Officer Ken

By Wooflix

Published on Sep 30, 2005


Note: Usual disclaimers apply. Don't read this if you are underage, object to gay sex or gays in general.

The Surprise Fuck

I had been talking to this guy on a gay bear chat site, and it turned our he was going to be in town visiting friends that moved to my city, that I had become friends with, too. He was all flirty and stuff, text messaging me and all. I go and meet the friends and him for dinner. It was obvious that he wasn't interested by the time we got back to their house, and I was feeling pretty bummed about the situation, and made my exit quickly.

I'm in my late 30's, loveable, friendly, intelligent, and not bad looking. My dilemma is that I'm about 35 pounds too fat, and as I don't work out, don't have the muscular definition that it seems most gay guys want. Man, if you don't look like Vin Diesel, you got problems getting laid, much less finding a potential mate.

So, I said my goodnights and gave my friends genuine hugs and kisses, and a polite hug to the cutie that disappointed me with him lack of interest.

I didn't live far, so I hopped in the car feeling rejected, and started the drive home.

I didn't get too far, when I realized that a cop car was following me. I only had a couple of beers, so I was safe to drive, but he tailed me for about a mile, and then flipped on the lights. Shit, that was all I needed - feeling rejected, and getting a ticket on the way home.

I rolled down the window as the muscular cop walked up to the car, and I could tell he was acting leery of me.

"Sir, get out of the car, and put your hands on the hood. Slowly."

I did as he asked, although I had no idea why the hell he was pulling this shit. I was completely innocent!

He was about my height, maybe a little taller, at about 6'4". I'm always checking cops out, without ever really thinking I would ever get one's attention for anything more than harassment.

He kicked my legs apart, and started to frisk me, and paid a little too much attention to my ass. He also brushed my nipples a bit too much, which have always been like starter buttons for me. At that moment, I was annoyed more than turned on.

The cop gently turned me around, and said "Sir, your car matched the description of a vehicle that was seen at a robbery at the 7-11. You don't match the physical description though, so I'm gonna release you. However, I'd like to make it up to you, since you are innocent. May I buy you a cup of coffee?"

I was blown away - a cop, who just frisked me, was asking me for coffee?

"Sure, I guess so."

The cop said to meet him at the Savory Cafe nearby in 20 minutes, when his shift ended. He needed to go back and check the crime scene again, just in case.

I got back in my car, and drove over to the cafe, and waited in my car for him to arrive. I called a buddy on my cell to tell him what happened, and of course he kidded me for picking up a man in uniform.

Finally, the cop arrived, and I got out of my car and walked into the cafe with him, and he even held the door open for me.

We ordered two coffees, and took a table off to the side - it was late in the evening, so we were pretty much the only customers.

So, after we sat down, He more properly introduced himself as Officer Ken Jolly, and we made small talk. As I said he was tall, had a muscular build, and of course looked dashing in his uniform. His bright blue eyes danced as he smiled at me,and scratched his dark brown beard while I asked him the obvious question.

"Ken, why am I here?"

"Paul, I noticed your rainbow sticker on the bumper, and so I felt pretty guilty for stopping you - I knew as soon as you got out of your car that you couldn't be the suspect, but I had to go through procedure anyway. I also thought you were handsome, and didn't want to let you go home with such a bad impression of me. I'm gay too, and I understand how a gay guy would feel after that situation, feeling singled out, and wanted to make sure I did what I could to reassure you that it was not because you are gay."

I found this rather odd, and blurted out, "Are you sure you just wanted to make me feel better about the traffic stop, or did you have something else on your mind?"

I regretted it as soon as I said it, but there it was.

Ken shyly smiled, and said "No, that was not the only reason. I thought you were really handsome, and didn't want to lose a chance to meet you in a more friendly situation. Would I be totally out of line if I asked you out to dinner? I mean, if you are single?"

I was stunned. Here, I thought I was an ugly troll, feeling rejected, and this hot guy is asking me on a date?


"Ken, I'd be pleased to have dinner with you."

I gave him one of my business cards, and wrote down my cell number, and told him to give me a call when he had a free evening. I explained that I'm busy with a full time job, part time job, a college class, and sing in a community chorus. I also said that I'm single, and not dating anyone at the moment.

"Good - I don't like competition anyway," he said with a wry grin.

He held the door open for me as we exited the cafe, and actually followed me back to my apartment building, to make sure I got home safely, and I suppose to find out where I lived.

I waved goodnight and went inside, elated that while I had been shot down by one man that evening, fortune smiled on me by giving me an opportunity to meet a handsome cop.

Shall I continue? Email me:

Next: Chapter 2

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