got to have chiky bits. We got fish, like, every other day. - What school from hell did you go to? Brian chuckled and took a sip out of his glass of orange-juice. - Edbo High. Philip answered the question. - It's in Sweden. He quickly added when he saw the confused look that Brian got and just like that, the confused look was gone. - So... today is Saturday. Brian said. - What do you want to do today? - You want to hang out with me? Philip wondered. - Sure. Brian chuckled. - Why wouldn't I? - Well, I've never been social. Philip said and shrugged. - I guess it was a big surprise that a guy actually wanted to spend time with me, asking for it himself. - Well, you and Julia seem to be close. Brian stated. - Oh, that's different, Bri. Philip said. - Bri? Brian wondered. - Bri. Philip said and the two nodded. The two stood up, grabbed their plates and then went over to a wagon, which's purpose was for people to put their finished trays on, and put them down on it. - How is it different? Brian asked as the two walked out of the cafeteria and into the school yard. - Dunno. Philip said. - I guess it's 'cause she's... Julia. The ever so annoying, talkative yentl of a girl. - So... have you two been... involved or something? Brian wondered. - Naah. Philip said. Suddenly, Philip noticed a change in Brian. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he could swear that Brian seemed happier. - I suddenly feel a lot happier. Brian proclaimed. - Let's go... shopping! - Shopping? Philip wondered. - What? Brian wondered. - It's just that you're the first guy who's actually wanted to go shopping with me. - It's fun. Brian chuckled. - Well, it's kinda fun to look at all of the stuff that you'll never be able to afford and then try them on, without any commitments. - Alright. Philip said. - We've done our homework and all. I say we go shopping! - Give me five! Brian shouted and made a "high-five" motion with his left hand towards Philip, catching him off guard and hitting him in the face. - Ouch!!! Philip exclaimed and clutched his nose, which started to redden a little. - Whoops... sorry! Brian apologized. - Justh' remint' me thou' wear an armoth' the netst time thath we meeth. Philip slurred. - Alright, alright. Brian said. - You don't have to mock me! He looked up at the sun, revolving amongst the clouds, and smiled. He then fished a pair of sunshades out of his shirt pocket and put them on his head. After looking over at Philip, who'd now let go of his nose, his smile widened. - Maybe Junior Year won't be so bad, after all. He thought for himself.

So... that was the second chapter my "Not A Perfect Love" series. Hope that you guys liked it. More chapters will come shortly.

Write to me at

Next: Chapter 3

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