Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Mar 3, 2006


Megalabray07@yahoo.com **Please read: My story and updates can be found on my website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Megalabraystories/ ** Please keep in mind that i update more on there

Megalabray 2005 Oakbridge**** Last Time... What the hell was up with this Ronnie person, why did he want to do this to me? What did he mean by I'll soon find out? Why did He feel on me, and I didn't do a thing? I left the bathroom, with more questions than when I first went in. What confused me even more was the whole time, I never thought of Dre...

Chapter16: Pieces to the Puzzle

Dre** Over the course of the week Enran was acting strange. If it wasn't him dodging me at lunch, he was too busy doing something to hang out after school. In fact this whole week was crazy. First it's Miguel and Gerald, and now Enran. What the fuck is going on?

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

The last bell of the day rung and kids were running out of class to beat the "end of day" hall traffic.

I was last to leave the class. Just as I was exiting, a Virginia state police officer was coming in. If it weren't for his light blue uniform, I would have run right into him. As I was backing up to let him pass he grabbed me by the shoulders, and he began to examine my face.

"Are you Charles Conners?" He said still examining my face.

I frowned at him, as I realized he just used my real name. No one does, not even my teachers because it offends me. That name represents a failure, and that, I am not. I glanced at my teacher. She saw my frustration, and attempter to clear up the confusion.

"Um officer," Ms. Smith began. "He goes by Dre."

"Oh, sorry about the mistake." He said apologizing. "Dre Conners?"

"Yes that's me." I said looking him over.

He was pale, had broad shoulders, and Brown hair. But just like all officers, his jeans were too tight, and shirt too big.

"Why don't we take a walk?" He asked.

I wanted to catch Enran before he left me again, and didn't know how far officer "Brunet", as I learned from his name plate, wanted to take me.

"Naw, can we talk right here?" I asked.

He looked at me concerned, "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." I stated, growing annoyed by his stalling.

He looked toward my teacher wearily, and for some reason, she felt the need to leave.

"Ok son," he said walking toward a desk. "Why don't we have a seat?"

I didn't want to sit down, I wanted to find my baby before he left me again like he did everyday this week. I thought what we shared over the weekend was special. It was to me, maybe it wasn't to him.

"No thanks, I'm good." I said looking towards the almost deserted hallways.

"Son, I have some news to tell you..." he began.

I didn't hear anything else after that. It was like my mind blanked out on me. I saw his lips moving but didn't understand a word coming out. He shook his head. And put a hand on my shoulder.

"Were sorry, but your friend Harold died this afternoon."

That was all I could make out... I couldn't hold it in. Tears began to pour from my eyes continuously. I didn't want to be seen like this, so I ran out of the room. I kept my head down the whole time. I was running to my locker. I wanted to get my stuff and go home as fast as I could. I was almost blinded by the tears streaming from my eyes. I went straight for my locker. I couldn't even figure out the combination. So many things were running through my head. I stopped trying to open my locker. I wiped some of the tears from my face, but more came in their place. I was devastated, hurt, and I felt abandoned by someone I loved. How could he just leave like that? I lost a dear friend, my brother for life:

"Brothers for life, till these streets do us part." He always said.

My brother, Harold...These streets did do us part like you said. I pushed opened the door to leave the school. I was still crying, not just because Harold was gone forever, but because I felt as if Enran was next. I began walking home, I took the long way. I hoped to catch Enran at his house.

"Oh Dre are you alright sweetie?" Ms. Muhammad asked deeply concerned.

I guess she figured something was wrong by the tears streaming from my face.

She then paused a moment. "Wait... is Enran alright?" She asked even more concerned.

I began to get worried, I thought Enran was home. He couldn't be home because his mom wouldn't have asked about him. I didn't want to worry her over nothing. She had her hand over her heart.

"Oh yeah he's fine." I said smiling. "I was just coming by to say hi." I lied.

"Ok sweetie, take care, and tell Enran to be home by 6 today." She called after me.

I had already left her stoop, and was headed, home. I walked with my face down. It was like everyone I saw reminded me of Harold. My only solace was the ground. It protected me from crying. I had been walking for little over 10 minutes when I began to notice where I was. I forgot to make a right, at the corner. I was In front of my old boxing school. It still looked the same. My tears flowed even more once I realized the old memories this building held:

Harold and I First fought here Our first Race The very place we met...

I looked through the window to get a glimpse, of what became of my school over the years. I saw a lot of potential boxers, a few new coaches. I looked in the far back corner, where I practiced. My gaze locked on the backside of a very familiar person...Enran. He was practicing on the speed bag. He was impressive actually, a few people stood behind him watching him rapidly hit the ball. I now knew what he was doing, why he was doing it behind my back, confused me. That's when I saw something that totally threw me off guard. Someone came behind Enran and rubbed his back, I stood there expecting Enran to stop him. Instead he turned and smiled. Tears were now jumping out of my eyes. I felt so bad inside. I had nothing else to live for. Enran's Gaze met wit mine. I didn't want to see him, I didn't want him to see me like this. I was a mess. I turned away and ran. Before I hit the corner, I heard the gym door open.

"Dre!!!!!!" I heard Enran call.

That's it, that was all I needed to see. I was hanging from a thread, and Enran poured oil on the string. After 5 minutes of pointless running I made it home, and into the warmth of my bed. The only warmth I would ever feel....


I sat in the darkness of my room, in silence. Talking to the only person, who hasn't abandoned me:

Dear god,

Please bless all those unfortunate in the world. Bless those who are treated badly because of color, sex, and sexuality. Please help those who love stay in love, and those who hate learn to love. Please keep me strong, strong enough to make it through these hard times. Please give Dre the strength to get through whatever it is hurting him. He and Enran have true love. I thought Miguel and I had the same thing. Maybe we don't. I do know I love him. God, help him come back to me.


Dear God,

I haven't spoken to you in a while. It seems like this is the only time we talk, whenever I need a favor. I need to talk with you a little more. Lord what I need form you is to help me forget...Help me forget my past, my surroundings, my parents. I love Gerald with all I am, and I want him to know it. He doesn't realize how much I need him. God, because of how I was raised, its hard to forget that being gay, or loving the same sex, is wrong. It stays in my head. I know you have room up there for gay people in heaven. The bible is your will, but it doesn't have your way. I believe that you do love "EVERYONE" even homosexuals. All that matters to me is that I'm with Gerald. Please God, help me go back to him.


Thank god it's Friday. Lately everyone has been tripping. Today we will all sit down and talk this shit out, because it's a "B-day" and everyone had the same lunch.

"Wassup Dre?" I said extending my hand to give Dre some dap.

He didn't acknowledge me. He just kept walking, right past me. His head was glued to the floor.

"Wassup Steve?" Said Tyrell, as he and Enran walked up to me.

I gave them both some dap. For a while we stood there looking for Gerald and Miguel. Neither of them showed up. I guess they would have to hear my news later.

"Aye look, we got a problem." I said becoming even more serious than before.

"Wassup boo?" Said Tyrell, forgetting that we weren't suppose to let anyone know about us.

I looked towards Tyrell. I wanted to correct him, but I need to get this off my chest.

"Go ahead," said Enran, nudging Tyrell.

"Raoule got out of jail this past weekend, while we were out camping."

"Who is that?" Tyrell asked.

I didn't have time to give him every detail so I just summarized it up.

"He was the former leader of Longview until he was locked up. I took over Longview and he was mad. Now he's probably looking for me, for revenge." I said with earnest in my voice.

They looked worried.

I continued. "Yesterday, someone told me that he was now head of Bad News. If that's true, I already know what's next. He's gonna put all of Bad News against Longview."

"Bad news and Longview..." Tyrell said shaking his head. "The two biggest gang around here, in a fight. That shit is gonna be hot. You already know police gonna be in that bitch ASAP."

"Yeah I know, but we gotta do what we gotta do." I said looking at Tyrell. "So you in?" I asked.

"Yeah you know I got ya back." He said pulling me into a bro hug giving me dap. I felt him rubbing on my hand while he was embracing me. I began to get hard.

"The invitation was for you as well." I said releasing Tyrell, now facing Enran.

"Yeah, I'm in." Enran said, looking unsure.

I already knew from Miguel what Dre's answer was.

I looked past Enran. Someone was coming up behind him.

"RAH!" the boy said trying to scare Enran.

It worked but something looked different about Enran. It was almost as if he was prepared to strike at the person behind him. He was on the defensive.

"Hey wassup?" Said the person behind Enran.

Enran looked ill at ease in the boy's presence.

"Oh...hey" Enran said lamely.

The boy came from behind Enran and spoke directly to Tyrell.

"Hey you're wanted by the main office. He said smiling. "Your name is Tyrell right?"

"Yeah it's Tyrell." My baby answered, in his deep sexy voice.

"Oh Aiight follow me." He said walking away. "Bye Enran."

Enran eyed the boy cautiously as Tyrell followed behind closely. From what I saw in Enran's eyes he didn't trust him.

I waited until they turned the corner. "Who was that Enran?"

Enran was still looking in their direction, although they had long since left.

"Oh, that was Ronnie Everts." Enran said, snapping out of concentration. "He's new here."

I don't know what it was, but I didn't trust his ass for one second.


Why do I have to go to the office? I didn't do anything.

"Do you know why they want me in the office?" I asked.

"Nope." The boy leading me said. "Oh and I'm Ronnie."

"I guess you know I'm Tyrell." I said looking at the paper he held.

For a minute we walked in silence. We had passed the room that said office, but I was new here so I guessed that there was another place. We then walked to a place that was almost deserted. He stopped in front of a bathroom.

"I gotta piss." He said smiling. "You need to come in too, just to make sure you won't run."

I accompanied him into the bathroom, just to be sure I didn't get into anymore unknown trouble. He stood at a stall and started relieving himself. After hearing him pee, I realized that I needed to piss too. I walked over to the farther stall, nearest the wall. Ronnie went to go wash his hands. Just as I was finishing up, Ronnie grabbed me by surprised and spent me around, my dick showing and all.

"Nigga what the fuck are you doing?" I yelled, pushing him away.

He just smiled. "What's does it look like?" He said looking at my dick approaching me once more. I felt my dick begin to swell. It wasn't me thinking it was my dick. I allowed him to get close to me once more. He grabbed my dick and took it into his mouth.

"Stop..." I said, throwing my head back from the Pleasure. I closed my eyes and thought of Steve...........


"Two down, four to go." I said smiling, talking to the new leader. I was his new right hand man. "I suspect Dre to be the hardest."

"It doesn't matter now, as long as you have Enran, you have Dre." The leader said. "You kill the bear through his cubs."

"What about Steve?" I asked getting worried.

"Oh yes, Steve." The leader pondered. "Give him a warm welcome from me."

I began to laugh knowing exactly what to do...


Authors Note: This story is wrapping up fast. There are about five more chapters left. Hope u liked it. Email any comments to me ASAP Megalabray07@yahoo.com. Or I'm me if you would like.

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