Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 27, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant" Chapter 105

Joe woke with the warm body of Zeb spooned against him. He lightly rubbed his hand down Zeb's naked side. "You sleep sexy. After last night you earned that rest." Joe whispered. Joe slowly slid out of the bed. Georgia may not have snow on the ground but the chill in the air was the same. He quickly made his way into the bathroom and once his bladder was emptied he turned the shower on to warm the water up. Moving back to the bedroom doorway, Joe looked across the dim lit room and smiled as he watched Zeb's body move as he would breath in and out. His cock twitched just a little. "Down boy. You had your turn last night. A couple of times of times if I remember correctly. My baby needs some rest." Joe whispered. Standing in the warm water his cock soon rose to full mast remembering his first fuck in the state of Georgia. Joe and Zeb had promised each other not to masturbate without the other one so Joe had to resist the natural urge to grab hold and correct the issue.

Shower done, Joe took a pair of jeans from the suitcase and sweat shirt. Blowing a kiss to Zeb from the door he slowly pulled the door closed and headed down stairs. "Why are you up so early ?" Joe said as he entered the kitchen. Brian was standing by the coffee maker waiting on it to finish dripping. "I guess I am use to ranch life. Early rise and all." Brian said. "I am Uncle Joe remember, don't lie to me." He said. "It's just strange being back here and especially this close to Christmas. That's all." Brian said. "I bet your Grandmother had this house decorated to the hilt." Joe said. "Yes she did. I can remember crying when Christmas was over. The love for me in this house was not different all year round but there was something about all the decorations that just made it more special." Brian said.

The coffee was finished and two cups had been poured. "Now what are you doing ?" Joe asked as he leaned against the counter. "Trying to figure out what I can cook for breakfast for all these folks since I am up first. I guess I need to run up to the grocery store." Brian said. "Sounds good. Grab your shoes and I will go with you." Joe said. "What do you want for breakfast ?" Brian asked. "We will decide that when we get to the grocery store." Joe said.

Joe stood beside the van they had rented waiting on Brian. Brian came out the back door and called from around the corner. "This way." Brian said. "Damn I am not walking to the store." Joe thought. The barn door opened and Joe could see the chrome grill of an older model Ford pick up. "If it will crank we are going in this." Brian said. "This is a nice truck to be left out here in a barn." Joe said. "I know. This was my Grandfather's truck." Brian said. "Oh, I understand now." Joe said. "Yeah Grandpa always called this one old faithful." Brian said as the engine fired up just as if it were driven the day before.

Once in the store the two men pushed a buggy down the different isles. Brian had a bag of grits and a couple other items in the cart as they made it to the meat section. "Where is the Texas toast, or that thick bread you make Texas toast ? You know what kind I mean." Joe asked. "It's a couple of isles over. I got bread for toast." Brian said. "I know. I am going to make bird nests." Joe said. "Bird nests ?" Brian asked. "You will see, just grab a couple of the large packs of bacon, oh and some sausage if you want. Make sure it's the thick cut bacon. I will be back." Joe said. Joe could hear, what could be considered, and intense conversation as he came up one isle with two loaves of bread. He saw Brian still in front of the meat counter with a short, stocky, older lady that looked as though she had him cornered. As Joe got closer he saw almost a look of fear on Brian's face.

"You know your Grandma would be ashamed of you and the way you have treated your mother and father. The good Lord does not look kindly on ungrateful children like you are." The lady spat. "Excuse me, Is there a problem here ?" Joe asked as he put the bread in the buggy. "Oh I guess this is your sodomite." She spat. "I am his Uncle Joe, and you are ?" Joe said. "Uncle Joe. I know his whole family and he does not have an Uncle Joe." She said. "Apparently you don't know his family then." Joe said. Brian was trying to get Joe's attention to get him to just let it go. "And you are what to this family? " Joe asked. "Brian's mother and I attend the same church. Brian has shamed his family and has falsely imprisoned his father." She said. "Falsely ? So you believe in kidnapping and child cruelty ?" Joe said in a louder tone. Other shoppers had stopped to see what the raised voices were. "That did not happen." The lady said. "Oh so you and , you mentioned your church, all believe in kidnapping and child cruelty then. I'm glad my God doesn't attend your services." Joe said.

Brian tried even harder to get Joe's attention without success. "And exactly who are you ? I knew his Grandparents and there was no Joe in the family." she asked. "Joe looked up and down the women as if taking stock of her outfit. "Well you need to go home and call all of your gossip friends and tell them that this was your lucky day. If you had not been talking to Brian you still would not have met me. You have to have a certain net worth to even be introduced to me and I can tell by the "sale" items in your buggy that at your age you could never obtain that much wealth." Joe said. Brian's tension just left and the snort he let out trying not to laugh was noticed not only by Joe but by the on lookers. You could hear chuckles from some of the people that had stopped to listen. "Now move along. I think they have some clearance items on one of these shelves. They say grocery stores have them. People like me step on people like you just to keep the soles of our shoes clean so move along." Joe said as he held his hand out and flipped motioning for her to move along. The lady just huffed and pushed her buggy on. "Alright, we need eggs, butter and milk. Lead the way." Joe said as if nothing had happened.

Finally back in the truck Brian sat and smiled. "Thank you Uncle Joe." Brian said. "For what buddy ?" Joe asked. "For standing up for me." Brian said. "Brian you know that I love your bratty ass and always will, but never doubt that I will come to your aid if you need it." Joe said. Brian burst out laughing. "What's so funny ?" Joe asked. "I didn't hear half of what you said to her. I closed my eyes and then opened them the first time expecting to see my Grandmother reading her. I closed them again expecting to see B standing there." Brian laughed. "I have to admit my first thought was, what would B say? Then I toned it down a couple hundred percent." Joe laughed. "I bet she never forgets you ?" Brian laughed. "Good looking cowboy like me should never be forgotten." Joe said. "Can't argue with that." Brian said as he started the truck. "Would your Grandmother have said something to her ?" Joe asked. "Well could you imagine if Uncle Max had been with us ?" Brian said. "We would still be standing there and she would still be getting an ear full." Joe laughed. "Well my Uncle Max got it from his mother so to answer your question if it had been her we would not have breakfast until lunch time." Brian laughed.

Carl stood at the counter leaning against Max. "Why did you get up so early ?" Carl asked. "The chime went off when the gate opened. I got up to look out. I saw Dad's truck going out the drive so I figured it was Brian." Max said. "You still have your Dad's truck ? You never showed it to me when we were here." Carl said. "It's been in the barn. Brian loved that truck so I kept it so he could decide one day what to do with it." Max said. About that time the chime went off again signaling the gate opening. Carl looked out the carport door as the truck pulled up. "Yep it's Brian and he has Joe with him." Carl said. "So that's where he went ?" Zeb said as he walked into the kitchen still yawning.

Joe and Brian came through the door laughing with the bags of groceries. "You two are in a good mood this morning." Carl said. "Nothing like a trip to the grocery store with Brian to get the blood pumping." Joe laughed. "Try taking him and the twins grocery shopping. " Ty said stretching as he walked into the kitchen. "Morning sunshine." Carl laughed. "Bite me." Ty laughed. "That's Brian's job." Joe laughed. Brian told the group about the encounter at the grocery store as he emptied the bags. "Who was it ?" Max said. "I can't remember her name but you know her. She has always been a busy body and she goes to church with Mom." Brian said. Joe looked over and saw anger building in Max. Joe walked over and stood on the other side of Max. "Chill out Bro. I handled it and he is fine." Joe whispered. "Uncle Max you should have been there. I even closed my eyes and when I opened them I expected to see Grandma standing there. I closed them again and I expected to see B standing there." Brian laughed. "Thank you." Max whispered. "Ah so big bro grew a set of balls huh ?" Carl said trying to lighten the mood. "Grew a set ? Little bro, big bro has always had a big set. Just ask Zeb he played with them a few times last night." Joe said. "JOE" Zeb said. "So you weren't serious when you kept telling me you loved my big bull balls ?" Joe said smiling. "I think it's time to get breakfast started before this gets any deeper." Ty said. "Don't think I could have gotten deeper if I tried, and believe me I tried. More than once last night." Joe said. "No more grocery shopping with Brian for you." Zeb laughed.

Back at the ranch the farmer and his wife along with B and Durk stood beside the delivery truck. "Is the area ready for them to put the sign up ?" The farmer asked. About that time Daryl and Mary pulled up on the other side of the truck. "We don't have the brick foundation for the sign yet." Daryl said as he walked up to the group. "Sounds like somebody needs to stop taking breaks and get their work done." B said snapping his fingers and smiling. "Alright old man. Not to late to hide bodies in the concrete foundation." Daryl said laughing. "Concrete is dirty." B said and grinned. One of the ranch trucks pulled up and the oldest ranch hand got out. "I was afraid it would not be here in time." He said. "In time ? Don't you mean too early ? Where are we going to put this thing ?" B asked. "We have a place to hide it. The guys said they would all help place it when the space is ready." The hand said. "Enough already. The thing is huge. I want to see it." B said. "Always heard you were a size queen." Daryl laughed. "Honey talking to your wife I don't think you qualify." B said and placed his hand on his hip. "Alright you two. You can pull them out and compare them after we see the sign." Durk laughed. "Where did the sign come from ?" Mary asked. "An old friend of mine does wood carving. I called him and he said he would be proud to make the sign for me. I hope the boss men won't be upset when they see it. I didn't ask them first." The older man said.

There was complete silence when the cover came off the sign. Everyone's jaw dropped. No one noticed as Landon's truck pulled in with a trailer behind it. "Holy shit." Landon said snapping everyone out of their trance. The sign was still in a crate but you could clearly see it. The sign stood about eight feet tall. On top was a 3D horse with a cowboy in the saddle. The horse had one leg bent and it's head lowered. The cowboy had his head bowed, tipping his cowboy hat. In front of the horse was a small child reaching up towards the horse. Behind that child was a child in a wheel chair also reaching towards the horse. Below the horse was a large sign that had the surrounding mountains carved into it.

The mountains were stained instead of painted. The colors almost matched the local views. Across the mountains was carved "Hannah's Harnesses of Hope." There was a lake carved and stained at the bottom of the mountains and in smaller print had "At The Rexlan Ranch." In the bottom right hand corner there were the silhouettes of two men standing arm in arm. The likeness was unmistakable. The older ranch hand had the carver create a likeness of Carl and Max. Under the two men it was carved. "The dream of Carl and Max Rexlan." "I don't like the color of the lake. Thought he would do better with the stain colors." The older ranch hand said. "Shut your mouth. It's perfect." Mary said. "No. It's breath taking." The farmer's wife said. "You think they will be mad ?" The ranch hand asked. "They say one cross word and they will meet my frying pan." The farmer's wife said. "I want it when you are done." Mary said.

"Think we can get the brick laid and sign set before the Christmas party ?" The ranch hand asked. "Bricks hell. Those can be used somewhere else. I need to find a stone mason in a hurry." Daryl said. "Get the best and offer him double. I'm paying." B said with eyes still glued to the sign. "How much did that cost? I will write them a check." Durk said. "No need. Me and one of the other guys drew Carl and Max's names for the secret Santa. We split the cost." The ranch hand said. "I thought there was a spending limit." Landon said. "The other guy paid the limit. I paid the balance. Besides I can't bury it with me so I was proud to spend it." The ranch hand said. The driver quickly had Landon move the trailer around so he could use the crane on the truck to load the crate on the trailer. "Where are you going to hide it ?" Durk asked. "Told Flo what I was doing and she said we could put it in her barn until we were ready for it." The ranch hand said. "What if Carl looks for the trailer ?" Mary asked. "Leave that to me." B said. "You, what would you possibly need with a trailer ?" Daryl asked. "If you tell him I am using it he won't even ask." B said and smiled. "You got a point there." Durk laughed. "Watch it old man. Remember who spreads the bengay on your old ass every night." B said. "You know I love you." Durk said and laughed. "Whatever." B laughed.

Back in Georgia the group had taken the van and Max gave a tour of the town he and Brian had grown up in. The southern antebellum homes held history that no one would ever realize. "Those plantation style homes are just beautiful." Zeb said. "There are some people that feel like movies such as "Gone with the Wind", and even "Forest Gump" were just movie sets and the homes did not exist." Max said. "The south is scattered with these type stately mansions." Brian said. "I would have figured your Mom would have had one of those." Zeb said. "She was happy with the house she and Dad built." Max said. "Who the hell wouldn't be." Joe laughed. "Believe it or not their house is not acceptable in some circles because it is not the white columns plantation style home." Max said. "Well they can get the hell over it." Joe said. "Are you sure you never met my Grandma. This is twice today I could swear it was her talking." Brian laughed.

The group had eaten lunch at a local restaurant and returned to the house. Brian sat in the sunroom looking at the floor and rubbing his hands together. "I didn't think those two would ever go to sleep. I need to remember no ice cream at lunch time." Carl laughed. "Yeah, sugar high." Brian said lightly. "What's wrong buddy ?" Carl said as he sat beside Brian and let out a heavy sigh. "I have decided to go see my Dad. This will probably be the last time." Brian said. "Are you sure about this ?" Carl asked. "Yes. He needs to do this for closure." Joe said as he walked in behind the two. "Yeah I do need to do this." Brian said. "And I am going with you." Joe said. "I need to do this on my own." Brian said. "You will. You will walk in on your own, and you will sit down with him on your own, but I will be just outside the door." Carl said. "I said I was going." Joe said. "Well I guess we both are then." Carl said. "You know I love you guys." Brian said. "Everybody does." Carl laughed.

"What can I do ?" Zeb asked as he walked into the storage room. "I am just getting these ornament boxes out so Brian and I can look at them later." Max said. "Hand me boxes and tell me where to put them." Zeb said. Max would pull out a box and read the label and either put it to the side or hand it to Zeb. "How do you think Brian will do ?" Zeb asked. "I think he will do fine. His Dad will hurt his feelings but Brian knows that he has a new life back at the ranch so I am sure he will stand up to his Dad where he would not have before." Max said. "I just hope they don't lock Joe up while they are there." Zeb said. "Yeah I am afraid they would have to put Carl in there too." Max laughed.

Brian sat at the table in the visitation room. His shoulders started to stiffen and his neck hurt as he heard a laughing voice coming down the hall. "Well look what we got here. The local ferry shit packer. You come to ask your old man for forgiveness?" He said. "Hello to you too Dad." Brian said. "Finally come to get me out of here ?" he said. "You know that's up to the judge. I can't do anything about it." Brian said. "Well what the fuck good are you then ?" he asked. "Old man I wouldn't help you if I could." Brian said. "Watch your fucking mouth. Guess you been hanging around that fudge packing brother of mine too long. Where is that bitch anyway ?" he asked. "I guess somewhere around town spending what's left of your inheritance." Brian said. His father slammed his hands on the table and moved to stand. The guard moved over and just looked at him. "Yeah Dad, Uncle Max has his own private Boeing 737 airplane now." Brian said and smiled. He looked and could see the anger in his father's eyes.

"A plane full of faggots. Maybe it will crash." he said. "You are just a bitter old man. I thank God every day that I had my Grandparents and my Uncle Max so I didn't turn out like you." Brian said. "Watch your mouth you ungrateful little brat. Speaking of money, where the hell is that no count bitch of a mother of yours ?" he said. "No idea. A couple of people said they have not seen her in a few months. Guess she wised up and ran away." Brain said. "You find that bitch and tell her to put some money in my account here or I will beat her ass when I get out." he said. "Find her yourself Dad. This is my goodbye visit. This is the last time you will ever get to see me." Brian said. "Big fucking Woo. I guess since you are leaving you are going to give me Mom and Dad's house. It was suppose to be mine anyway." he said. "Nope. The house is still Uncle Max's. It will be the twins one day." Brian said. "I guess you are fucking them too." he said. "You are a sick bastard. Unlike you we all love those little boys. You only saw them as an opportunity and for your information those boys are safer at the ranch than they ever were around you." Brian said. "Raising them up to take it up the ass huh ?" he said.

"You are sick bastard. This is where you belong. I hope you think about what all you are saying tonight when some guy comes in and forces himself on you." Brian said. "That shit ain't gonna happen. Unlike you I am a real man." he said. "Well my husband will be glad to tell you that I am all man too." Brian said. "I bet he would while he shoves his dick up your ass." he said. "Think what you want. You always did." Brian said. "Oh so he takes it up the ass not you. There may be hope for you yet." he said. "There is hope for me and finally a happy life. I just needed to say goodbye so that I could go and live a happy life." Brian said. "You will be back. When you get ready to be a real man come back and I will teach you how." he said. "If this is a real man I don't want any part of it." Brian said holding his hand out towards his father pointing. "That son of a bitch has ruined you." he said. "Goodbye Dad. Have them contact me after you are buried." Brian said as he stood and walked towards the door. "Don't you walk away from me you little son of a bitch." he said. Brian never turned nor replied. As he walked down the hall he could hear his father shouting and cursing as the guards tried to restrain him.

"Let's go home." Brian said as he walked into the waiting room. "Are you alright ?" Carl asked. "For the first time in my life I saw the disgusting man that he is. For the first time he was just a sad little man and not a fist wielding giant that scares me." Brian said. "So it was worth coming then ?" Joe asked. "He is forever behind me. I need to get home to my husband and kids." Brian said. "Yeah I am missing mine too." Joe said. "Never thought I would see my brother whipped." Carl laughed. "Look who's talking." Joe said. "Alright you two. Get in the van." Brian said as Joe and Carl continued to argue going across the parking lot.

Ty was in a rocking chair giving McKenzie a bottle when the men arrived back. "Give her up." Carl said as he walked towards Ty. "Not so fast there big boy. You and Joe have to go to the storage building and get the Christmas decorations." Max said. "Spoil sport." Carl said as he leaned over and kissed the baby on top of the head. "Alright the boxes are marked aren't they ?" Carl asked. "Yes and Brian wanted you to grab his while you are there. They are just inside the door." Max said. "He can get his own." Joe said. "No you are getting them because you are going with Carl." Zeb said. "Yes sir." Joe said and smiled. "Can I help ?" Mitch asked. "Sure this will give us a chance to dig through Max's private stuff with out him watching." Joe laughed. "Well if you take too long I will know you found the box with the sex toys and porn." Max said laughing.

The twins were still napping and the baby was full and sound asleep. Ty had offered to cook supper for everyone. Zeb and Artie had joined Ty in the kitchen while Brian and Max sat in the den with all the Christmas decorations. The two men separated a few of the ornaments into two piles. They sat and chatted for a minute and the Brian left the room. "Uncle Zeb and Uncle Artie can I borrow you for a few minutes ?" Brian asked. Both men looked at Ty. "Go ahead. I got this." he said. Once in the den they sat on the floor across from Brian and Max.

"These were my Mom's and Brian's Grandmothers Christmas ornaments. Brian asked if you two could pick a few also so that he and his family could be a part of your trees. " Max said. "I can't do that. these are gorgeous." Artie said. "Well we have a couple of special ones for you if you are willing." Brian said reaching behind him and pulling out a box. "My mother always wanted a Grand daughter. She bought these before Brian was born and said they went on the tree when she got a baby girl. I am sure she is thrilled that she has a great Grand daughter and would want you to have these." Max said and handed the box to Artie. Artie opened the box and gasp. Inside were four feminine faberge egg ornaments. "Those are real jewels by the way." Brian said. "Oh I can't take these." Artie said trying to hand the box back. "They are not for you, they are for McKenzie." Max said pushing the box back to Artie.

"Now Uncle Zeb I want you to pick a few of these ornaments to go on yours and Uncle Joe's tree." Brian said. Zeb sat with his hands in his lap and looked up at Max. "Go ahead. Brian has picked a few out for Mary, a few for Ross and Landon and even a few for B." Max said. "I can't. These are absolutely amazing." Zeb said. "My Mom collected them for years." Max said. Brian picked up an ornament with a pearl inside a gold spun design with two crystals that hung from the bottom. "That's a real pearl too." Brian said. "I can't." Zeb said. "Alright I will pick some for you then. These have emeralds in them." Max said as he picked up two ornaments and handed them to Zeb. "That's not all you get Artie." Max said. Artie had tears in his eyes and stared at the box of four ornaments running his finger around the eggs. "Pick him out a few." Max said to Brian. Zeb was speechless as Brian or Max would hand him and ornament and tell him the back ground. "Wait, wait. This is from your family and for your family." Zeb said. "Exactly right Uncle Zeb, you are family, now look at the rest of these." Brian said.

Kevin had taken the opportunity to run to town and pick up some supplies that he hoped would be needed later. At the grocery store he bought a rotisserie chicken and some prepared vegetables. He did not want to go out to eat with Mark if he indeed came back. Also not being in his own kitchen he figured it was quicker clean up just to have something already prepared. UPS and the postman had already delivered so the only others that may come through were some looking for their packages. The rush for the day was over and Kevin had warned everyone that when the Fed EX truck got there the ranch house was closed. Seeing he had at least an hour Kevin ran to his duplex to do a little preparation he was comfortable doing in his own bathroom verses the ranch house.

"Delivery service." Mark said as he came through the door with only two packages this time. "Oh so you deliver ?" Kevin called out from the back of the house. Mark closed the door and locked it behind him. After setting the packages down he walked down the hall. "I have one more delivery tonight." Mark said. "Only one ?" Kevin asked. "Well that delivery will take multiple tries." Mark said as he walked up and grabbed Kevin. Leaning over and lightly kissing Kevin on the lips. "I thought you were suppose to wait on that shower until I got here." Mark said. "Well it was a quick rinse in more ways than one if you understand me." Kevin whispered. "Oh so I get to do the heavy cleaning then huh ?" Mark said as he leaned back for a kiss. Understanding Kevin's earlier statement he slipped his hand down the back of Kevin's warm up pants and slid a finger down and began to circle the ring of Kevin's ass.

Kevin and Mark still kissed as Kevin began to move backwards towards the bathroom. As they moved back Kevin began unbuttoning Mark's shirt. Mark tried holding Kevin still but was still being pulled towards the shower. Kevin stopped and shivered as Mark slid that finger past the ring of his ass and inside him. "Slow down stud. I like to work my way up to the finale." Mark whispered. Kevin quickly pulled Mark's shirt open and just as quickly unsnapped and unzipped his shorts pushing them and his underwear to his ankles. Moving back up he wrapped his arms around the mostly naked man. " Not fair. " Mark whispered. Mark pushed Kevin back slightly and with his free hand pushed Kevin's warm up pants to the floor. Kevin quickly removed his t shirt and tossed it. "Now come here." Mark whispered as he pulled Kevin tight to his body using the finger he still had up Kevin's ass. The warm water just seemed to deepen the kiss. Mark slipped a second finger inside Kevin and brought him up to this tip toes. Kevin's cock was almost hurting at this point wanting release. Mark pulled his fingers out quickly and turned Kevin around before getting on his knees in the shower behind Kevin. Pulling Kevin's cheeks apart Mark quickly dove his face in between the cheeks and pushed his tongue inside Kevin. Kevin squealed as the warm tongue entered through the tight ring. Mark reached around and began to quickly jack Kevin's cock as he tongue fucked him. Within a couple of minutes Kevin reached for the shower wall to brace himself. Mark smiled to himself as Kevin's ass ring clamped down on his tongue as his cock began to blast his seed all over the shower wall.

Kevin quickly pulled away from Mark, turned around and pulled him to his feet. An animal passion kiss was in order. Kevin tried lifting his leg around Mark's hip as the warm water still sprayed over them. Reaching down Kevin was desperately trying to pull Mark's cock between his legs to his still twitching ass ring. "I'm sorry handsome. We have not talked about this and I didn't have a chance to stop and buy protection." Mark whispered. Kevin quickly released Mark and reached up and took a foil pack from the rim of the shower. "Prepared huh ?" Mark chuckled. "They are strategically placed all over the house." Kevin said with a smile. "Do I get to find them all tonight ?" Mark laughed. "That was the plan when I bought the extra large box." Kevin said. "Well I may not be able to use up the whole box tonight." Mark whispered. "So this is going to be a one night thing ?" Kevin asked. "I hope it's a life time thing." Mark whispered. "Are you spending the night ?" Kevin asked. "If you will let me." Mark said. "I hope so and since you will not be able to find them all tonight you can come back tomorrow night and look for the missing ones." Kevin said. "I will have to go home at some point." Mark whispered. "Enough talk time, fuck time." Kevin said trying to tear the wrapper open.

Mark picked Kevin up leaving the water running and carried him to the bed while Kevin still fought with the foil. As he lay Kevin down he saw a smile on Kevin's face that he had finally won over the stubborn foil. Kevin quickly raised up and began to roll the condom onto Mark's cock. Mark just grinned as he watched Kevin lick his lips. "Slow down Kev. I am not going anywhere." Mark said. "I'm sorry. I guess I look desperate." Kevin said and dropped his head. Mark reached down and lifted Kevin's face. "Never say that. I want this just as much as you do but I don't plan on going anywhere unless you are not happy." Mark said. "I have just been really lonely since I got here from Texas. I was lonely there but being lonely, moving to a new state, the whole thing I guess made me feel like you were my last chance." Kevin said. "So you think I am your last chance ?" Mark asked. "No that came out wrong. You are the first person that I have ever felt an electric connection too and I was afraid you would get away." Kevin said.

Mark was able to calm Kevin. Leaning forward he began to kiss his way from Kevin's belly to his chest. Reaching back he pulled Kevin's legs up and he moved further up. Hooking the back of Kevin's knees in the bend of his elbow, Mark was able to both lift Kevin's ass off the bed and spread his cheeks. Mark lightly rubbed his cock up and down the crack of Kevin's ass as he nibbled on Kevin's neck. Pulling his head back he leaned forward and slipped his tongue inside Kevin's mouth as his hard cock found the ring of Kevin's ass and began to push it's way in. Kevin pulled Mark even further forward and gasp as Mark used his lodged cock to push Kevin further up on the bed. Now that both men were on the bed, Mark lowered his body placing part of his weight on Kevin and pushing his cock in until there was none left to push in. Kevin gasp again.

"Is that what you wanted baby ?" Mark whispered. "Umm.. hmm.. Are you disappointed ?" Kevin asked. "No baby it is even better than I had hoped. You are so damn tight and warm." Mark whispered as he began to move his cock in and out of Kevin's ass. It did not take long before Mark was kissing Kevin wildly and moving his hips faster. "AHHHHHHhhhhhhhh fffffuuuuuccckkkkkkkk." Mark growled as his hips jabbed forward and his cock filled the condom inside Kevin. Mark lay more weight on Kevin with his hips still slowly moving in and out of Kevin. "Sorry that was so fast. You are just so fucking cute and hot I could not hold back." Mark whispered trying to catch his breath. "That's alright. There are many more condoms in this house for you to find." Kevin said as he kissed Mark's shoulder with his arms and legs still wrapped around Mark's body.

Next: Chapter 106

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