Now Shut Up and Open Wide

By moc.loa@SM8kaJ

Published on Dec 23, 2003


Now Shut Up and Open Wide (Part 2)

(M/M, oral, anal, S&M, Bond)

This story contains consensual sexual situations between males of adult age. If you are not of legal age 18 (21 in some areas), or if it is not allowed in your community please do not go any further. This story and these characters are a work of fiction; any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely unintentional and coincidental. This story contains sexual situations of persons that may or may not be using condoms during sexual intercourse; please always use condoms when engaging in sexual activities.

Well with that out of the way, ENJOY THE STORY..

Thanks have to go to Andrew, who was nice enough to take time out of his busy schedule and edit this story for me. Thanks Andrew..

Let me know what you think of the story at: Jak8MS

Jamie finally regained consciousness from the experiences of the previous night. His eyes slowly began to open, but the image was blurry, he tried to get up but found that he was unable to move. Finally the fog in his mind cleared and he realized everything he thought had been a dream, was in fact very much real. It was only then that Jamie felt the intense pain coming from his once tight, cherry asshole.

"Help, help. Somebody please help me!" Jamie screamed at the top of his lungs.

Jamie began to panic; he did not know what to do.

"Why had I been soo stupid?' Jamie thought to himself.

Even though Jamie didn't like the situtation he was in, his cock responded differently, it was hard as a rock. He then heard some rustling outside the door as it slowly started to open. In walked Chad, naked, the perfection of a man, his big cock swinging as he walked.

"Shut up, slave!" Chad said as he slapped Jamie.

Jamie was frozen in fear from that voice, as it sent shivers down his spine. Chad walked around Jamie, running his fingers over Jamie's body. He stopped at Jamie's ass and begins to rub his swollen asslips.

"Yeah, soon you will handle this with no problem," Chad sneered as he massaged the snake he calls a cock dangling between his legs.

"Please let me go. You've had your fun, and I just want to go, I have classes on Monday." Jamie said very softly, his voice hoarse from the screaming.

Chad just looked at Jamie with no compassion or remorse in his eyes. Jamie was just petrified at what else would be done to him.

"Soo, you want to leave; you don't like my hospitality?" Chad asked with a cold sneer on his face.

The next thing Jamie knew, Chad had lunged for his cock and balls. Once he had them in his huge hands, he began to pull and twist them.

"Ah, please stop. You're killing me." Jamie screamed.

"Look at me BITCH!" You are now my property to do with whatever I please. You signed yourself over to me. Now, you will be fucking trained. Eventually you will come to enjoy it, even need it. But don't ever fucking forget your place, right now you are no more than shit." Chad said, his powerful chest rising and falling with every breath.

"Yes Sir," Jamie managed to get out.

"That's better, now let's take a look at that asshole. Oh yes, from now on you will refer to this as your pussy. Do you understand?" Chad asked, putting emphasis on the last part.

He reached and grabbed the base of the dildo, and despite what Jamie thought, pulled it out slowly. Jamie felt every movement of the humiliating experience. As the big plastic cock left his ass, no his pussy, there was some pain. However, the thing that Jamie felt the most was a sense of emptiness. Chad began to rub the enlarged orifice, massaging his hot, sore, ass lips.

"Time for your bath." Chad announced.

Jamie tried to stand up once he was released from the sling, but he was too weak. Chad lifted him into his arms, and carried him into the large master bathroom. There water had been put into the large whirlpool tub. Jamie winced as his body; in particular his pussy hit the water.

"This is not what will normally happen each morning. I am only doing this because you are new and inexperienced. Each morning, you will wake up at 7am and lay out my clothes for the day to be pressed by the butler. At 9am you will come back into the bedroom and wake me up. This is all important, I am to be awaken by kissing my neck and chest only." Chad said as he finished bathing Jamie.

He slowly dried Jamie off, paying close attention to Jamie's pussy.

"Come!" When you are here at home you will wear nothing but your collar. When we venture from home, you will wear whatever I tell you to wear. Understood?" Chad asked forcefully.

"Yes," Jamie responded forcefully.

Chad stopped in his tracks, which caused Jamie to bump into his muscular back. Chad turned to face Jamie.


He slapped Jamie across the face, leaving a large red mark.

"Listen Bitch, I thought we were clear, I am the Master and you are nothing right now. You will always respond in the affirmative or negative with Sir or Master following. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir," Jamie said softly, his head lowered.

They proceeded into the dining room, Chad in front with Jamie trailing him. There was a large breakfast on the well- appointed table. Jamie almost took a seat when he noticed a bowl on the floor next to Chad's chair. Every fiber in his being told him not to get on the floor, but he did not listen.

"Good boy," Chad sneered as he saw Jamie sink to his knees beside him.

The whole breakfast was humiliating on Jamie's part; he would eat out of his bowel. Ever so often, Chad would take something off his plate and make Jamie beg for it. This was designed to make Jamie feel lees like an individual. Once breakfast was complete, they moved into the bathroom.

"Are you thirsty from breakfast?" Chad asked with a small glint in his eyes.

"Yes Sir." "Good, then open your mouth," Chad replied as he took his cock in his hands.

Jamie's eyes got very big once he knew what was about to happen. At that moment a large stream of piss erupted from the tip of Chad's cock. Jamie snapped his mouth shut.

"Open your fucking mouth Bitch. NOW!" Chad screamed, his eyes showing anger and control.

Jamie opened his mouth and tasted his first drop of piss. It was horrible, with an acidic taste that made Jamie want to throw-up. But he knew if that happened then "Master" would punish him. Jamie then realized that was the first moment he had ever referred to Chad as Master in his mind. The golden shower continued, drenching Jamie's entire body. When the last drops came from Chad's cock, he shook it in Jamie's face.

"Did you like that slave?" Chad said smiling as he looked down upon Jamie.

Jamie knelt there, shivering, disgusted with himself.

"Answer me slave." Chad said, his voice louder than before.

"Yes Sir," Jamie said sniffling.

For the first time since Jamie had met Chad he became very nice. He helped Jamie up and took him to the shower. From there he washed Jamie's body, paying special attention again to Jamie's pussy. Chad said Jamie was to keep his pussy clean at all times. Chad then ordered Jamie to dry off and wait for him at the foot of the bed in the master bedroom while he bathed. Jamie knelt perfectly still, trying to go over the chain of events that had led him to this. He knew he should be disgusted with the things Chad had him to do, but at the same time, each time Chad entered the room all he wanted to do was make him happy.

"You want your master don't you boy?" Chad asked as he walked into the room.

He was drying off his body, and what a body it was. Chad was one of those guys that just looked perfect. The muscles in his arms bulged and the water glistened on his legs. Then there was that monster dong that hung between his legs and swung while he walked. Everything about Chad seemed sexy to Jamie, even his walk. It was a walk of confidence, in which Chad knew he was the shit and everyone should bow to his cock.

"You want this don't you? I can see it in your eyes that you want my cock. You would do just about anything for it." Chad said as he fingered the piss slit of his cock.

"Yes Sir. Please let me Sir." Jamie said his breath quickening.

Chad nodded his head in approval and Jamie went to town. He was not very experienced at sucking cock, but what he lacked in experience he made up for in eagerness. Chad's cock began to get rigid in Jamie's grasp, extending to its full 10 inches. Jamie's mouth soon encircled the head and engulfed it. Jamie could only take a small part of the large cock in his mouth. His head bobbed up and down on the piece of flesh. However, Chad soon grew tired of this and wanted more. His hands found there way to the back of Jamie's head there he took control. He began to ram Jamie's head all the way down on his cock. This began Jamie's gag reflex and he instinctively began to pull away.

"Don't you fucking take your mouth off my cock, bitch." Chad growled as he tightly gripped Jamie's head.

The assault on Jamie's mouth and throat continued, soon he was beginning to feel raw form the onslaught of Chad's cock. When Jamie felt it would never end, he got a sign that it would. At that moment, Chad's entire body tensed up.

"Ahh, I am gonna cum. Drink it all pussy!" Chad screamed.

Inside Jamie's mouth it felt like nothing he had ever experienced before. Chad's cock began spewing cum nonstop down Jamie's throat. All Jamie could do was hope he did not choke to death.

"Yeah you liked that didn't you boy?" Chad sneered at Jamie.

Jamie had finally had enough and he shoved Chad back, big mistake on Jamie's part. Chad whirled around and hit Jamie square in the face, cum went flying everywhere.

"Alright fucker, you want to play hard, we can fucking play hard. Get up, get the fuck up motherfucker!" Chad screamed as he grabbed Jamie's hair and pulled him up.

Chad looked at Jamie with fire in his eyes, he was pissed, and man was he pissed. He grabbed one of Jamie's arms and his waist and hoisted him upon his shoulder. Jamie could not believe the awesome show of power he had just felt. Chad walked out of the large bedroom in to the hallway, heading towards a door that Jamie dreaded.


"Ouch" Jamie responded as the meaty hand clamped down on his bubble ass.

"Shut up. Soon you will be wishing that was the half of it." Chad said, with anger in his voice.

The door to the dungeon room swung open and Jamie was set down in front of a large object. The object was made entirely of wood and was in the shape of an X. Chad took each of Jamie's hands and bound them, then did the same with his feet. Once Jamie was securely fastened, Chad walked into the shadows. Jamie began to sweat, unsure of what was about to take place.

"Everyone must know their place, and yours is to serve, me." A voice rang out from the darkness. A figure slowly appeared from the darkness, it was Chad with a large wooden paddle in his hands and a look of pure anger on his face.

"No, no, please Master. Don't do this. I will be good." Jamie began to beg, soon tears began to leave his eyes and stain his face.

"I'm only doing this for your own good. You have to learn respect, slave. This will hurt me also, I don't want to do this but you must learn your place." Chad whispered in Jamie's ear.

Chad rubbed his hand over Jamie's meaty ass, feeling every wonderful curve. He then rubbed the wooden paddle over the surface also.

Smack, Smack, Smack

Jamie's ass soon began to turn red, leaving the white imprint of Chad's hand.

"I'm sorry," Chad whispered.

Jamie turned his head as far as he could and saw Chad raring back with the paddle.


The first shot sent numbness through Jamie's body.




Chad's strokes began to get stronger and stronger with each swing of the paddle. Jamie began to cry, pleading for his Master to stop. Chad never let up; Jamie had to be taught a lesson.




"Are you sorry for what you have done?" Chad's voice, strong as ever, cried over the pounding.

"Yes Master, yes," Jamie screamed, tears rolling down his face.

After about 10 minutes of heavy punishment, Chad decided that Jamie had finally had enough.

"What do we say slave?" Chad asked, a smile on his face.


Chad looked at Jamie's face and noticed that during some point of the punishment session, Jamie had passed out. His body hung limp on the device, his mind could not take anymore so he went unconscious. Chad undid the restraints and removed Jamie from them. He carefully carried him back to the master bedroom and laid him down on the large bed. Chad reached in the nightstand and pulled out a container of ointment. He took some in his hands and slowly began to work it on Jamie's cheeks. Trying to somehow soothe the punishment inflicted upon Jamie.

"You will be fine, you are unique, special." Chad whispered in Jamie's ear.

While Jamie lay on the bed, Chad sat in a large chair in a corner. He stared at Jamie, learning every curve of his body. Chad's thoughts ran from one end of the spectrum to another. The overriding thought was about Jamie. Had he pushed him too hard too soon? Had he gone too far, further that Jamie was ready to go. Chad felt an instant attraction to Jamie when he saw him in the club, he knew there was something about Jamie. There was a hunger in Jamie's eyes, a need to serve and be taken care of.

"Unn, ouch," Jamie said softly as he began to regain consciousness.

He looked around and saw that he was in the master bedroom. He could not remember anything since the punishment started. His ass hurt like hell, and Jamie wondered what the damage was. He slowly got off the bed and walked to a large floor- length mirror. His ass was red with large welt marks.

"On your knees, NOW," Chad barked to Jamie as he came from the corner.

Jamie obeyed, his eyes looking at the floor. Chad reached down and lifted Jamie's face.

"Clean my cock," Chad said, his face showing no emotion.

Jamie opened his mouth and engulfed the large member in his mouth. Chad had been soft, which made it easier for Jamie to take in. As soon as the tip of the cock hit his mouth he could taste it. The taste, the bitter taste of piss; this is what Chad meant when he said clean my cock. After a few strokes, however, Chad abruptly removed his cock.

"That is enough boy, I am not trying to get off." Chad said very gruffly.

Jamie's eyes just stayed fixed on Chad's cock, his mouth almost watering. Jamie ached all over when Chad did not have his hands on him.

"I said that is enough boy. Did you hear me?" Chad asked his voice louder.

He pushed Chad back, hurling him onto the floor. Jamie just lay there, looking up at Chad with those big puppy eyes.

"Yes Sir," Jamie responded, shifting his eyes back to the floor.

"That's alright. We are about to go get you a new wardrobe. Here are the rules when we are in public." Chad said forcefully.

"You will wear whatever I tell you to wear."

"Yes sir," Jamie replied sheepishly.

"When we are at gay clubs or lounges you will refer to me as you normally do and will act like the piece of shit slave you are." Chad said staring into Jamie's eyes.

"Yes Sir"

"I don't care if people know we are gay. However, it would not look good for my company and stockholders if people knew the nature of our relationship. For that reason, refer to me as "SIR" only, not as Master."

"I understand Master."

Chad grabbed a handful of Jamie's hair and pulled it, "Fuck up and I will make you pay so bad, you will wish you were dead."

Jamie was told that one of the 4 bedrooms was his to use, but he was to sleep in Chad's room. When he entered the room everything was prepared. Clothes, which consisted of a pullover shirt, jeans, socks, and shoes all very expensive, were laid out.

There was a note on the bed also with the name Jamie printed on it.

Get dressed quickly. You are to wear only the clothes that I have put out for you. NO underwear. EVER.

After they got ready, Chad gave Jamie the once over. Once he approved how Jamie looked they headed to the limo. The pair first went to a leather store for a whole new slave wardrobe. They then headed to some of the most expensive stores and bought Jamie more things. The limo eventually pulled up in front of one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city. When they entered, there were people waiting for the hostess to say there was a table available. When Chad walked in, everyone immediately looked his way.

It did not take long for them to be seated and Jamie knew he had better be on his best behavior. Each time the waiter asked Jamie what he would like; he lowered his head and deferred to Chad's decision. Chad had a very commanding look on his face the entire night, and everyone around them could see it.

"You are doing good boy. I think you are finally learning your place." Chad said as a grin stretched over his face.

The waiter soon brought their dinner and Jamie went to it. He was soo hungry, however, he watched Chad while he ate. He did not want to embarrass his Master so he tried to eat like him. At that moment Jamie realized that he wanted to do everything he could to make his master happy. They ate their dinner in silence, occasionally someone would approach the table and talk to Chad; Jamie said in silence, he knew if Master wanted him to talk he would say something.

Chad was enjoying the evening more and more as the evening wore on. His boy was being very obedient and that's what Chad wanted. He got an idea in his head, one that would be soo hot. He reached under the table and grabbed Jamie's crotch. Jamie jumped at the sudden movement by his Master, almost knocking his water glass over.

"You are going to get up and go to the bathroom and get in the stall farthest from the door and wait for me." Chad said, waiting for a response.

"Yes Master," Jamie replied.

Jamie rose from his chair and walked calmly to the bathroom, proceeding to the last stall as instructed. He was about to unbuckle his belt and lower his pants when he realized that Master had not said anything about taking his clothes off. Jamie sat there listening to people enter and exit the room. Soon he began wondering what would be done to him. His head was full of thoughts when he heard a knock on the stall door. Jamie knew to move fast, so up he went and opened the door.

"You followed my directions, good." Chad said softly.

He then began to undo his pants and let them fall to the floor, remaining only in his black briefs. He stood there this giant of a man, looking down on Jamie, his little boy. However, the briefs were soon gone and Jamie was face-to- face with the monster. Chad didn't give him a long look; he turned around and bent over, shoving his ass in Jamie's face.

"Eat my ass," Chad said calmly.

"Yes Master"

Jamie looked at the two meaty cheeks in front of his face, the result of many hours of dedication in the gym. He leaned forward and began to run his tongue over the round flesh, kissing, eating.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Chad asked.

Jamie stopped, a puzzled look coming over his face.

"When I fucking say eat my ass, I mean eat it," Chad said as he spread his cheeks and exposed his puckered hole.

"So get your fucking tongue up my sweet and eat me, taste me fucker," Chad growled to Jamie as he shoved Jamie's face up his ass.

Jamie swallowed very hard, then slowly moved in, not sure what to do. His tongue ran over the wrinkled hole, causing Chad to shiver. Jamie grabbed Chad's waist and began to run his tongue around the rim.

"Yeah, get up in there, yeah." Chad moaned.

Jamie soon got into the scene and inserted his tongue. They began to move in unison, which sent both of them into high gear. Chad shoved his ass into Jamie's face, almost smothering Jamie. Jamie had never felt like this before, he felt truly happy because he was giving his Master pleasure.

"Yeah, that's my bitch, my bitch. Yeah that's how you do it bitch." Chad cooed, moaning at the same time.

This made Jamie even happier.

"That's enough bitch," Chad smiled.

He stood up and turned around, facing Jamie.

"Open your mouth!" Chad barked.

Jamie opened and Chad shoved his cock in his mouth.

"Get ready for a treat," Chad said.

Jamie knew what was about to happen and he prepared himself. Chad let it go, as the piss began to rush out of his cock into the waiting mouth of his slave. He threw his head back, enjoying the power he had over Jamie.

"Don't you fucking lose a drop," Chad said, his eyes burning into Jamie's head.

Jamie's throat took the liquid as fast as it could. Chad was like a fire hose that never seemed to end. However, nothing lasts forever and soon the flow slowed to drips. Chad slowly pulled his cock from Jamie's mouth; he then slapped Jamie's face with the thick piece of meat.

"Get up, fix your clothes, and wash your face." Chad said as he dressed and left.

Jamie exited the stall, his face red and he was horny as hell. But what he saw shocked and embarrassed him, standing in the bathroom were 4 smiling guys.

"Yeah, you liked that didn't you?"

"That bitch liked that."

Jamie quickly washed and got away from the hungry eyes in the room and their comments.

They finished their dinner and were soon back in the limo heading for home. Chad was very quiet the entire ride back to the penthouse, Jamie wondered if something was wrong. The elevator ride was like the limo ride, very quiet, very cold.

"Strip and wait for me in my bedroom," Chad said with a look in his eyes that could kill.

Jamie walked to the bedroom, wondering what had he done wrong. He removed his clothes and then got on his knees, his head lowered. He heard the door close to the bedroom and then felt a hand on his shoulder. Then hand then moved to his chin and his face was raised to lookup at Chad. What Jamie saw surprised him and scared him a little; his Master was smiling.

"I am proud of you boy. You followed my instructions very well tonight." Chad said as he smiled.

"I live to serve you," Jamie responded.

"That's what I want to hear." Chad said.

He began to walk around the room as Jamie tracked him with his eyes.

"On the bed, NOW!"

Jamie clambered to get on the bed and waited there.

"On your hands and knees."

Chad then climbed onto the bed, causing the bed to shift. Chad grabbed Jamie's waist and Jamie didn't know what to think. He then felt something wet against his ass, at first he thought it was Chad's cock, but it didn't feel like what Jamie expected. Then Jamie put two and two together and realized that it was Chad's tongue. Chad had an expert tongue, and knew what he was doing and knew how to make people happy.

"Does my boy like?" Chad mumbled from Jamie's ass.

"Yes Master," Jamie responded, shivering all over.

His tongue felt like a mini cock torturing Jamie's pussy, shoving in and out, coating Jamie in his saliva. Like saying to everyone "this is mine, this is my bitch". The feeling of his Master's tongue entering his ass sent Jamie into overdrive, his ass moved back to meet the oral onslaught. Chad then removed his tongue and began to toy with Jamie's cock. He ran his hand up and down the shaft, Jamie was in heaven, and then the world collapsed.

"AHHHHHHH!" Jamie screamed in a blood-curdling scream.

Chad had shoved his entire cock, all 10" up Jamie's tortured ass.

"Yeah bitch, scream for me," Chad said smartly.

Chad began to ram into Jamie, going at full speed. The entire bed shook as well as Jamie's entire body. Chad was in ecstasy, even though Jamie's ass had been subjected to the dildo, his ass still gripped the monster invading his bowels. Jamie was in hell; his ass was on fire and felt like it was tearing his asshole even wider. All he could do was cry and endure it. Jamie could feel every curve, every vein in Chad's cock as it rammed in and out of him at lightening speeds.

"Take it, this is for me to fucking enjoy bitch. Take it," Chad said, his eyes getting very determined.

This is when the giant began to hit that spot, and Jamie's feelings changed. Each hit of Chad's sock sent pure heaven through Jamie's body.

"Fuck me, please Master, please," Jamie, pleaded.

The pounding continued for what felt like forever, and Jamie just wanted more. There was an itch up Jamie's ass that needed to be scratched, and only his Master's cock could scratch it. Chad was covered in sweat, his chest heaving as his powerful hips thrust into Jamie, meeting Jamie's ass as he thrust back. Chad's hands gripped Jamie's waist tighter and tighter maintaining a death grip on his pussyboy.

"Ohh yeah bitch, get ready."

Chad's thrusts got even stronger, if that was possible. He was power-fucking Jamie, almost trying to impregnate him. Then it happened.

"Ahhh" Chad yelled, sounding like a lion roaring.

At that instant, Jamie felt it happen. He felt the reward of that hard and painful session as Chad's cock shot load after load of hot cum deep into Jamie's tortured bowels. Jamie felt completely full; he could feel his Master's cum sloshing around in him.

After collapsing, the pair tried to catch their breath; eventually they fell asleep, Chad on the bed and Jamie made to sleep on the floor.

At 7am the butler entered the room and woke up Jamie to begin the day. He set about his tasks and walked to the closet doors, when he opened the doors all Jamie could think was wow. Chad's closet was a whole fucking room, clothes in large custom-made wood storage. There enough clothes in the room to clothe about 40 of 50 people at one time.

"The Master will be going to the office today," the butler told Jamie.

Jamie looked at the massive amount of clothes, trying to figure out how he would choose. He did not want to make the wrong choice and face the wrath of his Master.

"Jones, which clothes would you pick for Sir?" Jamie asked with concern on his face.

" I would pick this one for Sir," the butler responded his tone flat.

Jamie picked out the custom designer suit and gave it to the butler. He picked out shoes, belt, tie, and everything else. Promptly at 9am, Jamie began the Master's wake-up routine. He kissed his neck and chest. Slowly Chad woke up, smiling.

"Very good slave."

Chad went to get a shower and get ready, once Chad got his shower, he allowed Jamie to take one. Jamie let the water roll over his body and soak up the heat. Jamie let his hands roam over his body, and finally found his cock. He began to jerk-off, his hand moving up and down his cock.


Jamie was pulled out of his dream. Chad held Jamie by the throat with fire in his eyes and anger on his face.

"I didn't fucking tell you, you could beat off. You are here for my pleasure and that is all. Looks like I am going to have to change my training techniques. You don't learn, and you will fucking regret doing that, you will regret it." Chad said staring Jamie in the eyes.

He dragged Jamie out of the bathroom kicking and screaming...

To be continued in Part 3 Stay tuned; even more exciting things are still to come..

Let me know what you think of the story, write to me at Jak8MS

Next: Chapter 3

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