Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Jul 14, 2005


Authors note: Just to clear things up. In the last chapter, Steve and Tyrell were lying together. Tyrell was sleep lying on Steve. Steve couldn't sleep because he was too happy. To put himself to sleep he was thinking of what made him so happy. Thus leading to how Steve and Tyrell first had sex.

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last Time...

"Man fuck naw, this shit is HOMO!! What the fuck!! Man fuck this I'm out!" I said Walking away from Gerald zipping up my pants.

"What's wrong Miguel?" I heard Gerald say. His voice was beginning to squeak from suppressed tears.

I didn't answer him; I just got my stuff and left, never turning back for fear of them seeing my tears...

Chapter 15: His Name is Ronnie...


This weekend was butters(good). Dre really did have something in store for me. That night my body reached levels I never even dreamed of. The whole weekend was perfect, besides the fact that Miguel left a day ahead of time. That threw our whole trip off! Gerald was worried for Miguel, Dre was worried for Gerald, and Dre had me worried. Some how my grief affected Tyrell, my adopted brother, and Steve was worried for Tyrell. I'm still not sure on how Tyrell and Steve felt towards each other. It seemed like they were almost in love, but I wasn't to sure because I knew Tyrell wasn't gay, let alone dumb enough to go with Steve's cocky ass.

"Mr. Muhammad!" My teacher, Ms. Badger, said breaking me out of concentration.

For a moment, I forgot I was in fourth period. It was Monday, an A-day. One minute I'm in class, the next minute I'm thinking about the trip.

"Yeah sorry, ma'm." I said, apologetically. I hated that teacher, but I was brought up to respect adults.

I layed my head on my desk.

"Mr. Muhammad." She began. "If I have to ask you to pay attention one more time, you will be in I.S.S. for the rest of the day!!!"

I looked up and noticed someone looking around the room, standing next to her. He was about 5'6" and looked to weigh 120-125 pounds. He was too skinny for my taste but that's not what attracted me. What had me "INTERESTED" in him were his features. He had Plats in his hair, not quite as long as Tyrell's but almost there. He had some tied-up in the back and let the others hang down from the back. His skin color was a lighter tone than Dre's, almost a dark caramel. He was a good dresser from what I saw. He was wearing a red button down over a white tee shirt, and some Light denim blue jeans. I didn't know what it was about him, but his appearance told me to stay away. I was possessed by his raw beauty, he looked in my direction. Once he saw me staring, I quickly shifted my gaze. He smiled by this notion. I looked up once again, only to find him gazing upon me, like an unattainable object. Our eye contact was cut off by Ms.Badger's words.

"Like I was trying to say," Ms. Badger started, looking in my direction. "This is Ronnie Everts."

So that's his name, Ronnie. I don't know what it is about him, but something tells me Ronnie isn't all he seems.

Ms. Badger continued. "Mr.Everts comes from Jungle Park High School. He is a Hop-Hip Dance major."

Everyone laughed at Ms.Badger's obvious mistake. Ronnie smirked.

"Hip-Hop, Ms.Badger." Ronnie corrected.

"Yeah, that's what I said." Ms. Badger said, over looking her comment.

Ms. Badger glanced around the room. Girls started moving their things out of empty chairs as if signaling for Ronnie to sit. I myself hoped she didn't want Ronnie to sit next to me, I didn't know why, something told me he was trouble. I started to place my books on a nearby desk...

"Mr. Muhammad, raise your hand." Instructed Ms.Badger.

I raised my hand curiously, knowing exactly what was next.

"Mr. Everts, you can take a seat next to Mr. Muhammad.

Ronnie smiled and walked over. I began to heat up rapidly. With each step closer, my temperature raised. Once Ronnie took his place next to me, I began to return to normal. Was it in my head? Maybe I was being paranoid for no reason. I watched him as he fumbled through his book bag for writing materials. He sighed, as it seemed he forgot to bring a pen.

"Hey do you have a pen?" He asked, still searching his bag.

I looked around as if he were talking to someone other than me.

"I have one!!!" A girl practically yelled. She damn near broke her neck to bring him one.

He looked at her weird and accepted the pen. For some unknown reason, I BRIEFLY got jealous. Holding the pen up, he looked at me with a smile and shook his head.

Class went by all too quick. I was too busy to pay attention to what Ronnie was doing, but the whole class time he was focused on writing something. Just as the bell rang, he began to fold it up. He got up to return the pen to the girl.

"No problem you can keep it." She said giggling.

"Aiight thanks." He replied.

As I was on my way out the door someone was yelling from behind.

"Hey!!" A voice said.

"Hey!!" The voice said for a second time. I recognized it to be Ronnie.

I turned around to find him two feet away from my face. I was speechless. He then extended this hand to give me some dap.

That was like the only thing I remembered at that time.

"Aye I'm Ronnie." He said grabbing my hand.

I couldn't remember my name. What the fuck was going on?

As I returned the handshake I felt him slip a piece of paper into my hand.

He walked away with a smile.

"I'll see you around." And with that he disappeared from sight, in the crowed hallway.

I opened up the note:

I want to talk to you. Meet me in the downstairs "lower café bathroom" at 1:03. I hope I see you. You seem like a cool person, I want to get to know you Better.

I wonder what he wanted. What did he mean by get to know me better...?

Shit 1:03 already. I lost track of time. It was my lunch period and I was headed towards the bathroom like the note said.

Once I reached the bathroom I began to get suspicious. This bathroom was never used by anyone. This is where most people smoked, and sold weed. I was afraid to even think about what he wanted to do. I slowly opened the door to get a glance of what I was walking into. I didn't see anything so I figured I might as well go in, but slowly just in case. After I crept my way in the bathroom I heard sounds coming from a stall. This was abnormal, since no one ever used this bathroom. I peeped under the stall to see a set of feet, and a set of knees on the floor. The feet had red boxers and blue jeans around the ankles. I saw a tattoo with "B.N." on the person's ankles. I didn't see much of the person with knees.

"AWWW fuck yeah, harder, and if you bite I'll tell everybody you a fag nigga!" I heard someone say.

Then all of a sudden the stall walls began to shake and slurping noises could be heard.

"Oh yeah!! I'm about to cum and if any falls out you'll have two instead of one!!" The same voice said.

Something told me to run, but my feet couldn't move. I didn't feel the rest of my body.

"Oh fuck yeah!!!" The voice said. "Take all that shit nigga! Damn you good!!"

I heard a couple of grunts and once they died out the person got from off their knees.

"Where you going nigga!!!" I heard the voice say.

When I heard the stall open, a figure flew out in a dash, bumping into me, knocking the both of us down. It was a boy. He had a black eye and other bruises on his face, that's what the voice meant by I'll give you another one. Then it dawned on me; I know I heard another male as well. The "runner" was giving head, but why would he run? Then I saw his pursuer. Ronnie! He was angry. So angry that I guess he didn't see me there. He quickly snatched the boy up and took him towards the sink.

"Now you about to know what true Pain is!" He said as he pulled a knife out his pocket.

He then proceeded to write "B.N." on the runner's forearm. That was the same tattoo, as on Ronnie's ankles.

"No!! Please!! Stop, please don't!!" The boy pleaded.

Ronnie didn't listen. He just kept carving into the boy's flesh. Once he was done, he looked in my direction. I was shocked by this display. I was paralyzed with fear. Ronnie smiled, and walked over closing his blood-stained pocket knife. I was shook with fear.

"Sorry you had to wait." He said standing three inches from my face.

Something told me to move, but I stayed. I felt his warm breath on my face, and for some reason it didn't bother me one bit.

He moved in even closer extending his hand. I began to feel a light touch on my dick.

"Hmm, I see someone's hard." He said smirking. "Your face doesn't say it, but your dick tells it all. I know you want me." He said looking in my eyes, now taking a hold of my genitals.

I wanted to move away, but I couldn't, I was in a state of shock. He than moved his hand around my back area. This brought his body closer to mine; we were barely pressed against one another. He put his nose to my neck, and began to squeeze my ass.

"Um...Nice and soft, untouched I believe." He said, after looking at me a while. "Not for long."

He moved his face closer to mine, almost in a kiss. I didn't know what to do, I was afraid to refuse him, afraid of what he might do. I did the only thing I could have, I closed my eyes. He took a long sniff.

"Calvin Klein." He stated, backing away from me.

I shook my head in assurance. That was the only thing I did the entire time. The boy who was still in the bathroom, was still rinsing the blood off his arm, trying to stop the flow.

"I WILL see you later." Ronnie said emphasizing "will".

Then I finally found the muscles in my mouth, to ask the question that puzzled me over the last few minutes.

"What's B.N. stand for?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"You'll soon find out." And that being said he exited the bathroom.

The boy who had been there rinsing his arm off stopped. He rushed toward me, grabbing me by the collar.

"You better not say a fucking word to no body nigga!!!" He said, in a panic.

"Aiight nigga let me go!" I yelled gasping for air.

He then ran out the bathroom.

What the hell was up with this Ronnie person, why did he want to do this to me? What did he mean by I'll soon find out? Why did He feel on me, and I didn't do a thing? I left the bathroom, with more questions than when I first went in. What confused me even more was the whole time, I never thought of Dre...

Author Note: This chapter was a good intro to Ronnie, who is now going to be a Sub-Main character. I hope yall liked it.

Authors note: I hope you all liked it!! If you want to read more of my stories they can be found @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Megalabraystories/

I also update alot more on there

Next: Chapter 17

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