Not Another Love Story

By jhol7689 H

Published on Apr 4, 2011


Well I told you guys if i dont get any feed back i wont post weekly! I ave no idea if you guys are liking this story or if you hate it, i onlyget a few reviews from a couple readers who im thanful for :) Id like to thank Cd Mathews and a favorite author of mine who has a creative mind his name is Andrew and is the author of Lustful Revenge here is the link check it out ^-^ Me and him are soon comig up with a story and don't worry i haven't forgotten gabe, im just searching around for more jock geek stories to read, it's a bad addiction lol any suggestions? Give me a shout out.

Oh and for more of my stories and other great authors check out this site at, there awesome people with fantastic stories!! :)

Love you guys, 4m your straight girl Zland

I didn't get much sleep that night with the questions and concerns that chased their way around my brain.

Should I tell Robbie or should I keep quiet? What was Dane going to do to Cody? How was Melinda going to cope with all the news? I couldn't answer of them, couldn't even start to figure it out.

At about three in the morning I finally fell asleep and it felt as if five minutes later the sun was shining in my face and the alarm was buzzing in my ear.

I slammed my fist down on the alarm clock and groaned, wanting to go back to sleep. I didn't get much of a chance to fully wake up before the door burst open and Austin and Dane flew in, tackling me in my bed. This, however, was not the morning to mess with me.

"Fucking hell! Guys, get off of me!" I screamed so loud that even my ears rang. They stopped in their place and lay down next to me.

"Why are you being such a fag lately? You on your period or something?" I looked over at Dane, who first looked at Austin and then to me. I tried letting him know with my eyes that I was okay with Austin's language. After so many years of hearing 'fag this' and 'fag that' and so on I've learned not to let it get to me. Dane nodded in understanding and I flipped the blanket back and sat up.

"I'm fine Austin. I just don't like being tackled. In fact, that's one of the reasons I don't play football." Austin rolled his eyes and moved out of the way, letting me stumble my way to the bathroom.

"Dane, man, it's good to see you back in town. Are you staying?" I heard Austin ask my brother.

"I'm looking to stay for good, at least for now. College just isn't for me. So I'm searching for a job and going to use the rest of my college money for an apartment in town." I came back in after my duty in the bathroom and started searching for an outfit.

"What kind of apartment are you looking for?" I asked, grabbing a pair of black jeans and a pair of socks.

"I'd like an apartment with at least two bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen, and a living room. That's all I need," Dane said with a shrug.

"Hey, I've been trying to call you. Where have you been?" Austin asked me before I had a chance to comment on Dane's statement. I didn't have an answer for that because he knows I don't go anywhere so once again I lied.

"I haven't been feeling too good is all." Not meeting his eyes.

"Is that why you've been acting all weird lately?" I just nodded as I sat down next to Dane and slipped on my socks and tied my shoes.

"Ready to go?" Austin asked as he motioned to the door.

"Yeah. Bye Dane." I said and Dane gave me a one armed hug.

"Bye Austin. Bye baby bro."

Before we stopped at Candy's house Austin turned the radio down and started talking to me.

"Two of my cousins are coming down this Friday and I may have a blind date for you." I got hardly any sleep last night, had decisions to make that will alter my life, and now Austin gives me this shit. I was totally not in the mood.

"Austin, I will find a girl when I'm ready, and right now I'm just not ready!" He gives me a dirty look before turning his attention back to the road.

"This date will get you used to the idea of going out with and how to talk to girls. It's not like she's going to become your girlfriend or anything like that. It's just a dinner and a movie. There is no need to get worked up over it." Austin had me clenching my fists tightly.

I wasn't in the mood for this.

"I said no! I don't want it and I'm not going." I said, folding my arms feeling as grumpy as ever.

"OK, OK! You don't have to be a little fag about it." He said, pulling up outside Candy's house. That was the proverbial last straw; I was already seething and I just blew up.

"Quit calling me that!" I bellowed and got in the back seat to let Candy in the passenger side. Austin gave me a strange look in the rear view mirror but I didn't care. He had no right to set me up on a blind date if I didn't want it.

"Hey baby." Candy said, leaning over and kissing Austin on the cheek. Austin started driving and Candy turned her attention back to me.

"What's the matter darling?" She asked with a worried expression on her face. She hasn't seen me angry like this, or at all, unless Aaron has been bullying me around.

"Nothing." I said looking out the window to avoid her staring.

"Bullshit! He just bit my head off after suggesting he go on a date with my cousin." I turned and shot Austin a dirty look. He was still looking back at me while also trying to pay attention to the road.

"Yeah, I can choose my own. I don't need your help." My eyes had reverted back to the window when I felt Candy's hand on my knee, causing me to look at her.

"Honey, it's nothing to get upset over." I was thankful when we pulled up to the school. I was sick of the third degree from Austin and the concerned look Candy was giving me.

I jumped out of the car with Austin calling me back but I ignored him. I needed to find Robbie. I was heading for a major break down with having to tell Melinda about Cody and Austin on my back it was too much for me to handle.

I found Robbie and Shelly eating breakfast in the cafeteria and I made my way over to them. I needed to get to them before Austin and Candy came in.

I sat down across from them and rolled my eyes when I saw them looking worried as well.

"Robbie, can I talk to you?" I felt a sinking feeling in my gut but this needed to be done. He needed to know about Cody. It wasn't fair to keep him in the dark.

"Can't we talk here, now that Shelly knows?" I shook my head giving Shelly a sympathetic look.

"This is different. Please Robbie, can we find a place to talk?" I was on the verge of tears already. I could just feel my body starting to melt down.

"OK. Let's head down to the old gym." I followed him out of the cafeteria, on the way passing a very confused Austin and Candy.

"What's this all about Wade?" He asked, looking down at me, baffled as ever.

"Cody." I could see the baffled look on his face turn to sheer anger but he kept his cool until we reached the gym. The bell rang but this needed to be out in the open.

"What did that fucker do?" He asked, folding his arms and standing across from me.

I let out a sigh as I went into detail explaining all of what Cody had done, from asking my sister out to the blackmail to what he wanted out of, and what he got. I told him everything except for the bathroom incident where I gave Cody head. I honestly don't know why didn't confess that but the whole thing that happened between me and Cody just had me feeling guilty. My whole body was trembling at that point and I just wasn't thinking straight.

I was bawling my eyes out once I had finished; Robbie just had this blank expression on his face. The silence was too much for me and I had to know what he was thinking.

"Robbie, say something." What he did surprised me. He walked up and took me in his arms.

"What did you think was gonna happen? I'd drop you because Cody was taking advantage of you and making threats?" I buried myself in his arms as he squeezed me tight.

"Cody promised that he would take everything away from me. I believed it." I mumbled as I sobbed against his chest.

"That little bitch is gonna pay." Robbie swore angrily and I looked up at him with frightening eyes.

"No! Please don't do anything; Dane is already taking care of him." He gave me a confused look and I realized I hadn't told him about what happened between Dane and Cody.

I gave him a play by play of what happened that night and once again burst in to tears, but not because of telling it but because of the fact that Robbie was still here and was still in love with me. They were tears of joy.

"That kid is gonna get what's coming to him." Robbie promised quietly.

"You know I was trying to figure him out. Trying to find out what made him this way and he's just a spoiled brat. He's gotten what he wants all his life." Robbie snorted and we went to go sit on the bench.

"Well he isn't getting you, that's for damn sure. No matter what it takes I'm going to fight for you." I couldn't believe how much I doubted Robbie. Dane's words danced around in my mind; that I didn't have faith. He was right I didn't but maybe it was about time I did.

"I love you Robbie." I said, feeling on the verge of tears again as I leaned into him.

"I love you too Wade, and don't you forget it. I was thinking of coming out completely to my Dad and introducing you. What do you think about that?" I smiled, hanging on to Robbie for dear life feeling on top of the earth.

"I'd like that a lot. When would you want to do it?" I asked with a small smile.

"How about Saturday? You can have lunch at my house." I nodded and felt so much better.

"That's a great idea."

"You wanna go to class or skip?" Robbie asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I snorted.

"No, we need to get to class but this weekend..." I said, wiggling my eyebrows as he laughed.

"Book worm I swear." Robbie said as he shook his head.

"Yea? You're a dumb jock." His jaw dropped and I busted out laughing at his expression and tried to get away from him but he grabbed me and kept a tight hold.

"What did you say?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.

"Smart jock?" I asked playfully and Robbie held onto the front of my T-shirt and pulled me in for a kiss. Our lips met and the passion was still there I don't think it ever left.

*** For the rest of the day it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. True, I still had to deal with Melinda but most of my worry had been about Robbie finding out how far over the invisible line Cody had crossed.

When the final bell rang I rushed out to the parking lot to meet Dane. He hadn't planned to go anywhere today so he could take me home. Austin and the rest of the guys had football practice so this worked out for me.

"Hey kid, how was school?" Dane asked, taking off his sun glasses and clipping them to the visor.

"Better than I expected. I told my boyfriend about Cody and he's still in love with me. What did you do to Cody?" I asked as I pulled on my seatbelt.

"I haven't had a chance alone with the guy but when I do we're just gonna have a one on one." Dane said absently.

"That sounds good. I don't want you or my boyfriend to risk anything just to fight with him; which I think would only make him more determined to get what he wants." Dane shook his head with a baffled look on his face.

"That kid has some serious problems but he's going to get what's coming to him." That kind of statement worried me but Dane did say that he was just going to talk to him. I hoped he stuck to what he said.

We pulled up to the house and my nerves shot up once we walked through the door. We still had to deal with Melinda and I was hoping it would all work out.

We had an after school snack and were just about to sit down and eat when the front door opened and in walked a crying Melinda.

"What happened?" Dane asked, getting up. Melinda walked over, into his arms, and just bawled her eyes out.

"Hey, what happened?" Dane repeated. Melinda tried to contain her emotions so she could speak up.

"Cody broke up with me. He humiliated me." I burrowed my eyebrows together and frowned.

"What do you mean 'humiliated you'?" I asked carefully, afraid of what he would have said.

"I was waiting for him at the cafeteria and he asked what I wanted. His buddies were standing next to him and they started laughing at me. I asked him what the hell his problem was and he said that he was getting rid of the trash. I asked him what he meant and he pulled me away from his friends and told me that he was done with me and to stay away from him."

I felt horrible for Melinda being embarrassed like that but, on the bright side, I didn't have to come out and tell her how horrible Cody really is and how he was just using her.

"You'll find a guy, trust me. You've got Mom's beauty; you could get any guy you wanted. But for now just stay away from this Cody kid." Dane said soothingly and she nodded and looked up at me with a tear streaked face that broke my heart.

"Sorry I didn't believe you Wade. Do you forgive me?" I walked over to them and we had a group hug.

"Of course I forgive you." I said sincerely.

When we were younger Dane and I were always close. I felt like I could tell him anything. He would never leave me out when a friend was over or if he was going somewhere he'd invite me along. Our parents were workaholics when we were kids too and Dane, you could say, was basically our surrogate Dad. He cooked our meals for us until Melinda learned to fix her own.

My relationship with Melinda when we were younger is the same as today. We fought a lot, not physical but verbally. We did not get along. I remember always getting into her stuff and getting on her last nerve until she snapped. I lied to her from time and time again even when I didn't need to which is why I think she didn't believe me when I told her about Cody.

Dane was the first one to break the embrace and stepped back.

"What I want is for both of you to stay away from Cody. Just act like he's not even there, understand?" We both nodded and Melinda wiped away her tears.

"What are you guys eating?" She asked, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"Tuna." We both said at the same time.

"I'm gonna fix me one because I hadn't eaten today."

Today didn't go as I expected it to and I thought I had wasted a lot of energy feeling nervous and guilty when everything worked out fine just like Dane said it would.

I still had my boyfriend, Melinda and my family. At least for now.

Next: Chapter 10

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