Not That Bad


Published on Apr 14, 2009




Not that bad


"Connor!" I heard as someone was shaking me awake. Opening my eyes I looked at Blake smiling down at me.

"What time is it?" I asked glaring at him.

"It's like five." He looked like a kid on Christmas morning. "Why the hell did you wake me up at five in the morning?" I asked crossly. "And why are you so excited?"

"I completely forgot to give you this on your birthday." He said holding up a wrapped little box. Sitting up, suddenly wide awake, I smiled asking: "What is it?"

"Open it." He said smiling at me. I slowly opened it to find a gold necklace with an emerald on the end of it.

"Blake, this is too much-" I started to say when he interrupted me: "Connor, I love you. I just wish I could give you more. Looks like you picked someone way out of your class."

"Hey, don't say that. I don't care about your money. Trust me I'm after that amazing physique of yours." I said winking. "Can you put it on for me?" I asked handing him the necklace and turning around while he put it on. Getting up and walking to the mirror I was surprised when he said: "It matches your eyes. That's why I picked it."

Looking at the emerald and then my eyes I noticed he was right. It did match and I felt handsome for the first time in my life.

"Do you want a blowjob?" I asked blushing and causing Blake to look at me surprised. He said: "Fuck yes," and tore his boxers off and fell on the bed spreading his legs wide.

Starting at the soles of his feet I kissed each sole once and started trailing kisses up his right leg till I came to his erect and throbbing penis, I acted like I was about to swallow his shaft when he closed his eyes and moaned instead I started kissing down his left leg to his foot, causing him to moan in pleasure and frustration.

Moving up to his neck I sucked just under his ear and moved down to his hairy chest. I licked his nipple and gently bit into it, which caused him to moan.

"Connor, I'm begging you." Blake said thrusting his cock at me. I ignored him and moved to his other nipple and saw him reaching for his cock with his right hand.

"No, no, no, no, no." I said moving his hands to above his head and tried to hold it with one hand, which was almost impossible. We both knew he could easily move his arms, but he humored me and acted like he was in cuffs.

"How would you feel about cuffs?" I asked looking at him. His eyes were closed and he was grinding his hips to mine in frustration.

"I'll do whatever you want Connor, just suck my dick." He said speaking with his teeth clenched. I started blowing on his dick and I could see his penis jump at the hot air. I moved my mouth to his- very, very- large balls and licked one. It smelled clean, but there was a hint of sweat, which turned me on. As I swallowed one and rolled it around in my mouth, I realized that to get both in my mouth would be impossible as they were too big. I dropped one and moved to the other.

"God, I've thought about this for years!" He said grabbing my hair in his hand and forced it up to his thick penis. This was the first blowjob I had ever performed and I was nervous. He was acting very forcefully all of a sudden. "Yeah, suck it! Whore." He said thrusting his penis into my mouth. I was totally freaked out- I mean it was my first time.

I could barely breathe, his penis was so thick and he forced it down till I started to gag and he suddenly came. Jumping up I ran to the bathroom and spit his cum out and got into the shower. I was on my knees and crying as the water fell onto my back.

"Connor, I'm so sorry. I got carried away and forgot that you are new at this stuff." Blake said coming to me and I flinched as he reached for me.

"Don't touch me!" I spat at him. He looked hurt.

"Connor-" He tried.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I screamed. He got up and left. I fell to the floor and started crying inconsolably when Matt came in and closed the door.

"Hey buddy." He said sitting next to me and getting his clothes wet. I thought he was going to try and apologize for Blake, but he didn't. He just put his hand on my back and rubbed it. Turning to him I cried into his shoulder, while he rubbed my back gently saying: "Shhh, it's ok kid."

After a lot of crying I calmed down and said: "Sorry, here I am getting you wet." Thank heavens for my Jockey's! Getting up I turned the taps off and we got out. Matt opened the linen closet and threw me a towel and took one for him. Thereafter he stripped NAKED in front of me. I know he's my boyfriend's best friend, but shit- he is really fine!

Blushing as I saw his gigantic penis, like seven inches soft, I turned around and he said: "Come on. You've seen mine." Turning around I very shyly dropped my Jockey's and stood looking at my feet.

"Nice." he said looking at mine while playing with his foreskin. The both of us were uncut, but Blake was circumcised. "How big does it get?" He asked still fondling his penis while I put the towel around my middle.

"Eight." I said blushing.

"Wow, mine is eight and a quarter. I'm not a grower, but a shower." He said smugly getting the towel.

"That quarter is pretty important to you isn't it?" I asked teasing.

"Shut up." He said throwing the towel at me and laughingly walked up to me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked, referring to Blake, kindly putting his hand on my shoulder. At that moment Blake came in and screamed: "What the fuck Matt!?" And punched him in the stomach. Matt punched him back and they fell onto each other and I ran forward screaming: "He wasn't doing anything! Blake stop it! Matt!" As I came close enough I tried to pry them from one another, but they pushed me into the sink and the back of my head hit the mirror causing a loud crash.

"Connor!" They both yelled getting up and coming to me.

"Are you ok?" Asked Matt.

"Yeah, just dizzy." I said seeing black spots and feeling nauseated.

"I'm sorry." Matt said to me.

"You better be." Blake said rudely to Matt and I lost it.

"Blake, we're over. I thought that you had changed, but you're still that manipulative, sexy boy that can get away with anything." I turned and marched out (which was difficult considering that I do faint when I feel pain). Coming after me he grabbed my wrist and said: "I told the entire school that I was gay for YOU! You'd better show some gratitude!" He was squeezing my wrist hard.

"You're hurting me!" I said starting to cry and trying to pull my wrist from him. Gratitude. He did not just say that to me.

Matt was standing in the doorway not knowing whether he should interfere or not. Grabbing my other arm he said: "I'll hurt you if I want to! You are mine you little whore. I can make your life hell at school if you don't stay with me. And the crying is getting real old." With that he threw me to the floor and walked into our bedroom and slammed the door.

I was sobbing at this stage when Matt came over to me and helped me to his room, seeing as it was still dark outside.

"That's not the Blake I know. Sure he's always been arrogant and stuff, but I can't believe what I just saw. I don't wanna be his friend anymore." Matt said while rubbing my back, he was still naked and I was still in my towel.

"I'm s-s-sorry; this is my f-fault." I sobbed. "Y-you s-should see if Blake is ok-k." I said while trying to get up.

Holding me tight he said: "Fuck Blake, and if he tries anything at school I've got your back. Ok kid?" He asked drawing his fingers through my hair.

Calming down slightly I said: "You are really gonna make some lucky bitch real happy someday Matt. You are kind and hot and-"

"Slow down Con, I might think you were hot for my perfect dimpled smile." He joked winking at me and smiling.

"Keep being this nice and I just might. That's how pathetic I am."

He removed his hand from my hair and started saying: "You're not," but saw the blood on his fingers and screamed: "YOU'RE BLEEDING!" and jumped up and said: "Lie face down so I can see if there's any glass. Removing the towel and leaving me naked he pressed the towel to the wound after telling me that there wasn't any glass.

Getting up slowly while trying to maintain my dignity I sheltered my- delicate place- with my knee, blushing. We were face to face when Matt said: "I can't explain it, but these last couple of days I've been jealous of Blake."

"Sorry, now that we've broken up, he'll have more time for you." I said.

"I meant that I was jealous, because he got to kiss you and stuff." He replied blushingly.

"Don't worry, when we get back I'll try to find you a nice girl whom you can kiss." I said naively.

"You don't get it, I'm jealous cause I want you." He said frustrated.

"But you're not gay?" I asked looking at him.

"I know that I've done stuff with boys when I was little, but I've always kissed girls and now that I've met you I'm not so sure." He said coming closer.

"Can I kiss you? Just to be sure." He asked looking at me

Glancing towards the door I said: "Uhm, ok." Closing my eyes I felt apprehension, but the moments our lips touched I felt it. It sounds ridiculous, but I knew he was the one.

Moving away from him I looked threw my half closed lids and he said: "Yip, I like kissing you." Looking down I saw his erection and blushed.

"What now?" I asked unsure of how to proceed.

"You dump Blake and date me." He said looking into my face.

"But what will everyone say- that I turned you gay as well and broke Blake's heart? Besides I thought I loved Blake and I turned out to be wrong about him."

"We won't tell anyone for a while. We can take it slowly and then you can see how you feel about me." Matt answered sweetly.

"Ok." I said playing with the necklace.

Seeing this Matt said: "I got Alicia the same one, cause she has emerald eyes too, but she gave it back to me on Thursday when we broke up." Walking over to his suitcase he tried to find it, but it wasn't there.

"Was it wrapped in a gold box with a green ribbon?" I asked.

"Yeah, how do-" he said looking at me then he realized, "NO! He wouldn't."

Taking the necklace off, I gave it to Matt and said: "Sorry, I didn't know."

"You should keep it." He said while handing it back to me.

"Uh, no. This was yours so either I give it to you or I give it to Blake." Taking it he got this goofy grin on his face and said: "I forgot to give you your birthday present." And handed the gift back to me.

"Ha-ha," I said ", very funny." Taking it I smiled and thanked him. Getting up he fetched a pair of spare PJ bottoms and handed it to me. Putting it on and watching Matt put on his, he closed the door and came over flipped off the bedside lamp and got into bed next to me. Getting closer he held me to him with my back to his front, kissed my ear and whispered: "Night Con."

"Night Matthew." I giggled as he tickled me, because of calling him that.

Just before falling asleep I wondered if I would ever be truly happy or if my life would always be a rollercoaster of unfulfilled love and disappointments, but right now I know that I am happy and content, but more importantly truly in love with a decent guy who seemed to love me back.

I apologize for the short chapter, but I'm studying law and I am writing four tests this week and my birthday party is coming up and if you knew my family you'd understand that a champagne breakfast might be appropriate and classy for normal people, but not for my family- bunch of snobs- anyway I hope you enjoy it and PLEASE keep the criticism and suggestions coming. A special thanks to Ron who politely pointed out that Connor is spelt with another o and not an e. Sorry! E-mail me at



Next: Chapter 3

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