Not My Fathers Son

By Finn O'Shea

Published on Oct 26, 2014


DISCLAIMER; This story is totally fictional and is intended for a strictly adult readership. If you are under age or it is illegal for you to read stories of this nature where you live then stop reading now.

This story contains themes that include domination, humiliation and mild scat between adult males. If these themes offend then please do not read any further.


Once again, many thanks for your messages, comments and suggestions. Its great to receive them so many thanks again. If you do like my story and would like me to continue or you have any comments, please let me know. I do have a few more chapter ideas in mind. I hope you enjoy this chapter guys...cheers...F


I strolled off to class, feeling fucking happy. Sitting on that filthy homos face felt good and filling it with my gut gas, was fucking awesome. As I grabbed my seat in class, I could almost still feel the faggots face buried up my jock butt. Sitting there, I was fucking sure of one thing. That little cunts face and my muscle ass were going to become a lot better acquainted...a whole lot better. I couldn't help but smile.

After college, I hit a few bars with a couple of my football buddies. When we got to the last bar, I was feeling even more horned up. I quickly scanned the bar for available talent. I fucking needed to blow a load, badly. Several, cock hungry sluts had understandably, been eying me up since I got there. I needed a blowjob, now.

I headed to a dark, badly light area at the back of the bar, signalling at some doe eyed cunt to follow me. I leant against the wall in a concealed corner. The stupid bitch came over and started chatting. I wasn't in the mood for stupid conversation. I wanted my fucking cock serviced. I told the bitch that she was doing far too much fucking talking and that, her mouth, would be far better employed sucking me off. Putting my hands on her shoulders, the bitch quickly understood what was required. She got on her knees in front of me and I quickly whipped my cock out. She hesitated, when she saw the fucking size of my monster.

`' I haven't got all night bitch, so get fucking busy'' I snapped. The bitch got to work on my cock. However, I'm not going to fucking bore you with the details because that is precisely what it was, boring. The slut was simply fucking useless. Slobbering amateurishly, she could hardly get half of my thick throbbing cock in her slut mouth without fucking gagging, loudly. This bitch had obviously never heard of the expression, deep throat. I pulled her off my cock and getting my balls out, I instructed her to start fucking licking. What guy doesn't like having a warm tongue on his fucking nuts and the stupid cunt gladly complied. I shot my load, hitting her right in the fucking eyes, nearly blinding the cunt. It was nothing less than the bitch deserved for fucking up. Stupid, little slut... I couldn't help but fucking laugh, pushing her away.

Losing interest, I decided to head home. After all, I had unfinished business with an ass hungry faggot. I was fucking drunk and still horny. As I walked, my mind wandered back to my conversation with Matt. He had been fucking wrecked. He told me that he and another couple of the army guys never fucking bothered cleaning their cock or balls. 'Why the fuck should they'' he'd blurted out 'when there were so many ready and willing fucking faggot tongues available. He told me that where dirty faggots really excelled though, from his experience, was when it came to cleaning out his fucking ripe hairy asshole. 'Faggots'' he said 'were born butt lickers''. He continued on, telling me that filthy homos just fucking loved to lick a real man's dirty shithole clean. Fucking filthy shit pigs, he had called them. I refrained from telling him that the Hamilton bitch had been licking my fucking butthole clean, since I was fifteen. So, that's what she was, she was a shit pig and intuition told me...there was another fucking pig, just a couple of blocks away... waiting to be dealt with.

When I got into the room, the stupid fucking asswipe appeared to be asleep. I turned the light on and threw myself onto my bed. I just lay there for a while. I fucking knew that the queer cunt was awake. The faggot had probably been fucking lying there all fucking night, wanking off, thinking about licking my fucking jock ass. I remained quite, for a few moments. I wanted to see if the queer cunt would do or say something. My patience grew fucking thin and then, snapping my fingers, I shouted.

' Floor faggot, now'' but it didn't fucking move. Reaching over with my foot, I kicked its bed. Snapping my fingers again, I repeated ' fucking floor faggot, now... do as you're fucking told and get down and lie on the fucking floor cunt or it won't be your bed that I'm fucking kicking'' I barked, drunkenly.

By the fucking tone of my voice, the dirty homo knew that I wasn't fucking joking. In two seconds, it was out of fucking bed and lying on the floor in front of me. It just fucking lay there, in its boxers, trembling.

`'That's better cunt, now you and I are going to get along much better if you just do as you're fucking told'' and to prove my fucking point, I kicked it in its side. It grimaced in pain. Unconcerned, I continued.

`' Understand, faggot''. Still visibly shaking, it responded, just a single unsatisfactory word.


`'Yes fucking what'' I demanded.

`'Yes Thomas'' it replied.

' Not fucking good enough'' and I kicked it again, harder. It yelped. ' Yes fucking what'' I shouted.

`'Yes Sir' it humbly responded.

`' That's fucking better, queer boy...that more fucking like it'' I growled, standing up. Placing my sneakered feet either side of its disgusting body, I stood over it, swaying. I was still fucking wasted, looking down, I continued...

'Right cunt, so you're a fucking little dirty queer and I think that pathetic dick of yours loved having my fucking jock ass sitting on your faggot face, didn't it cunt'' I demanded. 'We both fucking know that you fucking loved it, so there's no fucking point in denying it, faggot''. It remained quite, terrified into silence.

`' Answer me, boy or you'll make me angry...and you wouldn't like me when I'm fucking angry'' I laughed, flexing my massive guns.

`' Yes sir'' it dutifully responded.

'And if I fucking remember correctly, cunt'' I said condescendingly, 'you fucking shot your load when I fucking farted in your faggot face, didn't you... you sick fuck'' I snarled. It didn't answer quick enough so annoyed, I kicked the little queer again.

`'Yes sir'' it cried out. This was getting fucking good so I decided to take my white T off. Pulling it over my head, I threw it to one side. The stupid fucking homo looked up, drinking in my fucking perfectly ripped body. There was a complete look of fucking submissive adoration on its faggot face and I fucking liked it. Pure alpha male power rushed through my body. I knew that this piece of human scum was mine...mine to fucking do with as I pleased.

This was one ass hungry faggot and I intended to fucking totally satisfy its fucking hunger but first I was going to fucking play with this stupid little cunt. I wanted to bring it down, bring it down fucking slowly. I was going to satisfy its fucking hunger, more than I realised, at the time.

`' I've fucking seen you looking at my butt and licking your fucking lips. You fucking love my jock ass, don't fucking really love my muscle ass, don't you queer boy'' I asked, authoritatively.

`'Yes sir, I love your jock ass'' it respectively answered, blushing. Still looking down at the dumb queer, lying between my legs, I sneered and continued.

'Ok, cunt...for starters, lets discuss my ass, faggot'' I grinned, evilly, slurring a little. 'I know that I've got an amazing fucking ass and I know that all you filthy faggots want to kiss my fucking ass but something'' I paused, deliberately. `' Something fucking tells me that you are a special fucking type of faggot and that you want to kiss more than just my fucking butt cheeks'' I snarled.

I was going to draw this little faggot's inner shit pig to the surface. Wanting to keep the fucking faggot on edge, I moved my feet, slightly. Shifting my body weight from side to side, I tensed up my leg muscles. They bulged beneath the tight denim. I wanted the little faggot to fully comprehend, precisely, who it was dealing with. I was a superior fucking all-powerful jock. The stupid homo got the message and began to shake from head to toe. Pushing it further, I continued...

`'I know that you want to get those homo lips of yours right on my fucking asshole. You fucking dream about kissing my shithole'' don't you cunt'' I asked, in an assured self-confident tone.

'Oh yes sir'' it was almost whimpering.'' Oh sir'' it nervously stammered. ' I'd love to kiss your asshole sir'' it fucking blushed, again. I fucking burst out fucking laughing.

'So, you want to fucking kiss my jock shithole, you dirty cunt'' I said, with contempt. 'Filthy little faggot...dreaming about getting its homo fucking lips...on my superior jock shithole''. I continued, relishing the sense of the power I had over this worthless homo.

`'You fucking wank off, thinking about how fucking unbelievable it would be to kiss my hole but let's get fucking real, faggot. You want to fucking worship my butt with your faggot mouth and tongue. We both fucking know what really turns you on, cunt. You fucking dream about licking my shithole, don't you boy'' I smirked.

'Oh, yes sir, I want to lick your shithole'' it gasped. ' Please, please master...please let me lick your beautiful shithole'' the desperation in its voice was now even more evident...and I fucking liked it calling me master. Someone had obviously done a good fucking job of training this filthy cunt. Who, I didn't care...but I was definitely going to reap the fucking benefits.

'So, the dirty little queer wants to lick its masters asshole, tell me something that I don't know, cunt'' I sneered. ' But, I fucking know just how fucking low you faggots can go'' I said, remembering my drunken conversation with Matt.

`' You don't just want to lick my asshole, you fucking want to lick my asshole clean, don't you cunt'' I growled.

It started to say something but I told it to shut the fuck up. Standing over it, I was all-powerful. Raising my arms above my head, I stretched every fucking muscle in my body. I felt like a fucking god and to this pathetic piece of fucking lowlife scum, I was one. My rightful sense of complete superior over this faggot was beginning to give me a fucking hard on. Rubbing my growing basket, I looked down at it with an expression of total fucking distain.

`'You want to clean my fucking dirty shithole with your faggot want to lick it clean and taste a real jocks asshole. I fucking know that's what you fucking fags live for''. I didn't need a fucking answer. Again, it started to say something.

`' Shut the fuck up, faggot, I already told you'' I shouted.

Now, you that old saying about a good meal, that you eat it with your fucking eyes first. Well, this filthy faggot was going to be doing some fucking serious ass munching so I decided to wet its appetite.

Turning around, I placed my feet either side of its shoulders. My ass was now almost directly above the dumb cunts face. The faggot was now longingly looking straight up at my Levi covered solid glutes. I didn't say anything. I didn't fucking need to.

I began to move my fucking ass in a deliberate slow circular motion. I tensed my fucking butt, wanting the little faggot to appreciate the sheer fucking power of my muscular ass.

Then I began to leisurely squat down. I could hear the dirty homos breathing increase. I stopped, just a few feet above its faggot face. Looking between my legs, I could see the fucking look of utter anguish on its face as it looked up at my powerful butt. It couldn't resist any fucking longer and it raised its hands, intending to try and touch my ass. I pushed its hands forcefully away and I barked.

`' Get your fucking hands down, faggot'' and it quickly did as ordered. I remained squatting for a minute or two, allowing the little cunt to feast its fucking eyes on my glorious alpha male rear. Then, content, I stood up.

`' Ok, cunt, now I'm going to fucking sit on your faggot face. I'm going to fucking sit my fucking superior jock ass right down on your little queer face, boy. Get your fucking nose, mouth and tongue ready, you filthy homo'' I grinned.

`' I want to be able to fucking feel you sniff, lick and kiss my ass, right through my fucking Levi's, faggot'' I commanded. This stupid cunt was going to have to fucking work for it, I decided.

`'Show your fucking master how much you love his jock butt and I might just fucking consider doing it without my fucking jeans on'' I laughed.

With that, I got on my knees and lowered my fucking ass down. Unhurriedly, I moved my ass around the fucking cunts face, trying to find a comfortable position.

'Ah, that's it'' I said, as I settled my butt into place. 'Now, faggot, fucking show me what you can do'' I ordered. It didn't require telling twice. The stupid cunt went straight to work, as I knew it would.

As I ground my muscle ass into its fucking face, I could feel its nose push against my shithole. Fuck, this is amazing, fucking amazing, I thought. It sniffed deeply... long fucking sniffs. Then, I felt its fucking mouth and tongue. It was kissing and licking the tightly stretched denim. It was in a fucking state of faggot ecstasy, having my superior male ass on its face and being so fucking close to my asshole. Then it started fucking sucking...sucking right on my Levi covered butthole. I just fucking groaned. This sure was one butt hungry cunt.

`'Yes, that's it boy, fucking suck. Fucking suck, you dirty cunt'' and I pushed down harder. It fucking felt like the cunt was going to eat right through my jeans. It was fucking desperate to taste my shithole and it gave me an idea. I pulled my ass off its face. The stupid homo moaned in despair.

`'Fucking quite, faggot'' I snapped. As it watched, I tried to slip my hand down inside the ass of my jeans but they were too tight. Reaching around, I quickly undid the top button of my jeans. This time there was just enough room and I slid my hand down inside the rear of my jeans.

Looking behind me, I could see the filthy cunt watch as I moved my hand slowly up and down my fucking ass crack. Using my index finger, I gently rubbed my shithole. It was fucking moist and warm. Aware of what I was doing, the little fucking faggot whimpered, again. Looking, it straight in the fucking eye I smiled, continuing to rub my finger all over my fucking hole.

`' Bet you fucking wish that was your queer tongue'' I smirked. It groaned in despair. Withdrawing my hand, I inspected my finger. It looked fucking clean but then I smelled smelt of ripe fucking jock shithole. Still looking behind me, I slowly brought my finger towards the stupid faggots face, positioning it under its fucking nose.

'Smell that cunt'' I ordered. ' That's what a real jocks shithole, smells like'' and I pushed my finger right against its fucking nostrils. It sniffed deeply.

`' Again, cunt, smell it again'' and it did as ordered.

`' You fucking like that smell, faggot. Now, fucking tell me, what can you smell, you dirty homo'' I demanded.

`'I can smell you sweat, master'' it humbly responded.

`'What else can you fucking smell, cunt'' I wanted to know.

`'I can smell shit, sir'' it snivelled.

`'Who's fucking shit can you smell, boy'' I demanded.

`'Your shit master'' it said nervously.

`'And you fucking love the smell of my jock shit, don't you boy'' I asked.

`'Yes sir, I love the smell of your shit, master''.

This little homo really did know its rightful place. Matt was fucking right, I thought, faggots are natural shit lickers and I intended to have some real fucking fun with this dirty little faggot.

`'Now, fucking open your faggot mouth and stick your tongue out, boy. Lets see if you fucking love the taste of my jock shithole as much as you love the smell, cunt'' . It did as I commanded and it stuck its fucking tongue right out.

`' That's a good fucking queer boy'' and I brought my finger to its tongue. Then, I began to rub my index finger, up and down the centre of its outstretched tongue. It looked up fucking anxiously.

`'You want to fucking suck on that finger. You want to fucking suck the taste of my shit right off that finger, boy'' I asked.

`' Yes master, please, please ...let me suck it. Please, I beg you master'' it pleaded.

Having, been asked so nicely, how could I fucking refuse, I chuckled to myself.

`'Ok, faggot, suck it'' I instructed.

The pathetic cunt feverishly began sucking on my fucking finger. I pushed it deep into its mouth and it sucked... like its fucking life depended on it. Then, happy that it had done its fucking job, I pulled my finger out of its queer mouth.

`'You fucking wish that my finger had been dirty, don't you faggot. You'd love to really taste my jock shit, wouldn't filthy faggot'' I demanded.

`'Yes, please master, please, please sir...let me taste your delicious jock shit''. It was almost crying with desperation.

' I fucking knew you were a fucking lowlife faggot shit pig'' I snapped. 'You want some more, cunt. Want me to see if I can find you something fucking nice to suck on, then fucking beg'' I snarled. I wanted no confusion, on the faggots behalf, of its correct station in life.

`' Please master, please, I beg you, please allow me to taste your shit'' it pleaded.

Smiling, I slid my hand back down inside the ass of my fucking jeans. My finger was now moist from all it's sucking. Instead of just fucking rubbing my shithole, I began to gently probe it. Carefully, using just the tip of my finger, I poked at my fucking hole for a minute or so. All the time, the stupid cunt starred lovingly at my pert bubble butt, watching my finger at work.

Pulling my hand back out, I inspected it again. This time, I'd been more fucking successful. There were, nice trace of my shit, lodged under my fingernail. Looking over my shoulder, I smiled at the little cunt...

'Now, you're in for a fucking real treat, shit licker'' I sneered. ' Start begging, you queer cunt'' and I turned around quickly. I wanted to watch it fucking beg. Pinning its arms under my knees, I looked down, holding my shit-smeared finger just above its fucking filthy mouth. Again, I told it to fucking beg...beg to fucking taste my superior jock shit.

And... fucking beg, it did. It begged like a true fucking professional, like the shit hungry faggot, it was. At eighteen, having some weasel faggot beg to taste your shit was one fucking awesome power trip and I was fucking enjoying every minute of it. It had fucking taken a whole summer of intensive coaching to get the Hamilton cunt to beg properly and she was an amateur, compared to this little queer.

`'Ok, cunt, now open that fucking toilet mouth of yours'' I commanded. It willingly did as ordered and I slipped my fucking finger into its waiting mouth.

`'Now, you fucking know what you do, cunt'' I ordered. It began to fucking suck on my finger, like a shit hoover, groaning with delight.

`'That's it, you filthy homo...suck my jock shit off my fucking finger. Get it clean, you fucking faggot, nice and clean. Let me fucking feel your faggot tongue under that fingernail, boy. Taste my shit, faggot'' I snarled. Fuck, this was what Matt had been talking about. Faggots fucking love the taste of real alpha male shit. The more I fucking verbally degraded it, the more it fucking liked it and the better it performed, dirty little homo.

`' Clean the shit from under my nail, boy, and make fucking sure that you get it all'' I shouted. I instantly felt its fucking tongue try to force its way under my nail. It pushed the tip of its fucking right in there. It sure was fucking desperate to taste my shit, but then it was a fucking faggot.

`'That's it, queer boy. Keep fucking cleaning under that nail. You fucking love the taste of my jock shit and there's plenty more where that fucking came from'' I laughed and the poor little shit pig just grunted with excitement. When I finally pulled my finger from its fucking pig mouth, I inspected it. Studying my finger, I looked carefully under my fucking nail and it was clean. Yep, the little fucking pig had done its job.

' Good little faggot '' I snarled, patting its head. ' Bet that tasted good, didn't it. I know to a fucking homo like you that my jock shit is real fucking tasty '' I laughed.

`'Oh, yes sir, yes master, it tasted delicious, thank you master, thank you'' it grovelled.

Fuck, I was really into this. It sure was shit hungry hound with one fucking talented tongue. Now, I fucking wanted to feel that fucking tongue on my hole. I wanted to feel it fucking do its shit cleaning magic on my asshole.

`'Right faggot, you fucking ready to lick my fucking shithole clean'' I asked, standing up.

`'Yes master, yes sir, please, I'm ready'' it gasped. Turning around, I began to undo the remaining buttons on my jeans. Slowly, I slid my fucking Levi's down over my solid butt. I'd been hanging out at my parents pool, pretty much all summer and my body was a deep fucking golden brown. Pushing my jeans down over my muscle thighs, I bent over. Wearing my usual white CK's, it must have been fucking able to see my skid marks and the little fucking faggot gasped in appreciation.

I lowered my tight underwear over my fucking massive ass globes. Slowly, I pushed them down until they dropped to the floor. I wanted my fucking jock ass properly worshiped so I just fucking stood there, allowing it to look straight up at my fucking magnificent white butt.

Then, I got onto my knees and sat my butt up on the little fucking pigs chest. Reaching behind me, I grabbed my fucking butt cheeks and separated them. My ass cheeks had remained almost hairless, however, my ass crack was now fairly fucking hairy...dark hairs surrounded my shithole.

'There you go faggot, fucking look at that asshole, you dirty cunt'' I said, smugly. 'Fucking look at it''.

Glancing behind me, I could see the poor fucking queer boy starring, licking its lips.

`' You fucking want to kiss my shithole, so let me feel it cunt. Let me feel those fucking faggot lips kissing my dirty shithole'' and I moved my ass right back onto its face. The little pig pushed its face right between my solid ass cheeks. Then, I felt its homo lips on my jock hole and the fucking sensation shot right through my body.

`'That's it, cunt. Fucking kiss my asshole, fucking make out with my butthole, you dirty faggot'' and I began to fucking grind my ass again. It's mouth was right against my shithole and fuck, it felt so good. It repeatedly kissed my fucking jock hole... long, wet, deep fucking kisses.

`' Right you fucking homo, let me feel that fucking tongue. I want to feel that queer tongue. Lick my fucking asshole, faggot. Fucking lick it clean'' I shouted.

It lay beneath my fucking ass, in pig heaven. It was lovingly fucking lapping at my jock butthole. Lapping at my fucking shithole like a fucking dog.

'That's it cunt'' and I pushed my asshole right down onto its fucking mouth. 'Lick my shithole clean, lick up my fucking jock shit. Come on, faggot, let me fucking feel it. Big fucking doggie licks, queer boy. Lick every drop of my jock sweat and bit of shit off my hole, cunt. I fucking want my asshole clean'' I grunted.

Matt had been right, faggots make fucking excellent ass cleaners, I thought. Relaxing back, I rested my whole body weight on the little cunts face. This little homo sure did know how to do its fucking job and as the pathetic pig worked its tongue, every nerve in my tight asshole, tingled with fucking delight.

`'Hope you're fucking getting my hole clean, faggot. Remember, I want it fucking shinning clean. Come on cunt, more fucking tongue'' I ordered. Then, suddenly, I felt the dirty little queer pushing its tongue hard against my fucking shithole.

`'Holy fuck'' I shouted. The dirty little cunt was trying to get its tongue right into my tight jock asshole. Like any real man, when his shithole is probed, I instinctively tightened it. The stupid faggot groaned in distress but it persisted, pushing its tongue harder against my butthole. It was frantically trying to worm its fucking tongue up into my shit chute and it felt... kind of good.

What the fuck, I thought. Lets give the filthy queer a real treat and it might fucking feel ok, so, I relaxed my asshole slightly. The little faggot moaned in pleasure as I allowed it to shove its fucking tongue into my shithole a little. This was a fucking new sensation, one that I fucking liked.

'Ah, that's it, fuck, that's it cunt'' I shouted. 'Fuck, that feels good `' I shouted. Reaching behind again, I slipped my fingers into my fucking ass crack, edging my fingers towards my asshole. My crack was fucking wet with the little pigs saliva. As I parted my solid ass cheeks, I felt the faggots tongue brush over my fingers as it slurped at my shithole. I fucking wanted to give the little cunts tongue better fucking access to my hole. I'm just so fucking considerate, I grinned to myself.

'That's fucking better, I groaned. ' Much fucking better, now get you're fucking faggot tongue right up my shithole, like a good fucking homo'' I ordered. I didn't fucking know it at the time but it was about to get a lot fucking better.....


Next: Chapter 10

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