Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Oct 31, 1999


Hello all again! This is part number 12! Wow who woulda thought! Thank you to all readers and especially to those who have emailed me. Please send any comments or suggestions to RJ at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

Another "Lost and Found" should be out this week! YES ACTUALLY TRUE!!! So the wait is over for the mass of people who have emailed to read the next lenghty installment. Check out Mike's "Nick and Justin" as one of the many cool stories on Nifty.

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

`N Sync and RJ - Part 12 by RJ =====

Lance was seated next to the pool, lying on a lounge chair while his boyfriend swam in the crystal blue waters of the pool. RJ was busy tormenting some young teenagers in a game of pool basketball while Lance looked on occasionally, focusing more on just relaxing, reading the latest Rolling Stones magazine, listening to the new Garth Brooks CD. Lying on his lap was RJs cell phone, next to his CD player. It began to vibrate and Lance jumped slightly. He moved his earphones off and then brought the phone to his ear. "Hello," he answered.

"Hi, this is my son RJ's phone right," RJ's mother asked politely, yet shocked.

"Oh yeah, sorry, I'm Lance one of RJ's friends," Lance said quickly.

"Oh, I think he mentioned something about you once or twice, yes I am sure now, let me think," his mother paused.

"Its ok really," Lance started.

"No I want to get this right, he said you had the quote cute spiky blond hair he was thinking about getting, yes, that was it. Anyway, is my son around, I would like to speak to him, haven't talked to him in a while," his mother asked jovially.

"Sure, but he is in the pool right now, can he call you back," Lance asked.

"Of course, glad he is having fun. Lance you make sure he is having fun and make sure he gives me a call. Tell him his father says Hi, and wants to know if has met Melissa's cousin yet," his mother said.

"Ok, goodbye Mrs. J," Lance said, putting the phone down.

RJ splashed around, spraying water onto Lance for fun every couple of minutes, causing Lance to give scowling looks towards his love, as he placed his headset back on. RJ just ignored him as he was having a great time playing in the pool. JC and Justin walked up and sat down on the lounge next to Lance's.

"He certainly looks like he is having some fun," Justin commented.

Lance had his CD player on and didn't hear Justin speak to him. He felt a slap on his arm and turned his head. He saw JC and Justin sitting there smiling at him and quickly took off his headphones.

"Hey! Sorry, I was just listening to some music, I didn't hear you come over," Lance said as he rubbed his arm.

"I was just saying how I was gonna go have my way with your boyfriend if you didn't object, so, I think I have an appointment with that blond haired guy right there," Justin joked and started to stand. JC grabbed his waist and pulled him back down. "What do you think you are doing, I prescheduled a 12 noon, you don't have him till 12:30," JC laughed even harder at this.

RJ got out of the pool and walked over in his navy blue and black striped trunks, to where they were sitting, hearing their conversation. He walked up to Lance's lounge and sat down. "Well, you will just have to get me away from him first," RJ smiled.

"Awww isn't that sweet," Justin cooed, JC slapping his arm. "Quick being sarcastic, dork," JC joked. "OK daddy," Justin laughed. "Hey, you leg seems to be doing a lot better. How does it feel," Justin asked.

"It seems to be doing ok, I think the pool is helping it, but I still need to be careful," RJ said rubbing his leg.

"Well, even though it is fun to hang out with you all, it is kinda hot out here I am gonna head back. Care to join me anyone," RJ asked as he stood, noticing that there was now a wet spot on Lance's lounge where he had been sitting.

"Sure I'll tag along," JC said.

RJ went off towards the pool as JC stood up and ran after him, in his green trunks. "I think I am gonna go make sure he doesn't bother the kids too much," JC laughed and placed his sunglasses on as he continued to run.

"You know, you got my lounge all wet!!!!" Lance yelled back after them. Justin broke up in laughter as he sat there, and changed his position so he was reclining.

"I am so happy to be relaxing finally, and the tour just started. I am glad that the two of them can have fun and play around," Justin joked.

"Yeah, you are right, about both things. Plus, I am sure that the rest is doing both of us good," Lance smiled.

"What are you talking about," Justin asked.

"Don't give me the innocence look, one who has had sex, can always tell when someone else has also," Lance smiled devilishly towards Justin.

"You dog! I thought you guys weren't gonna do anything until after RJs leg got better," Justin asked as he turned his head towards Lance.

"Well, I thought so too, but one thing lead to another and it was wonderful," Lance smiled.

"I couldn't believe all that had happened until I woke up this morning, still in his arms. I am so happy," Justin giggled.

"I just thought everything was fabulous, I don't know how things could get any better," Lance sighed out.

"I know, things for us are pretty good, but tell me this, what about for Fatima and Melissa, I haven't noticed Fatima acting so bouncy on a tour before, and she just is happy. She also is hanging out with Melissa a lot too, look here they are now," Justin pointed to across the pool.

"Hmm, should we tell the cuties to go over and say hi, and do some investigative research," Lance asked.

"Nah, I am too hungry, lets order food and then get them to go over later," Justin nodded authoritatively.

"You just fit better as the man on top of things, you know, in control. You always are able to work out the situations and make the appropriate decisions," Lance said plainly.

"Well I wouldn't know yet about being on top, but I am sure I will find out soon," Justin giggled.

"HEY! This is a family environment, I wasn't referring to that Mr. Gutter-mind," Lance burst out laughing. "But I will let you know what its like as soon as I find out too," Lance smirked towards Justin, looking over the top of his glasses as he stood up and walked towards the table.

"Wait, what ya mean," Justin asked eagerly as he followed.


"Hey, pass the ball over here! I am open," RJ shouted as JC bobbed in the pool, being surrounded by kids.

"Go for it," JC yelled as he threw the ball over the children's arms and into RJs waiting hands as he slammed it in the hoop.

"HA! Another one for us, that makes it 4 to 1," RJ shouted and slapped a high five with JC.

"Yeah, well you guys are like 5 years older than us man," the little kid shouted.

"Sorry, geez! Hey look, they went over to the table finally. Must've gotten hungry," JC suggested.

"I think your right. You know JC, I am so happy to have met you guys, and besides the Lance and I thing, I mean I really am happy to have met you all and found such great friends," RJ said as the two hung around in the shallow end of the pool.

"Thank you RJ, that means a lot. I know in the past we have all had our little differences, but I think that things are going great. You know, I feel like I a growing closer to you every day," JC smiled and got out of the pool, followed by RJ.

"OW, wait up," RJ said, as a cramp hit his leg. "Maybe a little too much pool activity," JC smiled.

"That could be it," RJ joked.

RJ leaned on JCs shoulder as they reached the table where Justin and Lance were seated. They started to fool with the chair and bring over another one for RJs leg, in the process not trying to fall down.

"Here sir, let me help you with that," the nearby waiter smiled brightly and ran over to assist.

"That was very cool of you, thanks," RJ said as he sat and lifted his leg up.

"Yeah, thank you, uh...," Justin began.

"Jesse. The name is Jesse," the waiter beamed. He had a very attractive build, blond hair, blue eyes and a deep farmers tan that was visible over his white polo shirt and shorts. As he moved the chair and helped everyone get situated and comfortable, his arm rippled with the moving muscles. Jesse took the drink orders and made sure everything was ok at the moment. Justin smiled brightly back at Jesse, as he disappeared with their drink orders.

"You were flirting with him! I saw you," JC whispered loudly as he leaned towards Justin.

"No I wasn't! I just smiled back at him nicely. You're jealous! Besides, he would have to be interested in me if it was flirting," Justin giggled, knowing very well he was just a big flirt at heart.

Lance looked over towards the frowning RJ. He mouthed the words, YOU OK?. RJ smiled a little and nodded. He pointed to his leg and kinda told how it was slightly cramping up.

Jesse returned with the sodas and took out his pad and pencil to write down what they wanted.

"I'll have the classic burger with BBQ sauce," JC said.

"I think I will have the same, except no BBQ sauce, and can I have onion rings instead of french fries," Justin asked.

"For you, of course. Would you like anything else with that," Jesse asked, while unconsciously letting his hip touch Justin's shoulder.

"No, well.. I think I will have a chocolate milk shake too," Justin added.

"Alrighty, and yet you stay in such good shape, I wonder how you are able to do that," Jesse smirked and Justin smiled brightly and playfully flexed his arm. "And for you sir," Jesse asked as he turned towards Lance.

"I think I will have a club sandwich, and a chocolate shake," Lance nodded while going over the menu in front of him.

"That sounds good, make it 2," RJ added and then lifted his leg up to place the bandage back around the right spot.

"Gee, you guys are easy," Jesse smiled brightly and laughed slightly as he went to get the order filled. "We are not easy," JC muttered under his breath as Justin was still beaming. The four really didn't talk to each other, Justin and JC sat there complaining about whether or not Jesse and Justin were flirting and Lance started to bug RJ about his leg, after RJ had fiddled with it for more than 5 minutes.

"Are you sure you don't want to get that checked out again by the staff? It looks bad," Lance said with concern.

"Well, it isn't as bad as it was yesterday and remember, I am an EMT so I think I know what I am doing. Plus it really doesn't hurt that much," RJ smiled and then tried to hide his grimace unsuccessfully.

"It does hurt! Why do you try and hide it from me, you know I care don't you," Lance asked looking very upset.

"I know you care, I just usually don't show my softer side and things especially about something this superficial. It is really ok, honest I will let you know if it gets any worse, after all, you are gonna be next to me for almost the entire day and night, and then tomw and um the next day," RJ smiled and turned to face the others, who had come to a stand still in there discussion, were facing the center of the table. Justin spoke up brightly suddenly with an idea.

"Hey I know something, RJ did you hear that Melissa and Fatima are over here? They are on the other side of the pool," Justin pointed.

RJ turned his head and looked over and saw his friend and boss lying in the sun talking.

"Well, after lunch I am gonna go over and say Hi. Plus I am sure she will want to know that my leg is actually doing better, at least someone will believe me," RJ said and didn't bother looking back at Lance's expression of disbelief.


Melissa laid with her face towards Fatima and was having the best time ever. "You know, I haven't been able to just relax and take in the view for sometime now," Melissa commented.

"It is nice when we have these all day breaks like this. I would think that we should get more of them, especially since the guys seem to enjoy it too," Fatima said, pointing towards the guys who were sitting around the table across the pool from them.

"I also enjoy spending time with someone I can relate to finally for a chance," Fatima smiled.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Melissa agreed and stretched slightly.

"You know, if you want sometime, I can teach you some stretching exercises that could really help your posture and as well, increase your flexibility and stuff," Fatima eagerly offered, while watching the toned body of Melissa stretch and reach to the top of the lounge.

"That would be great, I miss my aerobics and toning class. I just enjoy these days too much, the holidays are just too much fun. I think tonight I wanna do something fun and exciting, since I am relaxing all day," Melissa thought outloud, looking back at Fatima over her sunglasses smiling.

"Well, why don't we do something, we could go out tonight. Yeah, would you like to go to dinner and then maybe dancing or something," Fatima asked. Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. `GIRL! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!!! What are you trying to do! Calm down! She hasn't said no yet, and it wasn't like you were asking her out on a date or anything, were you? Come on! Well wait for what she says, then panic, ok good idea!'

"I think that would be a blast! I would love to go, almost like a date," Melissa exclaimed and laughed. "I haven't been on one in forever," Melissa said eagerly. `Wait, what did you say? LIKE A DATE? DID YOU CALL IT A DATE? No, you said like a date, ok, maybe she didn't hear you.'

`OK GIRL, START PANICING!!! WHAT DO YOU DO NOW? A DATE? Do you think she meant it like that?' Fatima was starting to worry.

"Hey, wanna invite the guys along with us? They might wanna go for some of it," Melissa asked shyly. `Good thinking Melissa they can cover it all up, ok.'

"Sure, that would be a good idea," Fatima sighed greatfully. `OK you were saved this time, but watch it, until you find out if Melissa feels the same way.'

"Well, here is a good chance to find out," Melissa said, as she noticed JC and RJ coming over. Melissa took a second and removed her sunglasses. She rubbed her face slowly and thought to herself, `What do you do? Was it a good move to ask the guys along? Yeah, yeah it was, cause they will hide the fact it's a date thing, cause what if she doesn't feel that way about you? OK, good thinking to bring em along.'

"Hey Mel, what up," RJ smiled and waved as he arrived with JC.

"Hey guys what are you all up too," Fatima asked.

"Nothing much, just hanging around the pool and relaxing from a tough evening, I mean just relaxing and stuff from the show," JC said.

"That is good. The leg is looking better, but you need to keep that leg elevated RJ," Fatima said. "Especially if you are going to go with us tonight," Melissa continued.

"What do you mean," RJ asked.

"Well do you all wanna join Fatima and I for dinner tonight," Melissa asked, crossing her fingers in her mind.

"Um... sure Lance and I will be there, sounds good," RJ smiled.

"Uh... sorry guys, I have plans and I think Justin does too," JC shrugged his shoulders.

"That's ok, Lance and I will be there, you know just the important people," RJ joked. "Watch it or you will be limping back by yourself and Lance isn't going to come get your sorry ass," JC joked. "It will be a blast I can't wait, sounds like a lot of fun," RJ was ecstatic, as he ignored JC and focused back on the conversation at hand with Melissa and Fatima.

"OK, well we will see ya guys then, why don't we meet in the lobby like around 5:30ish or something," Fatima suggested.

"OK sounds good," RJ said as he looked at his watch. "We will see ya in about 3 hours," RJ smiled.

"Bye everyone, I just saw what time it is, and I have to get a few things done," JC nervously added.

The two started to walk back towards Lance and Justin. "Everything alright JC," RJ asked.

"Yeah, it is all good, just uh... need to get some things put together and organized," JC smiled.

"Well, if you need any help, just ask Guido here, if it can be done, I can make it happen," RJ said in his best attempt at imitating the Godfather.

"OK, will keep that in mind," JC smiled as they reached the table.

"How are they," Lance asked while finishing his shake.

"Doing great, and you and I have to get upstairs," RJ said to Lance with a devilish smile.

"What are you talking about," Lance asked while giggling.

"Well I wanna take a nap for my leg and Fatima and Mel just invited you and I do go out with them tonight," RJ said as he sat down.

"Cool! I think this will be great! When do we leave," Lance asked.

"Well we meet downstairs in like almost 3 hours," RJ said as he checked his watch, "So, I wanted to take a nap and I was gonna go upstairs now," RJ motioned.

"OK, well I will go with you," Lance smiled.

"Yeah, you two have that fun nap," Justin joked and winked.

"You shush! I am off, see you later sweety," JC quickly kissed Justin's ear.

"What you mean," Justin asked shock filled.

"Well, I uh, need to get some errands done and here come Chris and Joey to join ya," JC smiled.

"I don't like the fact that you are going to go, when we were going to hang around together today," Justin said with a pout.

"Don't worry, you'll have Joey, Chris, and," JC snapped his fingers and called Jesse's name, "You will also have Jesse here," JC joked and Justin smacked his arm.

"Yes sir? Can I do something for you," Jesse asked.

"Yeah, make sure he is happy," JC giggled and squeezed Justin's shoulder and walked off towards the lobby, as he buttoned his shirt.


Chris, Justin and Joey were busy talking at the table, an hour had passed since JC had left.

"Hey guys, you don't think he is cheating on me or anything, I mean you know how he slept with Lance, well kinda," Justin cringed at the memory of finding them, "I mean you don't think he is doing something like that again, do you," Justin asked.

"No, definitely not," Joey smiled.

"I am sure you will have to do more than just smack him to get rid of him. I don't think RAID makes a strong enough pest killer to kill JC's admiration of you," Chris joked.

"Your right, I am being silly," Justin smiled sheepishly and drank some of his coke that Jesse had just brought.

"So tell Joey and I, what is up with RJ and Lance everything good," Chris asked.

"Yeah as far as I can tell," Justin nodded.

"That is good, just checking I wanted to make sure," Chris smiled awkwardly.

"Why is that," Justin asked.

"Well as Chris and I walked to the front desk this morning to check on some things, I think her name was Kathy, she was hanging around Peter from lighting and well asking the desk all about where RJ was," Joey said.

"Really? You are kidding me," Justin said.

"No were not and guess what else? Chris said that Lance was talking to him that Kathy had been calling recently and stuff and I think RJ said that Kathy was his ex, yeah, she was in those pics and stuff, you know the whole blow up Lance and RJ had recently," Joey said.

"No, look, there they are now," Chris said and pointed to 4 tables over where Peter and Kathy sat down and were flirtatious with each other, but still Kathy looked around for something.

"This is gonna be bad, I mean really bad," Justin said as Jesse approached.

"You aren't looking very happy! What can I do for ya? Bring you food, cards, drinks, anything you name it. Even a massage, I am really good at those," Jesse smiled.

"As I said Chris, this is gonna be really bad," Justin felt sorry for Lance and RJ as he thought of the hurt that might be coming to them soon, especially after how happy Lance was this morning.


At 5:30, Lance stepped out of the bathroom for the 5th time. "Come on honey, you look great! I told ya, I loved your hair and outfit the first time," RJ said smiling.

"Are you sure? I just am so happy that we are going out and I am ecstatic that I am yours, I just want to look my best for you," Lance smiled sheepishly, "Did that make any sense," he asked.

"No not really, but if you try and look any better, you will be picked up by someone else," RJ smiled and kissed him once on the nose. "Now come on lets go," RJ pushed Lance slightly out the door.

They reached the elevator and Lance again fixed his hair in the mirror and adjusted his blue shirt. He wore black pants, Doc Martens, and a deep vibrant blue button down, that exposed his white undershirt at the top.

RJ had on a pair of white khaki cargo pants and a white tshirt with a pull over over that.

They reached the lobby and Fatima and Melissa were standing around waiting for them.

"OK everyone here, great! Ready? Lets go," Melissa pointed to a limo outside.

"Gee arent we being fancy," Lance smirked.

"Well we are gonna have fun tonight," Melissa joked and the 4 walked out of the lobby and got into the car.


"What is it JC? Why are you covering my eyes," Justin said annoyingly. "You know if this is your way of making up, so far it sucks," Justin said as he was still slightly upset from earlier in the day about being left alone.

"Just shush. We are almost there," JC said quietly. Justin heard a key and door connect and the door open, and JC pushed Justin in slightly.

They walked forward 10 feet into the room and stopped. "Not yet, not yet, one sec," JC said excitedly. He ran around and lit the candles quickly.

"OK, now!" JC moved Justins hands.

Justin looked around at the room, inside it had a roomservice table, and a small bunch of forget-me-nots on the the center and scattered about the table as decoration. There were candles mixed about the room giving sweet smells, and on the cd player, played a Cirque du Soleil album, adding to the mysterious environment that was being created in the room. The atmosphere was correct, everything was exactly as it should be.

Justin turned to look at JC and smiled goofily. "This is the best ever," Justin burst out. "It is so special, I love it," Justin again added.

"Well it not over," JC said. Along with the flowers and candles in the bedroom, JC turned Justin to face the master bathroom of the suite and the whirlpool tub was filled with bubbles and candles burned in one of the corners, as the jets made a humm that filled the room and swirled the water around.

"This is my present to you," JC smiled and lightly kissed Justin once on the lips.

"I love it," Justin smiled.

"Well, what do you wanna do first? Your choice," JC replied and bowed once.

"The bath," Justin said and quickly moved his hands the front of JC's shirt and undid the buttons in record time.

"Of course, you will be joining me," Justin smirked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," JC replied.

The two made their way to the tub, pieces of clothing falling along the way and ending on the floor. They made it to the tub and basically fell into it, splashing some water over the edges. They giggled and began their kissing session. They both caressed each other slowly and gently as they focused on each others mouth. Justin playfully took bubbles and placed them atop JCs head. He couldn't help but giggle. JC stopped his giggling by gently kissing him once and then sliding his hand down the front of Justins body to his member. JC slowly stroked it as he continued to passionately kiss his lover. Justin's tongue swirled in JCs mouth as he ran his own hands over JCs body. =====

Chris and Joey sat at the bar and watched Peter enter the bar.

"Well, this will be a good a chance as any to try and find out what the hell is happening here," Joey said.

"Yup," Chris agreed and the two made their way to Peter's table.

Peter looked up and nervously waved hi.

"Well, not to cut to the chase or anything, but, talk to us here, what is up," Joey asked.


"So I thought we would go to this steak house place, its downtown. Does that sound ok," Melissa asked.

"Sounds good," Fatima added.

"Yup great," RJ said as his hand was intertwined with Lance's in the backseat of the car.

`This is just so right,' Lance thought to himself.


JC and Justin had gotten out of the bath and were both in terry cloth soft fluffy robes eating the food on the edge of the bed. They occasionally would lean over and give the other a kiss or a quick peck. Things were just perfect. Their foreplay however didn't last long once the food was gone, they fell back on the bed and JC rolled over to face Justin who was on his back. JC and Justin once again kissed heavily and Justin giggled slightly as JC playfully licked his way down Justins chest, opening the robe as he went.

They laid there for a few moment and soon they were both naked and rolling around on the bed. JC rubbed his hands up and down Justin's back and their two rock hard members rubbed against each other. They playfully toyed with one another's members, as puppies play in a yard or on the rug in front of the fireplace. Justins hands roamed down JC back. JC moaned slightly as Justin's pelvis pushed up against JCs. The arousal and ecstasy was high and the two really had not engaged in any type of sexual activity, other than simply playing around. Precum was covering JCs penis, as it rubbed against Justin's front side and slowly slid down between Justins legs, as if with a mind of its own. Justin instinctively spread his legs slightly and JC slowly pushed forward with his hard member against Justin's hole.

"Yeah, uh... I want you in me JC," Justin moaned out as he continued to rub and kiss JC.

JC slowly started to push all the way in and began to start a rhythm of working in and out. JC and Justin were both happy, not because of simply the physical feelings but being together with someone that completed them.

JC picked up his rhythm and was lying flat again Justin, so that Justins member was rubbing against JCs rock hard stomach. JC quickened his pace even more and soon he could feel Justin coming on his stomach. As the first splash of warm cum hit JCs abdomen JC himself started to cum.

"Uh.. yeah," JC moaned out in ecstasy and collapsed on top of Justin.

"Can we just lay here the rest of the evening," JC asked quietly and seductively.

"I can't think of anything that is better," Justin said as the music played in the background and the candles flickered against the ceiling.

"Good night my love," JC whispered.

"Good night my twin," Justin replied.


Hope you liked it. EMAIL ME! I love it. I just had midterms and so that is what took so long. Work and school!!!! Let me know also if you want shorter quicker releases, or longer stories and more time inbetween them.

RJ at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 13

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