Oh Captain, My Captain

By Randall Kerrigan

Published on Jan 19, 2003



Disclaimer I: This is a work of adult fiction dealing with homosexual sex between consenting adult males. If this is offensive to you, or you are underneath the age of legal majority in you state, country, or other municipality, please don't read it.

Disclaimer II: This is a work of FICTION. That means it's not real. It is meant to imply nothing about the actual character or sexuality of the people involved. It's only make-believe. If you have any comments on the story, or just want to chat, send me an email at randallkerrigan@hotmail.com

Oh Captain, My Captian by Randall Kerrigan

Kurt Angle whistled while he polished up his "Don't Try This At Home" award from tonight's RAW 10th Anniversary. Charlie Haas, one member of Team Angle, laid on his side across the bed behind Kurt, watching his captain's ass as he polished up the award.

"You know, this award is almost as prestigious as my Olympic Gold Medals. And almost as prestigious as my National Hall of Fame plaque." Kurt said as he continued to polish.

"Come on, Captain, aren't you coming to bed?" Charlie pouted.

"In a minute. I'm polishing up my award." Kurt held up a finger.

Charlie climbed off the bed and walked up behind Kurt, taking his hand into his own hands before taking Kurt's finger into his mouth and sucking on it. He looked up into his captain's eyes as he continued to move the finger in and out of his mouth, seductively.

"Oh, is that what you want, mister?" Kurt asked.

"Please, Captain?"

"You didn't get enough last night?"

"You always leave me wanting more of you." Charlie let a slight smile cross his lips.

"Alright. Climb into bed." Kurt told him.

Charlie jumped into the huge hotel bed like a little kid who was just allowed another hour of staying up on a school night. Kurt set his award to the side before removing his t-shirt and joining Charlie on the bed. Charlie immediately captured his captain's lips in a deep, passionate kiss. A kiss in which Kurt eagerly returned after taking Charlie head into his hands.

Charlie pushed Kurt down onto his back before climbing on top of him, never breaking the kiss for even a second. Charlie eventually broke the kiss, much to Kurt's dismay, before sitting straight up to remove his own shirt.

Charlie ran his hands up and down his upperbody, while staring down at Kurt.

"Fuckin' tease. You know you're sexy" Kurt grinned.

"Look who's talkin', Captain."

"Come here." Kurt said, holding his arms open.

Charlie laid back down on top of Kurt, who wrapped his arms around his protege before continuing the earlier kiss. Kurt ran his hands down Charlie's bareback before grabbing a hold of Charlie's ass, taking one cheek in each hand before giving them a squeeze or two. Charlie once again broke the kiss, only to move down Kurt's body, kissing every inch of his chest and stomach along the way. Kurt closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip in anticipation as he felt Charlie removing his shorts. Kurt felt the cold air hit his hard, exposed member. However, the next thing he felt was Charlie's warm mouth engulf his cock whole.

"Oh God, Charlie!" Kurt moaned as he grabbed a hold of Charlie's head.

Charlie bobbed his head up and down, taking Kurt completely down to the balls before pulling back up to just the head. Kurt could feel every inch of himself snaked down Charlie's open throat. Kurt had been with more than a few people since his debut, both men and women, but no one gave him a blowjob with as much gusto as Charlie Haas.

"Ooh, Charlie. God!" Kurt continued to moan, unable to create a full sentence.

Kurt pulled Charlie off his dick only to rub Charlie's face all over his, now soaking wet, dick. Kurt held up Charlie's face so he could look him in the eyes, before grabbing a hold of dick with one hand. Kurt jerked his own cock a few times before slapping it against Charlie's lips and cheeks.

"Open up, baby." Kurt told him.

Charlie opened his mouth up and stuck is tongue out at his Captain. Kurt smacked his dick onto Charlie's tongue before gliding it acrossed it. Kurt finally released his dick and pushed Charlie back onto his cock. Charlie continued to suck on his Captain's dick before moving onto Kurt's balls, taking each one into his mouth individually. Charlie knew that if there was one thing that got his Captain going, it's playing with his balls.

"Oh God!" Kurt screamed as he clutched the sheets as tight as he could to keep from cumming right then and there.

Charlie finally moved back up to be face to face with his Captain and current lover.

"Now?" Charlie asked in a near begging tone, not needing to specify what he wanted.

"Now, baby." Kurt nodded, before sharing another quick kiss with Charlie.

Charlie quickly threw his own shorts off before throwing a leg over his Captain, positioning Kurt's massive cock at his entrance. Kurt held his dick at the base as Charlie slowly lowered himself onto it. Charlie squeeze his eyes shut as tight as he could, more from pleasure than pain. Before long Charlie had Kurt deep in his ass all the way down to the balls. Charlie reached back and gave his Captain's balls another squeeze before slowly moving up Kurt's dick, only to slide back down it. Kurt grabbed a hold of Charlie's waist, watching his protege ride him.

"Mmm. Yeah. Who am I?" Kurt asked.

"You're my Captain." Charlie answered.

"Who?" Kurt asked again with more aggression.

"My Captain." Charlie repeated.

"Who?" Kurt barked up at Charlie.

"My Captain!" Charlie shouted.

"Oh yeah!"

Just then the door to the hotel opened behind them. Charlie looked behind himself, not interrupting his work, to see Chris Benoit, Kurt's roommate, with Brock Lesnar. Charlie turned back to his Captain, ignoring the fact that anyone had even entered the room. Meanwhile, Brock's eyes nearly popped out of his head as his eyes fixated on watching Kurt Angle's thick cock sliding in and out of Charlie Haas' beautiful ass. Benoit grabbed his wallet off his bed before joining Brock at the door.

"Let's go." Benoit said.

"What the hell..." Brock pointed at Charlie and Kurt, amazed.

"What? He loves his Captain's dick." Benoit told him with a shrug.

"Well I'd guess."

Benoit started to leave but noticed that Brock hadn't removed his eyes from Charlie's ass.

"Brock?" Benoit called out to him. "Come on."

"Can't we stick around for a bit?" Brock asked.

Benoit laughed, shaking his head at Brock before joining him back inside and pulling the door closed. Brock resumed his exhibitionism, licking his lips at the scene before him. Benoit leaned against the door, grinning at Brock. Being Kurt's permanent roommate on the road, Benoit had been witness to this very scene just about every night since Charlie joined the Smackdown roster. Brock reached down, rubbing his dick through his pants, without even realizing it. Benoit smiled at Brock before coming up behind him, reaching around down into his pants to grab ahold of Brock's dick.

"Let me help you." Benoit whispered.

Kurt smiled up at Charlie, knowing that Brock and Benoit were still in the room, taking in the show. Kurt gave Charlie a look that told Charlie, "let's give 'em a show". Charlie smiled back down at his Captain. Within moments Charlie had picked up and the pace, taking the time to moan and groan a bit more than necessary.

Meanwhile, Benoit had already pulled Brock's dick from his pants and was jerking him off while kissing Brock's neck and shoulder, nuzzling up against him. Brock's hands were at his side, clenched into tight fists while his head was thrown back and his eyes squeezed tight, as his breathing got ragged. Brock opened his eyes and focused on Kurt's dick moving in and out of Charlie, pretending that was his dick instead of Kurt's. The sight and thought alone brought Brock over the edge far too early than he would've liked. The cum flew from his dick all over the hotel floor, and some on Benoit's fingers. Benoit brought the fingers up to his mouth and licked them clean.

"Let's give them some privacy." Benoit said, patting Brock on the shoulder.

Brock pulled his pants back up and followed Benoit from the room, giving Kurt and Charlie on last glance before closing the door. With their viewers now gone, Charlie decided to slow it down a bit, taking his time to fully enjoy his time with his Captain. Both men were breathing a rapid rate, as their moans filled the air. Unexpectedly Kurt grabbed a hold of Charlie and switched positions, putting himself on top, where he began to plow into Charlie's ass. Charlie knew that once Kurt took over, that men he was on the verge of orgasm.

"Uh, uh, uh!" Kurt grunted as he drilled his cock into Charlie's ass.

"Oh yes! Fuck me, Captain! Fuck me!" Charlie threw his head back in pure ecstacy.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna fuck you alright." Kurt told him through gritted teeth.

"You are, aren't you? Come on, give me it all." Charlie begged him.

"Uuuhhhh!" Kurt groaned with one last thrust, exploding deep inside his young protege.

Kurt collapsed on Charlie, taking in long, deep breaths. After a moment Kurt roll off of him, onto his back.

"Your turn, babe." Kurt told him.

Charlie got back up, before straddling his Captain once more. Only this time, Charlie grabbed a hold of his own cock as he began to jerk off. Kurt put his hand behind his head as he looked up at Charlie with a smile.

"Yeah. Come on, baby. You're so fuckin' sexy." Kurt told him.

Charlie continued to jerk on his cock, while rubbing his chest and pinching at his nipples.

"Come on, Charlie. Cum for me. Shoot it, boy." Kurt coaxed him on.

Watching his Captain laying below him and listening to his voice was exactly what Charlie needed. Not to mention the incredible fuck he just experienced yet again. Charlie threw his head back and let out a low, deep growl as his cum flew from his dick all over his Captain's stomach and chest. After five or six shots Charlie was spent. He sat back on Kurt's legs, watching what he had just done all over Kurt. Kurt glanced from his chest up to Charlie.

"You know you're gonna clean up now, right?" Kurt asked him.

Charlie grinned and raised his eyebrows before lowing himself to lick up every drop off his beloved Captain. He licked up Kurt's chin to share yet another kiss with his lover. Kurt wrapped his arms around Charlie as they shared their kiss. Eventually they broke the kiss and Charlie laid his head down on Kurt's shoulder, not climbing off of him. Kurt pulled the covers over them before kissing Charlie on the temple and going to sleep. As he drifted off to sleep he couldn't help but smile. He definitely needed to thank Paul Heyman for bringing this man on board.


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