Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Jun 20, 2005


Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last Time.....

The night was hot and humid, but because of the nearby lake it was cool and perfect. I let the air hit my genitals, I wasn't even aware that I was still hard, standing naked in front of my "Month long crush".

Just as I started to relax under his touch he began to feel on my balls. I began to get hot, and my lust was building like never before....

Chapter 14: Top and Bottom: part 2


Tyrell's body feels so damn good next to mine. His head propped up on my chest. I hope I didn't hurt him too much. Lying under the stars and the moon, I recall the best thirty minutes of my life:

After I left the Circle to go clean off my face, Tyrell came up after me.

"You aiight?" He asked with a hint of concern upon his face.

"Yeah I'm good, Dre ass hit hard as shit." I said laughing, in an attempt to ease the pain I felt.

"Yeah he can fight, but it seemed as if there was something a little more to it than you getting hit.

"Yeah maybe but I don't feel like talking about it right now." I said looking at my reflection in the lake.

"Oh... Ok I see." Tyrell said facing the ground.

I could see he was beginning to feel sorry for himself.

"Damn, I aint know you had Hands (Can fight)." I said in a quick attempt to change subject.

He laughed a little, and then responded. "Yeah I guess so."

We were close to the lake and he was making me horny as ever. I was beginning to feel like I was back in Dre's room watching that porn. Then the weirdest thing happened, Tyrell moved a little closer to me and wiped my face off with his hand. I sighed from his touch. He just smiled, and left his hand upon my cheek, smoothly wiping up and down with his thumb. We were lost in each other's gaze; I didn't know anything else existed but me and him. I found myself getting harder; my dick was beginning to press against the zipper of my jeans. There was no doubt in my mind that Tyrell had seen my situation. Yet he still kept his hand on my face, caressing it.

"We've been gone for a long time, them niggas probably thinking we doing something." I said getting harder by the second from each rubbing motion his thumb made on my face.

Tyrell didn't stop, it looked as if he was being driven by his Hormones. Each swipe his thumb did on my face forced me to let out a breath. He saw what he was doing, but he still didn't stop. Man was I falling for this nigga like hell. That's what the weird part was; I knew I was straight, But for some reason I had developed feelings for Tyrell, and Dre. Not feeling like a person would have for their friends but feelings that only two lovers could share. The problem was that one of those people didn't return my feelings. For Dre, he had another lover. Somebody, who I have grown to respect, I will always have Enran's back. But now, there's Tyrell, I didn't want to loose his friendship or whatever we had by acting on my emotions. Even if it was only as friends, I still longed to be close to him, no matter how. I wasn't gonna fuck it up by him thinking that I'm a FAG. Honestly I don't know what I am no more. Whatever I am, Tyrell wasn't gonna find out.

"A son, come on lets go back tot the circle, we been out for a minute." I said as a second attempt to draw his attention from me.

Like a bolt of lightening had struck him, he instantaneously stopped. He still left his hand upon my face, but his thumb caressing ceased. For a moment we sat there, I still waiting for him to rise. He didn't rise though, instead with the lightest grip, He brought my face closer to his.

"Do you still want to go?" He asked me. His voice became the lightest, sweetest thing I ever heard. Even then he still managed to keep his masculinity.

As a breeze of wind passed us by, he shook his plats out of entanglement. I smelled a coconut fragrance, emitted from his head. I must have been mesmerized by his beauty, because he felt the need to as again.

"Do you?" I felt his breath hit my face. I knew that I wanted this nigga so bad.

"No." I heard myself say. I wasn't speaking now, it was my hormones talking.

He brought his face even closer. Now I could feel the hair from his top lip touching my nose. He kept his gaze on me, never blinking, never breathing. His hand was still on my face, his thumb making long slow strokes, letting his finger barely touch my face.

He spoke once more, less than an inch from my face, every breath he let out, I would take in. It was exhilarating.

"Well what do you plan to do about it..."

Damn, Tyrell restless ass rolling and shit, I mean damn, he just snapped me out of concentration. He rolled once more, this time he began to wake a little.

"Hey boo...kie." He said, still sleep in his voice. I liked that little name that he called me. It was cute.

"Go back to sleep boo." I said. Wiping his eyes shut.

He smiled, and uttered, "Always trying to control shit." He fell back to sleep with a big grin on his face. I pulled his arm over my chest and clasped his hand.

He smiled, and whispered, "That's Better."

I began to think again, of what made me feel this way. What made me sense love? What made me look at things in a new perspective?

I looked at him confused, not knowing what he meant by his comment.

"Do what ever is on your mind." He said, still in that sweet voice, still stroking my face, and still one inch from my face.

How can I do what is on my mind? At that point in time I wanted to kiss him and my hormones was telling me that I was ready to blow some long kept "steam". At that point in time I was ready to satisfy a small whale. I was ready to feel the insides and out, of Tyrell. How can I tell him that? How can I let him know that I wanted him to have sex with me? He could have been thinking about me pushing him away. I wasn't sure of anything at that point.

"I know what you are thinking, so don't be scared."

Now I was definitely scared. Although no bone in my body moved, willingly, something was making me lean in. My mind was saying: NO, STOP! But my heart was controlling me, and it said: DO it! Don't loose another love. For some reason, my body followed my heart more than my mind.

I edged my way forward and kissed Tyrell briefly, so brief that I didn't think I touched him. He looked at me; his hand stopped rubbing my face. He shook his head.

"Um." Was all he said!?

I deserved a "um". That kiss was less than "um". It definitely wasn't worth Tyrell's time.

He just stared, at me, and relaxed. Then all of a sudden his hand is removed from my face, and he is facing the lake sitting with one leg out and one leg withdrawn to his chest. From what I could see from the side of his face, he was sad. All he concentrated on was the Lake, and nothing else. We sat like that for about 3 long ass minutes. He didn't as much as glance my way. I on the other hand couldn't stop staring. I found it hard to take my eyes off him. His Long plats glistened from the light of the moon-lit lake. I was looking at An Angel wit no wings.

We were still only a foot away from each other. I couldn't help but feel that it was my fault for his discomfort. I needed to step up now, he brought us this far. He even found a way for us to be alone.

"Where are you wings?" I asked him.

I didn't expect for him to respond, just as he was about to speak, I kissed him, where words were supposed to escape.

His eyes were wide with shock. He soon eased up and relaxed under the sensation of our tongues colliding. I felt my hands wandering down his back, easing their way to the top of his jeans. I began to slide my finger around the top of his jeans, as if asking for entrance to his most personal belongings. He than broke our kiss.

"Steve, I wanted this for a long time." He practically whispered in my ear.

I didn't say anything, because I knew, that he knew I felt the same as him.

I began to take off my shirt. I felt his eyes upon my body. Once my shirt was removed, he looked at me.

"What?" I asked feeling a little self conscious.

"Nothing at all BOO." He said putting emphasis on his last word.

He slipped out his shirt while speaking to me.

"Oh really?" I asked, smiling at his comment. "I'm your boo now?"

"Yeah, you are now." He said as he began to take my pants down.

Once my pants were removed, I sat back down. Damn that was a bad choice because no my dick stuck straight up in the air. It was a little more than visible through my silk Looney Tune Boxers. Tyrell laughed.

"Oh shit!" He said Laughing, and pointing to my erection. "Somebody must be happy!"

He said laughing and holding his sides.

"Yeah ok your fagget ass looking though, right?!" I said Glancing over at him.

I just took notice that he was hard as well. He looked a fairly decent size, about 8 inches. He was thick too.

"Um and look who's talking." I said grabbing his dick.

It felt warm and thick in my hand. I definitely did have a "Hand full". He was holding in his pain, for fear of alerting everyone else. I saw the playfulness in his eyes as well. He then grabbed mine and squeezed it hard as hell. Damn that shit was hurting. I then began to ease up on his dick, in hopes that he would mimic my actions. To my luck, he too began to release my dick. I sighed as he released tension.

I looked down only to find that he had squeezed out some precum. The stain was highly visible on my Light blue Diamond boxers. He looked over and saw the stain, only this time he didn't make any jokes. I lowered my head in embarrassment.

I suddenly realized he took control of my hand, as he placed it on the head of his dick. I felt the warmness of his precum at the top. He was just as horny as I was.

Then he slid my hand down towards the shaft of his dick. Once again my hormones got the best of me, because as soon as my hand was midway on his dick. I grabbed it and slowly stroked it. He then grabbed my hand and told me something that I would never have thought about.

"I'm a bottom." He said.

I looked at him, confused as days.

"Oh I forgot you're new at this." He said facing me. "That means that-"

"Oh I get it!" I said, understanding what he was trying to say. "That means that you don't like to fuck, right?" I asked proud of my own brilliance.

He chuckled. "Yeah that's right."

Then I felt drowned in my own stupidity. " So what does that make me?"

"A top." Tyrell said, looking me up and down.

I understood what he was saying. No sooner did I understand, did he get up and retrieve his backpack. Once he returned h pulled out a bottle of Lotion. That's what I finally understood. He planned for me to fuck him. Tyrell once again faced me, this time he grabbed hold of my hands.

"Steve, bookie, I want to feel you inside of me. All of you." He said with a dire look in his eyes.

"Ok baby..."

That was the first time we talked to each other as soul-mates. From then on we both knew how the other truly felt: We were in love. This time my love was shared back. Once again this nigga is moving around.

"Bookie you still up?" My love said, with sleep still in his voice, and breath.

He than began to rub his hand in circles on my chest.

"Yeah boo just thinking about stuff":

We both began to slowly remove our own boxers. My dick popped out. We both gazed at each others member. Tyrell's was a little lighter than his body, but just as perfect. He than walked over to me with the lotion in hand, and sat us both down. We shared one more long, passionate kiss. It was a kiss that said, we were ready.

Tyrell Laid me on my back. My dick was sticking straight in the air. He than began to lower his head towards my dick, once his mouth reached the head of my dick I place my hands on his back. He than lowered himself on it even more.

"Yes baby!" I said, as he began to bob his head on my already hard dick.

He continued his motion, up and down, up and down... I felt nothing like this, his mouth seemed to know every place to go, how much to let up, how deep to go. Then after a while he seemed to do the impossible. He let my dick slide down his throat, without chocking. I stretched my legs out as far as I could. This gave me more pleasure than ever. I began to thrust my hips off the ground, forcing my dick even deeper inside of Tyrell's mouth. We began to work out this motion between us. Our bodies were fully synchronized, or so I thought. I felt my self tense up and I was just about to cum as he let up. My orgasm was delayed. He than added some lotion to his hand, and began to rub it on my rock hard dick. He than began to add some to his ass. I began to get up because I saw his face wince, from what ever he was doing. He just held me down with his free hand.

"I'm good bookie, don't worry." He said, I wasn't convinced because I saw his face squeeze up even more.

After About 3 minutes of me seeing him wince, and his dick shoot up like a rocket, I realized what he was doing. He was fingering himself. I guess he was getting ready to take me all in.

He than stood up and walked over toward me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked feeling concerned.

"Yeah, bookie I been waiting forever for this."

I watched him as he began to lower himself over me. Precum was now oozing out of my slit. He then lowered himself even more. The tip of his ass was brushing against my dick. He was now supporting himself with both of his hands.

"Damn nigga help me out, shit!" Tyrell said, laughing at my sudden Confusion.

"Oh, my bad." I said.

As Tyrell supported himself with his hands I reached up and felt for his hole. I found his hole with my right hand. I than positioned my dick with my left. Tyrell sensed that I was ready, and lowered himself. Once my dick hit the opening of his hole he lowered himself down even more even faster. Once my dick had breached his hole and was inserted about half way, I began to moan, and felt myself about to cum.

"OHH yes baby. You feel so fucking good. I'm already about to cum." I began to moan.

"No not yet bookie, I wanna feel all of you inside of me first." Tyrell said, as he lowered himself down on me more.

Once his ass was hitting my pubic hair, I couldn't take it anymore. I began to thrust even deeper inside of his ass, with him already down on me. My mind was spinning, so many waves of lust hit me, and so many desires came upon me.

After a moment of me thrusting into him he lifted himself once more. This time he fell back to my pubes faster. Now he was sliding up and down on my dick faster, and faster. I was matching each Rise and fall, with a thrust. He was my first gay fuck, and he was my best. There we were two thugged out guys fucking in the woods. If this ever got out my whole rep would be ruined. But at the moment I'm not worried about that, I want to feel more inside of Tyrell. Deeper inside Tyrell. Tyrell ass is so tight, and so hot. They way his ass clamps down on my dick, and opens up to let me enter. That's when from out of no where he covered his mouth with one hand and let out a moan.

"OHHHHHH SHIT!!!!" he said through his hand.

He than began to move faster and muffled more moans. Each moan getting louder by the second. I then began to felt precum dripping on my legs. I too felt myself on the verge of Cuming. I began to tighten my legs and pick up the paste. I began fucking him like my life depended on it.

"OUU BABY!! I'm bout to come!!" I said grabbing his hips.

"Me too baby, and you're hitting my SPOT!!!!!!!!

After a moment longer, I found myself taking long hard thrusts in his ass, and finally filling him up with my cum. We laid there for a while; he had his own cum on his stomach. My dick was still in him going soft. Once I was fully soft. He climbed off me and went to the lake to clean off his stomach.

Which bring us to how we are now; laying under the stars Tyrell, my baby, on my chest.


My lust was building like never before. Gerald began to work his hand in a vibrating motion on my dick. Then he lowered his mouth on my Dick, he took me all in the first time.

"Ouch!" I said. His teeth were scraping my skin.

"My bad." He said.

He than began to bob his head up and down on my shaft, using his hand with every motion. It was pure bliss. I soon felt myself beginning to cum.

"OOOOOHHH Gerald damn. Rapido!!!" I moaned, letting out my second language.

Even though he didn't speak Spanish he took the hint, and was moving faster. The walls of his mouth were squeezing my dick. I soon began to cum. Without warning I shot in his mouth. He didn't move away either he just kept pumping the semen from me with his mouth.

Gerald than got up and kissed me. Oh my God, I tasted my own cum. It was sour, and sweet. I know I would never swallow that shit. Or even put it in my mouth. That's when I began to think: What the fuck, this shit is too gay, all this shit is gay. Man fuck this..

"So you wanna help me out?" Gerald asked, pointing to his dick.

It was like a Common sense nerve took over. Either that or my Fake Gangster nerve.

"Man fuck naw, this shit is HOMO!! What the fuck!! Man fuck this I'm out!" I said Walking away from Gerald zipping up my pants.

"What's wrong Miguel?" I heard Gerald say. His voice was beginning to squeak from suppressed tears.

I didn't answer him; I just got my stuff and left never turning back for fear of them seeing my tears......

Authors note: I hope you all liked it!! If you want to read more of my stories they can be found @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Megalabraystories/

I also update alot more on there

Next: Chapter 16

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