Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Sep 11, 2000


Hello all again!

Thanks so much for the kind comments, and your votes for Worst Couple in Lost and Found!

This is the long awaited next installment... I guess it would be part number 14, but being as long as it is, it makes it parts 14 - ???

I want to give a special thanks to David @ Nifty, Mike, Lauren, and JM. Also a very very special wink and a smile to Jeff. 8^)

Please send any comments or suggestions to RJ at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

"Lost and Found" will be out very shortly. Mike is my partner in crime with that story.

It is possible, that I might be releasing small parts via email. Let me know if you want to receive these. Just send me an email to the address above and say HEY I wanna be on the list!

Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended.

`N Sync and RJ - Part 14 by RJ ===== Jesse saw the group and looked at what they all were wearing. "Yum, he looks good," Jesse mumbled to himself as he made his way towards the table. "Now calm down a little Jesse, I know you like a lot of em, but, try not to be too overly obvious," Jesse continued as he finally reached the table.

"How is everything so far," Jesse asked as he floated by the table, slightly leaning on RJ.

"Everything is great! The food is fabulous, I can't believe you went to the trouble of asking the chef to do this, and not letting us order off the menu. It was really special, thank you," Melissa said while sipping her wine. The alcohol had made her slightly jolly filled and she wasn't at all of sound mind to notice that her enjoyment of Fatima being along had spilled out into her conversational skills.

"I can," Lance mumbled and poked his food, hearing Jesse's voice reminded him of the page that he had earlier deleted. Jesse's hanging on RJ, in a flirtatious manner, and his sweet voice, simply brought forth images of the pager and who it was that had paged RJ. Lance thought of this and sunk in his chair slightly and didn't even try to hide his jealousies.

"Well, think nothing of it, only the best for you all," Jesse replied and walked off with a little squeeze of RJs shoulder.

"He is being really nice don't you think," RJ smiled at Lance, trying to get Lance to see what RJ was thinking. But it didn't work.

"He definitely is," Fatima continued and took another drink out of her glass, showing her disapproval as to how Jesse was not hiding his lust for two of the groups members now, Justin and now RJ.

Melissa's cell phone rang and she picked it up slowly, clearing her throat. "Hello," she answered.

"Hi Mel, its Debra," RJs mother was on the phone. Melissa looked up at RJ and mouthed to him who it was and then she continued on her conversation as RJ looked out the bay window to the balcony outside. There was no one on it. He reached over to Lance's hand and tugged once.

"Come on you," he joked, excused himself from the table and walked to the door to the balcony, Lance following him a few feet behind.

"He looked kinda upset," Fatima said to Melissa as Melissa was becoming more and more excited. Her conversation evolved to a joy filled bubbly teenage girl conversation and she jotted a few things down on a small napkin in front of her. Fatima was trying to get Melissa to notice how upset Lance had suddenly gotten. She noticed it right as Jesse had approached and knew why he was jealous, but not why he was upset. She tried to get Melissa to communicate with her about this, to either confirm her thought or to get Melissa to inform Fatima about a new found trait of Lance's, the ability to mood swing suddenly. Melissa was able to successfully ignore all attempts by Fatima.

"Hold on one sec D," Melissa moved the phone. "Hey Fatima, what are you doing for thanksgiving, its only a few days away you know," Melissa asked with a smile.

"Nothing, that I know of," Fatima started to say.

"Good, you are hanging with me," Melissa smiled brightly and returned to her conversation.

"Ok Debra, that should be great, they have a concert that night, but we should be able to arrange all of that. This is so nice of you to do this, you don't have to you know," Melissa said.

"I really want to, plus it will be nice to see RJ again," his mother joked.

"Well I will let him know," Melissa started.

"NO, there is a note on his door at the hotel supposedly. Just tell him that everyone is going, and I even invited Kathy," his mother almost proudly announced on the phone.

"Um, are you sure you want to do that," Melissa asked while shaking her head.

"Well it wasn't my idea, my P.A. told me that Kathy called and wanted to get together with him over the holiday. She thought it would be a great idea for her to join us since they are an item still, right? I mean, that wasn't a bad thing, right?" Debra asked cautiously.

"Well let's just say that it could be bad," Melissa said trying to think quickly, "The two of them haven't been getting along all that well recently," she finished.

"I will try and find her, or have Susan do it tomorrow. If you think its best she isn't there, then perfect I will take care of it. I want this holiday season to be the best for all of my friends and family. Especially RJ, he had a tough year. I just thought that it would be good for RJ, thought maybe he missed her, that is why I was so proud it had worked out that way," Debra said.

"Well, RJ let me in on a few details that I think could lead to something bad, I think you are doing the right thing by seeing if you can get her not to show up. I will call you later D, and do you mind if I bring a guest," Melissa asked quietly.

"No please! Bring everyone you want to, the house is huge, you know that. It is a shame we never get to use it that often. The only thing you can't tell RJ is that I had the gixer, his motorcycle, brought back there, so he could ride it again. You know he didn't get to ride it before he left because of a lot of crap that was going on in getting it repaired," his mother said.

"That will be great, I know he has mentioned it to me once or twice so I will definitely keep my mouth shut about that one," Melissa said.

"Oh shit! Honey, can I talk to you later? Another call coming," his mother said, with a somewhat New York business accent.

"Sure," Melissa said with a little laugh.

"So am I gonna like this thanksgiving," Fatima asked.

"I think it will be the best ever," Melissa smiled and put her phone in her purse.


"Kathy is in town," Joey asked calmly.

"Yeah Kathy is in town, that is all that is going on, so what are you all up to doing here this time at night," Peter tried to change the subject.

"No, you aren't getting off that easily. What is up with Kathy in town? Why is she in town, and why is she with you," Chris said with anger in his voice.

"Kathy and I are going out, we met last summer, she is my girlfriend." Peter tried to lie, badly.

"Well, what do you mean, you two couldn't have, RJs pictures had dates on them," Joey said, trying to catch Peter.

"Well then uh, I don't know why she is here, I thought it was cause of me," Peter tried to laugh.

"Joey, I think we are going to need a new electrical grip, don't you think so? Cause I believe this one has 30 seconds before we introduce him to our friends over there in the blue shirts," Chris said as he pointed to their bodyguards who were getting some food.

The guards nodded their head and smiled menacingly at Peter, as one smashed a nut in his grip.

Joey slammed his fist down, now enraged, "That is it you piece of shit! Our friends are going to get hurt if that bitch is around here. You tell us now what the fuck is up and what the hell is going on or I will kill ya without their help," Joey exclaimed as quickly as he could.

Peter stood up suddenly and looked at the two of them in the eyes.

"It doesn't matter, she is here to get RJ back for herself. She says they still love each other and she has been trying to get him back for sometime. For some reason he is always around you guys and he is sharing a room with Lance, so she hasn't had a chance yet. Every time she tries to have you separated you always find a way back. George was only a little help trying to instigate something, but still you are always clingy. Well, it won't last long. She will make herself victorious so she says, I would watch out and there is nothing you can do," Peter said firmly and commandingly. He slammed down his last drink and put it back on the table. He turned, took one step and fell flat on the floor.

"Should we move him," Chris said while laughing.

"No," Joey said laughing along.

"Well, what do we do now? How are we going to tell Lance and RJ, that the bitch of the west and east, is here to ruin their new forging life," Chris asked.

"I don't think we need to tell them yet, or ruin their evening out. Nothing has happened yet, all we know is that she is in town. I don't want to create anything false that might hurt them. Anything we say will enrage Lance, you know that, he is very worried about losing RJ as it, because he feels inadequate or something, he said so himself this morning, you were there. He will get worried and then we will have something else on our hands. Right now we just gotta think," Joey said.

"You are right, let's get another drink and think some more," Chris said as he tried to wave down the waiter.

"No we can drink later, better idea right now, we gotta try and beat the bitch at her own game," Joey said as he started to run off.

"Wait a sec, I thought we were just going to wait till after the drinks," Chris whined pathetically as the two exited the mostly deserted bar.

===== `N Sync and RJ - Part 15 =====

"Why did you drag me out here," Lance asked, speaking in almost a mumble.

"Well Mr. Sourpuss, I wanted to first tell you that I am sorry," RJ said as the two reached the farthest corner of the balcony, just beyond the windows of the restaurant.

"For what," Lance asked with a sense of confusion in his voice, causing his sulking face to leave for a moment.

RJ pulled Lance around the corner and gave him a light kiss on the nose. "I am sorry for getting mad at you earlier, with the pager thing. I shouldn't have gotten so upset. I mean, you would never have done anything malicious against me. You said it said error anyway, and I trust you. I.. Will you forgive me for being a big dork about such a small thing," RJ asked with a puppy dog face.

"Gee I don't know. I think I will have to ponder this one," Lance said now joking on the outside, but on the inside the words RJ had uttered echoed painfully. "I trust you, I trust you"

RJ slapped Lance's arm and giggled quietly. "Of course I forgive you, how could I stay mad at my boyfriend," Lance smiled brightly and felt RJ kiss his lips gently. Lance took a second to follow suit and return the kiss.

"I gotta learn not to overreact like that, then again, who am I talking to," RJ joked and Lance pouted, a little more playfully this time.

"You know, I have an idea, why don't we ditch the stalker and leave the two lovebirds at the table alone so they can get to know each other a little more," RJ suggested playfully while his arms are wrapped around Lance's waist, slowly raising one up the small of Lance's back.


"Tushy what are you thinking," Justin cooed as he felt JC turn over in his arms and heard him let out a sigh, not of happiness or contentment, but more of thought and concentration.

"What the hell is Tushy," JC said with no emotion.

"Just my new nickname that you will have if you don't talk to me here," Justin shot back.

"Was it that obvious," JC replied with a quick chuckle.

"Kinda," Justin replied and lightly stroked JC's hair, "and the fact that you kinda learn what the one most dearest to you is thinking, so, either you are forever known as Tushy, or what ARE you thinking about," Justin asked.

"RJ," JC replied quietly, and turned his head away from Justin.

Justin stopped his movements and seemed to stop breathing, more out of pure astonishment then anything else. Justin wasn't shocked for fear of losing JC, but shocked that JC would be in such deep thought about someone he met only a little while ago, at a time like this.

"Not the answer you were expecting," JC asked while looking back up into the eyes of his boyfriend.

"I.. I guess you could say that," Justin said as he tried to laugh off the cold feeling that had washed over him.

"Well, you always said I had a way of surprising you and keeping you on your toes," JC smiled, then gave no expression at all.

"But right now, I think we would both rather be lying down, then on our toes! So Josh, why RJ," Justin pried farther, now continuing to rub JCs hair once again.

"I.. I don't know, I can't tell you why. Its not that I don't want to tell you about it or to discuss it or anything.. Its just I close my eyes to go to sleep and he comes into my mind. I just don't know why he is there," JC said. Breaking eye contact between himself and Justin.

"JC," Justin began, removing his hand from JC's head and placing it down next to him as he rolled over onto his back, lying still looking up. JC still on his side, only noticing the hands that were around him, now were gone.

"At your service, what can I do for ya," JC joked, tickling Justin's side a little bit.

"Can't you ever be serious, cause I am trying to be serious here," Justin replied without laughing.

"Oh, ok, yes," JC corrected himself and rolled over onto his stomach, facing the now sitting up Justin. Justin leaned back against the pillows, the lights to the room, off except for a lamp in the corner, casting a warm glow everywhere. The doors to the balcony, slightly ajar, a cool breeze ruffling the curtains. Justin's defined upper body relaxed against the stack of pillows, while folding his arms across his chest. His head tilted slightly back and eyes penetrating the ceiling's paint, as if to determine what color the wall truly was.

As JC's eyes glanced across Justin from his curled blond hair, down his fine features to his meticulously edged chest and body, until he reached the beginning of the trail of hairs leading from his belly button downwards, only to have his vision's quest cut short by the sheet, lying motionless and clumped slightly at that point on Justin's body. Can't tell if the clump is from something making the bulge or if it is truly the just sheet rolling and rolling over and over on itself. The sheet, which spanned between Justin and JC was the only item connecting the two individual bodies now. Traveling from the sheets resting heap on Justin's body down across the empty space to where JC laid, on his stomach, head towards the general direction of his lover.

The sheet raised off the bed and elevated itself to a plateau. It hugged tightly to JC's body, going over the first cheek, then clearly showing the indentation, and following over the second before returning to the bed. The sheets edge only came up on JC's body as far as the top of his butt, from there, the paler skin turned darker as one followed up his tan, defined, muscular, strong, broad back before reaching his powerful shoulders and short black hair. His left foot stuck out into the cold air from under the sheets. He occasionally lifted it and swung it back and forth, playing such as a young boy. His elbows propping up his body, he had a slight smile across his face. His hair, like Justin's, showed a little of their previous romps.

His eyes trying to penetrate Justin's defenses, not being successful, now toyed between focusing on his lover's body and trying to make eye contact. The sheet that covered them and flowed between their bodies no longer kept its warmth, the room, the event, and everyone involved had become cold.

"Justin, what is it? Talk to me, this silence is deafening," JC said, at first, extending his hand and then withdrawing it after Justin didn't move or change his position, to grab or take hold of JC's loving warm extension.

Justin tilted his head down and looked through JC. He could see into the green eyes and tried to connect to JC's soul, via the windows that the soul has, the eyes. He wanted to know that JC was hearing what he had to say and that he had JC's full attention.

"Upon first laying eyes on you, on the set of MMC I think really, only being reinforced when we started this group, you and your eyes, your face, your shiny hair, your body, your personality, even your quirky smile always came to mind every time I needed someone to talk to, to hang out with, to lean on. Anytime I needed a friend. I liked you. Anytime I needed to think of something that meant the world to me, it was our friendship. Then as time progressed and I knew my feelings for you weren't strictly platonic, and that I had an inkling towards you, my dreams and wildest fantasies were proven true by none other than you. When we got together now through weird circumstances, and you confirmed for me that you had the same feelings towards me, it has been the best time of my life ever and I just..," Justin blabbed out in one continuous breath.

JC stopped him by getting louder and louder, finally shouting, as he repeated, "JUSTIN! WAIT!". Once he had his attention, he continued, "What is it that you are getting at," JC poignantly asked.

"Do you love me JC? I know you are here with me tonight, and you created this evening for us, but.. Right now, part of me also feels that you are here with me and you are my boyfriend, because you know that is what I want, not because of what you want. That you are here because its better to have something than nothing, that you are here with me right now doing the things and sharing the things we have done and shared in the last few hours because you felt pressured to get a boyfriend or to hook up with me, since everyone else, including who was really on your mind, was already taken," Justin began as he slid his hands up to his face, rubbed it once and the slid them back down his body and finally to the bed itself. "I want you to be happy, like I am, and I don't think you are. I want you to be happy so much, that I would be willing to get out of this bed, grab my clothes and leave, even though it would hurt me, because it would make you happy," Justin finished slowly, toying with the sheet as if he was to put his suggestion into effect.

"JC, I mean, I know I want you forever. You could propose to me right now, under any circumstances and I would accept it and be happy for the rest of my life. I also know you don't feel the same way, so I ask, Do you love me," Justin repeated, seeing the blank look of astonishment on his lover's face.

"Are you done yet," JC asked Justin as he sat there clearly contemplating his answer carefully in his mind.

"Yes I think so," Justin replied as he quickly thought if he had left something else out.

"Justin, I.. I need to be honest with you," JC began slowly yet complete care and honesty in his voice. He reached out and grabbed Justin's fleeting hand, and held it tightly, not letting it run for cover.

"Justin, I don't know what I want right now," JC said.

===== `N Sync and RJ - Part 15 =====

Kathy walked out of the elevator and down the hallway. The effects of her few drinks were obvious to the onlookers, if there were any. She slowly came to a stop in front of RJs room. There was a manila envelope on the door. She opened the flap and reached inside and took out its contents.

She dropped to the floor and sprawled the 4-page fax from RJs mom out on the floor and began to read from the top.

She suddenly burst out laughing as she read the plans for the upcoming holiday time. If anyone had been on that floor and even a crack of a door was open, she would've been found out. She collapsed onto the floor and continued her laughing as she read. She couldn't believe it all.

"I swear, that woman is so dumb. The only thing she is good for, is her income. That is why I will really like marrying into this family, they will definitely keep me comfy with everything. She is hysterical, I can't believe she is doing this," Kathy said outloud and brashly.

She then reached the last paragraph.

"I am glad you will be bringing your new friends along, and I have also invited someone special for you. Bye Love you mom."

Kathy shook her head.

"No this just isn't going to cut it. We can't have this note arriving on schedule. Let's you and I go back to my room for a little editorial commenting," she said.

She gathered up the stuff and stumbled off out the exit door to the staircase.

She reached her floor and her room. The door flew open as she leaned her wait on it from not being able to stay upright anymore. As she once again got off the floor, she saw that her "traveling companion" wasn't back yet from the bar. A minimal, almost unmeasureable amount of concern washed over her as she then thought where he could be.

"Where the fuck is Peter?!?!? I swear, one minute he acts like he wants to eat me out all night long and the next he is off with his group," she complained and stumbled.

This soon passed and the door shut as she began her plot.


"So, how we gonna leave," Lance asked. "Its gonna be kinda obvious if we just disappear," he reminded RJ.

"Well, then I know exactly how I am going to do it," RJ smirked and gave one last quick kiss before starting a brisk jog into the restaurant. Lance's mind had forgotten momentarily, about the earlier events, and he laughed slightly as he followed after RJ.

"Hey, Fatima," RJ said as he sat down at the table. When he saw Lance arrive, he stood up again and waited for Lance to sit, before he re-seated himself.

"How was the balcony? Is it worth visiting," Melissa asked brightly.

"It was great out there," Lance smiled. "The view was unbelievable and tonight you can see for almost ever it seems," he finished.

"Also, in case you are wondering, the closed off corner to the right ain't bad either," RJ laughed slightly.

Lance turned a bright shade of pink and slightly sunk into his chair, as he heard Melissa and Fatima giggle at what RJ had said.

"Oh come on, I'm sorry, just teasing," RJ said as he leaned in close to Lance and whispered in his ear.

"Well, it wasn't funny," Lance pouted.

"Hey now Lancey, its not like Fatima and I thought you were out there checking out star constellations, or counting the number of lights on in that skyscraper across the street. We have hormones too you know, we knew what was going down. We weren't born yesterday you know, I mean even though Fatima here looks like she just turned 20. With the horndog that RJ is, I can't believe you two are able to function, walk normally, let alone be in public," Melissa said smiling, causing Lance to laugh and RJ to blush.

"I mean its true," Fatima added. "I thought definitely that once Melissa told me what was going on, that RJ would never leave his hotel room. I remember this one time on the bus, after a rehearsal and tough concert that Lance," she began but was cut short by Lance loudly saying AHEM.

"Shush you, that sounded interesting," RJ giggled. "That would have contained some serious black mail material, I wanted to hear it," RJ complained.

"Yeah it was juicy, that is why you aren't going to hear it," Lance smiled and stuck his tongue out.

"Just check your voicemail later RJ, I won't leave my homeboy hanging," Fatima said slyly as she and RJ hi-fived each other across the table.

Melissa smiled and got an idea. "Hey RJ, I know you two are having a great time with us and all, but if you two wanna take off and go anyplace, that is fine, there are actually two cars downstairs for us, just in case," Melissa smiled and winked at RJ.

"Great! Which one do we take," RJ asked as he stood up.

"I think you will actually know which to take once you see what is there. Make sure you ask for Gregg, and then after that, make sure you are at least IN bed by 3am. I mean it, I don't wanna have to search after Lance, I mean, RJ your replaceable, easily, but Lance is one of a kind," Melissa said motherly.

"I know what you mean he is special," RJ beamed.

"But Melissa, I uh.. don't think that will be a problem, cause its only a little after midnight now, and I planned on being there much sooner," Lance smirked.

"Well you two could still get driving and lose track of time," Fatima coined in.

"Actually that wasn't what I was referring to, I was referring to," Lance began but was cut short by RJ looking at him with huge eyes saying SHUSH and Melissa and Fatima both chiming in, "I think we are gonna be sick Lance, come on, doesn't that thing ever sleep," they both asked.

"Thank goodness it doesn't," RJ smiled.

"Can we please stop nagging on me," Lance complained.

"Ok you two, GET LOST! NOW," Melissa half-barked.

"I mean you should really see it Mel, it like almost has a mind of its own," RJ continued to tease about his boyfriend's member.

"Maybe I was wrong, did you want to leave and not finish this tour? Well if you do wanna stay here with us, then leave," Melissa said sternly, but yet in an auntie type of way.

The two stood up, thanked them for dinner and headed off towards the elevator. The doors closed silently, and immediately, Lance turned and planted a deep kiss on RJs lips. His tongue slowly worked its way across his lips and methodically and rhythmically slid into RJs mouth. RJ, first stunned, responded and moved his hands up Lance's back, causing his shirt to become untucked. The kiss was great. Lance stepped back one step and smiled brightly, wiping his mouth slowly, while also trying to tuck his shirt in.

"One more of those, and I don't think we will last to the hotel," RJ joked.

"I wonder what car she got for us," Lance asked.

"Well, I don't know, but we are about to find out right now," RJ said as the doors once again opened and the two started to head out the lobby towards the area where they arrived in. A few people turned their heads as they recognized Lance, but before they could act on their devious minds.

In front of the two, stood the limo that they had arrived in. They walked around the car and saw the driver leaning against the car talking to one of the other fellow drivers that had come over from another car.

"Hey Gregg, what is up? Melissa told us to ask for you," RJ chirped up as he strolled over to where the two stood.

"Oh, uh.. yeah, that's right, I almost forgot about it. Here you go, its parked in the back of the hotel, in spot number 432," Gregg said as he placed the cigarette into his mouth. The cherry on the end brightly lit up as he took a drag, while sticking his hand into his coat pocket and withdrawing keys to a car. He tossed the keys to RJ and as if in a movie, they seemed to fly in slow motion.

RJ caught the keys and looked at them intently. He then looked up and into Gregg's eyes. "Your kidding right? I mean, this isn't what I think it is, is it," RJ asked in astonishment.

"Are you kidding? Its that alright, Melissa said you would think it was familiar, but that is all she said," Gregg finished and turned his back towards RJ, as if to signal the conversation had ended.

"OH MY GOSH!!!!" RJ yelled and grabbed Lance's hand.

"Come on slow poke! This is gonna be great," he yelled and tugged Lance along.

"Ow, you're hurting my hand. Watch it, HEY," Lance tried to object but was pulled right along at the breakneck speed that RJ was running in.

"I think I am gonna be sick, if I keep running! Remember, you are the one with the dancing background, I am only used to riding this fast," Lance bellowed out.

"You don't ride fast at all," RJ smirked back, causing Lance to blush even more than his flushed face as he was running behind RJ.

"Only 4 more spaces," RJ said and then stopped short, Lance bumping into him from behind. "Lance, calm down, there will be plenty of time for that later, but first, look at this," he said kinda joking and squeezed Lance's hand once and then they both stared ahead.


"Justin, I don't know what I want right now, at least for long term, for the future of permanence and growing old together with the 3.6 picket fences and the 1.2 dogs," JC began, Justin ready to turn his head away and get out of bed, but resisted and listened very carefully to what JC said next. "I do however, know exactly what I want right now and for tomorrow and at least the next week, and maybe longer," JC stated with passion in his voice, "I want you, Justin Randall Timberlake,".

"I dealt with my own problems, and loves and struggles. I mean you were there too. When I first tried to come out and make a move, for Lance at the time, he wasn't going to be with me. You and I then were almost FORCED to spend time together and PUSHED to be together. It was then that my love for you grew. Yes, love,". Justin looked up and smiled, not knowing it at the time but the words FORCED and PUSHED, would come back to haunt him more and more.

"Not some type of puppy love, or lusting love, or gee nice shoes and you can dress unbelievably well and your dancing ability, therefore wanna fuck love. Simply pure I LOVE YOU and ONLY YOU, love," JC stated slowly and made sure that Justin heard him. Justin looked right into JC's eyes. "Really," he asked like a small child not believing something.

"Yes, right now I know that I love you, and I want to be your boyfriend and I want you to love me back. I want to be here in bed with you and no one else. And I want to make love to you, and have you make love to me. I want us to do everything together. I don't want anything or anybody else but you," JC said returning the bright smile and sliding forward to give Justin a kiss on the lips. As he slid forward the sheet remained in place and his body emerged from it, first revealing the top of his butt, but then revealing the rest of the two cheeks and crevice in-between.

"Brrrrr, it's a little chilly," JC giggled slightly as his lips parted with Justin.

"Well, then, lets get under the covers," Justin smiled as he helped to scoot himself and JC under the covers.


"It was nice to have dinner with them," Melissa said.

"Yeah, it was, I am glad I got to actually meet and spend time with Mr. Bass, I mean with RJ," Fatima joked and sipped her wine.

The two had moved over to a table next to the bar, right next to the bay window. It was a beautiful night and completely clear.

"You know, uh.. I think that they do make a good couple and more importantly, I think that they prove that the group will accept any um.. future same sex relationships," Melissa said while lost in her swirling drink.

"Um.. what do you mean by future, are there any others that I don't know about in the group," Fatima asked trying to divert the focus of the question off of her.

"I don't think so, but I am not sure yet," Melissa said while looking and making eye contact with Fatima. "The researchers and undercover cops are still investigating," Melissa joked.

"You are cute, I uh.. mean you're funny cute, no wait, I mean you're funny," Fatima stuttered out trying to correct her obvious slip.

"What did you say," Melissa said, lost because of suddenly loud music emitting from the bar.

"Oh, I said you were funny," Fatima repeated herself and ordered another drink.


The two of them had been tumbling under the covers for at least a half an hour now.

"I love you Justin," JC whined as he was busy kissing and rubbing his hands everywhere.

Justin was currently lying on top of JC and their two rock hard members were dueling their own battle as the two kissed, completely submerged under the sheets.

"Oh Justin, I want you in me," JC moaned.

"Are you sure you want that JC," Justin said inbetween gentle kisses on JCs chest.

"Ooohhh, yeah," JC said as his hands rubbed Justin's curly hair.

Justin slid his body down JCs front, drawing a map with his tongue as he reached JCs base. His tongue slid up to the tip and swirled around in the already forming precum, and then slid back down the other side towards JCs balls and continued down towards JCs ass.

Justin's tongue slid behind JCs balls and touched JCs virgin pink rose. JC had spread his legs apart and lifted his knees towards his chest as Justin's tongue probed and danced around JCs hole. He used his finger to massage and rub in his saliva and gently slid in one then two and finally three fingers to prepare JC for his large member.

JC moaned out in pure pleasure, his eyes closed, he started to create an image in his mind, a smooth body raising over him, lights dimmed out so no face could be seen. JC felt Justin enter his body and let out a quick sigh and Justin moaned in pleasure. It was Justins first time too. He bent down and started to kiss JCs lips, which soon lead to deep passionate, tongue filled kisses.

JC still in his dream. Moaning out and enjoying every moment that his lover is spending with him. Still looking intently at the dark figure that is kissing him and making love to his virgin ass. The window's curtains blew open a bit and light shined across the tanned, blond headed figure that was thrusting more and more into JCs ass.

Justin still making sweet love to his boyfriend gently kissed his lips and slid over to his neck.

JC opening his eyes now and seeing Justin's face. He kissed back and enjoyed every moment, as he shut his eyes again, entering the dream world, he didn't see the same shape of Justin. Yet his pleasure increased still more as he thought of this unknown lover.


RJs mum walked down the grocery aisle as quickly as she could. Ever since she got the new NOKIA with the built in handsfree attachments, she was endlessly using her phone.

"Alicia, its ok honey, I forgot to add these things to the list earlier, honestly, I don't mind picking up the items, just don't let my husband leave for the airport until I get there. I don't care if he misses the plane, he can take the next flight out," she said as she wizzed by grabbing this, and throwing that into the basket.

She reached the checkout area and saw her favorite checker, who of course, waved her over into her lane, ignoring the fact that the 10 items or less express cash only lane had just been violated by this hollywood bigshot wheeling the motherload of snacks and beverages and food, wielding in her hand the almighty powerful American Express card.

"Debra how are you honey," Carmen said as she ignored the other people in line as they yelled out.

"Doing good, but I just wanted to grab a few things for here and then take the rest to NY with us, cause we are meeting RJ there for Thanksgiving," Debra smiled and ate some of the lime and chile baked lays.

"That should be fun, I haven't had a white christmas or a white anything in so long honey," Carmen sighed.

"That's ok, soon you will, but I must be off. The Ol Goat is leaving in 15 minutes and I need to check his packing," Debra smiled and started to walk off towards the car in her jeans, penny loafers and turtleneck.

"Perfect, here you are, have a good holiday," Debra smiled as she tipped the bag boy. Things in her life were heading pretty much smoothly, she couldn't see anything on the horizon that was a problem.

She flew into the driveway and ran inside finding her husband sitting there playing solitaire on the computer.

"Did you plug the laptop in like RJ said, so it would be charged for the plane," Debra asked as she set down the one bag she brought in, her purse with the chips bag sticking out the top, and bent over to kiss him on the lips.

"I did, and Alicia checked my packing, she thought I did a good job, and I was just waiting for the car to show," RJs dad smiled brightly.

"I am glad. Now, you remember that you are meeting us at the house in New York right," Debra asked as she fiddled with her Palm Pilot.

"I remembered, but did you remember to ensure we had all the bedding done and extra beds and couches set up properly to house everyone," RJs dad snickered and took one last sip of his beer as his wife almost died in astonishment of having forgotten a huge part of this trip.

"You're right, I didn't remember that at all, I gotta make sure it can be done so quickly and that Jack can come in and fix everything up," Debra said as she ran around kitchen.

"Honey, do you know where Jack might be right now? I need to reach him," she asked as he kept his cool and finished packing his laptop.

"Yes I do, he is at our camp fixing that first, and then going to the house, I already took care of it for you," he smiled devilishly and picked up his bag as he heard the horn from the waiting midnight blue towncar in the front turnaround.

"So that is where RJ gets his mind from, I knew it couldn't have been me," Debra joked.

"Don't worry honey, he has your smile, so it couldn't have been the milkmaid," RJs dad was on the ground with laughter.

"If you weren't leaving I might just have to get you for that one. You think he is ok hon," Debra asked about their son as if his short time away from home was the same as a case of malaria and he had been hospitalized, quarantined, and castrated.

"I am sure right this instant he is having a blast and knowing him, I am sure he has already found himself someone that he can hang around with and do things with," his dad said as he grabbed his last bag.

"Your right. I have talked to Lance, and I know that they are pretty close," Debra smiled happily and walked away from the fridge with her carrots.

"I hope so, and I hope he hasn't spent so much time working with Melissa that he hasn't found time for love, if it exists in that world of our business," his dad said and walked out the door to the house with his two bags as his wife followed along.

"Remember, its just like our business, after all if there was no love we wouldn't have met," she smiled, they kissed sweetly and she closed the door as his car left down the driveway.

"Alicia, did you get everything in from the car," Debra asked as she moved to her office.

"Yes mam, and I also went ahead and put on some coffee for Julie when she arrives in 30 minutes. You remember you had told me she was coming right," Alicia questioned.

"Yes, thank you," Debra said as she sat down and after Alicia had left shook her head slowly. "I cant wait for this vacation so my head can clear and things will be just like usual,".

===== `N Sync and RJ - Part 16 =====

"Can't you slow down? Haven't you heard of something called a speed limit? RJ," Lance screamed, as the silver Porsche went flying down the road.

"Calm down would you? This is like the one mum has," RJ smiled brightly as he shifted into 5th and floored it. The engine roared and they went around another turn. They had only been driving for about 5 minutes, and Lance was ready to kill RJ.

The car hugged the road tighter than two lovers who hadn't seen each other in more than a month. This car was designed for speed and performance and RJ knew it. He had driven his mothers car only when he was a good boy, so not as frequently once he reached the end of high school. This car was his favorite, more than his own Durango, even more than his motorcycle. He was ecstatic.

Slowly as the turns blurred by, Lance calmed down. He started to breathe again and was peaceful. He finally smiled as RJ pushed the throttle well above 90. The two had no idea where the road headed but they knew that they were together and having fun. Lance finally was enjoying it enough that he started to talk instead of scream for his life.

"RJ you know, if we are going to be doing this I need the sun roof opened," Lance grinned.

RJ so happy that his lover was finally relaxing complied immediately and then downshifted for a tight turn.

As the car roared into the next straightaway, Lance spoke up. "I want to shift it, can I," he asked almost pleading.

"Sure," RJ smiled and moved his hand from the gear shift to the steering wheel.

Lance watched as the RPMs grew and ran one hand through his hair, sliding the other one down towards the gear shift, stopping short and dropping it onto RJs knee. "5th gear right? That should be about here, right," he asked as his hand slid down RJs thigh to his crotch. Lance gripped RJs member hard and squeezed.

RJ kinda jumped and the RPMs of the car peaked high into the red zone.

"What are you doing? Be careful," RJ screamed out of joy. "Having fun," Lance smiled. RJ downshifted the car and began to slow it. He stopped along the side of the road, out looking into nothing. Peaceful skies all around, the engine rumbling, just waiting to be allowed to roar forward.

"So you wanna have fun huh," RJ grinned devilishly. Lance beamed bright as his reply.

"So do have any ideas then, Mr. I wanna have fun," RJ asked as his two hands wrapped around the steering wheel.

"Yup," Lance grinned. "You drive and I suck your dick," Lance said plainly as if saying pass the bread.

RJ starred at him blankly. "Not a good idea? Don't like it," Lance asked. "NO, I uh... love it, I was just shocked, sorry," RJ smiled so wide his mouth hurt.

"Well what are we waiting for," Lance leaned over before RJ could do anything and gave him a huge kiss. He immediately dropped and undid RJs pants. He spread open the fly and took out RJs now hard member, prying it from the blue briefs beneath, instantly engulfing it.

"This will definitely be the weirdest drive I have ever done. Its gotta be fun," RJ beamed and started off in the car again.

Lance let one hand help in stroking RJs member, the other played with his own pant front. RJ shifted the car into higher and higher gears, faster and faster down the highway. As the car went faster, RJ felt his dick get sucked harder and harder. He started to moan louder and louder as they made turn after turn. Heading back towards the hotel, occasionally looking down to see Lance's head bobbing up and down sucking hard and fast on his rock hard member.

RJs own hand slid down Lance's back to his waist, finding Lance's other hand wrapped around his growing dick. RJs hand playing along with Lance's in teasing his growing member.

RJ leaned back and let out a small moan of pure pleasure. "Tonight is gonna be great," he screamed out the sunroof.


Fatima and Melissa walked slowly and swayed back and forth as they walked down the hallway from the hotel's elevator to Melissa's room.

"I want to thank you for dinner tonight, I haven't that much fun in I don't know when," Melissa said, as she licked her lips slightly and slid a hand down from where it was, covering her other hand as they both leaned against the door. The hand went across her body and down her front and landed on her hip.

Fatima watched Melissa's hands every move. Intently her hands were watched. Melissa smiled brightly again and looked like she was 16 again.

Fatima smiled back, both acting like two high school kids in love. Fatima blurted out finally, "I uh.. haven't enjoyed going out in such a long time and I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a good time."

Melissa blushed slightly and watched as Fatima leaned forward and kissed her once on the lips.

Fatima jerked herself back and was utterly horrified that she did that. "I am so sorry I didn't mean to presume something or say something like that," she started to fumble with her hands.

"Don't worry, I um.. liked it," Melissa smiled. "Well actually I kinda loved it," she grinned.

"Really? I didn't offend you," Fatima asked.

"No, not at all, personally I thought this trip was going to be a boring trip with no excitement. I usually end up on these tours for months and get lonely. I never have time for a relationship, and being a closeted lesbian, I can't turn to anyone and I can't talk about it," Melissa confessed.

"You are too? WOW! I didn't know, but I must admit, I hoped," Fatima blushed.

"Really? Well thank you," Melissa gushed.

The two acted more like school girls every minute that passed. Minutes later, they heard a noise in the hallway and were startled. After seeing how they acted, they laughed slightly and became even more childish.

"So um... I don't know if you are busy or if you feel that you can, but you wouldn't want to uh, would you like to come in for a while," Melissa whispered out.

"I would love to," as Fatima reached out and took Melissa's outreached hand and followed her into her room, the door closing shut quietly behind them.


Lance and RJ sat upright in the car, as the wind blew through their already sweaty and rustled hair. One quick last kiss and the car rounded the turn and started down the populated street to their hotel.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you did that, that we did that," RJ cooed into Lance's ear as he caught up to him.

"Did the good little boy turn the keys in? Did he remember to put away all his toys, before going inside," Lance asked like a playroom monitor.

"Well mister, I put all my toys away, except for one, tee hee," RJ tried to be cute, but lost it and started to crack up. Lance fell backwards almost falling to the ground, but stopping himself as he as well laughed. They made an abrupt turn and started through the sliding doors. They took 3 steps and saw Joey and Chris heading right towards them.

Joey and Chris stepped off the elevator, and walked towards the bar, looking in to see if Peter was still on the ground. He wasn't. They didn't bother to look in too closely or ask where he had gone to. They continued their mumbling and moved on towards the front of the lobby.

"So after that, when do we tell them," Joey asked.

"It needs to be cautious and not right away," Chris chimed in.

"What needs to be cautious and who are we telling," RJ chimed in not putting two and two together.

"WHOA! Hey! What's up guys," Joey smiled, falsely.

"So what's going on, who do we tell, what juicy gossip are we spreading," Lance beamed.

"Aren't we the gossiping queen, no pun intended," Chris said.

"No prob," RJ and Lance both said together.

"Oh well, we were just uh talking about someone we saw earlier, who has a severe drinking problem and we need to deal with it," Chris said.

"Yeah, so we were just stepping out, and you both were stepping in and so we will just catch you later," Joey said.

Joey shoved Chris in the back and they both stumbled out the door.

"Why do I have the feeling that there was something more to that story than they were talking about," RJ asked.

"Could be your gaydar out of whack again," Lance quietly joked.

"What was that you said, I couldn't quite hear you, the screaming girls that love you are following and my hearing hasn't been the same since that concert," RJ said annoyingly. "And it couldn't have been to far out of whack, cause I found you didn't I," RJ asked and stepped into the elevator.


Uneasily Peter made his way through the hallway, whining with his bloody nose still hurting. He stumbled twice, and fell against Kathy's door. His head his the door as opposed to his hand knocking. Kathy opened the door, still slightly buzzed.

"What the fuck? Where have you been and what happened to you," Kathy shouted.

"Uh well I fell in the bar," Peter mumbled out.

"Well enough of that now, we need to get packing and deliver this note in the morning and get ready to travel," Kathy listed off the tasks ahead.

"Why? Where are we going," Peter asked.

"Honey, lives need to be ruined, lets go," Kathy grinned.

"But I want to clean up," Peter whined as the door shut.

To Be Continued...

Should have another out soon, let me know what you think, send EMAIL!!!! PLEASE!!!!! rjs_tales@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 16

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