
By Jacob Wiseass

Published on Jul 18, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or real persons is purely coincidental.

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"Nothing" Part Five

It took me a minute for the pounding on the stall door to register in my muddled mind. I was so upset, and so freaked out. I mean the Captain of our Basketball team had just forced me to drink his piss. Part of me wanted to just sit and cry, part of me wanted to go directly to the Principal and Coach and tell them what he did to me. But a little part of me, a small but mighty part of me couldn't deny the fact that I enjoyed what had just happened to me. Deep down in my memory, as I recalled that glorious black cock coming towards me, I knew that I would take anything it had to feed me, without question or complaint.

The pounding on the bathroom stall intensified as the Coach was trying to get me to answer him...

"What the hell is wrong with you Watson? You fall in or something?

To which there was a general round of laughter, telling me that not only was the Coach out there, but so was most of the team.

"Get out of there Watson, you have work to get done."

"Yessir Coach," I answered as I started to get dressed.

I grabbed my t-shirt which wasn't too wet but you could definitely smell the piss on it. But it was my shorts that took the brunt of the storm. And search as I might I could find no underwear to put on under the shorts, which were made of a very flimsy fabric.

"Coming Coach..."

"I don't care what you're doing in there boy, just get a move on with it."

To which the whole team howled in laughter. Oh yeah, this Coach guy was going to make this tough on me, that's for sure.

Thank God I finally was dressed and I unlatched the toilet stall and took a deep breath to ready myself for stepping out as confidently as I could muster, trying to ignore, as much as possible, the shorts and shirt that were clinging to my skin, reeking in piss. But worst of all, I didn't have a jock or underwear to wear and my hard dick was tenting the soaked shorts.

"Shit I have no choice" so I whipped open the stall door and faced the music, my head hung low, trying not to meet anyone's eyes.

"I'm ready Coach what do I need to do first?"

"Jesus Christ Watson you smell like an outhouse!"

I could feel the color rising on my cheeks as the whole team broke out in laughter.

"And it looks like I interrupted something else" as he pointed to my tented shorts which would not go down. And again the whole team breaks up.

"We don't have time for that shit here Watson, now get to work. First thing you have to do is go out to the gym and collect up all the balls and equipment. You understand boy?"

"Yes Sir." I answered as I started trotting out of the locker room. I would literally do anything to get out of there.

Once out on the court I could almost smell the combined sweat of all those jocks in there. It was a pheromone stew that I wished I could lap up by the bowl full. And my cock pulsed as if it had a life of its own, adding my own dripping juices to the already soaked material, making it all but see-thru.

I had to get my mind off things so I started to jog around the court, collecting all the b-balls and returning them to the equipment room. Then I made my way through the team bench areas and picked up extra towels, garbage, left behind pieces of clothing and put them in the Lost and Found box by Coach's office.

By the time I got back to the locker room, Coach was just winding down his post game review with the team. They could say whatever they wanted to about this Coach, but he was invested in the lives of each of his players. He didn't just phone in his job. He took an interest in the lives of each of his players. And for some of these guys he might be the only man they had to look up to.

Noticing me he turns and announces..."Okay boys, you know this is our new team mascot. Try not to break him like you did the others."

Cue the general laughter all around.

"Watson, your job after you clean up the courts is to make sure that my men are taken care of. It's your job to collect their jerseys, jocks, socks and shorts and have them laundered and hung back up in their lockers by our next practice. Then do the same with their Home and Away uniforms, which cost the school a fucking fortune so you make sure you show them some respect."

"Yes Coach" I answered with my eyes downcast, because I knew if I raised them and caught site of Timothy Walker's eyes glaring at me I would cum in my shorts, which would only add to my embarrassment.

"Okay then guys, hit the showers then get the fuck outta here and go home and rest up for tomorrow's game.

Then bedlam broke out as the school's hottest guys started to strip off all around me. I didn't know where to look, as everywhere I glanced there was more and more flesh being exposed to me. Muscles started popping all over the room as quickly as the volume level in the room rose a dozen decibels or more.

They all started razzing each other, and insulting each other, questioning the manhood of one or the other, how many bitch's they balled that week, how many they were going to ball after the game tomorrow...and on and on they went...all the time ripping off their sweaty clothes and just dropping them on the floor of the locker room.

I was like a deer in the headlights as a runaway freighter was rushing to run me over. And I jumped a foot as I felt an arm drape across my shoulder and there was Timothy Walker standing right beside me. I could feel his heat as he pressed his body next to mine.

"Guys, guys," he yelled overtop the din of the room.

"GUYS! Shut up already"

Slowly, quiet came to the room.

"Guys, I know Coach introduced you to Watson here, our new team mascot, but I wanted to make it official by giving him a real team welcome. So, on behalf of the team there Watson, we welcome you..."

And as if on cue, every player in the room picks up or takes off his uniform and bombards me with an avalanche of sweaty shorts, jocks, jerseys, socks and sweat towels. In the beginning I tried to catch everything that was coming my way but there was just too much stuff coming at me. And the smells started to overwhelm my senses as pure teenage man-hormones began to cover my body. I felt like a panic attack was coming on as the pheromones felt like they were crawling over my whole body. I began to shake as the pile of sweaty garments got higher and higher. Until I fell under the sheer weight as the army of naked muscle and swinging dicks started to laugh at me as they passed me by on their way to the showers.

When the room was empty, except for me and Timothy Walker, I felt like my body was going to explode.

"Welcome to your new life Nothing...covered in real men's filth and castoffs."

Then he leaned in really close and whispered in my ear so no one else could hear:

"Now breathe deep faggot...and cum!"

And I did. I looked up into his eyes and as he stared me down, my body shook even harder and then my cock burst forth and I came into my piss-soaked shorts. My body felt like I was convulsing because my orgasm was so intense. I had never cum before without touching myself. I could immediately smell the ammonia scent of my cum rise amidst the mountain of heavenly sweat aroma that surrounded me.

Laughing, Timothy Walker just looked down at me with disgust in his eyes. I was so ashamed.

"Okay Nothing, now what have we learned from this today?"

I shrugged my shoulders and just stared up at him.

"Well, the first thing we learned is that you are even more pathetic than I first thought. I mean shit man cumming all over yourself just from smelling real men around you, damn."

I felt a tear coming to my eyes because he was so right, I am a total loser.

"And cumming because I ordered you to faggot. Pathetic"

"I'm so sorry Timothy Walker..." I started...

"What did you call me Nothing?"

"Uh, I called you your name..."

"No, Nothing, my friends use my family uses my name...Coach uses my name...people I love and respect use my name! You, pathetic piece of shit, do not use my name."

"I'm sorry..." and then I did the worst possible thing that I could have done, I broke down and wept.

"Shit faggot, you are such a chump. Get up off the ground and start getting this fucking laundry done. We can't lock up the gym until you're finished."

Then he took off his shorts, jock, socks, and shirt and throws them down at me. I couldn't take my eyes off his perfect body and heavy cock with balls that looked huge to me. As my eyes moved, lustily, up his incredible physique, I caught out of the corner of my eye, his left hand traveling in my direction. I saw the slap before I felt it, but it shot pain through my face as I cried out and grabbed my face where the sting landed.

"Faggot, don't you ever eye me up and down boy. You do not even look into my eyes, or into the eyes of any real man from the school teams or the coaching staff."

Immediately, my eyes snapped to the floor. "I'm sorry Sir."

"Sir...hmmm...yeah that sounds about right. From now on you call me and all these other men that are superior to you Sir. Do you understand that Nothing?"

"Yes Sir, I understand."

"Good, now get to work you piece of shit."

And I grabbed as many of the filthy clothes that I could carry and ran off to the gym's laundry room...


I hope you are enjoying this story so far. If you are drop me a note at

Any suggestions for poor Jay, drop me a line as well.

Copyright 2018

Next: Chapter 6

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