Not So Submissive

By Tag Michaels (Tague Michaels)

Published on Mar 26, 2014



Rory chuckled and raised his head. "I think this is going to be interesting Jadrian, you and me. You are very outspoken for a boy, let alone a sub. But you should learn to be very careful with your quick mouth. It could prove to be very painful for you." He then bade me to hold him around the neck then managed to pull be up into a sitting position on his lap which seemed to push his cock even deeper into my butt causing me to moan. He rubbed his hands all up and down my back, down onto my slender little butt and even underneath to feel where our bodies were connected. I rubbed him too and gave him little kisses on his mouth, his cheeks and the like. "God you are so fucking beautiful Jadrian," he whispered. "I could almost be your sub and do anything and everything that you commanded me to do." "Mmm that might be okay except that we would eventually die Rory my sweet man." He gave me a questioning look. "I would want your cock inside of me all of the time. We would never eat only fuck." He grinned at me then said that in that case he would continue to be a Dom; my Dom then kissed me, this time longer and with more pressure. "For your next lesson Jadrian, I want you to fuck me." That said, Rory lay back on the bed. "Just let your instincts direct you sweet boy," he said soothingly. I did as my Dom suggested and let my body take over and take over it certainly did. I leaned forward and put my hands on Rory's chest and started moving my butt in every direction that physical proximity would allow. It didn't take very long before I was moaning softly and shortly after that I was moaning loudly. I liked being able to control the action of Rory's wonderful cock in my butt. It allowed me to direct the pleasure for me, which I knew was what my lover wanted. It didn't take long before Rory's hands were on my hips, helping me to move and he was moaning loudly along with me. I leaned down and kissed while still wiggling my butt and moving his cock in and out of me. "I love fucking you my sweet man," I crooned to him. "I love having your big strong hard cock inside my body." I reached back and cupped his balls and tugged on them causing him to moan louder. "I want you to fuck your hot sperm into your little boy. Your little boy needs his daddy's sperm to make him feel loved and cared for. Give me your sperm my love, shoot your sperm into me." Running on instinct worked well for me and would continue to do so. All of a sudden Rory rolled me over onto my back, dropped his arms under my legs and put his hands on the bed next to my head which my knees alongside my ears. I had never been in such a contorted position before but didn't have too much time to think about it because Rory began hammering my little ass fast and hard. His big balls were slapping against my butt and he was pushing us on the bed with each powerful thrust. "Oh fuck you're so tight and so hot Jadrian. I love fucking your ass so much. God I'm gonna cum Jadrian I'm gonna fill your ass with my sperm again." And he did. He held his body close to mine, ground his butt in circles then started fucking me again with force. I could feel his hard cock swell against the rim of my hole with each squirt of his cum. It was glorious. When he was done Rory lay on me and I held him as if he was the little boy and I cooed into his ear telling him how big and strong he was and what a magnificent lover he was. I learned early that men have very strong egos and if played right I would be rewarded in many delightful ways. "You didn't cum did you Jadrian?" I shook my head. "No Rory I did not." He asked if I wanted to and I told him yes I did. He rolled off to the side and took hold of my raging cock and stroked me, dragging the foreskin back and for other the cherry red swollen head. He leaned down and licked up the gooey precum that was leaking out then suckled me for just a moment causing me to sigh heavily from the feelings and the attention. "I would like to watch you love yourself Jadrian," he said, moving back beside me and propped up on an elbow. I took hold of myself and went to work, my free hand down cupping my inner thigh, the thumb gently nudging or pushing at my balls. It was hot jacking off with Rory watching and I was determined to make him happy. I moaned softly as I worked and before too long I was ready to shoot. "I am close Rory," I groaned. "My sperm is ready to come out for you." A moment later it was there. I peeled back my foreskin and slowed my stroke and a second later a small drop of almost clear liquid shot up to my chest. A second drop popped out and fell onto my lower belly and the rest was a small amount of leaking. I continued on then let go and let my hands rest on the bed. "That was wonderful to watch Jadrian," Rory said after giving me a light kiss. "I love watching a boy love himself and will ask you to do it for me from time to time." I nodded my head and told him I was his to command. That done he led me to the bathroom and we showered. I washed him thoroughly and he me. "I want to shave your pubic hair off Jadrian. I want my boy completely smooth." I nodded my head then allowed him to perform the ablution on me. I had liked my hairs but only as a sign of growing up. Having them shaved off meant nothing to me, especially if it pleased my Dom. After we got out and got dried off Rory said that we needed to go see a friend of his about getting some clothing for me. "There are some things that I will want you to wear from time to time Jadrian, girl's clothes for one thing. How do you feel about that?" "I will be happy to dress as a girl if you wish Rory," I said sincerely. He nodded his head and pulled a clean pair of underwear from a dresser drawer. I went to the chair where my clothes were and rummaged through to find my underwear. "Don't bother getting dressed Jadrian it won't be necessary," Rory said. "But if we're going out," I started to say. "STOP!" Rory yelled shocking the shit out of me. He went to his bed and sat at the edge. "Come here Jadrian," he commanded. I did as he requested, trepidation flooding my body. "Lay across my lap," he said, his voice not unkindly. I did as he asked, my belly a jumble of fear. "Put your hands out on the bed," he told me. Rory then rubbed my butt cheeks, gently squeezed the flesh. "I have no desire to harm you my sweet beautiful little boy, I truly don't. But you must learn to do as I tell you and to trust that I know what I am doing." That said he brought his hand down in a sharp slap on my right butt cheek. I started to put my hands back to protect me. "If you put your hands back to protect yourself Jadrian I will use a belt on you." He slapped me hard on the other cheek then gently rubbed both of them. SLAP he hit me again SLAP and again SLAP and again, alternating cheeks. I wiggled and squirmed and started to cry. He hurt me, the slap hurt me but I knew that it was necessary. SLAP I need to know my place SLAP if I was to be a proper submissive. I needed to know not to question my Dom. He slapped once more on each cheek by which time I was crying. He rubbed my butt tenderly, lovingly, then moved up and rubbed my back too. "Stand up Jadrian." I gingerly got off of his lap and stood before him, my cock fully hardened. Rory pushed my hair from my eyes then gently wiped the tears off of my face. "You are my beautiful, beautiful sub Jadrian. Already I am beginning to love you and I know that I will love you deeply and soon I think. It hurts me to cause you physical pain. I do not like it but if you are to learn to be a proper sub and pain is the best method for you to learn then that is what I will do. Do you understand Jadrian?" "Yes Rory, I understand," I said, nodding my head. "Good. Now; I will tell you once again. I will not put you in harm's way; I will not humiliate or diminish you either in private or in front of others. Yes, I will require you to do things that are uncomfortable and perhaps even embarrassing but nothing to tear you down emotionally. You need to trust me and to obey me. Will you do that please?" "Yes Rory I will obey you." He said was good then commanded me to sit on his lap facing him. I did as he asked and he enveloped me in his strong arms and held me tightly, my hard cock pressed against his belly. He then pushed my hair back so that he could nuzzle against my neck and give me little kisses there. Rory then licked and sucked at my ear. "You are such a beautiful boy Jadrian. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. God must be looking down on me with favor for providing me with such a wonderful, beautiful boy." I cried again but this time it was for happiness. Despite having been spanked, and that for the first time in my life, I knew that Rory meant every word that he said. I felt loved, wanted, cared for, protected, cherished, all of those things as sat there in his arms. "You are crying my beautiful sub boy," Rory said, although not with concern. "It is happy crying my sweet man." And I hugged him again. He eventually had me move and he got dressed while I stood and watched him. I wondered if he'd want me to bring my clothes with us but figured rightfully that he would tell me if he did and he did not. He made a phone call before we left. "Is your garage door open?" He paused then said "Do you have company?" Pause. "Get rid of them, I'll be there in 15 minutes," and hung up. "Come Jadrian." That said I followed him to the car and we left. He had me slide right next to him again and put his hand on my leg and gently rubbed it. I wrapped my arms around his upper arm, not to control but simply to have that contact. "I might want you to have sex with friends who visit my house Jadrian. How do you feel about that?" "If it is your wish Rory I will do so." He said he knew that but that wasn't the question. "I do not mind having sex with your friends as long as they do not cause me unnecessary pain." He nodded his head. "Do you like having sex my sweet Jade?" "Yes I do Rory; at least I do with you. I do not know how it will feel with others." "What if I wanted you to have sex with a girl or a woman?" I had to give that some thought. "It would not be my wish to do such things but I would if you required it of me although I don't know if I could perform as a male." "Don't think you could get a boner with a girl huh?" I agreed that was what I meant. "Well I have the same problem sometimes Jadrian and I doubt that I would have you do such a thing but it could happen. What about sex with an animal?" I flinched at that. "I, I, I am not sure of your meaning Rory," I stuttered. He said like sucking a dog's dick or getting fucked by a dog and I told him that I honestly did not know. Rory didn't either. "I have wondered about whether or not to have you dressed or naked when you answer the door at my house," Rory said. "I'm thinking that naked might be too much if the wrong person came knocking so maybe something like a thong, or G-string or something." He didn't ask my opinion so I didn't offer it but answering the door naked didn't appeal to me in the least. A piece of clothing no matter how minimal would be fine. We finally pulled into a driveway and into an open garage whose door started closing almost as soon as we were inside. Rory got out as did I and I followed into a house much like his in that we went through a laundry and storage room then into a living room where an enormous woman was standing waiting for us. "Oh my god he's so fucking beautiful Rory," the woman said. "Zanda, this is my new sub Jadrian." Zanda put her hand out so I took it and we shook hands. Zanda wasn't that tall, shorter than Rory but she probably outweighed him two at least. She was fat as fuck. Her big huge tits were about falling out of the top she was wearing. "My name is Zanda and I think that Jadrian is a most beautiful name for a beautiful boy," she said. "You and I shall become close friends Jadrian, despite this big lug," she told me, pointing at Rory. "And trust me; he'll treat you well and if he doesn't he knows I'll kick his fucking ass." "So, I want to get him some girls clothes, what do you suggest Zanda?" Zanda stated first and foremost that I would make a wonderful girl then went on to talk about dresses, panties and the like. As they talked I took Zanda in. Everything about Zanda was outrageous. Her makeup was bright, colorful, gaudy, the color on her eyelids stretching out past the corners of her eyes in bold streaks. She had at least 4 colors on the lids alone. The thick black lashes had to be fake, the eyeliner incredibly thick and bright. Her hair was pitch black and almost looked like there was blue in. It also had some bright red streaks in it and was sticking out every which way. Zanda's lipstick was blood red as were her cheeks. She was wearing a tiger patterned skirt, her bare arms were lined with bracelets and each finger had a ring on it as did 4 of her toes. As weird looking, even freakish, as Zanda looked she exuded a sense of warmth and security. I liked her almost immediately and being stark naked in front of her didn't bother me in the least. "Well Jadrian, let's go see what I have for you," Zanda said. She took my hand and led me off down a side hallway. Rory was going to come but she stopped that right off the bat. "Have a beer put your feet up do what you want but leave us girls alone. She took me into a large room and closed the door. There were clothes everywhere. There were a dozen long racks and all of them were filled. We went to a dresser first and she pulled out some panties and held them up to my waist then told me to put them on so I did. Oh my, the fabric felt good on my body. Zanda poked a little, prodded a little, ran her fingers inside the leg holes to pull the crotch down, brushing against my balls in the process. "I'm not making a play on you Jadrian," she with a chuckle, "I'm a big fat dyke and like pussy, specifically little girl pussy and you don't have one although I'd lick you raw if you did. How do those feel?" "I like them Zanda." She went through a variety of dresses, holding them up to me to see how they would look. "I'm not really wishing I was a girl you know Zanda. It's not like I want to wear girl's clothes." She looked at me and patted me on the cheek. "I know that baby boy; it's all part of the role, part of the control. Still, you might as well look good at it," she said, hand on a thrust out hip and camping it up. I laughed and without thinking hugged her. She hugged me tightly, patted my back then gently let go. I tried on 3 or 4 dresses and skirts, checking each of them in a mirror. Zanda said they looked good so set them aside. I noticed boy clothes in the mix as well and she said that sometimes she like her little girls to dress as boys. "Go figure," she said. The she had me take of the panties and pulled out a few pair of skimpy underwear, the kind that only have a string that goes up your butt crack. I tried on a white one that barely contained my cock and my balls. "What happened," Zanda asked when she checked behind me. Her voice had changed and I could tell that she wasn't happy about the obvious signs of a spanking. "I was reprimanded for questioning Rory." Zanda rubbed my butt, asked if it hurt and I shook my head. In all honesty it didn't and I was done with it. She asked how the garment felt, I said weird; she said I'd get used to it. I figured she was right. She told me to wait then left the room and came back. "We're gonna get you dressed to go," she said. Zanda picked out a skirt and blouse, panties, socks and a shitty pair of shoes, apologizing for the shoes. She French braided my hair all the while saying how wonderful and thick it was. She put a little bit makeup on me and 20 minutes later I looked in the mirror and got shocked. I fucking looked like a little girl. A very beautiful girl if I do say so myself. I changed my tune about wearing girls' clothes. When Rory saw me I thought his jaw was going to fall off. We thanked Zanda and I hugged her even tighter that I did the first time. Zanda would become my best friend and confidant. Rory took me out to a shoe store where we picked up pairs of basic white and basic black girls shoes along with some pink sneakers. Of course the clerk gushed about how cute I was. It wouldn't' do but we had to walk through the mall and of course we got plenty of looks. Rory took me to a place to eat that seemed to be very popular with teenagers because it was quite crowded with them. I sat at booth and waited, batting my eyes at cute boys that seemed to be everywhere. The idea of fooling boys into thinking I was a young girl was quite entertaining to me. When Rory brought our food he commented that I seemed to be a featured attraction and I have him my cutest smile. "Can you give them a little panty without giving up that you're a boy," he asked. I giggled as he had said something funny then leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and when I sat back down my hand kept the edge of my dress still. That with the position of my leg caused the dress to ride up and based on the expression of 2 teens sitting at a table across from us it worked. The boys were all but staring, whispering to each other and even groping at the front of their jeans. We finally left and when we got in the car Rory asked if I had enjoyed teasing the boys and I told him it had been fun. "Would you like to do it again sometime my sweet thing," he asked in a syrupy voice. "Very much. Was it fun for you too," I asked him and Rory agreed that it had been hot. "Would you like to be with more teenage boys Rory," I asked in my own syrupy voice. He seemed to consider that. "I haven't really thought about it Jadrian but it does have an appealing sound to it. Would you like to watch me with another boy?" I nodded my head. Rory had turned sideways in the seat and since I was already up next to him he only needed to lean down to kiss me and kiss me he did. He reached between my legs to feel me up while his tongue battled mine. He broke the kiss and nuzzled my neck. "I love feeling your hard cock and soft balls through little girl panties my sweet Jade," he said. "God I want to fuck you so bad, right here in the car in the parking lot." My dick was straining against the tight fabric of the panties and in all truth I wished that Rory would let me take them off. He finally broke the kiss and we headed toward home, me sitting next to him as usual and he playing with my leg but staying away from my cock and my balls. As we pulled into the driveway a young blonde boy turned away from the front door where he had obviously been knocking. He was coming onto the driveway as we got out of the car and walked out of the garage to meet him. He was very cute with startling blue eyes, his long hair in ringlets almost and touching his shoulders. He stared opening at me. "Hey Ty what's up," Rory asked him. He turned his attention to Rory and I allowed my gaze to wander down over the front of his jeans to the small bulge of his boy stuff. "Hey Rory," he answered, his voice not much, if any, deeper than mine. "I need to collect for the paper and you were going to teach me how to play cribbage, remember?" Rory said that he had indeed forgotten. The boy cast looks at me so Rory introduced us, telling the boy I was a niece, and Ty gave me a beaming grin and a gentle hand shake. Rory invited Ty into the house and had him sit on the sofa while he said he'd get the board. I followed him and along the way he said he was going to offer Ty a blow job from me. I nodded my head. Rory pulled an arm chair up across from the coffee table in front of the sofa where Ty sat. He set up the board, explained the basics of the game then dealt the cards. I sat on the arm of the chair with my arm across Rory's shoulders and watched and listened. Ty shot glances and smiles at me and of course I gave him my best sexy smile. I moved the skirt so that he could see pretty far up between my legs but no panties. Rory was fully aware of what was going on. The second game I sat next to Ty and I do mean next to him, letting my legs rest against his. When Rory congratulated the boy for a good hand I clapped my hands and hugged his arm. At one point I rested my hand on his thigh a hand width from where his precious goods were nestled. When he won a hand I got excited and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek which totally surprised him After about an hour, during which I kissed Ty's cheek at least 3 times and rubbed on his thigh I informed them I had to use the bathroom. I went around the corner and closed the bathroom door then went back to where I could listen. "...really likes you Ty." "Really? I like Jade too Rory. Gosh she's so beautiful." "Well, how many times did she kiss you?" "Four," the boy answered dreamily. "I bet you got a boner too didn't you; especially when she was rubbing your leg." "Yeah I did. Her hand was so warm on my leg and my dick got so hard I was hoping she wouldn't know. That would be embarrassing." "Wouldn't it be great if she touched your hard cock," Rory whispered. "Gosh don't even say that Rory. Gosh I can't even think about someone so beautiful even thinking about touching a boys' cock." Rory chuckled then said, "Fuck, you're hard right now aren't you, just thinking about it and talking about it. Stand up, let me see." I heard Ty stand then sit down, knowing that Rory just could see the boys' hard cock in his jeans. "You know what Ty? Jade would suck your cock if you wanted her to." I could hear the boy groan from where I was at. "Seriously Ty. Jade would suck your cock, trust me." "Oh god Rory you're gonna make me cum if you keep saying those things. How do you know she would anyhow?" "Because she's sucked my cock Ty. Jade loves seeing boys' hard cock and sucking them, trust me on this." "Oh god really Rory, she sucked your cock? What was it like?" Rory asked Ty if he'd ever had his cock sucked and I assumed that he shook his head no. "Well it's great you would love it." I opened the bathroom door then hurried around the corner. "Love what," asked in a cheery voice then sat next to Ty on the sofa. He started to move and I stopped him. "You don't have to move away from me Ty; it's okay," I said in a syrupy voice and put my hand on his thigh. "I was saying that Ty would love having his cock sucked Jade." "Oh yes I'm quite sure he would. Would you like me to show you Ty? Would you like me to suck on your boner? I will if you want me to." That said I moved my hand up and cupped at his Crotch and felt his hardness right off the bat. The boy jerked as if shocked but settled down right away. "Oh gosh Ty I can feel your boner in your pants," I cooed, cupping and rubbing against his hard flesh. "It feels big and hard." The boy moaned softly. Rory got up, pulled the coffee table back out of the way then sat on the other side of Ty. "Does it feel good having Jade feel your boner Ty," Rory whispered and the boy nodded his head. "Perhaps it would feel better if you took your pants down and let it out. It must be uncomfortable stuck in your jeans like that." I took that as a cue to go to work I undid Ty's belt, unsnapped his jeans then tried to work the zipper down. He straightened his body enough for me to get it down, revealing the white of his briefs. His boner was in plain sight under the fabric so I reached in and squeezed on it causing him to moan softly. I slipped my fingers under the waistband and found his hardened flesh and held onto it causing him to moan again. "It's so hard and so warm Ty," I said softly. I moved on the sofa then leaned down and licked on the head, tasting the gooey goodness of his precum. I backed off, moved that hand to the far side and slipped the fingers of my other hand to the close side tugged. Ty raised his slender little butt up off the sofa so I could get his pants and underwear down, which I did. As soon as it cleared his butt I spied the tube of flesh sticking up between his pale thighs like a little periscope. I got the clothes to his ankles which allowed Ty to let his legs fall open. "You're beautiful down there Ty," I cooed him. His cock was maybe 5 inches long and like me, he still had his foreskin. Behind the stiff little pole of flesh a small bit of sandy brown hairs were growing, much more than my piddling few strands. His balls were totally smooth and hairless and hung sort of low and rested against his body. I reached down and slipped my fingers underneath them and hefted them, fondling the eggs in my hand. Ty moaned and closed his eyes for a moment. "Your balls are so soft Ty. Does it feel good with me playing with them?" "Yyyes,' he managed to croak out. I got onto the floor and tugged one leg of his jeans and briefs off and moved in as close as I could get and reached out for his cock and began stroking him. Next to Ty, Rory unsnapped his pants as well and of course Ty was watching intently, or as intently as he could through eyes that were half closed. Gosh your dick is huge Rory," Ty said when my Dom shoved his clothing to the floor. I leaned in close, pulled Ty's cock toward me and put my mouth over it and began sucking him. His body jerked when I first close my mouth down but he settled in and enjoyed his first cock sucking. I liked sucking Ty's cock because it was smaller and I could get more of him into my mouth, which I'm sure pleased the boy greatly. "You can touch my cock if you want Ty," I heard Rory say and turned my head enough to watch the boy's hand come into view and wrap itself around Rory's big boner and slowly stroke it. "Do you mind if I kiss you Ty," Rory asked and I heard Ty grunt something that sounded like okay. A moment later the sounds of kissing and more moaning were added to the boy's heavy breathing. His hand stop moving on Rory's cock but he didn't let go. My hands were busy feeling his balls and stroking his cock as I sucked it. My own cock was straining against the thing satin fabric of my panties. "I'm gonna cum," Ty said quickly, "I'm gonna cum." I took my mouth away and jacked him off. A second later I felt his cock thicken then a little stream of sperm spit out onto his upper belly. "Ohhh fuck," the boy groaned in a deepened voice. There was a second squirt that didn't go far then his cock just oozed his sperm out. I recaptured it with my mouth and suckled him some, taking the residue of his sperm. He finally giggled and gently pushed my head away. "It's too sensitive," he said. I backed off and looked up at him the leaned in and kissed him. I held his head with one hand while the other played with his balls and kissed the shit right out of him. "Did you like me sucking your cock Ty," I asked him and he nodded his head and gulped. His hand was still wrapped around Rory's stone hard cock. "Did you want to try and suck Rory," I asked him and the boy nodded his head. He leaned over and put his mouth over Rory's cock and Rory winked at me then nodded at his feet and then Ty's feet. I got off the sofa and quickly freed his legs from his clothes then did the same for Ty. Rory then mimicked and mouthed the word lube to me then panties. I understood. I got up and went to his bedroom, peeled my panties off and thankfully let my raging hard cock free. Then I got the lube and went back into the living room where Ty and Rory were kissing heavily. Rory knew I was there and stopped to look at me. Ty did too and it was clear that he was hot as hell again because his eyes were almost closed. "Did you prep yourself Jadrian," he asked and I shook my head. Rory told me to go ahead, which I did, then I did him. "I'm going to fuck Jade Ty, do you want to watch?" The young boy nodded his head and gripped his still hard cock. Once Rory was ready he told to sit on his lap so I crawled up there and held the skirt up enough to straddle Rory's cock. "Take it Jade," Rory whispered, "Take hold of my cock and put it in your tight pussy." As I got into place Rory took his shirt off and encouraged Ty to do the same, which the boy did. I held Rory's cock against my hole then gently lowered myself until he penetrated me. "Oh god Rory," I moaned, "It's in me; your hard boner is in my pussy." I thought Ty was going to faint. I lowered myself slowly onto Rory's cock, all the while moaning softly to myself, until I was seated on his lap. "It's all the way in me Rory. It's filling me up and stretching my pussy open." Next to us Ty inhaled sharply, I assumed at the visual that was created in his boys' brain. Boy was he in for a surprise. I started moving, rising and lowering a little but mostly grinding my butt to and fro on Rory's lap. "You cunt is so tight Jade; I love having my hard cock inside you," Rory crooned. I leaned forward and kissed him deeply. We finally broke and Rory looked to Ty who was watching us intently and slowly stroking his cock, sliding the foreskin back and forth over the red swollen head. "How about standing here and letting us suck your cock ty," I suggested. Rory said that was a great idea so the boy did as asked. He had to crouch a little but that was fine. He thrust his hips forward putting his boner between us and I started licking on one side and Rory on the other. I put hand on his butt and reveled in the firm cheeks that weren't much larger than my own, which were pretty small. I felt on his balls too and when Rory took Ty's cock into his mouth I licked on the smooth sac. All the while I was grinding my crotch forward and backwards on Rory's cock and occasionally rising and falling. Ty's legs got sore and he said he had to move. "How would you like to fuck Jade," Rory asked Ty. The boys' jaw fell open. "Would you let Ty fuck you Jadrian," my sweet lover asked. "Yes Rory I would." To Ty I said, "Do you want to Ty; do you want to fuck me? My pussy would love to have your hard boner in it." "Yyyes Jade I would like to fuck you," the boy stammered. Rory nodded his head and as I gently lifted myself off of him he told Ty that the boy had to keep his hands at his sides, at least in the beginning, because I needed to be able to control everything. I told Rory that I was going to the bathroom really quick but I didn't really have to go. I wanted to let my hole go back to normal. While I had never seen my own, I'd seen pictures of a butt after it had been fucked and knew it was wide open in most cases. I also knew that it would close back up. I wanted to be tight for Ty; I wanted his first fuck to be memorable, just as mine had been. I gave it 3 or 4 minutes, felt it and figured it would be fine. Back in the living room Rory and Ty were embraced and kissing. Rory was rubbing and feeling on the boys' tender little but while Ty had his arms around Rory's neck. They broke when I moved next to the sofa and I could see that the hot young blonde was farther up in a fog of hotness than he had been before. I got on the sofa, careful to keep my cock and balls covered. I knew that the second I seated myself on him Ty would feel my boy parts and that was okay. I knew that Rory wanted to keep the charade up as long as possible, no pun intended. I straddled Ty's waist, reached under my skirt front and back, taking his rock hard cock in one hand and holding my balls up out of the way with the other. Ty was already panting heavily when his cock head touched my hole and when I sat and pushed the head inside of me he moaned loudly closed his pretty blue eyes and let his head fall against the back of the sofa. "He's in me Rory; Ty's hard boner is in my pussy. Oh Ty your cock is so perfect for my pussy it fits very nicely," I cooed to the boy who opened his eyes, sort of, and looked at me. "How does it feel Ty," Rory asked the boy. "Oh man it feels great. Jade's pussy is so tight on my cock; I never felt anything like this before." His voice had deepened some, the feelings of sex and hotness flooding his body much as it had mine that morning. I sat down until the back of my fingers rested against his pubic hair then pulled my hand out and sat all the way down so my balls were resting on his hairs. Ty's eyes opened wide. "What..." He asked and looked at Rory, then me, then Rory again. "Go ahead and lift the skirt Ty," Rory told him. Ty did as asked and the expression on his face was a partial grin. "You're a boy like me," Ty said. "Is that okay with you Ty; that I'm a boy and not a girl?" He nodded his head. "I don't care Jade. Your hole is so tight on my cock it feels good no matter what." Rory got up and pulled my blouse off and undid the skirt so that I too was naked. I leaned forward and planted my lips against Ty's and kiss him heavily and started to move my butt. I fucked the young boy the same way that I had fucked Rory; moving my hips to and fro. Ty kissed me back just as hard as I was kissing him, moaning softly, rubbing my back before one hand snaked between us and started jacking me off. Rory knelt on the sofa and offered us his cock which we both took to with tongues, lips and mouths. "Rory my legs are getting tired is it okay if we change positions and Ty fucks me properly?" Rory gave permission so I lifted up off of Ty's lap and rolled onto my back on the sofa with my butt at the edge. Rory directed the boy to kneel and fuck me that way. Ty got into place, holding his boner down and slipped it back inside of me without any problem. The feeling of him re-entering me was amazing. It was like settling into a hot bath or something. A feeling of completeness just washed through me. Ty pushed his cock all the way inside of my butt. Rory told him how to hold my legs back and he did then he started to fuck me good; the way a boy needs to be fucked. I liked watching Ty's face while he fucked me. He spent some time watching his cock slide in and out of my butt as if he couldn't believe what he was doing and needed to make sure. I could see what he was feeling reflected in his facial expressions; intense pleasure, awe and so on. He was so cute and his face was so smooth. I was glad that Rory chose to get him to play with me. Rory meanwhile moved up and offered me his cock to suck and I took it quite greedily. Rory was jacking himself off as I sucked and I wondered if he was going to have me swallow his sperm. "Fuck this I so awesome Rory. God I love fucking jade." "Well tell me that then Ty," I said in a kidding tone. "I'm sorry Jade. I really do love fucking you. Fuck it's amazing how it looks and how it feels." The boy was pumping me pretty good and I was glad that he had cum just a while earlier or he would have blown his sperm already. As it was it didn't take long. "I'm gonna cum soon you guys," he groaned and literally 10 seconds later he moaned loudly and I feel this cock thicken against the rim of hole. I didn't feel his sperm go in me because he didn't make that much of the stuff. "I'm going to cum too," Rory said. "Turn your head toward me Jadrian," he commanded. I did as he asked and a second later Rory blasted my face with his sperm. The stuff went everywhere and he made a lot of it. I had to close my eyes but still felt it as it draped across my nose, one eye, into my hairline, across a cheek and across my mouth. I felt the head against my lips and I opened up for me and the rest of his cum oozed into my mouth and I swallowed it the best I could although there wasn't much left. Ty stopped fucking me and stayed still, his cock still buried inside me. He was panting, I was panting but I hadn't cum yet. "Love yourself my sweet Jadrian. Let me and Ty watch you loved yourself. I wiped as much of Rory's sperm from my face as I could and smeared my cock head with it and began twisting my hand on it as if unscrewing the lid on a jar. I used my other hand to get more of his sperm and used it to fondle my balls, to squeeze and tug on the slippery eggs. "I love jacking off for you Rory. I love loving myself and having Ty's hard boner in my butt helps me to feel hot for you," I cooed. "I am getting close, very close." It only took another moment before I all but screamed out as I cummed. There wasn't much liquid but the feelings were all there. "I can feel him cum Rory. I can feel his asshole grip me when his cock tries to squirt sperm," the boy said. He was clearly in awe of what was happening. I let my hands fall to my sides while I panted. I could feel Ty's cock start to soften and a second later he squished out of me and we both moaned at the loss. "So how was it Ty," Rory asked the boy, who elected to stay where he was and run his hand up and down my thigh as if comforting me which I thought was kind of sweet. "Oh gosh it was awesome. Way better than I ever dreamed it would be and it didn't matter at all that it's a boy, that you're a boy Jadrian," he said turning his focus to me. "Well what do you think about spending the night with us," Rory asked him.

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