Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 14, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant" Chapter 25

The next morning Max woke to a half empty bed. Carl and Shawn were missing but Shane was curled up into his chest. Sliding carefully out of the bed Max went into the master bath. He had no sooner flushed the toilet when a sleepy little boy walked in and walked right into Max's leg. "You need to potty little buddy ?" Max asked. With his eyes still closed Shane just nodded yes. Once his situation was taken care of the two headed to the kitchen. Max stopped and smiled at the sight of Carl standing at the stove with Shawn on a stool beside him with his hand on Carl's shoulder. "What are you two up too ?" Max said. "Me and Unca Carl are cooking breakfast." Shawn said. "Oh you are ?" Max said. "I wanna help." Shane said running for a another stool. "Unca Max. We need help. Me and Unca Carl can't cook." Shawn said as Max walked up and wrapped his hands around Carl's waist. Leaning over he kissed Shawn on the head. "What you cooking babe ?" Max asked. "I am not sure." Carl laughed. "Looks interesting." Max said. "I want cereal." Shawn said. "Hey little buddy. You helped make this mess." Carl laughed.

Max had joined in and helped salvage breakfast. The two boys jumped from their stools and ran to greet Brian as he walked in the kitchen. "I guess I am over dressed." Brian said. The other four were just in either underwear or jogging shorts. "Its a relaxed wordrobe around here." Carl laughed. "Well if I remember right when I was this age and stayed at Uncle Max's he would be a little less dressed than this." Brian laughed. "Oh he does his share of that wardrobe now." Carl said and winked. The boys helped Brian get the juice glasses while Carl and Max returned to the bedroom to get dressed. Daryl and the workers arrived about the time they returned to the living room. "Shane buddy. Stick your head out the back door and holler and tell Mr. Daryl to come eat." Carl said. Shane ran to the backdoor and out onto the small patio. "UNCA DAWL....COME EAT." Shane shouted. The "Unca" did not go unnoticed by anyone including Daryl. A couple of minutes later Daryl came in toting a shivering little boy. Shane had ran out in nothing but his underwear. "You stay out there any longer little man and Super man was going to jump off your underwear and run away. Its too cold out there." Daryl said laughing. "I have Scooby Doo on Unca Daryl." Shawn said proudly poking his chest out with his hands on his hips. "I see that. At least he didn't get cold like Super man here did." Daryl laughed.

After breakfast the boys were quickly dressed in warmer clothes and out the door with Daryl and Carl. "Babe. How do we get those car seats in your old SUV ?" Carl said coming in the back door. "Why move them. Just take the one that they are in. Where are you guys headed anyway ?" Max asked. "We need to make a special trip to the hardware store." Carl said. "Well you have a set of keys. " Max said. "But that one is your........" Carl started and stopped realizing what he was about to say. "Um... I need a proper good morning kiss before I go. Turn your head Brian." Carl laughed. They could hear the boys giggling and both talking at the same time as Daryl and Carl loaded them in their car seats. "He is trying Uncle Max. You noticed he caught himself." Brian said. "I know. That's why I let it slide. Besides let me show you his Christmas present." Max said as he opened the computer and pulled up a special file with pictures.

About an hour later Brian and Max walked to the window. They had heard the vehicle pull back up but they wanted to see why both boys were talking so loud at the same time. Max ran to grab his camera. Standing in front of the house between Daryl and Carl were two little boys with their hands on their hips looking at the house. When they went out they were in jeans, tennis shoes and jackets. They stood there now in small Carhartt work coats, boots almost up to their knees, small yellow hard hats on their heads and toy tool belts around their waists. "Would you look at those two." Brian said. "Two ? You mean four. I am not sure which of the four is happiest." Max laughed. Turning he saw tears running down Brian's cheeks. "Placing his arm around Brian, Max pulled him closer. "What's wrong son ?" Max asked. "Those two precious boys have to come all the way to Wyoming to see what true love is. They have a mother that looks at them as a paycheck. Their grandfather looks at them as rodents. Since we have arrived here I have felt nothing but love from everyone I have met. Mary, Daryl and the boys were amazing and you two. I just don't know what to say. Thank you sounds so lame." Brian said. "Look Brian. You know I love you and the boys with all my heart. I was not sure about Daryl and Mary but I can assure you that Carl loves you and the boys just as much as I do." Max said as he hugged Brian tight. "You know Brian. It would not hurt to tell those two just what you told me." Max said. Moments later Brian was out the door. He made a big deal about the boys new outfits before walking over and wrapping his arms around Carl. "Thank you doesn't even begin to tell you how I feel. Thank you for loving me, my boys, and my uncle." Brian whispered. "You all make it so easy." Carl said as he kissed Brian on the side of the head. Moving to Daryl. "You have to get a hug too. Thank you so much for caring for my boys the way you do." Brian said. "Brian buddy. Me, Mary and the boys love you and the boys just like you are our family. Never doubt that or forget it." Daryl said as Brain hugged him tighter.

The boys ran around all morning playing in the yard but staying well clear of the construction workers. By lunch time they were not moving as fast as they were before. As the men and boys came in for lunch Shane came running in ther front door. "Unca Max. You house don't have an outside no more." Shane called out. "I know baby. Blame your Uncle Carl and Uncle Daryl." Max said. Carl scooped Shane up and began tickling him. "Don't worry little man. We are going to put another outside on it." Carl said. Max noticed the jealous look on Shawn's face as Carl tickled Shane. "I thought you were going to keep Uncle Carl straight out there Shawn." Max said. "I tried. I promise." Shawn said snapping out of his deep thought. "Hats off at the table boys." Brian said. Both boys sat at the table with their hats in their laps. "Now what's the rule about the hats, tool belts, and boots." Daryl said. "They are the same so we have to share." Shawn said. "That's right. If I hear a fight over whos hat and whos boots are whos then I am taking them back." Carl said. "O.k. Unca Carl." Shane said. "That will last five minutes." Brian laughed.

The afternoon went fast. Mary and Daryl's kids came over as soon as school was out and the barn seemed to be the new play ground instead of supervising construction. Mary and Max walked around and looked at the work being done. "So you two decided to help finally." Carl said. "Well I haven't seen you move from the tailgate of that truck since I got here. Well once. You looked to see what the kids were up too." Mary said. "The straw bosses left to play so somebody has to supervise." Carl laughed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Max laughed. Carl and Brian walked over to where Mary and Max stood. Carl wrapped his arms around Max and pulled him back against his chest. "What ya think babe ?" Carl said. "Its going to be beautiful." Max said. All of the siding was up on the front of the house. The columns on the porch needed to be replaced and the trim and shutters needed to be put up. "I would have never dreamed this house could look this good." Mary said. "Well its no castle." Carl said. "Yes it is." Max said twisting his shoulders to get even closer in Carl's embrace. "When do the kids get out for Christmas ?" Carl asked. "Thursday is their last day." Mary said. "Will you do me a huge favor sis ? You know Christmas is less than two weeks away. We have to go this week and try to get some of Santa for the twins. Do you and the boys mind babysitting ?" Carl asked. "Daryl said they should be finishing up here on either Friday or Monday so just bring the boys over Thursday night and let them spend the night. Then you can take all the time you need." Mary said. "I couldn't ask you to do that much." Brian said. "Look young man. I expect those babies to spend a few nights at my house while you are here. If you are going to have withdrawals then you can stay too but they are staying." Mary laughed.

Wednesday night Carl had taken his shower and sat on the couch watching cartoons with the twins until supper was ready. The two could barely watch the cartoons due to talking non stop. Carl had put both of them in the cab of the tractor and let them ride as he fed the cows. The boys had grown up around tractors but non as big as Uncle Carl's. "Unca Max. Everything Unca Carl has is big ." Shane called out. "It sure is baby." Max said. "What are you talking about ?" Carl asked. "Your twactors, and plows, and those big huge funny looking twactors." Shane said. "Oh you mean the combines." Carl said. "Yeah those." Shawn said. "Yep little guys. EVERYTHING Uncle Carl has is huge." Max laughed. As the three started to the table Carl walked up and placed his arm around Max and kissed him on the cheek. "Huge huh ?.. Everything ?" Carl whispered. "No doubt babe. Huge." Max whispered. "Well we will have to test some fo Uncle Carl's huge implements in the bed later." Carl whispered.

The boys talked between bites about the tractors, the cows, the construction. You had to pay close attention to find out what subject they were on at the moment. "Aunt Mary and the boys want you two to spend the night at their house tomorrow night. Do you guys want to ?" Carl asked. "YES" Shane screamed. Shawn sat there for a minute and then got down and walked over and lay his head on Carl's side. "What's wrong little man ?" Carl said rubbing Shawn's hair. "But you wont be there Unca Carl." Shawn whispered. Carl picked Shawn up and went to the couch. A few minutes later Shawn came back to the table all smiles. "Everything alright ?" Max asked. "Yeah. We had to more or less set some ground rules but he is fine now. " Carl smiled. "Alright boys. As we promised we are calling Santa Claus tonight." Max said. The boys were to excited to even eat their ice cream. "Now you will get to see Santa on Saturday night at the town party. Are you guys going to smile big for me and Uncle Max in the pictures ?" Carl asked. Brian watched closely knowing that Shane had no issues with Santa but for Shawn it was a different story. "Are you going to be in the picture ?" Shawn asked. "I tell you what. I will get a picture of all of us with Santa if you will each take a picture with him for me and then one of the two of you." Carl said.

The phone call kept the three men laughing. Carl had talked to the farmer next door and asked him to play Santa on the phone. Needless to say the boys were too excited to go to bed at their normal bedtime. The three men noticed that though Shawn was excited about Santa coming to see them after the phone call he clung mainly to Carl. If Carl got up he would move to either Max or Brian until Carl returned. The boys finally began to show signs of their busy day. "I think we will have company tonight." Carl whispered to Max. "Its all good baby." Max said with Shane asleep leaning against his side. "Well I may have to wait to use my huge implement." Carl whispered. "It will give me something good to dream about." Max whispered. "Alright you two." Brian said. "They are fine." Max said. "I wasn't talking about them." Brian laughed. The twins were in the middle of the king size bed. "You two stay right there. Uncle Carl and I will get ready for bed and be right back." Max said pulling Carl to the bathroom. "Hurry Unca Max. I am seepy." Shawn said.

Once in the bathroom Max turned Carl to face him. A quick, but deep passionate kiss and Max got down on his knees pulling Carl's shorts as he went. "Baby. The boys will hear us." Carl whispered. "That just means you have to be quiet." Max said as he opened wide and took Carl's semi hard cock into his mouth. It only took about three or four minutes before Carl was leaning over balancing on the counter as his cock flexed deep inside Max's throat and began to unload. "Fffuuuuuccckkkkkk." Carl whispered as each shot of seed rushed from his cock into Max's waiting throat. Carl bit his lip as the deep grumble came from his gut. Carl could feel the warmth hit his leg first and then his foot as the grumble as usual caused Max to shoot his own load. There was a quick knock on the door. "Unca Carl I heard a big animal growl." Shawn called out. Both men choked their laugh at the comment. "Its alright baby. That was just me clearing my throat. Get back in bed and we will be there in just a second." Carl said as he pulled Max to his feet. "Baby I have a question. Does this rumble you say I make turn you on so much that it makes you cum ?" Carl whispered. "Every time lover. It just does something to me." Max said as he grabbed a towel to clean Carl's leg.

Thursday started out early with a phone call from Brian's attorney. About the same time Max's phone rang with Bob calling him. Brian's wife had went to the local Sheriff's office and had an amber alert broadcast for the twins. (For those that may not know. A Levi's call is a Georgia based state wide alert for a missing child. An Amber alert is a nation wide missing child alert.) "What the fuck am I going to do ?" Brian asked. "Nothing. I have asked Bob to fax a copy of the judge's custody order to the Sheriff's office and we are taking the boys there so they can see they are safe." Max said. "I am so sorry Uncle Max. I can't for the life of me figure out what is up with her." Brian said. "Money baby. That's all she wants and she isn't getting it. Now go get the boys. Don't tell Carl why yet. We will tell him when its all fixed." Max said. The two men arrived at the Sheriff's office and explained what was going on. They waited patiently for the fax to come through. As they sat and waited Shawn jumped and ran to the door. "Unca Carl. Look he is a real police man." Shawn said pointing to the deputy. Carl scooped up the little boy and walked over to the group. "What's the fax number here ?" Carl asked. The deputy called out the number. "Call Bob and give him that number." Carl said. "Is he mad ?" Brian asked. "I think he is just a little." Max said. Max knew that he was in hot water when Carl went and sat down beside Brian with Shawn in his lap. One of the deputies came out and gave each of the twins a cookie. "You guys can go back to the ranch. We will get this cleared up as soon as we get the fax." the deputy said. "That's alright. We will wait right here until its cleared up." Carl said. The boys sat on the floor in front of the three men eating there cookie.

"I guess I was fooled. I really thought we were now family. I thought you trusted me too but I see that when it comes to you three that Max circles the wagons still and leaves everyone else out." Carl said. "Its not like that Carl." Max said. "Uncle Carl. I love you just as much as I do Uncle Max. When we got the phone calls we talked about it. It was going to be something simple to take care of and we wouldn't interrupt your day. We were going to tell you about it I promise. We were just going to wait and tell you after it was handled." Brian said. "This could have gotten serious and you both know it." Carl said. "When Bob called me he said that all we had to do was show a copy of the judges order and that the boys were fine and it would be dropped. I really didn't think it was that serious. I am sorry." Max said. "We just should have stayed in Georgia. I can't handle me and the boys coming between you two." Brian said. "You didn't come between us. I love you and the boys so much it hurts. I thought we were a family. In a family you tell things like this. And don't you try that guilt thing. You learned to well from your Uncle Max." Carl said and smiled. "Not me." Max said. "I will deal with you later." Carl said. About that time the deputy came out with a form for Brian to sign. "All taken care of sir and the Amber alert has been cancelled. Since you have full custody we did not divulge where the boys were. Its non of her business." the deputy said. "Thank you so much." Brian said. "Alright you two squirts. How would you like to go to Flo's and get some ice cream with Uncle Carl ?" Carl asked. "That sounds like fun." Max said. "Oh no. You two have to take my truck back to the ranch and think about what you did wrong. This is just me and the men." Carl said as he picked up one twin in each arm. "Eeeewww. Daddy and Unca Max are in trouble. You gonna pank them Unca Carl ?" Shane said smiling. "No buddy but they have to go to the ranch for time out while we go have ice cream." Carl said heading out the door.

When Carl and the boys returned to the ranch Carl seemed to have calmed down. "You and I still need to talk about this." Carl said as he leaned over and kissed Max on the cheek. "The boys had ran to tell their Uncle Daryl about the fun they had at Flo's. "I haven't seen your herd Uncle Carl. Can you take me out to see them ?" Brian asked. "Sure. You think we can sneak away from those two ?" Carl asked. "I will keep them busy." Max said. The boys didn't notice the gator as it left the barn. Once they made it to the pasture Carl turned the gator off. "Alright. What's on your mind ? I hope you don't think I am still mad about this morning. " Carl said. "Well I am sorry about that. I just have to protect my sons. Uncle Max said it would be simple so all I could think was to get this cleared up. That's all." Brian said. "I am so proud of you. A lot of fathers would not care. I understand where you are coming from but I am in this with you too. Just don't leave me out." Carl said. "That's why I asked you out here." Brian said. Brian explained that the company that he worked for had informed them the last day they worked that they would be closing down. Brian's supervisor had told him that he had been recommended to stay on until the building was cleared and that would keep him employed until the middle of the next summer but at that point he didn't know where he and the boys would end up. The company had offered to move him to Maine to one of their other plants but Brian said the company was too unstable for him to make that move and feel secure.

"I don't want money from you or Uncle Max but I just needed you to know that me and the boys may have to move. I know Uncle Max owns the house but I can't stay there and not have a job. I will have to go where there is work." Brian said. "Why didn't you say something earlier ?" Carl said. "I was ashamed." Brian said. "Ashamed ?" Carl said. "I never want you and Uncle Max to think I can't take care of my family." Brian said. "You are as damn proud as your Uncle Max. Loosing your job because they are closing is no reason to be ashamed. I hope you know that Max and I will support you in any way we can, whatever you do." Carl said. "I know that. I just had to tell someone. It is eating me alive." Brian said. "You haven't said anything to Max ?" Carl said. "Not yet. He is the only person that has ever been really proud of me. Well until you came along." Brian said. "You know you have to tell him. I get over secrets fast like this morning but I am not so sure Max will." Carl laughed. "I know." Brian said. "Don't worry buddy. Everything will work out just fine. I know it seems impossible at this point but let your Uncle Carl worry about this one. Well your Uncle Max too." Carl said putting his arm around the smaller man. "I don't want your money." Brian said. "Son. Help doesn't always come in the form of money. Besides I haven't offered any." Carl laughed. "Thank you for listening. " Brian said. "You worry about getting a divorce from that hag and keeping my nephews fat and sassy and let me and your Uncle Max worry about the rest for right now." Carl said. "I really do love you Uncle Carl. Even if you doubted it this morning." Brian said. "I never doubted it buddy. Not for a minute." Carl said as he started up the gator and headed back to the house.

The afternoon and evening went fairly smooth. Brian was still uneasy about leaving the boys for the day even though he knew they would be safe with Mary. "I am not going with them tomorrow so I will be at the house if you need me." Brian said. "You aren't going ?" Max asked. "No I have some things I need to do anyway. I just need to put a leash or limit on you two is all." Brian laughed. "I understand honey but the boys will be safe here. You decide in the morning but that is up to you." Mary said. "We will be over there working on the house anyway." Daryl said. "I will let you know in the morning." Brian said. Max gave Carl a funny look. "Later sweetheart." Carl said. Shawn was a little hesitant to stay since Uncle Carl was not staying but he finally decided it would be alright. "You may have to call us in the middle of the night with him. If you do don't hesitate." Max said to Mary.

Finally back at home the house seemed too quiet. They all sat in front of the television watching one of the NCIS shows. "Baby, Brian has something to talk to you about." Carl said. Max got a concerned look on his face. Brian turned and told his Uncle Max the same thing that he had told Carl earlier. When Brian finished they could see the tears forming in his eyes. Both men got up and walked over and hugged Brian. "Don't worry Brian. I told you to let me and your Uncle Max worry about this for now. You just get that divorce and take care of my boys." Carl said. That statement caused tears in Max's eyes. "I am afraid after today to get that far away from the boys and besides I need to get online and look and see what jobs are out there if you don't mind." Brian said. "You know you can use the computer for anything you want. You don't have to ask." Max said.

Max lay in the bed as Carl came out of the master bathroom. Carl stopped and looked at the bed. "What's that big grin for ?" Max asked. Carl acted as if he were dancing as he made his way to the door. "Unlocked." Carl said. He danced his way back towards the edge of the bed. Stopping at the edge of the bed he still had a large grin. "And what is exactly on your mind there cowboy ?" Max laughed. "Oh well first off I have the sexiest man alive, naked in my bed and this cowboy is about to see just how huge Uncle Carl's implement is." Carl said smiling. "Well it looks like it is getting larger there buddy. Let me help speed that up." Max said as he moved so that he was on his hands and knees on the bed. Leaning over he took Carl's semi hard cock in his mouth and began running his tongue around it lightly. Carl licked the fingers on one hand and used his other to part Max's ass cheeks. "You know what I am going to do baby ?" Carl whispered. "Umm umm." Max mumbled with a mouth full of cock. "This cowboy is going loosen up his playpen back here and then he is going to take his huge dick and he is going to slide it into his playpen as deep as he can get it. Do you know what he is going to do then ?" Carl whispered. "Umm...Umm.." Max mumbled which caused Carl to freeze. Max had taken the swollen cock all the way down his throat and the vibration almost caused Carl to loose his balance. "Once I get my fat dick inside this hot ass of yours I am going to fuck you so hard that you feel it all day tomorrow while we shop." Carl whispered. "Mmmmm." Max moaned again causing Carl to pull back some from Max's mouth. Releasing Carl's cock Max leaned down and licked Carl's ball sack. "Mount up and ride then cowboy." Max whispered. "Oh with that sweet ass of yours you don't have to tell this cowboy twice." Carl said.

Holding Max in the same position Carl got on the bed. Leaning down he blew puffs of warm air on Max's ass ring. Max had reached over and took the towel to lay underneath him. "You got the lube baby ?" Carl whispered. "Don't want any." Max whispered. "Oh hell fuckin' yeah." Carl said as he leaned forward and began to lick the Max's ass ring. Within moments he has his tongue inside Max which caused Max to claw at the bed spread. Carl reached under Max and pulled his hard cock back so that it was facing him. Taking his fingers he collected the massive amount of precum that Max was leaking and applied some to his cock. Moving further down he took the tip of Max's cock into his mouth and moved his hand back up and entered Max's wet ass with three fingers. Max almost lunged off the bed. As Carl released Max's cock Carl ran his free hand up through the hair on Max's back. "Oh fuck baby. I could shoot my load just looking at you." Carl whispered. "NOW, and not easy either. I want it all I want it all now." Max growled. "Here comes cowboy." Carl whispered. Placing his enraged cock at the entrance to Max's ass Carl pushed forward a little until the large mushroom head broke through. Holding off for Max to adjust Carl was caught off guard as Max pushed his body back real fast totally impaling himself on Carl's cock. "OH FUCK" Max growled a little louder. Carl leaned forward placing his chest against Max's back. Taking one hand and playing with Max's nipple while balancing himself with his other Carl took a couple of short jabs into Max with his cock only pulling about four inches out before stabbing back in. "I thought cowboy was going fuck the hell out of me." Max whispered. "Oh its coming baby. Don't you worry about that." Carl whispered into Max's ear.

Still in a doggie position Carl began to move more and more of his cock out of Max's ass before slamming back in balls deep. "You told that cow this cock was yours." Carl whispered. "Damn skippy. Now show me you know how to use it." Max whispered. Carl began to pull further and further out until his cock came clear of Max's ass and before the gape in the ring could begin to close he would slam back in balls deep. "Fuck baby. You feel that cowboy cock deep in your hot, sweet ass." Carl whispered. "Oh yes baby.... every inch." Max whispered. "Good baby because it wont be long until I paint the inside of that ass with cowboy cream. " Carl said each word between thrusts. Carl leaned over and began to suck on Max's ear lobe as he continues to pull his cock all the way out and then slam it back in. As he twisted one of Max's nipples Max's body went stiff. His knees began to shake as he began a low moan. "Ahhhhhh sshhhhhhiiiiiiiittttttttt....hard baby...HARD." Max almost shouted as his balls emptied and the first shot of his orgasm came flying out onto the towel beneath him. Max's ass ring clamped down on Carl's still fast moving cock with every shot. "FFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKK......" Carl shouted as the first shot of his orgasm flew out of his cock and landed on Max's ass cheek. By the time the second shot was released he was already balls deep inside Max again. Carl could not hold his balance due to the intensity of his orgasm. Falling to his side he carried Max with him still impaled on his now erupting cock. Carl ran his hands all over Max's body teasing all the hair as his cock still flexed inside of Max. "Fuck baby. It still amazes me that just my cock can make you cum without even touching your cock." Carl whispered still trying to catch his breath. "Well cowboy. You are the only one that has ever had that affect on me." Max whispered wrapping his arm around Carl's arm.

"Shit. What was that sound ?" Brian thought to himself. He had been standing outside the bedroom door listening to his two Uncle's grunt and moans. The sound of the all familiar rumble from Carl as he shot his load almost caused Brian to shoot himself. "Damn either that was hot or I have just done without for too long." Brian thought. Heading back to the living room he opened the laptop. Opening the real player Brian browsed the porn that his Uncle Max had downloaded. "Well this may calm me down." Brian thought since he had never watched gay porn. "This looks interesting." Brian thought. The video was labeled stable boy. The video started with a well hung cowboy slapping his cock against the face of a young man. Once the cowboy had the guy up and holding tight to the horse rail while he pounded his cock in the young man's ass Brian had not realized but he had his own seven inch cock in his hand and stroking it to match the cowboy's assault. He realized what he was doing as he watched the young man's hole open and contract after the cowboy had pulled his cock out and jacked his load off on the young man's back. The sight sent Brian over the edge himself. "GGggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." Brian moaned as he could not take his eyes off the ass hole that seemed to wink at him as he shot his load into his shirt. As soon as he was able to catch his breath a fear hit Brian. "Oh shit. That was hot. Am I gay too ?" he thought.. Exiting the player quickly Brian cleaned up and hurried off to bed. "Am I gay or am I just so damn horny I can't take it ?" Brian thought as he lay in bed.

Next: Chapter 26

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