Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jul 1, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant" Chapter 70

"Baby please calm down." Max said as he walked in the bedroom. Carl was taking his work clothes from the bathroom and carrying them to the clothes hamper in their closet. "Don't come in here and defend him." Carl said. "If you will remember I was the first one to say something to him." Max said. "I know babe. I am sorry but I just can't take him being so damn ungrateful." Carl said. "Me either. I thought maybe he had gotten over this but apparently he just covered it up." Max said. "What do you want to do about it ?" Carl said. "I am not arguing with the few states distance between us." Max said. "I am so sorry babe. I should have handled it better." Carl said. "Look. If I had been closer I can't promise he wouldn't be sporting a black eye." Max said. "I thought about it but then I thought about those two precious boys seeing their Uncle Carl punching their Daddy in the face." Carl said. "See you are calmer than me. That would have been an after thought for me." Max said. About that time they heard a light tap on the door. "Come in." Carl said.

Durk, Joe, Landon and Ross sat on the front porch. "Landon you have met my children. You know exactly how they are." Durk said. "Yes sir. " Landon said. "Ross you were not here during a lot of the drama that Brian caused. Brian is the reason that we met Durk and B." Joe said. "But he is family." Ross said. "No more so to me than you are. Brian doesn't have Rexlan blood in his veins. He is a member of the Rexlan family because we accepted him and invited him in. Just like Ty. Just like the twins. Just like you two." Joe said. "B and I are not blood related to anyone here nor by marriage but we made everyone a part of our family." Durk said. "I understand what you are saying but Mr. Carl and Mr. Max should not have included us in this. We are employees. I understand Brian being upset." Landon said. "Well I don't think that Durk minds me saying but if it had not been for him and B the Rexlan Ranch would still be a small operation." Joe said. "Blood doesn't make family. Love makes family. B and I love this family. That is why we are doing so much for this family and leaving my own greedy children so little." Durk said. "I appreciate your efforts Mr. Durk but I have never had anything handed to me. I know I am still young but I have worked my ass off for every bite of food that went into my mouth much less anything else I have." Ross said. "Joe and I both have a few things to tell you and then we will support any decision you two make. Fair enough ?" Durk asked. "Fair enough." Ross said.

"Brian ... Brian ... Brian... I am not even going to say I am disappointed. Right now I can't even come up with a word that I feel." B said. "Sounds good to me. Besides who the fuck asked for your opinion." Brian said. "Ah I see how it's going to be then." B said. "Just leave me alone." Brian said. "Believe it or not as much as I hate you this minute I still love you." B said. "Who gives a shit." Brian said. "WWHHAAPP." rang out as B slapped Brain across the face as hard as he could. Brian turned and balled up his fist. "I wish you would you little mother fucker. I swear to God you lay one hand on me in anger and your children will be fatherless tonight and I will live like a prince and prison and enjoy every minute of it. Now set your ass down and don't you dare speak until I fucking give you permission. Got it amigo?" B said. Brian loosened his fist and sat down. Wanting so badly to touch his stinging face wondering if it was bleeding but not willing to let B know that it hurt so bad. "Fine fucking way of showing you love somebody." Brian said. "Honey. Love hurts. Get use to it." B said.

"Come here you." Carl said opening his arms. Both men could tell that Ty had been crying. Another tap on the door and Daryl stuck his head in. "Ty. Mary and I are going to take the boys home with us. Just let them spend the night." Daryl said. "I need to get them some clothes." Ty said. "Boy their nana has bought them so many clothes we probably have as many outfits as you do so don't worry about that. They just need to be away from this." Daryl said. Ty pulled loose from Carl and almost ran to Daryl. Hugging Daryl, Ty continued to cry. "Thank you so much for loving my little family like you do." Ty said. "Buddy look around you. You don't have a little family. You have a large and very strong family." Daryl said. "You know he's right don't you ?" Max said. "Right now I don't know what I have. I don't doubt that you guys love me and the boys." Ty said. "We love Brian too. Never doubt that. You can still love someone but not love their attitude." Carl said. That comment caused Ty to go from sobbing to crying almost uncontrollably.

Joe sat and told both Ross and Landon what he knew of the history between Brian and Max. At times both Ross and Landon gasp. Durk even saw a tear in the corner of Landon's eye at certain points. Joe then told of the situation that caused Max to leave Carl and end up in Texas. Durk picked up from that point and told about the situation in Texas and what Max had gone through because of Brian and his brother's actions. Landon felt a chill when he heard the story of the twins being kidnapped and what Max did to get them back. "You can look in Mr. Max's eyes and tell that there is a past but he is a very strong and loving man." Ross said. "I am still ashamed of myself but I treated him similarly when he first arrived." Joe said. "You Mr. Joe ?" Landon said. "Yes me. And that's Uncle Joe." Joe said reaching over and squeezing Landon's shoulder. Joe went on to explain how his ex wife was worse than Brian and that after seeing what Carl had gone through with his ex he was not willing to give Max a chance. "I am so glad that I finally was able to see the true Max. I am not gay but I am jealous of Carl. No offense Durk but Carl has the best human being that ever lived and he loves Carl. I will always regret the way I treated Max." Joe said. "No argument here." Durk said.

B began to tell Brian about the way that Durk's children had treated them all of the children's lives. He told Brian about how the children came to the ranch with appraisers and realtors when they found out that Durk had cancer. "You should count your damn blessings. When your Uncle left from here he gave you everything he had. This that you are arguing about is not even his yet much less something for you. It's not too late for me and Durk to cancel all of this and give everything to Ross and Landon. As far as blood is concerned they are as even closer to us than Carl and Max because of Landon. " B said. "Please don't do that to Uncle Carl and Uncle Max because of me." Brian said. "Honey it will take a lot more than your greedy little ass to make us change our minds. You can be assured of that. What I want to know is why do you feel like you deserve everything and no one else get anything ?" B said. "I know my Uncle. He will give everything away if he feels like it's the right thing to do." Brian said. "Well if you had worked for everything that he was giving away that might be different. Then again it's not. You didn't work and suffer for it. He did." B said. "I just don't want a big mess." Brian said. "A big mess huh ? What day is the funeral ?" B said. "What funeral ?" Brian asked. "Max's." B said. "What are you talking about ?" Brian said. "Well to me and probably your Uncles they figure you are counting the days until you can bury them both." B said. "It's not like that." Brian said. "Sure as hell looks that way to me." B said.

"I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I am so sorry." Ty said still sobbing. "Little buddy we still love you and yes we still love Brian. We just have to do something to get rid of this side of him." Carl said. "Honestly I want to beat his ears together." Max said. "Once I get through with him you can have at it." Ty said. "No you don't. This will pass. I don't want this to affect you and Brian." Max said. "And you mister don't you even go there. This is not your fault." Carl said looking at Max. "I know it's not but I am partially responsible for creating the monster." Max said. "Bull shit Uncle Max. Brian is a grown ass man." Ty said. "I thought we were beyond all of this." Carl said. "I did too Uncle Carl. I don't know what to do. I love Brian to death but I can't live with that Brian. I can't loose those two sweet little boys." Ty said. "Don't worry. That will not happen." Max said. "You can't guarantee that though." Ty said. "Oh yes I can. I created the monster and I can bring it to it's knees too." Max said. About that time all three men's cell phones rang a scary sound. Max looked at his phone just as Carl looked at his.

Daryl and Mary were half way down the drive when Daryl's cell phone gave the same sound. "Oh shit." Daryl said as he read the message. "What is it ?" Mary asked. "Not sure but you and the boys are going back to the house and no argument." Daryl said as he turned the car around and headed back down the drive faster than he had came down. "Be careful." Mary said. "Nana now is not the time. I don't know what is happening but it doesn't look good. Just focus on the boys. They are the priority. And you are staying at Carl and Max's until we know what's going on." Daryl said. Mary and their two boys heard a stern tone in Daryl's voice that let them all know that now was not the time to question. Just do as your asked.

"I just want to know what makes you feel like you deserve everything and nothing for anyone else ?" B asked. "It's not like that." Brian said. "Educate me then. I am old but not dumb." B said. Brian began to tell B about what Max had gone through with his father. He also told about what Max had gone through with him and his wife. He told a little bit about what Max had sold, spent and lost due to Phillip and others. "So all of this was to protect your Uncle Max ?" B said. "Something like that. " Brian said. "Bull shit. I may be old but not dumb. Max will be dead and gone when all this happens so why would he give a shit. At that point he will have already lost it all. He won't give a shit who tried to take advantage of him." B said. "You still don't get it." Brian said. "Yes I do. You think it should all be yours. Plain, pure and simple. Get the fuck over it. Ain't happening." B said. About that time Brian's phone gave the same tone. Reaching in his pocket B stopped him. "You pull out that phone and I will throw it in the pool." B said. "That's the ranch emergency tone." Brian said. "If they need you they will come get you." B said.

Durk and Joe were trying to convince both Ross and Landon that they were a part of this family and it was a joint decision to include them and plan for their future. "This was not just because you both are so damn cute." Durk said. "Thank you Mr. Durk. This family has been so good to me. I can't be the cause of a riff. I had rather move on before that happens." Ross said. "It's Uncle Durk or Ganpaw to you two." Durk said smiling. "We had just rather they take that part out of the equation. We both have strong backs. We will be fine." Landon said. "We don't want either of you going anywhere. I told you that I was getting use to that cute ass of yours running around the ranch." Joe laughed. "There is a lot for us to think about." Ross said. "That's understandable but promise me that you two will not pack up and leave. I am too old to have to chase you all over the country." Joe said. "We just need to talk." Landon said. About that time Joe and Ross' cell phones gave the same charm. Joe looked at his phone and looked at Ross. "Fuck." Joe said and ran towards the front door. "What's going on ?" Durk said as Ross got up to run too. "Not sure yet." Ross called back.

Durk and Ross sat and watched as they saw Daryl and Mary's car speeding back down the driveway. "What the hell is going on ?" Landon asked. Daryl's car door flew open. "Landon. Come help mama get the boys and their stuff in the house." Daryl said as he tried to unbuckle one of the twins from the car seat. The other two got out quickly while Mary gathered her purse and other items. Once inside the group was in the great room area while Carl and Max put their shoes on. "Where is Brian ?" Carl asked. "He is still outside with B." The farmer said. "Get him too." Max said. Ty went to the back door and called for Brian to get a move on. B did not argue but followed Brian as fast as he could. Brian pulled out his phone and saw the message and began to run. As Brian ran through the back door he could see the group gathered. "So you know how to use a gun Landon ?" Carl asked. "Sure." Landon said. "Good. Ross you know the drill. DO NOT let anyone near this house until we get back." Max said. "Ty run open the gun safe and let them get a gun." Carl said. "What is going on ?" Brian said. "You know as much as we do but we have to get a move on." Daryl said running towards the front door. "NOBODY. I mean Nobody gets near this house. You got that ?" Carl said to Ross. "Got it boss." Ross said. "Oh and NOBODY leaves either. Understood ?" Max said.

All the men ran out every door available with a gun in their hand. Once they had cleared the house the remainder stood there with blank looks on their faces. "Landon you take the back around the pool and I will take the front. If they won't stop when you tell them you shoot first and ask questions later. Understood ?" Ross said. "Um... Yes." Landon said. "What did the text say ?" Mary asked. "All mine said was "911.... duplexes...911...911...911" so that's all I know." Ross said. The house was well insulated but they could hear the roar of Carl's diesel engine as the truck came around the house and headed down the drive. "Oh my." B said. "Alright Bpaw and Ganpaw. Time for quick training. These two need a bath. Oh take your rain coats." Mary said pointing to the twins. "Do I need rubber gloves and a shower cap ?" B asked. "No just an emergency life boat. Come on I will help." One of Mary's boys said.

Max and Carl's hearts raced as they went through the last gate and could see all of the flashing lights to their left. Daryl went out to the road in Mary's car to go up and enter the other drive while Carl and Joe both cut across the small field. "Shit." Ty whispered. As Daryl waited to turn in the drive two more patrol cars came down the road with blue lights flashing and sirens blaring. As the men pulled up to the duplexes they saw four patrol cars with their lights flashing, three ambulances, and two fire trucks along with many other volunteer fireman trucks all with their lights flashing. "I don't see any smoke." Max said holding onto Carl's arm. As they rounded the fire truck they saw two people being loaded into ambulances. Max turned quickly to try to do a quick head count of ranch hands. Something wasn't right.

As Carl and Max rounded the last fire truck the stop in their tracks. They held onto each other as they looked at the duplex that Ross called home. "What the ....... ? " Carl whispered. "Hey what do you think you are doing ?" Ty was shouting. "We have to take these two in for questioning." The officer said. Two of the ranch hands had handcuffs on. "Oh no you don't. You can take them over here to our house and ask them anything you want." Ty said. "Not happening sir. It's regulation." The officer said. "Fuck your regulation. You are taking them to our house and you can ask anything you want. Want to argue with me. We have guns too." Ty said. That statement shocked Carl and Max back into reality. "What's going on here ?" Carl said as he walked up. "I think Ty has the right idea. They can be questioned at the house." Carl said. "Like I told him....." the deputy started. "Do you care to tell me that ? I don't fucking think so. NOW that is settled Brian will show you to the house and take those damn cuffs off and THAT was not a request." Max said. The detective walked up and told the officer to un cuff the two men and follow Brian to the house.

The radio tones went off over the radios in both the fire trucks and the ambulance that was still on scene. The operator called for the fire truck and ambulance to go to an accident. The deputy's radio blared. "Vehicle 10-50, 10-52." (Vehicle accident, ambulance needed.) "They wrecked the truck. I got to go." he said and jumped in his patrol car. Carl walked towards Brian and Ty's house as Max stood with his arms around Ty looking at the duplexes. As Brian started up the front steps of his own house he lost his balance and fell as he looked at the front door. The two farm hands picked him up. "It's alright little boss." They said. One took the keys from Brian and unlocked the door. Carl was looking at another patrol car racing by with the siren blaring as he stepped up on the porch. As he turned to go inside his heart stopped as he looked in front of him. Ty did not fair as well. When he and Max got to the steps Ty lost it and fell in a shamble crying. His actions pulled Max to the ground with him. Flo had arrived by that point and took Ty by the arm and walked across the yard as Max took a deep breath and walked inside.

Back at the main house everyone tried to stay calm for the sake of the twins. Mary and the farmer's wife had made a fresh pot of coffee and were searching the kitchen for some easy snack to make. Durk and B were on their knees beside the tub getting soaked to the bone. "Remind me to get some hazmat suits. That or some wet suits." B laughed. "Boys you know their is a water shortage in some parts of the world. We need to keep some water in the tub to get you both clean." Durk laughed. "We keen Ganpaw. You are silly." Shane said. "From the looks of this dirty water you weren't clean when you got in." Durk said. "We paid in the diwt at Nana's." Shawn said. "Did you leave any dirt in her yard or did you get it all on you ?" B said. "Nana has a BIG yawd Bpaw. She gots lots of diwt." Shane said. "Well we need to at least get today's dirt off of you. Your Nana may want this dirt back. " B said. Both boys looked at each other and burst out laughing and launched themselves back in the water causing the biggest splash of the night to drown both Durk and B. "You and your big mouth." Durk said. "Watch it old man." B said. "He not an ol man. He Ganpaw." Shane said. "You tell him boys." Durk laughed. "I can take on the three of you." B laughed.

Mary was in the great room on the phone with Daryl. "Oh my God." was all she kept repeating. "That's all I know so far." Daryl said. "Come on Bro. They wrecked the truck. We need to go see who it was. They wrecked in your yard." Joe said. "Alright honey. Got to go . Love you." Daryl said. "Wait a minute. What about our yard ?" Mary said. The phone was blank. "DARYL." Mary shouted into the dead phone. "What in the world is going on ?" The farmer's wife asked. "I am not sure. Something about two being shot at the duplexes and a truck wreck." Mary said. "Two what shot ?" The farmer asked. "Two people." Mary said. "Oh my." Said the farmer's wife.

"What in the hell is going on around here ? What am I doing with a gun ?" Landon thought to himself as he walked around the pool and pool house. Pulling his gun close as he heard an animal or a bird ruffle some leaves in the darkness. "That had to be an animal." Landon thought. "What are we going to do ? Where are we going to go ? I can make some calls once we get back to Texas and see if I can find jobs for me and Ross." Landon thought.

Durk and B used a blow dryer to dry themselves off as much as possible before joining the rest of the adults. Mary's two sons took the twins into their bedroom at Carl and Max's to find them some pajamas to put on. As they entered the kitchen B smelled the fresh coffee. "They weren't kidding about the life raft." B laughed. "Have you heard anything ?" Durk asked. "Daryl called and said something about two shot and a truck wreck. None of it made any sense. I am about ready to go and find out for myself." Mary said. "Let's just all set tight. Carl or Max will call as soon as they know exactly what's going on." The farmer said. "Well they better do it quick. I am going to beat Daryl's ass." Mary said. "No Nana. You can't beat Pop's ass." Shane said running into the kitchen with a scared look on his face. "Don't worry baby. I wouldn't hurt Pops. I was just talking. Come here and let Nana see if Bpaw got you clean." Mary said. "Bpaw got all wet." Shawn said as he ran in behind Shane. "Can one of you take the boys a cup of coffee ?" The farmer's wife asked. "We will." said Mary's two boys.

Both boys made their presence known as one headed out the front door and the other out the back with the fresh coffee. "Thanks. Have you guys heard anything ?" Ross asked. "Mom talked to Dad but we were upstairs watching Ganpaw and Bpaw bathe the twins." The young boy said. "That should have been hilarious." Ross said. "It was. For once someone else got wet besides me." The young boy laughed. "It has definitely been an interesting night." Ross said. "I know. Are you and Landon really leaving ?" He asked. "I think it's the best thing to do. The last thing we wanted to do was cause problems." Ross said. "We don't want you to leave. We like you and Landon. Brian can just be a prick sometimes." He said. "Well it's his family." Ross said. "It's my family too and I vote you two stay. I know all of my family feel that way." He said. "But giving us anything cuts into what you get." Ross said. "I didn't ask for anything. Uncle Carl and Uncle Max are the ones that included us. From what I heard Mom and Dad say with the business they will build from Ganpaw and Bpaw none of us will miss anything that anyone else gets." He said. "Landon and I have a lot to talk about later. Uncle Joe filled us in on a lot." Ross said. "Please don't go. We and the twins want you to stay." He said.

Max came through the door before the investigator could start. Looking at the group Max jumped towards on of the hands. "You are bleeding." Max said. "It's alright Mr. Max. It's just a flesh wound." He said. "I don't care. You are bleeding. Make this quick because you are going to the Emergency Room." Max said. "Calm down babe." Carl said. "You calm down. I am doing right damn fine." Max said. " I really need to talk to you separately." The investigator said. "You can use the office." Brian said getting up to show the way. "Not without me." Carl said. Brian stood at the door as the ranch hand began to tell his accounts of what happened. Brian stood there as long as possible. Once the story began he felt like everything he had eaten for a week was coming up. Running through the house and out the front door Brian barely made it through the door before he began to vomit. Max had started to the office but then went out to check on Brian. Brian could hear Ty still crying and Flo's voice try to calm him. As Max got to him Brian turned and hugged Max. "I am a fucking fool. I am so sorry Uncle Max." Brian said as he began to cry and run across the yard towards the barn and duplexes.

Max turned his attention to Ty. Flo was still trying to figure out exactly what happened. About the time Max made it to Ty and Flo they heard a siren coming down the road. The ambulance passed with a deputy behind it headed back towards town. "What the fuck has happened here ?" Flo said. "I don't know but I will damn sure find out and fast." Max said as he pulled Ty to his chest. "Every body is alright Ty." Max said. "But tonight has been too much. What if everyone had not been at your house ?" Ty cried. "God has his plan. God made sure everyone was safe." Max said.

Brian's mind raced as he ran across the field towards the main house. It's about a mile and a half from the rest of the houses through the woods. As he cleared the trees headed towards the house his chest hurt and he could see stars in his eyes. A gunshot rang out that stopped him and brought him back to his senses.

"I just wanted you to know that my brother and I hope that you and Landon decide to stay. We like you guys. I think we can have lots of fun here on the ranch." The young boy said. "We will have to see. Landon and I have some things to think about." Ross said. "Think about us while you think." He said. "What is that ?' Ross said putting the coffee down. "Where ?" The teenager asked. "There. It's somebody running. Get in the house. Get in quick and lock the door." Ross said. "STOP RIGHT there." Ross shouted. The person running towards them seemed to ignore Ross' call. "I SAID STOP." Ross shouted. With no response from the figure in the dark Ross raised his gun. "POOWWW" rang out through the dark and silent night. "What the fuck." Landon thought as he dropped his coffee cup and ran towards the front of the house. "I SAID STOP." Ross shouted. Brian regained his senses and stopped. "It's me Ross. It's Brian." Brian shouted as Landon rounded the corner. Spotting the figure only shown by moon light he held his gun in place just in case. "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING BRIAN ?" Ross shouted across the yard. Ross wanted the figure to talk more so that he would know that it was Brian's voice. "PLEASE Ross don't shoot." Brian said.

Ross handed his gun to Landon and ran down the hill to where Brian had stopped. As soon as Ross got close enough Brian reached out and grabbed Ross in an intense hug squeezing the breath out of Ross. "You are alright brother. Thank God you are alright. Please forgive me for tonight. Thank God you are alright. Oh thank you Jesus. " Brian rattled off almost faster than Ross could listen. "I got you Brian. What's wrong ?" Ross said. "You are alright. Where is Landon ?" Brian almost shouted. "LANDON." Ross shouted. Carefully walking towards the two men Landon still had his guard up. "It's Brian. Help me." Ross said. Landon put the safety on both guns and lay them down on the ground and ran to help Ross. When Landon reached the two men Brian grabbed Landon into just as tight a hug. "I love you two guys. You are like my brothers. Please forgive me for what I did tonight." Brain cried. "Calm down Brian. What is going on ?" Landon asked.

Inside the house the gun shot startled all of the adults. Mary jumped and ran to the master bedroom and grabbed a pistol from the gun safe. Running back to the front door she turned and looked at the group before pulling the front door open. The farmer had jumped at the gun shot and spilled some coffee on his shirt. The farmer's wife had dropped a plate that she was taking to put back in the cabinet. Durk and B just held their breath for a second. Opening the door Mary stepped out onto the porch. "I HAVE A GUN AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT." Mary shouted. "It's Brian Mrs. Mary." Ross shouted back. "DADDY" the twins shouted and before anyone could catch them had ran past Mary and down the steps. Brian sank to his knees as the boys approached taking Ross and Landon with him. The twins ran into the group of men as if they were line backers in a football game. "My babies are alright. Thank you God." Brian cried. "What the hell is going on ?" Mary shouted from the porch. "Well Ganpaw. I guess we haven't dried off yet so we can do bath number two." B said.

A set of headlights were headed down the drive. Landon handed the twin that was wrapped around his neck to Ross and Brian and ran for his gun. Picking the gun up he walked towards the driveway and pulled the gun up and aimed it at the driver's side of the car. Mary recognized the headlights of the older land yacht sized white Cadillac that belonged to Flo. "THAT"S FLO." Mary shouted. Landon pulled the gun down but at a point that he could easily pull it back up to fire. As Flo stopped the car Ty jumped out from the passenger seat and ran to Brian and the twins. "Young man you ever point another pea shooter at Flo and you better go ahead and use it. I might be old but Flo don't miss when she shoots back." Flo said as she got out of the car. "I am sorry Mrs. Flo. Mr. Max said nobody in plus we have no idea what's going on." Landon said blushing. "That's alright this time. Guess I am going to call you quick draw McGraw." Flo laughed. "What the hell is going on Flo." Mary said. "All hell broke loose over there. All of our guys are fine. You have a pickup upside down in your front yard though." Flo said. "My yard ?" Mary said. "Come on in. I will tell you what I know. It ain't much though." Flo said. Landon walked back to where Brian, Ty, Ross and the twins were. Brian pulled Landon back to the ground with the group still apologizing and asking them to please forgive him.

Next: Chapter 71

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