Oakbridge High

By moc.loa@yarbalageM

Published on Feb 19, 2005


You know the laws and rules so don't break them. This is a story of almost pure fiction.

Authors note: This is my first story and although there is some sex involved. This is not an erotic story. If that's what you're looking for the find it some where else. This story is about teens of different races. I am always open to your comments @ .... Megalabray07@yahoo.com

**Please read: Thanks to all you guys who wanted to help but, I have an editor now. Also to answer what most emails ask: Enran and I are good friends. In fact all the characters are really good friends. Some of the events took place. All of the character descriptions are true. The places are real, except the lake. Aww I know. It would be cool though. When you email me introduce yourself, my mom always told me about manners. Please its common courtesy. **

Copyright Megalabray 2005


Last time....

I didn't no matter how much I wanted to. I think I passed out because I couldn't see anymore all I could do was listen. The next thing I know is that I hear Miguel say something, but I wasn't directed to me. That's when Steve stops hitting me and gets off.

My eyes start to slowly open. What I saw amazed me. It was my boo, Enran, of course I still loved him, how couldn't I? He was standing next to Gerald, ready to fight. I saw the anger in his eyes. This time I wasn't needed. He had enough anger to match up with Steve. Although I could see, I couldn't move. Even if I could move, I didn't need to intervene; Miguel was no match for Gerald, but Steve and Enran, with his anger, were evenly matched. This time the loser was undefined. This was going to be a fight to remember. Enran-vs-Steve and Gerald-vs-Miguel.

Chapter 8: Rematch of love


For a good minute we were just standing. I finally spoke; I couldn't take it anymore.

"Why the fuck is he on the ground!" I said with an anger that I have been suppressing for a while. "And you, you're supposed to be his friend! You don't even deserve that honor."

I wanted to hit him so bad, he was the reason for me and Dre breaking up. He was the one who I guess let Dre get beat up. I was ready to bet the breaks off his ass, at least that's what most black people say when they're mad, but I knew I couldn't take them both on. Looking over at Gerald let me know that Miguel will get his. Now the bitch wants to talk.

"Nigga I am his friend!" Miguel said looking sorrowful. "But that's just it; he fought someone I'm very close to. For no reason, he beat up my man's (referring to Steve), Dre knows that's not the way things work. Yeah Steve told me all about you and Dre. He said when he was mad he came at you. He said while yall was fighting Dre was trying to help yo ass, knowing damn well that you never jump in a fight between two friends."

"He knew!" Miguel said pointing to Gerald. He continued. "Once the fight was over, Steve felt bad so he went to light a blunt with some of his niggas. That's when your boy Dre, comes over and beats them all up."

So that's what happened when Dre said he needed to get some air. Damn, he really did care about me. Now it was time for me to repay the favor. I am going to fight Steve. I don't care what happens to me, Dre is still my boo. I looked over to see that Gerald was deep in thought. He had his fist clenched. He was ready to let loose. Steve just stood there with his head down, as if he realized what he had done wrong.

Miguel continued, "I used to consider Dre a friend. I thought he was the coolest person in the world. Now I see this nigga for what he really is; A FAG!" he said as he walked over to Dre and kicked him in his face.

I started to run over to Enran but was blocked off by Gerald. Gerald ran over to Miguel and hit him on the left side of his face. I think they call it a hook or something, but it was funny. I would have laughed but I was busy concentrating on Steve. It was like he was reading my mind, all he did was stare. My gaze met his. We were both thinking of what to do but were reluctant to do it. I started to think of the past; how I was beat up by my first grade bully, second grade how I was jumped by four brothers because my mom bought the shoes they wanted, for me. In middle school how I was teased by all the kids because I was Muslim, and in ninth grade when I was attacked for something I had no connection to.

All my life I was being hurt and never once did I stick up for myself. That's when I met Dre. It seemed like all he did was care about me, and never himself. He made me feel special and showed me that there was another way to go through life, rather to get bullied all the time. Dre's most recent act was to fight one of his close friends for me, when I lost to him. Not that I can say that I put up much of a fight; I just sat there and swung with no goal, or success. Dre is something else. All he does is protect, protect, protect. Who will do the protecting when he needs help? If I was asked that 5 days ago I would have said "I Dunno.". Ask me today, right now, and I'll say one word "ME!"

I dare not take my eyes off Steve because, as I've seen from Dre, that's all boxers need. That one brief moment of you losing focus. Steve was looking at me differently now. Maybe it was my morale but he actually looked scared; scared to make the first move, whereas on Thursday he wasn't. What was different about me, I had to see. I looked in the mirror behind Steve to make it look like I was still focused. What I saw scared the shit out of me. My face was all scrunched up into a frown, and all my veins and muscles were flexing. I took a step forward from disbelief, and too my surprise Steve receded by one step. I looked over at Gerald and Miguel who were deep into their own fight to see this. Miguel's towel had long fallen to the floor; I doubt he even noticed that his shit was showing. He was too busy trying to hold his own with Gerald to pick it up. When I looked I could have sworn that Miguel was getting hard. His dick wasn't fully erect but it was swinging a little less. Maybe I'm losing it but did I just see Gerald grab it. There it goes again. Oh my god is this nigga trying to "fight-fuck" him. I remember I use to do that to some of my friends when we wrestled.

I must have been staring hard because when Steve looked to see what was going on, he laughed.

So it wasn't just me. Steve saw it too. Damn I'm slipping.

"Why the fuck did you do that to him?" I asked Steve breaking him out of his laugh.

He put his head down. "I had to, I have a rep to look after." He said coolly.

I was astonished by lack of compassion for Dre. This only fueled me more. I sprang toward Steve as fast as I could. He wasn't looking so my fist hit his temple; he stumbled back and was completely caught off guard by this attack. I wasn't going to let him recuperate so I tried again, only this time, I hit his chin. He swung back and hit me in the stomach. The pain was fierce but I couldn't lose. I retaliated with a right hook. He came at me with his right then his left. The force behind both of those punches winded me. I fell to the floor and got back up as quick as I could. I hit him with an uppercut while I was rising. He fell back three steps. I lunged at him with a right jab. He was quick; he moved out the way and then hit me with his left jab. I fell once again. He was too much for me. Shit from the looks of it, he was too much for Dre. Dre the one who single handedly defeated the entire "bad news gang". Wait Dre couldn't have lost. He was the best. I looked over at him, Steve still hitting me, Dre's eyes were still faded, but something told me he was conscious and there to guide me. I don't know where the power came from but I threw Steve from off me. He too was surprised by this sudden burst of energy. He threw two punches at me, for some reason I've seen my 700 lb grandma move faster than his fist. I was amazed at his sudden sluggishness. It was like he was fighting matrix style. I moved out the way of his fist. I don't know what came over me but I was forced to grab his second fist. Once I did so, I threw it out the way and hit Steve with all my might in his face. He was taken back and I could see that he needed time to regain control. I wasn't stopping this time. I hit him a second time, in his stomach. This was followed by numerous jabs to his face; his jaw, his nose, his cheeks. I could tell he had nothing left to give. Neither did I. I had only enough strength to walk. With the strength I had left I moved toward Dre. He was still in his paranormal state. I didn't know what to do. He was scaring the shit out of me, he doesn't know how much he's affected me today; he dumped me, and now he's on the floor like a zombie.

"Dre wake up!" I yelled. At this time Miguel and Gerald had stopped fighting. They seemed to actually look like friends. I don't know what was happening around me.

"Dre come on nigga!" I yelled. Tears began to fall from my eyes. "Please Dre! Wake up."

Miguel and Gerald came over to me, they both put a hand on my shoulder for encouragement.

"Come on Dre wake up man! It's me Enran!" I said with no success. Steven regained his strength. He was now walking towards us on the other side of the living room. I was not ready to fight him again. I gave it my all just to knock him down for like 2 minutes. He was up, and looked ready for more. Miguel and Gerald seemed to pay no attention to him. I was the only one who saw the approaching danger. I was the only one smart enough to fear it.

"Please man not right now!" I pleaded with Steve. "Please, I'm trying to wake up Dre."

He kept coming, his face unchanging. When he was in front of me, I felt strange, not fear, but it felt like more support was coming my way. I became a little less tense. He kneeled down and looked me right in my eyes.

"Look man I really admire you for your courage. The fight was just to see if you could hold your own. I guess I was a little mad as well. I only did that to Dre so you would actually fight me. You really have potential. " He said with a smile. "Judging by how my jaw feels, I can tell you'll be fine with Dre. So is it squashed, we cool?" He said extending his hand.

I shook his hand. He had a firm grip but I could tell that he was serious about what he said. Now I could see why Dre picked Miguel and Steve as his friends; they both we very compassionate especially when it came to friends. That's what I like about dudes; no matter what, even a fight, in the end, were still friends. Girls, they hate you for the rest of your life. Steve started to rub my back. I felt more encouragement from that gesture.

"Dre man, come on! They need you! Miguel, Steve, Gerald!" As I said their names tears began to fall rapidly, from my eyes and theirs. It was like listening to Brian McKnight's-Love of My Life. I was ready to break down. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. I felt a jolt of lightening run through my body. "I need you!" I whispered softly in his ear.

We all just sat around him staring. Dre's eyes began to return to their normal color. He was waking up. Steve was the most excited; he thought he was the reason for Dre's state, he kept blaming himself. When Dre woke up he pushed me out the way and held his head.

"Dre I'm sorry! It was just something I had to do. Please forgive me." He said.

Dre began to speak, his words barely audible. "I know son, where's Enran?"

The moment I heard my name I jumped up. I saw Steve's face sigh a little realizing who Dre had chosen. He picked me.

"Dre, man you scared me." I said, crying into his shoulder. Every one was quiet. Dre had scared us all. I was at wits end.

"Come on y'all." Steve said, trying to give us privacy. "Miguel nigga you need to play host and make us something to eat, or just ask that sexy as maid to whip up something."

He continued to talk as they left the room.


I heard and saw but I couldn't move. I saw how it looked like Steve was going to be the victor and Enran somehow pulled it off and punished Steve. Enran showed speed that I knew I couldn't match. Next weekend we had to go to camping at the lake. I would show him how to fight, maybe a little more than training will take place. Now he sat in front of me and I was able to talk so I said the first thing that came to mind.

"I gotta tell you about some plans I made, but right now I'm hungry, lest eat." I said to a puzzled looking Enran. "I know I heard Steve mention food."

"Oh yeah about that..." Enran began. I placed my finger on his lips.

"I know, I heard everything." I said with a smile.

He looked quizzically at me. I got up and looked at him. He looked so beautiful even with his lip busted. He probably was thinking the same thing about me.

"Looks like Steve got us both." I said pointing to my lip, smiling. I extended my hand to help him up off the floor.

"Yeah he did." Enran said accepting my hand.

We walked into the kitchen. Gerald and Miguel were sitting in the kitchen eating with each other like old friends. Steve, however, hadn't touched his food. He just stared down at it. He didn't even acknowledge us come into the kitchen. As I walked past Steve I nudged his chin.

"That's payback for this, nigga!" I said as I pointed to my busted lip. He laughed and I held out my hand. "Thanks!" I said grateful for what he had done. It was something that only fighters knew about.

"Anytime." he said as he nudged my chin. Everyone started laughing.

We all were in the kitchen eating and joking, Enran would occasionally eye me. Every one of us had a scar on our face. To me they were still as beautiful as they were before they had a scar on their face. I almost forgot.

"A yall listen." I said getting their undivided attention. "Look, don't make plans for the weekend because we are going camping."

They looked at me like I was stupid.

"Gerald remember where you found Enran and me?" I said knowing his answer. "That's where we're going. It's going to be tight. Just have yall shit ready Biiitches!" I said as I ran and playfully hit them all before I made my break for it.

I jumped on the couch knowing that I couldn't outrun them all.

Enran laughed and was the first to reach me. He began to tickle me. We must have all looked like fags playing on a couch tickling each other. Why was Gerald tickling Miguel so much though? Was I the only one to notice this?


Ok fine I'm going to tell them. I might as well, we're all like family now.

"Hey guy's my mom's adopting a boy." I got the reaction I expected; every looked at me, confused. "I wanted another person in the house with me, ever since you got Gerald, so I asked and she said yes. He's my age, black, I think light skinned. He's going to go to our school. I get to meet him tomorrow. He can join our camping trip."

That felt good to say. I thought they would be happy for me. They weren't. They all looked kind of sad, like I just stepped on their hearts. Their faces had a look of sorrow upon them. I was totally lost...

Authors note: I've decided to "Mind jump" with the characters. I will only do the main characters. So you won't be confused.

Next time...

The new gang meets Enran's adopted brother. The long awaited camping trip turns out better than ever.

Next: Chapter 9

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