Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 2, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant." Chapter 13

Max felt like his whole world was once again crumbling at his feet. He held onto the fact that the twins were in good hands and they were headed to the best hospital available. Carl had made his flight arrangements and even came into the bathroom and pulled the curtain back and washed Max from the outside. All he could do at the moment was stand under the water. Once the water was turned off and he felt the towel moving over him he snapped out of his thoughts for a moment. "I am sorry Carl. I usually jump into hyper drive or something and go nuts getting things handled. I just don't have it in me right now. " Max said. "Baby I understand. Let me worry about you until we get you to the airport and then you just have to hold it together until I can get there." Carl whispered. Pulling Max from the shower and to his chest he lightly kissed Max on top of his head and just held him for a minute. "We need to leave here in about thirty minutes. I have you a flight from Casper to Atlanta." Carl whispered. "Oh I am sorry. You need my credit card." Max said trying to break free to go find his card. "Slow down baby. Its taken care of. You pick up your boarding pass at the gate. " Carl whispered. Carl then turned Max and aimed him towards the bedroom. "Get dressed and pack a few things. I need a quick shower and then we will be ready to go." Carl said as he left Max standing naked beside the bed. As Carl stepped under the warm running water. "Please dear Lord take care of him and the twins. I can't loose any of them now. You just brought them too me so please don't take them away. " Carl whispered.

"What the hell ?" the deputy asked. He and Flo had been standing in front of the diner smoking a cigarette when Max's vehicle sped by. Not even slowing for the stop sign and then turning right towards Casper at the one red light. The deputy went to move towards his car. "Leave it alone. That was Max's truck and it looked like Carl driving. Something must be wrong. " Flo said as she tossed her cigarette and headed back into the diner. Moments later an elderly couple walked through the door. "What's up with Carl. We saw him at the red light in Max's truck. Max was in the passenger seat and Carl looked like he had seen a ghost." the lady said. "Not sure hon but give old Flo a few minutes." Flo said.

The drive to Casper was quiet. Along the way Max would mumble "I'm sorry." Carl had his fingers laced with Max's resting on the console. He would lift Max's hand and kiss the back of it. "Stay with me baby. Everything will be alright I promise." Carl would say. The drive to the airport was almost two hours. The town of Rex is in a valley and the main street through town is one of the only totally flat and open areas. Surrounded by hills and mountains Carl had to concentrate on the road and not on his passenger. "Its sad." Max said. "What is baby ?" Carl asked. "This is the second time I have been down this road with the sun setting and I still can't enjoy the views." Max said. "I will have to bring you back when you can enjoy them." Carl said. "For me if I ever really get totally stressed out I can always rely on the water or the mountains to calm my soul. I guess that is gone too." Max said. "No its not baby You just haven't had time to stop and enjoy it." Carl said. He looked at his watch and realized that they would get to the airport almost thirty minutes before they really had too.

Knowing the highway all too well Carl drove for another couple of miles and pulled over in one of the road side viewing areas. "What's wrong ?" Max asked. "Nothing Babe. I want to show you something. And don't worry I promise that plane is not leaving without you. We have a few extra minutes. " Carl said as he released the seatbelt and went around to Max's door. "Are you sure we have time ?" Max asked. "Trust me." Carl said as he took Max's hand and pulled him out of the vehicle. They walked over to the railing. Carl stood behind Max and wrapped his arms around him. Laying his chin on Max's shoulder. "Look at this baby. Its simply beautiful. I hope you know how much I love you. I wish I could take this stress and this pain but all I can do is stand here and hold you up to keep you from falling." Carl whispered. Max soaked in the view and felt a small calming coming over him that allowed him to release the stress and begin to cry. Carl turned Max and pulled him to his chest. Placing one arm around his back and using the other to hold Max's head to his chest and let him cry. "Baby I am here. I have enough strength for both us. Let me hold you up and you draw your strength from me." Carl whispered. "But that's suppose to be me. I am the one that is suppose to hold the world up for everyone else. I just can't this time." Max cried. "Baby that was in your past life. You have no idea how much of my strength I have drawn from you over the last few weeks. Now its time to let it out. Let it go and draw some strength from me." Carl whispered. "You really mean that don't you." Max whispered. "Every word babe. I don't know everything from your life but from what little I have seen it seems that you are the one that held everyone's world up for them. From now on we do this as a team. We do it together." Carl said. Almost as if it were magic Max stopped crying. He took a deep breath and straightened his back. With still a slight sob in his voice he looked up at Carl. "You meant that ? Together ? " Max said. "Yes baby together." Carl said. "God sent me a lover and an Angel." Max said.

The drive from the airport home was harder than Carl could imagine. He felt empty. He had not realized until that point that from the minute he had carried Max to his house that he had been drawing some of his strength from Max. They had not been together every minute of every day but Carl realized he had always known in the back of his mind that Max was less than ten minutes away from him at any time. Stopping for gas Carl did not even realize that the pump had stopped and the SUV was full. His mind was on the airplane. "He has given me so much strength and when he needs me the most I am helpless." Carl thought. Finally taking his receipt and getting back on the road Carl pulled into Rex not even realizing that he had driven the two hours. Pulling in the driveway he saw a couple of cars at the house. "What the fuck now ?" Carl thought.

Walking in the back door Carl saw Mary, Daryl, Joe and Flo setting at the table drinking coffee. Mary stood quickly. "Where is Max. What's wrong ?" Mary said. Carl sank to his knees and began to cry himself. Mary, Flo and Bo rushed over to Carl. Daryl and Joe stood and moved closer. "What's wrong ? Is Max gone ?" Mary asked. "Its not like that. Its the twins. Brian called. They had to life flight them to a children's hospital. They might die Mary." Carl cried. "Where is Max ?" Flo asked. "From the time elapsed it sounds like Carl must have taken him to the airport in Casper.": Joe said. "He is on the plane to Atlanta right now." Carl said. "Everything will be alright Bro." Daryl said. "He is on a plane. The twins might be dying and I am here. What the fuck good am I?" Carl said. "You stop right there. You got Max to the airport safely. If you were driving then apparently he was in no shape to drive. Now its time to plan what you do next. You are not worthless." Mary said. "Damn he really does love this guy doesn't he ?" Joe whispered. "More that you could ever imagine and I can see it in Max's eyes that he loves your brother just as much." Daryl whispered. "Alright Carl. Max is on a plane. You are home now. What's your next move ? You need a ride back to the airport ?" Joe said. The tone in his voice brought a harsh look from Mary. Carl took a deep breath and straightened up. "I am driving to Georgia. I don't think my old truck will make it but if it dies I will buy something on the road. " Carl said and began to stand. Rubbing Bo so that he would calm down he got himself a cup of coffee. "You have Max's truck. You can drive it. " Daryl said. "It has more miles than my old truck. Plus he might be mad if it died on me on the way." Carl said. "You already know better than that hon. The short time I have known him I have realized that material things mean nothing to him. Drive the damn thing. If it dies on the road pat the hood say rest in peace and keep on going." Flo said. "Your right Flo. Max could care less about that truck." Mary said.

Within minutes Daryl and Joe had gotten instructions on the simple things that needed done. Joe was going to handle the grain delivery and since Daryl would be there every day working on the expansion he would take care of the calves, check on the herd, and take care of Bo. "How long will it take you to drive ?" Mary asked. "I figured it would be close to thirty hours." Carl said. "Well you need to drive part of the way and stop for the night." Daryl said. "Not happening." Carl said. "What good will you be to Max or the twins if they have to scrape you off the interstate." Flo said. "I couldn't sleep if I wanted to until I see all three are safe." Carl said. "Take you a shower so you will feel fresh and we will get some clothes together." Mary said. "I had one just before we left. I am good." Carl said. "Your shirt is soaked with sweat. Now go." Mary commanded. Carl stood in the mirror after his shower. "He loves me and I love him. He needs me now and so do the twins. Get your shit together Carl." he thought to himself.

Carl's phone began to ring and Flo saw the picture of Max on the screen. She carried the phone to the bathroom door. "Hon. This is Max calling." Flo said through the door. Carl didn't care as he opened the door to take the phone from Flo. Flo almost fainted as she saw Carl naked for the first time. Carl answered the phone leaving the door open. Flo moved slowly away but waited for Carl to turn so she could see that beautiful ass she had dreamed of. Returning to the living room Daryl had to laugh at Flo. "Damn girl you look a little flushed." Daryl laughed. "No fucking wonder Max is smiling all the time." Flo said fanning herself. Carl came in the room with just a towel wrapped around him. "That was Max. He just landed and is waiting on his bag." Carl said. As he spoke the phone rang again. "Hey Brian. What's going on ?" Carl asked as he headed back to the bedroom. About five minutes later Carl came back in the room dressed and carrying his suit case. "Thanks for updating me Brian. Max should be in a taxi on his way. I am leaving now but I am driving. PLEASE don't tell Max I am driving. He doesn't need to stress about me being on the road. Promise me you wont say anything." Carl said. He listened for another minute or so. "O.k. buddy. I love you guys. I will be there as soon as I can. You just keep you and my three guys safe." Carl said. "They have put the twins in an isolation room. They have them in ice baths. When the helicopter got there their fever was one hundred and five." Carl said. "OH MY." Mary gasped. "Stop at the diner. I called and they have some sandwiches and chips and a large thermos of coffee waiting on the counter. They are looking for a cooler." Flo said. "Thank you Flo. I have an electric cooler in the truck." Carl said. "I am going to call you ever hour to make sure you are not sleepy." Mary said. "That's thirty hours sis." Carl smiled and said. "So. I will take the first shift and Daryl will take the other." Mary laughed.

As Carl passed the city limits of Rex headed East he reached up and opened the sunroof on Max's SUV. Looking upward at the moon. "I am coming baby. Hold on until I get there please." Carl called out to the moon. Carl had a fresh boost of energy. As he drove down the road he thought back over his life with Brent. He began to torture himself for letting Brent affect him as much as he had but in another breath he thanked God for allowing that to happen and preparing him to meet Max. Max called with regular updates on the twins. Mary also called on the top of every hour. When Max stopped calling he figured that Max was hoping he was asleep so he would call Max. Carl would stretch and use the restroom each time he had to stop for fuel. Refilling his coffee thermos he would hit the road again. The sun came up and went back down again as Carl still drove. When he saw the "Welcome to Georgia" sign on the interstate Carl gained his fifth or sixth second wind. "Holy fuck. Now what do I do ?" Carl thought as he saw the skyline of the massive city of Atlanta.

"I hate that you had to come back but I am so grateful." Brian said to Max. "You know that no matter where I am all you have to do is say something and I will get here some way, somehow. " Max said. "Well I was afraid that you would be freaking out having to come back to Georgia. Well back as close to "him" as you are." Brian said. "Screw him. These are my babies too and as far as I am concerned you are my son. Him being close does not even figure into this. Besides I stumbled on a man that really and truly loves me and I love him just as much. " Max said. "Yeah he seems to love the boys too and hasn't even met them." Brian said. "You should see his face when they call him Unc Carl. You would think he won the world lottery. " Max smiled. "Well I was worried when you left here but I am so happy that you have found happiness." Brian said. "You know that I still love you guys just as much even though I am in Wyoming don't you ?" Max said. "I never doubted that Uncle Max. We just miss seeing you as much as we use to." Brian said. "Don't worry. Carl is even talking about how he is going to get you guys out to Wyoming to visit." Max said. "He wouldn't care ? " Brian asked. "OH no. He is pumped. He even had them start yesterday adding onto the house. It was only two bedrooms. Now he is adding another, expanding the kitchen and the living room." Max said. "He doesn't need to do all that." Brian said. "I told him the same thing. He told me that Brian's family needed a place to stay when they come to visit." Max laughed. The doctor came in and said they had stabilized the boys fevers and moved them into a room together. They would be able to visit them in about twenty minutes.

Max was setting in one chair between the two beds with a hand on each twin. His head was laying on Shawn's bed with his back to the door. Brian was setting in another chair by the window with his head laying to the side. The door to the room opened and Brian glanced up expecting a nurse. "Oh my God. You are here." Brain said and jumped up and ran into Carl's opened arms. Carl leaned down and kissed Brian on the head. He realized that Brian had begun to cry. "I wouldn't be anywhere else." Carl whispered. Max still drowsy looked over to see Brain was not still seated. Turning around he saw Carl standing there with his arms wrapped around Brian. Slowly standing up not to disturb the twins Max made his way over to the two men. "You are here. How did you get here ? I could have come and got you from the airport." Max said. "I drove." Carl said. "You what ? You had to have left right after my flight left. Where did you stop to sleep ?" Max began to rattle. "Calm down Babe. I didn't stop. I drove straight threw. I didn't want you to worry so I told Brian not to tell you." Carl said. Brain released Carl and looked at Max. "He made me promise. He didn't want you to worry about him being on the road. He said you had enough to worry about already." Brian said. "Well when these two are well we are all three going to beat your butts. But I am so damn glad to see you." Max said and stepped into Carl's arms. "How did you get in this late ?" Brian asked. "Hell look at that smile and those eyes. He can get any damn thing he wants." Max laughed. "It has its advantages." Carl laughed. Carl turned Max loose and walked over and leaned down and kissed each of the twins on top of the head. "Uncle Carl is here too now. You need to get well." Carl whispered.

"You have to be exhausted." Brain said. "I am fine. I am here so I am fine." Carl said. "Well that little glow in your eyes has faded a little." Max said. "You two go and get some sleep. I am not leaving tonight. You go get some rest. I will need your rest tomorrow. Plus Uncle Max you have been here since you arrived." Brian said. With some protest from the two men they left and headed out. "I am so happy to see you. I hope you know that." Max said as he and Carl held hands leaving the hospital. As they arrived in the parking deck Max smiled. "I am so glad you drove my vehicle and didn't try to drive your truck. That seat spring would have been hell." Max laughed. "You aren't mad ?" Carl asked. "Not at all. Carl opened the console. Here is your key anyway. I never thought to give it to you." Max said and smiled. "Well I told them if it died on me on the way over here I would buy something else and explain it later." Carl said. "Oh she's a good old girl. She has a lot of life left in her." Max said as he patted the dash. The men checked in at Emory Inn. Egleston is part of the Emory University hospital campus in Atlanta. Finally in the room Carl and Max both headed for the bathroom. The shower was not much larger but would accommodate two. Max led Carl into the shower and Carl lay his head on Max's shoulder facing him while Max washed his lover. Washing himself quickly Max turned the water off and took a towel to dry them both off. "Go on in and lay down baby. I will be there in just a minute." Max said. Max came into the bedroom area to find Carl's feet still on the floor but the towel was gone and Carl lay naked on his back sound asleep. Easing the covers back Max woke Carl and guided him under the covers. Carl never really woke up but as soon as Max lay down Carl nuzzled up to his back and wrapped his arm around Max and buried his nose in the back of Carl's neck. "I love you baby." Max whispered. Carl was too far gone to reply but his actions even being asleep was all the reply Max needed.

The morning came too quickly. Max was pleased to have Carl's morning hard on trapped between his ass cheeks. Max lay still just enjoying the body contact and heat coming from Carl's body. Carl began to wake up and slid his hard cock up and down the crack of Max's ass as he stretched his legs. "Morning my love." Carl whispered. "Morning to you my love. Do you feel better ?" Max asked. "Is there such a thing as car lag ?" Carl laughed "Just lay there and rest." Max said. "What time were the doctor's coming around ? " Carl asked. "Around nine." Max said. Carl looked at the clock to see it was seven forty five. "Oh shit. Get that sexy tight ass moving dear. We have to get going." Carl said. Max started to move to get out of bed. "No good morning kiss after all those miles I drove and fighting sleep for thirty hours ?" Carl said. "Oh so we are going to play the pity fiddle today huh ?" Max laughed as Carl pulled him back down and placed a long sensual kiss on Max. Reaching down and dipping his finger in Max's flow of precum he lifted it to his lips. "Mmmmm. Worth every second of the drive." Carl whispered. "Yep there must be car lag." Max laughed. After a quick shower they were dressed and headed for the lobby. Carl got some fruit and a muffin while Max just enjoyed his morning coffee. The morning was nice and the hospital was only three blocks away. Carl indicated that he didn't think his ass could set in that seat today so they held hands and walked to Egleston.

They reached the room before the doctor's came in. "Where is your wife Brian ?" Carl asked. Brian just looked at the floor. "Later." Max whispered. The doctors came in and said that the test they had requested the night before would hopefully tell them something and they should have those by lunch. Until then they were keeping the twins sedated to help keep their fever at a minimum and let their bodies help fight this. The doctors had left and the men sat around quietly chatting. Brian wanted so bad to get to know Carl and be accepted by him that most of the conversation was between those two. The doctors returned a couple of hours later. They had isolated part of the virus and were starting the boys on a different antibiotic. They said they would probably keep the boys sedated for another day. It would all depend on how soon the fever started to drop. "Brian buddy. Go get some rest. Max and I are here. We wont let anything happen to the babies. They will need you rested when they wake up." Carl said. "I will be fine. I may go to the waiting room and sleep a little while." Brian said. "No you don't. Here is our room key. You go the motel. Take you a shower and get some sleep." Carl said handing him the key. "I will be fine." Brian said. "Yes you will. As soon as you get out of here and go to the room and rest. Its paid for so you might as well use it. Oh and don't worry. The sheets are not messy. We were too tired last night." Carl laughed. This time Brian blushed.

Carl and Max settled on the love seat and sat and watched the boys. Max took his phone out and called his attorney informing him that they were in town in case he wanted to set up a meeting while they were there. Max gave Carl the phone to talk to the attorney while he got up and checked on the twins. "Um babe. He wants us to come to dinner one night. What do you think ?" Carl said. "Maybe tomorrow night. I am staying with the twins tonight." Max said. "I will have him call you later today or in the morning. He thinks he is staying with the twins tonight but he is sadly mistaken. I am." Carl said. "Baby you are going to get tired real fast after all your driving." Max said. "Listen. I am staying with the twins tonight if I have to lock you and Brian both out of the room. Brian needs you right now too. You and he need some time alone so that he can see that you are alright and you can see the same about him. You two do that tonight. I have the twins. End of story." Carl said and smiled. "Well you are at least going to go back and take a shower and change and have a good meal." Max said. "Yes sir boss." Carl laughed. 'I don't know what I am going to do with you." Max said. "Oh you have more tricks I haven't experienced ?" Carl said with a grin. "Oh you haven't even got the envelope open yet. Much less start checking off the list." Max laughed. "Hot damn." Carl whispered.

Brian returned around six. "Did you get some sleep ?" Max asked. "No but I did lay down for a while so I feel better." Brian said. "Well you and Uncle Max are sharing the room tonight. I have already laid the law down. Uncle Carl is staying with the twins tonight." Carl said. "I can't ask you to do that. " Brian said. "You didn't ask. Do I need to get as firm with you as I did your Uncle Max ?" Carl laughed. Brian walked over as Carl stood and reached out and wrapped his arms around Carl. "I see why Uncle Max and the boys love you so much. Believe me I do too." Brian said and lightly cried. "Hey buddy. You and Max needs some down time alone together. I love you both. You don't know me that well yet but I plan on many years of us getting to know each other better. I love you Bud. Never doubt that." Carl said and kissed Brian on top of the head.

Max and Carl returned from dinner. Carl had showered and changed into a pair of shorts and t shirt. Carl had found out over dinner that Brian's wife freaked out when the twins got sick and left to go to her sisters in Florida for a while. "She has been a little nuts since the twins were born anyway. She never wanted kids. That's one reason I spent so much time there. Brian needed help." Max had told him. Carl finally got the two men pushed out the door. "You are not allowed back in this room until nine in the morning." Carl said as he pushed the door too. "No good night kiss for me ?" Max said through the door. Carl opened the door real quick. Leaned out and kissed Max and then pulled back in and shut the door. "How rude." Max laughed. "Nine in the morning. Now go." Carl called through the door. Carl sat back on the love seat and watched television. Knowing that he had at least a couple of hours before the nurses changed shifts and things quietened. He took this time to call Mary and see how things were going back home and fill her in on the twins progress.

The shifts changed and Carl began to feel the exhaustion of his trip. He stood and walked to the edge between both beds. The night shift nurse was a young male nurse. "Sir the doctors are pleased with their progress so we will not be giving them any more sedation medication. They may not wake up tomorrow even but they will not be medicated." the nurse said. "Well if they do wake up they will be scared. Help me put these rails down and I will push the beds together and I will sleep in the middle." Carl said as he raised his arm to scratch the back of his head. The nurse had a small feminine side. "Well sir the hospital will not allow that." the nurse said. The twins were potty trained but due to their condition the hospital had put diapers on them. Carl took a diaper and began to change one of the twins. The nurse stood and watched until he was finished with the second twin. "Max says you have a talent. Use it idiot." Carl said to himself. "Well I am going to push these two beds together. These babies are not going to wake up scared." Carl said as he removed his shirt. The nurse placed his hand over his heart and took a deep breath as Carl reached down and pulled his shorts off next. Before turning around he removed his underwear. Turning around the nurse turned pale and gasp. "What. You never seen a naked cowboy ? I am sure these Georgia boys look the same. Now are you going to help me with these beds or am I going to do it myself.

The nurse could barely help. He reached down to show Carl how to unlock and relock the beds. Carl lowered the rails and pushed the two beds together. The nurse stooped down to lock the beds. "You have to shake this one for it to lock." he said. Carl shook the bed and his cock accidently hit the nurse on the side of his face. "Sorry about that bud." Carl said as if it was an accident. "No problem." the nurse squeaked out. "Yeah my husband says that it can be a dangerous weapon." Carl laughed. Now what do with that crack ?" Carl said. "Um. What did you say ?" the nurse piped up. "This crack between the mattresses. What can i put there ?" Carl asked. "Oh that crack." the nurse said disappointed. The nurse went into the bathroom and came out with some towels. Folding them and pushing them in between the two beds Carl held one of the nurses arms to help him balance. Once the beds were set Carl crawled up in the middle between the two boys.

"I need a little more help. I need you to lift them easily because of their IV's and place them up against me." Carl said. The nurse's hands trembled and he lifted the first twin and placed him underneath Carl's arm. He slowly moved his hands from under the twin allowing him to rub the back of his hand against both Carl's side and his hip and butt cheek. The other twin was a little more difficult. He had to be lifted higher which allowed the nurse to brush the back of his hand through Carl's chest hair and across one of his nipples. Placing the boys outside hands that had the IV lines allowed him to brush his hand against the hair and top of Carl's stomach. "Is that alright sir ?" the nurse could barely speak. "Let me lift my butt up and if you can pull the covers up under me and cover the boys. Please make sure there are no lumps under me though. The nurse then took his time pulling the covers up. Taking special care to smooth out under Carl because each swipe the back of his hand was rubbing one of Carl's ass cheeks. "Are you sure you don't need any covers ?" the nurse asked. "Anyone but you coming in here tonight ?" Carl asked. "No sir. Not until shift change." he said. "Well two things. One can you wake me so I can get my shorts on before the shift change and the other is I sleep with my feet crossed and right now my hands are full and if you don't mind I need a little help adjusting the boys and their friend. " Carl said. "The boys ?" the nurse said. "Not the twins. My boys. Down there." Carl said as he looked at his crotch. "Oh. Are you sure ?" the nurse asked. "My husband wont care as long as all you do is adjust them. Anything else is off limits." Carl laughed.

Carl could feel the nurse's hands shaking as he reached between his legs and lightly lifted Carl's hefty balls. He took extra time fondling them from underneath as he pretended to lay them out to be comfortable. "Anything else ?" the nurse asked. "Well my friend down there is laying to the wrong side." Carl said. The nurse gently lifted Carl's cock with both hands. Laying it against Carl's belly. "Is this alright ?" he asked. "A little more to my right." Carl said. The nurse moved it a little further and took his time laying it gently on Carl's side and slowly sliding one hand at a time up so that each hand brushed the large mushroom head. "One question. How long does that thing get if you don't mind me asking ?" "Not too big. Just a little over ten inches when angry." Carl laughed. The nurse had to walk away. He took a pillow from the loveseat and walked to the side of the bed. Reaching over and lifting Carl's head he placed the pillow behind Carl's head. "Anything else sir ?" the nurse asked. "Just don't let anyone else in and don't forget about me." Carl said. "Don't worry sir there is no way I will forget." the nurse said as he left the room. "Alright little men. Uncle Carl has you know. You are safe." Carl whispered. Carl laughed to himself. "As hard as that poor little nurse was I wonder how many loads the nurses lounge will see tonight. All is fair in love and war. I won." Carl though to himself as he closed his eyes.

Outside the room the nurse quickly pulled out his cellphone. "Hey you will never guess what just happened to me. I just met the hottest fucking man I have ever laid eyes on. I saw him naked. I got to play with his dick and balls. I believe them now when they say cowboys are hung like their horses. Son a bitch was huge and grew to over ten inches.." the nurse said. "I was helping him move the beds and when I locked it down I swear that dick slapped me in the face and I didn't know whether to faint or try to catch it with my tongue." he continued. Apparently the other party didn't believe him. "Bring your ass over here on your dinner break. The man is still laying in the bed with these twin naked bitch so bring your queeny ass over here on your break and I will show you cowboys live up to the rumors." he said. "He can't be that hot." the voice said. "Bitch think of your hottest wet dream and multiply that by four or five. This is the hottest fucking man I have ever seen and he is on my wing naked." he said as he hung up the phone.

Next: Chapter 14

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