Nsync Saga

By Rune Therain

Published on Nov 22, 2000


I'm back. And here's another installment of Harbingers. The story is starting to come to a close now. It shouldn't be too far off now. I'm counting on at least two more chapters, probably three and then the epilogue. But we'll see. I've long ago given up on trying to make this story go where I want it too. It's sort of controlling me now, but I can't complain. It's fun being along for the ride.

Thanks to everyone that's e-mailed me. I know I've said this in every installment, but it's still true. I love hearing from you guys. I like to know what the people reading my story think of what I'm writing. So e-mail me. Tell me what you think. You can reach me at either Mist_dark@yahoo.ca or Mist_dark@hotmail.com I'll get back to you as quickly as possible when you e-mail me too. Special thanks go out to Kenitra, Shade, Aeoros, Di, Aphrodite, Dax, Hamado and my beloved Appleseed (and I still believe that you just sleepwalked cross-country).

I do so love putting these legalities in. They're so much fun. This story in no way is supposed to reflect the sexuality of the members of the group Nsync. If You are too young in you area, or it's illegal to read this, please leave. If homosexual themes offend you leave as well. Parts of this story are based of the RPG Rifts. All trademarks belong to Kevin Siembieda and Palladium books.

Now on with the story, Enjoy, Rune


"He dies!" Chris fumed. The fire flared out of the hearth and blackened anything near it. "I don't care how long it takes but that man will die."

"Chris," Joey said. "You've never killed anyone. Do you really want to start?"

"I don't care," the brunette fumed. Chris' eyes were on fire as he spat the words. "He killed Evelyn."

They had found Mala and Evelyn hours after Josh and Joey had been told to leave the room. The thief still hadn't come around, but the older woman was collapsed next to her on the bed. It had taken them a few moments to realize what had happened. And even after they'd determined that Evelyn had died, they weren't sure of exactly what had happened until Mala had woken up.

When she did explain everything Chris and Joey had lashed out without realizing it. Every fireplace in the castle roared to life and remained at an incredible size for almost an hour. Joey's response had been subtler by far more effective. An empathic wave of pure grief struck every creature within a hundred-mile radius.

Everyone else, with the exception of Brian, had shed tears over Evelyn's death. They left Chris and Joey together to comfort one another, and tried to comfort themselves as best they could. It had taken some time, but Chris and Joey eventually composed themselves enough to be able to talk to the rest. Joey was calm about it and Chris was as wild as the fire he controlled. Both of them wanted revenge and nothing short of an act of divine intervention was going to stop them from getting it.

"Evelyn may have died to save Mala," Chris said in a deadly calm voice. "But she would never have been put in that situation if that man hadn't attacked us."

"I know that Chris," Joey said. "But I want to know that you're prepared to do what you're saying you're going to do. It's not easy killing a person."

"I imagine I'll get over it," Chris snapped.

"We'll help you," Justin said quietly. "You know we will, but do you have any idea of what you're getting into?" The blonde looked around the table. "We know this man is a priest of some sort, but that's about it. We don't even know what god he serves. But we do know that he has a master vampire and possibly an adult dragon on his side. Not to mention those curse bringers. And he's probably got some other creature to call."

Josh shuddered slightly at the mention of the vampire. "We also don't know where they're going to be. They could be anywhere. Though they're probably still on the island somewhere. Apparently vampires don't like to leave dry land, but it's still a big island. And even of the Faerie don't like vampires, they probably couldn't drive off a master vampire, a dragon and a pair of curse bringers."

Chris looked helplessly between Justin and Josh. "I don't care how long it takes," he whispered. "I'll find him. And if you want to help then you're welcome to. But if you don't want to, that's alright too."

"Don't be silly," Maria snapped. "You know we're going to help you, Justin just said as much." She looked around the table to make sure she had everyone's attention. She did. Most people would have listened to her even if she didn't exude her aura of power. "If we look at this logically Sayer is probably going to have the dragon and Yesena near him. Which means that Yesena is going to call her vampires to her. Every vampire on this island, with the exception of David and myself, will heed that call. I'll be able to sense their movements and zero in on them. Of course finding them will be the easy part. We'll still have to deal with whatever surprises they have waiting for us."

"Will they be gathering at Yesena's mansion?" Calypso asked. She said the name with obvious distaste.

I doubt it," Brian said. "It's to obvious a place, and from what I've heard it's not easily defended."

Maria nodded. "She'll probably be at the Monolith."

"The what?" Josh asked.

"It's sort of her home away from home," Maria explained. "It's sort of like a large rock about the size of her mansion. But it extends deep underground. There's only one entrance."

Pyre nodded his head in agreement. "That does sound like the best place for them to congregate. We're going to have to plan some sort of battle strategy at this point. We don't know a great deal about what we're going to be facing, but we need something." He waited for anyone else to put forth an idea before continuing. He was interrupted by the door opening.

"It would have been nice if you'd taken the time to thaw me out," Cro muttered as he floated across the room.

Everyone in the room had the good grace to blush. "Sorry Cro," Joey murmured. "We sort of got sidetracked."

"I'm sure," the book replied. "But you're planing some sort of attack and thought it'd be best to leave me out. Even if you did temporarily forget that I existed. But I think I can be of some help to you."

"You've been helpful so far," Pyre said. "Here's what I thought we should be prepared for. We're going to have to deal with Yesena's vampires. As well as Yesena herself. Though we might not have to deal with both of them at the same time. If we assume that she's decorated her hideaway like she has her mansion, we'll have wards to worry about. And possibly golems as well. The Gemini shouldn't be too difficult to deal with since they won't have the time to create anything to evil."

"Don't underestimate them," Mala said. "They can do a lot if they're cornered and they'll be together so they're going to be a lot more powerful."

"I know," Pyre said. "But they won't be able to raise a plague without taking some time to do it. Time which we don't plan to let them have."

"As long as we keep them off balance," Chris said. "We should be able to deal with them. At least enough to immobilize them. Just remember to blind as well. Muting them won't do anything."

"The possibility of an adult dragon complicates things," Pyre said.

"Not a possibility," Cro said. "A reality."

"Okay," Pyre said. "The dragon will make things more difficult. I'm the only that will be able to match her blow for blow."

"If possible I'll take Yesena," Maria said. "She's been a master longer then I have, but I should be able to slow her down. And Brian will be able to deal with her human servant. David will help with the remaining vampires"

"I guess I could take a shot at dealing with the rest of the vampires with David," Justin said reluctantly. "Guess I'm taking a lot of holy water with me."

"Joey and I get Sayer," Chris said suddenly.

"We don't know what he's capable off," Maria pointed out. "I don't think it's a good idea to send you two off by yourselves to deal with him."

"He's probably going to have the others clustered around him anyway," Joey said. "So if we need help there'll be someone right there to give it."

Maria sighed. "I guess so. But don't get yourselves killed. I guess that only leaves the Gemini."

"I think Calypso and I can worry about one of them," Mala said. "I think if we keep them distracted we won't have too much of a problem with them."

"I can help you with them," Josh offered. "Where are you going to be Cro?"

"I'll be offering strategic advice," the book said. "I don't have too many combat oriented abilities and I've already drained them trying to defend Lance."

"Can you lead us to the Monolith Maria?" Pyre asked. "I can get us there if I know where we're going."

"I can get you there," the vampire assured him. "When do you want to leave?"

"I think tomorrow night would be the best time. How long before sunset can you awaken?"

"An hour I suppose," she said thoughtfully. "But I won't be able to force David to rise more then a few minutes before full dark."

Pyre nodded. "That should give us a few minutes to work with. Not a lot, but a few."

"I think we should all get some rest," Josh suggested. "We're probably going to need it."

"Know this priest," the Wraith nearly spat at Sayer. "I will not die for your cause. I will aid you in your quest, but I will not give up my life. Do we understand each other?"

Sayer nodded calmly, something that he didn't feel inside. "I know that, and I haven't asked you to give your life up. And even if I did, this situation won't demand it. They will come with their friends and they can't hope to match us. Their only trump card is their dragon, and we have one of our own to counter that. They have a master vampire, as do we. But ours has over two hundred vampires at her beck and call. We have your abilities and mine. They have their own to draw upon, but they lack the experience that we have."

Yesena laughed richly. The vampire had changed out of her typical slinky dress to more combat oriented clothing. She wore a black leather bodysuit with a golden breastplate over it. "You are always under estimating people Sayer. Or else the pyro wouldn't have gotten away from you. I'm not worried about this battle, but I wouldn't go into it without some agitation. It's foolish otherwise. Always expect them to know something you don't."

"You're paranoid," Sayer told her. "They are nothing but children, and they will be dealt with just as harshly."

"Paranoia, as you call it," Yesena retorted. "Has kept me alive for over five centuries. I don't care to see that time come to an end. You must be awful confident of your master's interference."

"Confident or foolish," Neva growled.

The priest gazed at the dragon for a moment. "You'll do as you're told. You won't like it, but you'll do it. Won't you?"

"Of course I will," Neva snapped. "And I will find a way around your magics priest. And when I do I will rip you to shreds."

Sayer laughed at her. "Until you die, or until I do we are linked dragon. You know that as well as any. Any harm inflicted on me is also inflicted on you. Hurt me in anyway and your own life is at stake."

The dragon arched an eye ridge at him. "Do you think death would stop me from killing you?"

Sayer gaped at her for a moment before returning to the others. He shook his head to clear it before he continued. "The Gemini are staying of their own will," he informed them. "They should be able to do something to those irritating friends of the Seeker. Stay out of their way, it's the safest thing for any of us to do. The rest of you possess enough intelligence to be able to come up with strategies of your own. Neva, you will stay by my side unless I order otherwise."

"We are preparing to kill them aren't we?" Yesena asked. "Because I want the Siren alive. I could care less about any of the others, but his blood is something I have yet to be able to match for flavour. I'll kill him in the end, he's too dangerous to be left alive. Or else I'll make him one of mine. Either way I will have his blood."

"They all die," Sayer told her sharply. "My master wishes them to die, and they will. He wants the Seeker to experience real pain."

"Fine," the vampire pouted. She flopped down on a couch and stared at the priest. "Are there any other commands that you have for us?"

"Not at this time," Sayer said. "Except for you Neva." He smiled at the dragon. "You will have to adopt a slightly less intimidating form for the time being. I think your human skin will do nicely." He fixed her with an intent stare. "Change."

The ice dragon snarled at the priest. The room physically dropped six degrees in temperature. She snarled at Sayer again, but began to change. Her form shrunk in on itself and warped when needed. Her wings shrunk into her back and her tail disappeared all together. The spines along her back flattened themselves until they became part of it. She grew pale blonde hair to accent her perfect human body. When the transformation was complete Neva stood before them as a pale human girl. The only thing that hid her nude form was the mists of cold that filtered around her.

"You will pay for this indignity," she whispered with rage.

"Perhaps," Sayer said. He was proud of how calm and in control he appeared. His master would be very unforgiving if he failed him. "But I doubt it."

The Hall of Gateways wasn't empty when Lance returned. The familiar tingling sensation touched his skin the moment he entered the hall. Without turning around he knew that one of the Guardians was in the hall with him, though he didn't know which one. He suspected the Guardian of Time, since he was the only one that could materialize while the others had their powers strained. He was surprised to see the Guardian of Life standing in the hall. The three Fates stood in a ring around him. Lachesis and Atropos on either side with Clotho behind him.

"Have you learned all that you must learn Seeker?" Atropos asked him.

Lance was quiet for a moment as he thought about what he'd seen and learned over the course of his quest. "No," he said finally. "I couldn't possibly learn everything that I need to know in a hundred lifetimes. Let alone what little time I had."

A smile graced the elder aspect of Fate's lips. "You have learned a great deal then. Do you know why you are the Seeker? What it means to be the Seeker?"

"I think so," he said slowly. "I am the Seeker because I can sense Guardians. Whenever they're near me my skin tingles. So that makes me the perfect person to go hunting for a new Guardian. All I had to do was get close enough to him."

"That doesn't answer the second question," Lachesis pointed out. "What does it mean to be the Seeker?"

Lance looked at her with confusion. "I thought I answered that."

Clotho shook her head. "We'll come back to that one. What else have you learned on your quest?"

"Well, simply put, nothing is eternal. Everything eventually comes to an end. The forest will eventually become a desert and the desert will eventually flourish into a forest. Old life gives way to the new and the old life will do anything to protect the new."

"What of things that are neither truly alive nor truly dead?" Atropos asked. "Like water. Do they give life or take it?"

"Both," Lance said. "Water can bring life, like it will in the desert that Clotho showed me. But it can also take life, like it did with the cat that was trying to save his cubs."

"Let us put his knowledge to the test sisters," Lachesis said. "A simple test." She looked to the others for approval. The other two Fates nodded their agreement. "We will make a scenario for you Seeker. There will be a number of people involved. You will pick one among them according to the stipulations that we give you. Do you understand?"

The blonde's brow furrowed in confusion. "Yes, but why?"

"We'll explain that after you've made your choice," Clotho assured him.

The three women stepped away from the Guardian of Life and formed a ring off to one side. They moved their arms as if they were weaving something that only they could see. When they finished they turned to face him again. Between them was the image of a small village. It was transparent, but he could make out tiny figures moving along the streets and in and out of the buildings.

"You see a village that was destroyed eons ago," Atropos told him. "Ten years from the point that you see it now a pestilence will sweep through this village. Everyone will die. It could have been adverted by one death. Tell us which of the villagers must die to save all the others."

Lance looked at her oddly. "Are you asking me to choose which one of those people is going to die? I am not going to kill one of them just to pass a test."

"You will not be killing anyone," Lachesis told him. "This event has already happened. These people are long dead. Died of a disease that could have been dealt with if only one of them had died. Which one is that person? We are only asking you to tell us who had to die to save them all. It will change nothing, save our knowledge of what you've learned."

"Alright then." Lance studied the model in front of him. He didn't know how he was going to do this, but he could certainly try. The village consisted of no more then a hundred people. It appeared to be a farming community. Some of the people were easily distinguished by their dress, or what they carried around with them. The mayor was easily distinguished by his sash of office. As was the blacksmith by his hammer. Others were farmers. He knew that the station a man held didn't measure his worth. So deciding based on that wasn't the way he was going to figure this out. The only one he knew he could rule out was the healer. That woman was probably the village's only hope of survival.

"Do not try to understand it logically," Clotho told him. "Logic does not help in these situations."

He looked at her oddly for a moment. He shrugged and looked back to the village. If logic wasn't the way to solve this, then there had to be another way. On a thought he tried something Joey had explained to him once. Lance possessed no psychic ability, but his friend had tried to explain how he did certain things. He once tried to explain telepathy. Lance tried what Joey had told him about. Reaching out with his mind he touched the village. He was surprised that it had actually worked. Smiling to himself he tried touching a villager. He was even more surprised to find that he suddenly knew everything about the old man's life. In an instant he knew that this man wouldn't be the death of the village. He moved on and touched a young woman. Again he knew everything about her and knew she wasn't the one.

It was like that with every villager. He touched everyone to make sure, even after he was sure that he knew who it was. He straightened and pointed to a boy that wasn't ten years old. "Him," he said. "He's the one."

"Why?" Clotho asked. "How can one so young bring death to everyone around him?"

"He won't want to do it, but he'll be a carrier for the disease," Lance said. "His immune system is slightly weaker then it should be. The condition will worsen over time. By the time ten years have passed he'll be able to catch anything. He'll catch the disease and it will mutate inside him. Then he'll spread it to the other villagers, and because it's changed inside him it'll become lethal. If he dies now that will never happen."

"Correct," Atropos said. She waved her hand and the image of the village vanished. "Do you know what it means to be the Seeker yet?"

"I still don't," Lance admitted.

"You will in a moment child." The Fate turned her attention to the Guardian of Life. "He is the one. Do you accept him?"

The Guardian nodded. "I do." He stepped forward toward Lance. "I will explain what it means to be the Seeker Lance. If you answer my questions. Do you know how you knew when a Guardian was near?"

"I already said that I got a tingling sensation on my skin. It only happened when a Guardian was nearby."

"Yes," the Guardian said. "But do you know why you got that sensation? What allowed you to sense a Guardian's presence?"

"No," Lance said. "I just assumed it was something like a psychic ability. Something I was born with."

"Yes and no," Life told him. "You are not the only one to be able to sense a Guardian's presence. Any Guardian can do that. You are the Seeker because you were born to replace a Guardian."

Lance stared at the Guardian as if he'd just fallen out of a tree. "I'm a what?"

"You will be a Guardian," Life told him. "If you decide to accept the office of course."

"But I've already found the replacement Guardian," Lance said. "Death died and I can't replace her. I don't know enough about it."

"You won't be replacing Death child," Life told him. "You'll be replacing me. I cannot live without my mate. She and I have been wed for countless eons. I cannot take another, and I do not want to. I wish to pass the Mantle of Life to another. And you are the one to replace me. Do you accept?"

"You want me to become a Guardian?" Lance asked. The shock was so thick in his voice that it was amazing he could form the words at all. "I couldn't run Life. To be responsible for every living creature. How could I even hope to do that?"

"It is far easier then you would think," Life assured him. "It is difficult, but a great deal of life does not need anyone's attention. It will carry on happily by itself. You need only concern yourself with aspects that will upset the Balance."

"You think I can do this?" Lance asked. He was looking at the Guardian of Life, but he directed the question at everyone in the hall.

"We know you can do this child," Atropos told him. The other two Fates nodded their agreement. "If you could not do so we would never have woven that part into our tapestry. You have the ability to wield the power of life for the good of all, but only you can decide if you can do it."

"Lance," Life said. "You are a strong man, you have many abilities, and you can do the tasks that lay ahead of you. I trust you or I would not have asked you."

"Wait," Lance said. He shook his head to clear it. "How are you here? How can you take a physical form when all the others except Time can't? And even Time can't leave his realm."

"A gift of the Fates," Life said. "We are actually in a place outside of time. A place made for this purpose. The Fates made this place and a gift from my brother Time, allows me to be here."

"Okay then," Lance said. "At least that answers that question." He looked at each of them in turn. "You really do think I can do this, don't you?"

Each of the Fates and the Guardian of Life nodded. "We do." Clotho was the only one that said anything, but she spoke for them all. They all felt he could do it.

"Then I accept," Lance said simply.

Life smiled. "Thank you child."

"For what?"

"For letting me be reunited with my love."

The Guardian stepped toward him and touched the Ankh on the blonde's chest. The mark flared and for a moment it was visible through the thick material of his robe. Lance felt wave after wave of energy course through his body. He couldn't describe the sensation. It was like feeling incredible agony and pure bliss at the same time. Every possible physical and emotional sensation rolled over him at once. He felt a tiny tingle on his skin, like someone had pricked him with a pin. It didn't hurt, but it felt odd. It came again in a different spot. And then again in another. Soon his skin was alive with the sensation.

The old Guardian of Life stepped back too look at him. "It is done," he said simply. "The Mantle of Life has been passed. You will learn to use your abilities, and the other Guardians will help you."

"What is this tingling sensation. It almost feels like someone keeps pricking my skin."

A wistful smile crossed the old Guardian's face. "That would be the feeling of life. You are feeling every life as it begins and as it dies. It is a beautiful feeling to have."

The three Fates smiled as one. They stepped forward in unison and the smile faded from their faces. They opened their mouths and even spoke as if they were one person. "A new Guardian has entered the circle that protects the Balance. And the worlds will rejoice, even if they know it not. As Seeker this Guardian must choose the Guardian of Death. The office remains open and it threatens to destroy all that is. Have you made your choice Guardian of Life?"

Lance nodded. "I have." He raised both arms and clapped them over his head. He brought them downward sharply in a prayer position. He closed his eyes and concentrated.


Okay how many people saw that little twist coming? Just curious. Let me know. Until next time, Rune.

Next: Chapter 40: Harbingers 17

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