Not as I Expected

By Jim Cook

Published on Sep 23, 2008


..i had bargined for an evening as slave to a TOP and ended up naked, chained in an 18 wheeler headed for some unknown place....the truck droned on for hours and hours....i fell off to a fitfull sleep....i was cold, dirty, naked....chained inside an 18 wheeler trailer being transported with some boxes of goods to some unknown was then that i realized what had happened to me......i was owned....someone had bought me.....i was being taken somewhere...for be sold again? spite of my situation i started to get hard....i was i was naked and chained....filthy.....and excited about it....i could not reach my cock to pleasure myself...but i was laying on a coarse shipping moving my hips i could rub my hardon.....the shipping blanket was draped over a rib on the trailer floor....i humped it my self just enougth friction to cause me to rub my erect cock to another climax......i came again...this time rubbing against a smooth piece of sheet metal, folded to provide strength to the trailer.....the blanket covered protrustion gave me the friction i needed to cum shooting across my chest...a gob landing on my face.....i used my tongue to lick it off.......what a slut i have become in just one day......i could the rumble of the road on the tires as i fell asleep once again......headed to my new fate......the only thing i could be sure of was that i was now a former situation soon to be only a memory.....

i must have slept for hours...i awoke with a dull ache in my stomach....i was hungry....the drone of the truck changed pitch and the truck slowed.......then stopped...the engine was still running.....i could hear the lock and latch of the door to the trailer being captor put duct tape onver my mouth and around my elbows.....then unlocked my tether chain, leaving it attached to my collar....a heavy coarse leash......he said nothing but pullled me roughly out of the trailer an into a dark parking lot. i was standing totally naked, collared chained and secured with duct tape in the darkened corner of a truck stop parking lot. For the looks of things it was very late.....perhaps three or four in the morning. Another truck drove by, his lights shining on me....he blew the horn as the lights illuminatged my naked minder then dragged me into the back door of the truck stop and into a storage room. I was led into a private bathroom and told to relieve myself.....i sat on the throne....and urine ran from me like a a couple of minutes two men came in, nodded to my minder and roughly dragged me to an adjacent shower.....inside they used soap and fender brushes to clean my abused and sore body....they had no care for the pain that they were causing me.....they intended for me to be clean and they did their job well....using soap and the fender brushes to scrub every part of my abused body. The rough treatment gave me a hard on that gave me away...."We have a hot one this time...check this out, most of the time a bitch is crying and begging...this one gets a hardon......he likes it!". The bigger of the two then stepped in front of me and unzipped his pants, his large uncut cock flopping out as it started to harden......"suck my dick bitch!", he ordered....i opened my mouth.....his cock was so large that i could not get more than a couple of inches in my mouth....he slapped me hard across the mouth...."I said suck my cock dumb ass....not lick it..get to fucking work of I will beat the shit out of you!".....i sucked for all i was he rocked back and forth i gagged on his huge cock....then he grabbed my ears and buried his monster cock deep into my mouth....causing another gag...which he pushed past......"suck my cock cuntboi!, he ordered.....he came with an explosion....his cum spilling from my mouth and across my was then that i felt something cold my my ass....i was being buttered up to accept a cock in my ass.....the big cock was jerked from my mouth and replaced by his partner....a guy with a big thick cut cock with a large mushroom head.....i felt strong hands lifting my ass into the air....and the sharp pain of his monster cock as he hammered my poor inexperienced asshole....i was like a butterfly impaled upon a needle.....i struggled causing him to gain length and width...i felt like i was being torn apart.....then he managed to shove his huge manmeat past my spincter ring causing me a sharp pain and a wave of pleasure.....this opened my mouth fuller to the big cock i was sucking, his cock exploding and cum running out of my mouth and onto the floor beneath me. The man monster using my ass then lifted me into the air with his huge arms as he blasted still another climax. I collapsed on the floor of the washroom and they dragged me back into the shower to wash me off....the water ran pink at first...then clean as the results of this rape of my pitiful ass and mouth finished. I was ordered to clean up....a uniform, shorts,a light blue pair of briefs and a blue tank top and shower shoes were left with a towell on the bench for me to put on. The two of them sat down and lit up a cigarette watching me as I struggled to dry off and poor abused body was aching from the abuse. I was then dragged to a room and slammed down into a chair, told to shut up and wait...

A few minutes passed and a man I had not seen before came in with a rough looking female who seemed to be in charge...."You have been sold as a slave to my Mistress. She runs this enterprise. It is one of the largest and most exclusive truck stops in the world. This is Mega Stop, a super truck stop that caters to the needs of the trucking industry. This is a small self contained small city, the largest commerical enterprise in the county. We have repair shops, a gift shop, resturant, fast food, showers, a TV room, casino, game room, strip bar, sex shop, motel and private resting rooms. You will be working here. You will start at an entry level and, based upon your performance and attitude, you will advance. You will initially work for a small salary and tips. We train our staff so keep your nose clean and you will have the chance to advance here. You will wear a uniform at all times. The uniform will be fresh and clean. If you soil your uniform then you will go to the supply room and draw another one, clean up and put it on. You will get a haircut once a week at our barber shop. Your haircut will be a buzz cut. Facial hair is not allowed. You will address everyone as Sir or Ma am. If customers are unhappy with you or if you violate our rules you will be punished. If a customer comments favorably then you will rewarded. You see, your future is in your hands. Now you will report to the barber shop and get a shave and a haircut. I have decided that you will start off cleaning the resting rooms and toilets. After a week your performance will be reviewed by a panel of your peers and recommendations for advancement or reduction will be entertained. Payday is on monday. The bulk of your first payday will be withheld for you."

This was better than I expected....getting paid and a chance to advance.....I just hope that i iwill not run into that pair that roughed me up last night. My poor ass was still aching from the assault of his huge mind was my minder's tone changed...."Did you listen to what I said?", he said.....i was startled.....awaking from my short doze....."Yes Sir"......"Good then follow your two buddies to the barber shop....." The barber shop was located nearby and i was hustled inside...the door was shut and the blinds drawn......"Well...a new boi....did these two monsters take that boipussy last night?", he asked. "yes Sir....i was used hard:", i responded. " are here for your initial haircut and shave.....hehehhe....get him ready boys!".....The two men who had used me so roughly then grabbed me, pulling down my shorts, underpants and my tank top leaving me naked......they slammed me back into the barber chair.....ties were applied and a lever was pulled to push my butt into the air...causing my cock and balls to be elevated.....the barber then gave me a buzz cut....rubbing against me with his stiff cock as he did own cock becoming erect once again. "Look at this bitch...we use him like a cheap whore and an hour later he is hard again....this guy really likes this." of them grabbed my helpless balls and twisted them roughly...causing me to yep at the pain....the barber then shifted attention to my pubic hair....washing my cock and balls with warm lathered erection was he shaved off all of my pubic hair using a straight slip and my balls would be gone.....but he was efficient....leaving me stripped of my pubic hair looking like a young boy....he then washed me again and rinsed the soap off with warm water....lingering to suck my erect cock into his mouth deeply.....i was helpless....he pulled away and stroked me....causing me to ejaculate powerfully across the space, the wad of cum landing on my face and chest....he then wiped the cum off with his finger and put it into my mouth...i sucked his finger...."yes...this is a hot one....we are going to enjoy this bitch if we get a chance at him." uniform was soiled from thier boots stepping on were my tank top and underpants. They then ordered me to report to the supply room, turn in my dirty clothes and get a new issue. i was not allowed to dress but had to run dragging my chain from my neck collar and holding my soiled uniform in my hands. i ran past several workers who slapped my ass as i ran by. In my eagerness to get to the supply room i bumped into a large powerful looking man wearing blue pants and a white shop supervisor's shirt. "Whoa boi......what do we have here?....Looks like fresh meat...kneel bitch!....i immediately went to my knees...dropping my uniform...he grabbed my head and roughly pushed it against him....his large cock hardening inside his pants....."what do you want bitch?" he asked...."Sir...please let me suck your cock i responded......."....he laughed....not today are late...get your ass over to the supply room for a new issue...and make it fast...I will let you suck me later." i ran then.....reporting to the supply clerk.......the supply clerk was an evil little bastard...he gave me a rough looking pair of shorts, a pink pair of panties and a women's pink tank top....."There must be a mistake I said...this is not the color I was told to wear...." "Wear this or go naked bitch!",he said....and he closed the door. i had no choice...i put on the women's panties, tank top and shorts....they were a size too small...i hurried back over to report and was handed off to another man who grabbed my chain and dragged me down the hall to my kennel......i was shoved inside but the gate was latched..not locked......maybe i could get out....if i just could muster the strength.....

Next: Chapter 6

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