Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Jun 26, 2001


Ok, so it's been pointed out to me that I'm an idiot. ::grin:: I accidentally labeled the last chapter as 16 but it was really 15. Sorry for any confusion.

I bet you guys thought I'd forgotten about this story as long as it's taken me to update it. I really didn't. I was just stuck on what to do next with it. Jordy (ICE) kicked me in the ass and made me write it and gave me some great ideas.

Feedback: or I'll love you forever and ever if you send me some. ::grin::

Dedication: To Jordy because she made me write it. Brian, I love you and miss you baby. Aaron, well just because you keep me grounded by not taking any shit from me. ::grin::

Disclaimer: Nope, not true in the slightest. I still have the number handy for that shrink if you believe it is.

Chapter 16 ***********************

JC fidgeted and messed with the television, while waiting for Justin and Joey to arrive for breakfast. They had all agreed the night before to meet in Lance and Chris's room. JC was tired and crabby. He hadn't slept the night before, after embarrassing himself by freaking out in front of Lance and Chris. He groaned as Justin and Joey walked in holding hands.

"Morning." Joey said, greeting his friends cheerfully.

Lance and Chris welcomed their friends warmly. JC grunted.

Justin dropped onto the sofa next to JC. "Is the food here yet? I'm starving." Justin complained, rubbing his stomach as if to emphasize his point.

Joey sat on the arm of the sofa next to Justin, draping an arm around his shoulders. JC bit his cheek, trying not to glare at them.

"The food will be here in just a few minutes Justin. I swear it's a wonder you don't weigh 300 pounds the way you eat." Lance laughed, tossing a pillow at Justin.

Justin laid the pillow on the sofa between himself and JC. "You'd still love me wouldn't you Joey?" Justin asked, grinning and leaning into Joey's side.

"I'd love you even if you woke up some morning and looked like Chris." Joey promised solemnly, kissing Justin's forehead.

"Hey, I'm pretty damn sexy if I do say so myself." Chris protested, amongst laughter from Lance, Justin, and Joey.

Lance sat on the end of the bed beside Chris, nudging him with his elbow. "You do say so yourself, because everybody else has perfect vision." He teased, laughing as Chris put him in a headlock.

Justin laughed at his friend's antics as he rose from the sofa to get the door. "Food's here." He called, pushing the room service cart in.

JC stood and headed for the door. He couldn't sit through breakfast with Justin and Joey.

Lance looked up from getting his food and saw JC about to leave. "Where are you going Jayce?"

"Out, not hungry." JC growled, incoherently.

"Jayce." Lance said, as JC opened the door.

JC turned slowly to face Lance. "What!" He demanded.

"Don't forget we have to go over some dance shit with Wade before the show tonight." Lance gently reminded his irritable friend.

JC sighed in exasperation. "I won't." He said, leaving the room.

Joey removed his arm from around Justin's waist.

"Are you ok Justin? You do look better than you did last night when I left." Lance said, smiling at Justin over the cart of food.

Chris smacked Lance on the back of the head. "Of course he's fine, he shared a room with his man. Did you guys get freaky?" Chris asked, leering at Justin.

"The only person getting freaky is you, and you seem to be getting freakier by the moment." Lance retorted, dryly.

Justin and Joey laughed at Chris's expression and lack of comeback. They returned to the sofa to eat their breakfast.

"Did you get enough sleep Justin? I know how you get a headache and sick to your stomach if you're too tired." Lance said, looking worriedly at Justin.

"I bet he slept like a baby all wrapped around Joey all night long." Chris cut in, as Justin was about to answer.

Lance threw crust from his toast at Chris. "I told you they aren't really together. I'm sure they didn't sleep in the same bed after JC left. Did

you?" Lance asked, turning to Joey and Justin, frowning slightly.

Justin glanced down at his plate, blushing lightly. Joey took that as his cue to answer the question.

"Justin slept, snugly in JC's bed all night. Wrapped tightly in the blankets and clutching JC's shirt to his face." Joey explained, wondering at Lance's sudden smile. If he weren't mistaken he'd say it was a smile of relief.

Chris scratched his head and looked at Lance. "You know if I didn't know any better, I'd think that Justin had a thing for JC." He said, laughing as if that was the funniest thing imaginable.

Lance, Justin, and Joey groaned not even bothering to explain things to Chris once again.

Lance glanced up from his plate, looking from Justin to Joey and back. "So, do you guys have plans for the next couple of hours?"

"Chris and I are going to play the new game he got the other day. What are you doing Justin?" Joey asked, turning to look at Justin.

Justin shrugged, not looking up from his plate. "Nothing special. I'm just going to go through JC's address book and call every guy in it and tell him JC's got a venereal disease." He said, his concentration on his plate never wavering.

Lance nearly dropped his plate. "You wouldn't really do that would you?" He asked, glancing at Joey for confirmation that Justin wouldn't.

"Justin, you can't. Not that it wouldn't be funny as hell, but it's not right." Joey nudged Justin's knee with his own, trying to see if Justin was actually paying attention to him or not.

Justin looked up at Joey, tears forming in his eyes. "I don't care Joey! I swear if I have to see him with one more guy, I'll personally rip his dick off!" Justin swore vehemently.

Joey and Lance watched in horror as Justin slammed his plate onto the cart and strode from the room, intent on his mission.

"He won't do it. Will he?" Lance queried, looking to Joey for assurance.

Joey just shrugged, glancing worriedly at the door.

"Do you guys think that we could get Jive to pay for a trip into space for our next video? They did it for Britney, they've gotta do it for us. We're so much hotter. I wonder if Britney got freaky with any hot aliens." Chris pondered, as he watched the video for oops I did it again on MTV.

Joey and Lance groaned as they both threw pillows at Chris.

JC ran a towel over his face, wiping away the sweat. The show had gone remarkably well, considering Justin hadn't spoken to him all day. Justin was driving him insane though. He'd openly stare at JC until JC stared back and then he'd frown and look away. He kept touching JC, placing a hand lightly on his back or touching his hand and letting it linger. The minute JC would attempt to return the touch, Justin was gone. JC couldn't figure it out. Justin could touch him but if he tried returning Justin`s touch, Justin would turn and walk away. JC wanted nothing more than to touch Justin, but he couldn't. That right was reserved for Joey. The five men piled into a limo, heading for their buses. Nobody really talking because they were all winding down from the show. JC leaned across his seat, motioning for Lance to lean forward. "Will you switch busses with me? I can't ride with them right now." He whispered. Lance glanced out of the corner of his eye. Justin guessing what JC wanted was vigorously shaking his head no. Joey pulled Justin closer to him and grinned to himself. He found that he liked helping Justin get revenge on JC. "God Jayce, please don't put me in this position. We need to get on the road right away anyway; we wouldn't have time to switch busses." Lance said, hoping that JC would understand. JC sighed, "I know you're right. I just don't know if I can handle this. I'm sorry I tried dragging you into the middle of this mess." JC apologized, resting his elbows on his knees and dropping his head into his hands. Lance patted JC's knee. "You'll be fine JC; you just need to start leading your life with your heart more often than with your dick." JC didn't respond to Lance's comment. He sat back in his seat, closing his eyes. Blocking the site of Justin's legs in Joey's lap and their hands interlaced. He wondered instead why Lance seemed to be frowning at the lovers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JC went straight to his bunk upon entering the bus. He threw his backpack under it and stripped down to his boxers quickly. He climbed into the bed, praying that god would be merciful and let him sleep. He finally drifted off after a couple hours, the sound of Justin's voice in the front lulling him to sleep. Justin stood, gazing down at the sleeping man. He looked so peaceful and innocent as he slept. Justin wished he could see this side of JC more often. He slowly reached out and touched JC's hair, lightly running his fingers through it. He marveled at the silky softness. His hand gently drifted down to JC's face. He traced the contour of his cheek, then slowly made his way back to his nose running a finger lightly down the length of it. JC's nose twitched slightly. Justin jerked his hand back. He watched JC for another minute, making sure he was still sleeping. His fingers outlined the fullness of JC's lips. Justin thought it would be easier to stop breathing, than to resist tasting those lips. He leaned down, gently pressing his lips to JC's. His tongue caressing JC's bottom lip. JC stirred. Justin backed away. JC's eyes slowly opened. He'd been having the most wonderful dream. He and Justin were in his living room. They were lying on a rug in front of the fireplace. They were kissing and holding each other tightly. JC wished the dream would have went on forever. He could smell Justin so strongly; it was as if he was there. He sighed, licking his dry lips. He tasted Justin. His breath caught in his throat. He looked to the doorway leading to the front of the bus. Justin stood there staring back at him. JC sat up. Justin fled. tbc? Ok, I've had some people ask about another story that I'm writing. I haven't sent it here. It's called Doggy Style, it's a fun and kind of silly story. Justin is a dog and JC is his owner. Justin tries to find a way to become human so he can be with JC. Yes, I promise Justin does become human, JC won't be messing around with a dog. LOL. If you are interested in me sending it in here let me know. If I get enough people interested, I'll send it in. Love ya'll, Pen

Next: Chapter 17

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