Of Love and Chance

By Solace Lenity

Published on Jun 19, 2004


Of Love and Chance Chapter One -- A Chance Encounter


Chapter One: A Chance Encounter

a story by: Solace Lenity

This is a story about, well,  love and chance.  It is for the most part, a work of pure fiction, though some of the situations discussed are drawn from life experiences (particularly the romantic ones).  Though not in the beginning, this story will eventually contain sexual acts between consenting adults.  Gay characters have gay sex, so if this bothers you, or if it is illegal to read such materials due to your age or where you live, then please do not read further.  All copy rights are held by the author, so please do not duplicate, print, alter, or resubmit (or anything else I may have missed ) this story without first obtaining written permission from the author. 

Further notes:  This story will address several social issues in a perspective in which you may or may not agree.  It is also a story centered around life and love between friends, family, and partners, along with romance, and it is not intended to be a jerk-off story.  There are spiritual and paranormal themes which affect the lives of the characters.  Finally, the story is told in the various points of view of the characters involved.  (To make this process easier, each character's story is distinguished by a specific color and font style dedicated to that charactger.)

This is my first attempt at writing fiction of any kind.  If you have any comments, ideas, suggestions, etc., I would love to hear them.  Please contact me via solacelenity@yahoo.com


I was having that dream again.  The same one I have been having since as far back as I can remember.  I was fighting my way through a dense thicket of woods.  Thorns were piercing my flesh, leaving small trails of blood dribbling down from the many wounds on my body.  With a strong push, I broke several branches and found myself in a clearing. There in the distance, I saw a small red fox crouched in front of another area of underbrush surrounding the clearing.  

The fox was not afraid of me whatsoever.  In fact, he came right up to me and rubbed against my legs with his head and body as he encircled them.  I knelt down and pat his head.  He looked up at me with his emerald green eyes with such love and compassion.  He gently licked my cheek, and miraculously all of the wounds I had incurred from the thorns were healed completely, leaving not one single sign that the injuries had ever existed.  

Suddenly, something wrestled within the chaparral were the fox had been when I entered the clearing.  The fox and I both edged quietly towards the moving shrubbery.  I began to panic when a badger sprang forth, snarling viciously.  I stepped in front of the fox to protect him, but he came quickly around my legs and approached the badger cautiously. The fox made a whimpering plea which seemed to calm the badger.  It was then that I could see the badger had been severely wounded.   The badger edged its way towards me, and then let out a loud growl.  Just as it gnarled though, I picked the injured animal up and cuddled it close to my chest.  It was as if I could feel all of its pain coursing through my body.  But slowly, the anguish subsided.  As I was releasing the badger, it began to glow and then transformed into a golden eagle.  The eagle then flew high above, screeching as it encircled the clearing.

As always, I then awoke in a cold sweat, disoriented and confused.  I looked over at the clock.  Its glowing red numbers told me it was much to early to be awake, but I knew it was useless to try to go back to sleep.  'Damn!  I hate it when this happens.'  I thought to myself.  'It's bad enough to be awake at 5:30 in the morning, but being roused by some stupid ass dream that makes absolutely no sense is just pathetic!'  I growled and threw my pillow across the room.  Reluctantly, I got up from my bed and headed into the bathroom.  After a long piss, I took a hot shower and then brushed my teeth.  I dressed in my sweats, running shoes, and an old t-shirt.  Despite the overwhelming urge to be a total dick, I decided not to wake my roommates, Jena and Ethan.  Though I must admit, the very thoughts of pouncing on them both and startling them awake did put a huge smile on my face.  As you might have guessed, I am not exactly a nice person.  My friends lovingly refer to me with endearing terms such as asshole, bastard, prick, and many other colorful phrases.  Actually, saying my friends sounds like more than it really is.  Jena and Ethan are my only friends.  I'm really not sure which it is more, that I am so abrasive and offend people, or the fact that I just genuinely dislike others, that dwindles my friend list down to two.  I guess you can judge that for yourself as you read the story.  After all, why should I have been the only one deprived of sleep today?  Those two probably would have deserved it anyway.  You don't know them like I do.  Hehehe! Anyway, I decided to be nice for a change and went on about my running, leaving my roommates in their peaceful slumber.

I ran down a few blocks towards the university.  There I jogged down the back alley behind the bookstore and the corner café, where I yet again saw some homeless kid digging food out of the garbage.  The thoughts of this kid digging through garbage for food just sickened me.  I mean, how gross is that?!  Yea, you probably were thinking, 'That poor kid!'  Well, I just thought it was gross to eat from the garbage.  The way I look at it is this: it is not my business to meddle in the lives of others, not my responsibility to give the homeless money, and it is just not my problem; I have enough problems of my own to worry about, ya' know?  Shocked?  You shouldn't be. Like I said before, I am not exactly a nice person.  Anyway, after gagging about the garbage eater, I continued my jog across campus and up into town.  I jogged by this big old house my roommates and I dream about buying one of these days.  It looks like an old fashioned inn, surrounded by a beautiful estate.  But that was not the only thing of beauty it had to offer this morning.  I saw the most gorgeous ass on display as this guy was bending over to pick up the morning paper.  'M-m-m' I thought to myself as I ogled his fine attributes.  I then jogged another two and a half miles until I was back at the townhouse.

As I entered, my nose was assaulted with the smells of fresh coffee, eggs, biscuits, gravy, grits, and bacon.  Yea, grits. We are from the south after all.  I knew then that Jena and Ethan were doing their thing in the kitchen.  'Hmm, good thing I decided not to scare the shit out of them this morning.  Otherwise, I would have missed a wonderful breakfast.' I surmised to myself.  I took off my shoes and placed them neatly inside the foyer closet.  I then strolled into the kitchen and fixed myself a cup of coffee.  

"Morning."  I said.  

"That is about all it is."  Jena replied.  She looked at me and raised an eyebrow questioningly.  "You were up awfully early.  I was shocked as shit to find you had left without pouncing on us like you usually do when you wake up so early.  What happened?  Did the wizard give you a heart or something Tin Man?"

"What, you think I would wake you up, knowing it would mean I'd miss out on such a wonderful breakfast?"  I slyly responded.

Ethan laughed and shook his head.  "Well, sis and I decided that since you were kind enough not to scare the shit out of us with your usual stealth attack, we would fix breakfast in honor of your growing a heart... no matter how small it may be!"

"I think you have been hanging out with your twin for too long, Eth.  You are starting to be a bigger asshole than she is."  I shot back.

"Well, little shit!  If you know what is good for you, and you really want this breakfast, then I suggest you start sucking up to me.  And calling me names such as asshole is no way to get on my good side."  Jena growled.

"You are just so beautiful when you are angry... and when you first wake up in the mornings.  Yep, I don't think there is anything sexier than when one side of your hair is sticking out all over the place while the other side is matted to your head and you look at me with those beady, swollen, blood shot eyes... It just gets my hormones all in an uproar." I jested.

Jena swatted me as she laughed.  "You are such a bastard sometimes Kanawha.  Ha-ha-ha!  But I have to admit, I at first was falling for that one!"

"Hey!  I'm cooking too.  I need some sucking up to as well."  Ethan pouted playfully.

"I think what you really need is some sucking on, but I wouldn't touch it with even Jena's mouth!"  I retorted.  Ethan turned bright red, and then we all burst out laughing.  I walked over and hugged him, then grabbed both of his ass cheeks in my hands.  "Who knows?  One of these days you may just wear me down."

"EEWE God!  You stink!"  Ethan said pushing me away and pinching his nose closed.  "Either hose yourself down outside, or go take a shower.  Your pits reek, big guy!"  

"S-O-R-R-Y!  See how good you smell after you run 7 miles."  I said, somewhat perturbed.  Then I gave them my best pity look.  "Can't I eat first."  

"Fine!  But only if you sit down wind."  Ethan stated coldly.  

With that, I sat at one end of the dining room table, and the twins sat way over on the far side of the room at the other end of the table.  We exchanged small talk and insults for a while.  Then we discussed our plans for the day.  I told them I needed to go by the bookstore to get the essentials for the upcoming semester.  Ethan was going to go swim laps at the pool, and Jena had to attend a meeting for her paid practicum position at the university-funded preschool.  After clearing the table and helping clean up the kitchen, I took a shower, dressed, and headed towards the bookstore.


I awoke from the dream again.  I was in a meadow that was surrounded by woods.  I heard something rummaging in the bushes and had bent down to see what it was.  Just then, a black grizzly bear burst through the woods behind me.  He was injured, I could tell for some reason, and I knew he would not hurt me.  So, I walked over to the grizzly bear and took his paw into my hands and rubbed them gently, calming him.  I then stroked his face and his wounds were healed instantly.  He looked at me, and I just stared into his sapphire blue eyes for what seemed like an eternity.  Then, the bear nuzzled his head against my cheek and rubbed it gently.  The bushes behind me began to rattle again, so I turned to see what it was again.  But, the grizzly pushed me back behind it as it stood to protect me. I placed my hand on its shoulder and walked around it.  I then knelt down and out jumped this tiny little bunny.  The bunny had been mangled by something and was near death.  I began to sob as I stroked the rabbit's ears, fearing it would die.  The bunny hopped itself towards the bear, which picked up the bunny and held it gently to its bosom.  Amazingly, the rabbit was healed.  Then the bear held the bunny in it's outstretched paws, and the rabbit turned into a white dove, fluttering about the meadow, cooing peacefully.

'Such a tranquil dream.' I thought as I roused from my slumber.  I looked at the clock and it was 5:30.  'Well, might as well get a jump-start on the day.' I mused happily, as I reached out to find my glasses on the nearby night stand.  I relieved myself and then took a nice long shower.  I then shaved and brushed my teeth.  I then slowly crept down the stairs and into the kitchen, trying my best not to disturb my sleeping roommates.  I decided to fix a large breakfast for all of us, so I began mixing the biscuits.  I cut up several different fruits and put them on a platter, placing it in the fridge to chill.  I mixed up some eggs for my special puffy omelets, and diced up some ham, green peppers, onions, and cheese.  I also peeled some potatoes and diced them up for hash browns.  After the first step of cooking the omelet in a large cast iron skillet on the range, I placed it in the oven to bake for 30 minutes.  The biscuits were already placed neatly on the baking dish, so I just had to wait till time to put them in.

    I decided to go and get the morning paper.  As I bent to pick up the paper, I saw the most beautiful man jog by my front lawn.  'My heavens is he hot!' I thought.  I could not be certain, but I thought that the guy was checking me out.  Lord knows I was checking him as he jogged on by my lawn and down the lane.  ‘Need to save that image for my own private fantasies.' I mused to myself.

I then went into the house and put on some coffee.  I scanned the paper for a few minutes, then put on the hash browns and put the biscuits in the oven.  I then busied myself making some gravy.  Just as I was putting everything out on the table, the crew came scampering into the kitchen.  "Oh.  I hope I did not wake you guys."

"Oh, love, with food like that cooking, who could sleep?"  Mic chimed.

"M-M-M.  Smells good Kal.  And it looks even better.  Man, am I hungry."  Jason commented.

  Just so you know, my friends and I call Jason Jew, from his initials Jason Edward Wilson (and NO, we are not anti-semantic or anything like that.).  They call me Kal for the same reason Killian Anderson Lord.  Mic is short for Michelle.  There are also Hela, who is Helaina, but we call her Hela after the Norris Goddess of Hell - that is an easy one to figure out.  Finishing out the female roommates is Cole (Gabriella Nicole) .  Carmine is Cole's twin brother, but we call him Shaft; first it was Mine, then Mineshaft, but that dwindled down to just Shaft after a while.  Finally, there is Roe, Alexander Monroe. Seven of us in all.

"Now, Kal, it is things like this that keep the bitch in me locked away." Hela stated.  

"I don't know what street you are living on, Hela, but perhaps you should move from the Land of Make-believe back to the reality in which the rest of us live.  The only part there is to your personality is Bitch, so I don't know who you are trying to kid about something being locked away."  Roe shot.

"Well, Queen of the Butt Plugs, I wasn't talking to you!" Hela growled.  "OK, I a may be a bitch to most of you, but I am not to Kal.  This little fella knows the way to keep me happy.  In fact, I do not recall ever having a cross word with Kal, well, once we became friends anyway." she stated flatly.  Then, she ran her hand softly across my cheek.    This was true.  From the day Hela and I mutually formed our bonds of friendship, she was always kind to me.  Her wicked tongue never lashed its painful razor-sharp stabs at me.  And God have mercy on anyone who ever said anything out of the way towards me.  Hela had my back, and she was one person I was glad to have watching it.

"Butt plugs, huh.  I'll show you butt plugs!" Roe playfully threatened.

"Told ya before babe, I don't have any desire what so ever to see your toy collection.  Besides, that is about all you would know what to do with a woman.  You would never know what to do with my beautiful pu...."

"Oh, please!  Don't go there.  The mental image of the two of you doing that... stuff... is enough to make me hurl." Shaft interrupted.  

"Amen to that!"  Cole added.  "Let's just have a quiet, peaceful breakfast, OK?" she stated more than asked.     

Everyone agreed with that, and we set down to a relatively peaceful breakfast.  We traded the usual pleasantries, and discussed the plans for our day.  I needed to get to the bookstore to buy needed supplies for classes this coming semester.  Roe, Shaft, and Cole had not purchased their books either, but they had to work this morning, so they planned on going by there later in the day.  Jew, like usual, had to make schedule changes, so he asked if I would drop him by to see his adviser.  Mic was going to the gym for her aerobics class, and Hela, believe it or not, had a date, and it would take her the greater part of the morning to get ready.  Who in there right mind has a date at 10:00 in the morning?   

We made quick work of cleaning up the kitchen once everyone finished eating.  With seven people working together, it does not take too long to really clean up the entire house, regardless of how big it may be.  We lived in an old hotel that was built in the 1800's.  It was in rather rough shape when we had first moved in, but there were a few reasons why we jumped at taking it.  For one, it was a great deal.  Second, it was the only place big enough to house all seven of us under one roof.  Mostly, though, we all fell in love with it the moment we first saw it.  Through the years of living here, we have restored it into a rather nice home, if I do say so myself.  We have lived in the old hotel for going on six years, through undergraduate studies, and we were now attending graduate classes around our work schedules.  Once the house was all spic-and-span, I got dressed, and Jew and I headed to the university.


From the instant I saw him, I was drawn to him.  There was a sense of great goodness and peace that emanated from him, filling my soul, yet leaving me longing for more.  There was no rationality to it, I just knew I had to meet him.  Every fiber of my being yearned for this, compelling my mind to conform to its wishes.

He was crouched down on the floor, looking at text books in the business section of the Raven Cliff University Bookstore.  His hair, deep brown with a slight auburn hue, was shortly cropped and pasted down close to his head.  His shoulders were broad, and he definitely possessed a gorgeous ass.   However, because of his loose-fitting clothes, I could not tell what the rest of his body looked like.  I just had to get a better look.

Nonchalantly, I edged my way around to the English Arts section, lying on the other side of the business section shelves.  I removed some books from the row above, but all I could see was the top of his head.  I waited a few moments to see if he would look up, but he was completely engrossed in the task at hand.  With a sigh, I put the books back as they were.  I knew I would have to resort to a more direct approach.

Casually, I rounded the corner.  From the profile, he was quite striking.  He had the cutest button nose with a few freckles that adorned it.  Otherwise, his skin was flawlessly smooth and had the slightest tinge of tan to it.  He also wore the cutest pair of ‘John-boy Walton’ glasses. OK, so my Grams made me watch THE WALTON’S 1 reruns on television growing up.  Truth be told, it is a good show, and I always thought John-boy was kind of cute.  He was clean shaven, which was no surprise seeing that he dressed so conservatively.  He sported a pair of tan casual dress pants with a blue and tan checkered polo shirt, buttoned completely to the top.  

Again, he did not look up, so I edged closer to the shelves.  Alas, still there was no response.  A strong flash of urgency from my carnal nature flowed freely, and I stepped directly in his line of sight and obliviously began searching the shelf above.  I then proceeded to notice my rudeness and excused myself.

“It’s not a problem, really.”  He said in his soft, sexy voice.  “In fact, it is probably my fault.  I tend to zone out at times.”  

“No,” I rebutted, “Me and my big ass feet are a danger to anyone in a ten foot radius.  ‘Sides, it was just plane damned rude.  I should have paid better attention to were I was walking.”  

 “Don’t be silly!” he chimed.  Looking up and smiling, he revealed his perfect white teeth, full lips, and adorable dimples. Then, I noticed his eyes.

It was at that moment that I knew I loved him.  Something happened in that instant that changed my entire world.  I still cannot fully describe it.  One look in those deep, soulful green eyes and I knew him, as if for my entire lifetime.  All that he was could be seen in his eyes.   I was enthralled by the beauty and virtue of his very essence.  I was enraptured in his kind and gentle nature while entranced by his humble and trusting temperament.  Truly, he was beautiful, both outwardly and inwardly.

“ The name’s Killian, by the way.  Killian Lord.”  he stated as he reached out his strong yet slender hand.

“Kanawha.” I said.  “Kanawha Darkstorm.”  I then took his hand, matching his grip in a firm handshake.  At the instant of physical contact, I sprouted goose-flesh and tingled deep within my spine.  I began to shutter and tremble.  I felt as if I were going to faint.

“Oh my gosh!” he exclaimed, jumping to his feet and steadying me in his arms.  “Are you alright?”

“I guess skipping breakfast was not such a good idea, huh?” I said in a panic.  Afterwards, I thought, ‘You Goof-ball! That was so lame.’  But, I could not think of anything else to say besides ‘I am now that you are holding me!’

Killian stood about 5'11", a few inches shorter than myself.  I could tell that beneath his clothes lied a rock-solid formation of well-toned muscles.  As he held me firmly, I felt myself throwing a major bone.

“Let’s get you to a chair.” he calmly suggested.

“No, that’s OK.  Really, I’m fine, and I believe I have troubled you enough already today.”

“Nonsense.” he replied.  “And it is no trouble at all.  Now come with me.”  Gently, he wrapped my left arm around his neck and his right around my back, gripping my side.  Killian then led me through the bookstore to the reading tables.  Still supporting me, he pulled out a chair for me and helped me to a sitting position.  Taking my hand in a firm cuddle, he said, “Now breath deeply and slowly.”  I obeyed as he slowly caressed my hand.

I thought about all that was happening, and I had to smile.  He was just so damned adorable.  Here he was helping me, a much larger guy, over to a seat, patting my hand and attending to my health when there was really nothing wrong with me to begin with... Well, other than Mr. Playful throbbing in my undershorts at the time.  So, I tried to make light of the whole situation. “And to think, my Grams told me to never talk to strangers.  You always this nice to people you don’t even know?”  I jested, really exaggerating my prominent southern accent.

“Only when they practically throw themselves into my awaiting arms.” he smiled.  “It seems you are feeling a tad better?”

“Quite.  Thank you ever so much for your help.” I said with heartfelt words.

“Like I said, its not a problem.  Now, do you feel up to walking?”  he asked.

“I think so, why?”  I replied.

“I believe we need to get you something to eat.  I would not want you to faint and hurt yourself.” he said, showing the earnestness of his statement in his facial expression and his eyes.  “Now, come with me.”  

‘I’d follow you to the ends of the earth.’ I admitted to myself.

Lifting me to my feet, he continued to hold my hand as he lead me out the bookstore and down the street to the café.  Never letting go, Killian opened the door and seated me at a table by the bay window.  He then seated himself across from me, still yet holding and gently stroking my hand.  After a few minutes of gazing into one another’s eyes, he suddenly noticed he was still holding my hand and broke the silence.

“ I suppose I should let go of your hand now.  You might want it back.”  

“I’m not complaining.  But mind you, when I do give my hand to someone, it will be forever.”  I blurted before I realized I was actually saying what I was thinking.  “Oh, Shit!  I did not just say that out loud!”  I blushed a deep red and my cheeks grew hot.  ‘Nice job, motor-mouth!’ I thought.  ‘How embarrassing is that!’

Killian deeply chuckled and blushed himself.  “Well, that answers two of my questions.”  he said, flashing a devilish grin.

“What do you mean by that?!?” I exclaimed.

Killian’s response was but a raise of his left eyebrow and an ever-widening grin.  I knew exactly what he meant.  He now knew not only that I was gay, but that I was also definitely into him.  

I turned my gaze to his hand, still caressing mine, and slyly said, “I believe this answers a few of my own, smart ass.”

Sheepishly, he grinned at me, blushing even more.  We sat there for a few more minutes, holding hands, gazing into one another’s eyes, and smiling.  Then, the waitress came by to take our order.

Seeing our hands, she said with a smile, “I assume this will be on one check.” looking at each of us.  “ Now what can I get you two lovebirds?”  

I was deeply embarrassed and was at a loss for words.  I mean, I had never been openly affectionate to any man in public.  In fact, I had not ever been openly affectionate to anyone, whether in public or in private.  I’m just not a touchy-feely kind of person.  However, for reasons that still evade my mind to this day, I made no attempt to let go of Killian’s hand.

After a glance, Killian began to speak.  “I would like the chicken cordon bleu lunch platter and an unsweetened iced tea with lemon.”

“I suppose you have all the sweetness you need, don’t you dear.” the waitress said as she gently squeezed the tip of Killian’s nose.  “And what about you darling.” she smiled as she turned her attention to me.

“I believe I will have the same.”

“Somehow, I thought you would.”  she retorted with a laugh.  “I’ll have them out in a few minutes.  Is house dressing OK for your salads?”  We both nodded in agreement.  “Then I’ll leave you two alone so you can have some privacy.”  With that, she glided off to the kitchen.

“I have never been so embarrassed.”  I laughed.

“Why would you be embarrassed?”  Killian asked with a look of confusion and a sense of hurt on his face.  Then he smiled, “There is nothing wrong with being with the person you love, you know.”

I was shocked and was trying to decide if he really just said he loved me.  It must have been apparent on my face, because Killian quickly responded.

“I’m confused.  Are you even remotely interested in me?  ‘Cause if your not, then I just made a complete ass out of myself by telling you that I love you.”

In total surprise from hearing his declaration of love, I was speechless.  That was a first – me, the motor-mouth that I am, being rendered completely inarticulate.  Finally, my mouth began to work again, and I muttered out “Really?”

“Well, I don’t find it hard to believe at all that someone can fall in love with someone else at first glance, especially with someone as beautiful as you.” he stated matter-of-factly.  Then, still yet holding my hand, Killian looked away.  “Call me a die-hard romantic, I don’t know.  It does not happen all the time I’m sure, but I know it does happen.”  Then, as tears began to form, he looked directly into my eyes.  “At least, it happened to me.”  

“I – I just don’t know what to say.”

Killian’s face turned red, and more tears began to flood his eyes.  “I – I am so sorry!” he began.  “I did not mean to put you on the spot like that.  How terribly rude I must seem.  And crazy for that matter.  I guess I just read things wrong... thought you were feeling the same way I was feeling.  It never occurred to me that you had no interest in me.  Now I’m the one who’s embarrassed.  I guess I will just leave now.”  With that, Killian began to get up and started to let go of my hand.

Quickly, I grabbed his hand with both of my own.  “No!  Please!”  I exclaimed.  “Please don’t go.  Sit back down.”

“Really, it’s OK.  I wanted many things, but the last thing I wanted was for you to pity me.  I’ve caused you enough trouble for today, and for that I cannot begin to express how sorry I am.”

“But you are wrong!”  I interrupted.  “For one thing, I – and you can ask anyone who knows me – am not the kind of person who offers anyone pity.  That is just so not me... Now, please, sit back down and listen to me.”

Killian sat down and looked at me, completely focusing his concentration on what I was about to say.  “OK, I’m listening.”

“Where do I begin?!?  Honestly... Oh, dear God!  I cannot believe I am saying this... You gotta realize, I am just not a mushy, touchy-feely kind of guy... But here it goes... I think – No, I know – the very moment I saw you, I was attracted to you.  The moment I looked into your eyes, I knew you and loved you.  And the moment we first touched, I was certain I loved you.”  I replied.  “Then, of course, I almost fainted from the intensity of what I was feeling.”

Killian smiled broadly as I spoke and then chuckled at my last statement.  Then, all the sudden, he looked away, down at the table and closed his eyes.  I was perplexed at first, but then I realized that he was... praying!  I was completely and utterly amazed by this. OK, in all honesty, it kind of freaked me out.  I mean, what gay guy prays.  None that I knew, that was for sure. Then, after a few moments, he looked up with tears in his eyes.  “I just wanted to thank the good Lord for answering my long awaited prayer.”  He said softly.

Moved to tears by this response, I finally understood and wholeheartedly agreed.  “Yea, I know exactly what you mean.”


There I was, huddled like a hermit in the bookstore floor when, all the sudden, this golden calf appeared before my eyes... No, not the kind of golden calf the Hebrews made when Moses was up on the mountain... but a muscular, well-defined, golden-brown calf... you know, the bottom half of a leg.   At any rate, this golden calf appeared before my eyes, and I was mesmerized by it.  It had a soft coating of black hair all around it.  Not real thick and hairy like a grizzly, but a light, masculine coating of hair.  I then fought really hard this strong urge to just reach out and touch it.  I looked down and noticed a rather large, well tanned, sandaled foot was attached to it.  There was also a light dusting of black hair on the top of the foot and toes.   Then, I noticed the object of my desire had a friend, for an identical calf and foot rested in front of it.

I was brought out of my trance by a voice that was as deep as a rolling thunder, yet as gentle as a soft spring rain.  The voice had a very sexy southern accent I have always fancied.

“What the hell!?  Oh, God, buddy.  I did not see you there.  I didn’t hurt ya did I?  Oh, man, I am so sorry.”

“It’s not a problem, really.”  I said.  “In fact, it is probably my fault.  I tend to zone out at times.”    I wanted to look up, but I just could not get my eyes to quit staring at his legs.

“No,” he stated, “Me and my big ass feet are a danger to anyone in a ten foot radius.  ‘Sides, it was just plane damned rude.  I should have paid better attention to were I was walking.”  

“Don’t be silly!” I replied.  ‘Now get a hold of yourself.’ I mentally cautioned.  Slowly, I turned my gaze upwards and beheld the body of Adonis.  He was wearing a tight pair of blue jean shorts.  His quads were well defined and led to two perfectly formed, rounded orbs.  As he was turning to face me, I could see that he had a nice package squeezed in these shorts.  Further raising my stare, I beheld his rock hard abs and pecs.  He was wearing a white wife-beater that clung in all the right places, really setting off his well defined body.  His arms were well proportioned and nicely formed.  I could not help but smile, for I was elated with his beautiful form.  And he was tall!  ‘Wow!’ I thought, ‘He has to be about six-foot-four.’

His face was truly a work of art.  He had those soft, full, pouty  lips that you knew made him a great kisser.  He had a strong square jawline with a thick five o’clock shadow that was probably definite right after shaving.  His neck was broad, his cheekbones strong, and his nose like a Roman sculpture. (I did notice that he oddly enough had a few really cute freckles on his nose and cheeks.)  His curly raven hair was cut short with a sexy messy style.  Even his ears were cute.  His brows were nice arches and his thick lashes were an inch long or better.  Then, I beheld his eyes.

They were the deepest blue, unlike anything I have ever seen.  As strange as it may seem, as I looked into those deep pools, I could see his very soul.  All that he was, is, and could ever be was there to behold.  I could feel the love he buried deep inside him coming to surface.  I could sense both his kind, gentle nature and a rage he had within him that he fought hard to suppress.  I could feel that he had been deeply hurt in his past, and despite his efforts, it was hard for him to trust fully in others.   Most importantly, I could feel a longing and loneliness that plagued his existence.    

It was at that very moment that I knew I loved him.  I knew he was the one I was destined to be with for my lifetime.  All I wanted to do was to grab him in my arms and feel the lonely void with love.  I longed to kiss him deeply and take away his pain.  I yearned to shelter him and teach him how to trust again.  

“The name’s Killian, by the way.  Killian Lord.”  I stated, reaching out my hand.  He smiled at this, and let me tell you, his smile was like a supernova, making me feel so warm inside.

“Kanawha.” he said.  “Kanawha Darkstorm.”  I then took his massive hand in a firm handshake.  As soon as we touched, I began to tingle all over, and my spine raced with an electrical charge.  He must have felt it as well, because I could feel him tremble.

Suddenly, he began to collapse, and I sprang to my feet and caught him in my arms.  His head rested on my shoulder, and I could feel his hot breath against my neck.  Our bodies were pressed tightly together.  I wanted to hold him like this forever, but the unruly alter ego of mine that lives in my underwear began to act up and grow.  

Afraid he would feel my impending erection, I carefully raised him back to his feet and asked if he were OK.  He said something about skipping breakfast, so I thought his blood sugar levels must have dropped.  I escorted him to a chair at a reading table along the side of the bookstore. I held his hand and patted it gently.

“And to think, my Grams told me to never talk to strangers.  You always this nice to people you don’t even know?” He stated, laying his southern accent on thickly.

“Only when they practically throw themselves into my awaiting arms.” I quipped and smiled at my cleverness.  “It seems you are feeling a tad better?”

“Quite.  Thank you ever so much for your help.” he said in earnest.

“Like I said, its not a problem.  Now, do you feel up to walking?”  I inquired.

“I think so, why?”  He responded.

“I believe we need to get you something to eat.  I would not want you to faint and hurt yourself.” I replied, hoping this day would never end.  “Now, come with me.”

I escorted him out of the bookstore and into the corner café.  There, we sat at a table by the bay window up front.  We then just set there for a while and kind of stared at each other.  Suddenly, I realized that I was holding and caressing his hand.  Not that I was ashamed to do so in a public place, but I was not sure at that point how he felt about me.   So, I said, “ I suppose I should let go of your hand now.  You might want it back.”  

“I’m not complaining.” he said.  “But mind you, when I do give my hand to someone, it will be forever.”  Kanawha then blushed a strong shade of red.    “Oh, Shit!  I did not just say that out loud!”

This brought out both a laugh and a blushing from me.  “Well, that answers two of my questions.”  I quipped, again proud of my quick wittedness today.

“What do you mean by that?!?” he protested.

My response was my trademark reaction where I raise my left eyebrow and flash my evil, toothy grin. He knew exactly what I meant, or so I thought.  I was thinking that he was not only gay, but he was kinda liking me and flirting a bit.  As he blushed even more, I beamed with the strength and speed of my banter.  ‘Man! Am I on the game or what?’ I thought proudly.

My triumph, however, was shortly lived, for Kanawha just glanced at my hand, which of course still caressed his, and stated, “ I believe this answers a few of my own, smart ass.”  Oh, he was good at this.  I had to give him that!

I just smiled in defeat, blushing even more.  We sat there for a few more minutes, holding hands, gazing into one another’s eyes, and smiling.  Then, the waitress came by to take our order.

Looking at our hands, she smiled and quipped, “I assume this will be on one check.” looking at each of us.  “ Now what can I get you to lovebirds?”  

‘Man, she is quick too,’ I thought, ‘I need to pick up some witty jibes from Hela to keep up!’

I looked at Kanawha who was glowing with his blushing.  Then I looked at Valerie, the waitress, and ordered  “I would like the chicken cordon bleu lunch platter and an unsweetened iced tea with lemon.”

“I suppose you have all the sweetness you need, don’t you dear.” she said, gently squeezing the tip of my nose.  “And what about you darling.” Valerie said as she looked at Kanawha.

“I believe I will have the same.” he said softly... ‘Lord help me!’  I thought, but I loved his voice... It turned me on so much.

“Somehow, I thought you would.”  she retorted with a laugh.  “I’ll have them out in a few minutes.  Is house dressing OK for your salads?”  We both just shook our heads yes.  “Then I’ll leave you two alone so you can have some privacy.”  And she was off to the kitchen.

“I have never been so embarrassed.”  Kanawha laughed.

“Why would you be embarrassed?”  I asked.  I must admit, I was a bit confused at this, for expressing love to someone should never be embarrassing.  Then, I thought, ‘Maybe he is embarrassed to be seen with me.’ and I felt kind of hurt.  Then I thought, ‘Na!  He is just shy and not used to opening up to others.’ Seeing hope in this explanation, I smiled.  “There is nothing wrong with being with the person you love, you know.”  I was hoping that by being honest and open with my feelings about him, he would open up in return... boy, was I wrong!

He looked shocked and almost terrified, so I quickly responded.  “I’m confused.  Are you even remotely interested in me?  ‘Cause if your not, then I just made a complete ass out of myself by telling you that I love you.”

Again, he was in shock.  Finally, he responded “Really?”

Not quite what I was hoping for, so I thought, ‘Maybe if I am completely open, he will be too.’  So I looked him in the eyes and said, “Well, I don’t find it hard to believe at all that someone can fall in love with someone else at first glance, especially with someone as beautiful as you.”   I became teary-eyed, so I looked away.  “Call me a die-hard romantic, I don’t know.  It does not happen all the time I’m sure, but I know it does happen.”  Then, again, I looked into his eyes.  “At least, it happened to me.”  

“I – I just don’t know what to say.”

I was so embarrassed and let down, tears began to whelp up in my eyes.  “I – I am so sorry! I did not mean to put you on the spot like that.  How terribly rude I must seem.  And crazy for that matter.  I guess I just read things wrong... thought you were feeling the same way I was feeling.  It never occurred to me that you had no interest in me.  Now I’m the one who’s embarrassed.  I guess I will just leave now.”  I realized that I still was holding his hand, so I stood up and was letting it go, when Killian grabbed my hand with both of his own.

“No!  Please!”  He exclaimed.  “Please don’t go.  Sit back down.”

“Really, it’s OK.  I wanted many things, but the last thing I wanted was for you to pity me.” I responded in honesty.  “ I’ve caused you enough trouble for today, and for that I cannot begin to express how sorry I am.”

“But you are wrong!”  He yelled.  “For one thing, I – and you can ask anyone who knows me – am not the kind of person who offers anyone pity.  That is just so not me... Now, please, sit back down and listen to me.”

I sat back down and focused all my concentration on him.  “OK, I’m listening.”

“Where do I begin?!?  Honestly... Oh, dear God!  I cannot believe I am saying this... You gotta realize, I am just not a mushy, touchy-feely kind of guy... But here it goes... I think – No, I know – the very moment I saw you, I was attracted to you.  The moment I looked into your eyes, I knew you and loved you.  And the moment we first touched, I was certain I loved you.”  He told me.  “Then, of course, I almost fainted from the intensity of what I was feeling.”

I smiled so much it hurt when he said he loved me.  I laughed as he admitted that it was his feelings and the energy between us that brought upon the collapse, not his blood sugar.  

I was so overjoyed, and then I felt a deep need to pray to God in thanks for blessing me so much.   I know I was crying when I looked back up at Kanawha and said  “I just wanted to thank the good Lord for answering my long awaited prayer.”

Kanawha looked as if he were ready to cry and said,  “Yea, I know exactly what you mean.”  I knew then for sure, 100% all the way, that Kanawha Darkstorm was my Godsend.  Though I was sure he still had issues in many areas of his life (we all do), but particularly with God and with faith, his response assured me that he respected my beliefs and that in time he would come to terms with his own.   Needless to say, I was in seventh heaven.

Valerie came back shortly with our food.  We both – well, I did and Kanawha at least showed reverence – prayed over our food and for God’s blessings.  Valerie even bowed her head and said amen as her own prayer ended, a bit later than my own.  She then just smiled and twigged at her hair a bit.

Valerie was an attractive woman.  Even if you are gay, you could see that.  In conversation, she told us that she was 37, but I would have thought 28 at the most.  She had strawberry blond hair with gold highlights... fair skin with a few freckles here and there.... a nice figure... and puppy-dog brown eyes, like those a cocker spaniel has.  She had a smile that would brighten up anyone’s day.   She checked on us frequently during our meal and exchanged a bit of chit-chat.   I was proud of Kanawha when he got her a seat and asked her to please join us for coffee after our meal was through.  Since she had a break coming, Valerie agreed.

We talked for some time, and her boss did not seem to mind Valerie talking with us, for we were now the only ones in the café.  She asked about what church I went to, and I told her about my church and the mission I worked at during my time away from classes.  Killian did not say much during this time; he just listened.  I invited her to come to church with me and told her how we could use her help at the mission if she was interested in volunteering.  She agreed to meet me at the mission on Monday afternoon of next week and seemed excited to be volunteering.  Valerie looked at both of us, took our holding hands in between each of her own, and said this:
“You know, God gives us each many things... blessings, strength, love, support.... and most importantly, he gives us gifts.  Besides the gift of gab, he tells me things or lets me see things.  My pastor calls this the gift of knowing... it is like you can see things about people or sometimes even events that are yet to happen.  It is much more than being a worldly psychic, for this is a direct gift from God.”  
“Anyway, what I am getting at is this.  During our prayer earlier, my prayer was for the two of you.  I know that you two have a long road ahead of you.  Walk it hand-in-hand.  It is not always the easiest way to go, but it is the way that God wants you to walk your path. And, if you keep your faith in God and keep him the center of your relationship, you will prevail and live such blessed lives.”
“Now remember, his blessings on your life are in many ways, not just in money... but somehow, I know that money will never be an obstacle for you, not as a couple anyway.   The two of you will touch so many lives, believe me, and your lives will be filled with love, friends, and family.”
“Now, I know both of you do not really have any family to speak of right now (looking at Kanawha) You only having your grandmother (looking at me) and you having only a long-trusted family friend and no blood relatives at all, (looking at us both) but trust me, God will bless you with a great family, beginning very soon.”
(Looking at me) “You have been blessed with many great gifts, one quite similar to my own.  That gift has protected your life before, and it will do so again, just have faith in it and what you perceive.”
(Looking at Kanawha) “And you, I want you to realize that God loves you.  I know most so-called Christians say that being gay is an abomination or that your loving one another is an abomination.  Actually, these so-called Christians... setting in judgment over others rather than being on their knees... asking God to open their hearts and give them the wisdom and courage to overcome their prejudices... and learn to love unconditionally like God does... that is the ABOMINATION... not you precious.  Well, God has given you many gifts as well, and they will develop more as does your faith. I cannot say much about it now, but in time, I will explain your gifts more to you when He tells me it is OK to do so.  But I will tell you this, for God tells me to.  Your greatest strength is found in silence and stillness, not in words or rash actions.  Faith and trust are far greater than brute strength and sheer will.  Remember that.”  
(Looking at us both) “God brought you two together, and he has a great purpose for you both.  Your gifts complement each other completely.   Now kittens, listen to this closely... for when the time is right, and it will be much sooner than you know, you will understand this message.   As God is giving your love a chance, so shall he give you both a chance to love.”

With that being said, she leaned over and gave Kanawha a kiss on the cheek and said, “Honey, you can trust this one whole-heartedly, so don’t hold back.   He is definitely a keeper.”  She then kissed me on the cheek as well and said, “Be patient as you begin to lead him down the path.  In time, he will walk with you as your equal.  Baby, you may be the guide, but he is the one who holds the map.  You are the luckiest man on earth, because with him at your side, your lives are gonna truly change forever.”

Both Kanawha and I looked at each other and then to her.  Both puzzled, we asked in complete unison, “But how did you...”

Valerie raised her hand and we fell silent, again in unison, “See, you are already learning to act as one.   Then you will need to learn to act as three, then four – and in time you will understand that too.  As to your questions, like I said, it is a gift... just like your meal... it is on me... my treat to the lovely couple.  Oh, and before you scamper off, don’t forget your books.  You never bought them because of the whole collapse thing.”  Looking at our shocked faces, she said, “Again, it is a gift.  Now get going and get your books, or you will miss your chance.  And I’ll see you all at the mission on Monday afternoon.”

With that we said our goodbyes and went, hand-in-hand, into the bookstore to get our books.  Neither of us said much, for we were both utterly dumbfounded as to how Valerie knew so much about our lives... I mean details neither of us had even mentioned before.   I did bring up, however, that Kanawha did not get his book he was looking for when he literally ran into me.  That is when he confessed that he had seen me there and, in an attempt to get me to notice him, had stepped in front of me.  He also said that he was drawn to me from the instant he had first seen me.   I was beaming, and I knew I had this goofy, toothy smile all over my face – because I had him with that one.  Then it hit me that I really had him, for life, and that made me smile all the more.  

After getting our books, we walked down the sidewalk to my car.  I popped open the trunk and put in my books.  I did not want the day to end, so I suggested we go for a walk.  Killian put his books in my trunk as well, and after securing the alarm again, we walked around campus, hand-in-hand.


Our meal went well.  As Valerie brought it, I, for some reason felt a need to pray over it and for God blessing me with Killian.   Now, I will admit it had been a long time since I had prayed.  I, for one, was just not that religious.  After all, most churches and Christians teach against gay’s and view gay relationships as the work of the devil.  Most say that God does not approve of us, which translates to God does not love us. Thus, I did not know any gay people who prayed, that is until now.  I just felt that if Killian believed this strongly about it, then there must be something more to it than I had thought.  Anyhow, as I began to pray, I knew Killian was doing the same thing, but I also felt that there was someone else praying as well.  When Valerie said “Amen.” I knew who that other person was.   She was very attentive, and we exchanged chit-chat with her throughout our meal.  Boy it was strange eating our meal and drinking with one hand, for Killian and I held hands throughout the entire meal... in fact, he had still never actually let go of my hand since he first took it back in the bookstore.

We were having such a good time talking with Valerie, I asked her to join us for coffee and got her a chair.  By the way, I never had to let go of Killian’s hand to do this.  I just turned around and grabbed the chair with my free hand.  We talked a while, and then Valerie took our hands and told us many things about God and our lives.  She said that we were blessed, and that we should walk hand-in-hand down our path of life.  It would not always be the easiest way, but it was the way God wanted us to walk our path.  She also stressed keeping our faith in God and him as the center of our relationship.  She said that we would overcome and be blessed with love, friends, and family.  She then shocked both of us by telling us both about our lack of families.  How did she know that we were both orphans and I only had one living relative, my grams, and Killian only had a surrogate family member? I didn’t even know he was an orphan, but that in itself is wild too... Imagine, my life companion is also an orphan.  She then told Killian that he had many gifts and one of his gifts had protected his life in the past and would do so again, just to trust in his gift and his perception.  

I was blown away when she assured me that God loves me, regardless of my being gay, and that neither we nor our love was an abomination; it was bigotry and judgment of others disguised as a holy crusade that was the abomination.  Then, she told me my gifts would develop in time as my faith grew, and that she would one day explain them to me when God told her to do so.  Then she gave me a cryptic message from God saying “Your greatest strength is found in silence and stillness, not in words or rash actions.  Faith and trust are far greater than brute strength and sheer will.  Remember that.”  

She then told us both that God fashioned us for one another, as our gifts were designed complementary to each other for completeness.  Then, she gave us another cryptic message from God, by saying “As God is giving your love a chance, so shall he give you both a chance to love.”  assuring us that at the right time, we would understand all.  Valerie kissed me on the cheek and told me I could trust Killian with all my heart and not to hold back because he was a keeper.  She then kissed Killian and told him to be patient, because although he lead me for now, we would soon walk as equals and that he might be the guide, but that I had the map – whatever that was supposed to mean. I guessed we would figure it out in time.  

Shocked by it all, we, in unison, began to ask how she knew, but she stopped us with a wave of her hand and said yet another cryptic message we would later understand, “See, you are already learning to act as one.   Then you will need to learn to act as three, then four.”  She then said it was her gift and so was our meal.  She told us to get our books at the bookstore because we had forgotten to get them because of the whole collapsing thing earlier.  Again, we were both in complete shock.  She then responded with, “Again, it is a gift.  Now get going and get your books, or you will miss your chance.  And I’ll see you all at the mission on Monday afternoon.”

After saying our goodbyes and thanking her, we went hand-in-hand to the bookstore.  I got my books, then Killian got his, holding hands the whole time, even while paying for them.  

Then it happened.  Killian noticed I did not get a book from the business section where I ran him over.  I was had BIG time.   

So, I did what any one would do.  I told Killian, “You know, according to Valerie, my strength lies in silence and stillness, and I guess there is no time like the present to practice this.”  

“Oh, no you don’t.  Not that easily.” He was reveling in the fact that he had me.  Truth is, I was reveling in the fact that he had me, and that I had him, and that we both finally had each other.

So, I guess that is why I gave in so easily and humbly admitted the truth.  “Look, the truth is, and I am trusting in you like Valerie said to (‘Lord, please let the trusting make this whole eating crow thing taste better’ I prayed to myself), but As soon as I walked into the bookstore, I glanced over and saw you there, crouched down on the floor.   I cannot explain it, but I just had to meet you.  So after several attempts to get your attention, I stepped in front of you and pretended to be looking for a book   Then, noticing you were there, I apologized and got your attention.”

Killian was grinning ear to ear with my confession.  “Why, you little schemer, you!” he exclaimed, pinching my arm as he did so.   “Face it. You wanted me!  You wanted me BAD!” he taunted.

“First, toothy boy, it is badly... as in ‘you wanted me badly’.... and... Well, it worked didn’t it?  And don’t get such a big head about it.  Yes, I might have wanted you then, but after getting to know you... Well, I want you even more so, truth be told....Anyway, what are you complaining about.  After all you are ‘the luckiest man on earth!’” I quipped.

Killian smiled even more, if that were possible. “That I am, Kanawha.  That I am......Toothy boy.......hmm.....I was always told I had a delightful smile.”

“Breathtaking, honestly.” I said looking at him in the eyes and caressing his cheek with my free hand.  “OK.  That is enough of the trust thing for now.  All this honesty is going to make your head so big, it will never fit through the door and we will miss our chance.  Whatever that means.”

“God, help me.  But I love you.” Killian said as we turned and walked out the bookstore.

Hand-in-hand, as we had been since he helped me to the table, we strolled to his car.   I was kind of sad, because I did not want the day to end.  Killian opened the trunk of his car and placed his books in there.  Then, with that devilish grin of his, he suggested that we take a walk.  I put my books in his trunk and whole-heartedly agreed.  Killian set the alarm after closing the trunk and off we went around the campus, still hand-in-hand.  

We walked around for a good hour, talking about our majors, our lives, our friends, how we both became orphans, and everything else we could think of.  There were even times that we just walked in quiet, just staring at each other, smiling and enjoying the experience of being together and not alone.  We ended up in the university garden, when we heard it.

“Faggots!   Hey Faggots!” yelled this young man from across the garden.  “Yea.  I am talking to you, you God-forsaken Faggots!   We don’t tolerate your kind here, so I recommend you leave.”

I was outraged, but Killian urged me, “Just ignore him.  He is just an ignorant kid who doesn’t even know what he is saying.”   

Killian has such an effect on me, because I was relaxing and going along with him when I felt rather paranoid.   I turned around swiftly, just in time to block the young man’s punch.  Reflexively, I grabbed the young man by the shirt, and with one hand lifted him off the ground.  I then exclaimed, “We might be FAGGOTS, but this FAGGOT is going to kick your ass, little man!”  I then drew back my other hand to make a fist, but I could not do so.  I was still holding Killian’s hand.  For whatever reason, I turned to him, looking for his guidance as to what to do.

“Kanawha, he is just a kid.  Look at him.  He doesn’t even know what he is doing or what he is really saying.  He is just acting out on what he has been told.  Please, love, let him go.”

“But I was just trying to defend us both from this bigot, regardless of his age.  And he tried to attack me.”

“Violence is not the way Kanawha.  There is many ways to defend ourselves against hate and bigotry, but violence just perpetuates hate and bigotry.  It proves nothing, really, except who was physically stronger or more cunning, or even more ruthless.  But in the end, does it make it right?”  He looked at me with those soulful green eyes and I melted.

I set the young man back down and turned to him.  He looked pretty shaken up and startled by my reaction.  I wasn’t moved to let up on that factor.  As I studied him, Killian was right.  He looked to be maybe 14-15 years of age.  Just a kid.  His clothing was disheveled and really worn. As was his hair.  He even looked dirty and really thin.  ‘Poor kid, I bet his life is awful.’ I thought.  Then I wondered, ‘Where the hell did that come from?  It must be Killian.  I guess my wizard has really given me a heart.’  “Very well, then, kid.  Today is your lucky day.  You owe your life to my love here...hey you called me love,” I noted softly turning towards Killian.  Then I turned my gaze back to the young boy. “You should be more careful of who you pick a fight with kid, because the next time, kind ole Killian may not be there to get you out of the ass whipping you are asking for.  Now go.  And behave yourself.”  I said, turning the boy loose.    He ran away quickly.  I think he was crying, which made me feel just awful.  ‘Man, Killian has such an effect on me.  Now I’m getting all touchy-feely about things.  I don’t know if I am going to like having a heart, but I guess it is worth it if I have him.’ I realized.

Killian caressed my cheek and said, “Well, my big strong man, thanks for not hurting him.  I know that was hard for you, but you did the right thing.  Trust me.  And I, for one, am very proud of you... and grateful too.”

“Really?” I sulked.  “HMM.  Just HOW grateful?” I asked with a devilish smile of my own.  

Killian laughed.  “Don’t press your luck, tiger.”

“Alright.” I said, pretending to be wounded by his words.  Then it hit me again, “Hey, you called me love!” I softly cooed.  

“Yes, my love, I did.”

With that, we continued our walk through the garden.  Then, from out of nowhere came a huge rain storm.


Our walk around campus was quite nice, really.  Although, I must confess, we did draw a bit of attention walking around hand-in-hand.  It was just such a lovely time of day.  The sky was blue as windshield washer fluid, with just a few puffy white clouds here and there.  The sun was shining, and a gentle breeze was blowing, providing a comfortable temperature.  The humidity was low, so it honestly was a great day for a walk.

Kanawha showed me the dorms he had stayed in while he was an undergraduate.  I explained to him that my friends and I never lived in the dorms for a number of reasons.  "For one, the seven of us wanted to be together, but none of the dorms were coed.  Secondly, my connections at the mission had led to this old hotel with a very reasonable rent given to us in exchange for the work we seven did at the mission.  Also, Roe, one of my friends, had been through a great battle with drugs during high school, and he feared he would get into the wrong crowd at the dorms.  Most importantly,” I said, “for me anyway, was that I just had, and still have, this phobia about using a bathroom and shower that someone else I don’t know has used.”

Kanawha just laughed, “So, my little man is shy, is he?”

“In honesty,” I replied, “yes.  I don’t know.  I guess I am just a very modest person.   The thoughts of being in a herd of naked men awaiting a turn at the shower or the commode just did not appeal to me.  But in truth, the very idea of getting a foot fungus or worse from someone’s uncleanliness scared me much worse than baring it all in front of a large group of men.”

Kanawha laughed a lot at this.  “I have to admit that I carried a can of disinfectant spray or bleach cleaner with me for that very reason!  But as far as being modest about my body and all, I don’t think I have ever had a problem with that.   I guess I just gave up caring what other people thought of me when I was young.”  His bright smile quickly faded and a look of concentration weighed heavily on his face.  After some time, he spoke.  “Life was just really hard for me when I was young.”  

I brought us to a stop, turned to Kanawha, and looked him straight in the eye.  I wanted to give him my undivided attention.  I gave his hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.  He raised my hand to his lips and kissed it gently.  I know I blushed a lot, because my cheeks suddenly felt very hot.  Kanawha just smiled that winner smile at me and chuckled lightly.

Then he continued his story.  “On the reservation, I was not really accepted.  See, my father was half white and half Shawnee.  My mother was all Shawnee, and my grandfather was our tribal chief.  He was not thrilled with her relationship with my father, but, with the persistence of my grandmother, he consented to their union.  To look at my father, one would never know he was not completely Shawnee.  But when I was born, my linage was especially obvious to everyone.  After all, how many TRUE Shawnee’s have blue eyes and freckles?  As I got older, the body hair appeared, which is another give away.”

He paused a minute and looked to the ground.  With tear-filled eyes, he went on with his story.  “The other kids used to laugh at me and call me half-breed or pale face.  I spent so many days and nights crying in my room because the other children shunned me and would not play with me.  I had no cousins, for both my father and mother were only children from only children.  Grams told me that my parents tried many times to have another child, but miscarriages plagued my mother.  Then, when I was turning six, we were all going on a vacation to Florida – both sets of my grandparents, my parents, and I – to celebrate my birthday.”

“Well, during our stay, I came down with a fever.  Grams stayed with me, urging my parents and remaining grandparents to go on with their plans.  That is when the accident happened.  Their car was struck by a semi, and no one survived.  All that I had from that day on was my Grams... Some birthday.”  Kanawha began to weep.  I caressed his cheeks and kissed his tears.  He looked at me, letting me know he was alright, and then continued.  “I inherited my grandmother Darkstorm’s estate, which included her family home in Georgia.  I hated life on the reservation, and after Grandpa Brightmoon’s demise, Grams no longer wanted to be there either.  So, we left Kansas and moved to Georgia in search of a better life.  That is where I developed the southern drawl, in case you were wondering how a boy from the Shawnee reservation spoke with a southern accent.”

“Well, it really was not much better.  The kids there called me Injun and made fun of me just as much as the children on the reservation.  Later in my first school year, however, things began to look up for me.  We got two new children in my class, a set of twins, Jena and Ethan Lafferty.  They, for some reason, did not care what the other children thought.  They sat with me at lunch, played with me on the playground, and quickly became my very best friends.  Hmm.  To be honest, they were really my only friends, that is until today.”  His tear-filled eyes seemed to twinkle as he said this, and Kanawha gave me a half grin.  “I am so happy I met you.  I have been so, so lonely for my entire life.”

I began to just flat out cry with this.  I raised his hand I was still holding to my lips and kissed it gently.  “I had a few more friends than you, but I was every bit as lonely as you until today.” I smiled.  “You just don’t know how fortunate I feel that you stepped in front of me at that bookstore.  See, I don’t know if I would have been so courageous.  Thank God you have such strength and resolve about you.”

“I cannot wait for you to meet Jena and Ethan!”  Killian enthused.  “See, we all came to school here together.  In our Sophomore year, we decided to get an apartment, well a townhouse, really.  Ethan and I just missed Jena too much, and she always felt lonely when we were not there.  After graduation, we all decided to remain here and continue through graduate school, vowing to each earn our Ph. D’s in our respective fields.  Jena is working on her Master’s in Education k-12, and Ethan is working on his Master’s in Psychology.  I am working on my Master’s in both Commercial Art and Engineering, with a focus on Design.  Anyway, sorry I got off the subject there, but I just know you would like them.  I know for sure they will love you just as much as I do... Well, no one can love you as much as I do, but they can sure try!”  Then, his award-winning smile returned.

“Well, you are gonna have to meet my crew of friends as well!” I replied.  “We all met in grade school, well that is except for Cole and Carmine.  They moved to my home town during seventh grade in middle school – Hey! They are brother/sister twins too!  See, Cole is a girl, Gabriella Nicole Romero, so we call her Cole from Nicole. We call Carmine Shaft – at first, we called him Mine, then Mineshaft, and it just dwindled down eventually to Shaft.  There is also Helaina, which we call Hela – you know, the Norse goddess of Hell – because she is such a sarcastic one.  Then there is Roe, his name is really Ryan Alexander Monroe.  We call Michelle Mic, and then we call Jason Jew from his initials – Jason Edward Wilson.  Oh, and just so you know, they call me Kal, my initials, Killian Anderson Lord.”  I then explained to him that we were all in graduate school as well, and our fields of study, mine being Human Resource Development, a blend of technical education, organizational psychology, training and development, and business management.

As we walked, we talked a little bit more about school, and ended up in the university gardens.  Then Killian paused and, looking sympathetically into my eyes, he asked, “So, if you don’t mind my asking, how old were you when you became an orphan?”    

“It was the night of my sixth birthday.”  I said.  “And, please don’t feel you have offended me, because I have dealt with this and learned to talk openly about it quite a long time ago... Hey, what are the chances that we are both orphans, much less that we each lost our parents on our sixth birthdays?”

“Anyway, my parents called from work. –  They had been missionaries until about a month before I was born, and then had moved back to Ohio.  There, they worked for the department of education, teaching Adult Basic Education, Remedial English, and Reading for the literacy program. – They told me that they were stopping to pick up my birthday present, but would be home soon.  Both of them told me how much they loved me and how much God had blessed them six years before with a wonderful son.  Then, they spoke with Nana – Nanna was my mother’s caretaker when she was a young girl.  Mom came from a fairly well-to-do family, and I guess having a nanny was the thing to do.  – Well, I had no grandparents still alive by the time I was born, but Mom was always close to Nanna, as if Nanna were her own mother.  In fact, Nanna traveled with my parents doing missionary work until they moved back to Ohio, bringing her with them.”

“I had been excited and had asked many times when they would be home, and I could tell Nanna had began to worry.  It was 8:37 that evening when the Sheriff arrived.  The sheriff told Nanna about the accident.  Their car had slid on the wet roads and went off a cliff.  From the looks of the accident, my parents had been killed instantly.  The car had caught fire and exploded, so there was not much of my parents left to bury.”

“In their will, my parents left my care and custody to Nanna.  She has been my only family since that day... I had no cousins, aunts, or uncles either.  Nanna raised me, just as she raised my mother.  She told me lots of stories about my parents, so, although I was young, I know a lot about them.”  I paused a moment, then looked into Kanawha’s eyes again.  “You know, what is funny is that sometimes I have to look at pictures to remember what they looked like, but I can still remember how both of them smelled, and how their voices and especially their laughter sounded.”

Kanawha was beginning to say something, when we were interrupted by the bigotry callings of a young boy.  “Faggots!   Hey Faggots!  Yea.  I am talking to you, you God-forsaken Faggots!   We don’t tolerate your kind here, so I recommend you leave.”

I could tell Killian was becoming very upset by this.  I looked at the bigot, and realized he was just a young kid, probably no older than 14 or 15.  So, I urged Kanawha, “Just ignore him.  He is just an ignorant kid who doesn"t’t even know what he is saying.”   

Kanawha seemed to relax a little, but then he turned around quickly, just in time to block the young man’s punch.  Instinctively, he grabbed the young man by the shirt, and with one hand lifted him off the ground.  Then, his rage began to take over.  I don’t think he even realized it was just a kid, but he began yelling back at him. “We might be FAGGOTS, but this FAGGOT is going to kick your ass, little man!”  I was still holding his hand – oddly enough, I had been doing so ever since I first took his hand back in the bookstore.  Kanawha drew back to punch the kid, but he could not make a fist without letting go of my hand.  He looked back at me, starting to regain control of his anger, as if he wanted me to tell him what he should do.

“Kanawha, he is just a kid.  Look at him.  He doesn’t even know what he is doing or what he is really saying.  He is just acting out on what he has been told.  Please, love, let him go.”

He looked saddened, sensing my disapproval of his actions.  Then, he tried to explain himself.  “But I was just trying to defend us both from this bigot, regardless of his age.  And he tried to attack me.”

“Violence is not the way Kanawha.  There is many ways to defend ourselves against hate and bigotry, but violence just perpetuates hate and bigotry.  It proves nothing, really, except who was physically stronger or more cunning, or even more ruthless.  But in the end, does it make it right?”  I looked deep into his eyes hoping I would reach him, and finally, I did.

Setting the young man back down, he began to look at the boy.  I think he realized that it was just a young boy at that point.  The boy was petrified.  He looked malnourished an unkempt.  I knew in my heart that there was a lot going on in this poor kids life, and my heart went out to him.

“Very well, then, kid.  Today is your lucky day.  You owe your life to my love here...hey you called me love,” Kanawha said meekly, turning towards me.  Then he looked back to the young boy. “You should be more careful of who you pick a fight with kid, because the next time, kind ole Killian may not be there to get you out of the ass whipping you are asking for.  Now go.  And behave yourself.”  He then turned the boy loose, who ran away like a frightened rabbit.  The kid was crying, and I knew Kanawha regretted his actions.  I also knew he felt terrible for scaring the poor child.

I caressed his cheek and said, “Well, my big strong man, thanks for not hurting him.  I know that was hard for you, but you did the right thing.  Trust me.  And I, for one, am very proud of you...and grateful too.”

“Really?” he pouted. Then, he seemed to lighten up a little. “HMM.  Just HOW grateful?” and he flashed me this really mischievous smile.

“Don’t press your luck, tiger.” I retorted laughing

“Alright.” he mocked, as if wounded by my words.  He smiled again and gently said, “Hey, you called me love!”  

I could tell that he really liked me saying this, because he seemed fixated on the fact that I called him love.  So, I did it again.  “Yes, my love, I did.”  I knew that he was only trying to protect us both, and in so doing, he was trying to please me.  He then did what I asked and let the boy go, again trying to please me.  The simple act of calling him love really seemed to please him, so I just wanted to return the favor.  To be honest, I couldn’t help but smile when I heard him refer to me as my love when talking to the boy.

Kanawha just beamed at my saying this, and we continued our walk through the garden.  Suddenly, from out of nowhere, it began to poor the rain.  At first, we ran for shelter, but we were drenched within moments.  It was pointless to run at that time, so we just strolled on in the rain, laughing, twirling around in the downpour, and splashing each other in the pools of water on the ground.  I honestly have never had a better time in my life.  

We had a great time walking in the sunshine, but we had an even greater time playing in the rain.  I don’t know what it was, but I felt like I was a kid again.  Maybe it was the rain, but I really think it was the effect Killian has on me.  We twirled and splashed and looked like utter fools, but we were having fun.  Who cared what other people thought about us.  I did notice in the rain that Killian had one fine body!  His wet clothes clung tightly to him, revealing his well defined torso, arms, legs, and that awesome ass!

We slowly made our way back to Killian’s car.  I, only living a few blocks from the bookstore, did not drive over.  Killian offered me a ride home, which I graciously accepted.  He opened the door for me, but then he said, “I guess I will have to let your hand go now, but I really don’t want to.  Do you realize I have been holding it this whole time.”

“Well, actually, I have noticed, and I don’t want to let go of your hand either.  Hmm.  I have an idea!” I exclaimed.  Then, I shut the car door and led him to the other side.  He opened the door, and I climbed in over the center console leading him into the car.  “There, that is better.”

Killian just smiled.  He ran his hand through his hair to get rid of the dripping water.  “Wow!” I said.  “I really like your hair all messed up like that.  You look as sexy as can be!”

Killian just flashed his devilish smile and looked in the mirror.  “Do you really think?”

“Yes, I really like it that way”

“No, not that.  Do you really think I look as sexy as can be?” he asked, in a big toothy grin.

“Toothy, if you cannot behave yourself, I am going to quit this whole honesty thing.”  With that, he laughed.  His glasses began to fog over, so he took them off, and cleaned them on his shirt with his free hand.  ‘Oh my dear God in heaven!’ I thought.  I believed he was cute when I first seen him, but when he took off his glasses, I realized he was not cute at all... He was drop-dead gorgeous.  Before my very eyes, he transformed from mild-mannered cutie-pie to SUPER STUD.   I made a mental note to never let him get contacts, for it was going to be hard enough to keep other men off of him with him being so cute.  But if other guys saw him without the glasses,  I would have to beat them off with a baseball bat!

“What?”  He asked, noticing I was staring at him.

“You look... breathtaking.” I admitted.   Killian radiated with this remark.

“Well, I guess we should get moving.  Here.”  He said, handing me his keys.  “If you will please... my hand seems to be rather occupied, and I cannot reach to put them in or start the car with my left hand.”  I smiled, inserted the key, and turned the ignition.  “Now, if you could just put the car in drive.”  I did just that.  

I gave Killian directions as we drove.  He explained to me how to get to his place, and I was surprised that he lived in the home my roommates and I admired so much on our trips to the shopping center and on my morning runs. I realized then that it was his ass that I was ogling this morning during my run.  I mentioned this with selective wording to him. 

He laughed at the fact that during all our time at the same university – and that I even knew his home – we had never met before today. He also smiled and said that he had noticed me while I was jogging by his house today and asked if I had noticed him this morning.  I turned so red with this question.  But Killian just laughed and said not to worry, for he was checking me out just as much as I was him. 

In no time, we were in front of my townhouse.  We climbed back out the driver’s side of the car, not letting go of one another’s hands.  I got my books from the trunk, and Killian walked me to my door.  We stared in silence for some time.  Then slowly, we both leaned forward and our lips met.  His soft lips caressed my own, and I began to tingle.  Slowly, my lips parted, and his tongue entered my mouth.  Somewhere in the passion, we finally let go of our hand hold, as our hands began to explore one another’s bodies.  The passion was intense, and I trembled from all the tingling sensations.  One of my hands rubbed his neck, the other his butt, pulling him closely into my body.  His hands were in the same position on me.   My erection was grinding against him, and I was at the point of exploding.  I believe he was too, for we both calmed things down and slowly backed up a bit and broke the kiss.

“WOW!”  We both said in unison.  We then laughed.  Killian asked if I had plans for tonight and wanted to know if I would maybe want to go see a musical with him and maybe get dinner afterwards.  I eagerly accepted.  He said he would call and reserve the tickets.  I told him I would take care of the dinner arrangements.  I would be at his place at 6:00 to pick him up.  Before leaving, we exchanged home, work, and cell phone numbers.  I watched him drive off, and then went inside.   This was the best day of my life, and it wasn’t over yet!


     We made our way to my car, and I offered Kanawha a ride home.  He had a brilliant idea as to how we could keep holding hands and get ourselves in the car.  At one point, I wiped the rain out my hair and he really liked my hair messed up.  In fact, he told me I looked as sexy as can be.  Boy was I shining like a star when he said that!  Then, he told me I was breathtaking!   God, thank you so much for this wonderful man!

     We made it back to his house.  He knew where my home was as I explained it to him.  It is just so weird that during all our time in school together, he and I have never met – and he even knew where my house was.  In fact, it was he that I was checking out as he jogged by my front lawn this morning!

Anyway, I walked him to his door.  Then, that magic moment happened.  It was my first kiss, and boy was it the most fantastic experience I have had.   We were just gazing at one another and slowly moved together.  My lips grazed his, and then, his slowly parted.  My tongue roamed in his mouth, exploring while he gently sucked on it.  Then, he returned the favor.   Lord, he tasted so sweet, like nothing I have tasted before.  Our hands began roaming, as we finally let go of holding one another’s hands.   He had one hand exploring my back, the other exploring my butt.  I was doing the same.  Our bodies were pressed closely together, and our engorged members slowly ground into one another.   The electricity was beyond words – I swear the heat between us was making my clothes dry!  Then, I could feel myself beginning to go over the edge, and he must have been close as well, because we both began to calm the kissing down and pull apart.  

      “WOW!” was all either of us could mutter, and we did so in unison.  I got a sudden burst of bravery and asked him out on a date for that evening, and he accepted.  I asked him to a musical that was in town, and maybe dinner afterwards.  It was agreed that I would arrange for the tickets, he would arrange for dinner.  Kanawha said he would pick me up at my home around 6:00.  We exchanged all our numbers, and I headed home.   It is funny, but I missed him as soon as I turned around to leave.


Was I surprised to see two fine-looking young men enter the café holding one another’s hands?  Not in the least.  After all, I had dreamed about the two of them for years now, just as I knew they had been continually dreaming about each other since shortly after their birth.  They just had not connected one another to the dreams at the time. But they would, and very soon.  All too quickly, there lives would collide with the other, just as I had dreamed.  Then, everything would be completely set into motion.  

Their past, present, and future was so well known to me... the pain and sorrow... the great tragedy and loss... so many hardships to overcome... yet, so much joy and love... so many blessings to be counted... so many lives to touch.  I awaited for the right time and then conveyed the message, just as I was told.  The look of shock and surprise on their faces was truly priceless.  Lord, they’re truly a lovely couple.  

“Again, it is a gift.  Now get going and get your books, or you will miss your chance.  And I’ll see you all at the mission on Monday afternoon.”  I told them at the last, ‘But much sooner in the scheme of things.’ I thought to myself.

They had left about a half hour before.  I took a sip of coffee as I looked out the window.  The sun was still shining brightly.  They should just be getting ready to walk around campus.  

I knew I should go and make preparations soon, so I turned to the kitchen and yelled at Ed.  “Ed, darling.  I am going to run to the market and pick up a few things.  Oh, and plan on working late tonight.  We will be having a special dinner party.”

“What are you talking about?  What dinner party?”  

“After all these years, you still doubt me?”

“Well...no.  As annoying as that can be, I have never known you to be wrong about anything. That is why I never question when you have me fix breakfasts and dinners only to have you box and bag them, then take them out back and throw them in the garbage can.  I figure you have your reasons, and that is good enough for me.  Even though everyone else thinks you are some crazy coot.”

“Hehehe....Such a silver-tongued devil.  Perhaps that is why I married you?”

“HA!  You are just so funny!  I know that is why I married you.”  Ed jibed, coming out of the kitchen and leaning against the counter next to me.

I grabbed Ed by the apron and pulled him close to me.  Sliding my arms around his neck, I looked into his eyes.  “You know, seeing those two young fella’s in here, they reminded me of what it was like when we first met.”

“I was such an awkward idiot, totally smitten by your beauty.  But, despite my being a bumbling boob, you loved me anyway.  I have never understood why, but I thank God everyday that you gave me a chance to just stand in your radiance.”  

“Why Ed, if it weren’t the middle of the day and we were not out here in the open, I would pick up where we left off this morning!”  I said, kissing the man I have loved since I was sixteen. “Mmm.  After twenty-one years, I still feel all tingly when we kiss.”

“Well, though I am more coordinated in your presence now, I still get weak in the knees every time you smile.  I still get goose flesh every time I smell your scent.  And I still tremble with just the slightest touch of your flesh.”  Ed said, embracing me in a passionate kiss that curled my toes up in my shoes. “Mmm.” he said breaking the kiss.  “As much as I hate to leave things at this, we have a customer getting ready to come in the door.”

“I need to get to the market anyway.  I want to be back before the big storm hits.”

“Though the sun is shining and there is few clouds in the sky, if you say a storm is coming, I have no doubts.  You’d best get going, then.  Your timing is always on the mark.”

“I am such a lucky woman!  And after our dinner guests leave, believe me, you are going to be one lucky man, Ed Chambers.”  I then turned to exit the café.  

“How many guests are we expecting tonight anyway?”

“Three.  And don’t worry.  I already know what they will want to eat.”

“Hehehe.  I don’t know why we even bother taking orders.  You could just tell me what to cook and we could have it ready for the customers and on the table when they walk in!”

“You know, that could work.  Except I think most of them would have a heart attack or just be too weirded out by it all!” I laughed.  Then I went to the market to get a few needed items for tonight. Well, that is it for chapter one.  Please let me know what you think, and thanks for reading. 

FOOTNOTE: 1 The Waltons was created by Earl Hamner, Jr. and began airing on CBS as a series on September 14, 1972 and the last episode aired on June 4, 1981.  Richard Thomas starred as John Boy Walton.  Lee Rich was the executive producer.

Next: Chapter 2

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