Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 29, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant." Chapter 9

Max had a hard time sleeping even though he was tired. Exhaustion finally took over as his mind raced wanting to make sure he had everything covered and had not forgotten anything. Max lay there with Carl spooned against him holding him tight when he saw the sun begin to glow over the horizon. "I am so excited. Its his birthday. I hope he is happy." Max thought. He felt a light kiss on the back of his neck. Max rolled over so that he was facing Carl. Carl's eyes still closed and not fully awake. "Happy Birthday sexy." Max whispered. "Oh shit it is isn't it ?" Carl whispered. "Now I really wish I was spending it right here, just like this with you today." Carl said. "Well I am going to prepare you a birthday breakfast in bed. So you go back to sleep for a little while. " Max said. "No you just stay here. I had rather make out than sleep. Besides its my birthday." Carl whispered. "Well you can stay awake and make out now and go to bed early tonight with no make out. Or you can sleep a little longer. Eat your breakfast in bed and then you will have a long afternoon and evening to celebrate ever how you want." Max laughed. "I can't have morning, noon, and night ? Its my birthday." Carl said. "That's the post birthday party. That starts tomorrow. " Max said. "Hot damn. Time for a nap." Carl said.

Max was pleased that within ten minutes Carl was fast asleep again. Max went to the kitchen and prepared a quiche, some fresh cut fruit and coffee. Carl came walking down the hall a couple of minutes after eight. Still yawning. "Hey baby. I am so sorry I fell asleep again. I guess I was still really tired." Carl said. "Oh no you don't mister." Max said. "What ?" Carl said. "Get that cute ass of yours right back in the bed. It's your birthday and you are eating breakfast in bed." Max said. "Honey you don't have to do all that." Carl laughed. "I don't have to do a lot of things that I do. So get that ass back in the bed." Max said. "I look forward to hearing that a lot for the rest of my life." Carl said. "Well if you don't get that sexy ass in that bed and ready for breakfast you wont hear it again." Max said. "And I thought I was suppose to be the birthday boy." Carl said in a low voice as he headed back down the hall. "I heard that." Max laughed. Carl couldn't hold his laughter any longer either.

Carl had just gotten his shirt on when Daryl pulled up in the drive. "Baby I wish you were going or I was staying." Carl said. "Go and have fun. I will be here when you get back." Max said. Finally pulling out of the drive Daryl did not let on that he knew it was Carl's birthday. They had just passed Flo's and stopped at the stop sign. "Look at that shit. I never." Carl said. Meeting them at the stop sign was a truck pulling a trailer. "Uptown Out Houses" was printed on the truck. "Bro we are going to have to have a party sometime and rent one of them fancy porta potties. I hear they have running water and everything. " Daryl laughed. "The folks at one of our parties are use to finding a tree. That thing would scare the shit out of them." Carl laughed. About ten minutes later Max heard a truck coming down the drive. "Oh shit. They are early. I hope Carl didn't see them." Max said. Going out the door and direction them as to where to park the trailer. It had two men's restrooms and two ladies. All with running water. Before they could get it unhooked two four wheeler ATV's came across the back of the property. It was Mary's two teenagers. "Hey guys." Max said. "Mom sent us over to help get things going. What you need done.?" the older one asked. "Well once they hook this up to the barn I have to feed the calves and then get started." Max said. "We can do that." they said. "I don't expect you to spend your Saturday helping." Max said. "Its for Uncle Carl so we don't mind. Besides he is the one that gave us the four wheelers for Christmas one year." they said. "Yeah your Uncle Carl is a sweetheart isn't he?" Max said. "Yeah he is. We know it and hope you do too." one said. "Most definitely." Max said as he headed back to the house. He was finally realizing that most of Carl's family seemed to be happy he was there.

Within an hour the yard looked like an old fashioned barn raising. Trucks with tables, chairs. cooler. and even lights were parked all over the back yard. Max was amazed that this many men would be there to help put together a party for a gay man. By lunch time the tables and chairs were set up and the trucks unloaded. "Our wives will be here shortly with the table clothes and decorations. You need anything from us before we go ?" One of the men asked. "Just one question. That looks like a stage. What is that for ?" Max asked. "Some of the guys plan to play some music and one of the teenagers is bringing some big DJ system ifn' you don't mind." he said. "Oh I don't mind at all. I know Carl will be stoked." Max smiled. "We all want to thank you for bringing our old friend Carl back to us that is." he said. "Well I was afraid that everyone in town would want to run me off because I was gay." Max said. "Gay don't bother us. We have known Carl was gay since he was a teen. My wife asked me back then if we should be worried. I told her that the Almighty God chose who he wanted us to love not us. Plus I told the wife I had rather Carl be happy and poking his thang up another guys ass than one of them poor cows out there." he said and laughed. "I think I will really like it here. Thanks to everyone." Max said. "Hell all us guys done said if we saw that truck of yours headed out of town without Carl in it we was to shoot the tires out and go get Carl. You ain't like that other thang he had up here." he said. "Well I greatly appreciate all of you too." Max said. "If ya need anything else done before the party just tell one of the wives when they get here. Us men don't want to sleep in the barn tonight so we will be right over. " the man laughed.

The trucks had not been gone for thirty minutes when all the ladies started arriving. Mary came up with the rest of them. They had arm loads of sheets to cover the tables. One of the ladies came up to Max. "Sorry we couldn't find enough matchin' sheets but we tried to stay close." she said. "They don't have to match. Don't even have to be close. I had thought about buying a roll of paper to put on them." Max said. "You are different ain't ya ? Flo said you was." she said and turned to the ladies. "He said put anyone you wanted anywhere. Don't matter." she shouted. Within an hour the tables were covered and vases of wild flowers placed on the tables. One of the ladies had taken burlap bag material and made bows for each table. She also went around and tied a burlap bow on each vase. There were a group of teenage boys on one side of the yard and girls on the other. "Come here guys." Max called out. Both groups came to where Max was. "Ladies I am sure you know exactly how these lights need to be hung. I am sure these strappin' young men will be glad to get ladders from the barn and put them where you want." Max said. The teens stood there stunned for a moment just looking at Max.

"You don't care where ?" one girl said. "As long as there is plenty of light in the yard. I am sure there are extension cords in the barn so we can plug them all up." Max said. He had to laugh because the thought the boys were going to fight over who got the two ladders. "You know you are special don't you ?" Mary said as she walked up. "Why is that ?" Max asked. "Hell we have tried for years to get these teenagers to work together. The boys do one thing and the girls another. All these women are amazed." she said. "Well they are all amazed that Max here ain't been greasin' that pole of Carl's at least ten times a day." Flo said as she walked up behind them. "Now its complete. Flo has arrived." Max said laughing. "I got car loads of all that food too. I had some of the ladies come up and load up all the food. We figured the men folk may not make it with it." she laughed. "You are a gem Flo. I had planned on trying to make a few trips to get it all here." Max said. "No you are the gem. The whole county has decided you are in charge of all the throw downs from now on. Now I'll be. What the hell is that ?" Flo said pointing to the porta potties. "Well I couldn't have all the ladies going out behind a tree and the house only has one toilet. " Max said. "Well i will just be damned. Hey ladies let all check out the fancy shitter Max here had brought in for us." Flo said. As fast as they moved Max realized that all the ladies had been wanting to go see but just too scared to. "Oh that fancy ass cake is still at the diner. I got armed guards around it. I was scared to touch it." Flo said as she rushed to catch up with the ladies. "I hope that Carl is happy with all this." Max said. "You are making him the king of the county today. Hell I have been to weddings not this fancy. He will be over the moon. Oh and Flo and I have left you a gift on the bed for you for Carl's birthday. USE it." Mary said as she laughed and headed off to joint the ladies.

Max looked at his watch as three trucks pulled up. They were loaded with coolers and fryers. One truck all the oil that Max had bought and the trash cans with his mixes. Flo was over directing the men as to where to set everything up when Max got there. "Honey you will have to tell them how to mix these things you got." Flo said. Max took the three smaller containers and set them beside a cooker. Then the men took the two larger ones and set them in between three of the fryers. "These three are already mixed. The meal, flour and salt. All you do is roll the fish in them and through them in the grease. These two over here we will mix a gallon of buttermilk and six eggs in each. Stir them up good and drop them a spoon full at a time for hushpuppies. "Damn you made your own premix. You need to work for me." Flo laughed. "The fries are all bagged somewhere. We will cook them in this one. They will be here in just over an hour so it is up to you if you want to cook now or wait. We don't have to have it done when he gets here. I have snack food to hold everyone over." Max said. "We had rather wait if you don't mind. Let the sun go down a little and make it last longer and make the wives happy." one man said. "Sounds good to me. Lets fire them up right after they get here. That way everyone can eat about an hour later. And I don't want you guys over here cooking while everyone is eating. Once its done then everyone can eat together." Max said. "You are different." another man said. "Alright tight ass. You need to go and get that cake of yours." Flo said.

Max knew his cake was sturdy. He had moved too many. He walked over to the teenage boys. "I need two with steady hands and one with a driver's license. And not a NASCAR one." Max said. Carl's nephew stepped up. "I can drive." he said. "Talk to your Mom and grab a steady buddy. You guys are taking my SUV and getting the cake from Flo's." Max said. Mary was almost running trying to get to Max. "Are you sure. I would hate for them to mess up that cake." Mary said. "Calm down Mary. Even if they do Carl will be just as happy. I trust them though." Max said handing him the keys. Lay the two back seats down. Be careful but you don't have to drive like you are in a wheelchair. The cake will survive." Max said. Mary and another lady followed Max into the house. He pulled out two huge boilers that he had hidden from Carl. He filled them with water and salt and turned on the stove top. "What's this for ?" Mary asked. "Cheese grits." Max said. "Grits ?" she asked. "In the south you either have coleslaw or cheese grits with fish. I figured we would have both." Max laughed.

Max returned to the yard and began to place the different snack trays in the tables. Max took cardboard boxes and lay a cloth over them. Placing some trays on the table and some elevated the ladies were amazed. Two of the ladies went around to the side of the yard and pulled up some ivy while another lady made more bows. When the boys arrived back with the cake the tables were done. They heard a tractor coming down the drive. One of the neighbors decided if was going to be a surprise then they needed to hide the cars. He had put some hay bails on a trailer and brought his tractor so they could use it to transport people back to the yard. They backed the SUV up to the table Max had set up for the cake. Everyone there had already heard about the cake but not seen it. Max opened the back lift gate and was pleased to see that the cake was still in tact. The two boys and another man standing there helped Max pull the cake out and place it on the table. There were many gasps and a lot of "well i'll be's ", mixed with some low damns and a couple of shits. "Well folks. You think Carl will be pleased ?" Max asked. You would have thought Max had performed a concert with the round of applause. One of the elderly ladies with a cane moved through the crowd. "Bring me a chair. Remember. You get near this here cake before eatin' time. I got a cane." she called out.

All the cars were moved and the Max made sure to pair off the teenagers into one boy and one girl teams. Two groups directed traffic and parking and the other drove the tractor. Max looked at his watch and began to stress. "Calm down. It will all be fine." Mary said. "I just hope that people aren't driving up when they get here." Max said. "Don't worry honey. I done told everybody in the county if they wasn't here by four thirty then they better not show their sorry asses until after eatin' time." the lady guarding the cake spoke up. The last car arrived at four thirty five As they drove through the yard the lady shook her cane at them. The grits were done and just left to stay warm so they would not clump. They had brought the fish and had kept it iced down. "Shit I am scared." Max said. "No need hon. This is amazing. " Flo said. Daryl is suppose to call my cell when they get to town to ask if I need anything. That way everyone can hide behind the house. I done looked out front. You can't see anything from the road or the driveway. Oh crap where did I put that phone." Mary said. Max froze. "Its in my pocket Max. Just had to see if you were listening. It was only a couple of minutes when her phone rang. Mary waved her arm to make everyone be quiet. The call ended. "They will be here in about ten minutes or less." Mary said. Max stepped up. " First I want to thank everyone for coming and for all the help to get his pulled off. You will never know how much I appreciate what you are doing for Carl. They will be here any minute so if everyone will move over behind the house hopefully he will be surprised." Max said. "Calm down. You are going to have to go change clothes if you keep sweating." Mary said. "Oh shit I forgot to change." Max said.

"Thanks for letting me go with you Daryl." Carl said as they passed Flo's. "Good thing I did. I think you left your mind in the bed this morning. You got top dollar for your grain but I swear bro you were not there. If I had not stopped you I would have had to laugh watching you scratch your head wondering why you had five hundred acres of sunflowers instead of barley." Daryl laughed. "Sorry. I am just so afraid and have been all day." Carl said. "Afraid about what ?" Daryl asked. "Afraid I would get home and Max would be gone." Carl said. "Well no need in worrying there. Besides if he left he had to walk. There is his truck setting right there." Daryl said as he pulled up the driveway. "Thanks for the ride." Carl said. "Hey I am at least going to say hello to Max. You can kiss him I don't care." Daryl laughed. "I hope he has clothes on." Carl thought tm himself.

The two men talked as they headed around the house. As they rounded the corner Carl didn't know whether to shit in his pants or run. "S U R P R I S E !! " came a shout from over two hundred people. Carl stopped in his tracks trying to take it all in. He saw the tables with all the food. All the people shouting and clapping. He had finally taken a breath and smiled when he saw a figure being pushed through the crowd and out in front. Carl smiled from ear to ear and ran to Max. He grabbed the man and picked him up and spun him around with his lips locked to Max's. The crowd continued to clap. "What did you do ?" Carl said as he smiled from ear to ear putting Max back on his feet. "Happy Birthday baby." Max said.

Without any warning Mary, Flo and two other ladies pulled Carl and Max towards the cake. The crowd parted and they pushed both men up in front of the cake. Carl was speechless. "Is that all cake ? Where the hell did you find such a cake ? " Carl began to rattle off. "Your husband made that cake. Hell he made all the food here today. " Flo said. "When did you have time ?" Carl looked at Max and asked. "Hell honey this man has worked his ass off this week. He probably gave all them tractors of yours a run for their money all at once." Mary said. "I thought you were resting." Carl whispered. "Wellllll." Max said shyly. Carl leaned over and kissed Max again. This with a little more passion. "Hey big boy. All these people are here to see you for your birthday. You go mingle while I get everything started. Plus you are about to turn this into a porn show." Max said. "I'm game." Flo said causing everyone to laugh. "Well I am." she said. Carl took Max's hand and pulled him with him. "Baby . I need to get the rest started. You go laugh and chat. I will find you shortly. If you take me with you then no one will eat tonight." Max said. Carl turned and kissed him quickly but hesitated to release his hand. Max winked at Carl and headed for the fryers. The food was started and the snacks opened for all to graze. As Max got close to the house he was stopped by Mary. She hugged his neck real tight. "You are so perfect for my brother, our family and hell for this whole town." Mary said. "No Mary. You guys are perfect for me. I need a quick favor though. I need to run rinse some dust off and change or I will make everyone miserable. Can you keep everyone out of the house for about fifteen minutes ? " Max asked. "Consider it done. Don't forget your present on the bed." Mary said and winked.

Max stood under the spray of water. For once in his life he felt like not only was the dirt and dust washing down the drain but all the mistakes and heartaches in his life went with it. "He looked really happy." Max whispered. "He really is." Carl said causing Max to jump. "Why aren't you out there with your guests ?" Max said washing quickly. "With a hot ass naked man inside in my shower ? No way. Besides its my birthday not theirs." Carl laughed. "Well I had to rinse some dust off. " Max said. "I feel like I need one too. I wish that shower was damn big enough. " Carl said. "Don't worry. The shower won't be bigger but before bed time we will both need another shower." Max laughed. Max took the towel and started to dry off. Carl took it from him and began to dry him. Wrapping his arms around Max he looked into his eyes. "Now the birthday boy needs a proper welcome home kiss." Carl said pulling Max's naked body tight to him. After a couple of minutes Max pushed Carl back. "Too much of that and I will have to take another shower." Max laughed. Reaching down Carl collected some of the precum that Max had leaked and quickly licked his fingers. "Mmmmm. Happy Birthday to me." Carl whispered. Max patted his chest and pushed him aside to go get dressed. The small box lay on the bed. Max pushed it aside figuring he would open it later. Quickly dressed he met Carl in the kitchen and headed back out to the guests. "Oh hell no. You didn't have time to grease that pole. Now get back in there." Flo called out. Max felt like he found a few new shades of red to turn.

The food was ready and the elderly lady with the cane blessed the food. Max was shocked that in her prayer that she thanked God for bringing such a special man into Carl's life and into their community. Once everyone was seated Carl got up and pulled Max with him to the little stage. "I want to say first that you scared the shit out of me. The second is how did you all keep this such a secret. Especially when Flo knew." Carl said which caused everyone to laugh. "I want to thank you all first for coming to a surprise party that my honey worked so hard to plan. If you have not met him this is Max. I also want to thank each and every one of you for welcoming him with open arms. He is a very special man and has stolen my heart. So get use to seeing him." Carl said. "Enough, enough. This is your party not mine. I want to thank everyone that worked so hard on such short notice to make this party a success. Eat up because I am not putting left overs in the refrigerator." Max said as he pulled Carl off the stage.

Most had finished eating and it was time to cut the cake. It took a couple of minutes of arguing because Carl nor half the ladies there wanted to cut the cake. "Baby that had to have taken you days. I am not cutting it." Carl said. "You would be shocked Carl. Once he built that damn tower he had a knife in one hand and a spatula in the other and in no time he was done. I was amazed." Flo said. "It didn't take as long as you think. Now cut the damn cake. " Max said and slapped Carl on the butt. Everyone laughed as Carl smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. "Carl moved over and cut a small piece from the seed drill. "That's just and extra part to the cake." Max said. "Well I myself like the seed drill part." Carl said and grinned which found an even new shade of red on Max's face. The cake was cut and people got seconds and thirds. The music started and people mingled and danced. Max's cell phone gave a tone. Pulling it out he saw a text message. It was from Brian. "Skype...twins. fifteen minutes ?" the message read. Max showed it to Carl. "They want to tell you Happy Birthday." Max said. Carl took the phone. "Fifteen it is. Looking forward to it." Carl typed. "Be right back sis." Carl said. They made their way in the house and Max fired up his laptop. Almost as soon as the computer was up the Skype tone began.

Opening the webcam it showed the call was connected. "Hey Brian. How are things ?" Max said. "Hey Brian. I am Carl. Nice to meet you." Carl said. "Good to meet you too Carl. The boys want to talk to you." Brian said. As he turned the laptop around there were two little boys with chocolate all over their faces. "Haapy Birfday Unc Carl. Mommie let us have a cup cake since we couldn't have birfday cake." they said. "Hey little guys. I am sorry you couldn't have any of my cake." Carl said. "Have you been good boys for Uncle Max ?" Max asked. Neither boy spoke they just shook their heads yes. "Was that a good cupcake ?" Carl asked. Both men could only laugh as both boys tried to talk at one time. "Tell you what little buddies. When Uncle Max and I come visit I will take you both for ice cream." Carl said. Both boys stopped talking at once. "Alright boys. Mommie has the bath water ready. Go get ready for bed." Brain said. The boys jumped to run off. "Hey, hey. No good bye to your favorite Uncle ?" Max called out. "Bye Uncle Max. Love you. Bye Uncle Carl. Love you. MOMMIE. Uncle Carl is going to take us for ice cream." they shouted as they ran down the hall. Brain turned the laptop around. "They wont let you forget." Brain laughed. "No plans to forget that promise." Carl laughed. "Go back to your party. Maybe we can talk longer tomorrow or the next day." Brain said. "We will I promise." Carl said. "Love you Brian. Give the boys a kiss. " Max said. "Love you too Uncle Max. And you too Uncle Carl. Happy Birthday. " Brian said. "Give the boys a kiss from both of us." Carl said as the call ended. Max looked over and saw tears rolling down Carl's cheeks. "Whats wrong baby ?" Max asked. "I am just so happy. Even the twins love me." Carl said. "Well who wouldn't when you promise them ice cream." Max said which caused them both to laugh.

"Where is the old hag Flo ?" the man asked. "Not here Brent. What you want ? Besides you aren't allowed here. " the young man said. Brent stood in his expensive clothes with his designer bag on his shoulder. He wiped his fingers across the counter and then brushed them off with the tips of his other fingers. The young guy with him dressed similar but with a scarf around his neck looked as if he was scared some dust or grease would jump out and get him. "I need four pieces of that cheap cheese cake that Flo buys. I have guests." Brent said and rolled his eyes. "Ain't got none. We are serving a cake and cheesecake mixture with caramel on top. Its some that Carl's boyfriend made." the young man said. "Carl ? Boyfriend? I don't fucking think so. He didn't get my permission." Brent said sounding furious. "Didn't figure he needed your permission." the man said. "Oh yes hell he does. NOONE gets him until I am through." Brent said. "Well bud think you are history when it comes to this one." the man said. "Where the hell is Flo ?" Brent demanded. "Where the rest of the county is. Carl's new Bo threw him a huge surprise birthday party. Every body in the county is there just about." the man said. "We will just see about that. I will stop that hillbilly hoe down." Brent said. The deputy setting at the counter sipping his coffee spoke up. "No you wont Brent." he said. "And who the hell is going to stop me ?" Brent said. "Me. I'm the one with the gun. " the deputy said. "You have no legal right. I will go where I damn well please and you can't stop me." Brent said. "You start out towards Carl's or show up out there and your fancy lawyer boyfriend wont find you or your little friend there to even get you out of jail until sometime next week." the deputy said. "You must not remember who I am." Brent barked. "Who could forget white trash." the deputy said. "Lets go." Brent barked. "Just warnin' ya Brent. Go near Carl and you will see how the law can work around your fancy city lawyer friend." the deputy said. "This is not over. I am not done with him yet." Brent said as he got in his Mercedes and peeled out of the parking lot.

Clean up was quick work. All of the guests chipped in and the place was almost spotless in a matter of minutes. Everyone thanked them and hugged them for inviting them to the party. Joe and his wife had came and acted like normal people. Carl was still wondering what happened there. He even saw Joe and Max talking and laughing at one point. Everyone was gone except family. Max brought the gifts out into the back yard. Carl was shocked. There were tools, clothes, gift certificates, and a new smart phone cell phone. As they all got ready to leave there were a couple of men still cleaning up the cooking area. "Go check on them babe. I am going to get a quick shower again and I will be out so you can get yours." Max said. "Be in shortly." Carl said. Mary hugged Carl and then Max. "Don't forget your present." Mary whispered in Max's ear.

Max had cleaned himself thoroughly and jumped in the shower. He was just getting out when Carl came into the bathroom. "Guys are gone and Bo has had his run. Now its time for the birthday boy." Carl smiled. "Get that Birthday ass in the shower. I will make some coffee." Max said. After a long kiss from Carl, Max headed to the bedroom. He opened the box and looked in it. "Leave it to those two. But its the perfect gift." Max thought. Max heard the shower stop. Carl stepped out of the shower and saw the peelz pouch that Max had forgotten. Putting it to his nose he inhaled deeply. "Soon I will get the real thing." he thought. Carl put the peelz in his mouth hoping for a taste. As he entered the hall he headed for the living room. "In here babe." Max called out. Carl turned and headed back to the bedroom. As he entered the door his mouth came open and the peelz fell out. Laying on the bed in front of him was a naked man. Max lay on his back propped up by a pillow. Around his waste was a red ribbon. It had two streamers. One said Happy and the other said Birthday Each of the streamers lay on opposite legs and there was a bow resting in the crack of Max's ass with his balls pulled to the side. "Are you sure baby ?" Carl whispered. "Never been more sure of anything in my life gator. Now bring that seed drill over here." Max whispered. "Happy fucking Birthday to me." Carl said as he lunged at the bed.

Next: Chapter 10

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