Nsync and Delwyn

By moc.loa@kciNekalB

Published on Mar 30, 1999


NSYNC and Delwyn

Lance leaned over the audience while he sang I was in awe, he looked down at me and grinned as I leaned back in my chair starring him in the eyes the whole time. My heart pounded, as I knew this was my guy. I had loved him since we met and under normal circumstances I guess you would think I really didn't know him at all but then again this was not normal. A star a fan and a few lines on a computer screen had been all that transpired between us but at the time it all began I had no idea who he really was.

This had all come form a one night's rage on the computer screaming at it while it attempted to shut down. I had been talking to several of my friends through ICQ and had no idea why but my connection kept failing during our chat sessions. As usual AOL was the only option I had left. I had my free account through school but my AOL was just as good when I had to use it.

Well, to make a long story short of how it all happened I guess I better tell it right. I lost my connection and decided it was time to log on to America On Line. Little did I know when I entered the Gay Teen Youth Network sight I would find him. The guy I had dreamed about so many nights my heart would sink when I woke up in the mornings. Of course I had no idea the user name 4873259 would be anyone I would like to get to know. I began with my usual hello to everyone in the room and as time went on I began to get bored so I type that I was singing and had to go and practice. Really all I was doing was going to take a shower. But from experience you should never tell anyone that in a chat room unless you intend on being asked if they can join you. So, instead 4873259 asked what I was singing. I quickly looked around the room found the first CD in sight it was of course NSYNC and I told him.

D-man - God must have spent a little more time on you.

4873259 - Cool song. Your practicing it what are you one of the guys from the group?

I laughed at his question

D-man - Nope just a fan. I was actually going to get in a show. But to say that in open chat seems like a bad idea right?

4873259 - Yeah it does. But, can you really sing? [Wicked Evil Grin]

D-man - Of course I can. Maybe not as good as all of them put together but I can sing. So tell em about yourself. Do you sing?

4873259 - Nope couldn't carry a tune in a bucket without a bottom.

D-man - Ok I will let you know something about me now. No let's see. Oh here we go. I can't drive a car to save my life even if it was on rails at a amusement park. [Laughs out Loud]

4873259 - Man that's bad. What no one will teach you or you just can't drive. Oh I got it you can't see over the steering wheel.

D-man - Hey! I get so nervous behind the wheel that I just want to get sick. I have my license. I got hit by a guy about 6 months ago and just can't do it.

4873259 - Ok you can sing while I drive.

D-Man - I am no Melissa Ethridge...

4873259 - That would be sleep while I drive.

D-man - Your right never mind...... Hey you know your music.

4873259 - I've been around. And look where I found you.

D-Man - Yep, good old GTYN.

4873259 - Are you single or just hanging out waiting for your man to come home.

D-Man - Single unless I have one and don't know it. Besides I live at home and my parents don't know.

4873259 - Wow, I found a good one. But, then again how old are you?

D-Man - 21 and you.

4873259 - 20 and single. So, why are you still living at home.

D-Man - I just got out of school with a business degree. I was thinking of gettign my masters but not just yet.

4873259 - Hey does that mean you can do accounting too?

D-Man - Wow, a serious conversation for once. Yes but it was only my minor in school. By the way what do you do?

4873259 - Well to be honest the only reason I knew the song is I... work for them. I am one the stage crew.

D-Man - So, are you friends with them?

4873259 - Yeah or at least I was until some things started changing. I have not told them about em and I feel bad for lying to them for all this time. I have enjoyed their friendships so much but I am so scared they will not talk to me again if they find out.

D-Man - If they are truly your friends would they seriously just dump you on the side of the road?

4873259 - I guess not. But, don't you think if it got out people might talk about us and I would be the one blowing their career.

D-Man - Being honest with them does not mean telling the whole world. I think if your friendship really means as much to them as it does to you then you should tell them. Then again I don't even know them so I can't say. We went on for a few hours back and forth talking about life on the road and how they were coming to my area soon. I was ecstatic about meeting him face to face for several minutes I found myself wondering what he looked like and what he was doing right then other than typing. But to ask him was the farthest thing from my mind as he finally hit a subject I liked even better.

4873259 - D-man what is your real name if I can ask. I mean I would like to know the name of the man I am fantasizing about tonight as I go to sleep.

D-Man - Don't laugh but it's really Delwyn. And can I have yours for the same reason's?

4873259 - Well, to tell you seriously it is Lance. No not the one in the group My name is Lance though and I will be thinking of you as I sleep tonight and I am going to tell them tomorrow when I get up to their floor to help them get out of this place.

Delwyn - Ok, but remember I am here with you if you need any help. By the way why all the numbers instead of a name.

Lance - Well, we have to keep anonymity when dealing with the net. It is just safer that way for all concerned.

Delwyn - good night my friend I will talk to you soon. If you would like, you can call me here some time my number is 213/862-9284. I am always around these days.

Lance - I will sometime. But for the most part I am busy most daytimes and evening's just before and after shows. Late evening's I will be on-line. Do you have ICQ?

Delwyn - I hate mine right now it is not staying connected. But, the number is 7893284.

Lance - Ok well mine is the number on the screen. [Laughs Out Loud]

Delwyn - Great idea but I would have never guessed. Ok sleep well and I will be thinking of you tonight. Good Night...

Lance - Good night and Hugs to you it is almost morning here. Night..

Delwyn - Morning! Wait where are you at it is almost morning here too?

User is not currently logged on.

Damn me I thought as I sat back in my chair and wondered what his day would be like if he had gotten sleep. Slowly I picked myself up out of the chair and headed to bed. No thoughts of showering were present as I passed onto another place in time as I watched the NSYNC Concert in my dreams.

We had several more nights like this I did find out he was a entire four hours away from me. South to be exact one night as he confessed to the guys. All but one was Present Lance number 2 was not there. I got bumped off-line just as we all logged into a chat room and he told them. I tried and tried to log back on but I couldn't my server had gone down. I cried almost instantly. I had told him I would be there for him and I left him. What did he think of me now. I was upset and moody for about a hour when the phone rang.

"Hello." I answered still having the sound of my tears in my throat.

"Delwyn? Is that you?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

'Yeah it is. What's up who is this?" I was getting annoyed.

"It's me J.C. Look We all want to thank you for what you did for Lance he has told us everything and we are so sorry about you having to find out this way it is our fault. We told him not to use both computers to talk to other people. He thought nothing of it at first then he realized what he had done and now all he will do is sit curled up in a ball and cry. We really need you to talk to him will you do it? I know this is completely weird but if you don't I don't know what is going to happen here. I really am sorry about all this but we need your help. We are on our way into your town now. Will you meet us at our Hotel in 30 minutes?" I was stunned and had no idea what to do. Here I am a very normal guy getting pulled into Drama.

"J.C. I don't know what to do here I have no idea what he thinks he has done?" I waited as he sighed and whispered away from the phone.

"Delwyn, look this is Chris we need you to come to the Hotel and we will explain everything just get there soon. It is the Marriott by the bay. I need your last name dude in order to add you to the list." He said as I instinctively just blurted it out.

" Catz. Um Chris tell everyone I am looking forwards to seeing them and tell Lance what ever it is he has done we can work it out. Another thing what room do I go to?"

"You'll have to stop at the front desk and tell them who you are a body guard will bring you up. We will all be in one room to get all this out in the open. Is that Ok with you? " J.C. Said as he was now back on the phone.

"Ok I have to get dressed again I will be there shortly."

"Ok, well to tell you the truth this is going to be very interesting for all of us so hurry." With that he hung up the phone.

I sat back down at my computer as it dial back up and I sent myself a message to never talk to strangers from music groups again. I laughed as it actually tried to send it. As I was getting dressed I noticed it was now 30 minutes past when I had last spoken to them. As I climbed into my car I felt suddenly ill and started it anyhow. I thought to myself that this has got to be happening at night when I can't get someone to drive me there right.

As I approached the Hotel I noticed the NSYNC bus parked in a side lot and several men-unloading luggage. I was taken back at how old most of them were it was no wonder Lance had felt so secluded in his secret. If they were all older than he was he must have felt even more out of place than I imagined before. The lobby was huge as I approached the front desk it was late so there was only one person there a very suspicious looking large man stood off to one side of the room holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a radio in the other.

"Excuse me I am Delwyn Catz I am here to see the guys of NSYNC." I said as the woman just grinned and said.


"But, I am on the list. They were to add me to the list." I said, while looking desperately around for some sign of a joke.

"Well when we get the list you might be on it you might not be. At this point I don't..." She was now stopped by the guard standing behind me who was holding the very list.

"Well, there is the list you don't have." I sarcastically said, as I looked at it and found my name penciled in at the bottom.

"So, you're the one they are in a rush to see. Normally this would have to be approved but in this case I think it is time we bent the rules a little. " He said, while leading me to the elevator.

"Ok just got to room 5662 and you will find them all there waiting for you." He said as he pushed em inside.

The floor passed by in a sudden motionless flight to the fifth floor. I was now standing on their floor and wondering what I was doing here. Had I really gone out of the house at 2:30 at night to go meet an all guy band at their Hotel room for god only knows what reason. I mean I liked Lance but I had not met him. Besides, why had they all taken such and interest suddenly in his well being I mean they certainly knew him better than I did. Any true friends would have just said ok worked it all out. Hell if he wouldn't talk to them. Why would he talk to me? We had only been on the computer the past few months talking for hours on end. Yes, for hours and hours but had this meant more to him in the long run. It is not like he was anything other than a stagehand working for them. Then there is me now in the middle between all of them. I found myself frozen as I was standing in front of the door finally making everything fit. He loves me I thought, as I stood there motionless.

I reached for the knob but could not just open it. I knocked lightly on the door and heard someone say come in. I stood motionless and found I could not open it. Suddenly the door swung open and J.C. just stared at me.

"You must be Delwyn. Look we need you to snap him out of it." He said, while grabbing my arm and dragging me inside. I was now standing in the room with the guy's starring at me. A figure was curled up on the bed motionless. My heart broke as he just lay there. I had figured it all out then suddenly it hit me. He had tried to hide it from everyone and the one person who had promised to not turn away had done so. Me the offender. I was now beginning to tear up as I made my way to the bedside.

"Lance it's me. Delwyn I am here. I am so sorry for all this." I reached out and he began to cry as I put my hand to his shoulder.

"Lance it was not on purpose I got dropped from my connection and could not get back on. I swear I didn't mean it to happen." I was crying now as he stirred slightly on the bed. All the guys began to move around behind me trying to find seats in the room. I still could not see his face as he had it buried on the pillow.

"Lance please forgive me I had no idea it was you until I got here I had not even figured it all out. I won't leave you here alone like this please." I said, as I leaned in and pulled him into my arms. Lance began to stir as he felt the warmth of my body against his. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as if to never let go. I turned to look at the guys. Four not five of the finest men I have ever seen sat waiting patiently.

"Lance just look up at me and I will know you are going to be alright please. I promise I am not going anywhere. Please..." I began to rock him in my arms as the guys suddenly looked at us and began to understand how I felt. J.C. had tears in his eyes as he watched his best friend in a world of doubt. Where was the other Lance?

"A little more time on you..." I sang as the moment suddenly brightened and he turned looking in my eyes.

"I had thought you only sang in the shower." He said as he grinned with blood shot eyes. It was Lance from the group. Oh, my God this was the guy.

"Normally yes and I don't drive remember. Well tonight is the first time in a long time since the accident and I did it for you. Well at the time I had no idea it was you but all the same it is you." I said as he again grinned up at me.

"Lance, we're Ok with this really and we will all talk about it tomorrow. Ok?" I heard Chris asking.

"Oh god! I am so sorry you guys. Thank you for everything you have done." Lance said as I watched him sit up on his own. Leaving my arms empty and my heart full of hope.

"Delwyn you will be here in the morning right? We would really like to know who has affected him so much." Justin asked as he started to walk towards the door.

"Um..." I looked at Lance who was almost pouting and begging at the same time. "Yes, I will be here. But maybe not to early guys we have some things to discuss." Lances face brightened again as they all exited the room. I looked back over to Lance to see him leaning in.

Our lip first brushed as we instinctively tilted our heads to the side and found each other's mouths. At first it was soft and gentle no vying of the tongues no fighting with desires. Then he parted his lips with mine and I found his tongue sweeping my lips our tongues clashed against one another as I grew hungry with lust. I gently backed away and looked into his he was now as lost as I was.

"I think we should just sleep for now I don't want this to get out of hand just yet. But, if we do make this work and you do want this again we will take this as far as you want to go. I just don't want to rush." I said, hoping and praying he would agree so I could find him to be honest about his feelings and jump him.

"Ok, on one condition. You stay here with me the whole time I am here and I will show you how I feel." He smiled as I leaned in and kissed him once again. Through the night we lay curled up in one another's arms entangled in comfort and contentment

"Lance, I can understand why you lied but why did you freak out?" I asked while lying down next to him on the bed. I had thought he was asleep when he answered me.

"You were the reason I told them and I thought... Well, let's just put it this way I thought you figured it out and did not want to see me again. Then the guys tried to figure out what was going on and I wouldn't tell them I just sat there on the bus crying. Hell I had just let the cat out of the bag and then I slammed the door shut. I even tried to call you myself a few times. But, I couldn't I just cried harder. I guess that is when they took the phone from me. J.C. redialed your number that I had entered and you know the rest." He said while rolling over to look me in the eyes.

"Lance I had no idea it was you the real you until you looked at me on the bed. I thought to myself I was having one of my dreams about you again and all this would just stop as you disappeared. " I said, as he pulled me tight to his body.

"I'm not going anywhere and either are you. Delwyn, I have never been this close to anyone in my life. I have tried to get to know everyone. But, there has always been this wall between them and me because I was not telling them everything. Now you have changed all that and..." I interrupted him.

"Please don't say you complete me." I said as I grinned at him.

"No, actually I going to say you made me want to be a better man." He grinned this time. I only rolled my eyes and laughed with him.

Morning came all to soon as we still lay half awake half asleep me checking to see if he was still there or if it had all been a dream. Him thinking out his predicament. The guys came to the door at 8 o'clock sharp and knocked as I was rocked out of my dream state with Lance getting up to answer the door. I rolled over to find all of them starring at me now. I was in shock to see no expressions on their faces as Lance sat down next to me on the bed.

"Delwyn, we have to get up we are sorry but our schedule says we are to eat then we are off to the arena to practice. We all agree I want you there to see what we do. Will you come?" He said as I reached out to his face. Chris was grinning behind him as I made contact. Stretching I sat up and looked at all them for the first time really close as I noticed them starring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, no one has ever done this for us and here you are still dressed from last night. With bed head and he is back to normal. Well, with the exception that he is happier than we have ever seen him before. Normally it would take a hour to wake his ass up. But, man he got up after about five minutes." Justin said as I just started at them.

"Ok." I said while I lay back onto the bed and closed my eyes.

"Oh no you don't." Lance said as he began to tickle me and the guys grabbed the pillows from the bed.

"Oh no you don't J.C. yelled as he pelted Lance. I began to laugh at this as they all looked at me now and Lance took the pillow throwing it to me. He let it go and it hit me in the face as he tackled me back onto the bed.

"Guy's you really should not do this right now." Chris said, as Lance kissed me for the first time. I was in heaven at his little moment of passion but pulled back to look at him.

He beamed as he sat up and ran to the bathroom to get ready leaving the door open. I got off the bed and headed in after him.

"Ok, here is where the hour gets replaced." J.C. said, as all the guys laughed. I poked my head out and frowned a them as Lance exited the area very quickly.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked.

"Well, they are right if I stay in there your never going to get ready." I saw him High five Justin as he put a hat on.

"So, is this what I have to look forwards to every morning that I am here?" I asked rhetorically as lance brightened.

"Not every morning but thanks for reminding me." He sat down on the end of the bed as the guys all pilled onto the nearby couch.

As quickly as I could I washed my face straightened my clothes and headed back out into the room to find them all huddled and whispering. I thought this was strange but hen again they were like brothers and no secrets were kept any more.

"So, where do we go from here?" I asked as they all shot up out of their huddle.

"Breakfast." Lance said as we headed out of the room together.

We all ate rather quickly as J.C. read off our schedule for the day. I was rather impressed as he handed the list to me I read and found out the entire day was planned no unscheduled stops and no unscheduled minutes. I thought for a minute and then realized I had some phone calls to make. Pulling my cell phone out I got several looks from the guys as I dialed my parent's number.

"Hi mom, Um I have a question for you. I know it's early but could you have Jon bring me a change of clothes to the Florence arena latter. I will make sure on of the guard's get them to me. If that is ok with you?" All the guys had a puzzled look on their face. My mother asked me a question and I sat there listening.

"No the blue one would be best. Hey where is dad? I wanted to tell him he was right I can get over my obstacles. Ok you don't know what that means. Well, last night for the first time I drove since my accident and I made it no problems." I saw lance look at me with confusion and guilt on his face as I leaned over and nudged him in his side. "Look mom I am in a meeting this morning and I will explain everything latter. But, I am fine. I need to get those clothes by...." I looked at the schedule again. "6:30 this evening. Oh, and I will be by sometime tomorrow to tell you what is going on some time tomorrow. Yeah, that would be great mom! Thanks. Bye for now." I said and hung up the phone.

"So, what was that all about?" lance asked.

"Nothing" I said as I handed back the schedule to J.C. who was grinning as he looked at the schedule again.

"Yeah right. I'll get it out of you later." Lance said while leaning back in his chair stretching.

"I was just calling to get clothes really. Our Butler Jon will bring them by latter at the arena. I just need to get out of these clothes. No big deal." I said as I looked over at Lance.

" I can get you out of those clothes." He whispered as the guys continued to eat.

"Not yet you can't remember. Slow and easy." I said as the guys began to laugh hysterically.

"Not that! You guys have dirty mind's." I replied.

"Nope not dirty just full of idea's" J.C. said, as I blushed.

Part 2 By Blake

Next: Chapter 2

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