Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jun 27, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant" Chapter 66

Carl and Max stopped in at Flo's for lunch. "You two are a sight for sore eyes." Flo said. "It's always good to get away but it's even better to get back home." Carl said as he hugged Flo. "I am so thankful to you that you were at the theater the other night." Max said as he hugged Flo. "Honey it's been years since I have been that mad. It's a wonder I didn't give both them boys a limbing like they really needed." Flo said. "I am just glad that no one got hurt. " Carl said. "That little wormy bastard balled his fist up at me. When I saw the look in Ross' eyes I thought it was about to be a brawl." Flo said. "I am glad that didn't happen but I hope you would have gotten out of the way." Max said. "Out of the way ? What the hell for ? Ole Flo didn't get to be who she was by running from a fist." Flo laughed. "I'm scared of you." Max laughed. "Have you talked to the fathers yet ?" Flo asked. "No we had planned to but discussed it. Let them come to us." Carl said. "Oh they will. When I left my office I had two scared husbands and two very pissed off mamas." Flo said. "Your office ?" Carl asked. "Oh yes honey. You know Flo. She gets a handle on everything from the get go. I had both fathers in my office at ten o'clock the next morning. They definitely got my message." Flo said. "I am sure they did." Carl laughed.

Once the food was on the table Flo sat down to talk about Durk. "I think they are both happy with the treatment that he will receive. It's not a cure since there is not one but it's hope for another year or two." Max said. "Now I know how I pull strings and get shit done but how in the hell did you get him in to see this doctor at Emory that no one can get in to see ?" Flo asked. "Haven't you realized by now that my husband here has special powers ?" Carl said and smiled. "Yes but enough of that bull shit. How did you do it ?" Flo asked. "Well Flo you and I are alike in many ways. We don't let others secrets collect dust in our closets. We keep them clean and safe and ready to pull out when needed." Max said. "Ah shit. I knew I liked you but how did you even know this guy ?" Flo asked. "That's why I watch my ass all the time." Carl laughed. "Don't worry honey I have that ass of your's well protected." Max said. "You too are pissing me off." Flo said. Carl told Flo about Phillip and who Phillip was to Max. He also told her about how Max made it through the meeting fine but had a break down once in the car and ended up at the hospital. "Damn." Flo said and reached her hand out and placed it on Max's. "You still didn't say what the secret was." Flo said. Max leaned over and whispered in Flo's ear. "Holy shit boy. You get better dirt than me. You should have ask for free treatment and cash to boot for that one." Flo said. "Hey wait a minute. I don't even know what it was." Carl said. "You don't need to honey. It's a secret between us girls. Well I mean. " Flo started. "Like she said. Between us girls." Max said causing the stressed look on Flo's face change to a smile.

As Carl and Max pulled in the drive headed to the barn they saw a tan Suburban in front of the barn. There were two ladies standing there talking to Daryl. "I guess the church ladies are asking for donations." Carl laughed. "Make sure you make it a good check." Max said. "You know I will." Carl laughed. "Just making sure." Max laughed. As they got closer Carl could see the ladies. "Wait. That's those two boy's Moms." Carl said. Once out of the truck the introductions were done. "Alright ladies and gentleman. I have work to do." Daryl said as he turned to walk off. "No need in leaving." Carl said. "We wanted to come in person and apologize for our son's actions." the first boy's Mother said motioning to her vehicle. Both back doors opened and a young man stepped out of each side. Carl tensed up but once Max placed his hand on his side he seemed to calm. "They are here to apologize too." the second mother said. "They don't owe me and apology. They owe that to Ross and Landon." Carl said. "I agree but they owe it to you also for their total disrespect." the first Mom said. "We're sorry." both boys said. "I accept it I just wish I believed it." Carl said. "We brought them here because we wanted to offer their services here on the ranch for free to make up for what they did." the second mother said.

Max could tell that Carl was trying to think of the worst job on the ranch. "I appreciate the offer but we can not accept. We try to run a peaceful ranch here. I can not allow this type poison to be introduced with our workers. Most are not gay but they are very protective of us that are. The ranch hands consider both Ross and Landon their little brothers. I have my hands full keeping my husband, my nephew, and the twins out of trouble. I could not nor would I try to guarantee their safety. I am grateful that you as mothers have taken a stance and want to right their wrongs and punish them. I am sure that as their mothers you can come up with much harsher punishment than making them work on our ranch. As an owner my main concern is the safety and punishment of my own. I just thank God every minute that no one was hurt." Max said. "We are very grateful for that too." the first mother said. "Well I think a belt would help." Carl said. "That's not for us to decide. We determine the punishment of the twins because they are partially our responsibility. Not these two. I feel confident that these mothers have everything under control." Max said. "I guess your husbands sent you to fix their business issues." Carl said. "Not at all. Businesses come and go. Our concern is in our sons. Our husbands have their own issues." the second mother said. "Thank you for that." Carl said.

Max turned and looked at the two boys. "You two seem to be descent boys that have been extremely misled. I trust that your mothers will straighten you out but I will tell you this. If they do not you need to remember one thing. I am the old fag around here that if I ever here of you even mentioning anything about anyone's sexuality and not being respectful this old fag will ruin your lives forever." Max said pulling his check book out and shaking it at them. "Money doesn't know it belongs to a straight, gay or bisexual person. It just does the job it is intended for and I have enough to make your grand children hate you. You will learn that old saying money talks and bullshit walks is true. We understand each other ?" Max said. "Yes sir." both boys said. "We appreciate your offer but I know this is a bad analogy but I don't think you would allow an atheist to work for you. Not even for free. Plus I could not guarantee their safety." Max said. "I completely understand and appreciate you taking the time to talk to us and also thinking of our sons safety after all that has happened." the first mother said. "Thank you for taking the reins with your sons. I am sure they will turn out to be great men." Max said. "I still say a belt." Carl said. "And you calm down. It is done." Max said and laughed.

Ross and Landon found out that the boys and their mothers had visited Carl and Max. Daryl was standing at the hood of Carl's truck talking to Max and Carl about rebuilding the office somewhere else on the property. As they got out of the truck Ross walked towards the group of men. Landon stayed back and had his head lowered. Carl walked up and quickly hugged Ross before walking off to hug Landon. Landon stiffened up as Carl hugged him. Putting his arm over Landon's shoulder Carl walked back to catch up with Ross taking Landon with him. "We heard about your visit. I am so sorry that you two got pulled into this." Ross said. Max walked up and hugged Ross first and then hugged Landon. "It's fine. I am glad that we had a chance to have our say." Max said. "You shouldn't have to be bothered with all of that." Landon said in a low voice. "You two are family. What happens to you happens to us. Just don't ever try any of that kung fu stuff on me. I carry a gun." Carl laughed before hugging Landon tight again. "When you guys finish this afternoon come to the house. Brian and Ty will be there. We need to have a family meeting so plan to eat. Then if you want you can move your stuff back to your place or wait until tomorrow." Max said. "Family meeting ?" Ross said. "Yes so that means you two." Carl laughed.

That evening when Ross and Landon arrived at the house they saw Brian's SUV, Daryl and Mary's car, and Joe's pickup in the drive. "You alright with this ?" Ross asked. "I'm not sure yet." Landon said. "Me either." Ross whispered. Behind them they saw headlights. Before they could get out of the truck they saw Flo and her boyfriend pull up. Once inside everyone chatted for a few minutes. "We need to shower real quick." Ross said. The twins came running to them. "Us too." the shouted. Ross had the caught in the headlights look as he looked at the group. "Shawn said he was hulk tonight and Shane wants superman." Ty said reaching behind his back and pulling out folded pajamas. "Get your clothes. You know how to use the big shower so you guys go in there." Max said. Landon and Ross looked at each other and blushed. Finally in the shower they hurried to wash the twins. As soon as they were clean they began to wash themselves quickly and allow the boys to play in the shower. "Alright munchkin one. Come here and dry off." Carl said. Ross and Landon turned to see Carl squatting down naked. Landon could not help but see that Carl's flaccid cock and balls almost touched the floor. After the second twin was dried Carl stood and leaned back against the wall. "Alright you two. Go wait in Uncle Carl's bed for Uncle Ross and Uncle Landon to help you get dressed. Don't turn the water off because I am in next. " Carl said. Landon prayed the hot water would run out so he could get the cold shower he badly needed. Once the twins were gone Carl stepped into the large shower and lightly slapped each one on the ass as they exited. "Told you. The hottest ass on the ranch." Carl said causing Landon to blush and worked even better than a cold shower.

Landon and Ross were both amazed at the spread of food on the table. The twins had moved their plates and one sat on Landon's leg and the other on Ross' as they ate. Once everyone was fairly well finished Carl sat back in his chair. "I am glad that you all could be here tonight. There are some drastic changes coming to the ranch. Some were planned but others were unexpected and it will all get a little crazy for a while." Carl said. "Excuse me. Why don't I take the boys in to play while you all talk." Landon said. "Why ? This affects you as much as anyone else in here. You are suppose to be here." Max said. Landon's nerves had not been on ease since he stepped out of the truck. That statement caused them to go into hyper drive. "We purchased the small farm across the road and the acreage on the other side of the ranch house today. There is only five hundred acres on the far side and a little over a hundred on the ranch side but we have plans for it. First off we are going to clear a house spot to move the house from there across the road to the ranch side just beyond the ranch house. This house will be Ross and Landon's if they want it." Carl said. "Wait we don't need that." Ross said. "When I am finished you will see why. Then you can decide." Carl said.

Carl and Max took turns telling the group about the plans. First was the purchase of Flo's diner. Flo's would remain as it is in the front of the lot and a new restaurant will be built beside it that will be "Rexlan Ranch Steak House." "We plan to serve only Rexlan ranch kobe beef. Ty has agreed to retire from nursing and help Max to manage that operation." Carl said. "Next is the ranch expansion. If you two will agree to it we need both Ross and Landon to alter between this ranch and Durk's in Texas until all the cattle and ranch hands that are interested are moved." Max said. "Damn." Landon whispered. Max went on to tell the group about Durk's illness and his chances. Durk wanted everything sold to Rexlan Ranch and moved before something happened to him. "You know that ranch and how it operates. Your opinion and help will be priceless." Carl said to Landon. "There are other guys there that know more about it than me." Landon said. "But we trust you." Brian said. "I wondered why his kids have been there with cameras, tape measures and people in suits." Landon said. "That is one reason that all of this will happened very quickly." Carl said. "Why would you move that house across the road ?" Ross asked. Carl pointed to the twin in each ones laps. "It won't be long before there is a well beaten path from Brian and Ty's to both our house and where you two live. I don't want them having to go off ranch or cross any roads to get there. The houses will both be private but the twins can make the trips and still be safe." Carl said. "I will get with you two about how you want it remodeled once it's moved." Daryl said. "Um .. we are just ranch hands. That will make it rough with the other guys." Ross said. "No. Brian is Ranch manager. If you will accpet it you will be assistant Ranch manager. Brian has his hands full with the other herd and the grain. You will be in charge of the kobe heard and the hay and feed grain. " Carl said.

By this point Ross felt like he had stepped back into the shower full clothed with all the sweat. "I guess I need to apply for a job here if Mr. Durk is selling out." Landon said. "Not at all. For the time being Durk wants you to remain on his payroll. He would like you to stay on it until after his estate is settled when the time comes. You will live here and also get a small check from us to go along with that pay. Durk told us that you were the one that was big in the artificial insemination program he had started between the kobe and regular beef cattle. He said the program was to develop a better than standard grade meat but not as expensive as the kobe." Max said. "That did look like it was going to be promising." Landon said. "Well you will head that division up. We will all be expected to help in any area needed through out the company." Carl asked. "That goes without question." Ty said. "Daryl will start on the new office first. It will be between both your houses. Then he will start on additional hand housing so we will be prepared." Carl said. "I will have a crew working on yours too." Daryl said to Ross and Landon. "That one can be last." Ross said. "Anyone have any objections to their promotions or jobs so far ?" Max asked. "What about you Uncle Joe. You should have the job of assistant not me." Ross said. "Don't worry I will have my hands full. My job is to make sure you and Brian do your jobs. Plus I will handle yours while you and Landon are on your Texas trips." Joe laughed. "When will all of this begin ?" Ross asked. "Well your job is as of now. As of right now you are the assistant ranch manager including the pay increase that comes with it. All the guys already know." Brian said. "So are we all on board ?" Carl asked. "What will you do Ms. Flo ?" Ross asked. "I will keep running the diner like I have until I decide to retire." she said. "Good." Ross said. "Oh honey you can't get rid of this old bat that easy." Flo laughed.

Ross, Landon, Ty, Mary and Max made quick work of cleaning the kitchen and putting the left overs away. Once back in the den they joined the conversation about the expansions and how soon they would happen. Landon tried to listen but soon had to excuse himself because of the twins persistence. "Need some help ?" Ross asked. "No you stay and listen. I think one of us needs to Mr. Assistant ranch manager." Landon said and smiled. "I will help." Max said. "You stay. We will be fine." Landon said being pulled off with a twin pulling each hand. "I really like him. I think you two are sweet together." Mary said. "I like him too." Ross said and blushed. "And we know he likes you." Ty said. "I think our family is looking better every day." Joe said. Carl turned to Mary's boys. "You two are not left out. If you want to work on the ranch and work your way up too I want you to know the door is always open." Carl said. "Well I wanted to try to become a veterinarian." one said. "I had thought about a degree in land and soil conservation focusing on farming." the other said. "Sounds good to me and the ranch will pay for it." Max said. "No you don't. Daryl and I have saved for this since they were born." Mary said. "Good now you have some travel money but we are paying for it. That's settled." Max said laughing.

Max walked in the playroom to find Landon in the floor with the twins and their trucks. "You doing alright in here ?" Max asked. "Unca Max. Unca Wanon knows how to drive a traker." Shawn said. "He does ?" Max said. "Yeah and he pwomise us he would teach us." Shane said. "Well I am sure he will be a good teacher." Max said as the boys went back to their trucks. "Vroom, vroom." came their sounds as they pushed their trucks along. "How are you doing ?" Max asked. "Fine I think. It has been a really busy few days." Landon said. "I bet you were not expecting all of this when you stepped off that truck." Max laughed. "No but can I be honest ?" Landon said. "Always." Max said. "I am glad I did. Your whole family is amazing and as far as Ross is concerned. He seems to be the missing part of me." Landon said and blushed. "He doesn't know about the furniture does he ?" Max asked. "No sir. That is a surprise for later. But you shouldn't have." Landon said. "Nonsense. Family is the most important thing to us. We don't need to move that house across the road but Carl and I both feel better because of not only those two but you two also." Max said. "These two ?" Landon said looking at the twins. "They rule the ranch. They fell in love with Uncle Landon and Uncle Ross so you are family. Nothing can change that." Max said. "I can see how they would rule the ranch." Landon laughed. "You don't believe me just ask them and their Uncle Carl. Uncle Joe will back that up too. I hope they don't bother you." Max said. "Oh no. I love every minute of it. I am a little worried about the shower thing." Landon said. "You will get use to it. It was hilarious with Carl. As you have seen he is a little bit more than average. The first shower the boys had to keep pushing his ... well his member... out of their faces." Max laughed. "Thank God it was him. I would have died." Landon laughed. "Do you think you will be happy here ?" Max asked. "I thought I had finally found my place at Mr. Durk's but I still felt lost. I don't feel lost here. If things will calm down for a day I think I will finally feel at home for the first time since I left home. I feel like I belong and even though those boys acted like fools. With you guys and especially with Ross I finally feel safe." Landon said. "That's the best news I could have ever heard." Max said.

Max and Brian walked into the playroom door. "Are you two rug rats done with Uncle Landon?" Carl asked. "We not wats Unca Carl. Can we spend night wiff you and Unca Ross ?" Shawn jumped up and asked. "But I thought you were going to spend the night with me." Brian said. "We live wif you." Shane said. "Well I had hoped you would spend the night with me and you are my rug rats." Carl said and pretended to cry. "We will Unca Carl. Don't cwy. pppppeeeezzz." both boys shouted and ran to Carl. "Told you." Max said looking at Landon and laughing. "Told you what ?" Carl asked. "Nothing baby." Max said. Once back in the den Ty asked the boys if they were ready to go. "They wanted to spend the night with me and Ross." Landon said. "Oh no you two have to go home with me." Ty said. "But Dad Unca Carl cried cause we haf ta stay wif him." Shawn said. "What if I cry ?" Ty asked. "Only Uncle Carl's tears work on these two so give it up." Carl laughed. "Yep. You told me." Landon laughed. As everyone was leaving Landon made it down stairs with his clothes first. "I don't want to get in your business but I hope that Ross gets another surprise tonight. I hope you two celebrate your new home in style. Oh and you both have tomorrow off to go shopping for whatever you need." Carl said. "Yeah you two take tomorrow and take a break." Max said. "Yeah you may need a day to be able to walk again." Carl laughed. "No offense but Ross is not is not as equipped as you. I feel for you Uncle Max." Landon said and blushed. "Oh my peach loves every minute of it." Carl said. "When it's the right one size is not an issue. God is generous that way." Max said. "Ready to hit the road ?" Ross said as he walked in with his suit case. "Thank you for taking care of the house and business while we were gone." Carl said hugging Landon and then Ross. Before Max could hug them the twins ran up and grabbed their legs. Leaning down the twins hugged and kissed both Ross and Landon. "We wuv you Unca Woss and Unca Wanon." the said. "You sure they can't go ?" Landon said looking up at Carl. "Nope the tears did the trick." Carl laughed.

As they pulled up to the duplex Ross turned off the engine. Turning in his seat he looked at Landon. "I don't live like they do. I don't have all the fancy things. I can't provide you like you are use to since you got here." Ross said. "I don't expect you too. Besides I was afraid to breath there. Scared I was going to break something." Landon said. "Well you will be comfortable in mine. I only have two coffee cups that are breakable. I hope you are not disappointed." Ross said. He could feel the steam coming from his collar afraid that Landon would be disappointed. Ross put his key in the door and opened it turning his back away. Pushing the door open he looked towards the sky giving a silent prayer that Landon would not be upset. "Wow." Landon said. "Wow what ?" Ross said turning quickly and looking inside. Ross quickly stepped back and looked to make sure he was at the right duplex. "Who moved in here ?" Ross said. "Us silly." Landon said. "This is not my stuff." Ross said. Landon pulled Ross into the apartment. "This is what Ty meant about shopping today." Landon said. "Stitch I am sorry but even with a raise I can't afford to pay for this." Ross said. "It wasn't purchased." Landon said. "Well I know Salvation Army damn sure doesn't have this nice of stuff." Ross said. Landon pulled Ross further into the apartment. "This was all extra furniture on the ranch. I swear I picked out the cheap broken stuff and then Ty changed it." Landon said. "Well I'll be fucked." Ross said. "Let's hope not. I can't help you there." Landon said.

As they moved further in the apartment Ross's eyes were wide. Ty had put place mats, plates and silverware on the table with a flower arrangement in the middle. On the kitchen counter there was a stand mixer, coffee maker and other small appliances. Starting down the hall they stopped at the first bedroom. When Ross turned on the light and saw the captain bed. "I call top." Ross said and laughed. "I thought that was already a given." Landon laughed. "When they opened the door to the master bedroom and the Ross saw the beautiful hand carved and marble queen sized bedroom suit. "Fuck me." Ross whispered. "Are we going to keep having this argument." Landon said. Ross turned Landon quickly and leaned down and kissed him as deep and hard as he knew how. "Whew. I hope I can't only get a kiss like that for new furniture." Landon said. "No stitch from now on you can get a kiss like that anytime you want one. Sometimes even when you don't." Ross said squeezing Landon even tighter to him. "Let's get our luggage and get it inside." Landon said. "We can do that later." Landon said winking at Landon. "Well I need mine but I guess I can change my plans." Landon said. "What plans ?" Ross said. "Well Mr. Carl and Mr. Max said that we had the day off tomorrow. I was going to decide alte tomorrow if I would allow you to put on any clothes or just wait until the next day." Landon said. "Don't you dare move. I will be right back with the luggage." Ross said running down the hall towards the front door.

"Uuuuuuhhhhhhh....gggggghhh." Max moaned softly as he felt every inch of Carl's cock slide deeper and deeper inside him. "Oh my peach likes that doesn't he." Carl whispered as he leaned down to kiss Max. "You know we won't be alone long." Max whispered. "I know but you know how this cowboy loves his peach and just had to have him some sweet peach ass." Carl whispered. Max had his arms and legs wrapped around Carl's body as he began to pick up the pace of sawing his cock in and out of Max's ass. "Landon said you were too equipped." Max whispered. "I bet he is not thinking about my tool right now. I am sure he is riding Ross junior by now and screaming to the rafters." Carl said. "Just like I want to scream in pleasure?" Max whispered. "Well baby you scream and we will have quicker company." Carl whispered. "I thought you built me this house back in the woods so we could have as wild and loud of sex as we wanted." Max whispered. "Baby you can scream to the top of your lungs tomorrow night while I fuck you again." Carl said. By this point he was sucking on Max's neck as he pistoned his cock in and out of Max's ass as fast as he could. The light moans and the slurping sound of Carl's cock sliding in and out were all that broke the silence.

Carl's back had began to sweat and the chest hair from both men were soaked. "Fuck baby I never can get enough of you." Carl whispered. "That's good to hear. I feel the most fulfilled while you are buried deep inside me." Max said. "Full or fulfilled ?" Carl asked. "Both baby. Now fuck." Max whispered. Carl seemed to have a sparkle in his eye as he continued to assault and own his lovers ass. "God you are so hot." Max whispered. "Uhhhhh.,.....ahhhh .. uummmmmmmmm...... uuuhhhhhhhh...." Max moaned as quiet as possible as Carl's well known gator rumble began and he felt his lover's steel rod get even harder and begin to coat his insides with hot cowboy seed. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkk." Carl whispered into Max's shoulder as his body shook and his cock flexed inside Max coating and claiming its territory. Carl found a couple of extra ropes of seed to plant as he felt Max's cock flex between their bodies and he felt the warmth of Max's semen between them. Carl lay almost limp on top of Max as he tried to regain his breath. "I love you so much peach." Carl whispered still flexing his cock inside Max. "I love you too cowboy." Max whispered. About that time the bedroom door opened. "Can we fweep wiff you Unca Carl. Shawn is cared." Shane said. Both men laughed lightly knowing that they barely made it under the wire. Carl pulled his still dripping cock out of Max's ass under the cover. "Pop.. squish." was heard through the room. "Unca Carl tooted." Shawn laughed. Carl felt his seed leaking out as Max's ass squeezed frantically from the quick exit. Moving back just a little he placed the mushroom head at Max's ass ring to plug the hole until Max's ass ring closed again. " You...two go and....potty... first." Carl tried to say as Max's ring squeezed quickly on and off the ultra sensitive mushroom head. "Welcome home baby." Max laughed. "Let me check on them and I will get you a wet cloth." Carl said.

Quickly ducking into the bathroom trying to hide his wet and shining cock he found Shawn setting on the toilet. "Alright you. (looking at Shane) You two are definitely twins so if brother had to stinky I know you do too so wait your turn." Carl said as he grabbed a towel from earlier and also put a wash cloth under the warm running water. Carl washed himself quickly and then rinsed the cloth again. Back in the bedroom he handed the wash cloth and towel to Max. "That's taking a while." Max said. "Twins. So it's two number two's." Carl laughed. "Need some help?" Max asked. "Nope took care of one hiney real good. I can manage wiping two more." Carl laughed. A couple of minutes later two little naked boys came running towards the bed. "Alright you two rug rats. Get in bed and get situated." Carl said as he turned off the bathroom light. "We not wats Unca Carl." Shane said. "Well only rug rats can sleep in the bed with me and Uncle Max. "I'm a wat." Shawn shouted. "Me too." Shane added. Once settled in bed the boys were asleep again almost instantly. "I love you peach and I love my life." Carl whispered. "Ditto." Max whispered as they all settled in to get comfortable.

Next: Chapter 67

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