Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Nov 10, 1999


Hello all again! This is part number 13! Lucky number 13! I have a lot of stressful things right now in my life, with family illnesses and the like that are very traumatic, so I had to get this out and so another small on is coming soon. Thank you to all readers, authors, those who have put up with the late releases and especially to all those who have emailed me. A special thanks to Mike, Lauren, JM and Jess. Please send any comments or suggestions to RJ at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

"Lost and Found" part 6 IS out this week! YES ACTUALLY TRUE!!! So the wait is over for the mass of people who have emailed to read the next lengthy installment. Check out Mike's "Nick and Justin" as one of the many cool stories on Nifty as well.

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy and a very special thanks to =o)

`N Sync and RJ - Part 13 by RJ =====

RJ's hand sat in Lance's while the two looked out the side window, as the car sped down the street. Melissa across from Fatima, but the two of them always were in eye contact with the other. It looked as if the two of them were reading the other's mind. The car proceeded up the on ramp and continued its pursuit down the freeway in search of the restaurant club that awaited downtown.

Lance's hand occasionally would lightly squeeze RJ's, as if trying to get his hand to come alive. They didn't stare at each other, but somehow, each knew what the other were thinking about. RJ could see Melissa making cuddly faces, of how cute it was towards him and Lance. He kept saying WOULD YOU CUT IT OUT! with his eyes, but it was unsuccessful.

"So Lance, what is it like to have such a really special guy for your own," Melissa asked with a grin as she threw a look towards RJ. She always enjoyed embarrassing him, ever since he was a small child.

"Words can't describe it. It feels wonderful to know he and I share something special," Lance brightly said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, if only I could be so lucky," Melissa said.

"He, the right guy will come along sometime soon," RJ tried to show some happiness towards Melissa.

She laughed, "I doubt it, but we'll see," and she stretched her arms forward a bit.

Fatima sat there with a smile on her face and nervously rubbed her hands together slightly.

"You ok," Lance leaned over and asked her.

She was slightly startled and smiled back after a second, "Oh, yeah, yeah, its all good, just hungry," she was a bad lier.

"Well I am here," Lance whispered back, smiled and then leaned his head over on RJs shoulder for a moment and then sat upright.

"Was it difficult for the guys to accept you as a couple," Fatima asked suddenly, after a few minutes of silence.

"Um... I don't, I don't think that they had a hard time accepting it," Lance said shyly at first and then spoke up a bit at the end.

"Well, in reality, they didn't really object to the whole situation, because I feel that everyone was in shock, because the 3 of them all essentially came out in the first night, and after a small blow up, everything settled down as you see it now," RJ smiled and squeezed Lance's hand.

"Ah, so they really didn't mind and they were supportive? That is good," Fatima smiled. "Cause I wasn't really there for the whole fiasco, and I was just uh... wondering how it all happened, and how it all went," she smiled weakly again.

"Well, I wasn't there for the exact beginning, but when I showed up later, I saw that all things were really going as best as could be expected then," Melissa smiled widely and shot a look at RJ that reminded him of the look he got when she met him in the lobby that evening, stopping him from leaving. "You know, there were only a few cuts and bruises," Melissa quipped.

"Oh well, you know, those things are to be expected whenever you get multiple people fighting over such a find as Lance here," Fatima smiled and joked ever so slightly.

"Hey, there was never a fight over me, I was his when I first met him," Lance smiled and squeezed RJs hand.

"Yeah, I mean I only got decked once or twice by him," RJ joked and got punched in the arm by Lance who was now pouting.

The car pulled into the driveway of a huge tower hotel. The valet opened the door and RJ and Lance stepped out first, separating all ties as they got out of the car, followed by Melissa and Fatima standing shoulder to shoulder.

"This is a great looking place," Lance said.

"Wait till you see the restaurant and the observation deck," Melissa quietly whispered to the two of them, "they're on the roof," she giggled.

They all started to walk into the lobby and they were off towards the elevators, when RJs pager went off. He went to reach for it, and Lance grabbed it first.

"I wanna see who it is," Lance said like a two year old fighting.

He pushed the button and up popped a message he didn't expect. It was from Kathy. And it asked RJ to call her on her cell, she was out for the evening. Lance mistakenly hit the erase button, and mumbled OOOPS. RJ took it back and looked at the pager which read no messages.

"Who was it from," RJ asked slightly pissed off at Lance just taking his pager like that.

"It was from, uh... it just said error," Lance said as he cleared his throat. The elevator doors opened for them all to step in.


Justin rolled over and faced JC. He blinked his eyes open and saw JC looking at him with a large smile on his face. "Is this something I should know of? Do you often watch your boyfriends sleep," Justin asked while he nuzzled closer to JCs chest.

"No, I don't think I do it as a habit, I think I just watch you. I take in your scent, your body, the way it moves and rises and falls with each sweet breath and the curves along your side and the color and image," Justin quickly kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I get the idea," Justin cooed slid a hand up JC front, along the side and to his chest and finally stopping at his cheek, and then sliding back down, across his chest, over a nipple, down his abs, across the small trail of hair to his hardening member.

Justin stopped at the base and started to slide his hand back up again, towards his chin.

"You aren't mad at me are you? I mean about the whole Jesse thing, you know I an only interested in you and that I only was just having fun, right," Justin asked charmingly.

"Yes I knew, but still," JC said.

"Are you sure? I really am sorry about before, I didn't think it made you that upset," Justin cooed.

"It wasn't that I was upset, it was that I thought you and I were going to be this thing, this couple and then all of a sudden the extreme flirtatiousness started and I thought that it was because of something I did to you," JC explained while rolling over and laying on his stomach, facing the headboard and laying his head on his crossed arms.

"Wow, I totally screwed up, my bad," Justin said as he kissed JC's shoulder and then mimicked his position.

JC laughed under his breath at how cute this was and couldn't stay angry at him, after all he was sorry and he was just flirting.

"So JC? Does that mean that this was for earlier to try and prove something to me," Justin asked sheepishly and slightly embarrassed.

"Well, partly yeah. I did this so spend the time with you and really make sure you knew how I felt about you and so in part it was me saying that I really like you and this is how I feel," JC smiled.

"No one has ever done something like this for me. I thought that it was to make up for leaving me earlier," Justin tried to joke slightly, but then continued, "but no one JC has ever tried this hard to do or say something to me before. You didn't need to do this, you never needed to prove anything to me, I would have been yours from the first day if you had asked me," Justin said and laid his head against JC's shoulder.

"So you are saying that you would really be mine if I asked," JC said suggestively.

"I saw you and thought about you non-stop. No one could ever take you away from me, I could never see myself looking at you in any other way now. You never needed to do all this to prove anything to me, you never need to do anything to prove anything to me ever. I would be yours no matter what, even if you didn't ask," Justin said.

"Well then, I think that since we have already slept together, it says it informally, but, Justin Timberlake, can I be your boyfriend and would be mine," JC asked in his best acting ability to portray a Shakespeare play.

Justin started to laugh. "OF COURSE!" He got on his knees and faced JC and immediately the two were in deep kiss.

They fell back onto the bed and were wrapped in one anothers arms. JCs tongue slowly pushed forward into Justins mouth. Justin sucked on his lovers tongue once before it withdrew into its lair, beckoning his own to follow. Justin and JC laid there in a passionate kiss for almost 5 minutes in the real world, which to them seemed as if an eternity or that time had stopped.

JC broke the kiss with Justin and started to slide down his front, kissing gently and tracing a path with his tongue. He slid down and reached Justin's belly button. He playfully teased the area for a moment and then continued down towards Justin's now hard member.

JC looked up at Justin, as his head lowered to Justin's pelvis area. JC licked Justin's mushroom head and lowered himself down the shaft. Justin let out a soft moan as he felt JC close around him and slide down. Justin looked down and watched his lover raise and lower on his pelvis. Justin lightly rubbed the back of JCs head, and JC used his tongue to maneuver around the area as he raised and lowered his head.

JC pulled off the top and used his tongue to swirl around the tip as Justin moaned out in pleasure. JC continued to suck while bobbing up and down on Justin's tool. He lifted off again and used his tongue to trace a path down towards Justin's balls, as he gently stroked his lovers shaft with one hand and his own hardening member with the other.

"Don't stop JC, mmmmm, that feels great," Justin moaned out as JC leaned forward and slid up to Justins lips for a gentle and quick kiss.

Justin returned the kiss gladly, hesitatingly braking the kiss after letting JCs tongue exit his mouth. JC slid snake like back down Justins fronts, letting his hands glide their way until he once again felt Justins rock hard member hit JCs chin. JC closed his lips around it and continued where he had left off. His hands were set on Justins hips and abdomen as Justin rhythmically raised his hips to match JCs movements. Justin let out a few more quiet soft moans before arching his back and exploding hard in JCs mouth. JC swallowed fast and took it all as he used his tongue to bathe the now shrinking member. JC slid forward once again and laid down with his pelvis next to Justins, but his chest on top of Justins. He looked into Justin's eyes and smiled warmly.

"Did you like that," JC asked quietly.

"That was unbelievable, I just loved it," Justin cooed and raised his head to meet JCs waiting lips.

"Now you get to watch me sleep, until next time," JC smiled and laid his head down on Justins chest.

"You mean the evening isn't over," Justin asked, looking around at the candles, some already burnt out, and hearing the music that was still going, but this was the second time he had heard this song because it was on repeat.

"Just beginning," JC joked and laughed.

"That is what I was hoping for," Justin smiled and tightened his arms around his boyfriend and lover ever so slightly, as he listened to the rhythmic sounds of JCs breathing.


"This place is great," Lance said as they sat at a table in its own little `corner' of the circular glasswalled room.

"I thought you would like it, the views are just fabulous from up here, and outside on the balcony, they say you can see forever," Melissa said, while unconsciously starring at Fatima.

"I know what you mean, I think the buildings' lights on their rooftops here downtown add so much to the horizon," Fatima smiled.

"I think it is so cool outside and a perfectly clear site," RJ agreed while starring out the window.

"So RJ do your guys' parents know? Do they like it or anything," Melissa asked with a caring look.

"Well, I spoke to my Mom the other day, but didn't feel the time was right," Lance said shyly.

"Yeah I know what you mean, Mom and Dad have called a many number of times, but you know I just haven't been able to judge their response, my Mom is always busy with the business and Dad is always on location, you know Melissa," RJ said gently rubbing Lance's hand under the table cloth.

"I do know all too well, so promise I will be there when you tell them, because I am assuming they don't know, and I can help out," Melissa said with a bright smile to ease RJs slight worry.

"Your right they don't know," RJ said with a small sigh. But at the same time he said don't know, Lance said yes they do, which almost made RJ spit the water he was drinking.

"Hey watch it over here, this is velvet," Fatima joked.

"What do you mean they know," RJ said hurriedly.

"I spoke to your Mom this morning at the pool, and I told her everything, even that for being an ex dancer, you were still very flexible," Lance said with a devilish smile.

There was a moment of complete silence while RJ tried to think of the next thing to say. He thought was broken by Lance laughing.

"If only I had my camera, I am kidding I said nothing," Lance smiled and squeezed the cold and sweating hand in his own.

"Hey look over there, he is a familiar guy, where did I see him earlier Fatima," Melissa asked while pointing behind RJs head.

Lance turned around to look at saw walking towards them Jesse, the cabana boy from earlier.

"Hi all, I never knew you came here too, and everyone is so dressed up and sexy," Jesse joked a little and rested his hands on Lance's shoulders. Lance smiled awkwardly.

"Well we decided to try this place," Fatima smiled back.

"Well you can't go wrong, I am the host here at night and I will take care of everything, don't worry about a thing," Jesse smiled and lightly squeezed Lance's shoulders and then turned and walked off towards the kitchen.

"Looks like Lance has got himself a stalker," Melissa joked. RJ smirked and then looked over at Lance with a puzzled look, as if asking if she we telling the truth. Lance shook his head no, almost to the point of giving himself whipflash.

RJ settled back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling that was glittering with twinkling lights that looked like "stars" on the navyblue background. He sighed slowly as he took in the view. "Well it definitely will be an interesting night," he quipped and caught a glimpse of Melissa and Fatima in a very flirty conversation, both on their second drink. RJs was woken from his spell, by his cell.

"Hello," he asked quietly.

"Hi son, its Dad how are you," his father said plainly.

"I am doing good, can hear mom in the background," RJ said with a joke.

"Yeah, she is about to lose the phone, cause I am about to kill it, but she wanted me to call like fatherly duty and see how you were holding up," his dad said in a mock fatherly tone.

"I am doing great," RJ laughed.

"Mom tells me that you have made a really great new friend, Lance is his name I think," his dad asked.

"Yup, he and I are best friends now you could say, he is great, making this trip and adventure worth while," RJ smiled at Lance as he spoke.

"Well, have fun, don't stay out too late, can hear your out somewhere, talk to you really soon I hope, love you and you know I am proud of you," his dad said and hung up the phone.

"I love them, they can be so cool sometimes," RJ said.

"Yup, they're like that," Melissa nodded.


"Hey guys, nothing is up, really, what are you talking about," Peter said as he took a sip of his drink.

"So what has been going on recently Pete," Chris asked.

"I don't get what you are saying Chris," Peter looked down and the felt Joey lean in towards him.

"Ok, we are going to make this very very simple for you. Either you fill us in with the details, or your ass is gonna hit the concrete outside," Joey said, gritting his teeth.

"Look I told ya...," Peter started, stopped by Chris' hand that landed on his knee, digging in causing a lot of pain.

"So what is going on? Something tells me you know about his bag, the pictures, the brea... I mean the confusion everything has created... so fess up or Joey here is gonna latch onto something else more personal," Chris said angrily.

"...ok ok, Kathy is in town," Peter let out finally, his voice shaking from nerves.


To Be Continued...

Should have another out soon, let me know what you think, send EMAIL!!!! PLEASE!!!!! rjs_tales@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 14

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