Not My Fathers Son

By Finn O'Shea

Published on Jan 2, 2014


Disclaimer: This material is totally fictional and is intended to be read by strictly adults only. If you are underage or it is illegal for you to read this where you live, then stop reading now! This story contains sex between consulting male adults. It contains themes including... Domination, Humiliation, Incest and mild watersports and scat. If you could find this offensive, then please do not continue.

If you do read it and enjoy it, then please let me know. I have some thoughts for future chapters, and it may be just the encouragement I need to get typing! All thoughts and suggestions would be gratefully appreciated! Hope you enjoy it....Apologies about my spelling and grammar!

Not My Fathers Son .....Part 3 ...By RimBoyRim

Still on my knees, he pulled me out into the balconied landing. The wooden floor was hard under my knees. He had a short fuse and I didn't want to piss him off. I tried to keep up, but it was impossible.

Then he turned around and brought his foot up swiftly between my legs. He kicked me, right in my nuts. I hollered in pain. His sadistic nature knew no bounds. My body resembled a punch bag. I ached from head to toe.

''Fucking amazed that my foot managed to find those shrivelled up, pathetic excuse for balls you've got.. now move it cunt''. With his other hand, he grabbed my hair again. Now, he was dragging me by the hair and neck, towards the top of the stairs.

''Up faggot and get down those fucking stairs'' he commanded.

I was standing at the top of the stairs and he pushed me. With my hands tied, I still somehow, managed to keep my balance. I knew he was following right behind me. With a couple of steps to go, I felt his hand on my shoulder and he propelled me forward. Loosing my footing, I went tumbling forward, landing face down on the hall floor. I shuffled around in pain. I began crawling towards the wall, hoping to try and get myself up onto my knees somehow.

''That's better, that's where fucking faggots belong, crawling along the fucking floor, so crawl faggot...fucking crawl on your stomach to my study, cunt''.

He came closer. He just stood and watched. I could see his boots and the belt hanging from his hand. He began impatiently tapping the floor.

''We haven't got all fucking day cunt, this is your last chance or you'll fucking feel my boot again!''

I didn't know what to do, so I began trying to wriggle across the marble floor. This caused him to laugh loudly.

''That's right faggot, wriggle like a fucking maggot''. Then I heard the belt again but this time it made contact with the tops of my legs.

'' Come on, wriggle, cunt wriggle, it's so amusing just how low, how fucking low you can go, you piece of human shit!''

I reached the door of his study and stopped.

''Keep going faggot, did I tell you to stop, fucking crawl to my chair''.

His study took up a good portion of the downstairs of the house. There was the large main room, with doors to his personal gym, another bedroom and bathroom. Nobody was allowed in, except for the house keeper, when she cleaned it. When she did, he sat and watched, drink in hand... giving orders.

I crawled towards his chair. It was a large old leather arm chair. This was where he sat to watch football, relax and chill. This was his private play ground. It had every man toy available. He did all his private entertaining here, this was where he fucked his '' lucky cum dump cunts''.

As I finally reached his chair, I could see that he had gone to the drinks cabinet. I heard him fill his glass with ice and pour his drink.

He walked over, threw himself down in his chair and sighed. I was lying flat on my stomach. The wooden floor was cold. My face pointed towards the side of his chair. Head down, I nervously awaited his next command, too scared and sore to move.

'' That was one fucking hell of a day, fuck me, I'm tired'' and he put his drink down on the side table, placing his cigar in the ashtray. He picked up the TV remote and flicked it on. The sports channel immediately appeared. He seemed to be ignoring me. I was getting hopeful that the worst was over. Maybe he'd changed his mind. Maybe I was safe. Then I felt his hand on the top of my head. He pulled me around so I was now lying face down between his legs.

'' That's better, much better, fucking cunt lying at his Masters feet''.

Then he placed the belt over the arm of the chair.

'' Think I'll keep this close at hand'' he laughed '' think I'll be fucking needing it, if you don't fucking do as you're told cunt''.

I wasn't safe at all. I had a dreadful feeling that there was worse to come, much worse!

''So boy, what precisely am I going to do with you, Hmmmm''....he pondered...''what do you do with a filthy perverted faggot... whatever I fucking want to do, that's what'' he laughed.

''I'm going to put that fucking toilet mouth of yours to good use cunt. We're going to see precisely how good that shit licking tongue of yours is boy. I'm really going to put that fucking mouth and tongue of yours to work faggot '' and with that, he pulled me up by my hair.

My head was now at seat level. He was sitting, his huge legs spread wide. The trouser fabric was stretched tight. His delicious bulging crotch looked enormous. Prominently displayed, it was now putting even more pressure, on his trousers. He always sat with his legs spread wide. He liked to show off precisely what he had.

The shape of his cock was clearly visible, pushing out against the material. His balls were packed tightly bellow. I wanted to suck on his cock, lick it, clean it and drink from it. I wanted to lick his balls. Lick them clean. Lick every last drop of sweat off them. I wanted to lick right between those powerful killer legs, bury my face in there. I wanted to get my tongue in there, deep in there!

'' Are you fucking looking at my crotch cunt? Did I give you fucking permission to look at my package boy? You just don't seem to learn, do you'' and he grabbed the belt, bringing it down on my lower back.

I was too weak to cry out. A slight moan escaped my mouth.

'' I'll fucking tell you what to do, exactly what to do, faggot''.

Smiling at me, he moved his hand down between his legs and began slowly rubbing his growing bulge.

'' I can't fucking believe that this cock, produced such a fucking lowlife faggot cunt''. He began squeezing his crotch. All the time, he kept looking at me, while he massaged his growing bulge.

'' You're one filthy cock hungry faggot, aren't you? he asked.

''Yes master, I'm a filthy cock hungry faggot'' I replied

''And you're fucking hungry for your Daddy's cock, aren't you faggot? You're hungry to lick, suck and taste your Masters cock and balls. You want to clean my fucking cock and balls with that faggot tongue of yours, don't you pig?''

'' Oh, yes Master, I do anything to clean your cock and balls with my faggot tongue Master, ANYTHING!!'' I pleaded. He just continued to laugh.

'' You've got a lot of fucking work to do cunt before I would even consider allowing that faggot tongue anywhere near this boy'' and he rubbed his cock and balls teasingly.

'' You see, filthy faggots are there to be used, used by fucking real men like me'' he growled. '' That's why you were fucking born cunt, you were fucking born to serve faggot, and serve you will. And you'll do it well, if you don't want to fuck me off. I'm sure you understand cunt, don't you''.

'' Yes Master, I understand'' I whispered.

'' Good cunt'' and leaning forward, holding the belt, he brought my head down to the floor. He slipped the belt under his boot and pulled. My head was now pulled flat to the floor, directly facing his boots. His boots were only inches away.

'' I know you want to fucking lick my boots faggot. I know you want to lick your fucking Masters boots clean but dogs don't just lick cunt. They always smell everything first. They use their little fucking doggie nose. And that's what I want cunt. I want to hear you fucking sniffing my boots faggot, now get to it, get sniffing boy'' he ordered.

I brought my nose to the side of his boots and started to breathe in deeply. He moved back in the chair and relaxed. He changed the TV channel and I could hear him have a drink and suck on his cigar.

'' Great, perfect timing'' he said '' the games just about to start''. He was a big football fan and I knew his team were playing. I felt his belt on my ass again.

'' Come on faggot, I want to hear big doggie sniffs, big fucking doggie sniffs, smell Daddy's boots cunt''.

I put my nose right on his boots and did as I was told.

'' That's better cunt, bet that little doggie nose of yours loves the smell of my boots. Does that fucking leather smell good, cunt? Does the faggot love the smell of his Daddies leather boots?''.

Without moving my head, I answered. '' Yes Master, I love the smell of your boots, I love it Master''

'' Good fucking dog'' he responded '' Now stick that doggie tongue of yours out, show your Master that doggie tongue, cunt''.

I stuck my tongue out. '' Further faggot, stick it out further'' he instructed.

I stuck my tongue out as far as I possibly could.

'' That's more like it cunt, ok, now you know what to do with it, get busy cunt''.

I began fervently licking my father's boots. He looked down and grinned.

'' That's it, let me see that tongue, I want to see big long doggie licks cunt, get that tongue lapping boy. I want my fucking boots licked clean. Use that tongue faggot, use that tongue to clean my fucking, boy''.

Then he went back to watching the TV.

I lay there, sore but happy....happy to be licking my Masters boots clean. . I don't know how long I spent licking his boots, but I was in doggie heaven. Every now and then, he'd move his boot.

'' Now the side cunt, lick the fucking side, make sure you're getting my fucking boot good and clean, cunt''

While I licked his boots, I heard him noisily clear his nose and throat. Then, he'd lean over the side of the chair, he spit. He did this several times. When he was satisfied that I'd done a thorough cleaning job, he pulled me over to his other boot.

'' Right faggot, next one, back to work'' he ordered.

I instantly began to lick his other boot clean. While I lapped, I could see that he occasionally dropped his hand, with the cigar, over the arm of the chair. It appeared, that he was flicking the ash, on to the floor. As I lay licking, he watched the game intently. Sometimes shouting and swearing at the screen. Then the game went into a break. He leaned forward in the chair.

'' Ok cunt, lets see how well, that fucking pig tongue of yours, has cleaned my boots''. He looked down and moving his boots around, he accessed my work.

'' Not bad cunt, not bad at all'' he said '' but I think you missed a bit there though cunt'' and he pointed at his heal.

'' Come on boy, let me see you lick my fucking heal clean and if you do that properly, I've got a real treat for you cunt, a real faggot treat!'' he laughed.

My tongue began its job, cleaning my fathers heal. My mind worked overtime, thinking about that ''real faggot treat''. I didn't have to wait long to find out exactly what he'd planned for me.

Standing up, using his foot, he pushed me around to the side of the chair. With my face still flat on the floor, I could see directly in front of me.

Large amounts of his spit, snot and gob covered an area of the floor. The cigar ash, he'd flicked, had accurately landed on it. He pushed me further forward. It was now right in front of me.

'' Now, that doesn't look too appetising, does it?'' he said. ''But I'm sure I can improve on that, let me see''.

With that, he began rubbing it into the floor with his boot, right in front of my face. Then he lifted his boot slightly and looked underneath. I could see long strands of snot, suspended from his boot, clinging to the floor. Then he put his boot back on the floor and rubbed it in harder. When he'd finished, he moved back behind me.

'' Ah, that's much better, isn't it cunt, that looks a lot tastier now'' he chuckled.

I looked at it. The snot and gob was now mixed with the ash. It was a grey green colour. I could still see thick lengths of sinewy snot running through the slimy mixture. There were some big hard looking pieces of his nose gunk, mixed in.

'' See, I wasn't lying cunt, when I said that my nose and throat needed a good cleaning out'' and he smiled. He remained standing over me.

'' So cunt, now what I want to see, is you fucking licking that up. I want to see you licking up my fucking snot off the floor. And put some fucking effort into it faggot! I want to watch your tongue clean that fucking floor, cunt. Remember, nice long licks. Let me see how fucking delicious you think my snot is, cunt. A real fucking faggot treat''. Then he went and sat down again. He continued looking down at me.

'' What you waiting for faggot, an invitation? Now, get licking'' he snarled.

I stuck my tongue out and did as I was told. I began licking around the edge of the semi solid mixture. He laughed out loud. I worked hard but it was difficult to get it to stay on my tongue. He moved in his chair and then dangled his belt on the arm.

'' Don't fucking make me use this again cunt, I want to see that floor clean!'' he boomed. '' Now get my snot in your mouth cunt, suck it up''

I moved my mouth over it and began sucking. This was more successful. Soon, his snot began to fill my mouth and I began to feel nauseous. I didn't think I could swallow it.

'' Now open your mouth boy and stick your tongue out. I want to see my snot on that piggy tongue, boy''.

I raised my head and did as ordered. I stuck my tongue out, covered in his nose slim. He grinned down at me.

'' That's it cunt, bet that tastes good cunt, doesn't it. My little pig loves the taste of his Masters nose on his tongue. Now, swallow cunt, swallow my snot right down that faggot throat of yours''.

I summoned up what strength I had and swallowed.

'' Now the rest faggot, get the rest of my delicious snot sucked up and eaten cunt!''.

I started to do as he said. I didn't think I could possibly do it but the alternative did not bear thinking about. I couldn't take another beating. I sucked and sucked. The taste filled my mouth. I swallowed it down as quickly as possible. Quite a few times, he looked at me and then at the floor, and would point.

'' There cunt, lick there! I can see some gob still on the floor faggot. I want it all licked up. Get that fucking floor shinning cunt, let me see that tongue work faggot. Lick every bit of my snot off that fucking floor faggot or there will be trouble''.

I licked repeatedly, until the floor began to shine with my saliva.

'' That's it faggot, I think you've done a good job on the floor cunt. But what about my fucking boot, faggot. I think I got some snot on the sole of my fucking boot, boy. And it needs cleaning now, cunt. Give it some fucking tongue attention, faggot''. He lifted his leg over the arm of the chair and rested it there. His boot was above my face.

'' Reached for it cunt, fucking reach for it, get that filthy tongue on the sole of my boot cunt, and get it clean'' he ordered. Then he tilted his foot upwards.

I looked up and yes, there was snot residue in between the threads of his boots. I raised my head up further to reach the sole. Tongue out, I strained my neck and began to lick. My tongue worked in between the threads, working out any remaining snot, some of it was had traces of dirt. He glanced at me occasionally and smiled. He was again engrossed in the game.

'' Getting all the snot, faggot, getting all that gob off my sole? he enquired.

'' Yes Master, I've nearly got it all Master...I answered between licks.

''You've got a good tongue faggot, a really good tongue. You're a born natural, cunt. That fucking tongue of yours is going to be kept busy, really busy cleaning, faggot, just like a faggots tongue should be! And when you've finished cleaning that sole faggot, I think you should fucking clean the other sole also, boy'' and he went back to watching the game.

To be continued?? ....I'll let you decide!

All thoughts and suggestions gratefully appreciated.

Next: Chapter 4

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