Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 12, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant" Chapter 23

Carl arrived at the ER to find Max setting in the corner. As he approached Max he realized that Max had a lot more blood on him than he had realized. "Hey baby. Are you alright ? How is David?" Carl whispered. "I don't know. They say I am not next of kin so they wont tell me anything." Max said. Max noticed the deputy headed their direction. "I need to get a statement from you if you don't mind." the deputy said. Max and Carl both went through the event from beginning to end telling what they saw and what they were told. "We had another deputy go pick his father up. He was so intoxicated he admitted to the deputy that he used the bottle on his son. He fought with the deputy some before they could get him cuffed. He wanted them to bring him to the hospital because his, pardon me when I say it but, his faggot son still had not let him fuck him to pay his room and board." the deputy said.

Carl kept a straight face as Max squeezed his hand so tight it was causing sharp pains. "What are they going to do with him ?" Carl asked. "From the way it looks now with the charges and the statements he will be put away for many years. How is the boy David ?" the deputy asked. "They wont tell us anything." Carl said. The deputy went and talked to the nurse at the station. Returning the deputy had a strange look on his face. "The nurse said that they are trying to stabilize him so that they can do surgery but its touch and go right now." the deputy said. "Thank you." Max said. "Are you two headed home in case I have more questions ?" the deputy asked. "No. I know Max will not leave until he knows David is alright and I am staying also." Carl said.

As the deputy left Carl noticed Daryl, Mary, and the neighbor couple standing across the room. Motioning for them to come over they were all fairly silent. In the bright light of the hospital they could see just how much blood was on Max and his robe. Carl informed them of the news from the deputy. The male nurse that Carl had suspected may be gay recognized Carl and came over to the group. Carl introduced him to the group. "This is the guy that rearranged Brent's face for you." Carl laughed. "Well I want to thank you. I was able to get a little revenge myself when he was here." he laughed. "I brought him some clothes. Is there anywhere we can go for Max to clean up and change ?" Carl asked. "Sure. Follow me. Anything for my new hero." the nurse laughed. They followed him to a private nurses lounge. "Here is a hospitality soap and deodorant. The shower is in there. You wont be disturbed." he said. Carl went in with Max and came back out with the bloody robe. "I don't think that will come clean. If you need me to dispose of it I can do that for you." the nurse said. "Thanks buddy. Can you do me a favor and find out whats going on with David ?" Carl asked. "Sure. I will be right back." the nurse said. Carl sat quietly reflecting on the events of the night. "Thank you Lord for bringing me Max. I already knew it but tonight I realize even more that you brought me the man with the biggest heart in the world. Please remind me of that often." Carl prayed as the nurse came back in the room.

"Is he still in there ?" the nurse asked. "Yeah he should be out soon." Carl said. "Well I wanted to talk to you alone. David is not doing well. He has coded three times since he got here. They are giving him blood but apparently what ever was done to him ruptured his bowel and caused other internal damage. They are trying to stabilize him enough to try to operate and see where the internal bleeding is. They said that a couple of ribs were broken and punctured a lung." the nurse said. "Do me a favor. For now lets just tell Max that they are working with him." Carl said. Max came out wearing the jogging pants and t shirt that Carl had brought him. "Baby he said they are still working with David. "CODE BLUE ER.......CODE BLUE ER.." the hospital pager sounded. "I will keep you informed. I have to run. That's me." the nurse said as he ran out the door. Carl stood and took Max in his arms. Max just seemed to melt into Carl. "That was David wasn't it ?" Max asked. "Not sure baby. Lets go out with the rest of them in the waiting room." Carl said. As they entered the waiting room Carl asked Daryl to go with him. His excuse was to check both vehicles to see if there was a spare jacket for Max. Carl had not thought about a jacket. Outside Carl pulled Daryl into a hug. "Thank you so much for coming. I haven't told Max but things are not looking good for David. The nurse told me that he had coded a few times and they can get him stable enough to stop the internal bleeding. This may be a tough night." Carl said. "Anything we can do just let us know." Daryl said choking up.

The two men returned. They had not found a jacket but both knew as they went out there were none. The group sat and chatted quietly when the nurse came out. "David is asking for you and Max. You can't have but a minute but maybe you can help him feel more secure." the nurse said. Max stood and took a deep breath. Entering the room they did not even recognize David. Taking his hand carefully Max leaned over and kissed David's forehead. "We are here buddy. I told you we would be." Max whispered. David opened his eyes. There was a slight smile on his face around the small tube coming out of his mouth. "Thank you. I have never felt so comfortable and so loved since my Mom died. You are very special men." David said very slowly. "You are a brave young man. There are others in the waiting room here for you too." Carl whispered. "There are ? I figured I was alone." David said. "You will never be alone again." Max said. "Sirs. We need to let David rest for a few minutes and then his other guests can come in." another nurse said. Max could barely hold his composure as they made their way back to the waiting room. "Baby I am scared. I don't know if he is strong enough." Max said. "I know babe. Lets leave that up to God and the doctors. You saw him try to smile when he saw you didn't you ?" Carl said. "It wasn't just me baby. It was both of us." Max said. A few minutes later Daryl and Mary were carried back for a minute. Mary and had tears running down her cheek and you could see the red in Daryl's eyes where he was fighting tears himself. The farmer's wife was in tears also as they came back from visiting. The neighbors wife walked up and hugged both Carl and Max. "He is a bold young man. He asked me to pray with him. He thanked God for you two." she said.

The group sat quietly for about an hour. The male nurse came out to talk to the group. "I have to be honest. David's injuries along with his blood loss is too much for him. The doctors have made him comfortable but had to make a decision. They will not resuscitate him again. He is just not strong enough. If you would like to spend time with him now will be the time to do it." the nurse said. Max was quick to his feet. "Are you sure baby ?" Carl asked. "I could not save him but I will be damned if he dies alone." Max said. "I understand. I just wanted to make sure." Carl said. Carl and Max had just entered the room with David when the deputy arrived back in the waiting room. Daryl filled him in on what the nurse had just said so he quietly took a seat with the group.

Max held one hand and Carl the other. David's breathing was very shallow. He opened his eyes. Unable to speak he smiled as he looked first at Carl and then at Max. Max stood first and kissed David on the forehead followed by Carl. "Its o.k. buddy. We are here with you." Carl whispered. David opened his eyes and looked at the two men again and smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Now we will have non of that. Now is not the time for tears." Max whispered. Both Carl and Max felt David squeeze their hands at the same time as he released his last breath. Max sat still just staring at David. "Baby he is no longer in pain. No one can ever hurt him again." Carl whispered. One of the nurses came in and quietly turned off all the machines. Max took the sheet and pulled it over David's head. "Rest in Peace my dear friend. You will never be forgotten." Max said. Carl wrapped his arm around Max and helped him back to the waiting room. Seeing the look on Carl's face, Mary and the farmer's wife both began to cry. The deputy stood and helped Carl get Max into the chair. The male nurse came out and told the group that they had a private room ready for them to talk.

Once in the room Max looked at the deputy. "What now ?" Max asked. "Well it will be a long time before we can work on his father's finances. Besides he will probably refuse to pay for David's funeral. I can fill out the forms for the state to bury him." the deputy said. "NO. I will not have him buried in a pauper's grave by the state. I am paying for his funeral and not just the basic." Max said. "Will you two ladies take care of making arrangements with the funeral home. Max and I will pay for it. We don't want the cheap stuff." Carl said. "Gladly." Both women said. Mary took her cell phone and called the local mortician. "They will be here shortly. I told them that we would come tomorrow to make arrangements and that we would pay the bill as soon as it was figured." Mary said. "Thank you. Stop by in the morning and I will give you a blank check." Max said. "I have to check with the Sheriff. We may have to approve this with his father." the deputy said. Max stood quickly and moved so that he was right in the deputies face. "Law or no law. Sheriff or no sheriff I will "NOT" allow that child molesting murdering son of a bitch have any say so in this child's funeral. I will spend every penny I have to stop it. You can tell the Sheriff I said that." Max said. "I am sure he will be on your side. I just have to go through the channels." the deputy said. "Well you do what you have to. As long as you don't get in my way." Max said.

When Max and Carl finally arrived home Bo was at the back door. Max sat down on the step and wrapped his arms around Bo. "He didn't make it buddy but thanks to you he didn't die alone in our barn." Max said. Carl walked out to the barn to turn off the lights. Walking to the stall he stood and looked in at all the bloody straw. Carl leaned against the stall door and lightly cried. Carl was startled as he felt a breeze blow by him. It was if the breeze whispered to him as it passed. "You and your partner are special men. I am fine so don't cry. I am with my Mom now. You guys have more love between you to share than everyone I know combined. Never forget that." the breeze said. Carl sank to his knees and thanked God for his current life and for bringing David to them even it were for a short time.

Back in the house Carl helped Max undress and they quietly lay in the bed. Carl was on his back with Max's head on his chest. "Baby I am so proud of you." Carl whispered. "Why is that ?" Max asked. "You opened your heart for a child that you had never met." Carl said. "I only knew David for about five hours but I feel like I have lost a child of my own." Max said. "I know that baby but he is happy now. He is with his Mom." Carl said. "I know that but when I close my eyes I don't see David laying there bleeding. I see the twins. I see Daryl and Mary's boys. What if it had been them ?" Max said. "It wasn't baby and it wont be. They all have us to watch over them along with their parents. " Carl said. "Thank you for not arguing when I said I was paying for the funeral. I just couldn't stand the thought of everything that he had been through and then be buried in an unmarked grave somewhere. " Max said. "That is one of the reasons I am so proud of you and love you so much. You can love me more than life itself but then have enough love left for others. I am quite frankly honored." Carl whispered. "I am sorry that you didn't get to finish what we started earlier." Max said. "Baby never apologize to me because our love making got postponed. We have a life time." Carl whispered. "Yes we do and this just reminds me of how short life can be. Promise me that if you are ever upset with me that you will not hold it in. Tell me so that it doesn't go too far." Max said. "As long as you promise me the same. Now try to sleep baby. Tomorrow will be a long day." Carl said.

The next morning Max woke about nine. Carl was still sound asleep beside him. Easing out of bed Max dressed and headed to the kitchen. Daryl and his men were there tearing the old kitchen out. "How are you this morning buddy ?" Daryl asked. "Surprisingly rested. I am not sure what time Carl finally fell asleep but I was careful not to wake him." Max said. "Well we are trying to be as quiet as we can. The Sheriff is out at the barn. I will get the boys to come clean the stall out when they are done." Daryl said. "No you don't. I don't want them anywhere near it. I will clean it." Max said. "They don't mind." Daryl said. "They don't but I do." Max said. "I am sending one of the guys to Flo's to get breakfast. Do you want anything ?" Daryl asked. "No but tell Flo to send Carl whatever he usually gets. I will be fine. Umm. Where is my coffee pot ?" Max asked. "For now in the laundry room until we tear part of that out." Daryl said. Max just looked at him funny. "Don't worry. Before we tear that out the kitchen will be finished. The women are going to the funeral home at eleven." Daryl said. "I will call her and make sure she stops to get a check." Max said. "I reminded her but she said it could be taken back later." Daryl said.

Max returned to the master bedroom with a cup of coffee for both him and Carl. When he walked through the door Carl was setting on the side of the bed still naked. Max walked over and handed Carl his coffee. "Morning sweetheart. Did you get some sleep ?" Max asked. "A little." Carl said and smiled. Standing up and sipping his coffee Carl looked out the window. Max came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his still naked lover. "I love you baby." Max whispered. "I love you too baby. Did you get any sleep ?" Carl asked as he leaned back into Max. "Surprisingly I feel somewhat rested." Max said. "That's good babe. I was worried you wouldn't sleep at all." Carl said turning around with Max's arms still around him. Leaning over he kissed Max. Holding his lips to Max's for longer than usual. As he broke the kiss he looked down at Max. "You ready for today ?" Carl asked. "Its here whether I like it or not. Daryl sent one of the guys to Flo's for breakfast. I told them to have Flo send you what you usually get." Max said. "You don't forget a thing do you ?" Carl said smiling. "Not where my cowboy is concerned." Max said rising up for another kiss.

It was just after lunch when Mary and the farmer's wife arrived at the house. There was so much noise in the front of the house Max carried them to the setting area in the master bedroom. The ladies said that they had met with the funeral home director and made the arrangements. The pastor of the Baptist church had agreed to allow the service to be held there on Sunday. Since this was such a horrible act he had contacted some of the church members and they had all agreed to let David's funeral be their Sunday service. "The pastor has asked that you give a eulogy." Mary said. "I didn't know him." Max said. "You connected with him even for a short time." Mary said. "We need you to talk more about acceptance and abuse than about David." the farmer's wife said. "I don't think the church will appreciate any type of gay pride speech." Max said. "Acceptance though they will. You have compassion for everyone. Who better to present that ?" Mary said. "Let me get my check book." Max said. "No need. When I was getting ready to leave my husband handed me the check book and told me to pay for it." the farmer's wife said. "I said I would pay." Max said. "We have the money so let us do this. I was very good friends with his mother." she said. "I went and bought some new jeans, a shirt and a belt. Daryl and I are paying for that." Mary said. "Well I will pay Flo to feed everyone then." Max said. "I think there will be more than a church full. We have already had calls from people wanting to help pay." Mary said.

Carl and Daryl spoke with the Sheriff and the deputy as they finished up in the barn. "I told Max the boys would come clean this up when they were through but he sort of freak out on me. He said he didn't want them anywhere near it. He would do it himself. Not sure what that was all about." Daryl said. Carl told Daryl about the statement about closing his eyes and seeing the four nephews. "That's why he doesn't want them near here." Carl said. "I guess he does love our boys as much as the twins." Daryl said. "I think that we have that in common. He loves my nephews as much as his and I his as much as mine." Carl said. "Well Bro if you fuck this one up I will kick your ass. My life has been easier at home since Max got here. " Daryl said. "You guys ready for your overnight guests ?" Max asked. "Yeah we are picking up Max's Birthday present the day before we pick them up. " Daryl said. "I hope you guys know how much I appreciate this." Carl said. "Oh we are looking forward to it. Especially the boys." Daryl said.

Saturday night was a very busy night with the funeral home swamped with people and classmates there to pay their respects to David. "I think this is the biggest funeral I have ever had." the funeral director said. Flo had talked to Carl and Max about the number of people expected. "Just fix for ever how many you think and then a few extra. Is twenty dollars a head fair ?" Max asked. "Oh honey that's way too much. It will be less than ten probably." Flo said. "No Flo. All your customers will be there. I will pay twenty. No arguments." Carl said. "You two keep it up and old Flo can retire early." Flo laughed.

Sunday morning Carl and Max stood in the shower holding each other. "The day is here. Are you ready for this ?" Carl asked. "Not really but as long as you are right there I will make my way through it." Max said. Everyone was seated and the church was filled beyond capacity. The music was nice and the sermon was short. Max was asked to say a few words. A young man from David's class at school played the guitar and sang as Max walked to the pulpit.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming today to pay their respects to the brave young man that we lay to rest today. I did not know David well though I wish I had been afforded the opportunity to know him under better circumstances. The night that I met David will be etched in my brain forever. This young man reached out for help. I am just grateful that Carl and I were there to be able to help even if it was very small. What this has awakened in me and should in you is to look around us and protect our youth. You may say that this did not concern nor affect you but you are here. Look at the person in front of you, on each side of you, and also behind you. They are hear also. But if you are here and they are also then it did affect you. I was amazed that this tight knit community accepted me so willingly knowing that I was gay. I am not here to talk to you about being pro gay. That is for you to decide. About a week ago we were honored to have a guest in our home. There was a very sweet elderly lady that has grown up in this community. When I thanked her for accepting me and Carl's relationship she told me that God decides who we love and who was she to question God. I thank her for that since most people my age and above still have trouble accepting homosexuality. I am not here today to ask you to accept David's sexuality. What I am asking is to leave the judging to God. I am asking also that you look around you. Someone in this room knew what was happening to David but decided to remain silent. I hope as you set here today that you ask his forgiveness. We are not here today because David told his parents he was gay. We are here because child abuse in any form and for any reason is not acceptable. David paid the ultimate price for people not wanting to get involved. I don't stand in judgement of anyone but do remember that on judgement day God will ask you the tough questions not me. Rest in peace my sweet child David. No one can hurt you again and you will no longer ask God why people ignored what was happening to you. Rest in peace sweet child. Know that you were loved and will never be forgotten." Max said and walked back to his seat. "I am so proud of you." Carl whispered. "You say that now. At least we had your party before I accused everyone of looking the other way." Max said.

David was buried beside his mother. David's mother's sister and her children were there along with a couple of other cousins. "Thank you so much for what you said." the Aunt said to Max. "I can't stand to see a child abused for any reason. I am sorry if I was so harsh." Max said. "You weren't harsh. You were right. I tried to stay in contact with David after my sister died but his father refused me access. I should have tried harder." she said. "You have no reason to blame yourself. At least you tried which is more that I can say for those that knew what was happening." Max said. "Thank you for saying that. I feel so blessed that my nephew had you and your partner with him in the end and was not alone." she said as she hugged Max's neck. Flo had laid out a huge spread of food in the church's social hall. Many people came up and thanked Max for what he had said. Max got up to help with the clean up but was ran out of the kitchen by some of the ladies. "Can you take me home baby ?" Max said as he lean on Carl's shoulder. "Sure baby." Carl said.

As they entered the house Carl turned Max to face him. "I am so proud of what you said today. Some times people need their toes stepped on. Besides you look sexy as hell in that suit while you were doing it." Carl said. "Well I saw another very sexy man in a suit there too." Max said. "So you thought the preacher was sexy ?" Carl laughed. "No silly." Max laughed. "Finally. there is that sexy smile that I have missed for a few days." Carl said. "Babe. Do you think David would have approved of his service ?" Max asked. "Oh baby I am sure he would have been amazed. You have to realize that he had nothing. But when he was laid to rest you would have thought he was royalty." Carl said. "You think so ?" Max asked. "I know so baby. Now lets shower and take a nap. I threatened everyone not to come by or call." Carl said as he started walking Max towards the master bedroom backwards. Once they were naked both men lay in the bed. "Daryl wanted the boys to clean the stall but I wouldn't let them." Max said. "I know babe. Daryl mentioned it and I explained it to him. All is good." Carl said. Carl turned on the television and both men snuggled naked on the bed as they drifted off to sleep.

The next few days went fairly fast. Max had gotten a little of his spark back picking on Daryl about having no kitchen. "Does he ever let up ?" Daryl asked laughing at Carl. "Well I stay on his good side." Carl laughed. "You two are too funny. Now when will I get my kitchen back ?" Max asked. "You should be cooking by the weekend." Daryl said. "I will hold you too that. I am about to forget how to cook." Max said. "Oh no baby. You still know how to cook." Carl laughed. "I think he was talking about food there perv." Daryl said. "Oh I can live without food. The other now that's a different story." Carl said. "Alright you two. This is not getting this kitchen finished." Max laughed as he headed out the door. "Where are you headed ?" Carl asked. "Well I finished all the thank you notes so now its time for me to clean the barn." Max said. "You need me to come with you ?" Carl asked. "No thanks. I need to do this alone." Max said.

Max took the pitch fork and the rake into the stall. The blood stained hay was still in the corner. There was still the shape of David's body as he huddled in the corner. Max lay his hand on the hay and lightly rubbed his hand. "I am so sorry David." Max whispered. Max sat for a few minutes in the same place that he had holding David the night he died. Closing his eyes and opening his arms he could still feel the fragile young boy in his arms. As Max sat there with his arms out his mind went back to the feeling of David in his arms. He then remembered every word that David said as he described what had happened to him. Carl stood just out of sight watching Max. Max finally stood and began to rake the straw. Bagging the bloody straw and covering the area with new straw Max stood silently and looked at the spot. "I promise you are not forgotten my dear sweet friend." Max whispered.

Just as had happened to Carl a breeze blew through that stall. "Don't dwell on me. I am fine. I have my Mom again. I don't hurt anymore. You two showed me love and compassion like no one has ever shown me before. You have a man watching you now that loves you with all his heart. Rejoice in the life I lived and that I was able to meet two very loving men before my time ended." the whisper said. "But I couldn't save you." Max whispered. "You did more for me than saving me. You and Carl held my hand while I passed over to be with my Mom. I was able to pass realizing that someone loved me and cared for me. I had not had that feeling since my Mom died. Believe me I am fine. Don't grieve for me. That man loves you as you love him. He worries that my death has taken a toll on you. That is the last thing that I want is for you to morn for me." the whisper said. "I hope you were happy with your service." Max whispered looking at the ground. "It could not have been more perfect. Hopefully the words you spoke will help some other child in the future. If it does then everything I went through was worth it." the whisper said. "I wish you would not feel that way." Max whispered. "Its all good. I am not bitter. I hope my life and then my death opened some eyes." the whisper said. "Well my dear sweet and loving child, I hope that you are truly resting in peace." Max said. "I am and I want you to go on with your life and rejoice in mine, not mourn. Now go to the man that loves you and prove to him that you are still with him." the whisper said as it faded. "Carl ?" Max said. "Yes baby ? I am sorry. I had to come check on you." Carl said as he walked into the stall. "I know baby. David is fine. I know its crazy but he told me he was." Max said. "Its not crazy baby. He told me the same thing." Carl said wrapping his arms around Max. "Make love to me. I need to focus on my love for you and not the loss of David." Max said. "Tonight baby. I will make love to you as I never have before. I hope you know just how much I love you." Carl whispered. "I do and I hope you know the same about me." Max said. Both men stood in the stall silent. Holding each other they looked at the freshly cleaned corner before turning and heading back to the house.

Next: Chapter 24

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