Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Sep 8, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

Enough of the formalities welcome once again! I want to thank all of you who have sent me email. I read every piece and I write back to all of them, so if you have sent me something and I haven't gotten back to it yet, don't worry, I will. Also, if you haven't sent me some email, drop a note and say Hey and how you like the story. I love email. Mike is my partner in crime in the series "Lost and Found". If you get a chance, give it a look. There will definitely be many more to come soon, and check out Mike's story, "Nick and Justin". While you are at it, also look at other such great ones as Just Beginning', N Sync Lance and JC' and the classic, `Bad Boy B-Rok'. Also, this section should clear up a little of the confusion and such that has been happening recently, but if you are still kinda confused, email me and I will fill you in.

So enjoy! Please send any comments and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com I love to get email, so send away!!! And last but definitely not least, I want to thank :o)

`N Sync and RJ - Part 8 by RJ =====

That was really strange.' Lance thought as he walked from the door to the bathroom. He looked in to the mirror and rubbed his face. He started to talk to himself in his mind. Maybe I am just really tired, but I thought Melissa just said he could ride the bus. I don't know. I need food.'

Lance finished brushing his teeth and giggled slightly as he saw the small toothpaste spot that landed on RJs sweatshirt that he was still wearing. "Oh well, I'll make it up to him." Lance said as he walked from the bathroom to the bed.

Lance climbed back onto the bed in his boxers and RJs sweatshirt and snuggled up next to RJ. Lance wrapped his arms around RJ and felt his warmth. RJ stirred slightly and rolled over facing Lance. His eyes still closed, Lance leaned in and lightly kissed RJs lips.

"mmmm..." RJ moaned out. "Gee, that is a nice response." "If you like that you should see me during some more strenuous activities." RJ giggled lightly while stretching. Lance didn't respond, and when RJ noticed this he stopped and then looked at Lance. "Not funny?" "No, I am trying to imagine that right now." Lance said seductively, as his arms tightened around RJ. RJ leaned in and kissed Lance.

"Yum... Looks like somebody brushed their teeth." "Oh, sorry, the sweatshirt can wash..." "No, that is not how I found out," RJ gave Lance another kiss. RJs tongue slid slowly into Lances mouth and the two enjoyed their kiss.

"Oh, so that is how you found out." Lance smiled and blushed slightly. "I didn't see that and don't worry about it." RJ smiled back, "What is mine is yours." "You know I am so happy to be here right now." Lance rubbed his hand up and down RJs back. Lance had completely forgotten about his conversation earlier with Mel.

"I am kinda hungry want something?" RJ asked while crawling out of bed and standing. Lance looked at his lover's muscular back and firm defined legs and cat called. RJ spun around and threw a pillow at Lance. "What? Can't I admire my boyfriend's ass?" "Yeah.. I guess." RJ blushed back. "No one has ever done that before. So you hungry Scoop?" "Yeah I can't wait for breakfast, I would love som..." "Good, then you can order, while I am in the shower!" RJ laughed and tried to run to get into the bathroom, but Lance caught him and the two fell backwards onto the bed. They started to wrestle around and Lance began to kiss RJ all over his neck and deeply kiss him on his lips. RJ quickly retaliated with his own kissing and tickling. Lance was on top of RJ and tried his best to keep up kissing without laughing. Their kissing broke and RJ smiled up, "We have to stop if we are going to get the day going, and I need to be at work."

RJ slid out from under Lance and went to the bathroom, but never heard Lance, as he remembered what Melissa had said. "But Mel said you don't need to be there yet."

Lance climbed up to the top of the bed and started to dial for room service.

RJ was in the bathroom and looked down at his watch, he saw the time and started to freak. `I cant believe I am this late' he thought. He quickly jumped into the shower and was done in under 5 minutes.

He had the towel wrapped around his waist and walked back into the room. Lance was still on the phone with the room service when he looked over and noticed that RJ was already out and hurriedly rummaging through his drawers.

"OK great." Lance hung up the phone and looked over to RJ. "Um... when did we get the mass exodus warning? I must have missed the huge tornado or meteor rumbling towards earth."

"Very funny!" RJ shouted back, still worried about being fired.

Lance continued he teasing and wanted to make RJ suffer.

"I mean, I watched the news this morning and read the paper, it never said anything about a sudden blizzard or anything."

RJ grabbed his bag and quickly ran towards the door. "I love ya, and just lock up when you are done."

Lance shouted towards RJ.

"STOP!" RJ turned around and came back into the room. "What is it? I am late!" "Well, first off honey," Lance acting like a worried mom for a moment, "you are not leaving here without eating a good breakfast."

"Funny again, no time though. I promise I will eat!"

"Not good enough, and I am not done."

"Hurry scoop, I am in enough trouble already!"

"Secondly, you are not wearing those shoes anywhere. They don't even match! And finally, I spoke with Melissa this morning in the hallway and she never said that you were ever got this stressed out, especially when you don't have to be at work."

RJ looked down at feet and then started to laugh as he looked back at Lance who was standing in front of him. He put his bag down and kicked off his shoes. "What do you mean I don't have to be at work?"

"She came by this morning and said, take the morning off to be with us, if we wanted you that is. I said that Chris probably would be annoyed or something, but I figured we could at least spend a little time together."

"OK, I can live with that. So shall we start the morning with a shower?" RJ leaned in and lightly kissed Lance on the lips.

Lance ran his hands up RJs front and smiled seductively. "That would mean you don't need these." Lance undid RJs shirt and pulled it over his head.

RJ got the idea and helped Lance remove his clothes as well. Lance did the same with RJ.

"That would mean you wouldn't need these pants either." Lance undid the pants and then pulled him into the bathroom with him.


Kathy stepped off the plane and walked down the ramp looking around. She spotted her ride and ran up and jumped onto Peter.

"Hey you! You missed me?" "Of course!" He growled out and rubbed her ass.

"Hey! Not so fast, just cause you and I used to fool around, it don't mean anything right now. Now I want RJ."

"Fine, suit yourself, I guess I can wait."

"Good. Now lets go."

The two walked out and headed on their way to the exit where a ride was waiting for them.

George opened the door to the limo and let the two in. "Everything like I asked George?" "Yes mam"

"Good, and Peter was telling me about all that he had started to do. Looks like everything is going to work out great for me. It is time I get him back. RJ is mine and I want him. I don't care if these new friends are taking up all of his time. He and I had something going and now I want it back, I have missed him and I have worked too hard to become a part of his family for nothing, after all, every girl needs a hobby right?"

"Do you really think that is wise?" George tried to interject reason into the girl's streaming consciousness. "I mean you could hurt his new friendships really badly if they find out how entwined you two are." George tried to not let on all he knew, but tried to threaten her so she would give up.

"What do you mean? It isn't like they're dating each other, so it doesn't matter." Peter showed his support for the woman he really lusted after.

"Let's just go can we?" Kathy asked and snuggled back into her seat.


Lance hung up the phone and walked back to the table.

"That was Chris, he was reminding us all, that today, even though a light schedule, we still need to get our butts over there at around 2."

"No prob, cause I am sure Melissa will want me there around 1. That gives us plenty of time."

Lance finished his juice and went over to the couch. RJ finished his coffee and then stood up and walked to where Lance was now sitting. RJ sat down and laid his feet across Lances lap.

"You know, you give a great back rub." Lance commented as he massaged RJs legs.

"Thank you, and you should see what I can do on my back... oh wait, that didn't sound right."

Lance burst out laughing and so did RJ. As the two watched tv, Lance remembered RJ was supposed to call Melissa back.

"Honey, I forgot to tell ya, you gotta call Melissa." "Gee thanks, I will just use my cell, hey, speaking of which, where is it?"

RJ looked around and Lance reached into the trashcan and pulled out the phone. He handed it to RJ and then suddenly cracked up again. "Sorry, I was just remembering how it landed in there."

RJ turned his phone on and noticed he had a voice mail waiting for him. He decided he would get it later, so he called Melissa.

"Hello?" "Hey Melissa, its RJ."

"Gee, I let you sleep late, and look at what late is!"

"Sorry about that, Lance just told me to call you. We have been up for a while."

"So he is still there? Man I cant wait for you to get to work." "Why?" "I want details! DETAILS!!!"

RJ started to laugh about Melissa'a enthusiasm.

"OK, I will fill you in on it all. So when do you want me to come into work?"

"Well, since you did so much yesterday, why don't you make it around 1:30, so you can ride in with the guys, they have been moved up you know."

"Oh, ok. Will tell them, cause I know Lance doesn't know yet, and will see you then. Bye Melissa."


"OK, bye."

RJ hung up the phone laughing hard. Lance tried to find out what it was he was laughing about.


Justin awoke slowly and heard the alarm clock radio playing another N Sync song.

"I went to bed hearing us and I awoke to us."

J.C. smiled up and Justin and spoke up, letting Justin know he was awake. "You mean you went to sleep with me and woke up with me."

Justin smiled warmly and J.C. reached over and started to tickle him.

"No fair!"

J.C. stopped and lifted his head and lightly kissed Justin. "I am happy that you are no longer mad at me this morning."

"I am happy we talked last night. Do you mind if we just sit here for a moment and not move?"

"Anything you want."

The two stayed there under the blanket still wrapped in each others arms.

"You know Jus, that soon we are going to have to dressed." "You don't have any clothes here, so what are you going to do?"

"Well, you order breakfast and I will go and get some clothes and come back."

"OK. Sounds good."

Justin sat up and then walked over to the phone, as J.C. left the room.

J.C. stepped into the hallway and ran into Chris.

"Hey J.C. what is up? How are things going for you two now?" "I am so happy Chris, Justin and I talked last night and everything seems to be much better now." "You mean he understands?"

"Well, I told him everything including my love for him and explained everything, and ended up falling asleep before he could respond."

"Oh smart one."

"But, he was still there when I woke up."

"Good sign, or maybe you were just too heavy for him to move."

"Very funny, well I gotta go and get some clothes cause we are gonna have breakfast."

"OK, I have already told the rest of the guys, um, we are leaving here at around one, so make sure you are ready to go."

"Ok, talk to you later Chris."

J.C. walked to his room and picked up his clothes out of his bag and then walked back down the hallway.

He knocked on Justin's door and Justin opened the door with a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth.

"Gee, great look for you, really."

Justin slugged him in the arm and then walked back to the tray that had the food on it.

J.C. put his things down next to the tv and walked over to where Justin was sitting on the bed and started to dive into the food.

"This is great!" J.C. commented as he ate some toast.

"What part? The breakfast or waking up with you?"

"Um... I was actually talking about how the bed spread matches my clothes so well, don't you think?"

"Oh shut up will you!"

"I am kidding, Jus, I meant you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah I did, and the food ain't that bad either."

J.C. cracked himself up a little bit.

Justin looked at his watch and noticed what time it was now.

"When do we have to be downstairs?"

"In about an hour."

"Well, that means then that we should get ready."

"Well you can take a shower first if you want to."

Justin looked shyly at J.C., "..or, we could take one together?"

J.C. smiled back at Justin and nodded yes.

The two stood up and walked to the bathroom. J.C. turned on the water and turned around to close the door, but Justin had already closed the door and was standing there naked.

"Oh, um, I feel a little over dressed for this party." J.C. joked as Justin walked forward and placed a deep passionate kiss on J.C.'s lips.

"Well I can help you with that." Justin smiled and began to remove J.C.s clothes as the steam from the shower slowly filled the room.


Lance and RJ had finished their shower and were watching tv, as RJ went to put his watch on.

"Why do you put your watch on your left hand?" Lance asked with a slight puzzle to his face.

"I don't know, just always did." "Well why don't you switch for a day, and wear it like me?" "Um... sure, why not."

RJ put the watch on his right arm. Wrinkled his face as he felt the weird feeling and then smiled.

"What are you smirking at?" "Well, now I if I am lonely, I can look at my arm and remember you."

"Wow, you know how to make the simplest things seem so simple. So do you wanna go downstairs with me now?"

"OK lets do it." RJ agreed.

They both stood and walked towards the door. As they stepped outside, RJ turned to look back into his room. "I completely forgot my backpack in there." RJ complained

"OK, no prob hun, I will go get it for you." Lance said cheerfully as he ran back into the room.

"OK, and can you do me a favor? Can you put my cell in it too?" RJ asked from the hallway.

"Sure!" Lance yelled back. He leaned over the backpack and unzipped the top. `Gee, now I get to find out what is so god damn important and heavy.' He laughed and thought to himself. He opened the bag and gasped as he pulled out the top items that were rubberbanded together. He sniffled slightly with tears of pain and read the outside of one of the items. He threw the things down and ran out past RJ pushing him into the wall and then to J.C.'s room and started banging on the door. Before RJ could catch him, Lance was inside.

"Lance what happened?"

To Be Continued...

===== Well I hope you all liked this new part. I wanted to let out this small section before I go on a trip for a week. Let me know what you think and what you think it was that he saw? Please send me some email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com

I love to get email so send me some and I love all the responses I have gotten so far. I always write back, so if I haven't yet, I will soon! Promise!!

The next section will be out when I get back. I love to get email. Hope to hear from you soon!

Next: Chapter 9

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