Of Bets and Keys

By Asd Vasd

Published on Jun 7, 2019


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AJ and Boyd were drunk. This made many things easier. They didn't particularly like each other. Boyd was 25 and worked sorting packages at FedEx, usually during the night shift. The job kept him in shape, despite his eating habits. He brought home loud guests at all times of the day, and played music and video games without much consideration for the rest of the house.

AJ was an office drone, with low pay, but hopes of rising up the corporate ladder. His job kept him sedentary, which he hated. He had asked his boss for a standing desk for years, but never got approval for one. So he spent much of his time outside of work at the gym, building up muscle. He was a quite and polite roommate, but wasn't shy about complaining to Boyd.

Neither owned the home. Their landlady was an older woman who rented out the other rooms in her house for extra income. She and her grandson both had their own rooms on the far side of the house and she her best to keep out of disputes. These days she didn't even collect rent herself, instead she had her grandson Byrce do it. The rent was quite low, below market rate, so "the boys" as she called her boarders, just dealt with it.

The only thing that could bring them together was sports. Come game-time, AJ and Boyd would watch the game together in the common living room, sharing beer, snacks and friendly trash talk. They would often make bets on the games. Neither had much money, so they played for forfeits like having to do dishes or laundry for a month, or providing the snacks for the rest of the season. When their favorite teams played, the trash talk became more forceful, but each knew where the line was and didn't cross it.

But today, their favored teams were playing each other for the first time since they'd both lived here. AJ, having lost last week, made sure to provide plenty of beer. But things were getting heated. AJs team was ahead, by a fair margin, and Boyd wasn't taking it well. AJ couldn't help but throw out digs. Finally, Boyd got sick of AJs crowing and stormed off to his room. He returned carrying a small, clanging bag.

"Fuck this car wash bet. You need to put up or shut up. Loser can't cum for a month." Boyd picked up one of the bags and removed a metal cage and slammed it on the table in front on AJ, before taking out a second.

"What the fuck is that?" said AJ.

"That is a chastity device. It will keep your dick soft and make sure you don't try to weasel out of the bet."

"You kinky fucker! Can you even go a month without cumming?"

"Fuck no. But it doesn't matter, I won't have to. Your team will fuck it up and lose like they always do. You know that or you'd take the bet."

"Shut up man, your teams already down!"

"We put these on now, same key for both locks. Winner takes the key." He was drunk enough that his coordination was off and it took a minute. But he finally found what he was looking for. He produced a key and stuck it into the bowl of guacamole with just the handle sticking out like Excalaber.

AJ was unsure what the think about the chastity devices. Kinky shit wasn't really his thing, and they looked scary. But his team was winning already, and this would drive Boyd crazy.

While AJ was thinking, Boyd was going full steam ahead. He had already pushed his basketball shorts and boxers down around his ankles. He had a thick black bush with a decent sized cock peeking out. His junk swung around as he goaded AJ. "Not willing to risk it? You know I'm right, don't you?"

"You're fucking crazy man. And holy shit you're into some kinky stuff. But know your team doesn't stand a fucking chance." AJ carefully unbuttoned his pants and took them off. His legs were huge, the payoff for all of his time at the gym. "So, does this thing hurt?"

"Hurt? No. It makes you crazy horny though and the blue balls can hurt." Boyd slid his balls through the metal ring carefully, before pulling his dick on through after it. AJ watched to see how it was done, not believing that he was looking at another dudes cock.

"And it can get uncomfortable if you try to get hard. But if the cage is small enough that you can't grow at all, it's fine."

Boyd forced his dick into the tiny metal tube and put the lock in the device. But didn't close it just yet.

"Your turn, we lock at the same time."

AJ sighed and slid his underwear off. He was bigger than Boyd, soft anyway. Or maybe it just looked like that because AJ kept his pubes trimmed short, and since he was blond they were hard to see at all. He took the second device from the table and carefully put in on following the steps Boyd had just taken. He looked up at the screen and saw that his team was about to score again, and smiled. "Alright all right I'll put it on. It's going to be funny seeing you walk around stuffed in that small cage for a month."

Boyd grabbed AJ's lock, and AJ slowly reached for Boyd's, trying not to touch his flesh. "On three. One - Two - Three". Click.

AJ pulled his underwear back up and started to put on his pants. "This is the craziest bet I've ever done. You want another beer?"

"Sure! Man, you must lead a boring life. Better get used to your new hardware." Boyd pulled his boxers back up, but left his shorts on the floor.

They turned their focus back to the game. AJs team had missed their chance and Boyd's team was on the rise. It wasn't long before the score evened out. It was going to be a nail biter.

Thanks for reading this first installment! I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think at adsvasd584@yahoo.com. Which team do you want to win?

Next: Chapter 2

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