Not the Only One

By moc.loa@42tpircselpmis

Published on May 29, 2011


The Legal Stuff

This story is a work of fiction. Nothing mentioned in this story is true in real life. This story will contain sexual situations between teenage boys. If thats not your cup of tea then leave now. This is my story and cannot be distributed without my consent. Got it! Then I Hope You Enjoy!

Not The Only One

Concept and Written by: Simplescript Concept and Edited by: Lisa

Chapter 10 - "Date Night Pt. 1"


After Ryan came back from the bathroom we both got dressed and headed down for breakfast. Kurt and my Mom apologized for all the jokes they pulled at dinner. After that we all ate breakfast in relative silence. Ryan and I were headed back up to my room when he got a call from his dad saying he needed his assistance. Ryan packed up his stuff and we walked down to the front door. As he was about to leave we faced one another. I was expecting to get a kiss but Ryan just gave me a kind of awkward hug and left.

When he left I felt sort of unsure about what kind of relationship Ryan and I have. I went upstairs and fell across my bed. As I lay there I could feel my body drifting into sleep mode but my phone started buzzing. It was a text message from Mason.

'What u doin'

'Passing the time. U'

'Just got dun workin on tha project wit karen'

'U had sum unfinished business from yesterday:)'

'Shut up we actually finished the project and then we made out a little. What about u'

'We finished workin on our part of tha project'

'Did u start any other projects:)'

'Whats dat suppose to mean'

'Cum over and i'll explain it'

'Still grounded'

'Jus try'


After that text I went downstairs to try and persuade my Mom into letting me out of the house for a little while. It took some convincing but she let me go as an apology for all the jokes at dinner. I ran up stairs and took a shower before I made my way over to Mason's.

When I got up to his front door I realized his parents weren't home again but I decided to knock.

"Oh, so you're knocking now," Mason said answering the door.

"I didn't want to see any more surprises," I replied.

"You know you enjoyed the show," he said as we walked back to his room.

"You Wish."

"You know I talked with Ryan!" he said.


"I know you like guys," Mason said catching me completely off guard.

"What?" I said not expecting this moment to happen like this.

"It's Ok. I've known for a while."

"A while!"

"Yeah a while but anyways I know Ryan likes you and you probably like him. So what did you two end up doing last night?" he said.

"Back up a second, if you knew this whole time how come you never said anything?" I asked.

"Well, what did you want me to say?"

"I don't know? The other day you said messing around with each other was gay and you only do that when you're like 12, but you messed around with Ryan until you were in the 8th grade. So what does that make you?" I stated firmly as Mason's cheeks flushed red.

"He told you about that?"


"I admit I did it but I moved past it because I like girls."

"I still like girls a little but I admit I'm more attracted to guys," I said feeling some weight come off my shoulders.


Mason and I continued to talk about both of our sexualities. He told me that he never messed around with me because he didn't want our friendship to become awkward or ruined. Then I told Mason about some of the things Ryan and I did the previous night and how he acted kind of distant when he was getting ready to leave this morning.

"If you guys did all that this morning and he wouldn't even kiss you, then something's wrong," Mason said.

"Yeah, but what," I asked.

"Call him," Mason said.

"Ok," I said as I dialed the number and heard it ring twice before going to voicemail. "He sent me to voicemail," I said feeling a little upset.

"I'll call him," he said as he dialed and waited to see if Ryan would answer the phone.

"Hey Ryan what's up," Mason said as he started talking to Ryan on the phone.

I sat there stunned. Ryan would talk to Mason and not me! After all we shared this morning he couldn't even talk to me. I was still pondering my thought as Mason got off the phone.

"You two are going on a date next weekend with Karen and I," Ryan stated.

"Umm ok I guess, why not this upcoming weekend?"

"He said he had to do something with is family this weekend. I think he just feels a little insecure that he told you all of the things he's done in the past."

"If anybody should feel insecure it should be me because before this morning the only thing I had ever done was kiss a few girls," I said not really understanding why Ryan should feel insecure.

"Just give him some time but he'll come around."

"If you say so," I replied as I go a text from my mom saying my free time was over. "I got to get home I'll talk to you later."

"Alright," he said as we bumped fists and I turned and left with so many thoughts swimming in my mind.

The week went by with Ryan avoiding me for the most part. If he had no way of avoiding me he would say 'hey' or 'what's up' but he wouldn't wait around for me to respond. In english class he wouldn't so much as look at me. In the meantime Mason and Karen were almost all over each other constantly. It made me even more upset that they could be so close in their relationship but me and Ryan were so far apart.

When the weekend came I was happy that I was no longer grounded but at the same time I was bored out of my mind. Apparently Ryan went with his parents to see his grandparents while Karen was able to weasel her way out of the trip. She told her parents that her and Mason were behind on their project and needed to catch up. Karen made the whole thing up so she could hang out with Mason for the whole weekend. That left me with nothing to really do so I spent most of the weekend like I was still on punishment by spending the time inside. I did go skateboarding with a couple of my other friends on Sunday afternoon.

The next week Ryan and I did coordinate on the project a little bit so we could stay on schedule. He didn't talk about any thing other than the project and was quick to leave when we finished what we were working on. Mason told me that the date was for Saturday night. I wasn't even sure Ryan would show up when the time came so I tried to ask him about it on Friday.

"Were still on for Saturday night?"

"Yeah," Ryan said as he turned to rush off.

"Alright," I called after him.

The big night finally arrived and I was a nervous wreck trying to get ready. I took a nice warm shower trying to calm my nerves but it didn't really work since I knew I was low on time. It took me awhile to figure out what to wear but I finally settled on a kind of casual look with jeans and a collared shirt. I had just finished dressing when the doorbell rang.

"You ready," Mason said as I answered the door.

"Yeah," I replied as we made our way to my truck.

We drove to Ryan's house in silence. I kept thinking that Ryan wasn't even going to come out of his house and I would just be third wheel to Mason and Karen. As I was finishing those thoughts, I pulled up in front of his their house and they were already outside waiting. Mason decided to switch seats and sit in the back with Karen and Ryan sat in the front with me. It was another quiet trip to the restaurant as Ryan stared out the window the whole time and Maason and Karen were too busy tongue wrestling.

When we arrived, we were escorted to a nice booth where I sat next to Mason while Ryan and Karen sat across from us. We all ordered drinks and appetizers and settled into some small talk while we waited.

"So, Ryan what have you been up to?" Mason asked.

"Nothing," he replied quietly not even looking up from his menu.

"What's been going on with you guys?" I asked Mason and Karen.

"We've gone on a couple dates and worked on our project. Oh and we also had sex with out being walked in on," Karen said which earned a quick look up from Ryan as he glared at her.

"I noticed you and Ryan haven't really hung out in a while," Karen stated looking at me.

"Well I guess some people just need time or space to figure out what they want so we haven't hung out alot recently," I replied looking at Ryan who turned his head and gave me this nasty looking scowl.

"Why is that Ryan?" Mason asked.

"I've been busy," he said.

"Earlier I thought you said you haven't been up to anything," I threw back at Ryan.

"Well, I've just been doing my own thing," he said.

"He has been doing his own thing. He beats his dick like it owes him money," Karen said which caused us all to laugh except Ryan who was getting really red in the face as he once again glared at his sister.

"I've had it," Ryan said as he got up and stormed out of the restaurant.

"I'll handle this," Mason said as he got up and went after Ryan.

I was left sitting there with Karen which was a new and awkward thing for me because I'll admit at one time I had a crush on her. Another reason it was kind of awkward was because I had never really had a conversation with her.

"You know I had to blackmail Ryan into going on this date," she said.

"I knew he wouldn't just come on his own from the way that he was avoiding me," I said as I lowered my head.

"Well I did it for his own good because I know he likes you and he has done stuff like this two other times!"

"You mean he has acted like this before?"

"Yeah! The first time was when I caught him with his Un..." she started to say but caught herself.

"I know about that."

"Ok good. When I caught him with his uncle he did it because everything went so wrong and he wasn't sure if I was going to tell. He just locked himself away from everybody until I assured him I wasn't gonna tell."

"Ok," was all I could think to say.

"The second time was when Mason I guess told Ryan he didn't want to fool around anymore."

"You know about that?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah but don't tell them I know and before you ask I followed Ryan one time to Mason's house. I snuck around back and looked in the windows until I found them in Mason's room doing things," she replied.

"You're fine knowing your brother messed around with your boyfriend before you?"

"What's in the past is in the past and Mason doesn't do that anymore so I don't really think about it."


"Don't worry about Ryan I know he'll come around. I know Mason's the best person to talk him out of his funk," she said as our food arrived.

End of Part 1

(Hope You like the story so far. Only two chapters left! I love to hear the comments and suggestions. Tell me what you like or don't like and I'll keep the in mind as I finish up the story. Next chapter Coming Soon...)

Reach me at : ( )

Next: Chapter 11

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