Nsync Gang

By Gay Night

Published on Oct 30, 1999


Sorry this took so long guys, but here is the lastest and final segment of my Nsync story, Nsync Gang. I am still continuing the 98 Degrees story, so don't despair! As always, enjoy!

Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band N-Sync and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of N-Sync is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!


We leaned in a kissed for several minutes. The I rolled off of him, grabbed a towel to clean us up, then held him in my arms and we fell asleep holding each other both physically and spiritually.

We woke up simultaneously several hours later. "What time is it?" Lance asked.

I leaned over to look at the clock. "Six thirty." I told him.

"Six thirty! Already!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, time flies when I'm with you!" I said cheesily. He pretended to clobber me upside the head. "Right, like you could hurt me!" I laughed.

He smiled at me evily and started to tickle me. I just stared down at him. "I'm not ticklish, remember?" I said calmly.

"Oh yeah," he said, sligtly disapointed. "Well there are other ways to get you to squirm!"

He dove under the covers and found my cock. "Now this is one tasty sausage," he said before swallowing me down to the root. In seconds I was hard, leaking precum, and moaning like a wild animal. Indeed, I did begin to squirm.

Unfortunately, before we could get anywhere someone started to beat on the door. "Who is it!?!" I called.

"It's me," came Chris's distinct voice. "We were going to head out to a restaurant to get some food, then find a club and do some partying!"

"We'll be out," I began, then Lance shoved a finger up my ass, "OHHHHH!" I called out, "in a little, uhhhhh, while!" I yelled across the room and through the door.

"Yeah, it sounds like you two are a little busy," he laughed. "We'll wait up for you!" We heard his rolling laughter fade as he walked down the hall.

As Chris's laughter faded I looked Lance in the eye, "What was that!!!"

"I'd say that it was amusing!" he said, smiling and laughing at my reaction.

"I'm not sure what Chris thought about it!"

"Chris is Chris."

"Yeah I know. Anyway, it did feel quite good."

"I thought you might say something like that," he smiled again.

"Well I think we'd better not keep the guys waiting. Let's go jump in the shower and rinse off some of this sweat. I wouldn't want them to leave without us."

"Oh, why not?" Lance moaned.

"Don't tempt me!"

We managed to get to the bathroom and take a shower together without touching below the waist. Although I will have to admit it was VERY hard to resist the temptation. We returned to the bedroom and searched through my drawers looking for something to wear. I choose a pair of silver, leather pants and a cobalt blue shirt. . . oh yes, and a pair of burgundy silk boxers. Lance grabbed some stripped, blue Adidas pants and a white Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Giddy up!" he sung. I leaned over and silenced him with my lips. "Oh, I like," he said sexily. I just laughed and walked out the door with him on my heels. We met everyone in the living room.

Justin saw us enter. "Oh look, it only took the lovebirds fifteen minutes to get ready," he laughed.

"Lance must of given you a quikie," Chris added, laughing hysterically.

"Not too quick," I moaned. Lance turned about twelve shades of red. "Sorry babe, I couldn't resist," I whispered in his ear.

"Everybody," Justin sung, imatating the BSB. "Let's get out of here and headed out. I don't know if I can take any more of this talk about those two," he said, indicating Lance and myself.

Everyone laughed at his comment as we walked down the hall to the garage. I grabbed the keys for a the mini-van off a rack on the wall and walked over to the driver side. Lance climbed into the passenger side while the rest of the guys climbed into the back. I started the engine and drove out down the long driveway onto the highway.

The monitor on the far wall displayed the real-time satellite images. If one looked closely you could see a spiky blonde-haired boy sitting in the passenger seat of a green mini-van.

A man seated in a black leather chair seated behind a large black wooden desk raised a remote and pressed a button. The picture shifted; a brown haired individual was sitting behind the wheel of the same van. He was laughing and smiling, obviously joking with the other people in the van.

"Such an unsuspecting victim," the man laughed. He turned the chair to face several men dressed in black suits across from the desk. "I want you to take care of the dark haired one. The blond is something special to him, so you may need to use him for leverage. Feel free to use any methods necessary.

"If you are caught we will deny any knowledge of your existence and will do everything in our power to make sure that the truth is not lifted. Do you understand?"

The men nodded their heads. "Good," the man behind the desk said. "Very good!"

We walked into the restaurant and were quickly seated. This particular restaurant was high profile so they were used to celebrities. The guys caused very little ruckus.

Before long a waiter had came to take our orders. He went through the usual speech and we all ordered our favortie dishes then sat around to talk as the waiter rushed off to fill our orders.

"So where are we headed after this Chris?" JC asked.

"I dunno," Chris replied. "I was thinking maybe Bran knew a good place," he looked at me, as did everyone else.

"Well I know a few good places, but I don't think your Press Reporter would like it if I took you to a gay bar, altough I think you'd fit right in!" I joked.

"Hold on here!" Joey said.

Followed quickly by Chris's protestations. Justin merely got a sour look on his face and JC seemed to be intrigued.

"No, seriously," I continued, after they had calmed down a little. "I know a few good clubs. Do you want regular dance and sit around at a table, or karoke, or Latin dance. I really know them all."

"That's my babe," Lance said, smiling at me affectionately.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know all about that," Chris said.

Lance began to turn red again. I quickly spoke up so the guys wouldn't have time to tease Lance. "Come on now, choose someplace our I'm gonna drop you off in one of the black neighbor---" My attention was captured by someone across the room.

"What!?!" Justin asked. Everyone looked off in the direction I was looking.

I shuddered involuntarily. "I HATE that bastard!" I said loudly.

"Who!?!" Joey replied.

"Leo DickCraprio! He gives gays a bad name and that is only the begining," I almost screamed.

"Whoa now," Lance said, wrapping his arm around me.

"He's gay?" JC questioned.

"You can't tell," I replied hotly.

"I never really looked. . ."

I continued to stare darts in Leo's direction. Unfortunately he seemed to feel them and his attention flew off in our direction. "Hell, why did he have to be in town," I said. "Last time I was anywhere near him I almost broke his leg. I don't know what I will do this time!"

His eyes locked on to the guys, and he made his way towards our table. "What do you mean almost broke his leg?" Joey asked.

"I'm sorry I didn't!" I replied. "I was walking down Canal street, just finishing up a little business when I saw him walking down the sidewalk towards me. My stomach almost heaved at the sight and when he walked past me I couldn't resist the temptation to stick my foot out."

"You tripped Leonardo DiCaprio?" Lance asked, astonished.

"You bet! He fell on his face, dropped all his shopping bags and almost broke his leg on the pavement. I wish he had. But enough talk, he's coming over! I hope I don't kill him!"

"Now honey---" Lance began but was interrupted by the young movie star.

"Hey guys!" Leo said happily. "Who's your friend?" he asked. He oviously didn't recognize me from last time. I wasn't sure if I was glad for that or not.

"This is Bran," Lance said, his attention locked on my face, his hand on my thigh.

Leo eyed our contact and sniffed. I could tell he was planning something. "Cool, nice to meet you," he said to me, putting out his hand.

"You too," I smiled sweetly. I can be a damn good actor when I need to be. I bet I could give Leo a run for his money if I ever went into the movie proffesion. Joey, JC, and Chris eyed me wierdly, amused by my seemingly changed attitude.

"Would you all mind if I ate with you tonight?" Leo asked.

"Well. . ." Chris began.

"Sure!" JC said before anyone else could refuse. My eyes flew over to JC, but he was to trapped in Leo's eyes.

"Thanks a bunch," Leo said. "Maybe we can go to a club together afterwards," He continued, pulling up a chair beside JC, and across from me. I made a very loud mental groan. Lance seemed to sense it and he rubbed my knee underneath the table.

We ate dinner fairly quickly, we were only there about an hour and a half. All throughout dinner we all talked and joked. Leo kept staring at me, trying to get my attention. Obviously he wanted more then just that.

As we stood up to leave I pulled Lance aside. "Can we talk for a minute," I said. It wasn't a question.

"Sure. Guys, we'll be along in a minute, you go get in the car," Lance said. After the guys left he turned to me, "What is it babe?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know what that kid's problem is, but I don't know if I can stand him hitting on me. You'd think he'd go for one of you, not me. I'm a nameless person," I said.

"Yeah, but your so damn good lookin'," Lance replied, smiling.

"And I'm all yours! Now lets get out there before they come back in here and annoy the managment." We both laughed as we walked to the door and out onto the street.

The rest of the guys, plus Leo, were standing around the van talking. I walked around to the passenger side and unlocked the doors before climging in and starting the engine.

When everyone had gotten in and was settled I pulled out of the parking lot and into the stream of traffic. "So where do we want to go?" I asked everyone. "And don't tell me to pick someplace that I like because it isn't an option."

There was a short discussion in the back seats then Leo spoke up, "I know a place," he said. He named a club that he liked, I told him I knew where it was and got on the freeway heading towards that part of town.

The guys where horsing around in the back, like usual. I was paying more attention to them then my surrodings so I didn't notice the black sports car following us.

I parked the van in the club parking lot then we all poured out of the doors onto the pavement. "Alright everybody, lets get ready to raise the roof!" Leo yelled. We all moaned at his behind-the-times expression. "What?" he asked, but we waved him off.

We walked down the sidewalk to the clubs entrance. There was a line of people, but because of the guys prominence we were quickly pushed to the front of the line and admitted into the club with a minimum of hassle.

We found a suitable table and sat down. A waiter quickly made his way over and everyone, save Justin and myself, ordered drinks. "Come on babe," Lance said, "you really should get a drink, it'll loosen you up a little bit."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I replied matter-of-factly, and moving my eyebrows in Leo's direction.

Lance just laughed, "Somehow, given your reaction, I'm not worried!"

"Maybe you should be," I whispered seductively.

"Don't try it!" he replied. "You'd be surprised what I learned about torture in Mississippi!"

"I like torture," I moaned.

"Not THIS kind!"

"Oh alright, but we can try the other stuff later." Our little reverie was ended by Leo who came sauntering over like he owned the place. If there is one thing I can't stand, it is cocky blondes. Notice I didn't say cocks ON blondes.

"So what are you guys up to," Leo said, trying to open a conversation.

"We were just going to go out on the dance floor," I replied quickly, then marched out onto the floor, pulling Lance behind me. Unfortunately, Leo followed. We got out onto the floor and started doing our moves. It wasn't long before I tired of it, Leo was constantly following me around and rubbing up against me whenever he had the chance. I got so frustrated that I stormed off the floor. As Lance started to follow me he was stopped by a fan. Leo, however, wasn't.

Just as my bottom touched the chair I heard his annoying voice. "So what's up between you and Lance? Is there something going on there?" he asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact there is!" I replied.

"That's too bad," he said, giving me a sexy grin.

"Yeah, I guess it is," I replied hotly.

"I can't wait to see the look on Lance's face when he find out that you like me and that whatever you had with him was no more than a little bit of sex!"

"How do you figure that!?!" I almost yelled back, restraining myself at the last moment.

"Oh, I can read you like a book. You don't really feel anything for him. You'd leap at the chance to be with me!"

"I think you forgot to learn to read in first grade," I spat at him.

"That's where you're wrong," he replied. He came over to me, bent over and ran his tongue into my ear.

I must admit it felt good, but when I thought of the ego-centric bastard doing it to me I almost puked. "I suggest you stop," I said angrily.

"Come on, you know you like it," he whispered sexily into my ear.

"Yes, I do," I whispered back, in just as sexy a voice. "THAT is why it makes me feel unclean," I said vehmenently. I back-handed him along the jaw, not too hard.

It took him several moments to figure out what had happened. "You're gonna regret this," he said. "You're really going to loathe the day that you even considered doing that to me!" He turned around and stormed off. I let out a sigh of relief.

I felt eyes on my back and whipped my head around to find the source of the feeling. I saw JC standing at the bar, staring at me. 'Shit!' I thought. 'I wonder what he saw? I wonder what he thought of what he saw?!?' As I watched him with questioning eyes, he shook his head slightly then moved out onto the dance floor.

I followed JC's movements as best I could, but he quickly dissappeared behind a group of people. I quickly searched the crowd, looking for Lance. After several minutes I spotted him. He was talking with JC, a worried expression on his face. 'Hell!' I thought. 'I'd better straighten this out before something bad happens.'

I quickly stood and moved out into the crowd, finally making it to Lance after weaving my way through all the people dancing crazily on the floor. "So what did JC have to say?" I inquired.

"He asked if I had seen you and Leo talking, I told him yes and that it worried me, which it did, I thought that he was hitting on you or something, but I couldn't tell. Anway, JC said that there was nothing to fear because you slapped Leo. What did he say to you that would make you do that?" Lance replied quickly.

"Well," I began, "first of all, he was hitting on me. Secondly, I didn't slap him because he said something, he was getting kind of amorous with my face and ear, and I didn't like it. He'll never make the mistake again," I sort of laugh-groaned.

"Well most people in your position would have leaped at the chance. I'm glad you didn't!"

"I bet you are. But I am NOT most people, none of them have you, and well I can't even imagine a one-night stand with that self-righteous bastard. I think he is too in love with himself to do anyone else any good!"

There was a slight pause then Lance spoke up, "When was the last time I told you 'I love you'?"

"Far too long!"

"I love you!"

"And I you James Lansten Bass!"

"Alright, lets dance!" he said enthusiastically.

We began to dance crazily. After a few minutes I found myself seperated from Lance and stopped to look for him. I finally found him in the crowd. He was talking with Leo. I felt my blood begin to boil in my veins. I stormed over to them, pushing and shoving my way through the crowd. People weren't happy, but I was in no mood to care. "What the hell do you think you are doing!?!" I almost yelled when I reached them.

"Lance and I were just having a good time," Leo said. The sarcasm dripping from his words like molasses. I had to heavily restrain myself to keep from compounding his face.

"Listen here," I began vehementely, "you are a little pathetic ego-manical perve---" I caught a sharp movement off to my side and whipped my head around to find the source. A man dressed in a black suit and trench coat was pulling out a gun and pointing it towards Lance. 'SHIT!' my mind yelled. I jumped towards the man just as he pulled the trigger.

The gun made virtually no noise, but I felt the impact of the bullet against my chest. The crowd quickly parted as I fell to the ground. Lance and, unfortunately, Leo rushed to my side, soon followed by the rest of 'N Sync. I heard someone in the background yelling for help, it sounded vaguely like Chris. Lance was looking down into my face crying. I hated seeing his face twisted in agony. All I could think about was comforting him.

I fought my body to raise my hand to his smooth face and rubbed his cheek lightly. "Lance. . .," I whispered before the world faded into hollow darkness.

My eyes were being torn apart by a bright light filtering through my clasped eyelids. As I became accumstomed to the light I slowly opened my eyes. "His returning to conciousness," I heard a completely unfamiliar voice say from somewhere above me.

It took some time for my eyes to focus on my surrondings. I was laying on a bed, the ceiling zooming by. People were huddled all around the bed. 'A hospital,' my brain registered before I passed out again.

Once again light filled my vision. This time it was a much softer light. It didn't hurt my still closed eyes. I slowly mustered up the strength to open my eyes and gaze at the scene around me. There was a window across the room, it was where the light was coming from. The room itself was stark. The walls and ceiling were white, I couldn't see the floor. A chair was sitting next to my bed.

Lance was seated on it, asleep. He must have been sitting awake waiting for me to wake up. I took several moments to pull my energy together and raise my hand and place it on his knee. The movement made a fire spring up in my chest. 'That's where the bullet must have hit,' I thought.

When my hand hit his knee, Lance jerked awake. He saw my open eyes staring at him and he started to cry. "Bran! I've missed you so much!" He rushed forward and hugged me to his chest. I moaned as the pain threatened to overwhelm my feeble neurons. He quickly realized what was happening and realeased me.

"I'm so sorry baby, I've just been so worried about you. You've been asleep for three days now. I was begining to think you weren't going to wake up at all." He spoke so quickly the words fell upon one another.

"I love you," I softly whispered; I couldn't get anything louder out. "I've had worse than this, I'll be fine soon. Don't worry about it."

Just then the door opened, admitting Chris and JC. "Hey, he's finally awake," Chris said. Even his cheery mood was slightly dulled. JC merely stood silently.

"JC," I whispered.

"I think he wants to talk to you JC," Lance said.

"Come on Lance," Chris said, putting an arm around him an helping him out of the room.

JC walked over to the seat Lance was sitting in and leaned close to my bed. "JC," I whispered. "I lied to Lance. I told him I would be fine. I can feel this one, I can't live through this. I've been shot before but this one was too much. But it was either me or Lance, I'd much rather it be me."

"Bran, I hate to tell you this but that bullet was meant for Leo. The police caught the shooter afterwards. He confessed to everything, I guess hoping to lighten his sentence."

My eyes filled with tears. Now I was going to loose Lance because I stopped a bullet meant for a man I hated. "I guess it is a fitting end," I whispered, "I lived that life so long I guess it was inevitable."

"Don't talk like that, you could still get better, the doctors will know what to do. You have to be here for Lance. He can't live without you," JC pleaded.

"JC, I'm sorry. I won't be here much longer. I can feel something pulling at me. It is an odd sensation. Tell Lance I love him. And JC, please take good care of him. Don't let him do anything stupid."

Now it was JC's turn to cry. "Goodbye," I whispered as the world faded into light.

I found myself floating in the hospital room. The pain was gone, I didn't even realize how bad it was until it was gone. I saw JC with his head still buried in the sheets. The machines where blaring, printing the flat line which we all know so well. I sighed, or did the closest thing to sigh in spirit form.

I lowered myself to the floor, it really is unnerving to lookg down at everything, and passed through the door, now THAT is quite an experience. I floated down the hall, rushing past a group of doctors, probably rushing down to my room to check the alarm.

I soon found the waiting room. People were sitting around, most with looks of some degree of despair on their faces. I heard a low din, like lots of people talking but not loud enough to be understood. This puzzled me because no one was speaking. It took me some time to realize that it was their thoughts that I was hearing, and that by focusing on someone I could hear them clearly, like tuning into a radio station.

I spotted Lance and the rest of the guys sitting in a corner. Lance was crying on Joey's shoulder while Chris and Justin talked quietly. I floated over to them and watched as Lance slowly cried himself to sleep. I felt myself being drawn to him. . .

I was floating in a misty nondescript expanse. Lance was stading several feet in front of me with his back to me, crying. "Lance," I said.

He turned quickly around and stared at me a moment before rushing up to me and crying into my shoulder. "I love you Bran, I love you!"

"Lance, I'm dead now. I'm talking to you in your dreams. Please I want you to understand, I love you. I always will. I'll be waiting in heaven for you. Never forget me, please tell me you'll never forget me."

"I won't," he said, sobbing. "I could never forget you. You are my angel!"

"Lance, listen to me," I replied. "When JC comes in a few minutes to tell you that I'm. . . dead," it was hard to force the word out, "don't cry. Please just don't cry. Let him and the guys take care of you. You'll get through this. You'll be happy in no time. Just please promise me you won't do anything stupid on my account. I love you too much Lance!"

"I love you too, anything for you!"

"I love you Lance!"

He raised his face from my shoulder and our lips met. The bond between us was so much clearer here, we were touching body, mind, and soul. We were one being. We were merely seperated before, we combined and enhanced each other, both giving as much as we took. Our souls sang a song together.

The world began to waver and spin. I instantaneously found myself back in the real world watching as JC and Joey shook Lance awake. "Lance," JC began, "I'm so sorry. Bran is. . . dead. I'm so sorry." Tears came to his eyes, and his body throbbed with silent sobs.

Lance didn't cry, just as I had asked him to. "I know JC," he said, "he told me already. He's waiting for us. . ."

I watched the scene before me, I was crying, doing the exact thing I had asked Lance not to do. I felt a warmth behind me, filling my soul with a holy pleasurable light. "Come my child," a deep booming, but near silent voice said, "Come!"

Before turning to answer the call I spoke:

Sometimes I walk through ailses of dim despair, Through halls blackened, lack of hope. Dark emotion filling up my lungs. A star shines brightly in the distance, Radiant, your love. Pushing back despair, Renewing hope long drowned. A star, Your life and mine, Wrapped together, sustaining. Where would I be without you?

As I finished Lance turned his head towards me, for an instant he focused on my eyes. Then the instant ended. As I turned towards the light I saw Lance smile and that smile flooded my mind and soul, bringing a light to me even greater than the light into which I was moving. I knew that even in heaven my only complete peace would be with Lance when he joined me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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