Not What I Thought Escape Meant

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Aug 7, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Not what I thought escape meant" Chapter 98

Joe and Zeb lay naked in the bed after an hour long nap. There had been no sex this time but they both had gotten up even earlier in the morning to complete their daily chores on the ranch. Max and Carl had called a meeting at their house later that day to inform everyone involved with the ranch that their had been a threat on the twins. Though they were sure the threat was handled they wanted to talk to everyone about keeping their eyes open and reporting anything regardless how small that someone spotted that seemed odd or out of place. Max also wanted to discuss plans for a new project for the ranch slated for the spring. It would not take work from all the hands and family but it would take cooperation.

Joe lay there looking down at Zeb as he still slept. Zeb was positioned on his chest so that he could see the angry, large purple mark on Zeb's neck. Lightly rubbing it with his finger Joe did not notice Zeb waking up. "What are you doing ?" Zeb said with a chuckle. "Just admiring my art work." Joe said. "It is a beauty isn't it ? " Zeb said moving his face around in the hair on Joe's chest. "I am sorry baby. I just got carried away." Joe said. "Sorry for what ? I love it." Zeb said. "You are serious aren't you ?" Joe asked. "Yes. If I feel insecure or unsure all I have to do is look at this and know that Joe Rexlan has left his mark and that the sexiest man on earth loves me." Zeb said. "Well that sexy man you are talking about better not leave his mark." Joe said. "You already have silly." Zeb said moving his head so that he could kiss one of Joe's nipples. "We need to get moving. Carl and Max are expecting us." Zeb said. "I know. Where is that damn snow." Joe said laughing.

Joe grinned and rubbed one hand behind his head as they walked in the back door at Carl and Max's. Zeb was still not sure if Joe believed him about his hickie so to prove it he wore a small strapped tank top style body shirt. The large purple spot was on full display for all to see. "I see somebody had a busy night." Carl laughed. Some of the ranch hands did light whistles and cat calls. "You don't recognize the Rexlan brand ?" Zeb said exposing it even more for Carl's inspection. "Doesn't look anything like that brand we use on the cattle." Carl said. "You mean you don't have a Rexlan brand on you Max ?" Zeb said. "No I haven't been branded yet." Max laughed. "You are suppose to use a branding iron for that sort of thing." Carl said. "Oh believe me it was hot. But this brand takes a long time. It has to be strategically placed and planned and I guarantee it has a heated and explosive ending." Zeb said. "Babe. We need to try Joe's version of the Rexlan brand." Carl said laughing but knowing what he really needed was to be able to adjust his crotch un noticed. "Joe you devil." B said. "Oh B. You should see the brands that are not visible and where they are." Zeb said. "Oh my. Do show and tell." B said fanning himself. "They are not visible on purpose." Joe said smiling knowing that was the only mark. "Spoil sport. " B said.

Once the crowd had calmed down and spaced themselves out where all could hear Max passed out drinks to everyone. "You know toothpaste is suppose to help clear that up sooner." Mary whispered. "Why would I want to clear it up ?" Zeb whispered back. "Ah hell." Daryl said laughing. "And you watch it mister." Mary said. "You should see where the hidden ones are." Zeb said whispering to Mary. Joe burst out laughing. He had not heard the conversation but for the first time in his life he saw his sister blush.

The main players such as Brian, Ty, Mary and Daryl had been told at lunch what was going on. Max did not want them to be surprised and appear out of the loop when the rest of the group heard what was going on. Max began by asking for a last minute list for any supplies needed for the winter. Once the serious part of the meeting began there was silence except for whoever was speaking. Most of the talk was directed by Carl and Max but at one point Joe had some to add. "We just want everyone to stay vigilant. If you think it is out of place or you feel something is going on do not hesitate. Contact one of us immediately. I had rather have a thousand false alarms than not have an alarm when needed and it be too late. This does not just apply to the twins. This applies to anyone in this room and their families." Carl said. "Don't worry about the little bosses boss man. Anyone try to hurt them and it will be the last breath they draw. We all guarantee that." One of the hands spoke up and said. "I want to thank you all. You will never know how much it means to me and the whole family that you would be so protective of the twins." Ty said. "Not just the twins Ty. We mean that for any of the kids. Our understanding that the pilot here is about to have one. That goes for all Rexlan kids." Another hand spoke up. Artie did not speak but it was clear that he had tears running down his cheek.

"We want a peaceful ranch. I know the work can be hard but Carl and I hope that you realize we try to reward for that work as much as we can. If you are a part of this ranch you are part of the Rexlan family. That means you too Flo." Max said. "Damn sure better." Flo said. "Just because your last name may not be Rexlan you are still a part of the Rexlan family. Family sticks together and family protects each other. " Joe said. "We have to get a brand on the neck like Zeb over there ?" One of the hands said laughing. "Limited addition." Zeb said tapping his neck causing the room to laugh. "You have to audition for that brand and sorry but auditions have closed." Joe said. "I may need to test out this branding method." Carl said whispering in Max's ear. "Believe me babe. You have branded your territory in other ways many times." Max laughed.

The most serious part of the meeting was finished. Mary and Daryl's boys had kept the twins entertained upstairs so they would not hear anything negative. Rejoining the group the entire room laughed as the twins quickly sat Indian style in the floor looking towards their Uncles as if this was the most serious meeting in the world. "Carl and I want honest feed back on an idea that we have been exploring. We have contacted a couple of ranches that raise a special breed of animal. They have given us information, cost estimates and also a list of things we need to do both physically in the ranch and mentally. Please realize this will be a very serious project and will have to be all hands on deck. It may not be physical but it will have to be mental. We have contacted ranches that breed, raise and train horses that work strictly with autistic children." Max said. The group had some low mumbles for a minute or two. "I'm in. The wife too." One of the married hands spoke up. "It's all in the planning stage. We still have to put out feelers to see how well it will be received by the community and also if we will have enough kids participate to make it work." Carl said. Austin was on break from school and was at the meeting and raised his hand. "This isn't a class room Austin. You are free to speak." Carl said with a little laugh. "I would love to help. I changed my major in college to Psychology with a minor as a Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialist. I had hoped to get a job once I am done in the local school working with Special needs children." Austin said. "You plan to live in this area after you graduate ?" Max asked. "That is my hope." Austin said squeezing a leg of each of his two lovers on seated on each side of him.

"When do we start ?" Another ranch hand spoke up. "We have a long way to go. Plus we have to work out how many more employees, pay scales and with some of you it would be over time so we have to factor that in." Max said. "Over time Mr. Rexlan ? These men here are volunteering. So am I and the wives here. Volunteers don't cost." One of the hand's wives said. "She's right boss man. I never got paid for volunteering." Another ranch hand spoke up. "Before you agree you need to know that this will not be like dealing with the twins. Each child has a different need and a different way of dealing with situations. You have to be prepared to be very, very patient. " Ty said. "Austin. You got any of those fancy teachers that would be willing to come out here and teach some of us what to do ? We will pay them ourselves." One of the hands spoke up. "I know a couple of specialists that may be willing to come out and talk to everyone." Austin said. "Well get on the phone. The ranch will be almost sleeping for the winter. We will have plenty of time to learn." Another spoke up.

"Slow down guys. Most of this will happen during the warmer months and you will be out on the ranch working." Joe said. "We know that but we can help after the work is done and besides I don't want to have to hide from them even if I am not working with them. If one of these kids approaches me on the ranch I want to know the proper thing to do." Another said. "It's all still in the planning and discussing stage guys." Max said. "Durk and I are paying the expenses to get this going and keep it going. What ever it takes." B spoke up. "Slow down guys. We still have legal and insurance issues plus we don't know we can even get the horses and trainers." Max said. "We don't expect any of you to work off the clock on the ranch. We will come up with a plan." Carl said. "How much will it cost these kids to come out here ?" Ross asked. "We have heard quotes of up to one hundred twenty five dollars per child for a one hour session." Carl said. "Who the hell can afford that if you have a special child ?" One of the wives spoke up. "That is one of our issues. We want this to be free. Everyone in this room is blessed in many ways. I can't see charging families to help with a special needs child. I want this to be free so that is one reason we have to work on a pay scale." Max said. "Well you pay me what you charge the kids." One of the hands setting beside Austin spoke up. "If it happens then the kids will come for sessions free." Carl said. "So free is what I get paid then." The young man said.

One of the older hands stood up. "Mr. and Mr. Rexlan I am the oldest hand on the ranch but I speak for all the others when I say that you don't have to pay me to help these children. I know I don't have many stars in heaven and hopefully this will add one more. These children need a chance in this world. These two on the floor can be doctors, lawyers, or ranchers if they want to. The kids you are talking about don't have that choice they need help to make it day to day sometimes. I wont take a dime for doing whatever I can to help the smiles will pay my heart more than any money could." The man said before taking his seat again. Max thought that the crystal in the china cabinet might break from the roar of applause. "Well I may need to talk to Carl and Max about this first but I am old and can't wait too long so I get right to the point. Are you serious about your career Austin ?" Durk asked. "I was able to or should I say I was honored to be able to go as a helper to a two day autism camp. These children have no agenda. All they want is to show love and be loved. They smiled and I cried. From that day forward I was hooked." Austin said with a tear in his eyes. "If you are serious then I would like to pay you a salary to work on this project and be a liaison between the ranch, schools and other groups. B and I would also like to pay all your college expenses." Durk said. "You serious ? That would be a dream come true. That is if Mr. Carl and Mr. Max don't care." Austin said. Carl looked at Max and the smile between the two answered each other's questions. "We have gotten to know you Austin and think you are a great kid. If you are serious about this then we would be proud for you to be the whatever the name was you said your degree will be for this project." Carl said. "Looks like I will be at the ranch even more." Austin said whispering to the two ranch hands. "Yes Austin. That would mean you will be living on the ranch if you want to." Carl said laughing causing Austin to blush.

"Got a question boss man ?" One of the hands asked. "What is that ?" Max asked. "What are you going to call this ? I hate calling it the project." The hand said. "Well Rexlan ranch is taken." Mary spoke up. "No no. I don't care if the Rexlan name is profiled other than it is at the Rexlan ranch in Rex, Wyoming. This is for the kids. We have not even discussed names." Max said. "It seems that everyone here is on board with this so I think Max will not argue with this. Every body think about it and write down a couple of possibilities and give it to one of us." Carl said. "Sounds good to me." B said. "This will take time and patience to make a reality." Joe said. "Well the first part is started. Austin over here is going to find one of those folks to come out and teach us. " One of the hands said. "My crew is ready to build anything that you need built. Just tell us what and where." Daryl said. "Find out about food restrictions and I think me and the ladies on the ranch can handle the kitchen." Mary said. "Count me in." A lady spoke up. "Slow down guys. We just wanted......" Max started before he lost his voice to the large lump in his throat tyring not to cry. "I think what my husband was trying to say was that we just wanted to see how the prospect of doing this would be received by the ranch." Carl said.

The older ranch hand stood again. " I know everyone wants to get out of here but I want to first thank the Rexlan family for what they have here. There are too many ranchers that only think about themselves. You have always thought about us hands and others that come through this ranch. That is rare. I am the oldest hand here. Not that old though. Ain't got you beat by too many years Joe but still quite a few but some of you know what I am about to talk about. When I was a yungun our farm was out in the middle of nowhere. We rode for two hours one Saturday a month to town on the first Saturday. That was a vacation. The nearest farm had a girl on it that would now be called autistic. We would see them every couple of weeks. I never said much to the girl because she scared me. Me and Grandma were riding back from their house in the buggy one day. I asked my Grandma what was wrong with that girl. I will never forget what my Grandma said. Little fella God puts special children in the world. She is one of them. I asked my Grandma why she was special. Grandma said that the troubles of the world did not interest here. She was pure and simple. She wasn't corrupted by greed, hate, or jealousy. My Grandma said that all children were gifts and when they were happy that heaven was too but when one of God's special children smiled that Jesus smiled too causing all heaven to smile. I want to make my Grandma proud and all heaven smile by helping put a smile on these kids faces. I don't have much to give this world but I can give myself to make a child smile. If you need my pay boss man to make this happen. You got it." The man said before taking a seat. Max could not set there any longer. Both he and Artie had to excuse themselves before they broke out into tears in front of everyone.

"We want to thank everyone for coming tonight. Talk amongst yourselves. Please let us know if you see a problem because the last thing any of us want to do is harm a child. I am not Carl or Max but as Rexlan I am making an executive decision. This is no longer a Rexlan project. I feel that it has become a Rexlan ranch family project which includes everyone here and a few not present. I trust Austin will get some information for everyone and make sure you think about a name. There is coffee, cokes and snacks so every body enjoy and thank you for everything you do for and mean to this family." Joe said. The twins were quick to their feet. Shawn was hunting Max and Shane was hunting Artie. Carl and Mitch found each man holding a twin and assuring them that their tears were happy tears. The twins were satisfied and quick back to the floor when they heard someone say cupcake in the other room. "Are you two alright ?" Carl asked. About that time Artie's phone signaled a text message. Looking at the screen his hands started to shake a little. "You alright their buddy ?" Carl asked. "Baby." Artie what. "What babe ?" Mitch said. "NO... BABY." Artie said turning the phone. The text was to let them know that the girl carrying the child they were adopting had gone into labor. "You got your bag packed ?" Carl asked. "Bag ? I am not going into labor." Artie said. "Well you have to carry clothes and things for the baby." Carl laughed. "Oh that bag." Artie said. "My honey packed that bag they day they called and said the baby was ours." Mitch laughed. "Well I don't think this baby will wait. We can talk all night or you two can get a move on and before you even mention it. You don't need to go buy tickets. The plane is full so get going." Max said. "We are going to be parents." Artie whispered. "Yes and you will be absentee parents if you stand around here looking at the phone screen." Carl said. Moments later everyone cheered as Artie rushed to the front door pulling Mitch shouting. "BABY."

Max and Carl stood at the front door watching the last of the guests leave. Max leaned back into Carl's chest as he waved by to Joe and Zeb who were the last to leave. "What do you think babe ?" Carl said. "I am not sure. Shocked I guess is the best way to put it. I was shocked that there was not the first grumble or complaint about the autistic project and even shocked that they were all so quick to jump to the twin's defense." Max said. "We did well." Carl said. "We do have a good group." Max said. "We have a family babe. Everyone in that rooms trust you with their life. You have proven it time and time again. If you told them you wanted to sell rotten tomatoes they would get in line." Carl said. "Don't be silly." Max said. "I am not baby. They would get in line for anything." Carl said. "Well that's not because they trust me. It takes two around here. It's because they trust us." Max said. "I think that Durk speaking up cleared any confusion in the new guys.." Carl said. "Well I thought Austin was going to either explode or pee himself." Max said. "Well happy ranch hands makes a happy ranch." Carl said. "What ? I was talking about his college major." Max said. "That too. I was talking about his two fuck buddies bulges growing when he said he wanted to live on the ranch." Carl laughed. "Well I guess that didn't hurt." Max laughed.

Austin and his two ranch hands arrived at the duplexes. "Alright I am here for three nights. Who is tossing the coin this time for the first night ?" Austin said "No coin toss tonight sexy. We are both off tomorrow so we plan on sleeping in the same bed tonight." One said. "Yeah we both gonna get some professor boy pussy tonight. We may have to toss to see who gets inside first." The other said. "Patience boys. I have two holes to get inside remember." Austin said feeling his cock go instantly to super hard. Austin had tried his best to decide which cowboy he thought was sexiest. One kept his hair in a buzz cut. He had a fatter, longer cock but not by much. The other cowboy had short cut, almost course brown curly hair. His cock was not quite as wide and just a little bit shorter but was curved to the right when hard that set Austin off like a rocket. "Well this boy needs washing first. Any takers ?" Austin said. The crew cut cowboy picked him up bridal style as if he weigh nothing and headed for the front door. The other cowboy hurried to unlock the door and get it open.

"Hold up, hold up." Austin said just after the front door shut. "What ?" the one still holding him said. "What is rule one ?" Austin said. "When the front door shuts all men present are naked." The other said. "Get to it then." Austin said. The crew cut man lowered Austin to his feet. Both men began to strip quickly. Austin began to unbutton his shirt. "Not so fast there professor. We are going to take care of your clothes." The curly cowboy said. With in seconds both cowboys were naked with clothes piled in the doorway. Moving closer to Austin they both reached out. One to his shirt and the other to his jeans. "You serious about living here on the ranch professor ?" The crew cut cowboy whispered. "If you will have me ?" Austin mumbled. As fingers touched different parts of his skin from two different men he felt like his skin was on fire. "Oh we will both have you. And at least once a piece tonight." The curly cowboy said as his hands pushed both Austin's jeans and underwear down in one push. The crew cut cowboy leaned over and sucked on one of Austin's nipples as he pushed the now open shirt over his shoulder and to the floor. "fffuuuuuuuu...." Austin moaned. "In dew time. All in due time. We plan on giving this boy pussy the royal treatment tonight." The crew cut cowboy said as he lifted Austin's body off the floor. Austin's legs automatically went around the cowboy's waist.

Max hates small showers so he made sure that the duplexes had over sized showers. They were not as big as the ones in the houses but still enough room for two men comfortably. Holding Austin once again the crew cut cowboy stepped into the shower. The curly headed one stepped in and stood behind Austin. The crew cut cowboy was about two inches taller than the curly haired one. Standing at six foot two and the other at an even six foot they both seemed to tower over Austin's five foot nine. Though Austin was not super slim teen he almost looked like a baby in the large man's arms. Wrapping his legs around the large cowboy spread his ass cheeks wide. The shorter cowboy began to soap Austin's back making sure he soaped Austin's rosebud extra well. Austin moaned. The larger cowboy leaned forward and took Austin's tongue between his lips and lightly began to suck on the extended tongue. The cowboy behind Austin got down on his knees and pulled the other's cock through Austin's spread legs. Leaning forward he licked from the bottom of the taller cowboy's cock up to the base and then up to Austin's rosebud. Austin's mouth pushed it's way into a deep passionate kiss as the cowboy's tongue breached the ring of his ass. The larger had to hold onto Austin to keep him from trying to climb up on his shoulder.

The cowboy behind Austin moved forward pushing his tongue in further as he reached around and snaked one hand down between the other two so he could rub the mushroom head of Austin's trapped cock. Austin began to rock back and forth on the one ranch hand's tongue while the other ranch hand had his tongue as deep in Austin's mouth as he could get. Austin broke the kiss and leaned his head back exposing his chest. This position gave him more leverage to rock and grind even more on the cowboy's tongue. The taller man was still holding Austin in the air with his cheeks spread wide. Leaning forward he lightly bit one of Austin's nipples. The first scream of the night escaped Austin's throat. Once Austin's vocals calmed the two men slowed their assault. "Time to swap. I want some of that pussy before you eat it all." The taller men said. Austin was almost like a limp noodle in the bigger man's arms. His feet never touched the shower floor as the taller man picked his body up, spun it around and Austin's legs quickly clamped around the other cowboy's waist. Austin's quick breather was short lived.

The larger cowboy first nibbled on the ass ring in front of him and then wrapped his lips around it and sucked it in between his lips. As he released the suction he quickly inserted his tongue. Reaching around he managed to get his hand between Austin and the other man and wrap his fist around Austin's cock. Repeating his process from earlier a couple of times he felt Austin's cock begging to pulse. Gripping tight around Austin's cock The man raised up higher causing Austin's body to almost rest on his chin as he began to twitch his tongue inside Austin's ass. "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK" Austin screamed bucking his body on the cowboy's tongue as his cock surged trying to force his first load of the might past the tightly closed fist around it. The cowboy felt the third surge come through Austin's body and another even louder scream as he released some pressure and very quickly jacked Austin's sensitive cock. Both men had to hold onto the smaller framed man to keep him from climbing to the ceiling. "Yeah baby. Shoot that load for daddy." The taller man whispered. "That was not fair. I wanted to be fucked." Austin said as he tried to gain his breath. His body still twitched as the taller man leaned his hairy chest against his back. Slipping a wet finger up into Austin's twitching ass. "Don't worry. We haven't gotten to the boy pussy part yet. You will definitely get fucked tonight." The man said. Austin almost leaped into his arms from the other man's.

The trio was only partially dry when the landed on the bed. Austin scrambled and tried his best to reach back and slide the larger man's cock inside him. "Patience professor." The man whispered in Austin's ear. Austin could not decide which of the two were sexier but he did know that when the taller cowboy whispered in his hear it almost made him cum every time because it was so firm but sexy. They made good use of the king sized bed. The first position found the shorter cowboy on his back with his cock buried deep in Austin. The taller man was on his knees with Austin bent over trying desperately to get the large cock down his throat. The larger man ran his hands over Austin's back. The shorter man watched and when the taller man winked he would slow his pushes up into Austin's ass. He would then slide a finger inside Austin's ass to accompany the already large cock inside. All three men ended up moaning. The taller man because of the vibration of Austin's vocal chords on his cock.

The taller man pulled his cock from Austin's mouth and moved behind him. Pushing Austin lightly down the man under him planted a passionate kiss on Austin. The taller man guided Austin's body up and down on the curved cock for a couple of minutes. Finally he pulled Austin's body up and the curved cock fell free. Quickly wrapping his arms around Austin's chest he pulled him back against his and slid his cock up into the well loosened and wet hole. Pulling Austin's head to the side his tongue and Austin's fought for domination as he lifted his hips quickly and slammed his cock back in to the hilt causing Austin to whimper in pleasure. After a few minutes of this pleasure the taller man pushed Austin back down towards the man under him. Part of that time the shorter man had slid down and sucked on Austin's still tender but rock hard cock. Austin was beyond heaven at this point.

The taller man took and slid the other man's cock back inside Austin's gaping hole before it had a chance to close back up. This routine was repeated for about twenty minutes before once again the taller man slid his buddies curved cock back inside Austin. Reaching under the other cowboy the taller man slid a slick finger up inside his buddies ass while his buddy lifted Austin's knees off the bed lifting his body on his cock. "Moooootttthhhhhaa ... ffuuu." The man shouted as his hips jerked, his ass ring squeezed his friends finger and his cock flexed and unloaded deep inside Austin. Before his cock could even stop flexing the taller man pushed Austin's body down onto his friends chest and mounted Austin again. His hairy chest tickled Austin's back as his cock quickly slid in and out of Austin. Escaping a couple of times but quickly sliding right back in before the ring had a chance to close. The shorter man worked his way back down so that he had Austin's cock going down his throat with every thrust of his friends cock into Austin's ass. "UH...UUUHHHH....UUUGGGGGGHHH was barely heard over Austin's screams as his cock shot it's second load of the night down one lover's throat as the other lover held him tight to his body and his body jerked and short quick jabs planted his cowboy batter inside Austin to mix with his friends.

The men lay exhausted tangled together. The crew cut cowboy lay behind Austin with one leg over Austin's hip. The other lay in front of Austin with his face against Austin's chest allowing him to chuckle when he would lightly bite Austin's nipple. Austin reached back and took the mostly semi hard cock of his lover behind him and slid the mushroom head inside. "Got to plug that leak there big boy." Austin whispered. "We are going to miss you during the heavy snows." The man in front whispered. "Well I have a question for you two." Austin said. "Anything baby." The crew cut man said.

"Well I have been given an option. Over the Christmas holidays I can either travel for six weeks across Europe with my parents and spend one week here or I can spend all seven weeks here. " Austin said. "Which had you rather do ?" The curly haired cowboy asked. "I had rather stay here if you will have me." Austin said. "Oh we will have you. In the kitchen, in the bed, in the living room, hell even in the closet if you want." The curly haired cowboy said. "You alright with me coming here ? " Austin said squeezing the taller man's arm. "Hell I wish you were moving in today." He said. "Well plan on me being here for seven weeks then. What do you have planned for my visit ?" Austin said. "Well first off I want to see you walking around naked leaking cum for the full seven weeks." The taller man said sliding his growing cock a little deeper into Austin. "You know that will take a lot of fucking to keep me leaking all the time." Austin said. "We are counting on it." The curly headed one said. "What do you want for Christmas baby ?" The crew cut cowboy asked as he moved his hips causing his now hard cock to brush Austin' s tender prostrate. "Well for one thing and I want it before Christmas. Did you see the brand on Zeb's neck ?" Austin asked. "You want a brand ?" The shorter man asked. "I want matching brands. I want each of you to brand me. The problem is I need to keep it hidden." Austin said.

"That we can do and I know just what to do. But we need to know what to buy you for Christmas." The taller man said. "I tell you what. Both of you shop online and find some sexy underwear or costume you want me to wear. Make sure it is something I wear only for you." Austin said. "That sounds fun." The curly cowboy said. "What else ?" The taller man whispered flexing his cock inside Austin. Austin turned his head and whispered to the taller man. He then whispered the same into the other man's ear. "Yeehaw." The shorter man shouted. "Well professor if you are game we are." The other man said. "Now I want that Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. That will be my special Christmas present to you and from you." Austin said. The taller man moved fast pulling his cock from Austin causing a moan and a loud slurping noise. "Branding time." He said as he turned Austin over onto his stomach. Both men moved down and took the tender skin at the bottom curve of Austin's ass cheeks into their lips and began the suction. Austin almost screamed again not realizing just how erotic the tissue was. Each man had his own ass cheek to brand. After fifteen minutes of flesh being sucked, fingers in and out of Austin's ass as they sucked and hands groping his raging cock, Austin screamed again as he shot his third load of the night onto the sheets as he gripped the headboard so hard his knuckles were white.

The men admired their handy work as the looked at the angry red and blue oval shapes at the bottom of each ass cheek. "We may have to get a house off the ranch when I move here. I want both of you in the same bed with me every night." Austin said. "Yeah babe but he farts all night." One said. "Well he snores half the time." the other said. "Well I put out all night. Which one is willing to miss out on that ?" Austin laughed. "Point taken. If all three is what our baby wants then our baby gets all three." The taller man said. "You win professor." The other said before they both lay partially on top of Austin on each side taking care to reach down and carefully massage their fresh brand. "One more thing. Just the three of us. No extra guests. You two are mine alone and I am yours alone. Deal ?" Austin said. "What baby wants. " The taller cowboy whispered before latching his lips on to the hickie he had just created to make sure it did not fade away.

Next: Chapter 99

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