Not the Only One

By moc.loa@42tpircselpmis

Published on May 1, 2011


The Legal Stuff

This story is a work of fiction. Nothing mentioned in this story is true. This story will contain sexual situations between teenage boys. If thats not your cup of tea then leave now. This is my story and cannot be distributed without my consent. Got it! Then I Hope You Enjoy!

Not The Only One


"He may not be gay but he is Bi" he said just as I made it out into the hallway. I stopped on a dime and just stood there for a moment taking in what he just said. I did the only thing I could think of and that was follw his statement with a qusetion.

"How do you know"


Chapter 7 - "Signs"

"Like I said I'm his best friend I know Jaxson and I know he likes both girls and boys" Mason stated.

"Have you ever seen him do anything with a boy or a girl" I asked walking back into the room.

"He's been on dates with girls but I've never seen him do anything with a guy but I know he likes guys too."

"How? Has he ever hit on you?" I asked.

"No! but I'm his friend and we hang out together all the time and so I just figured it out."

"That's Bull Shit! Tell me the real reason you know he likes both sexes."

"Alright I was at his house one day about a year and half ago and he went downstairs to find the menu for this new resturant we were going to order from.

I was on his computer looking at other places just in case he couldn't find the menu. I got curious to see what Jaxson looks at on the computer so I started going through his history. He had alot of porn sites on their was a mix of Gay and straight porn."

"Was their more gay porn or straight porn" I said holding my breath.

"There was more gay porn. I'd sy it was about 60/40 gay to straight."

"So do you think I have a chance with Jaxson."

"I guess yeah. You are good looking for a guy" he said.

"Your so sweet!" I said in a mocking tone.

"Shut up I can admit when a somebody looks good even if it is a guy."

"I thoght stright boys are not supposed to ever say a guy looks good" I replied laughing.

"Shut up"

"Ok Ok it's just funny to hear you say it."

"So........are you going to be mad at me if I go out with your sister" he said nervously.

"hmm...I guess not but if you break her heart that fight you were waiting for will be coming" I said sternly.

"Cool thanks because she's coming back over later to actually work on the project and I want to ask her out on a date while she's here."

"Ok I guess but think with your head and not your penis."

"Deal we won't goaround having sex at least until after our second date."

"Maybe I'll get far enough with Jaxson that we can double date sometime."

"That would be interesting but no sex with my best friend until after you second date."

"Who says we haven't had sex yet" I replied with a serious expression.

"There is no way we just had this extensive conversation about whether he was gay or not so I know you two have not had sex" he stated confidently.

"You're right we only jerked eahother off."

"How did that happen."

"We were looking at cable porn until I asked if he had anything better. He went to his computer and found us some better porn even if it was straight. We both got hard and the rest just sort of happend."

"How did you get har looking at straight porn" Mason asked.

"The thought that I was going to see Jaxson naked got me hard as shit."

"Don't you ever think about girls and getting some pussy. I mean it had to have crossed your mind."

"Eww FUCK NO PUSSY IS GROSS. Looking at that shit is gross. I like Guys because Guys know what guys need" I Said Firmly.

"I guess you are gay"

"Ya think."

After that Mason and I made more small talk and caught up with eachother about what we've been doing since we stopped messing around. I realized durng this time that Mason and I never really knew eachother that well. We actually liked some of the same things. I started tothink it was funny how we were so intimate but never really knew alot about eachother. I guess we truly were Fuck buddies. I was so caught up in talking to Mason that I forgot about the time.

"Oh Shit....." I exclaimed

"What. What's Wrong."

"It's Almost noon. I told Jaxson I would make this quick."

"Damn it was actually good talking to you" Mason said.

"It was nice talking to you too. This was the first time I think we have ever done this."


"Just Talk"

"You're right and it felt good" he replied.

"Friends" I said extending my hand

"Friends" he said as he shook.

As I was walking out of Mason's house I felt great about my chances with Jaxson that I decided to listen to a little bit of music. I was feelin' a little Snoop Dogg for the walk back down the street. I was listening to one of Snoop's songs called 'Signs' with Charlie Wilson and Justin Timberlake when I started thinking about the conversation I was having with Mason. I started to think back to me and Jaxson jerking off when this verse came up.

Verse from Signs : I'm not sure what I see Cupid don't fuck wit me! Are you telling me this is a sign? She's looking in my eyes, now I see no other guys Are you telling me this is a sign?


Ryan has been at Mason's house for two hours. I'm starting to wonder if something happend. Neither one of them has their phone on so I couldn't reach them. My mome has called three times since I've been back to make sure I haven't left(So annoying)and I'm so bored. I started to look at porn but my mind just wasn't in it so I layed on my bed and started thinking about Ryan and Mason. Ryan said they had a past problem but I have never seen them have a conversation or hang out. I was trying to think of a time I ever remembered seeing them together and I couldn't think of one. I was aboutto give up on my thinking when I remembered seeing somebody that looked kind of like Ryan leaving Mason's house one day when I was coming to see him after he got back from summer camp.

It was a week before the start of 9th grade and Mason had just gotten back from summer camp. He was lucky he got to go to camp while I was stuck having to go to summker school. Anyways he got back around noon and told me to come over at 3. I was so excited to se my best friend that I couldn't quite wait until 3 so I started walking to his house at about 2:30. I was about 20 yards from his house when somebody came out his front door with his head down. He glanced at me for a second before he sped up his walking in the other direction. Whoever it was from their body language I could tell they were upset but I didn't think anything of it back then because I was so excited to see my best friend. Looking back on it now from what I saw of the person he did look like Ryan does now except back then he was younger and not as tall. I was taken from my Daydream when there was loud knocking comming from the front door.

End of Chapter 7

(I would like to hear more coments to know if the story is worth continuing. Comments can be as short as I like your story just give me something. It makes writing more exiting when you know you have people reading. Praise, criticism I would like to hear them. Hope to hear More Comments. Next chapter is longer and Coming Soon...)

Reach me at : ( )

Next: Chapter 8

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