Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 16, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant." Chapter 27

Saturday came fast. Brian had wanted to talk to his Uncle Max but still had not gotten the courage. Still feeling a little confused and down he asked if he could drive the other SUV in case he or the boys needed to come home early. It was a full town covered dish dinner so Max had cooked most of the day Friday and up until time to leave Saturday. "We are going to have to set these two down and have a talk." Max whispered. Standing in the oversized shower was Max, Carl, Shawn and Shane. Shawn and Shane had went and spent the day with the farmer next door and his wife. Carl had not been around small children enough to know that they forget very little. When they came home that day Shawn had saved his Uncle Carl part of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and part of the cookie that the lady had given them. He had stuffed them in his pocket explaining that he needed to share with Unca Carl. "I know babe. I will need your help but we need to do that tomorrow." Carl said. Being careful to keep his side to the boys because even flaccid Carl could easily hit one in the face.

Rex like many cities had a park in the town square. There was a group from one of the churches singing Christmas Carols. To the side was a large arch covered with Christmas lights that housed Santa and his elves. Shane had been brave about seeing Santa up until he spotted him. Shawn was glued to Carl's leg and by this point Shane was glued to Max's. "Alright little men remember our agreement ?" Carl said. "Yes Unca Carl." they both said. Most of the people from the town stood and watched as Carl sat on Santa's knee first and had the boys stand beside him. Shawn was brave first and for the next picture he sat on Santa's knee across from Carl. Next the two had their picture made with Uncle Max and finally Brian. There was one picture with all of them and then it came time for the individuals and the twins together. "Alright. Who is going to be the first brave little man for Uncle Carl and get their picture with Santa ?" Carl asked. Taking a deep breath and poking his chest out the men had to bury their laugh and just smile broadly as Shawn put his hands on his hips and walked up to Santa. "My Unca Carl said you were a nice man. Don't make me call him over here." Shawn said as serious as he could. The whole square broke out in laughter. Shane had moved behind Max until he spotted another familiar face. Moving a couple of people back he stood and looked up at the man. "Will you walk wif me to see Santa ?" Shane asked. "I sure will little man. I will tell you a secret. I use to be scared of Santa too." he said.

Brian's mouth dropped open as he say someone carrying Shane towards Santa. Squatting down he whispered. "Remember Santa is a kind man." he said. "I bewieve you." Shane said and kissed the man on the cheek before getting into Santa's lap. Carl put his arms around Max and leaned over and kissed his neck. "Twenty four seven baby." Carl whispered. Shane ended up being the clown with Santa. Huge smiles and he talked up a storm. "Oh and Santa. Ty has been a really good boy this year too." Shane said as he jumped down and ran and wrapped his arms around Ty's neck. Ty had squatted just out of camera view so that Shane could see him and not be as afraid. Brian would have to see the pictures because his eyes focused on the small patch of skin that showed between Ty's shirt and jeans as he knelt on the ground. When Shane jumped into his arms again Ty reached back to gain his balance and Brian felt his cock go rigidly hard instantly as he saw the small shadow of the top of the crack of Ty's ass.

Shawn ran to Ty half way back to the group of men. He leaned down and picked him up so now he had a twin on each hip. "Daddy....daddy I told Santa that Ty was a good boy too." Shane shouted. Max looked to see that Brian was blushing and also noticed as anyone would the hard on trapped in his jeans. "Hmmmm." Max said elbowing Carl lightly and looking towards Brian. "What ?" Carl said. "Later baby." Max said as he moved to greet Ty. "Hello Ty. Its great to see you. I see you have two lost munchkins." Max laughed. "We not lost Unca Max. Ty got us." Shawn said. "Well its time to feed you two little men. Will you join us Ty ?" Max asked. "Oh I don't want to be a party crasher." Ty said. "He wont be. Will he Brian ?" Max said. "Uhh. Umm.... No. That would be nice." Brian said with a catch in his voice. "Ah shit." Max said. "What babe ?" Carl asked. "Pop....Pop.....Pop." he could hear. "Here comes Flo and that damn chewing gum." Max said gritting his teeth. "I thought you liked Flo." Brian said. "I do but that damn gum popping gets on my last gay nerve." Max said. "Yeah it makes my skin crawl too." Ty said. "Well I learned at an early age with Uncle Max. You can blow bubbles and pop them but you don't pop gum as you chew or you will get popped yourself." Brian laughed as he ducked the slap to the back of the head he knew was headed that way.

"I hope you know how proud of you two I am for getting your pictures made with Santa." Daryl said as he sat across from the twins at the table. "Ty told me he use to be scared of Santa too when he was little like me." Shane spoke with a mouth full of fried chicken. "Oh you were ?" Carl said smiling at Ty. "Yeah use to scare the bageebies out of me." Ty laughed. Max had cleverly planned the seating so that the twins were between him and Carl and Ty was beside him leaving only the space on the outside beside Ty for Brian. Mary and her family sat across the table. Thank goodness Flo had lost her gum because she sat with them along with the farmer and his wife. Brian had a slight glow to his face. A light shade of pink let Max know that he was so nervous he was about to jump out of his skin. Max and Carl had to move a little further away from the falling food of the twins. This caused Ty and Brian to set even closer. With every move their arms were pressed close and their legs pressed together also. Brian at one point took his hand from the table to put on his own leg but accidently landed on Ty's. "Oh shit. Sorry Ty." Brian whispered. Ty took his hand and placed it on Brian's. "No need to apologize." He said but left his hand on Brian's leg.

They sat and chatted after everyone was finished eating. "You pomised cott candy if we did good with Santa Unca Carl." Shane called out. "Yes I did little man. What's say you grab your Uncle Max and we take you two to get some. " Carl said. "YEAH!!" they shouted. "You coming Aunt Mewy ?" Shawn asked. "Sure will buddy. Uncle Daryl and I will be there in a minute. Let us clean these plates up." Mary said. "You go ahead. I will clean this up." Ty said. "Are you sure ? " Daryl asked. "Yeah go catch up. Those two with cotton candy should be interesting." Ty laughed. Flo had found her gum again and walked around the table. Placing her hand on each one's shoulder. "You two sure are one cute couple." Flo said as she popped her gum and walked away. Both Ty and Brian were almost frozen in place at Flo's comment. "Where the hell did she get that hideous Dolly Pardon wig from ?" Ty said breaking the silence. "Uncle Carl bought it for her in Nashville when the twins got sick and they came to see about them." Brian said. The table was cleared and Brian and Ty walked towards the cotton candy machine. "Look Ty. Want some cott candy ?" Shane shouted. Both men burst out laughing along with the rest. "No thank you baby. Looks like we will have to find a water hose or a watering trough for you two." Ty laughed. "Nuh uh." Shawn smiled with cotton candy from his hair to his lap.

The boys drug Carl, Max, Mary and Daryl all over the park to look at lights and the different booths. Ty offered Brian a beer from one of the vendors. Setting on a park bench the two watched the rest of the town mingle and talk. "Tell me if I am being to forward but what's your story ?" Ty asked. Usually Brian is very reserved like his uncle Max but he felt so comfortable with Ty he began to tell him his story. "So you are still married ?" Ty said. "Hopefully not for long but yes I still am." Brian said as he went to stand. Ty put his hand out and pulled Brian back down. "Where are you going ?" Ty asked. "I am married Ty." Brian said and hung his head. "So what ? Its not like you proposed to me. You do know I am gay don't you ?" Ty said. "I wasn't sure but I thought as much." Brian said. "You don't have a problem with that ?" Ty said. Brian pointed to the group coming their direction. Carl had his arm around Max and they both had huge smiles. "How could I ?" Brian said. "Point taken." Ty laughed. "How long will you and those sweet little boys be here?" Ty asked. "I have to be back in Georgia by the second week of the year. We will be there until mid summer but then I don't know where." Brian said. "Why is that ?" Ty asked. Brian explained his job situation and that he was not going to take the transfer. "Well you need to check out Wyoming then." Ty said and turned away. "I don't want to go home as it is now." Brian said and put his arm behind Ty letting his arm touch his shoulder. About that time the two were attacked by two somewhat cleaner little boys. Shawn landed in Ty's lap and Shane in Brian's "Mmm. I think you are the sweet one." Ty said licking his lips after he had kissed Shawn on the cheek. "Nuh uhh...taste me." Shane said leaning over so that Ty could kiss his cheek. This motion pushed Brian hard into Ty's side. The heat from Ty caused Brian's cock to go hard again trapped in his jeans. "Damn if this going to keep happening I am going to have to man scape. Hurts like hell when it pulls those hairs as this thing grows." Brian thought to himself. "Its a tie. I need another kiss to see which is sweeter." Ty said. Max stood and wrapped his arm around Carl's as he watched the boys try to taste the sweetest with.

The sweetness contest was over with still a tie. Each boy grabbed and arm of Ty and started pulling him towards the Christmas Carolers. Ty sat on the grass in front of th gazebo with a twin on each knee. "I am sorry that they are ruining your Christmas party." Brian said as he sat beside Ty. "Ruining nothing. This is the happiest I have been in years." Ty said. Max and Carl had sat on the other side of Ty. "I appreciate that but I think you are just saying that." Brian said. "No I am not. There is no one alive that couldn't help but love these two. Its going to be lonely going home tonight after all this attention." Ty said. "I think I know what you were talking about." Carl whispered in Max's ear. Max just smiled and squeezed Carl's hand tight.

"Alright. Time to load the rug rats up and get them home." Carl said. "I not a rat Unca Carl." Shawn said. "You and Shane are both my little rug rats." Carl laughed. "I'll get them in the car." Brian said as he began to get up. "I am not that old. I can still handle these two. You stay and have fun. You have a vehicle." Max said. "Are you guys sure. I don't want you to think I am dumping them on you." Brian said. "Dump anytime." Carl said leaning over and kissing Brian on top of the head. "You need some time to yourself anyway so you stay and have fun." Mary said. Everyone got their goodbye hug and kiss including Ty. "You goin come see me Ty ?" Shane asked. "I promise I will come see you both before you go home." Ty said. "What are you doing Christmas day ?" Max asked. " I am working the Christmas Eve shift so that some with family can be off." Ty said. "You don't spend it with your family ?" Mary asked. "Brian is not the only one with an asshole father. I will just sleep Christmas day." Ty said. "Not anymore. Bring a change of clothes. You can go to Carl and Max's as soon as you get off work. You can sleep a while there and then have Christmas dinner with us." Mary said. "I couldn't do that." Ty said. "Umm I think you had better accept. You have seen my sweetheart when he sets his mind to something and I am not going to have you ruin my Christmas by not showing up." Carl said. "You don't mind ?" Ty said looking at Brian. "I think you had better accept if you know what's good for you." Brian whispered. "I will get directions from Brian." Ty said. "Oh I expect I had better see you before Christmas. Then you wont get lost." Max said.

Carl came in the bedroom with a huge smile on his face. His clothes were soaked. "Well if they didn't get clean I know somebody that did." Max laughed. "Twenty four seven baby. This Uncle is ready." Carl smiled. "Did you get them tucked in ?" Max asked. "I had to carry Shane to the bed and Shawn barely made it. They are out for the count." Carl said as he walked over and started a small fire in the fireplace. "Baby its a little late for that isn't it ?" Max said. "I know my sweetheart. He will not go to bed until Brian is home and I think that may be a while." Carl said. "Well then come here and let me help my sweetheart out of those wet clothes." Max said. "Do you have any ideas to warm a cowboy up ?" Carl asked. "Oh I have a few ideas." Max said. "Hmmm. I need to bathe the boys every night then." Carl smiled. Max pulled Carl to him in front of the growing fire. Slowly removing his shirt Max did it slowly and began to kiss the area on Carl's chest as each part of hairy skin appeared. Once the shirt was removed Max moved to Carl's pants. Unsnapping the jeans, Max slowly worked them over Carl's hips. "Mmmmm... I just love a commando man." Max said. "Especially for you baby." Carl whispered. "I see somebody has warmed up." Max whispered as Carl's hard cock sprang loose from the denim. "Especially for you baby." Carl whispered. Max leaned up and pressed his lips to Carl's. Their lips parted and the slow passionate kiss became almost animal like. Max had his hands around Carl cupping both ass cheeks. Carl had one hand wedged between Max's ass cheeks rubbing Max's hole and the other was roaming quickly up and down the hair on Max's back.

Carl pushed Max back and got down on his knees. "I am low on protein myself." Carl whispered as he opened his mouth and took Max's hard cock inside his mouth. Max began breathing deeply. Leaning forward Max ran his hands lightly up and down Carl's strong back. Max was nowhere near as long as Carl but Carl still had to practice to deep throat Max's cock. Max tried to push him back as he gagged a couple of times. "No baby. Its not worth that." Max pleaded. "It is to me." Carl said as he used his hand to jack Max's cock while he caught his breath. "Its not that important to me." Max whispered. "It is to me though." Carl said as he opened his mouth and sucked down as much of Max's cock as he could. After about five minutes Carl was finally able to land his nose in Max's pubes. "Gggggrrrrr." Max moaned. "See. no problem." Carl said before going back down on Max's cock. "Slow down baby. I am too close." Max whispered. Carl began forcing Max's cock down his throat even faster. "Ffffuuuuucckkkkkkkkkkkk." Max called out as the first shot went directly down Carl's throat. Carl pulled back so that he could collect the next five shots in his mouth. Swallowing most of Max's seed there was a little that had ran out the side of his mouth. Standing again he pulled Max in for another passionate kiss. Max's hard breathing turned Carl on even more.

Max moved slowly to lay on the rug in front of the fireplace pulling Carl down with him. Carl's tongue attacked Max's mouth just as his mouth had attacked his cock. Laying his body between Max's legs Carl pulled one of Max's legs up so that it was over his hips. Reaching around without breaking the kiss Carl sought out his target with his fingers. Slowly working one finger inside Max he was able to add a second finger fairly quickly. Max had his hands roaming Carl's back as if he were desperate to touch every inch. Carl jumped up quickly and grabbed the bottle of lube from the nightstand. As he returned he was already applying an ample amount to his cock. As he got to his knees he took his hand and applied more to Max's twitching hole. Max gasp for breath as Carl pushed three slick fingers inside his ass. Removing his fingers Carl leaned over and looked directly into Max's eyes. "I love you so much baby. You have brought me the life I always wanted." Carl said. With a big smile on his face he slid the mushroom head of his cock into Max. Leaning down for another passionate kiss he pushed the other nine inches of his cock inside Max as his tongue entered his mouth. The two men rocked slowly with Carl only pulling about three inches of his cock out before sliding back in balls deep. "You think Brian and Ty are doing this right now ?" Carl whispered. "Too early but I bet it happens." Max whispered between heavy breaths. Carl began to pick up his pace. It was still passionate and not slamming but hit all the right spots for both men. "Damn baby. I don't understand how this sweet ass can always be so tight on my cock." Carl said breathlessly. "Especially for you baby." Max said as Carl put his face into the bend of Max's neck. Biting lightly on Max's neck. "GGgggggggrrrrr....... Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh....ffuuuuu...." Carl moaned as his cock began to flex and empty deep inside of Max.

When Carl lifted his head Max saw tears in his eyes. "What's wrong baby ?" Max asked flexing his ass ring around Carl's cock still buried in him. "I am so happy baby. I am scared that Brian will not want to move out here." Carl said. "Oh don't worry. If my gut feelings are still working I expect that Ty will help with that decision." Max whispered. Slowly sliding his cock in and out of Max a couple of time. "Oh yes baby your gut is working just perfectly." Carl smiled. "It feels happy and full at the moment handsome." Max said. "Do you think Brian is gay ? " Carl asked. "I think he is questioning right now. He and his wife were never really a loving couple. She was the second girl he dated and she ended up pregnant. I don't think Brian ever had a chance to explore what he might be. And his father would have had a cow. Old bastard." Max said. "Well baby you know I don't care." Carl said. "I know baby. I just want him, you and the boys happy." Max said. "Oh this cowboy couldn't be any happier right this minute." Carl said flexing his cock inside Max's ass. Max licked his lips. "I know somebody that has been stealing little boy kisses." Max said. "How do you know ?" Carl laughed. "Cotton candy." Max laughed. "Well now who can blame me. They are sweeter than cotton candy." Carl said.

"I have a question. Have you ever been with a man ?" Ty asked as he and Brian lay on a blanket looking up at the stars. "To be honest I have never thought about it. Well not until the last few days." Brian said. "So what has made you think you might be gay ?" Ty asked. "I think for the first time in my life I have been able to just relax and not worry about what someone wanted me to do or how I was suppose to act." Brian said. "The Wyoming mountains can do that for you." Ty said. "Yeah they are nice but its more than that. I see how happy my Uncle Max is now. He has never been feminine but I have always known he was gay. To see Carl and how macho he is but he can love a man just lets me know that I can feel anyway I want. " Brian said. "Yeah he is a super hot cowboy." Ty said. "Eeww. that's my uncle. What am I Swiss cheese ?" Brian laughed. "Oh no Brian. You are one of the hottest men on two feet. I almost didn't speak at Flo's but when I saw you I just had to see if your voice was a sexy as the rest of you." Ty said. "Well I hope you weren't disappointed." Brian said blushing. "No I wasn't and you are so damn sexy when you blush." Ty said. "You really think I am sexy ? I myself think you are a walking wet dream. " Brian said. "Flattery will get you anything you want buddy. And yes you are a walking wet dream too." Ty said. "God that smile makes me hurt." Brian said. By this time Ty was on his side holding his upper body up on his elbow. Looking down there was no mistaking that Brian was rock hard. "Oh you mean this." Ty said applying pressure with his hand to Brian's crotch. "Careful there. It has been extra sensitive and a very quick draw lately." Brian laughed.

Removing his hand Ty lay back down on his back. "What are you thinking ?" Brian asked rolling over and rising on his elbows."I am afraid." Ty said. "Afraid of what ?" Brian asked. "Have you ever kissed a man ?" Ty said. "My uncles." Brian said. "No. I mean a real passionate kiss." Ty said. "I can't say I have." Brian said. "What scares me is that you are not sure if you like men or not. You are going back to Georgia. I am falling for you and you will be gone." Ty said. "You are falling for me ? You know I have two little ones that make it a package deal." Brian said. "Brian I fell in love with those two the moment I saw them. I actually fell head over heals for them before I started feeling anything for their father." Ty said. "They are hard to resist." Brian said. "They get it honest." Ty said. "Who me ? Not me ?" Brian said laughing. "Damn that smile could melt a hard winter's snow." Ty said. "This one ?" Brian said smiling as wide as he could moving his head from side to side. "Yes silly. That smile. You just scare me. I haven't been with a man in over four years. I got tired of hook ups. I want the real thing. I even had a dream the other night. Never mind." Ty said. "No, go ahead. I want to hear your dream." Brian said. "I dreamed that you and I were laying on the couch in each others arms with the twins wound in with us watching cartoons. Crazy huh ? " Ty said. Ty was shocked to open his eyes and see Brian only an inch from his lips. A very slow and light kiss on the lips. "Yes I have kissed a man. And yes I really liked it." Brian whispered. "Well see how you like this then big boy." Ty said as he flipped Brian onto his back. Brian's lips parted easily giving Ty full access. Within moments Ty had one hand under Brian's shirt circling one of his hairy nipples with his fingers. Brian had pulled Ty's shirt tail out and had one hand under his shirt holding the back of his head and the other hand was down the back of Ty's pants squeezing a bare ass cheek.

"Oh hey Uncle Max. I hope you weren't waiting on me to get home." Brian said. Brian walked in the living room with his shirt still untucked and his hair a mess. "No I got rooted out. Not really. I did want to talk though." Max said. "I know. You are disappointed in me." Brian said hanging his head. "No son. I hope that I am proud of you. I can see that you and Ty got up to something. I hope that you didn't go too far." Max said. "No. Just some heavy kissing and petting is all." Brian said. "Are you just testing the man on man waters ?" Max asked. "I'm not sure what I am doing. This has all been so sudden." Brian said. "Well Ty is a super young man that has had a hard life. I don't want you hurting him. If you just want to test out man on man sex I will give you the money to go get a hooker." Max said. "No Uncle Max its not like that." Brian said. "Let me ask this then. What drew you to Ty or was it Ty hitting on you ?" Max asked. "I think it was mutual. We met when I carried the boys to Flo's for ice cream. Uncle Max he was so good with the boys and they just loved him." Brian said. "Are the boys the only reason ?" Max asked. "Uncle Max when I see Ty, when I get close to him I almost hurt. I have never felt that about anyone. Before a week ago I would never think that man on man sex would interest me. I have a confession. I watched some of your porn even before I met Ty." Brian said about to cry. "I know. You forgot to clear your history." Max said. "I knew you would be mad. " Brian said. "Ummmhhuummm." Carl said clearing his voice. Brian turned quickly so he would not have to look at Carl.

Carl walked over and wrapped his arms around Brian. "Brian you know that we love you and that you can talk to either of us about anything." Carl said. "If I had known that you would have had to face the third degree I would have made Max stay in bed." Carl said. "Third degree ?" Max said. "Well from where I was standing it almost sounded like I had Brian's father here instead of his uncle." Carl said. "Now you wait a minute." Max said. "No you wait a minute. Brian opens up to you about something that is truly bothering him. He comes to the man that he thinks really loves him and what does he get ? His father." Carl said. "Now you wait just a minute." Max said. "No you two stop it. The boys and I have caused enough trouble. We will go home tomorrow. " Brian said. "Brian. You and the boys will do no such thing. Your uncle's ass must be a little too sore is all. He may need to stand up." Carl said. "What the hell ?" Max barked. "ENOUGH... I wanted help and all I got was grief. Now I have to try to sleep knowing I caused you two to fight. I just can't fucking win for loosing. And for your information Uncle Max for the first time in my miserable life I can tell that you are kin to the son of a bitch I have for a father. Don't worry about me. I will be out of your hair soon enough." Brian said as he headed to his bedroom. Max's mind was racing. As he entered the bedroom to find out from Carl why he seemed to attack him he found the bed was empty. "Fuck Max why do you do this shit ?" he thought as he sat on the edge of the bed. After an hour of crying Max walked down the hall and opened the bedroom door. Brian was still sobbing with Carl laying beside him with his arms wrapped around him and the twins laying on the floor beside the bed.

Max walked back to the bedroom and picked up his phone. "Hello" came a groggy voice. "Ty I am sorry to wake you but this is Max." Max said. "Oh shit. Is Brian alright ? What about the boys ?" Ty almost shouted. "They are fine. I think I have really fucked up. What is your schedule tomorrow ?" Max asked. "I am off for the next two days why ?" Ty asked. "I need a huge favor. I have really made a mess of things. Would it be too much trouble for you to come for breakfast ? Say around eight. " Max said. "What is wrong ?" Ty said. "Lets just say that apparently I acted like Brian's father instead of the uncle he has loved his whole life. I may have caused damage I can't repair." Max said sobbing. "I will be there by seven thirty. Do I need to come now ?" Ty said. "That might not be a bad idea." Max said. About twenty minutes later the driveway alarm went off. Max met Ty at the door. A quick rendition of what happened and Max carried Ty to the bedroom. Carl got up and let Ty take his place. Carl just looked at Max as he walked out of the bedroom. Max turned and made his way back to the couch and sat and placed his face in his hands.

Next: Chapter 28

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