Not Another Love Story

By jhol7689 H

Published on Feb 27, 2012


Thank you to Albert who edited this chapter and much thanks to those who emailed me. Feedback gives Wade legs to continue on his journey(:Your straight girl, zland;)

I stared with bewilderment at the fact that Austin looked like he had been swallowed with guilt. His surfer, sandy blonde hair hovered over his dull, light blue eyes. Dane set down the McDonald bag and swept me into an embrace where he just broke down. It shocked me to my core because not once in my life have I seen my brother cry. That's a lie because when he was nine, his pet hamster died and he wept through the whole funeral.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as much as I could, the last thing I wanted was for anyone to be blaming themselves, except Robbie and Cody. If they hadn't blown up over me I wouldn't have ran, if Cody hadn't called I would have been in my room sulking over mom and dad. Not only did I blame them but I blamed myself for not having the strength to work out in the gym. I blamed myself for being so small and not using it as an advantage against the group of boys who attacked me. I couldn't help but feel worthless for being the damsel and distress all the time, I wanted to stick up for myself for once.

"It's okay Dane, it wasn't your fault. Austin what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Aaron or something?" If possible his guilt seemed to worsen and I couldn't care less, from my point of view he was just as bad as Robbie.

"Wade, you just took me by surprise man! You know I don't like surprises, I react horribly to them." He threw his hands into surrender and I rolled my eyes.

"Geez Austin if I would have known you were going to kill me I wouldn't have said anything." I said sarcastically. Dane had calmed down but he refused to let me go, secretly I hoped he would never let go because I felt protected in his arms.

"I sincerely apologize for the way I reacted and for going to Aaron for support, I didn't know the douche was going to tell everybody because I told him to keep it quiet. He advised me to not hang out with you because people would pin me for being a qu--gay." With one swift look from Dane, Austin quickly put the derogatory names to rest.

"So instead you choose to let him bully me while you stand by his side and look smug? Letting the problem go so far as to Cody coming for my aid?"

"Hey--! He started off but Dane cut in.

"Tone it down; he's been through a lot, so you don't need to be raising your voice." Austin and I both blush fiercely and he looks ashamed.

"Sorry it had to take you getting hurt for me to come to my senses bud; I promise I'll stick by you. We've been best friends forever and I'd be crazy to let you go just because you like taking it up the ass." I don't think I could have been more embarrassed then I was at that moment. Did he really just say that?

"Well Austin I'm glad you accepted him and you better get used to it, because apparently he's already taken it up the ass." Mom says as she enters with an evil grin plastered on her pink lips.

"Seriously?" I ask while looking at her with wide eyes, she just chuckles.

"Let's eat little brother, I bought you're favorite, pulp juice, yogurt a double cheese burger and a small fry." I licked my lips as the list ended and everybody chuckled as my eyes must have held a look of obsessed love for the food sitting in front of me. I didn't care; it wasn't all that much that I get this meal because we hardly eat out anymore. I dug in as everybody started to discuss random subjects and I was just about to finish my fries when there was a knock at the door. Mom looked as if she wanted to scream out in anger as my father stood there with his eyes locked on me. She didn't though because she warned everyone that there should be a calm atmosphere, stress would slow the healing process.

"I need to talk to Wade alone, would everyone please clear the room." They all stood up and left, except mom who stood there with her hands on her hips.

"Jean this is about the investigation, you can come back when were done talking."

"He told me everything so I should be able to stay, I'm his mother."

"I'm his dad."

"Guys please this is not the time or place, dad pretend mom isn't there and moms don't give dad a hard time, now sit." Dad gives mom one last side way glance before he pulls up a chair next to my bed.

"Wade we have all of the boys who did this to you accept the one who pulled you into the house. His parents have no clue where he's at but I think there hiding him, were doing a search today. What I need from you is everything in detail that happened last night because they are all saying you wanted it." I have never been so angry before in my life so at that I told him. I could see him struggling to hold in his emotions, if you show any type of feeling on the job it would only make the job harder and screw up the case. He sighs as he puts away the notebook, when he looks up, I don't know why but it shocked me to see tears welding up in his eyes.

"Jean you are going to have a hard time getting custody of these kids, honestly I think it would do the boy some good to be in a new environment after what happened, it's not good to be reminded where ever you go." He spoke of what I was thinking on the way to the hospital when I thought of moving to Detroit and it would have been so much easier if mom hadn't accepted me for being gay, but things changed. Austin seems fine with me, mom is more than accepting, Dane and Melinda are here and I still don't know about Cody.

"Listen here, I am not just going to hand over my kids! While you were out banging that bitch, I sat at home, talking care of the kids. I made there dinner, helped with homework and stepped in for emotional and parental support. They probably don't even know you that well; it would be like moving in with a complete stranger. Plus I'm their mother, I'm fit, who would give custody to a disappearing father and who's to say you wouldn't do it again?" I roll my eyes in annoyance, this is just ridiculous.

"If you guys don't quit arguing I'll just move in with Dane who is planning on moving out next month!" That stopped them both in their tracks and suddenly all eyes were on me, which for some reason made me feel small, no pun intended.

One week later and visits from all kinds of people, Melinda, Shelly, Austin and the list goes on. They let me go home and said I should be on bed rest for a few days. It wasn't until the second night when I made it home, that Cody walked into the room. His jet black curly hair was straightened and his hazel green eyes gave me a blank stare. I was snuggled in my warm bed, eating potato chips and watching supernatural. Dean is a total hottie, shivers. my eyes travel from the T.V to Cody who has now made it to the edge of my bed and I feel the dip. I watch as his hand travels up and touches my back but he ends up touching a bad bruise and I flinch in pain.

"Sorry, can I?" He whisper asks, I nod and he lifts my shirt to note the damage. He's tender with his touch and just the fact that he's treating me as if I were a delicate glass, puts a smile on my face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as his hand slowly trails up and down my spine, giving me the chills, but good ones.

"One date is all I'm asking, please? I mean for whenever you get better. I may be arrogant and cocky but if I care about you I'll treat you right."

"Okay." I smirk as both of his eyebrows shot up in surprise, he stutters and swears for showing his weaker side before blushing, which I thought was cute.

"I just didn't think you would agree and be all sappy about Robbie." I frowned at the mention of his name and scrunched up my nose.

"We broke up, he can't handle being seen with me and being pegged for gay and I made him choose. He thought I was being selfish and I told him to get lost." He smirked, as if trying to picture the conversation.

"I always knew he was weak, the night of the party, remember at the restaurant? He was making out with shelly and I knew a bastard when I see one."

"Cody you were being a bastard too." He chuckles and shakes his head; he put his hands on my cheek and stared into my eyes.

"No, I was being overly cocky."

"There's a difference?" I ask sarcastically, he rolls his eyes and plants a kiss on my lips. His are thin, warm and wet. His breath tastes like peppermint as if he knew this was bound to happen and with a trace of Dr. Pepper. It wasn't perfect, but I felt the butterflies swell inside of my stomach, my whole body heated up as if I were sitting under the sun. He pulled me so I were lying underneath him and smiled huge, as if he just won the lottery.


"I knew I'd have you from the moment I laid my eyes on you. I didn't expect the scrawny kid would have a boyfriend, but I knew there wouldn't be any competition."

"So what am I just some prize you won?"

"What? No! Come on Wade don't be such a girl."



"Calm down I was just joking." I burst out in laughter and he hits the pillow he's lying on.

"Shut up."

We lie back down and continue the heavy make out session, I couldn't believe, of all people, who I'd be having feelings for. Then again I couldn't believe Robbie had been such an asshole during the worst moments of my life.

Next: Chapter 18

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