Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jun 7, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant." Chapter 49

"Hey buddy. You are moving a little slow this morning." Max said as Paul walked into the kitchen. "My ass is sore as hell. But a good sore." Paul laughed. "Did you let Bob get any sleep ?" Carl asked. "Lets just say I got my salad, main course and dessert. Didn't make it to the snack but I will catch up later. " Paul laughed. "I thought I was getting breakfast in bed." Bob said as he walked in and wrapped his arms around Paul and kissed him on the neck. "Not this morning." Paul laughed. "Now that's a first. Never heard of Paul turning down breakfast in bed." Chris laughed. "Well I have to set on the plane headed home. You are smiling mighty big yourself there big boy." Paul laughed. "Well i did get breakfast in bed." Chris said brushing the back of his finger nails against his hairy chest and then blowing on them. "No wonder Lee hasn't made it down stairs. " Carl laughed. "Well it takes a few minutes for him to get his balance back and be steady on his feet." Chris laughed. "What are you guys talking about ?" Lee asked as he turned the corner. "Nothing babe." Chris laughed.

All the men busied themselves in the kitchen preparing breakfast. "You guys will still be here for lunch wont you ?" Max asked. "We scheduled the flight plan for four this afternoon. We wanted to avoid that average weekend traffic into the airport in Atlanta." Bob said. "It may take us until three to get all of our children back. " Lee laughed. About that time a bell went off and a screen in the kitchen came on. "What was that ?" Max asked. "That the gate. You can look at any of the screens in the house to see who is there. " Carl said. "Smart phone, Smart TV, now smart house. I am screwed." Max laughed. "All the more reason to keep me. I will handle the electronics and the screwing." Carl laughed. Looking at the screen they could see Cody setting in Joe's lap playing with the steering wheel as if he was driving. "That's your son babe. Look at how he is driving." Lee laughed. Carl buzzed the gate and it began to open. "Guys before they get here I wanted to talk a second. I hope that no one feels weird about last night. Carl and I did not plan that but it seemed to just happen." Max said. "I think I speak for all of us when I say that we really had a good time and no one here has anything to be ashamed of." Chris said. "I just didn't want last night to affect our friendships." Max said. "No chance in that." Bob said. "Alright I think we need to run get a few more clothes on before Joe gets here." Chris said slapping his hand across Lee's ass only clad with thin running shorts fabric.

"Damn Bro. Have a rough night ?" Carl laughed as Joe came in the door with Cody. "No but its been a long time since I took a shower with a little one. Cody and I had to take a shower together this morning. I finally gave up on the hair." Joe laughed. "Were you good for Mr. Joe last night Cody ?" Lee asked. Cody just grinned but did not let go of Joe. "Its Uncle Joe." Joe laughed. About that time the bell went off again. Looking at the screen they could see Brian and Ty on the gator with the three boys setting behind them. "So much for a quiet morning." Carl laughed as he pushed the button to open the gate. "Well all of you guys are accounted for. I think we are still missing two." Paul said. "Don't worry. Sis will get them here at least in time for you to catch the plane." Joe laughed. "They are all coming for lunch aren't they ?" Bob asked. "Sounds like two worried dads to me." Carl laughed. "No not really worried." Paul laughed.

"Its been a long three days." Brian said as he switched the ATV off. The boys jumped from the machine and raced to the door. "I know it has. Maybe I can get you a nap this afternoon and then I plan to make up for some lost time." Ty said as he leaned over and kissed Brian. "Can we just stick our head in the door then and say we will be back shortly ?" Brian laughed. "Not this time. We need to be here until they all head back to Georgia. " Ty said. "I know babe. I was just thinking about what I was going to get for being a good boy today." Brian said. "You still have to make it through the day to say you have been a good boy." Ty laughed as he jumped from the ATV and headed for the door.

Breakfast was served with all the boys talking at once telling about the reception and their spend the night party. Cody stuck close to Joe which was no surprise to any of them at this point. "I guess we need to take you back to Georgia with us Joe." Chris laughed. "Nah but my little buddy here is going to have to come out to here and stay with his Uncle Joe." Joe laughed. "Alright time to confess. A couple of you keep blushing. What did we miss last night ?" Ty asked. "Oh no. Some secrets are for adults only." Carl laughed. "I am an adult." Ty protested. "Give it up babe. Uncle Carl is not going to tell." Brian laughed. "Must have been some type of orgy or something." Brian laughed. "What's an orgeee daddy ?" Shane asked. "Nothing baby. Finish your biscuit." Max said giving both Carl and Brian a stern look. "Lets just say your uncle and I built this house way back here in the woods with two gates to get here for a reason." Carl laughed. "Ah snap." Ty laughed. "Its kind of like Vegas. What happens in the woods stays in the woods." Paul said. "O.k. Now I really want to know what happened." Ty said.

Breakfast finished and the kitchen was cleaned in short time. It was uncommonly warm outside for this early in the morning. Max, Lee and Paul ran everyone else out of the house to explore while they began to prepare lunch. "You two seem to be getting along great now. I hope you are feeling better." Lee said talking to Max. "I have my good days and bad. I have had to let go of the idea of trying to stop Carl from spending money though." Max said. "It doesn't look like he has wasted any." Paul said. "He hasn't. He doesn't just blow money. I just can't get past his history and how he thought the only way to make a partner happy is to spend money on them. I don't want his money. Just his time." Max said. "I think he understands that now. I hate to say it but I think when you left it really opened Carl's eyes to a lot of things." Max said. "I have never seen such fear and concern in a man's eyes." Paul said. "I hate that I did that to him but I really had no choice at the moment." Max said. "We all understand that and so does Carl. I am just glad things worked out for the good. " Lee said. The conversation was interupted by a chime going off. A screen appeared in the kitchen and also the great room. The farmer, his wife, along with Durk and the butler were arriving. "Alright. How the hell you open the gate. Carl didn't explain that much. " Max said as he looked at the screen. "Looks like and oversized smart phone." Paul said as he touched the screen. Four options popped up on the screen. Frist was speaker, second was open, third was ignore and fourth was the panic button. Paul touched the open and slid his finger across the screen. The gate began to open. A speaker called out. "Front gate two opening." "Joe is going to Georgia and you are staying here." Max laughed.

As usual the butler ushered all the men out of the kitchen. Durk had walked out and was talking to both Carl and Bob. A few minutes later Shawn came bursting through the back door. "UNCA MAX. UNCA CARL SAID COME HERE." Shawn shouted. "Oh he did, did he ?" Max laughed. "Uh huh and the other man said you wuz suppose to come too." Shawn said looking at the butler. "Well you tell that other man he can do just well without me sweetheart." the butler laughed. Max just looked at the butler. "Go ahead. I know what its about and you don't need me." he said. The farmer's wife jumped up and offered to take over in the kitchen. "Oh no mam you don't. This is my kitchen until lunch is served." the butler said. "Excuse me for a couple of minutes while I go tell my husband that the twins are not pages for summoning." Max laughed.

Max followed Shawn to the covered porch of the pool house. The men were setting in the shade on the lounge furniture. "I was summoned by my husband ?" Max said placing one hand on his hip. "I told him to be nice about it." Carl laughed. "Well your little mini me wouldn't take no for an answer." Max laughed. "Where is ... ? Never mind. I don't want to hear his reply." Durk laughed. "Yeah I don't think Shawn could have delivered that one properly." Max laughed. "Well I have a few things I need to discuss with you and Carl. I know this isn't a professional atmosphere but its good for me if it is for you." Durk said. "I have done lots of business over the years and very little was in an office and non on a golf course so I am fine." Max laughed.

Durk started the conversation. He had asked Bob to handle some legal matters for him. He told the group about how his children only wanted money and cared nothing about the business. He also told them that he had set up a company over fifty years ago and had funneled money into it over the years so that the butler would be taken care of. His fear was that his children would kick him out without even his clothes. Durk's wife is the one that had suggested the company in the butler's name and putting money into it. He and the butler had discussed it and wanted Carl and Max to help look out for the butler and his finances if something happened to Durk. He also wanted Carl and Max to buy out his operation if and when something happened to him. The money was in the butler's business account to finance this. The loan would be from the butler and not a bank. Durk had already sold half of his operation to the butler's business. In his will there would be a "buy out" clause listing a price for the remainder of the live stock and resale operations. The clause will be a first option clause in case one of the kids decides to try to shop around for offers. The ranch itself would go to his children but his concern was that the business be safe.

"I am not sure about all of this. As far as making sure that he is taken care of we would be glad too. As for the financing part that's a lot of money. We don't want him to be strapped for money by loaning us the money. The offer is more than sweet but I would be worried about him surviving financially until I could pay it back." Carl said. "I agree. He would be more than welcome to come live with us and it wouldn't cost him a thing. I wouldn't feel right knowing he should be retired and enjoying life but we had all his money tied up." Max said. Durk handed Bob a folder and watched as he opened it. Bob's eyes got bigger the more he read. "Do they have anything to worry about ?" Durk asked. "Um. From what I see here I don't think you would put a dent in his cash." Bob said. "You have to realize. The first year my wife and I were only able to put about thirty thousand dollars in his business. The years since there has not been a single year that it got less than a million. Last year his company got fifteen million. " Durk said. "S.h.i.t." Carl whispered. "We will be glad to help in any way but I think I speak for Carl too when I say that owing him the money still worries us." Max said. "It was his idea. He has no family and tells me every day that he is too damn old to be a sugar daddy." Durk laughed. "Still." Carl said. "Look. You boys answered my prayers when you bought that bull. Now you can answer my last prayer knowing that some one will be looking out for the love of my life's best interests if I die first." Durk said. "You aren't sick are you ?" Carl asked. "Nothing more than over eighty years of wear and tear do to a body." Durk laughed. "Are you comfortable with this ?" Max asked looking at Bob. "I can do this any way you guys want as long as all parties agree." Bob said. "It better say Carl and Max Reglan." Carl said winking at Max. "Oh so you want me to be in bed with you and this debt." Max laughed. "I wouldn't be in bed with any body else." Carl laughed. "Good answer." Max laughed.

Bob looked up and smiled as he saw Paul walking out the door with one of their twins in his arms. Daryl followed carrying the other. Mary and Daryl had arrived during the conversation. Max looked at his phone and realized that the four men had been talking for over two hours. "Alright everyone. Business is done until lunch is finished. Durk you hush your mouth and get in here. It will be a bad day for everyone if my lunch get cold." the butler called out from the back door. "He means it too." Durk laughed. "Darn tooting I mean it." the butler called back. "Could he hear us ?" Bob laughed. "Nope its called being with your soul mate for over fifty years. He knows what I think before I even think it." Durk laughed. Back in the house both Mary and the farmer's wife laughed. "I sure do like him." the farmer's wife laughed. "I need him at my house." Mary said. "Just wait until they all have to pass the clean hands and face test." the butler said as he moved back into the kitchen. "This should be interesting with Daryl." Mary laughed. "It will be if he thinks he is going to get a plate." the butler said and turned back to baste his roast again. "I heard that." Daryl said. "It was meant for you to hear." the butler laughed.

Lunch was a huge success. All the men looked miserable from eating too much. Mary even seemed to try to adjust the belt on her dress without anyone seeing. "That was amazing. I am surprised you don't weigh five hundred pounds Durk." Daryl laughed. "He would if I let him eat everything he wanted too." the butler said. "See dear its not only wives." the farmer's wife said laughing. "Well i know you will argue but we need to talk so the others will clean the kitchen." Carl said. "It wont take me long." the butler argued. "Maybe not but you aren't a butler here. You are a guest." Max said. "In that case I want two sugars and cream in my coffee." the butler laughed.

The butler asked that Bob and Lee join them in their conversation. The men walked across the yard towards the mountain view. "It really is beautiful here." the butler said. "Yes it is but if you don't mind me asking. Why did you want me here ?" Lee asked. "You and your families reputation precede you. I know that you will understand some of my points and may be able to convey them better than me." the butler said. "We wanted to talk to you about our conversation with Durk." Max said. "I know all about it. I am the one that asked him to talk to you and also set all the terms." the butler said. "Max and I were just not comfortable with owing you money if it came to that." Carl said. "I don't need it. I never wanted it. That was Durk and his wife's idea. I have never touched it in case Durk ever needed it. I am on Durk's payroll and live quite well from my salary. " the butler said. "Maybe so but it is your money and I know Durk wanted you to have it." Max said.

The butler walked a little further. "I need to ask Lee and Max a question. I see how you look at both Chris and Carl. And don't worry Bob I see the same in Paul's eyes but I see men that will do anything including stop the earth and make it spin backwards if they could to make their men happy. Am I correct ?" the butler said. "No argument here." Max said. "Here either." Lee said. "Lee your family is loaded. You don't act like it but Durk and I have very good sources when we want to find out about people. You know how to manage money with that many zeros. I don't. I don't care about the money. That was Durk's dream for me to have that and I accepted it in the hope that some day I could help him further his dream. I am not going to lie and say it was my dream too. My dream was to love and support Durk no matter what and to help him fulfill his dream. I gave up many things over the years and got my feelings hurt many times for Durk to realize his dream but would not change one minute of my life. Can you understand that ?" the butler asked looking at Max and Lee. "More that you could imagine. " Max said. "I certainly know exactly what you are talking about." Lee said. "Has that happened to you ?" Carl said turning Max to face him. "Babe I couldn't explain it if I tried but no you have not hurt me." Max said

The men began to walk again. "My thing is that I don't need the money. I would not give it to his kids because of the way they treat their Dad. That old wrinkled fart back at the house is my old wrinkled fart. He is my life and if the money he has given me over our lifetime can be used to keep his dream alive then my dream is staying alive. My dream is Durk's. " the butler said and lowered his head. "I know exactly what you mean. Chris' dreams and the boy's dreams are my dreams. All I care about is that they are safe and happy." Lee said as he pulled the butler to his chest. Carl's eyes got misty as the butler lightly sobbed. "Answer me something. " Carl said putting his arm around Max. "What is that cowboy ?" Max said. " Are you doing all this , the ranch, the house and everything else because you feel like its my dream ?" Carl asked. "Answer this then. Do you love the ranch ? Do you love the house ? Do you love where you live and what you are doing ?" Max asked. "Well yes I guess so." Carl said. "Well then my dreams are coming true. Babe if your dream was to live in a tent and you were doing that then my dream would be coming true. I don't need all this. I need you. But I need you happy and content." Max said. "Exactly. Now you know how I feel about Durk and that money." the butler said. "I understand now. I am sorry I questioned you about it." Max said. "Don't be. In some ways I would have probably been concerned if you had not." the butler said. "I am still trying to understand." Carl said. "Paul told me one time that it was not for me to understand. The only thing I needed to understand was that we loved each other beyond anything in this world be it physical or monetary. I stop trying to understand and just enjoyed it." Bob said. "Durk learned to do that thirty years ago." the butler said. "Take a lesson from those two and don't question it." Max said as he leaned up and kissed Carl's cheek.

Returning to the house the men stopped just inside the great room and laughed. In the middle of the floor was Durk and the farmer with four little boys playing and rolling around with them. Looking further in they saw Mary with one twin feeding it a bottle and the farmer's wife with the other baby twin doing the same. "Hey guys. We tried but lost out so we are just watching." Chris said. "Watch Cody." Max said whispering to Lee. Cody would run, play and laugh with the other boys bout would stop every minute or so and look around to make sure Joe was still there. "I think I lost him to Uncle Joe." Lee laughed. "Don't worry I lost the twins, especially Shawn to Carl." Max laughed. "Alright boys. Calm down and give the men a break." Lee said. "I already tried that to no avail." Ty said walking in drying his hand on a towel from cleaning the kitchen. "Where is Brian ?" Max asked. "I left him in the kitchen scratching his head trying to figure out how to get all the food in the refrigerator." Ty laughed. "Sounds like Brian needs a butler's help." the butler said. "Don't help him too much." Ty laughed.

"Did you get your answers ?" Durk asked. "Yes we did." Carl said. "Good no more business today then." Durk said as he tickled Cody. The afternoon slipped by quickly. Around three in the afternoon the group started making their move to get all of their luggage in the van and all the children ready to travel. "You all promise to visit anytime you come to Georgia don't you ?" Paul said. "As long as you promise to bring my new niece and nephew out here to visit too." Mary said before kissing each twin on the head. "Well they haven't seemed to complain about their sleep over." Chris laughed. "Oh no it will be their two daddies complaining tonight because I am sure they were spoiled even more rotten than they already are." Bob laughed. "Well you can just leave them here then." Daryl said. "You aren't getting my husband that easy. Last night almost drove him insane." Bob laughed. "Just me ?" Paul said. "No babe. This daddy too." Bob said kissing Paul on the cheek. "Better." Paul laughed.

The house slowly emptied. The group from Georgia left to meet their jet at the airport. Durk and the butler were the last to leave. The car arrived to take Durk and the butler to the airport. As the men walked them out to the car their were hugs and thank you's from the group. "I am so glad you were able to come. I hope that you guys plan to visit often." Carl said as he hugged Durk. "I am taking your suggestion again. He thinks we are flying back to Texas. Our final stop will be Ibiza for three weeks. " Durk whispered. "Well you two go and enjoy each other. It is long past due." Carl whispered. "Yes it is and we have you and Max to thank for this." Durk said. "Alright old man. Get those wrinkles in the car. Day light is burning and if you want dinner tonight and your feet rubbed we need to get going." the butler called out from the back seat of the car. "Coming dear." Durk said as he smiled and winked at Carl.

Max made a sweep of the upstairs to make sure that nothing had been left behind by their guests. As he returned downstairs he could hear laughing from the back yard. Walking out the back door onto the patio he saw Joe, Carl, Brian and Ty in a sort of circle in the pool tossing each twin across the water to the someone else. "Come on and fwim Unca Max. It's fun." Shane screamed. "Let me go change." Max said. "Change ?" Brian said. "Um. We have a guest." Max said. "Not according to the boys. They let me know real quick that it was only boys here and at Uncle Carl's when its only boys you don't wear clothes." Joe laughed. Max stripped on the side of the pool and jumped in joining the group.

Max and Ty were the first out of the pool. Standing behind the bar getting out soft drinks for the kids and beer for the men Max had to smile as he watched Ty. Ty put his hands on the counter and took a deep breath as Joe stepped out of the pool. Hairy like his brother Carl and hung about the same. "What's wrong buddy ?" Max laughed. "Those damn Rexlan men. Hell I don't see how you do it. My ass hurts just looking at that and the bitch is still soft." Ty laughed. "Alright you two. This Reglan beef isn't on the market. Well the man market that is. No offense. " Joe laughed as he walked by. "Don't worry. I have all the Rexlan prime beef I can handle." Max said. "Let me just say Brian is more than plenty for me. I like to walk." Ty laughed. "He better be happy." Brian said grabbing his package as he walked by. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Ty laughed. Carl walked up behind Max and wrapped his arms around Max from behind. "I know my husband is happy with his Rexlan prime beef and I am over the world with my Rexlan Grade A." Carl said. "Alright you guys. Get a room." Joe laughed. "Don't worry we have already christened the pool area." Max said. "Oh you did ? You had company last night. I need details. " Ty said. "What was it babe ? What happens at the pool stays at the pool ?" Max said. "Close enough." Carl laughed and kissed Max on the neck.

The leftovers were pulled out for everyone's supper. Joe had tried to bow out but could not give Brian and Ty a good reason that he needed to go home. Either Shawn or Shane would climb onto Joe's lap if he mentioned leaving. "Are you alright with everyone being naked ?" Carl asked when it was just him and Joe. "At first I was a little nervous but when I saw that its not a sexual thing but more or less a freedom thing I was cool. My only concern is the twins. It is not sexual and I don't get turned on when one climbs in my lap but you have to admit little bro, it is not easy for us to hide what we have." Joe said. "It worried me too at first. Shawn climbed in my lap one time and reached under him and moved my dick out of his way. My heart froze and I couldn't breath. It was nothing to him." Carl said. "I would have had a heart attack. " Joe laughed. "I am sure the day will come fairly soon. You have to be real careful when they get in the shower with you. I get on my knees and wash them and get them out of their. If not you are constantly trying to keep your cock or ass out of their face. " Carl said. "Thanks for the heads up." Joe said. "You are family big brother and you are welcome here anytime. I am glad that you are comfortable because I feel more freedom than I have my whole life. I hope you can feel as free around us as we do around you." Carl said. "Yes you are family and welcome here anytime. Clothed or naked." Max said walking up. Max reached out and squeezed one of Joe's ass cheeks as he walked by. "HEY. You already have a Rexlan ass. " Joe laughed when the shock left. "Don't forget brother in law. I have two Rexlan asses now. Mine and this one." Max said as he pinched Carl ass cheek. "HEY." Carl said jumping which caused all three to burst out laughing.

Joe had to get comfortable with him being naked and the twins too. They sat in the great room and Joe ended up with a twin on each side of his lap with their head on his chest sound asleep. Brian walked over and took Shane from Joe's lap. Joe stood up carrying Shawn. Taking the boys upstairs and putting them in one of the spare bedrooms both boys began to squirm. "We wuv you Unca Joe. Me and Shane gonna seep at you house tomorrow." Shawn said with his eyes barely open before yawning. "Umm Hmm." Shane said before rolling to his side. "I love you two little buddies." Joe said as he leaned over and kissed Shawn on top of his head before moving around the bed to kiss Shane. "I love you too little buddy." Joe said as he leaned down to kiss Shane's head. Shane reached up and put his arm around Joe's neck. "You house a big boy house too Unca Joe ?" Shane said without opening his eyes. "It can be if you want it too." Joe whispered. Shane just smiled and nodded his head as he removed his arm from Joe's neck.

Brian and Joe walked out of the room and Joe pulled the door too. Leaning his head against the door frame Joe let out a big sigh. Brian had not noticed before but turned and walked back to Joe. Placing his hand on Joe's shoulder. "Are you alright Uncle Joe ?" Brain asked. Joe quickly turned and pulled Brian into a bear hug. Brian wrapped his arms around Joe. "I have watched Carl and saw the love and joy that Max, you, Ty and the boys have brought him. Until today I didn't realize just how true it was. Thank you for making me a part of it." Joe whispered in a shaky voice. "No Uncle Joe. We need to thank you for accepting all of these strangers into your family. We all love you just like you have been family my whole life. Ty and I both want you to know that we had better not find out that you had thought about coming to our house just to visit and decided not too because you might be interrupting. If you want to visit just come on. If not I will send those two in there to set you straight and believe me when they get excited they both talk at the same time." Brian whispered. "I love you guys. Thank you." Joe said. "We love you too Uncle Joe. Never doubt that." Brian said. Joe had Brian in a bear hug and had one arm across Brian's ass. Brian had to fight with being the caring nephew and not the huge hand across his ass cheek and the huge soft cock trapped between him and Joe.

Joe dressed and left. Ty went out and got all the clothes from around the pool. Once inside he began to put on his clothes. "Oh no you don't. We aren't even leaving the property to get home. Stay just like that. Less work when I get you home." Brian said. Carl and Max both laughed as Ty stood just looking at Brian. "Same goes for you buddy." Ty said. "No argument here." Brian laughed. Once in the gator. "Why were you so flushed when you and Joe came down stairs ?" Ty asked. "Uncle Joe finally let go and opened up and realized that we love him and he is part of our family. The flushed part was that he had me in a bear hug with that huge hand across my ass and that monster even soft trapped between us. I was afraid I would pop a boner and freak him out. " Brian said. "Yeah baby you spring an instant one for me but something about those Rexlan men. Their pores seem to ooze pure sex. " Ty said. "Well I will show you pure sex in about five minutes." Brian said reaching over and sliding his hand up and down Ty's hardening cock.

Brian and Ty arrived in front of their home. The house is not really visible from the road. The two naked men got out of the gator. Brian grabbed Ty and pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss. His hands were pulling Ty's ass cheeks apart exposing the rosebud to the cool night air. Brian lifted Ty and placed him on the hood of the vehicle. Pushing his body back and lifting Ty's legs. The warmth from the hood of the ATV and the cool breeze and wet tongue of Brian on his rosebud was driving Ty insane.

The glow from another puff on a cigarette was the only sign that there was someone out in the dark watching. "Aw fuck. Look at those two hot boy asses. I thought it was older queers. All the better for me. When they told me I could have all the man ass I wanted they failed to mention the boy ass available. This is going to be better than I thought." were the silent thoughts. Flipping the cigarette into the darkness the only sound heard through the silence was a zipper. "Oh yeah sweet cheeks. Rim that pretty ass and get it good and wet for a real man's dick. Oh yeah....... take this real man's dick boy. I know it hurts. That's what a real mans dick does to sweet boy ass. Milk it boy. Get you some real man milk. " was the whisper as the rough hand slid up and down his steely shaft. "Stop crying and take this dick. I'm going to teach that sweet ass a lesson. I am going to show you what it means to have a real man fuck it. "uuuugggggghhhhhhhhhhh." came a whispered grumble as his cock released a load shooting on the ground in the dark. "Holy Fuck. This is going to be better than I thought." he thought to himself as he pulled out a fresh cigarette. Shanking his hand to remove his left over seed he wiped his hand on his jeans and twisted and covered the lighter as he lit the cigarette so it wouldn't be seen. "Mmmm. That's right. Keep playing with that ass. They will all be mine one day. They will finally get good and fucked by a real man's dick." he thought.

Next: Chapter 50

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