Nsync Savior

By moc.oohay@99relbmut

Published on Jun 7, 1999


Note: This is a complete work of fiction. I am not implying that any character within this story is gay or bisexual. This is just my fantasy, so let me have it!!! I'm planning on making this a continuing plot, with twists and turns and everything else thrown in. So please, don't be afraid to send any comments my way. Since I've never been to New York I may need a little help with some scenery and stuff. Please e-mail me at tumbler99@yahoo.com

'N SYNC Savior

Chapter Three

The scenes invaded my mind and I felt my sanity being threatened. "Please, I can't take this anymore. Just let me sleep," my mind cried out to no one. I felt the tear slip from my eye as the scenes slowly diminished. My body relaxed and my mind settled. I finally had some peace. For the next few hours I drifted through consciousness, letting my body recuperate. The wounds would slowly mend, letting the blood dry and cover them. Adam had done a good job of cleaning me up but the red marks did not completely disappear. My face had 3 long red streaks. If you looked close, I suppose you could have told they were made from fingernails, but they really just stood out as an impurity. My neck was now completely red, there were no traces of fingers. If someone would have come upon me at that moment they might have thought I had an allergic reaction to a sting - if only it had been that simple.

Hours later, in the early morning, the sun tried to peek its head through the window. The blinds stood upon, held by the velvet sash. My body, though covered by the warm blankets, was positioned with my face directly in the ray of light. When it finally shone bright enough to wake me I sat up with a jerk. My mouth let out a scream, although I doubt it could have been very loud. My eyes flew upon and looked around the room. I was expecting a dark alley, with blood on the ground and trash along the side. What I saw shocked me more than anything could have. There was a big screen TV in the corner of the room, at the perfect angle for me to watch it. A refrigerator stood next to it with a bookcase lining the rest of the wall. There was a deck behind the glass doors, the one with the velvet blinds pulled back. I could see the tops of some skyscrapers, glinting with the morning light. Suddenly, it was too much to handle. I felt the tears start to well up and my lips start to quiver. I looked to my left where there was an old, wooden dresser resting. The tears streamed down my face as I quickly looked to my right. My whimpering stopped as a real scream released from my throat.

Adam woke quickly, falling out of the chair he was sleeping in. He was disorientated, although no more than I was, but quickly gathered his thoughts. I was sitting up in bed with a clean shirt on. My face was reddened, from the scratches and from the screaming. My hair was disheveled, but it still framed my face to make me look young and innocent. "I think he'll always look innocent to me, since I know what happened to him," he thought.

Slowly standing up he reached out his hand, palm facing me, and stood watching me. My eyes were wild, scanning the room, then back to him, then back to the room. I was ready to let out another scream when I saw him walk slowly to me.

"Please, don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you. I.... I.... well, I found you last night. I brought you up here and cleaned you up a little. I let you use my bed, but don't worry, I stayed here on the chair the entire night. Please, don't scream. I'm not going to hurt you." He was talking fast, and he knew it, but he couldn't help himself. Last night he knew exactly what to do. He had planned how everything would work out. But today, it was all different. Now that I was awake he didn't know how to act or what to do. He was actually scared for once.

I looked at him more now, realizing that he didn't look like M....Mark, yes that was his name - Mark. My body slowly relaxed as I saw him walk up to me. My head dropped; it suddenly felt very heavy. The tears that had stopped for a second came back with a vengeance. My body hurt so bad; the pain was almost unbearable. I slowly fell over to my side, sliding into the fetal position once again, relieving the pressure on my ass. My throat was throbbing, causing me to take shallow breaths. I could feel heat on my face from the scratches I'd received. But the physical pains weren't the worst. I heard his voice, that awful voice that I thought was so sexy just hours ago, yelling at me. I'd flirted with him and I'd pretty much offered myself to him. I felt the shame and guilt well up as I heard his final words float through my head. "You deserved it....you deserved it." Oh god, how could this have happened to me?

Adam slowly reached out and stroked my hair. He could tell that I was reliving the nightmare, my body made that very obvious. He sat beside me and slowly brought me onto his lap. He stroked my hair and softly hummed the lullaby he used last night. I let him hold me for a few minutes. After last night this was exactly what I needed.

Who am I kidding? Even if last night would have never happened, I've needed and wanted this forever. The strong arms of a man holding me tight, keeping me safe and warm. It's what I've fantasized about for years. As the flood of emotions diminished I started to feel better. My body stopped shaking and my tears stopped flowing. I took a deep breath, smelling Adam's manly scent. I slowly looked up and saw him staring at me intently.

He leaned in close and put his lips to my ear. "Are you feeling any better?"

I closed my eyes and sighed a little, taking another big breath. "Yeah. I think I just needed to get all of that out of my system." I felt him loosen his hug and for a second I felt sad. I didn't want him to let go, ever. I felt so safe in his arms. Then I looked into his eyes and realized where I was wrong. This man wasn't holding me as a lover. The soft look in his eyes told me that he was there only to help me. There was no love or even lust looking down at me. The image of a young father holding his son after a bad accident filled my mind. I slowly looked down and closed my eyes. Before he could move any more I slowly pulled away and sat up on the bed. I cross my legs gently, feeling the pain down below. We sat on the bed facing each other, each with our own thoughts flooding our minds. Mine mostly about last night, his mostly about my situation. I looked up and saw his big eyes staring at me, patiently waiting. For a second I felt that yearning for a lover, but I shoved it down once again. I knew that my situation was already going to be much more complicated than I'd planned. I didn't want to throw in a relationship with the man who might have saved my life. I'd heard stories think those before and they never worked out.

"Well," I started, "I'm sure you're dying to know about me."

"Actually, I am fairly interested. But I'm not going to push you into anything. First of all, are you all right? I didn't want to take you to a doctor last night because I had no idea who you were or where you're from. Do you think you need medical treatment?" He had the look of concern on his face again, in fact it had probably never left, but I forced myself to look away.

I slowly moved my arms up and down, then feeling my face (wincing as I touched the scratches), and finally traveled down my body. My front side was all right but my back was scraped and tender. I could feel the heat from the cut near on my ass but I wasn't going to check that in front of this stranger. I slowly moved my legs and felt assured that they were fine.

"No, I think I'll be just fine with a few days to let things heal and mend. Thank you, if I haven't told you yet, for taking me up here. I don't know what would have happened if...." I slowly trailed off, shuddering as the thought filled my mind.

"Well I'm not sure what happened, but I honestly don't think I scared the guy off. He was running away before I even entered the alley. But don't worry, you're safe now. He can't hurt you anymore." He stopped talking and looked at me with the curiosity shining from his eyes.

"Oh man, where to begin....Well, first of all, let me introduce myself. Since you've already seen me completely naked you may as well know my name." I laughed a little, trying to ease the tension in the air, but it was obvious that it would take much more than that little joke to ease our moods. I reached out my hand slowly and carefully. "Matt Tieben, from Kansas."

Surprised that I was offering my hand Adam slowly reached out to give it a shake. "Adam Cook, originally from Utah, but now I live in Florida. I would like to say it's a pleasure to meet you, but I just wish it could have been under different circumstances."

I withdrew my hand and nodded. I dropped my head down and closed my eyes, taking a breath. "Well, I really don't know where to start, so I'll just give you a brief overview. I'm 17, just graduated from High School a few weeks ago. I'm planning on attending a state college in Kansas to become a High School math teacher. Ummm.... I'm here in New York right now because of graduation. My dad wanted me out of the house for awhile so as my graduation present he sent me here for two weeks. I suppose I don't mind really, I love being out on my own, but I just wish he would realize that he pushes me away every time he does something like this. But, I'm sure you don't care about any of that.

"So, I arrived at the airport last night and started walking to my hotel. Umm....oh man, what was the name?? I know it was fairly close, though, because I decided I could walk to it. Looking back now, I know I should have never tried to walk to it for the first time. I had plenty of time to walk later.... but I'm stubborn like that. I told myself that I wasn't going to be immature and waste my dad's money on a cab. God, why didn't I just get in a cab like I should have?"

Adam lightly interrupted me, trying to make me feel better. "You could have never known. You're a young man, in good shape, and you wanted to walk to your hotel. There is nothing wrong with that. What happened on your way there?" He softly probed for more information, trying to get me talking again.

"Well, I got lost and ended up at an outdoor cafe, probably pretty close to the alley you found me in. I was taking a short break when I noticed this hot....um, I mean, when I noticed this guy staring at me. I should have known that he was a creep but I made myself go over to him and get directions. He started talking....well, I won't go into detail about that, and suddenly he was at my side, offering to walk me to my hotel. I was kind of surprised, but I guess I was...." I stopped for a second, worried. "Oh God, why is this so hard?....Why can't I just say it?....I guess....I guess I was attracted to him enough to trust him." I looked up as I said the last statement to see how he would react. His solemn face never changed. He didn't look at me in horror, like I was a freak. He didn't look at me in shock, surprised that I might actually be gay. He just looked at me and nodded lightly, indicating for me to go on.

I took a deep breath, thankful that I'd gotten that little secret out. I stopped for a second, remembering the promise I'd made myself yesterday on the plane. "You promised that you would be open and honest - truthful with everyone. No more hiding remember?" I nodded my head, agreeing with the logical side of my brain. "But look where that got you Matt. Because you were so ‘open and honest' you flirted with a good looking guy and look at what happened. You caused this to happen." My emotional side had a point too. I shook my head hard, trying to clear those thoughts, and looked back up at Adam.

"I don't know why this is so hard. I told myself that I wasn't going to hide anymore once I got here. I told myself I was going to be free and honest and open and just be myself. But look where it got me." Instead of tears I felt anger well up inside of me. "How could I have been so stupid? I just offered myself to him...." There was no holding back now. The tears were on my eyelashes in a second, streaming down my face. Without saying a word Adam leaned in and hugged me, wrapping me once again in his strong arms. We held each other for a few more minutes until I had controlled myself. I pulled back again, just like last time, and took a breath.

"So, that's where you came in. I flirted with the wrong guy and he did what he did. I can never thank you enough for bringing me here and caring for me." I was about to go on when my stomach started growling. I hadn't had much food the previous day (lets just say I don't go for airplane food!). Even though he knew that we weren't finished he decided to stop anyway. He leaned over to the desk drawer and pulled out the room service menu. Opening it, he placed it on my lap, telling me to pick anything I wanted.

At first I was looking at the prices, flipping to the last few pages where the cheaper meals were. Adam noticed this and placed his hand on mine.

"Don't worry Matt. You've been through a lot in the past day. Just find your favorite meal and lets order it. You don't have to worry about breaking my wallet!!" He laughed lightly, getting a smile from me at the same time. He could tell the mood was lightening up a little and was determined to keep it that way. While I was looking through the menu he got up and went to the bathroom, laying out a towel, a robe, some soap, and everything else I would need.

I finally decided on the bacon and egg breakfast, with some hash browns and grape juice on the side. Adam was still busy in the bathroom and didn't hear me call for him. I looked over at the phone and decided not to wait on him. My stomach was getting pretty loud now and I wanted that bacon. I picked up the phone and hit the room service button.

"Hello, this is....umm....actually, I don't know what room number this is. But I'm here with Mr. Cook. I'd like to order some room service." I looked around the room, suddenly realizing that I had no idea where I was. Was I anywhere near my own hotel? Was I anywhere near the airport? Was I even in the same city? I figured I had to be. He would have never taken me far, would he?

"....charged with the others?" the young lady asked.

"Oh, excuse me. I was daydreaming again. What did you ask?"

"I asked if you would like this breakfast charged to the same account as all the other breakfasts today." The young lady seemed to be getting impatient.

"What do you mean breakfasts?" I was planning on thinking that to myself but I must have been more tired than I realized - it accidently slipped out.

"The breakfasts that you ordered for the group and the rest of the managers. Hey, what kind of call is this. Where are you? What room are you in? Where is Mr. Cook?" The questions rattled on until I yelled at her to stop.

"Please, listen. I don't know what you're talking about, but I am staying in Mr. Adam Cook's hotel room. I only want one breakfast, the bacon and eggs with hash browns and a glass of grape juice. Do you think that's possible?" I don't get angry very often but when someone doesn't let me talk it pushes me over the edge.

"Well, I suppose so. But I think you and Mr. Cook need to figure out exactly what you want before the day begins. You can't keep adding different things to your order. This is getting out of hand."

And with that she hung up. I sat on the bed with the receiver in my hand, pressed against my ear. I was still disorientated from last night, and then I get a hotel employee who acted like she was stoned. This was a crazy vacation. I laid my head back on the pillows and stretched out my legs, trying to stay off of my back as much as possible. I didn't realize that my eyes had closed until I felt Adam rub my shoulder lightly.

"Matt, did you find what you wanted? I'll order it if you want."

I looked up at him and yawned a little. "I already ordered it actually. I hope you don't mind."

I saw a surprised look flash over his face but it was gone in a second. "You....you ordered it already? When did they say it would be up?"

"They never gave me a time. The lady was so weird. She thought I was trying to order breakfasts for a group and a bunch of managers. She seemed to be a little high if you ask me, but I told her just to get mine."

"Oh my God! I've got to make sure she didn't misunderstand." Adam pushed back from the bed and ran to the other telephone sitting on a table next to a chair. He sat down and dialed quickly, looking very worried.

"Adam, what's wrong? Did I screw something up? I thought...." I was quieted by Adam, pointed his finger at me and shaking his head.

"Yes, this is Mr. Cook up in....Yes, yes, I know, just let me....Yes....Please, just let me explain. Thank you. This really is Mr. Cook. I still want the other breakfasts ordered but I would like this new one to be cooked also. Just bring it up with the others. Yes I know there was a misunderstanding. The gentleman did not know I had ordered other breakfasts. Yes, thank you once again." He hung up quietly, looking a little tired from his battle with the stoned employee.

"She was kind of wicked, wasn't she? Did I screw up something, or were you able to fix it?" I was starting to get worried. I didn't like the look on Adam's face.

"No, no, everything is fine, don't you worry. I just didn't think before I told you to order. I cleared everything up. Your meal should be here in a shortly." He leaned back into the chair and rubbed his eyes. "God I'm still tired after last night."

I slowly stood off the bed and moved over to him. I leaned in for a hug, whispering in his ear.

"Thank you, once again, for saving my life. I'll never forget it." I pulled back and walked into the bathroom, but not before I had seen the little smile creep onto his face.

I closed the door behind me and smiled. This bathroom was huge and perfect. I slowly stripped out of my clothes and cringed at the tightness of my body. I needed a nice hot shower to rub off everything that had happened. I leaned over the tub and adjusted the temperature so it was just bearable. I stepped into the spray and almost screamed. But, I had to do this, I had to wipe everything off.

I finally got adjusted to the water and used a bar of soap on my upper body. Other than my back I was pretty good above the waist. My face still stung a little but my neck didn't hurt that much. I traveled down to my legs, bypassing my crotch and ass. My legs were tight but otherwise okay. Probably just from the walking, not the rape. I set the bar of soap down and let my hand drop to my ass. I lightly probed the hole, feeling for the tear. I could feel the moistness where it was lightly leaking, but other than that there wasn't any blood coming out. The tear wasn't as big as it felt. I figured it would heal pretty quickly if I took care of it.

I looked to the ceiling and closed my eyes. "Well, you're not a virgin anymore. Your wish came true, didn't it." That evil, devilish side of my mind came out to play for awhile. "You flirted and flirted and finally got the one thing you've been dying to try. Was it as good as you'd imagined?"

"Oh shut up. I don't want to hear from you right now. I know it was my fault, now leave me alone." I closed my mind forcefully, shoving the voice out. I felt a shiver come on, even in the steaming water. I quickly washed my hair and got out. "I guess it will take a little more than a hot shower to rid me of the memories."

I pulled on the terry cloth robe and heard Adam yell through the door. I quickly styled my hair, but because it was so short it didn't take long.

I stepped out into the room and felt my jaw drop. I saw three carts of food, each with plates and glasses and silverware on them.

"What is all of that? I'm not that hungry, you know." I tried to hide some of the shock, but this was a little too much. Was this what the lady downstairs was talking about?

"Listen Matt, this isn't all for you and I. Here's our food right here. The other meals are for the gro...well, there's for the other people on this floor. You just sit down and eat. I'll be right back." With that he opened the door and slowly transported all of the carts outside. I had to admit that my curiosity was peaked but not enough for me to push anything. He was being too nice to me for me to ruin it now.

Adam pulled out the trays and sighed. As soon as he'd called out to me he had realized his mistake. But he thought he'd done a good job of explaining the situation. Besides, I was obviously a bright kid and he knew I'd probably figure it out sooner or later. "But I suppose I'll have to tell him the truth when I get back."

He walked down the hall and stopped at the room next to his. This was another manager's room, someone who was higher up the ladder than he was. "Oh well, you won't be around here much longer." He knocked on the door and waited for it to open. Getting a little grunt as a hello he handed over a breakfast dish. The door was closed in his face and he had to laugh. "Wow, maybe I won't miss this that much."

He continued down the hall and dropped off a few more dishes until he reached a room in the middle of the hall. His heart skipped a beat as he knocked on the door. He always got this reaction whenever he realized who he was going to talk to. As he took a deep breath he saw the door swing open and a tall, lean body stood before him. Adam almost gasped, but controlled himself at the last second. The man was rubbing his eyes lightly, trying to wake up. His short, dark hair had a curl to it and at the moment there were patches of it sticking up and acting wild. He saw the man smile, his perfect white teeth shining bright, and it made him smile too.

"Hey Adam. Thanks for bringing us breakfast." The soft voice made Adam smile even more. He didn't think he would ever get used to being around these guys. "But you won't be around them much longer, so it doesn't matter, does it??" No, he supposed it didn't.

"No problem JC. It really is my pleasure." He pushed the cart into the room and looked around. He only noticed two of the other guys there. Joey was sitting down in one of the chairs, running a hand through his bright red hair. He was looking a little tired but he still had an aura around him that exuded hyperness. Glancing over at the bed Adam saw Chris sitting Indian style, twirling one of his braids with his fingers. Adam had always liked Chris; the way he didn't care what anyone thought of him had always made Adam feel comfortable. He had been the first one to know about Adam. Just as he'd hoped, Chris took it in stride and accepted Adam in a second.

"Well, I hate to rush on out of here but I have something to take care of in my room."

Chris looked up and smiled. "Have a hot date still hangin' around? I thought I heard a pretty loud yell this morning!" He laughed at the image of someone actually sleeping with Adam. He had always thought of him as an older brother, someone he could always talk to. He also felt very comfortable around him. He knew that Adam had had it hard in his life, experiencing a lot of pain and anguish just for being gay. He had made it his resolution to always be a friend to Adam.

"Close. He's hot, but not a date. Well, I'll see you guys later." He started walking out before the guys could utter a word. He would have escaped easily if not for the young man walking into the room. This time he did let out a gasp at the door, purely from shock, but it was still a gasp. He saw a bright smile, short blond hair that wasn't really styled at all, and the softest, most unusual green eyes he'd ever seen. "Except for Matt's. Now those are a weird color."

"Where are you running off to Adam? Do you have a hot date still hangin' around?" Lance asked with a little laugh, not realizing the exact same question had just been asked.

"Why do you ask? You aren't jealous are you?" Adam had to laugh, playing off of Lance's sudden appearance. "You should know you really aren't my type. Didn't we discuss this already?"

Lance's face blushed and Adam actually felt a little bad. Then he saw the smile reappear and he loosened up.

"Just as long as you remember that you'll never be my type!!"

"Ohhh, he's got you there buddy!" Chris laughed as he piled food on his plate. Always the first one to eat, Adam wasn't really surprised he'd already started serving himself.

"But seriously Adam," Joey asked, "who do you have in your room?"

Adam looked around the room, staring at picture on the wall while he thought for a second. He knew he couldn't just tell them the whole story, that would go against his morals. But he had to tell the guys something, especially since I would soon find out the truth.

"Well, it's this young man I met last night. He....umm....well, he was in a little bit of trouble and I helped him out. He's resting and recuperating right now." Adam looked around the room to see any reactions to his statement.

"Man, I know everyone likes to brag about themselves but you could have just said he was tired. He doesn't have to be ‘resting and recuperating' does he?" Chris asked while laughing and shoving some eggs into his mouth. How he managed to do so much at once was unbelievable.

The guys all laughed as Adam shook his head. "No, he kinda got hurt last night. Umm....I really don't know what else to tell you guys until I talk to him more. Don't worry, I'll be back later this afternoon." He turned around and walked through the door, thankful that he didn't run into Justin this time.

I was sitting at the table, pouring some ketchup on my hashbrowns and adding a little salsa to my eggs. I normally didn't add too many condiments to my meals, but this one, if I had to rank it, wasn't going to be very high. "I suppose not all hotels have good restaurants. Even the ones in New York, or wherever I am." I ate silently for a few minutes, trying to sort out my situation. I knew that I'd have to call home soon since all of my plans had changed. I had found my suitcase earlier and did a quick inventory. Luckily, Mark didn't take anything - at least anything material. I found the name of my hotel written on some of my papers and copied down the number. I would dial them up sometime today to see if they still had a room for me. I might not want to stay there but I should check just in case. I thought of home, that boring old place in Kansas that seemed to suffocate me whenever I was there. I didn't want to go back so early. I didn't even want to go back at all, if I could help it. But after what happened....

Adam walked into the room quietly, so as not to surprise me. I was staring off into space, thinking about my plans, but it must have not been that obvious. Panic rushed over Adam and he ran to my side.

"Matt! Matt!! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Please, answer me." He shook my shoulder hard and I came out of my daze.

"What? What's wrong Adam?" I looked around puzzled, trying to find a fire or some emergency.

"God, you scared me. I walked in and you were so completely out of it I didn't know what was wrong." He slowly sat himself down in the seat across from me and sighed. It had been a long day, and it wasn't even 8 yet.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about my plans. I have to decide what I'm going to do now that everything's changed." I took another bite of my breakfast, thankful it was still warm. "But since I haven't come up with anything I want to hear your story. What band do you manage and why were you trying to keep it a secret from me."

Adam sat shocked, wondering how I'd figured out most of the situation without anything but a phone call. He just stared, with his mouth open, trying to find the words.

"I suppose you want to know how I knew, right? Well, it really wasn't that difficult once I sat down and thought it through. The breakfast lady tipped me off. This spectacular room that obviously isn't cheap. The way you have to serve the breakfasts to the members and other managers. The reason you're still here at the hotel instead of at meetings or conventions. I just figured it had to be a band of some sort. So, spill it, who do you manage?" I looked him in the eyes, getting very serious. Some people, when they're first around me, may think that I'm just a loud, hyper guy. The don't realize that when I want to I can be the coldest, most serious person in the world. I suppose it's comes from my perfectionism. It is unusual that I can combine those two opposite personalities but somehow I have.

"Well, I guess I should have known that you were smart enough to figure out something was up. You definitely didn't strike me as a dumb jock or anything. Before I get into my story I want you to know that I wasn't purposely hiding anything from you. I just didn't want to bring up my life and work after you'd experienced what you did. Understand?" He looked at me with the question hanging in the air and shining from his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess I didn't mean to be so direct, but I wanted to know."

"Okay. I am a manager for a band, but if you haven't figured it out yet I'm not a big one. I'm probably as low as you can get on the totem pole, other than some of the tech crew."

"Which is why you were actually serving the meals to everyone else. Okay, go on." I took another bite, realizing that I was finished. Adam was getting close too, but he stopped once again to talk.

"Well, I really don't mind though. I love what I do and I get to see so many different places. Like here. I've been dying to visit New York for years and I finally get the chance to with this job. Plus, we aren't here just for a day or two. We have a whole week here, kind of a vacation in the middle of the tour."

I cut him off, dying to know who he worked for. "Cut to the chase Adam. Who's the band?" I look at him expectantly, wondering why he was stalling.

"Well, instead of me just telling you, why don't I introduce you to them?"

I looked back, a little in shock, but tried to cover up. "That would probably be easier, wouldn't it?" Adam nodded as I continued. "But I'm not dressed yet. Give me a second."

I got up suddenly and picked through my clothes. "Who am I going to meet?" I thought. "What do I need to wear? Are they punk rock, pop, country, what?" I finally found my favorite pair of jeans and a dark green shirt that brought out my eyes. I had already combed my hair after my shower but as I looked in the mirror I was a little shocked as to how noticeable the scratches and red neck were. "God, what am I doing here?"

I turned around to Adam, who was standing by the door, and told him I was ready. We walked out into the hall and I was surprised at how quiet it was. But, it was probably a private hall if a band was up here. We slowly strolled through the hall until we'd reached the middle door. Adam looked at me and laughed, sensing my nervousness. "Don't worry, they won't bite." He reached for the door handle and gave it a slight turn. He pushed the door open with one hand as he lightly pushed my back with the other. I made the mistake of looking across the room into the open patio door and the bright light blinded me for a second.

"Well, you must be Adam's friend," I heard a soft voice say. I blinked my eyes and focused in on the owner of the voice.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 4

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