Not a Perfect Love

Published on May 11, 2001


Disclaimer: The following story is pure fiction and a mere figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to anyone, dead or alive, is pure coincidence. However, if such a resemblance exists, please email me and tell me all about it!!!! :^)

Hi guys. This is my first story. I can tell you right now that there'll be no sex. This'll simply be a love story, a little "spin-off series" of the sci-fi/fantasy novel that I am writing on my spare time.

Hope that you'll like it.

"The sound of your voice, The scent of your hair, The sparkle in your eyes, Light up a flair,"



And now, with further ado, I mean without further ado, onto the story!!!!!!

NOT A PERFECT LOVE Chapter 03 - The Boys' Day Out

  • "You'd always be there in the corner... of this tiny little bar." A female voice could be heard singing from inside of a records store. - That song sounds familiar. Brian stated. - It's called "Eyes On Me" and was the song that was played during the ending of Final Fantasy 8. Philip foretold Brian. - It was sung by a Chinese girl called Faye Wong. - Wow, you sure know a lot about that song. Brian chuckled. - Well, I've got it in five different versions. Philip giggled. - You're weird. Brian chuckled. - But you still love me, don't ya'? Philip cracked a joke. - Yeah. Brian chuckled. The two spent the rest of the day walking from shop to shop, mostly clothing shops, at their local mall, laughing and joking. They finished the shopping spree, free from actual shopping, with a nice ice-cream each at the local Dairy Queen. - Brian!!!! A voice could suddenly be heard. - Oh my God, what an annoying sound!!! Philip thought to himself. - It sounds like nails on a chalkboard! A girl with curly brown hair, chestnut eyes and wearing a white blouse and an extremely short skit ran up to Brian and gave him a quick him. - Oh my God, I can't believe how short that skirt is! Philip thought to himself as he glared at the girl. - Err... Philip, this is Miranda. Brian started the appropiate introductions. - Mirandra, Philip. - And just who is this bomb shell? Philip asked, putting on a happy face. - She's my...! Brian started saying and was then rudely interrupted by Mirandra. - ... he's girlfriend. Miranda finished Brian's sentence. So... that was the second chapter my "Not A Perfect Love" series. Hope that you guys liked it. More chapters will come shortly.

Chapter 03 - Tears

  • Oh, his girlfriend! Philip said in a high pitched tone. He then cleared his throat. - How funny that he hasn't told me about you yet. - Oh, he's always like that. Mirandra giggled. - Always trying to hide the fact of that we're together. - I bet. Philip thought to himself and faked a laugh. It felt as if his world had just been smashed into pieces. It would've been one thing if Brian had been single and the two could have these days out, but now that he had a girlfriend, the possibility of the two boys getting together seemed like a million to one. - I'm so happy for you! Philip said, once more in a high pitched voice. - Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to have caught her. Brian chuckled. - Oh, I've gotta go! Mirandra suddenly exclaimed. - I just stopped by to say hi. Zeira is waiting for me at Macy's. Bye! With that said, she was gone, as fast as lighting. - So... why didn't you tell me about her? Philip wondered. - Well, we've only known each for one day. Brian pointed out. - It's a miracle that we're even this close. - Sorry. Philip sighed. - It just felt weird with her here. - Oh, are we jealous? Brian chuckled. - No, we're not! Philip snarled and blushed lightly. - He! He! Brian grinned. The two continued talking for a while and then stood up. - It's getting late. Philip pointed out. - We better get back to campus. - Yeah. Brian agreed and nodded. The two set off towards the exit of the mall, laughing and shoving each other.

  • So, how did it go? Julia wondered. The two were sitting at a bench on campus as students walked back and forth from all around them. A slight breeze was blowing through the air, making Philip's loose white tee-shirt dance. - Not very good. Philip sighed. - He's got a girlfriend. - Well I guess in your case, the best guys are either married or straight. Julia joked. - Hey! I'm heart-broken here! Philip protested. - Well, sorry. Julia said. - I didn't know that you were that hot'n'heavy with this guy. She continued, empathizing the second "that" in the sentence. - Well, I don't know. Philip said. - I've never felt like this about anyone. - Well, if it's any consolation, I haven't found anyone either. Julia sighed. - Well, that's a shocker! Philip laughed out loud. - What's that supposed to mean?! Julia exclaimed. - Well, what do you think that it means? Philip chuckled. - That I'm non-attractive? Julia questioned Philip while glaring at him. - No. Philip said and Julia's glare vanished. - I mean that you're just too self-absorbed, obnoxious and childish! - Ooh!!! You!!!! Julia cried and the two them burst out laughing. - Well, at least we've got each other. Julia sighed when they had stopped laughing. - Oh good lord! Philip exclaimed. - What if it's still like this in fifteen years? Us two, complaining over our lack of men. - How awful!! Julia exclaimed. - I agree! Philip cried. - We've gotta get ourselves some men, fast! Suddenly, the bell rang, announcing the next class. - P.E. Philip groaned. - Well, at least you'll get to see Brian in his boxers. Julia said. - All that I'm gonna see is Claudia Monroe flaunting her big boobs around.

  • Huh? Brian wondered. He'd just been awakened by something. By what, he wasn't sure. He looked over at Philip and saw that he was talking in his sleep. - Brian...! Philip uttered quietly. - Me? Brian thought. - Oh, Brian, kiss me! - What?!?!?! Brian exclaimed. Philip awoke with a jerk and tumbled to the floor, hitting his head on the nightstand. - What the heck did you do that for?! He cried and rubbed the sore spot that he had hit his head on the nightstand. - You said... kiss me... Brian. Brian stuttered. - I what?! Philip exclaimed. - You must've heard wrong. - I clearly heard you say it! Brian shouted. - Ok, ok, I give. Philip said and put his hands in the air in submission. He climbed back on top of his bed and then cocked his head towards Brian. - I'm gay, ok? He said. - I'm queer, I'm here, get used to it. Of, by the way, I like you. Not friend-like you by boyfriend-like you. So, if you feel uncomfortable, you're free to go and find yourself a new roommate. I've had three roommates P.B, pre Brian that is. They all left when they found out that I was gay. - Don't worry. Brian said and gave Philip a warm smile. - I won't leave just because you're gay. - You're not? Philip wondered. - I mean, who am I to judge. Brian chuckled. - But that you like me as in boyfriend-like me sounds pretty interesting. - Of, let's just bury that subject really deep and never dig it up again. Philip suggested. - No, no, no, no, no. Brian said. - You just dropped a bomb shell on me, so spill. Just how much do you boyfriend-like me? - Well, I felt as if I could just wring Miranda's neck when I heard that she was your girlfriend. - Oh. Brian leered. - But that would've spoiled the mood. - Yah. Philip said and shrugged. - Alright, alright. Deeper! Brian demanded, as giddy as a kid on Christmas Eve. - Any forbidden fantasies about me? - Well, I was planning on blindfolding you, tying you up, throw you on my bed and then do something incredibly...! Philip started foretelling in a low voice, almost a murmur, pulling Brian's leg. - Private. - What?! Brian exclaimed. - My sexual fantasies are my business! Philip said. - Well, what if I tell you about all of mine? Brian suggested. - We could trade. - No thanks. Philip said, rejecting the offer. - But if you'd let me demonstrate it...! - Sure! Brian said. - What?! Philip exclaimed. - Just wait here for a moment and let me get things ready. Brian said and walked over to the closet and started digging around. After a moment, he emerged, holding a mansized teddybear. - Tadaa!! He yelled and presented the item to Philip. - Work you magic on it. C'mon. Show me those dirty fantasies! Suddenly, before Brian could even blink, he got struck in the head by a pillow. He immediately dropped the teddybear. He also lost his balance, which caused him to fall down on the floor. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Philip laughed. Suddenly, Brian picked the pillow up and flung it back at Philip. It hit Philip right in the face and then fell to the bed. - Well, we better clean up and get some sleep. Brian said. - Sure. Philip groaned.

The next morning, the two friends were sitting at a table in the school cafeteria when Julia walked up to them and joined them. - Hi, Jules. Brian greeted her. - Jules?! Julia exclaimed and took a mouthful milk from her glass into her mouth. - Learn to love it, baby. Brian said cockily. - It's your new nick. - Don't mind him. Philip giggled. - By the way, he knows. - Pfft!! Julia spat out her milk. It landed on Philip and Brian, who frowned in unison. - Julia!! Philip groaned. - Sorry! Julia apologized. - It's just that you can't just tell me something like that as if it doesn't matter. - Well, the feeling wasn't mutual, so it really doesn't. Philip said and shrugged. - It isn't? Julia wondered. - Yah, but I won't move out or anything, like his last roommates. Brian proclaimed. - I'm gonna stand by my gay man... 'til he finds himself a man that'll get me off the hook. - So now I'm just some kind of a burden to you? Philip quizzed Brian while putting on a mock hurt look. - Errr...! Brian mumbled and looked as if he was in deep thought. - Yah. - Bastard!! Philip and Julia cried in unison and then grinned at each other. - Hey, Julia! A voice called out. - Oh, Robin! Julia exclaimed. A blonde boy with sandy-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, wearing a black tee-shirt and a pair of black jeans, walked over to the three friends. - Philip and Brian, this is Robin. Julia made the necessary introductions. - Robin, this is Philip and Brian. - A pleasure to meet you. Robin said and smiled at the boys. - Same here. Philip and Brian said in unison. - So, are you game for tonight? Robin wondered. - Sure. Julia said. - I'll show those Elementa Sisters that I'm the greatest dancer there is! She looked over at Philip, grinning. But her grin faded away when she saw that he was peering at her. - Here at Hereditary High! She cried. - Sheez. - Well, gotta run, bye, guys. Robin said and left. - Well, this is just perfect. Philip groaned. - What? Julia wondered. - You'll go out with that Robin character and those Elementa Sisters, Brian will probably go out with Miranda, his girlfriend, may her hair fall off. Philip explained. - And I'll sit alone in my room, along like a dog. - But you won't be alone. Brian said and gave Philip a pat on his head. - Oh? Philip wondered. - The teddybear will be there. Brian said and grinned. - You could manifest all of those dirty fantasies about me on it. - Oh, why I oughta...! Philip snarled and smacked Brian upside the head. - Well, I'd love to stay and continue watching this episode of "Trouble In Paradise", but I've gotta go get the necessary books for my next class. Julia stated. - I'll see you guys later. With that said, she stood up and left. - Well, we should get going too. Philip sighed. - P.E. again. Then, his face lit up and a dopey grin appeared on his face. - You just remembered that you're gonna get to see my semi-naked hot buff body again, didn't you? Brian leered at him. The two stood up and started walking towards their lockers. - Did not! Philip lied. - Did too! Brian declared. - Did not! Philip protested. - Did too! Brian leered. - Did not! Philip snarled. - Did too! Brian proclaimed. - Did too! Philip growled, hoping to trick Brian. - Did n...! Brian started saying and then his face lit up in realization. - Nice try, bubby. He chuckled. - Buffy? What are you, a Jew? Philip wondered. - Yeah. Brian said. - Well, I've only got one question. Philip said. - Shoot. Brian said nonchalantly. - Do you prefer to be called a schmuck or a schmageggie? Philip leered at Brian. - Oh, shut up! Brian growled.

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Next: Chapter 4

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