Of Bets and Keys

By Asd Vasd

Published on Jul 20, 2019


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AJ was distraught. A month seemed manageable now. He should have just held out. Anyone could handle a month of unpleasantness. But three months of denial? There was no way that would work. AJ had just discovered something about ruined orgasms as well - they don't provide any relief. He was just as horny as he was before then cum-in-60-seconds bet.

"You have to, please. Just one more chance. You can't stop playing now." Ajay had been begging for another chance for over a week now.

"Fine, one more bet, but this is the last one. They aren't fun anymore," Boyd lied. About not enjoying his rivals frustration that is. It might well be the final bet before he moved on to the rest of his plan. "You didn't do well cumming in under a minute last time, so we'll try something different this time. I'll tie you down for 30 minutes, and if you haven't cum by the end, the cage stays off."

"What are you going to do to me while I'm tied down?"

"Don't worry bro, I won't be touching you. I'm just going to put a few toys on you and turn them on. I'll be hands off the whole time."

AJ was a little worried, but mostly excited. He had always had great sexual stamina. It had been over two weeks since his last real orgasm though. "30 minutes is too long. Let's make it 10."

"No man, too easy. 30 minutes, take it or leave it."

"Hey, help me out and I won't ask for more bets. Make it 15?"

"Fine, we'll do 15 minutes. But let's make it interesting. You don't cum in 15 minutes, you're free for good. But if you can't hold out, each time you cum I add 15 minutes to the timer, and your time locked up doubles. Deal?" Boyd held out his hand to shake on the terms.

Some combination of desperation and confidence made Ajay agree, and they shook hands. Boyd nodded and pulled Ajay into his room.

"Strip and get on the bed so we can get this started."

Ajay took off his clothes quickly, folding them carefully and laid on the bed. Boyd got out the handcuffs and quickly had Ajay's hands over his head, firmly locked to the headboard. Then he pulled Ajay's legs down and put a cuff on each one before attaching them to bottom corners of the bed. Ajay tried not to look worried. He tried to reposition himself, but only managed to rattle the frame. Boyd sat back for a moment enjoying the hulkng man's struggle.

"What's going on? You've only tied my hands before."

"Hey, don't worry about it bro. I'm only going to do what I said. I'll never do anything you don't agree to." With that, he took some toys out of a drawer and laid them between Ajays legs. Ajay strained his neck to try to look at them, but couldn't get a good view. Boyd obliged and showed him the first toy. A large rubbery cock ring with a motor on one side. Boyd placed it over the cage, making sure the motor was right under his balls. It was tight, and Ajay started swelling in his cage.

"Time to unlock this thing." Boyd carefully unlocked and disassembled the cage. Ajay relished the freedom, the feeling of air on his penis and savored the flow of blood back into his member. Boyd watched it unfurl and grow until it was harder than it had ever been before. Then he brought out a much smaller vibrating cock ring and placed it around the head of Ajays cock, setting the motor to the sensitive underside.

"This is the last one." Boyd held up a modest vibrator with a wicked curve. Well, to Boyd it was modest - just a few inches long. But Ajay had never had anything inside him before. He voiced his concerns.

"What the fuck dude?!" He pulled at his restraints uselessly.

"Relax man. It's tiny," Boyd said as he slathered the toy with a generous amount of lube. "Or we can call this off. I'll unlock you and let you get back to your 3 months in a cage." That calmed Ajay down. "I thought so. Just breathe."

Boyd placed the toy on Ajay's hole and applied a light pressure. After a minute or two, Ajay relaxed and it started to sink in. Ajay screwed up his face at the disturbing sensation. Finally, everything was in place and Boyd stepped back to admire his work.

"Your time starts - now!". Boyd started the timer and pushed a button on the controls. A low buzzing filled the room and Ajay tightened his core as the sensation rushed through him. The pair of cock rings were pulsing gently.

Ajay was feeling good. It was very pleasurable, but he had the self-control to survive, even if he could feel himself leaking pre-cum. After five minutes, Boyd turned up the vibrators. Ajay let out a load moan, but soon had himself back under control. Boyd was equal parts disappointed and impressed. Maybe he should have waiting another week before this bet. But he wasn't worried. He turned the rings back to a lower setting, and waited.

The clock passed 10 minutes, and Ajay was feeling amazing. Physically and psychologically. He was almost there and could definitely make it the rest of the way. He started imagining what it would be like to be able to cum again, to pee standing up. But then Boyd played with the remote control some more.

An intense sensation poured through Ajay. He wouldn't call it pleasure, but it was intense. The vibrator in his ass had started to move. He wasn't sure why, but it was bringing him much closer to the edge than he wanted to be. He bucked his hips in the air, trying to dislodge it, but nothing helped. The seconds on the timer seemed to start going so slowly.

Ajay stopped struggling and grew very still. There wasn't much time left, and Boyd was wondering if Ajay had just shut down from overstimulation. But then he heard a low growl. A few seconds later, Ajay started shaking his head, gently at first, and then violently from side to side. "No no no no no!" Cum erupted from Ajay's cock in slow, angry squirts. Boyd smiled and added 15 minutes to the timer.

Ajay was distraught, but also incredibly sensitive. The machines on his cock did not stop, and he started yelling. Boyd quickly went over to him and put a gag in his mouth. Ajay struggled, but could not prevent it.

"Shhh buddy! Don't want our landlady to hear us, do you?"

Ajay calmed down. His dick hadn't softened even a little, but he put that down to the cockring. He thought about his next six months. It was a sobering thought. Boyd saw his face and, as a "friend", tried to distract him from his sorrow the only way he knew how. He turned all of the dials all the way up.

Ajays eyes went wide and a quick high pitched squeal made it through his gag. He thrust his pelvis up in the air as high as it would go, and kept it there. He looked possessed, right out of an erotic version of the excorcist. No more than a minute later, he shot another load, this one with velocity. It went everywhere, including his own face. Some even hit Boyd. Boyd turned off all of the devices and Ajay collapsed - satisfied, grateful, horrified.

"That's one year dude. I don't think you're going to enjoy that." He added another 15 minutes to the clock, turned the vibrator on low, and left the rings off.

Ajay was distraught. His body had betrayed him, and now he had a year to go. A year. Surely Boyd would see how silly that was. A full year? But Ajay's cock still hadn't started to go down. His eyes grew misty thinking about it.

Boyd sat down next to his restrained formal rival. "Fuck man. A whole year? That's crazy. Look, why don't we just keep going. What's the difference between one year and two. I'll turn these back on, and you can have one more nice orgasm before you get locked away. Ok."

Ajay didn't react. He was numb. A year, two years? It was abstract. But he felt nice right now, the machine inside his moving against his prostate. Why not? Would he even be able to resist anyway?

Then they both heard a noise from the door, followed by a quick "Fuck!".

Boyd rushed to open the door and saw Bryce there, standing up and starting to walk away. He was clearly tenting.

"Hey, I'm sorry - I - I just heard a noise in there and I was worried, and by the time I figured out what was going on . . . "

"-you were into it?"

Bryce stammered for words, for a better excuse. But Boyd put a hand around his shoulders.

"No worries, man! Why don't you come in here are take a real look."

Boyd guided the kid into his room and shut the door. Bryce hadn't been able to see anything through the keyhole really, but had heard the sounds. Seeing Aajy tied up, rock hard, with a vibrator up his ass was a shock.

Boyd brought the controls up to Bryce's face. "And look what happens when I do this!" Boyd played with the knobs and showed Bryce what each did. Ajay responded to each change, by squirming, moaning, calming down, or moving from side to side. Boyd was playing his body like a piano. Bryce was fascinated.

"Now, the real question is this. When you watch this, do you imagine yourself holding the controls? Or do you see yourself squirming on the bed under my control?"

Bryce stammered "I - I dunno. I haven't thought about anything like this before."

"Bullshit. If you wanted the controls you would have asked for them. You just don't know how to ask for what you really want."

"No, that's not true. I just -"

"Let's make it easy. If you want to experience what Ajay is feeling, and more. Get on your knees now. If not, get out. You won't get a second chance."

Bryce looked to Ajay out of the corner of his eye, then back to Boyd's face. Then he slowly got on his knees.

"Good boy."

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AJ was distraught. A month seemed manageable now. He should have just held out. Anyone could handle a month of unpleasantness. But three months of denial? There was no way that would work. AJ had just discovered something about ruined orgasms as well - they don't provide any relief. He was just as horny as he was before then cum-in-60-seconds bet.

"You have to, please. Just one more chance. You can't stop playing now." Ajay had been begging for another chance for over a week now.

"Fine, one more bet, but this is the last one. They aren't fun anymore," Boyd lied. About not enjoying his rivals frustration that is. It might well be the final bet before he moved on to the rest of his plan. "You didn't do well cumming in under a minute last time, so we'll try something different this time. I'll tie you down for 30 minutes, and if you haven't cum by the end, the cage stays off."

"What are you going to do to me while I'm tied down?"

"Don't worry bro, I won't be touching you. I'm just going to put a few toys on you and turn them on. I'll be hands off the whole time."

AJ was a little worried, but mostly excited. He had always had great sexual stamina. It had been over two weeks since his last real orgasm though. "30 minutes is too long. Let's make it 10."

"No man, too easy. 30 minutes, take it or leave it."

"Hey, help me out and I won't ask for more bets. Make it 15?"

"Fine, we'll do 15 minutes. But let's make it interesting. You don't cum in 15 minutes, you're free for good. But if you can't hold out, each time you cum I add 15 minutes to the timer, and your time locked up doubles. Deal?" Boyd held out his hand to shake on the terms.

Some combination of desperation and confidence made Ajay agree, and they shook hands. Boyd nodded and pulled Ajay into his room.

"Strip and get on the bed so we can get this started."

Ajay took off his clothes quickly, folding them carefully and laid on the bed. Boyd got out the handcuffs and quickly had Ajay's hands over his head, firmly locked to the headboard. Then he pulled Ajay's legs down and put a cuff on each one before attaching them to bottom corners of the bed. Ajay tried not to look worried. He tried to reposition himself, but only managed to rattle the frame. Boyd sat back for a moment enjoying the hulkng man's struggle.

"What's going on? You've only tied my hands before."

"Hey, don't worry about it bro. I'm only going to do what I said. I'll never do anything you don't agree to." With that, he took some toys out of a drawer and laid them between Ajays legs. Ajay strained his neck to try to look at them, but couldn't get a good view. Boyd obliged and showed him the first toy. A large rubbery cock ring with a motor on one side. Boyd placed it over the cage, making sure the motor was right under his balls. It was tight, and Ajay started swelling in his cage.

"Time to unlock this thing." Boyd carefully unlocked and disassembled the cage. Ajay relished the freedom, the feeling of air on his penis and savored the flow of blood back into his member. Boyd watched it unfurl and grow until it was harder than it had ever been before. Then he brought out a much smaller vibrating cock ring and placed it around the head of Ajays cock, setting the motor to the sensitive underside.

"This is the last one." Boyd held up a modest vibrator with a wicked curve. Well, to Boyd it was modest - just a few inches long. But Ajay had never had anything inside him before. He voiced his concerns.

"What the fuck dude?!" He pulled at his restraints uselessly.

"Relax man. It's tiny," Boyd said as he slathered the toy with a generous amount of lube. "Or we can call this off. I'll unlock you and let you get back to your 3 months in a cage." That calmed Ajay down. "I thought so. Just breathe."

Boyd placed the toy on Ajay's hole and applied a light pressure. After a minute or two, Ajay relaxed and it started to sink in. Ajay screwed up his face at the disturbing sensation. Finally, everything was in place and Boyd stepped back to admire his work.

"Your time starts - now!". Boyd started the timer and pushed a button on the controls. A low buzzing filled the room and Ajay tightened his core as the sensation rushed through him. The pair of cock rings were pulsing gently.

Ajay was feeling good. It was very pleasurable, but he had the self-control to survive, even if he could feel himself leaking pre-cum. After five minutes, Boyd turned up the vibrators. Ajay let out a load moan, but soon had himself back under control. Boyd was equal parts disappointed and impressed. Maybe he should have waiting another week before this bet. But he wasn't worried. He turned the rings back to a lower setting, and waited.

The clock passed 10 minutes, and Ajay was feeling amazing. Physically and psychologically. He was almost there and could definitely make it the rest of the way. He started imagining what it would be like to be able to cum again, to pee standing up. But then Boyd played with the remote control some more.

An intense sensation poured through Ajay. He wouldn't call it pleasure, but it was intense. The vibrator in his ass had started to move. He wasn't sure why, but it was bringing him much closer to the edge than he wanted to be. He bucked his hips in the air, trying to dislodge it, but nothing helped. The seconds on the timer seemed to start going so slowly.

Ajay stopped struggling and grew very still. There wasn't much time left, and Boyd was wondering if Ajay had just shut down from overstimulation. But then he heard a low growl. A few seconds later, Ajay started shaking his head, gently at first, and then violently from side to side. "No no no no no!" Cum erupted from Ajay's cock in slow, angry squirts. Boyd smiled and added 15 minutes to the timer.

Ajay was distraught, but also incredibly sensitive. The machines on his cock did not stop, and he started yelling. Boyd quickly went over to him and put a gag in his mouth. Ajay struggled, but could not prevent it.

"Shhh buddy! Don't want our landlady to hear us, do you?"

Ajay calmed down. His dick hadn't softened even a little, but he put that down to the cockring. He thought about his next six months. It was a sobering thought. Boyd saw his face and, as a "friend", tried to distract him from his sorrow the only way he knew how. He turned all of the dials all the way up.

Ajays eyes went wide and a quick high pitched squeal made it through his gag. He thrust his pelvis up in the air as high as it would go, and kept it there. He looked possessed, right out of an erotic version of the excorcist. No more than a minute later, he shot another load, this one with velocity. It went everywhere, including his own face. Some even hit Boyd. Boyd turned off all of the devices and Ajay collapsed - satisfied, grateful, horrified.

"That's one year dude. I don't think you're going to enjoy that." He added another 15 minutes to the clock, turned the vibrator on low, and left the rings off.

Ajay was distraught. His body had betrayed him, and now he had a year to go. A year. Surely Boyd would see how silly that was. A full year? But Ajay's cock still hadn't started to go down. His eyes grew misty thinking about it.

Boyd sat down next to his restrained formal rival. "Fuck man. A whole year? That's crazy. Look, why don't we just keep going. What's the difference between one year and two. I'll turn these back on, and you can have one more nice orgasm before you get locked away. Ok."

Ajay didn't react. He was numb. A year, two years? It was abstract. But he felt nice right now, the machine inside his moving against his prostate. Why not? Would he even be able to resist anyway?

Then they both heard a noise from the door, followed by a quick "Fuck!".

Boyd rushed to open the door and saw Bryce there, standing up and starting to walk away. He was clearly tenting.

"Hey, I'm sorry - I - I just heard a noise in there and I was worried, and by the time I figured out what was going on . . . "

"-you were into it?"

Bryce stammered for words, for a better excuse. But Boyd put a hand around his shoulders.

"No worries, man! Why don't you come in here are take a real look."

Boyd guided the kid into his room and shut the door. Bryce hadn't been able to see anything through the keyhole really, but had heard the sounds. Seeing Aajy tied up, rock hard, with a vibrator up his ass was a shock.

Boyd brought the controls up to Bryce's face. "And look what happens when I do this!" Boyd played with the knobs and showed Bryce what each did. Ajay responded to each change, by squirming, moaning, calming down, or moving from side to side. Boyd was playing his body like a piano. Bryce was fascinated.

"Now, the real question is this. When you watch this, do you imagine yourself holding the controls? Or do you see yourself squirming on the bed under my control?"

Bryce stammered "I - I dunno. I haven't thought about anything like this before."

"Bullshit. If you wanted the controls you would have asked for them. You just don't know how to ask for what you really want."

"No, that's not true. I just -"

"Let's make it easy. If you want to experience what Ajay is feeling, and more. Get on your knees now. If not, get out. You won't get a second chance."

Bryce looked to Ajay out of the corner of his eye, then back to Boyd's face. Then he slowly got on his knees.

"Good boy."

Thank you for the encouragement! Let me know you're enjoying this and I'll keep going. adsvasd584@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 5

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