
By Jacob Wiseass

Published on Aug 23, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or real persons is purely coincidental.

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Nothing" - Chapter Seven

I worked hard in the team laundry room, washing and drying and folding their towels, jocks, practice t-shirts and shorts. After each load, when I tentatively re-entered the locker room, more and more of the players were leaving to go on with their day.

But trip after trip, I noticed that it was the white and Hispanic team players who were heading off while most of the black players were hanging around, wrapped in their towels just chatting with each other as I got my work done around them.

"You almost finished boy?" Sir asked me in front of the other remaining athletes.

Who hooted and hollered at the derogatory `boy'.

I knew I had to answer him and I knew what he expected to hear me say.

"Just two more loads to run through...Sir."

And they all broke out laughing even harder at my shame.

"Well get it done bitch because I can't lock up the locker room until you're finished."

"Yes Sir." I answered back and scurried out of the room.

My face was crimson as the proverbial tide as I quickly continued sorting and folding the athlete's clothes. And worst of all, my dick had sprung another hard-on. I didn't know how I was going to hide it when I took this load of laundry out to the main locker room. My only hope was that most of the guys had disappeared by now.

Three of the black team members had dressed and departed while I was tending to this load of laundry in the back. But four were remaining, including Sir, and they were all getting dressed at their lockers as I tried my best to scurry amongst them distributing their clean laundry. Unfortunately the star forward on the team, a really tall guy by the name of Sammy Joseph, noticed the tent in my shorts before I could get out of the room.

"Holy fuck, guys...we've got a little perv handling our jocks." He asserted as he pushed me towards the middle of the room.

"Look at the tent in his shorts!"

"What the fuck dude." Said another angry b-ball player as he approached me, fist raised to punch me.

"Cool it Buddy." Sir said stepping in between the two of us.

"He's fucking harmless, man, leave him alone."

"But he's perving on us man, walking around with his dick flopping hard. I don't want some gay guy staring at me when I'm hanging out here." He motioned to his cock and balls that were definitely hanging out now.

"Relax, Buddy...let the fag tell us his side of the story. So, bitch, are you here to just perv on our dicks and stuff?"

"No. No Sir. I'm not. I'm just here to do my job Sir."

"And why did you take this job boy?"

I looked up at him as he made his way over to me. He knew why I was there, because he told me to be there.

"Go ahead, boy, tell the guys why you took this job?"

"I took it because you told me to Sir."

"That's right guys, this pathetic faggot is here working for us because I told him too."

Then he took off his towel and started to piss all over me.

"Shit man, what the fuck are you doing?" "That is so pathetic man. He's just letting him do it." "Goddamn." And general other shocked statements from his remaining teammates.

So Tim simply stepped in closer to the pathetic fag on the floor in front of him and said...

"Open up."

And Nothing opened his mouth and started drinking his first taste of Sir's piss. And he wept because it tasted like honey.

After Tim was finished he shook off his foreskin in the fag's mouth and then told him...

"Get the fuck in the shower and clean yourself up bitch." And Nothing ran from the room as quickly as he could.

Then Tim explained everything to his teammates: how they found the fag spying in the woods, how they named him Nothing, how he begged to touch his dick and that he was in love with Tim for the whole year...and on and on it went.

Nothing stood under the hot shower, listening to their derisive laughs and exclamations from the other room...dying a little inside each moment that passed.

After a few moments, there was silence and so Nothing glanced toward the shower door and Sir was standing there, with his towel flung over his shoulder, and his hard 10 inches in his hand. As he moved in to the room, he hung his towel up on a hook and said...

"The guys have all left. They laughed their asses off at you. But they agreed with me that we should keep all this our little secret for now. Coach doesn't need to know what's going on here, right bitch?"


"Good boy."

And he stood over me, running his fingers through my hair.

"Sir?" I asked.

"What boy?"

"Sir, what is going on here?"

"Oh right...I guess we should fill you in..."

"Yes, please Sir."

"Well, Nothing, I have decided that you are now my slave. And everything I ask you to will do...immediately and without question. Understood?"

I didn't know what to say. It was everything I was dreaming for...what I had been dreaming about for two years now. To do anything and everything that Timothy Walker told me to do. I knew I would.

"Yes Sir. I understand Sir."

"Now, take off those smelly clothes...turn around on your knees facing away from your chest on the shower floor...stick your fat ass in the air and I'm going to introduce you to my cock."


"Not your time to talk, bitch...get stripped and in position."

So I did what I was told to do; stripped naked and got in position. I had never been fucked before but whatever Sir wanted from me, he could have.

I felt his big warm hands begin to rub the skin of my ass. No one had ever touched me there before. It felt wonderful.

But then I felt the first hard slap which made me jump and pull away from him.


"Stay still Nothing..."

And then he started to spank me hard and steady...right cheek, then left, then right, then left...over and over again. And I never moved. I whimpered. I cried. But I never moved. Until it felt like my ass was going to burst in to flames it felt so hot.

Then finally the spanking stopped. And I felt his hands roam over my heated ass until his fingers moved between my burning cheeks and swiped up and down my crack until the hook in his thumb caught my hole and again I jumped; but this time not away from his hand but towards my back arched and I just naturally pushed my hole back to meet his thumb.

"Yeah, boy, I knew that's what you're all about. Being a black man's bitch." He stated as his thumb penetrated my hole and rubbed all around the edges.

My skin began to jump under his touch and my mouth opened and moaned while I pushed my ass back up against his thumb. Then he takes his thumb out and I felt so empty until I felt his two longest fingers push through my hole and delve deep inside me.

"Oh my God, that feels so good Sir."

"I knew it would boy," he answered as he added a third finger and started to stretch out my hole.

I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. My cock was so hard and I started to grind it along the shower floor, moaning like a bitch in heat...which I guess I was.

Then Sir took his fingers out and stretched out on top of me pushing me in to the shower floor. He felt heavy but he felt...right.

"Now listen up bitch. When a black man, any black man, climbs up on you like this, you may feel flattened to the ground under his weight. Especially if he's a big heavy mother fucker. But it's your job, as the white bitch, to keep your pussy tilted at the right angle to receive your Superior's Big Black Cock. Don't let your body flatten out underneath the weight of your betters. Work your body with all the strength you have to bring the man on top of you the pleasure he deserves. You understand Nothing?"

"Yes Sir. I understand Sir."

And with that he entered me...all the way...powerfully stroked his way to the hilt...

My mouth gaped open in both shock and awe. My brain couldn't decipher whether I was feeling pain or pleasure. So I chose pleasure.

"Oh my holy hell Sir, you feel so good up there."

"Then settle back bitch and enjoy the ride."

And with that I began to experience my first real the man of my dreams...his big black cock pulling almost all the way out of my ass before stabbing back in again.

"Yeah bitch...feel your Master's cock take your pussy for the first time."

"Thank you Master...oh god, thank you."

"Now raise up on your knees and open that pussy to your Master's cock...this is my pussy now belong to you understand that Nothing?"

"Yes Sir, I belong to you Master. I understand that Sir."

"Then push back on my cock with that fat ass of yours and brace yourself because I want to really fuck now."

"Yes Sir" And I brace my knees as he really starts to fuck me long and hard. Then he switches to these short and rapid strokes that make my whole body quiver. And he slaps my ass a few times and then reaches underneath me and milks my tits like a fat cow's udders, twisting and pulling on my nipples until he has me screaming with my head thrown back as he pulls me back on his cock and holds me there as he shoots his load up my pussy.

Then he fell on top of me panting, catching his breath.

After a few moments he pulls his softening cock out of my ass and it slides out, all slippery with fluids, and I felt so very, very, empty.

"Bring your self around here on your knees bitch."

Which I immediately do, of course.

"After you have received the gift of a black man's cock up your pussy, it's your duty to show him the respect of cleaning him off...with your mouth."

I look down at the wet, streaked cock in front of me and I have a moment of indecision.

Then Sir raises my eyes to meet his as he says...

"Show me some respect boy."

And I do, by taking him in my mouth, and cleaning the filth off his cock.

"That's a good slave. Now grab a shower, clean up your ass and the backs of your legs where you bled some...and then finish your laundry duties."

"Yes Sir."

And I did as I was told.


Years later I shared this first experience as a slave with the man who was slowly taking control of my life as an adult. I knelt in front of Jamie, that Sunday afternoon in the woods, and I told him the whole story of the beginnings of `Nothing'.

"Wow." He responded to my tale.

And me, I was naked, kneeling in front of this beautiful black man, looking up in to his eyes.

"You know I recognized some of that in you the first time I met you." Jamie told me, stroking my face with his hand like he was petting his dog.

"But I didn't know it ran that deep. How long did this go on?"

"Oh it went on for a long time. I'll tell you more when you want me to."

"Maybe later...but right now I want your lips wrapped around my Black dick."

And he unzipped his pants and brought my head down to his lap, where I found his thick black cock jutting out.

"Now suck it bitch." And he impaled me on his cock...straight down my throat, and he punched his dick, repeatedly, past my gag reflex.

I gasped for air in between his assaults of my throat.

"You like that behaviour don't you like my big black cock thrusting down your throat...choking you out?"

I couldn't answer so I just focused on staying conscious through the assault.

His breathing became erratic as he raised himself to his feet so he could really get a good fuck rhythm going...

"Oh yeah, bitch...I'm gonna cum..." and he unloaded down my throat...shot after shot of his delicious thick cum.

"God that was good bitch. You've got a great throat."

"Thank you Sir."

"And I think they appreciated your little show too bitch..." he gestured to the area around us where 5 other guys had gathered to watch me blowing Jamie.

"Your cunt open for business?" an older man asked.

"No, it isn't..." I quipped back at him.

"I'm not talking to you bitch...I'm talking to your owner."

And that shut me up as I snapped my head around to look at Jamie who was smiling at me.

"Sorry guys, this slave is Black-owned...only blacks allowed."

So the men dispersed along the path, looking for action of their own making.

While out from behind another tree there stepped a short black guy, maybe 5'4" or so; tightly built, low to the ground, massive chest from years in the gym.

"Black-owned is he?" He asked as he made his way towards us.

I was suddenly very aware that I was totally naked in an obviously well trodden pathway.

"Hey Tommy..." Jamie greeted this little-big man. I'm guessing they knew each other from the gym.

"Hey Jamie...I missed your earlier show but the reviews are great moving up the pathway."

He laughed.

"So this is your new white cunt is it?"

"Yep, this is he."

"Cute," the newcomer muttered as he ran his hands over my naked body.

I wasn't really happy with this but it didn't seem to bother Jamie so I just stood there and took it.

"How's his pussy working for you?"

"Haven't ridden it yet."

"Really...why's that?"

"Well I've been taking things slowly this time around. You know I have scared way too many white bitches away by jumping too soon. This one I wanted to invest some time in...get to know him...bring him around slowly, but hopefully this ones for the long haul."

"That's cool brother. But something must be working for ya, because you've got him stripped naked and on display on the main after brunch sexual thoroughfare in all West Hollywood."

"Yeah, he doesn't like his body so I'm keeping him on display as much as I can in public to break down those inferior feelings of his."

"Hates his body?" Tommy questions as he moves towards me. "Stand up boy." He orders.

I look at Jamie and he nods his head so I get to my feet.

"Now present boy."

So I stand with my legs a little more than shoulder-width apart, arms behind my head, groin and chest forward on full display.

Tommy starts running his hands all over my body, pinching and slapping me everywhere. He squeezes each nipple until I almost cry out; and then I do cry out as he yanks down and squeezes my balls while batting around my hard cock.

"I mean he's got a little extra meat on him then you're usually used to but I mean he's got all his parts and they all work so what the hell. He's cute too. Sure you won't let me take his ass for a test run before I have to go to the gym to workout?"

"Nah, I've got something special planned for the first time I take his ass...but you're welcome to use his mouth if you want."

"Really? Great, thanks Jamie."

"Sure just don't cum in his mouth. That's for me alone. But you can drop a load on his face if you want to. We're heading to the gym right after this because I've got clients. The slut will look great working out with a load on his face."

"Sounds hilarious; get over here slut and kneel in front of me," Tommy orders.

I look over to Jamie, panicked...

"You heard him bitch. You're my slave and you blow who I tell you too."

So I walk over to Tommy and drop to my knees in front of him. He unzips his shorts and says: "get to work bitch".

Which I do.

As Tommy is drilling my mouth I can't help but replay in my mind the changes that have taken place in the last 24 hours. I started out on what I thought was a normal club date with my boyfriend and ended up less then 24 hours later, naked, shaved, and belonging to one black man, while sucking off another one out here in the open.

`Life, eh...never a dull moment...' I thought to myself as Tommy painted my face with his thick white load.


I hope you are enjoying this story so far. If you are, drop me a note at

Any suggestions for future encounters, drop me a line as well.

Copyright 2018

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