Nsync and Rj

By R J

Published on Sep 17, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fiction and I am not assuming anything about any aspect of the life of anyone in this story. If you're under 18, or it is illegal to read this stuff where you live, stop reading this, and all that other legal stuff. This is just a story made up in my head so don't be offended, just enjoy.

Enough of the formalities WELCOME! I want to thank all of you who have sent me email. I read every piece and I write back to all of them, so if you have sent me something and I haven't gotten back to it yet, don't worry, I will. Also, if you haven't sent me some email, drop a note and say Hey and how you like the story. I love email!

Mike is my partner in crime in the series "Lost and Found". If you get a chance, give it a look. There will definitely be many more to come soon, and check out Mike's story, "Nick and Justin". While you are at it, also look at other such great ones as Just Beginning', N Sync Lance and JC' and the classic, `Bad Boy B-Rok'.

Also, this section should clear up a little of the confusion and such that has been happening recently, but if you are still kinda confused, email me and I will fill you in, just ask!

Please send any comments and/or suggestions to rjs_tales@hotmail.com I love to get email, so send away!!!

And read below, after the chapter about A SPECIAL SURPRISE!!!

And last but definitely not least, I want to thank :o)

`N Sync and RJ - Part 9 by RJ =====

"Lance what happened?"

RJ stood against the wall in front of J.C.'s door, in his structure zip cargo khakis and navy pullover top, completely confused as to what just occurred. He turned and walked the 4 doors down to his own room that had just been occupied by himself and his new lover.

He pushed the door slightly open and saw his backpack emptied on the floor and noticed a rubberbanded bunch of documents. He read the top and removed the rubberband. He flipped through the stack and dug around in his backpack and started to talk outload. "That bitch! It has to be her. Where is it then? Where?" RJ looked over the floor and searched for the object that was so permanently stuck in his mind.

He couldn't locate it, but found his cell phone and stuck it in his pocket. He stood up and shoved everything into his backpack as he turned around his mind went over why Lance could be acting this way and wondered how it all got in there, especially since most of it he remembered throwing away before he left on this job. He threw the sack full of the venomous items into the corner of the room and walked outside to the hallway. "I am gonna get her." He mouthed.


Lance sat on the empty bed and shed few tears. He was too upset and confused to cry. "How could he lie to me? How? After what we said."

J.C. came into the room, stepping out of the bathroom with the dirty clothes from last night and saw Lance sitting on the bed. "I am sorry J.C., I knocked but the door was open, and I just needed to talk to someone. I can't talk to him." J.C. dropped his stuff in a pile and immediately sat down next to Lance. Instinctively Lance latched on to J.C. and buried his head into J.C.'s shoulder.

"What is it Lance? What happened?" "Well, I was getting RJs backpack and I uh.. picked up his cell phone like he asked and then when I went to put it inside his backpack.." "Yeah?" "..I found out he doesn't love me." "How? What are you talking about?" "Like I said, I found out he has someone else."

J.C. leaned in and lightly kissed him on the cheek instinctively.

"Lance, trust me, I can't believe that. You two love each other too much and you have been faced with so much in so little time, I can understand your pain, but I don't think he is gone from your life." "It is awful J.C. I am so happy in his arms and we just spent the best time last night and now I just can't even look at him."


Justin was talking on the phone and slammed it down. "That dawg. I can't believe he would be that bad after helping J.C. and me so much. It can't be true can it? Well J.C. has never.. no don't answer that. Lance has never lied, that is true. But RJ?"

Justin sat up and pulled on his baby blue jersey. He searched around and found his room key sitting next to his bag. He carefully opened his bag and looked inside. "Phew.. no skeleton's in this closet. And just for giggles.." he turned around saw J.C.'s backpack next to the door, where he had left it when he walked out of the room. Justin quickly opened it and poked his hand around as if searching for something.

"Just as I thought.. nothing." Justin smiled at his foolishness and then walked to the bathroom picking up his one bracelet. He started towards the door and stepped out into the hallway. It was very quiet, exceptionally quiet. The only noise was the ice machine and the elevator. He walked down the long white with plaid accent hallway towards J.C.'s room. He hadn't moved 10 feet when RJ appeared out of his room. Justin stopped dead in his tracks and didn't know what to do.

"Hey Justin, have you seen Lance? I need to talk with him." "Um.. you know what? I think he left." `That was real slick Justin' Justin thought.

"What?" RJ looked confused. "Well I mean uh.. you know I think he went downstairs. Sorry." "Well whatever, if you see him, tell him I need to talk to him about something really important."

RJ went back into his room to get the keys to the van.

Justin lowered his head and turned to face J.C.'s room. "I highly doubt he wants to talk to you though, especially now." He mumbled out as he entered his lover's room.

RJ came back out into the hallway and closed his door. He saw no one. Like a ghost town had appeared suddenly. He started towards the elevators to see if indeed Lance had gone downstairs and to grab a cab since his keys were not with him. He had just hit the button when Chris arrived out of his room.

"Hey RJ what is up?" "Wow, at least one of you is still talking to me!"

RJ tried to joke as he ran his hand through his still wet blond hair.

"What do you mean RJ?" "Well Lance found something this morning and well he didn't know the story behind it and so he now thinks I am cheating."

"Remind me to carry a camcorder with me." "Why?" "Cause RJ, if I videotaped this group I could make so much money as selling it as a daytime soap."

RJ laughed along with Chris and they both stepped into the elevator.


RJ sat down inside the taxi and looked down at his left arm, no watch. He remembered it was now on his right arm, and when he saw the watch, he immediately thought of Lance, just like he said.

"Hmm.. never thought it would work that well."

RJ leaned his head back and sighed. He missed Lance, he missed talking, he missed seeing him and most of all, he missed his touch. RJ closed his eyes and thought of the previous night. The cold air from the a/c blowing around in the room and the two of them snuggled together under the covers, arms wrapped around each other. Before that, their playing around and kissing. RJ let out a soft quiet moan as he imagined Lance and him right then. The driver looked in his mirror a few times trying to figure out what was happening in his backseat.

RJ's mind brought forth images of Lance in his boxers laying on the bed. His smooth chest, his firm body. The shower the two shared after RJ learned that his call time had been delayed. RJ could still feel Lance's hands roaming up and down his back, massaging the muscles. RJ again let a small moan slip. Lance was completely on his mind. The shower the two had shared was special. RJ had pulled Lance into the bathroom and Lance slowly undressed RJ. Lance ran his hands up and down RJs body. RJ stepped out of his pants and Lance ran his hands up the front of RJs chest as Lance kissed from the top of RJs boxers up towards his neck. RJ leaned his head back and let out a slight moan as Lance's lips reached RJs neck. Gently kissing around the front Lance kissed the bottom lip and then the top lip. RJs lips met Lance's and RJ's tongue slipped into Lance's mouth. Lance's hands ran up RJs neck and into his blond locks. The wet hair was molded by Lances hands as their deep kiss continued.

The two stood their in the shower still in their boxers, letting the water run over the two of them as they continued in their kiss.

RJ was brought back to reality as the driver pulled into the parking lot of the arena.

RJ pulled his wallet out of his laptop bag and paid the driver. RJ also noticed he now had an erection from his thoughts about the time he spent with his love Lance only hours before. He stepped out of the car and his cell rang. He answered it and talked with Melissa.

"Hey hun, am I disturbing something this morning?" "No, not anymore." "What do you mean? Lance was so cute this morning in YOUR sweatshirt I might add."

RJ blushed and Melissa could tell even though she wasn't looking at him.

"Well, we had a fight, I guess, he found things from the bitch Kathy and well, he has taken off without talking to me." "Well honey, we are going to kick her ass. When you get here, we'll take care of her." "Sure Melissa, whatever you say." "Trust me RJ." "Melissa, I am more worried about Lance than I am Kathy right now. How do I get him to be back with me."

"Oh, I have an idea about that. You leave that to me, just you worry about what you do are going to talk about or rather do on the bus tonight, cause of course I want you too together. I told Lance that this morning so don't worry about that, and honey?" "Yeah Melissa?" "Get your ass in to work!"

RJ stepped into Melissa's office and she cracked up laughing.

"Gee Melissa, you sounded upset on the phone, but now you are so happy, what gives?"

RJs joke just continued Melissa's laughter.

"So RJ, guess who came lsat night?" "Um.. not me? No.. just kidding, who?"

"You bad boy you! I said Details, not play by play! Anyway, Sarah's son Dylan arrived."

Dylan was about 7 years old and attached permanently at the hip of any adult who would listen to him for more than 20 seconds. He also had a very bad habit of pulling on cords, ropes, cables, etc.. You name it, he has attempted to disconnect it at one point or another. The only problem with Dylan is the 10% when he isnt bad, he is the most adorable kid anyone could ever want. But still..

"I am not watching him Melissa." "Damn.. well, what are we going to do?" "Well, he can hang out with Sarah and well, if I see him and he needs supervision than I can help out a little. But you will owe me Melissa."

"Just lets say I will repay slightly now, lets call Ms. Bitch."

RJ picked up his cell and dialed her home number.


Kathy's cell started to ring and she looked at the number.

"He's calling me. Oh, well I guess it was a good idea to put call forwarding after all." She answered. "Hello?"

"Hi Kathy, its RJ" "Oh hey, how are you? Where are you?" "Funny, I was just about to ask you the same thing." "Oh, well I am at home, just about to leave actually." She laughed under her breath at her superb acting skills.

"Well someone dear to me, found some things in my backpack, and well, I wondered how those things got there."

"What things? Oh can you hold on honey?"

She pushed the mute button and then started to scream out loud.

"DAMN IT PETER! I can't believe you totally messed up. He found it already and I am not there to comfort in time of need. Damn it!"

She pushed mute again and recomposed herself.

"Sorry honey, I have to run, Mom is calling. Bye!"

She hung up the phone and stood up shouting and looking for Peter.


RJ hung up his phone and looked puzzledly at Melissa. "Well, hmm.. She really has no idea about it, so she says."

"Well, do you believe her?" "Is Fatima easy to work with?"

"Good point." They both chuckled slightly.

"So that was Kathy, and the opened up a whole new arena, but Melissa? You said you would handle Lance. How?"

"I said leave that to me. Now, go get the following ready."

She stood and handed him a todo list of things to accomplish before the show. RJs eyes widened as he saw the 3 page, double sided, typed list.

"It isn't that bad. Now go!" Melissa laughed as RJ dragged himself out of the room and into his little cubicle that had been created within this office. He started at the top and proceeded to work his way through the tedious tasks. Arranging a lot of minor details for the next stop.

His monotony was broken by Dylans tapping on his knee. "Hey Dylan what is up?" "Nothing! MORON!"

"OK, then what can I do so that you will leave sometime soon?"

"My mom wanted you to have this. HERE! MORON!"

RJ took the now crayon covered envelope and opened it carefully expecting some explosive, not from the mother, but perhaps from satan's spawn, the messenger.

RJ pulled out the note and read the 3 lines.

UPDATE! George is buzzed heavily and not working right now! Gary the driver is getting the band, they will be here in 20 minutes, alert Fatima and the rest of the crew.

RJ smirked and picked up the walkie talkie. After delivering the message, he then got back to his work. He once again was interrupted. His pager went off and a smile went across his face. He hoped it was Lance, but when he looked and saw that it was only Melissa, he sighed.

He stood up and walked back into where Melissa's desk was.

"Gee lets not let the gloom enter my room ok?"

"Sorry I thought it was Lance." "No prob, you really miss him huh?"

"Yup." "Well here is some good news, if you havent confirmed the hotel yet."

"Really? What?"

"You can talk with them and make any extra arrangements you need to, strictly for business purposes only of course, but the budget was just updated and this stop and 2 stops from now, the money has been increased. But, you never heard that from me."

Melissa smiled and RJ ran forward and hugged her.

"If you say you can get Lance to talk with me, then this will work out great!"

RJ turned and ran to the phone.

After he left the room, Melissa picked up her cell. "Fatima? Its Mel. Yeah I had fun last night too, now I need a favor." =====

"So besides that, it sounds like you two did have a great evening." Joey tried his best to cheer up Lance, but no one could do it.

J.C. rubbed Justins shoulder's lovingly and the two drifted in and out of sleep as they were sitting up at the head of the bed with Lance next to them still in denial.

Chris burst into the room and found everyone sitting there.

"Lance this is ridiculous. Call RJ right now and talk to him."

"Why? He doesn't need me now."

"Lance you keep talking about how bad the things were, but Joey and I don't think it is correct. Did you look at the date?"

"Yeah, but.."

Chris' cell went off and he answered.

"Hello?" "I will be pulling up in 2 minutes" The driver replied.

"Very good, we will be right down. We are all going to finish this later. Now lets go."

They all walked towards the door, Joey and Chris out first, Lance next and J.C. and Justin stopped at the doorway. Justin turned to face J.C. and J.C. looked into Justin's eyes.

"J.C., please tell me that if we ever discover something about the other, that we wont jump to conclusions like Lance does?"

"I promise my love."

"My love? Flattery will get you nowhere young man."

J.C. played devistated.

"However, heavy flattery followed by kisses, usually works wonders."

J.C. playfully tickled Justin's sides and then leaned in for a kiss. The two met and were immediately happy.


The whole way to the arena, J.C. thought of nothing but the time he had spent in the last 24 hours with Justin. The quiet night, the couch, sleeping, breakfast, and the shower. The shower. The warm blanket feeling of the steam in the bathroom filling the room and surrounding the two as they watched each other and kissed sweetly. J.C.'s drifting was quickly ended.

"so does that sound ok with you?" "I am sorry, what?" "Obviously someone was ignoring me!" Justin joked quietly. "I said, how about tonight you can hold me while we sleep in the bunk." "Deal, but we are gonna use my bunk, not yours." "Why?" "Well first off, we need someplace to throw our stuff and secondly, yours is too high up."

Justin giggled like he was in junior high and lightly gripped J.C.'s hand quickly.


"Enough of sittin' on your ass!" Fatima hollered as she walked from offstage. Let's get this show on the road.

The music started, and they started their rehearsal. Dylan kept appearing every once and a while, trying to see everything, but yet manage to get in the way completely.

At one point Fatima yelled towards the curtains, "CAN SOMEONE GET A LEASH?"

After going through the first part of the show, Fatima ordered a break and they all cheered. Before they could run off she called for Lance and Justin to come and see her.

"Yeah what is up Fatima?" "Well Lance, I am impressed, it seems that you must be getting some of Justin's coordination genes!"

Justin laughed with Fatima as Lance smiled.

"Well, hey, I am sorry Lance, but ever since you and Justin have been an item, your dancing has been getting better." "Us an item? Fatima are you kidding?"

They both tried to play it off and pretend that nothing was going on at all.

"Cut the acting guys, your singers, not Tom Hanks. I know everything, Melissa told me last night while we were drinking that for the past 4 days, you two have been an item."

"Well uh.. Fatima you are right, we are both gay, but we are not together." "Yeah, Lance is right."

"Well then Lance who can I thank for your new found talent?" "Um.. RJ I guess." "Where is he? I must talk to him, let me call him!"

"Um.. I don't think that would be such a good idea Fatima" Justin began.

"Why?" "Well Lance isnt really speaking to him right now."

Fatima sounded shocked and played it off well, the whole time knowing everything, as Melissa had filled her in.

"Well, then, hmm.. I am still gonna call him, cause honey -- if you are too dense to see he is a keeper, then I will get him to maybe hang out in my court for a while."

It hit Lance like a ton of bricks. RJs face flashed into his head, and so did Lance's running down the hallway.

"I guess I should talk to him." "Really Lance? You will?" Justin was happy at the thought of Lance finding out the truth.

"Don't honey, trust me, if you talk to him, he and you will still be going out. I think it is better that you miss this opportunity and let him go."

Fatima turned slightly, but kept an eye on Lance's reaction as he now knew what she had been doing all along.

"Thanks Fatima." Lance said shyly and ran off to find RJ.

"Wow, you are too good Fatima." Justin gave her a high five and smiled.

"So curly, tell me -- who is the guy that rings your bell."

Before Justin could answer J.C. walked up behind him and smiled brightly at Fatima. "I believe that would be my cue to say me."

Fatima giggled like a school girl and started shouting, "OOOOOOHHHH DAMN!!! You two? DAMN! This is gonna get freaky!"

They all started to laugh as Fatima called out for another 5 minute break.


RJ walked across work area and saw Dylan swinging from a rope that tied the main light ring to the supports. "Hey Dylan, be careful, don't play around that, you will get hurt!" RJ tried to politely inform the kid.

RJ liked most kids, just Dylan got on his nerves. RJ stood nearby and was busy going over the arrangement of everything as Melissa was soon coming to double check everything was correct. RJ kept looking over his shoulder instinctively like a father protecting his young. Dylan still swinging like Tarzan.

Soon RJ heard a familiar voice come from the hallway. "RJ? You out there?" Lance called for him trying to find him. "Lance!" Trying to not sound to happy. As RJ turned around he saw Dylan fall to the floor as he had finally pulled the knot out of the lights. RJ looked up to the noise and saw the falling ring. He quickly ran forward and pushed Dylan out of the way as he felt the ring of lights catch his leg.

"RJ!" Lance yelled and quickly ran up to makesure he was ok.


RJ sat on the couch in the bus with one of the long leg areas unzipped from his pants. A white bandage covering most of his calf area.

"You know it was a great concert." RJ commented as he drank his soda.

"Yeah I know, too bad you were in the tent." Lance replied.

The two had started talking again and the subject of what was in the bag had not yet come up. J.C. and Justin were asleep in J.C.'s bunk and Chris and Joey were in the back of the bus.

Lance ran his hands up the other leg and slowly unzipped the lower half, in order to match RJs right leg. Lance also rubbed RJs leg gently as if he was a professional masseuse easing the pain away.

"That better?" "Yeah much, thank you. Now ask what you have been meaning to do all evening." "OK, but first.." "First what?" "This."

Lance leaned in and gave RJ a kiss on his lips. "I will never ever overreact again, I promise. I promise to always ask you first."

"OK deal and likewise. Now ask." RJ said, half jokingly.

"Well, why don't you start by telling me what I saw?" "Fair enough, what you first found was.."

To Be Continued...

===== Are you happy with the way the couples are? What are the two items that were in the backpack? Yes two of them! OK so here is the surprise -- there is going to be a guest star in this story. And that would be YOU!

That is right. Whoever guesses correctly what one or both of the items are, gets to be in the story, and receive an early edition of the chapter(s). So -- think and then send me an email at rjs_tales@hotmail.com and let me know what your guesses are and how you want to be identified in the story.

School and work just got settled, so now there will be more regular releases of this and Lost and Found.

Next: Chapter 10

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