Not a Perfect Love

Published on Jun 21, 2001


So, here's a little new twist! A new disclaimer! Ok, so, here's the deal, see. I am the copyright holder of this story. It may not be posted anywhere without my conscent, nor is it allowed to use it on a paysite.

This is my first story involving boy-boy love, so it might not be the greatest of all, but hey, I'm only 16! Anyway, this story will not contain any sex, whatsoever. There might be scenes implying on that the characters do have sex, but if that is the case, the scene will not be graphically described.

Also, a new feature in the second season is the "episodial quote". This week's quote is:

Taken from: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Season II Angel: "In the end, bad things happen. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's what makes you the person you are."

NOTE: Oh by the way, I know that I said that the second season would be called "Not A Perfect Life", but it's now been renamed "Not A Perfect Summer" (well, duh!). Enjoy!

And, oh, I've had these first 4 chapters of the 2nd season done for over two weeks now, but I've been holding them just to make you guys plotz because of the major cliffhanger in the season finale of the 1st season! Ai'nt I just plain evil? Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Anywho, happy reading and please refrain from jumping out of airplanes without a parachute. If you don't have one, go rob the nearest convinience store.

NOTE 2, written 4 weeks after NOTE 1 (2001-06-21: I posted chapters 1-5 of Not A Perfect Summer two weeks ago, but somehow, they haven't been uploaded onto Nifty yet. I just wanted to clarify that it's not my fault that they haven't been up yet. There were some problems converting the name of the 2nd season.

"So, the bond has burst, The promise's been broken, At the top of the world, The forbidden word's been spoken,"


SEASON PREMIER The second season of Not A Perfect Love, Not A Perfect Summer, starts here.


Graveyard... I hate these places. So dark and morbid, only there for mourning and dwelling. - We are gathered here today to honor the memory of a bright young man who died because of a terrible accident. The priest begins his speech. People are gathered around a black coffin. All of them are crying. Me and Brian, we're watching the spectacle from a distance, sitting on a bench. - ...dust to dust...! I hear. So... this is it. - He died...! Brian says quietly. - Yes. I say.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 01 - A New Path

  • He died...! Brian says quietly. - Yes. I say. - The doctor declared him dead. But only moments after, he awoke. Apparently, he had a delayed reaction with the oxygen that was pumped into his blood stream. - I... I wish to see him again, just once. He suddenly says. That he had the nerve! - No. I say. - It's not your call. Brian says. - I want to apologize to him. Do you think that he'd want ne to? - I don't know. I say. - And I don't care! Just go see him. Maybe he's a fool enough to forgive you.


  • Morning...! I utter. I look at the clock and realize that it's actually noon. I must've overslept. But who can wake up in time in a hospital? My heart hurts... as does the rest of my body. But I was lucky to survive. Or did I? I died for a couple of minutes... does that make me dead in the eyes of the law? A sound... walking... a person standing at my bed. I let my gaze rise and I see Brian. - Hi. I say coldly. - I... I want you to have these. He says and puts down a bouqet of flowers and a box of chocolate on the nightstand next to my bed. - Thank you. I mutter. - Why are you here? - I wanted to apologize. He says sincerely. But I don't care. I'm still angry at him. - How could you do that to me?! I demand. - Play with my feelings, kiss me, then reject me and hit me?! - I'm so sorry...! He apologizes. - I don't want to hear anymore. I say. - Just go. - What? He says, caught off guard. - Just leave me alone. I instruct him. - I don't expect you to move out or transfer to another school, but let's just keep an aquantances relationship between us. If we see each other in the halls, I might say "Hi" to you, but no more hanging out or anything. His face drops. - After all that you've done, you should be lucky that I don't move out. I say. - Yes...! He says quietly. With that said, a silence breaks out. A long silence. After about ten minutes in silence, Brian leaves and I look out the window. - I guess I wasn't meant to find my true love...! I sigh. Tears... why am I crying again? Why can't I just stop crying?!


So... this is what it's all come down to. We see each other in school halls and in classes everyday and all he does is either nod or say "Hi" coldly. But I can't blame him, I guess. It's all my fault. And summer break is approaching. Maybe I'll be able to get away and get him out of my mind for a couple of weeks. - And then he just did this yucky little...! Miranda continues rambling on about what her ex-boyfriend once did. I can't believe that I'm actually sitting here during lunch break, listening to all of this crap! - Oh, excuse me. I hear someone say and look over their way. There stands Philip together with some guy I'd never seen before. It's obvious that they'd just bumped into each other since they're straightening themselves up.


  • Oh, it's no biggy. I chuckle. I can't believe this cutie had just bumped into me. The bad boy in pants had jumped at the impact of our bodies. It's a good thing I'm wearing baggy Adidas pants today. So, here he stands with crewcut bleeched hair, green eyes and a flawless face, wearing a white shirt and a black vest over it and a pair of tight blue jeans that cling to his body like me if he'd let me. - My name's Johan. He introduced himself and offers me his hand. - I'm Philip. I introduce myself. We spend the rest of lunch break chatting. We find out that we've got a lot in common. We both like tencho, dance and rave music, singing, computers, games and Anime. If only he could like boys as much as I do. - So.. you got a girlfriend? I ask him cautiously. - Err... no. He says hesitatingly. - You? - Nope! I say and smile widely. - Me neither. Ok! So... he doesn't have a girlfriend. Maybe he's just a big as a loser as I am. I mean, what are the odds of that he's gay? One to ten? I once had a chance of twelve to one and still lost. - So... you wanna go do something this afternoon after school? He suggests. - I don't know...! I say hesitatingly. - I'm not a very social person. During fifth to nineth grade, I never really hung out with friends often. - Well, you're a High School student now. He says and pats me on my back, sending chills up my spine. - We can go down to the arcade and play The King Of Fighters 2000. - You like The King Of Fighters?! I exclaim. - I thought I was the only one! - No way! He exclaims. - I love it and I've never met anyone else who even knows what it is! Athena Asamiyu rules! - Let's go psycho! I declare. And so, after school, we rush over to the arcade and over to the The King Of Fighters 2000 arcade machine, almost knocking over three people who were standing in our way. - Psycho Ball! I cry as I hit the correct button combination that makes Athena fire off a Psycho Ball. - Psycho Teleport! Johan cries and hits the correct combination that makes Athena teleport a couple of steps ahead, making my Psycho Ball miss. - Darn! I cry and take a swing swing at him with a kick to the ribs. - Ha! Ha! He laughs and counters with a punch in the face. - KO!!! I cry as I take him down with a neck swing. - Darn it! He curses. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I laugh triumphantly. - I'm out of quarters...! He says after checking his pockets. - Me too. I say and we both look at each other and pout. - We could go back to my dorm room. He says. - I've got The King Of Fighters '94 through '99 on my computer! - No kidding! I exclaim. - Me too! So, we debate about whose room we were going to go to and finally decided on Johan's. - "Are you ready"? Blue Mary asked Whip on the screen. - Yes I am! I cry and use my whip to literally whip his butt. - Hey! No fair! He cries. - At least stop jumping about so much so that I can get a hit at you.

  • Ah...! I'm beat. He sighs. Me and him are lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. - I'm home! A voice suddenly calls out. I turn my head and see a guy just as gorgeous as Johan standing at the door. - Who are you? He asks me. - Hi. I'm Philip. I introduce myself to him. He looks at me and I can swear that gives me a glare, if only for a split second. Is this jealousy? - This is David. Johan introduces his friend. I look over at Johan and notice how he looks at David... all glazy-eyed. Oh my God, they are boyfriends! - Well, I've gotta run now. See ya' later. David says and leaves. - So... you two together? I ask Johan blatantly. - What?! He exclaims. - How'd you know that I was gay. - The way you look at him. I say quite simply. - Besides, takes one to know one. - Oh. He says. Silence. - Oh! He then exclaims in realization. - So, you're...! - Queer? I ask. - Yeah. So... how long have you been together? - Oh, I'm just in love with him. He says. - He's straight. - No he's not. I say. - I saw the way he looked at you. He feels the same way. - You think so? He asks. - Hey, your gaydar might be broken, but mine isn't. I say. Actually, I can never tell when a person is gay, but hey, if I can't have him, at least I'll help some other lucky bastard to get him! - And I'm telling ya', he's into you! Waaaay deep! An awkward silence... I hate moments like this, when nobody has anything to say and just sit there awkwardly, mainly because I've experienced so many. - So, where do we go from here? He asks. - Well, if I can't help you, I'll get satisfied helping him get you. I say and then smile misheviously at him. - Or should I say help you get him?

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 01 - The Parent... I mean, The Hunk Trap

  • Got it? I ask him and he nods. - Alright! Initiate operation O.W.L._G.A.Y.S., a.k.a. One-hundred Ways to Land a Gay And Yummy Stud. - We've gotta get a better name or he'll get offended. Johan chuckles. - Hmmm... yeah, right. I say and fake a look that says that I'm in deep thought. - If somebody called me a yummy stud, I'd kick his teeth out. - But how about "Who Wants To Land A Straight Guy"? Johan suggests and I let out a giggle. - Or maybe "In every generation, there is a chosen one. He must stand against the demons, vampires and homophobic forces of the world. He is the Gay Guy"! - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! We both burst out laughing. - No, no, no. He says between giggles. - "Image Is Nothing. Thirst Is Everything" and you know what I'm thirsty for! - You're so vulgar! I giggle. - How about this one? You walk up to him and say "You know, every time I see you, the hard, long, thick, pink little bad boy in my pants starts stirring and vibrating! Ooh! I feel it right now! Oh! Here it comes! My cell-phone!!! - He! He! He! He! He! He giggles. - Seriously, are you ready for this? I ask and he finally manages to stop giggling. - I am. He says. - You have much to learn, young Queer-Di. I say and try to keep a straight face, straining my face muscles as I do so. - Please, teach me, master. Johan says and tries equally as hard as I am to keep a straight face. - May the Fag be with you. I say and start giggling slightly. - Wait! There's something I've got to tell you. - What? He asks. - What? - Luke...! I say with my best Darth Vader voice impression. - I am your...! And then, I strike a pose that says that I'm a flaming homosexual, shaking my hips and wagging my hands in the air. - Mother!!!! With that said, we both burst out laughing out asses off. Hmmm... no where did that ass go? Here, assie, assie, come to papa! - But what about you then? Johan asks me when we finally manage to stop laughing and giggling. - Do you have a guy? - Nope. I say. - But don't cry for me, Johan-Tina. - Hey! He says. - My apologies. I giggle. - But don't worry. I'll just drop over time and again and try to catch you two in the act. That'll keep my satisfied. - Oh, is that all that you want in exchange for helping me? He asks and puts on a sinister face. - Err... you're scaring me here. I say. I actually start to feel scared. - Muahahahaha!!! He laughs all sinistral. - I've got a videocamera!!! - Oh, you're such a dofus. I groan. - He! He! He chuckles. - Well, we better initiate the operation now. I say. - He'll be back any minute. - Alright! Operation Owl_Gays initiated!

  • Hello? David asks as he enters. It's all set up. Johan and I are both undressed down to our undies, lying in bed together. - Err... what's going on here? David asks. - Oh, Philip's sleeping over tonight. Johan says. - And he's sleeping in your bed? David asks. - Well, we don't have any spare bed, so he'll have to. Johan says and shrugs his shoulders. - It's either that or the floor and I don't think that he prefers that. - Well, just don't wake me up in the middle of the night with moaning and panting. David mutters and drags his feet behind him as he walks into the bathroom and slams the door after himself. - Oh, he's crazy about you. I whisper to Johan. - You really think so? Johan asks me all enthusiastic. - Yeah. I say. - Didn't you see that? That's called pure jealousy, denial and bitterness all in one. - Alright, so what's the next step of the plan? Johan asks.

It's night... and it's oh so still. Me and Johan wait until we hear David snoring lightly and then start moving around and making noises. We're both under the covers, so I have to peek out. Bingo! Target's awake and looking our way. - Ooh! Johan! It's so big. I moan and Johan has to put a hand in front of his mouth in order to not burst out giggling. - So long and thick...! - And it's all yours. Johan says, having problems pronouncing the words in between quiet giggles. - All ten inches of it! And I hear a small gasp from David. - Mmm... it taste so good...! I moan and make some licking noises. As I peek out from under the covers, I can see how David is leaning over, still on his bed, closer and closer to us. Then, suddenly, he loses his balance and falls of his bed and lands on the floor with a loud "thud". The impact made the floor shake. - Aha! I cry and jump out from under the covers, grab David and throws him under the covers with Johan. - Hey! What are you doing?! David exclaims. - And just what were you doing spying on us? Johan quizzed David. - I just heard some noises and got curious and...! David stuttered. - By the way, how the heck can it be ten inches?! I've seen it plenty of times in the showers and...! - Aha again! I cry and David blushes. - Oh, you want to see the ten inch monster? Johan questions David. - Well...! David says hesitatingly. - Oh, you know very well that you want to. Johan teases. - Oh, alright, I admit it! David blurted out. - Tada! I shout and present a ten inches long salami to David. - What is this? He asks, baffled. - The ten inch monster that's all mine! I proclaim. - I'll eat it! Literally! - Oh my God...! David groans. - I just made an ass of myself. - Oh, come on! I groan. - Just drop the act and kiss him already! - Do what?! David exclaims and looks at me, then at Johan and then at me again and then back to Johan. Johan and I look at each other and nods twice each. - Do this. Johan whispers lustingly and kisses David right there on the mouth. The kiss seems to go on forever and ever. I swear, it took at least 2 minutes before they broke it to catch their breaths. I'm surprised they didn't suffocate. - Wow... that was...! Johan gasps. - Intense. David gasps. - Tell me about it. I say. - I'm just watching it and even I am a little hot. - Err... Philip. Johan says. - Yah? I ask, acting totally clueless. - Shoe! Shoe! He ushers me and and gestures at the door. - I don't get I. I lie and pretend as if it's raining. - Scramb! He growls. - But it's getting to the good part! I protest. - The hero is about to boink the other hero while the third hero watches and hum-hums. - Just leave already. David chuckles. - Alright, alright. I groan and then smile warmly at them. - It's your first time. Play nice. It's probably the first of many, so take your time. With that said, I leave the two alone, closing the door gently behind me. I can hear how they start moving and smile to myself. - Well, at least someone's happy in this dorm. I sigh as I set off for my room. I decide not to go there, just yet. It's Saturday tomorrow, which means no school. And besides, it's a beautiful night. So, I goto the mall, to the arcade with the The King Of Fighters 2000 arcade machine and pop in some quarters and start playing. - Rats...! I curse when I lose for the fifth time. I decide to go and grab something to eat. There's a McDonald's nearby. So, I go there, order the usual, a McChiken and C:o with a top-less, I mean topping-less, ice-cream, and sit down to enjoy my meal. - Hmm... eight p.m. I mumble after throwing a look at my wrist-watch. - I guess I should head back to the dorm after finishing my meal. That's when I saw him. He was sitting a couple of tables away, staring at me. But the moment our eyes met, he looked away. - Nah. Must've been my imagination. I think and look another way. But then, when I let my gaze wander back to him, he's staring at me again. But again he looks away when he sees that I see him staring at me. - Now this is just getting a little freaky. I think. I stand up to leav and accidentaly drop my keys. I bend down, ass pointed at the guy, and pick them up and when I've straightened myself up and turned around, he's staring at me again. - What's up with this guy? I thought. I finish off my fries and leave, bringing my half-ful milkshake along. As I walk out of the hall and through the streets of New York, I can hear someone following me. - Is it him again? I think. I'm starting to get scared. What's his deal? Why is he following me? And my God, could this shake taste any worse?! I throw it past my shoulder and the next thing I know, I hear a sliding sound and then a crash. I turn around and there he is, lying in a pile of garbage from a trash can that's been knocked over. - Oh, I'm so sorry! I quickly apologize and rush over to help him get up. - Oh, it's nothing. He says. - I've been following you around for quite a while now, so I should be the one apologizing. - So you are stalking me! I exclaim. - Naah. He says. - You might be cute, but not that cute. He adds a little chuckle and I can't help but smile. Oh great, another straight guy who likes gay jokes. Or is it a closeted gay guy? Or is it a gay guy who's acting like a straight guy who likes guy jokes? Or is it... wait... thinking too much again. Kicking myself in my mind... stop! - Anyway, it's just so that I'm new to Hereditary High and we're in the same English class. He foretells me. - And I've seen you at the dorms before, so I concluded that you live there too. It just so happens that I don't know the way, so I've been following you to get back on campus. - The first time I've met a guy who's actually anxious to get back on campus again without looking into the mirror. I chuckle. - So... help me? He begs and put on puppy eyes. - Please! Oh my God, not puppy eyes! Must resist... must leave... no, I can't! Must follow orders! Must become a willing slave of the puppy eyes! - Alright. I say and smile widely. - Thanks, mate. He says form a V-sign with his left hand. That's when I notice his Brittish accent. - Oh, you're a Brit! I exclaim. - Yeah. He says. - I'm an exchange student. - Me too. I say. - I'm from Sweden. - Well, your English is strangely good to be a Swede. He says. - Well, stereotypes aren't always right. I chuckle. - For example, all of our girls aren't but and called either Heidi or Inga and speak with a thick German accent. And we're not all blonde and blue-eyed either. However, I'm originally from Vietnam...! - Yah, it's pretty obvious. He chuckled. So, we continue chatting as we walk back to campus. - We're here! I declare when we arrive on school grounds. - Wanna, like, hang out sometimes? He proposes. - Sure. I say and smile widely at him. - See ya in English class tomorrow. By the way, I'm Philip. - I'm Ripley. He introduces himself. With that said, we part.

How did my life get this complicated? I'm lying in my bed. It's pitch dark, except for the moonlight that shone in through the windows of mine and Brian's room. When I started High School, I had never even met another gay guy, if you don't count with contacts through the Net. And now, I've been in love with two guys, lost both and now this hunk of a cutie walks into my life and wants to hang out. - Well, who said that love was easy? I chuckle. - I'll just have to face it. I don't have a perfect love life, nor a perfect life. But I won't let that bring me down. I will survive! - Mmmm...! I can hear how Brian moans and groans as he tosses around in his own bed. - Better go to sleep. I sigh and close my eyes. I prepare myself for sleep, to wake up to another day. Maybe this day will be different and free from heartbreak...

Yesterday - Remake by Philip Wester The original song was sung by John Lennon/The Beatles

"Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away, Now it seems like they are here to stay, Oh, I believe in yesterday,"

"Suddenly, Love's not half the fun it used to be, Shadow of gloom hanging over me, And heartbreak comes so suddenly,"

"Why he had to go, I don't know, he wouldn't say, I did nothing wrong, Yet, I long for yesterday,"

"Yesterday, love was such a crying game to play, Now I wish that I could fly away, Away, towards another day,"

"Why he had to go, I don't know, he wouldn't say, I did nothing wrong, Yet, I long for yesterday,"

"Yesterday, love was such a crying game to play, Now I wish that I could fly away, Away, towards another day,"

"Why he had to go, I don't know, he wouldn't say, I did nothing wrong, Yet, I long for yesterday,"

So... I've decided to make remakes of my favorite songs and place them in the end of the chapters of Not A Perfect Summer. I hope that the copyright holders for the songs won't sue me. :^P ;^)

So that's it, the beginning of the second season of N>A>P>L, Not A Perfect Summer.

Write to me at For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Gratzie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Genkuyi! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 9: Not a Perfect Summer 2

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